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30 Sep 19 Class 4

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Dawood Public School

Course Outline 2019-2020
Grade IV

Month Content
 Para # 30
 Surah Naba
 Surah Naziaat
 Asma-ul-Husna with English translation 1 - 8
August  Qawaid
 Huroof e Halqi
 Huroof e Mustaalia
 Soft Letters
 Whistle Letters
 Para # 30
 Surah Abas
 Surah Takveer
September  Surah Infitar
 1 &2ndKalma with English Translation

 Qawaid
 Qalqala
 Para # 30
 Surah Mutaffifeen
 Surah Inshiqaq
 Surah Burooj
October  Surah Tariq
 Surah Aala
 Asma-ul-Husna with English translation 9 - 16
 Qawaid
 Pari Harkaat.
November Revision for Mid-Year Examination

December Mid-Year Examination

 Para # 30
 Surah Ghashiya
 Surah Al Fajar
 Surah Al Balad
 Surah Shams
 Surah Al Lail
 rd
3 Kalma with English Translation
 Qawaid
 Tanveen
 Huroof e Ikhfa
 Para # 30
 Surah Zuha
 Surah Alam Nashrah
 Surah At Teen
 Surah Al Alaq
February  Surah Al Qadr
 Surah Al Bayyinah
 Asma-ul-Husna with English translation 17 - 25
 Qawaid
 Long Vowel Sound
 Huroof e Iqlab

 Para # 30
 Surah Zilzal to Surah Naas
 th
4 Kalma with English translation
March  Qawaid
 Soft Vowel Sound
 Huroof e Idgham
 Huroof e Izhar
April Revision for Final Examination

May Final Year Examination



Content Learning Objectives
Para # 30
Surah Naba and Surah Naziaat  List the blessings of Allah mentioned in
Surah An-Naba and Surah Naziat were revealed in Surah Naba.
Makkah. It is believed that this Surah was revealed  Narrate the story of Hazrat Musa (AS) and
during the early period of Prophethood. the Pharaoh as described in Surah
The main themes of the Qur’anic message during Naziaat.
this period were:
 Oneness of Allah (Tawheed)
 Messenger-ship (Risalat)
 Life after death (Akhirat)
Asma-ul-Husna (1-8)
 Introduce the power of Allah through His  Highlight the spiritual benefits of reciting
name as He is the most Merciful. Allah’s name.
 Al Rehman & Al Raheem who is bestowing  Realize that Allah’s names refer to His
upon us all His blessings and providing us qualities.
all the necessities of life.  Develop awareness about His blessings,
 Al-Malik: The Owner kindness, superiority etc. as reflected in
 Al Quddus: The Absolutely Pure His names:
 As-Salam: The Giver of Peace  Al-Malik
 Al-Mo’min: The one who gives Emaan  Al Quddus
and Security.  As-Salam
 Al-Muhaymin: The Guardian  Al-Mo’min
 Al-Aziz: The Almighty  Al-Muhaymin
 Al-Aziz
Huroof e Halqi  Differentiate between soft and hard
 There are six letters of Huroof-e-Halqi. letters.
 ‫ھ ء‬are pronounced with the bottom of  Recognize the places through which six
throat. Huroof-e-Halqi are pronounced.
 ‫ح‬،‫ع‬are pronounced with the middle of  List Huroof e Mustalia.
throat.  Exhibit the understanding and ability to
 ‫ غ خ‬are pronounced with the top of the read and correctly pronounce:
throat.  Huroof-e-Halqi
Huroof eMustalia/Heavy Letters  Huroof-e-Mustalia
 Soft Letters
 There are seven letters that are heavy.
 Letters which produce a whistle
 These heavy letters are:
 The collection of these seven heavy letters
is ‫ُخ َّص َض ْغ ٍط ِق ْغ‬
Soft Letters
 There are three soft letters (‫ث‬-‫ذ‬-‫)ظ‬.
 These letters are pronounced softly by
keeping the tongue between the teeth.
Hard/Whistle Letters
 There are three letters with a whistle sound
 These letters are pronounced hardly by
combining the teeth.


