This Study Resource Was: in A Nutshell
This Study Resource Was: in A Nutshell
This Study Resource Was: in A Nutshell
Based from the pieces of information and the exercises that you have done
above, kindly site your points of view after my ideas.
The historical antecedents ushered the most development in the
society in terms of infrastructures, medicines, preserving of information
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or transmitting information, mass productions, agriculture, and even for
the protection of one another.
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2. On the contrary, it shows improvements in people's lives as an effect
of technological progress. Due to its possible destruction to the
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environment, there must be limitations in such developments and
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might lead to scarcity of natural resources.
Your Turn
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3. But when science and technology began, everything was abundant in Ancient
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Time when the Sumerian Civilization was doing cuneiform that made up of clay. We
all know that clay/mud can get in places around the world.
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4. The Egyptian Civilization also used a paper or Papyrus to write their record
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because the cuneiform in heavy and Papyrus was a plant that grew abundantly in
the Nile river. But the thing is we don’t. Used this making of paper today because
when the time passes by humans discovered that we could make paper using trees
5. Everything we’re when the Middle/Medieval Age comes this time the people are
migrating places-to-places because of war; the technology is using for the war that
why human need to find a new way to survive that is the period also known as Age
of Exploration.
6. In Middle Age, we human did not fail to invent a new technology that helps
humanity until now. The microscope designed by Zacharias Janssen because of
him many doctors and researchers discover pathogen the invading us and they
take action to create a cure for that.
7. Modern time everything is booming the population is increasing the also the
good, having faster transportation and communication. But the challenges in this
time is how they process of making lots of food and medicine.
8. Until now we are now in the scarcity of making food especially medicine
because some of the ancient pathogens are already resistant that can never
eliminate using the usual drug that why scientist need to study and research for
new treatment.
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