Tcp/Ip: Protocol, TCP/IP Is A Set of Rules (Protocols) Governing Communications Among All Computers On The
Tcp/Ip: Protocol, TCP/IP Is A Set of Rules (Protocols) Governing Communications Among All Computers On The
Tcp/Ip: Protocol, TCP/IP Is A Set of Rules (Protocols) Governing Communications Among All Computers On The
TCP/IP means Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol. Protocols are set of rules which
govern every possible communication over a network. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a
standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation. TCP works with the
Internet Protocol (IP), which defines how computers send packets of data to each other. Together,
TCP and IP are the basic rules defining the Internet. transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol, TCP/IP is a set of rules (protocols) governing communications among all computers on the
It is a transmission control protocol , designed to connect different network on which the internet is
based. TCP/IP was developed in 1978 and driven by Bob Kahn andVint Cerf. TCP/IP tells how
information should be packaged (turned into bundles of information called packets), sent, and
received, as well as how to get to its destination.
Internet layer- The task of this layer is to allow the host to insert packets into any
network and then make them travel independently to the destination. The order
in which the packets are received can be different from sequence in which they
are sent. The internet layer defines a packet format and protocol called internet
protocol. The internet layer is supposed to deliver IP packets to their destination.
It is very similar to network layer of OSI.
Transport layer-
Layer above the internet layer. Its functions are same as transport layer of OSI.
TCP is reliable connection oriented protocol. It allows a byte stream transmitted
from one machine to be delivered to other machine without introducing any
Lowest layer in TCP/IP . the host has to connect to the network using some
protocol , so that they can send the IP packets over it. This protocol varies from
host to host and network to network
Application layer.
Layers protocol
Application layer telnet, ftp.
Transport layer tcp
Internet ip
Host to network lan
2. used to connect to the host, so that the packets can be sent over it.
4. Order in which packets are received is different from the way they are sent.
4. Transport layer breaks the message (data) into small units so that they are handled more
The TCP/IP specifications described a lot of applications that were at the top of the protocol
stack. Some of them were TELNET, FTP, SMTP, DNS etc.
2. FTP(File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol, that allows File transfer amongst computer
4. DNS(Domain Name Server) resolves an IP address into a textual address for Hosts
1. It operated independently.
2. It is scalable.
3. Client/server architecture.
Demerits of TCP/IP
Note-The TCP layer handles the message part. The message is broken down into smaller
units, called packets, which are then transmitted over the network. The packets are received
by the corresponding TCP layer in the receiver and reassembled into the original message.
The IP layer is primarily concerned with the transmission portion. This is done by means of
a unique IP address assigned to each and every active recipient on the network.
1. 7layers 1. 4 layers
2. In OSI model the transport layer guarantees the 2. In TCP/IP model the transport layer does not
delivery of packets. guarantees delivery of packets. Still the TCP/IP
model is more reliable.
5. OSI is a reference model around which the networks 5. TCP/IP model is, in a way implementation of
are built. Generally it is used as a guidance tool. the OSI model.
6. Network layer of OSI model provides both connection 6. The Network layer in TCP/IP model provides
oriented and connectionless service. connectionless service.
7. OSI model has a problem of fitting the protocols into 7. TCP/IP model does not fit any protocol
the model.
8. Protocols are hidden in OSI model and are easily 8. In TCP/IP replacing protocol is not easy.
replaced as the technology changes.
9. OSI model defines services, interfaces and protocols 9. In TCP/IP, services, interfaces and protocols
very clearly and makes clear distinction between them. It are not clearly separated. It is also protocol
is protocol independent. dependent.