Content Learning Objectives

Para # 30
Surah Abas  Develop awareness about the main
In this Surah Allah has expressed His displeasure theme of recited Surahs.
against ill-treatment of any low level man and  List the things that will happen on the
against the disbelieving Quraysh because of their Day of Judgment, as referred in Surah
arrogant attitude and indifference to the truth, as Takveer and Surah Infitaar.
they were rejecting with contempt the message of  List the duties of Guardian Angels.
truth being conveyed by Prophet Muhammad  Discuss Allah’s Mercy and Justice on the
(PBUH). day of Judgement.

Surah Takveer
This Surah tells about signs of the coming of the
Day of Judgement. Some of these signs include the
 When the sun is shrouded in darkness
(turns into a sphere)
 When the stars lose their light
 When the mountains are made to vanish
When the seas boil over

Surah Infitar
 This Surah gives us the description as to
what will happen on the Day of
 Guardian angels are assigned to each
individual who are recording each and
every action.
 Allah Himself will Judge the deeds of
people on the Day of Judgment and
reward them accordingly.
1 Kalma with English Translation
 It is the acknowledgment of Allah’s lordship  Memorize first Kalma with its translation.
as He has all powers and authorities to do  Give the importance of Kalma e Tauheed
what He wants to do. in the life of a Muslim.
 The second part is the acknowledgment of  Explain the two parts of first Kalma.
finality of Prophethood as Holy Prophet
(PBUH) is the last messenger of Allah raised
for the guidance of all mankind.
 It is very important for all Muslims, to not
only recite first Kalma but also to accept
the demand of first Kalma and act upon it.

2ndKalma with English Translation

 It is the declaration of bearing witness of  Memorize second Kalma with translation.
Allah’s Lordship and finality of Prophet  Explainl the importance of bearing
Hood on Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). witness of Tauheed and prophethood in
 By reciting this, a person bears witness that 2ndKalma.
Allah is one and only and Holy Prophet
(PBUH) is His last and final messenger.
Qalqalah (Echo Sound)
 Qalqala is bouncing back of voice to its  Define Qalqala.
Makhraj.  List Huroof e Qalqala.
 There are total five letter of Qalqala:  Discuss the rule of Qalqalah on Huroof-e-
 ‫ق‬ Qalqala.
 ‫ط‬  Exhibit the understanding and ability to
read and correctly pronounce Huroof-e-

 ‫ب‬: Qalqalah.
 Identify Huroof-e-Qalqalah from a list of
 ‫ج‬
given Arabic words.
 ‫د‬
 The echo sound will be produced in case of
Sukoon on Huroof-e-Qalqalah.
 The collection of Huroof e Qalqalah is:
‫ ُخ ْغ ُخ َض ٍط‬- ‫ د‬, ‫ ج‬, ‫ ب‬, ‫ ط‬, ‫ق‬

Content Learning Objectives
Para # 30
Surah Mutaffifeen  Develop awareness about the major
The theme of the Surah is divided into following subject and main theme of recited
categories: Surahs.
 It seriously warns and threatens the deciver  Develop awareness for the concept of
and cheater. rewards and punishments on the Day of
 It points that the lack of the sense of Judgement.
accountability is the origin of corruption  Discuss the deeds which may lead to
and great sins. rewards and which may lead to
 There are some hints in this Surah showing punishments.
the end of the Wicked on That Great Day.  Discuss the stages which a man goes
 It points to some of the great gifts and through during and after his life.
delightful blessings of the Righteous in the  Discuss about the greatness of Holy
Garden of Bliss. Quran.
Surah Inshiqaq  Develop awareness about the creation of
 This Surah highlights the happenings of mankind with the reference of Surah
resurrection and the differences in the final Tariq.
rewards of the good-doers and evildoers as  Develop awareness for the similarity in
per their deeds in worldly life. the teachings of Quran with other
 Further, it touches on the different stages scriptures as all of them were revealed by
man goes through during and after his life. same source.
 Finally, it returns to speaking about the
good and evil actions of man and his
rewards or punishments on the Day of
Judgement to develop the sense of
Surah Burooj
 This Surah tells the story of 'the makers of
the pit of fire'; those who dug some ditches
in which they burnt people for their Faith.
They threatened them and burnt them, but
the true believers did not lose their Faith.
 This Surah ends with an explanation about
the greatness and the extraordinary
importance of the Holy Qur'an.
Surah Tariq
 To make manifest the possibility of
Resurrection, this Surah refers to the first
stage of man's life and his creation.
 Further it draws a conclusion that the
Creator, who is able to create him once, can
give life again, to him.
Surah Aala
 This Surah is made up of two parts. In the
first part, the words are directed to the
Prophet (PBUH) himself, containing some

