4 Navigation WKST
4 Navigation WKST
4 Navigation WKST
1. A ship leaves port on a bearing of 28º and travels 8.2 miles. The ship then turns due east and travels 4.3
miles. How far is the ship from port? What is its bearing from port?
3. A plane flies in a direction of 105º from airport A. After some time, it turns and proceeds in a direction of
267º. Finally, it lands at airport B, 120 miles directly south of airport A. How far has the plane travelled?
4. A plane flies in direction of 85º from Chicago. It then turns and flies in the direction of 200º for 150 miles.
It is then 195 miles from its starting point. How far did the plane fly in the direction of 85º?
5. A plane leaves South Bend for Buffalo, 400 miles away, intending to fly a straight course in the direction of
70º. After flying 180 miles, the pilot realizes that an error has been made and the he has actually been flying in
the direction of 55º. At that time how far is the plane from Buffalo?
7. A DC-9 aircraft leaves Midway Airport from runway 4 RIGHT, whose bearing is 40º. After flying for ½
mile, the pilot requests permission to turn 90º and head southeast. The permission is granted. After the airplane
goes 1 mile in this direction, what bearing should the control tower use to locate the aircraft?
8. A ship leaves the port of Miami with a bearing of 100º and a speed of 15 knots. After 1 hour, the ship turns
90º south. After 2 hours, maintaining the same speed, what is the bearing to the ship from the port?
9. Two fire lookout towers are located 7 miles apart along a mountain ridge. If tower A is directly north of
tower B and a fire is spotted bearing 265º from tower B and 250º from tower A, how far is the fire from tower
10. From two points 400 yards apart on the bank of a straight river flowing due south, the bearings of a point on
the opposite shore are 28º and 148º respectively. How wide is the river?
11. A plane flies 600 km on a course of 300. It then flies south for a while and finally flies on a 40 course to
return to its starting point. Find the total distance traveled.
12. A ship proceeds on a course of 300 (from point A) for 2 hours at a speed of 15 knots (1 knot = 1 nautical
mile per hour). Then it changes course to 230, continuing at 15 knots for 3 more hours. At that time, how far
is the ship from its starting point?
13. An airplane flies on a course of 110º at a speed of 1200 km/h. How far east of its starting point is it after 2
14. A hunter walks east for 1 hour and then north for 1.5 hours. What course should the hunter take to return to
his starting point? (Assume he is walking at a steady pace)
15. Point B is 10 km north of point A, and point C is 10 km from B on a bearing 60º from B. Find the bearing
and distance of C from A.
16. Point S is 4 km west of point R, and point T is 4 km southwest of S. Find the bearing from R to T.
19. A sailboat leaves its dock and proceeds east for 2 miles. It then changes course to 205º until it is due south
of the dock. How far is this point from the dock?
20. Two ships A and B, leave port at the same time. Ship A proceeds at 12 knots on a course of 40º, while ship
B proceeds at 9 knots on a course of 115º. After 2 hours, ship A loses power and radios for help. On what
course must ship B Travel to reach ship A?
21. From an iron post, proceed 500 meter northeast to the brook, then 300 meters east along the brook to the
old mill, the 200 meters 165º to a post on the edge of Wiggin’s Road, and finally along Wigging’s road back to
the iron post. Find the area inside the boundary.
20. From a cement marker, proceed 260 meters southwest to the river, the 240 meters south along the river to
the bridge, then 280 meters 40º to a sign on the edge of Sycamore Lane, final along Sycamore Lane back to the
cement marker. Find the area inside the boundary.
23. A surveyor surveys a triangular lot. He measures from the initial point A, 68 feet at a bearing of 42° to
point B. From point B, he measures 45 feet at a bearing a of 195° to point C. If the surveyor is at point C, how
far does he need to walk to return to the initial point and in what direction (rounded to the nearest degree? What
is the area of the triangular lot?
24.The course for a boat race starts at point A and proceeds in the direction of 232 to point B, then he heads to
point C at a bearing of 140, and then finally back to point A. Point C lies 8 km directly south of point A.
What is the total distance of the course?