This document contains a list of 76 students with their student IDs, names, and class. The students are grouped by their class, with most students listed under class A and some under class B. It provides basic information about the students in a school including their identifying details and class assignments.
This document contains a list of 76 students with their student IDs, names, and class. The students are grouped by their class, with most students listed under class A and some under class B. It provides basic information about the students in a school including their identifying details and class assignments.
This document contains a list of 76 students with their student IDs, names, and class. The students are grouped by their class, with most students listed under class A and some under class B. It provides basic information about the students in a school including their identifying details and class assignments.
This document contains a list of 76 students with their student IDs, names, and class. The students are grouped by their class, with most students listed under class A and some under class B. It provides basic information about the students in a school including their identifying details and class assignments.
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2 P1337430119002 MONYCA DESTIANA A 3 P1337430119003 NAILA IFTITAH MAHDIYANA A 4 P1337430119005 ERIK RAHMAWATI A 5 P1337430119006 KINAYA CHIKAL SENOPATI PUTRI A 6 P1337430119007 ROSY AMELIA AZHARI A 7 P1337430119008 RAHMA ANDINI FAUZIAH A 8 P1337430119009 RENIA PUTRI WARDANI A 9 P1337430119010 RAFIFAH USWATUN HASANAH A 10 P1337430119011 SALSABILA SITI TANIA P A 11 P1337430119012 ANISYA SHAFI CAHYANINGRUM A 12 P1337430119013 PRAMAYHESA DIAZ AFRILA WIJAYA KUSUMA A 13 P1337430119014 DIMAS TRI ATMOJO A 14 P1337430119016 MUHAMMAD IRFAN IQROMULLAH A 15 P1337430119017 ROSSY GUSMA NINGRUM A 16 P1337430119018 RACHMALIA AZZAHRA A 17 P1337430119019 INDAH PRATIWI A 18 P1337430119021 DENA SURYA PRATMA A 19 P1337430119022 RISKA AFISATUL AZIZAH A 20 P1337430119023 MOH. IZZAN BILADI A 21 P1337430119025 DHIYA MAHASINA AULIA TSUROYA A 22 P1337430119026 MUHAMMAD LUTFI BAHARUDDIN A 23 P1337430119027 CELVIN JOSUA SIAGIAN A 24 P1337430119028 SOBRINA ANNAS TASYA A 25 P1337430119030 RENOLIA WIDYANINGRUM A 26 P1337430119031 ALYA PRIMA WULANDARI A 27 P1337430119033 LAILA FITRATUNNISA A 28 P1337430119035 LINATUN NAFISAH A 29 P1337430119036 FAUZIAH NURIL AZMI A 30 P1337430119037 VERNIKA INDAH FAJAR SARI A 31 P1337430119038 FADIA WIDIASTUTI A 32 P1337430119039 RIBKHA MARWATI AZIZAH A 33 P1337430119040 FISKA ANISA DIAMAN A 34 P1337430119041 FLORENCIA ARDINATASYA SETIAWAN A 35 P1337430119042 YUNITA DEWI NASTITI A 36 P1337430119044 SHINTA WILDANIYAH A 37 P1337430119078 KESITA GRACE NATALIA SUAN A 38 P1337430119029 MUHAMMAD ANGGORO FARADITO B 39 P1337430119032 BAYO GEPHA ARBI JUNIOR B 40 P1337430119034 ADNAN PRAKASH WIYANDA SAKSONO B 41 P1337430119045 NADA NABILAH B 42 P1337430119046 WULAN ITSNAINI SONIA B 43 P1337430119047 ZAHARA DZAKI ASNARTA B 44 P1337430119048 HILMI NOVRIAN B 45 P1337430119049 TITHA INDRIYANA B 46 P1337430119050 INTAN SUKMA MELATI B 47 P1337430119051 NANDA SILVIA LATIFA B 48 P1337430119052 ANGGRAENI MEGA HAPSARI B 49 P1337430119053 NADYA OKTORIZA CARMELIA PUTRI B 50 P1337430119054 ANNISA ARRUUM NUGRAHANI B 51 P1337430119055 NURAZIZA TIRTASARI.K B 52 P1337430119056 DWI OKTAFIANTI B 53 P1337430119057 ZAFA FARADILLA B 54 P1337430119058 BINTANG B 55 P1337430119059 AURUM HANIFAH BRILIANI B 56 P1337430119060 MUHAMMAD SABIQURRAHMAN B 57 P1337430119061 SALSABILA RIFDATULLAH B 58 P1337430119062 RIZQI AYU FADLILA B 59 P1337430119063 HILWA QORRY RAHMADANI B 60 P1337430119064 ANINDA ZELVINTARANI B 61 P1337430119065 AIDA ZITA HAPSARI B 62 P1337430119066 NOVITA KUSUMA WARDANI B 63 P1337430119067 GABRYAN FATMA REKSI HARDJA B 64 P1337430119068 MEIRINA WIDYA PANGESTIKA B 65 P1337430119069 DEWI RETNO SARI B 66 P1337430119070 ROSSIANA PUSPITA SOLEKHATI B 67 P1337430119071 LISA KHOERUNISA B 68 P1337430119072 AULIA NURUL ISLAM B 69 P1337430119073 ZULFIA FIRDA AULIA B 70 P1337430119074 SARI NUR TRISNANI B 71 P1337430119075 KARINA FATMAWATI B 72 P1337430119076 WINDA PUTRI YULIYANI B 73 P1337430119077 SAFA'A MIFTAHUL JANNAH B 74 P1337430119079 RIO TIRTA AHMADI B 75 P1337430119080 RIZKI BACHRUL ALAM B 76 P1337430118039 WINDAR BUDI PRASETYO