instructions regarding the praise of Allah

and the fulfillment of his Prophetic mission.
The second part is about the rewards of
humble believers and the wretched
rejecters in the hereafter.
 At the end, it is stated that these facts
(pointed out in these verses) are mentioned
not only in the Holy Qur'an, but are also
mentioned in the earlier Scriptures.
Asma-ul-Husna (9 - 16)
 As Muslims, we believe in Allah in  Memorize Asma-ul- Husna with their
accordance with His beautiful names and meanings.
attributes.  Develop awareness that Allah’s names
 Allah has revealed His names repeatedly in refer to His Attributes and Qualities.
the Holy Quran primarily for us to  Discuss about His blessings, kindness and
understand who He is. superiority by referring to His names:
 Al-Jabbar: The Compeller  Al-Jabbar:
 Al-Mutakabir: The Supreme  Al-Mutakabir
 Al- Khaliq: The Creator  Al- Khaliq
 Al-Bari: The Originator  Al-Bari
 Al-Musawwir: The Fashioner  Al-Musawwir
 Al-Ghaffar: The All Forgiving  Al-Ghaffar
 Al:Qahhar: The Ever Dominating  Al:Qahhar
 Al-Wahab: The Giver of Blessings/Gifts  Al-Wahab
Pari Harkaat (Short Vowel Signs)
 These are the symbols of diagonal lines on  Identify the movement signs.
Arabic Alphabets that produce movement  List the name of movement signs.
in Arabic letters.  Read the words with short vowel sign.
 These vowel signs give different sounds to  Discuss the method of reading letters
the same letter when they appear on the with short vowel signs.
letter.  Exhibit the understanding and ability to
 There are three short vowel signs: read and correctly pronounce words with
 Zabar Pari Harkaat.
 Zer  Identify Pari Harkaat on words from a list
 Paish of given Arabic words.
 The words with short vowel sign are read
without stretching.
 In case of short vowel sign on (‫)ا فل‬, it is
always pronounced (‫)ھمزہ‬.

Revision for Mid-Year Examination

Mid-Year Examination

Content Learning Objectives
Para # 30
Surah Ghashiya  Develop awareness about the main
This Surah is one of the Meccan Surahs which theme of recited Surahs.
contains mainly the following three themes:  Describe the duties of prophet which they
 The first main theme of this Surah is the need to perform. In the light of Surah
'Resurrection' . Ghashiyah.
 The second subject is 'Monotheism' with  Discuss the importance of belief in the

reference to the creation of the sky, the Day of Judgement in the life of a Muslim.
earth, and the mountains.  List the blessings of Allah created for
 The third subject is ‘Prophecy' and some of mankind in the light of Surah Balad.
the duties that the Holy Prophet (PBUH)  Narrate the story of ancient rebellious
was required to perform. nation Thamood who disobeyed Allah’s
Surah Al Fajar command and rejected the teachings of
 There are several oaths mentioned in the Prophet Sualeh (AS).
first part of the Surah, not as an example  Compare the rewards of two groups of
but to warn the transgressors about the people described in Surah Lail.
divine punishment.
 Another part of this Surah points to some
of the ancient rebellious nations, such as
the Ad and Thamood people; and also to
 In the last part of the Surah there is a
discussion about the rewards of hereafter
that the believers will receive; those whose
souls are at rest.
Surah Al Balad
 In the first part of the Surah this fact is
pointed out that Man’s life in this world is
always full of difficulties which he faces to
make him strong.
 In the next part of this Surah, a few of the
greatest divine bounties are enumerated
which are created for mankind.
 In the last part of the Surah, the two
categories of people is described:
 The people of the Right Hand
 The people of the Left Hand.
 Then, some characteristics of the good
deeds of the first group and their final fate
is stated and are compared to the destiny
of the opposite group; the Unbelievers and
Surah Shams
 At the beginning of the Surah eleven great
existing blessings of Allah are mentioned.
 At the end of the Surah, the Thamood, as
an example of disobedient people are
briefly pointed out.
Surah Al Lail
 The contents of this Surah are generally
about the Hereafter and Divine penalty.
 At the beginning, after making three oaths,
the verses divide people into two groups:
1. The pious believers who give charity
and fear Allah. The people in this
group are blessed with ease and
2. Disbelievers (who are disobedient and
think themselves as self-sufficient),
their destiny is trouble and sufferings.
3 Kalma with Translation
 Third Kalma speaks about Allah’s Glory.  Recite the 3rd Kalma.
 He is the Greatest of all.  Develop understanding for the meaning
 We do evil deeds but Allah is always kind of the 3rd Kalma.

and forgives us.  List the benefits of having belief in

 There is a Hadith that says 3rdKalma is such 3rdKalma.
a great medicine that it cures every disease  Give at least two living example of Allah’s
and the most minor disease it cures is Glory from the world around.
“Sorrow”.  Highlight the spiritual benefits of reciting
3rd Kalma.

 Double sign of Zabar, Zer and Paish are  Identify the signs of Tanveen.
called Tanveen.  Differentiate between Noon Saakin and
 To pronounce Tanveen, sound of letter (‫)ن‬ Noon Tanveen.
will appear in the end of Munawwan (i.e.  Develop awareness about the rules of
word heaving Tanveen on it). Tanveen.
 In case of a stop on a Munawwan word, it  List Huroof-e-Ikhfa.
will be Sakin except if the word has the sign  Exhibit the understanding and ability to
of double zabr. read and correctly pronounce Huroof-e-
 Any word with double zabr will be Ikhfa.
converted into Alif Maddah in case of stop
after it
 Any word end with (‫ )ۃ‬will convert in to (‫)ہ‬
in case of stop after it.
Huroof e Ikhfa
 Ikfah is to hide “n” sound if any of the
fifteen letters of Huroof e Ikhfa appear
after Noon Saakin or Tanveen.
 Fifteen letters of Ikhfa are ( ‫ت ث ج د ذ ز س ش‬
‫)ص ض ط ظ ف ق ك‬.

Content Learning Objectives
Para # 30
Surah Zuha  Develop awareness about the main
 This Surah begins with two oaths and then subjects of recited Surah.
informs the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of the  Describe some of the ways to get closer to
good news that Allah has never forsaken Allah.
him nor left him alone. It adds that, soon  Highlight the spiritual importance of being
Allah will provide for him so abundantly close to Allah.
that he will become content.  Develop awareness that Allah has made all
 In the last verses of the Surah, He reminds his creatures in the best mould.
the Prophet (PBUH) of his past life to  List the bounties of Allah mentioned in
illustrate how Allah has always bestowed Surah Alaq.
His loving care on him and in the most  Describe the importance of “The Night of
difficult moments has supported him in Power.”
the past and so his future was sure.  Debate on that the message of all the
Surah Alam Nashrah divine scriptures is same in the light of
The theme of this Surah mainly pivots on three Surah Bayyinah.
different subjects:
 The first is, the showcasing of three major
bounties bestowed upon Holy Prophet
 The second is the good news for the
Prophet (PBUH) informing him that his
burden and the difficulties he faces in his
mission will be removed soon.
 The third is that attention should be paid
to Allah, alone, and that believers should

always be hopeful and continue to

worship and pray to Him.
Surah At Teen
 The theme in this Surah pivots on the
subject of the creation of Man in the finest
mould, and the processes of his
development gradually from birth to age
of maturity, and his lowness from maturity
to old age.
Surah Al Alaq
 This Surah addresses the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) and commands him to read or
proclaim (the Message).
 Then, it refers to the creation of Man from
a clot.
 Further, it refers to the development of
Man, who is taught from the bounty and
by the Grace of Allah; how to acquire
knowledge by the use of “Pen”.
 Thereafter, it speaks about ungrateful
Man, who agitates despite of all the
blessings and graciousness that Allah
bestows on him.
 Then, the Surah ends with a command to
submit oneself to Allah through prayers
and come closer to Allah through
Surah Al Qadr
 It refers to the revelation of the Holy
Qur'an on the Night of Honour.
 It describes the importance of the night of
Power and the flowing of divine blessings
on mankind therein.
Surah Al Bayyinah
 This Surah refers to the universal message
of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the same as
the other divine scriptures contains.
 In another part of the Surah it is referred
that those who believe and do righteous
deeds are the best of all creatures.
Asma-ul-Husna (17 - 25)
 As Muslims, we believe in Allah with all His  Memorize Asma-u-Husna with their
Attributes mentioned in His beautiful meanings.
names.  Develop awareness that Allah’s names
 Allah has revealed His names repeatedly in refer to His qualities:
the Holy Quran primarily for us to  Al- Razzak
understand who He is.  Al-Fattah
 Al- Razzak: The Provider  Al-Aleem
 Al-Fattah: The Opener  Al-Qabiz
 Al-Aleem The All Knowing  Al-Basit
 Al-Qabiz: The Withholder  Al-Khafiz
 Al-Basit: The Extender  Al-Raafi’
 Al-Khafiz: The Reducer  Al-Mu’izz
 Al-Raafi’: The Exalter  Al-Muzil
 Al-Mu’izz: The Honourer  Give living examples of Allah’s authority
 Al-Muzil: The Dishonourer and power from the world around.

Huroof-e-Maddah (Long Vowel Sound)

 Maddah means to lengthen the sound of  List Huroof e Maddah.
Harkaat.  Describe Huroof-e-Maddah individually.
 There are three Huroof e Maddah:  Discuss the method to deliver Huroof e
 Alif Maddah: when zabar comes Maddah.
before Alif not before Hamza  Explain the meaning of Iqlab.
 Wao Maddah: when paish comes  Exhibit the understanding and ability to
before wao read and correctly pronounce Huroof-e-
 Yaa Maddah: when zair comes before Maddah.
Yaa  Differentiate the three types from a given
 Maddah should be prolonged equal to the list of Huroof-e-Maddah.
duration of one Alif.  Exhibit the understanding and ability to
 The duration of one Alif is the time read and correctly pronounce Iqlab.
required to open a close finger.
 Iqlab means to change the sound of “n” of
Noon Saakin or Tanveen into a hidden
meem if ‫ ب‬appears after Noon Saakin and

Content Learning Objectives
Para # 30
Surah Zilzal  List the major events that will take place
This Surah mainly pivots on three points: before the day of Judgement.
 First, it speaks about the major signs of  List the human weaknesses highlighted in
the Day of Judgement. Surah Adiyat.
 Secondly it tells us that the Earth is a  Develop awareness that the secret to
witness to all of Man's deeds. complete happiness is given in the verses
 In the third part, people are divided into of Surah Asar.
two groups; good and evil, each of which  List the things that are condemned in
will receive the fruit of their own actions. Surah Humazah.
Surah Al Aadiyat  Narrate the story of Abraha who entered
 This Surah highlight the fact that in spite Holy Kabah to destroy it with the
of all uncountable blessings received by reference of Surah Feel.
Allah Almighty, Man is always ungrateful  List the characteristics of the people who
to his Lord. do not believe in the Day of Judgement
 In the last part of the surah some events with the reference of Surah Ma’un.
of reckoning and resurrection are  State the reason of revelation of Surah
described with this fact that Allah knows Kauser.
everything about His servants.  Describe the warning given to Abu Lahab
Surah Al Qariah due to his ill behavior with Holy Prophet
 This Surah describes the happenings of the (PBUH).
Day of Resurrection.  Explain the concept of Oneness of Allah in
Surah Takasur the light of Surah Ikhlas.
 In this surah, people who have confined all  Discuss the spiritual benefits of Surah
their efforts to achieve worldly gains, and Falaq and Surah Naas.
whose aim in life has remained nothing
but to outdo one another in the
acquisition of wealth; are warned.
 Finally there is a warning that everyone
would be questioned about how they used
their abilities, skills and other blessings
given to them by the Almighty; whether
they used them to please Him or
employed them to satisfy their own lusts.
Surah Al Asar

 This short Surah tells us about the road to

total and complete happiness.
 It begins with a meaningful oath to 'Time'.
If a person uses this time in the right
manner, he becomes pleased with His
Creator, and His Creator become pleased
with Him. On the other hand, he can also
earn the eternal penalty by misusing it.
Surah Al Humazah
 This Surah condemns all sorts of scandal,
and backbiting, and all those who do their
best to gather and pile up wealth.
 These are people who lose the whole
value of their humanity, and defame,
insult and mock those who do not possess
that wealth.
Surah Al Feel
 This Surah, as its name indicates, refers to
the well-known historical event that
happened in the year of the birth of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH).
 This is when Allah protected the Holy
Ka'aba against the attack of the army of
pagans who were riding on the backs of
elephants when they came from Yemen.
 These pagans wanted to destroy the Holy
Surah Al Quraish
 This Surah describes the blessings which
were given to the Quraish tribe
 The blessings were given so that they
would be thankful to Allah, who granted
them all their honour and high social
Surah Al Ma’un
 The Surah discusses the character of those
who claim to be Muslims but are ignorant
of the hereafter as they deprive the
orphans of their rights, are heedless to the
dues of the penniless, and pray without
holding God in remembrance i.e.
forgetting the objective behind prayer.
Their charitable acts are a display of their
false piety, since they do not give for the
love of God.
Surah Al Kausar
 This Surah was revealed to console the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) with the good news
that the greatest amount of grace from
Allah would be bestowed on him.
 The revelation of this Surah was in fact an
answer to the enemies of Islam, to inform
them that Islam and the Qur'an would
remain and continue forever.
Surah Al Kafiroon
 At the time of revelation of this Surah
Muslims were in a minority and

disbelievers were in the majority.

 Disbeliever urged Holy Prophet (PBUH) to
collude with them but Holy Prophet
(PBUH) refused all of them and without
having any conflict with them, made them
completely hopeless.
Surah Al Nasar
 It contains the glad tidings of a great
victory for Islam after which people in
droves flocked to the banner of Islam.
Surah Al Lahab
 This Surah contains the name of one
enemy of Islam Abu Lahab.
 A strong warning is given for him.
Surah Al Ikhlas
 This Surah, as its name indicates, is about
the Unity of Allah, and His Oneness.
 In its four verses, the Surah describes that
there is only one Allah and nothing and no
one can be like Him.
Surah Al Falaq
 This Surah contains some Divine teachings
and commands to the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) in particular and to all Muslims in
 The Surah guides to seek refuge with Allah
from every kind of evil, envy and ill doings
from others.
Surah Al Naas
 Humans are always exposed to
temptations as Satan tries to misguide.
 This Surah commands the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) as a leader and as an example to
seek refuge with Allah from the evil of any
4 Kalma with English Translation
 Fourth Kalma is based on Oneness of  Memorize 4thKalma with translation.
Allah.  List the power and authorities of Allah as
 There is no one worthy of worship except mentioned in 4thKalma.
Allah. He is alone and has no partner.
 To Him belongs the Kingdom and for Him
is all praise.
 In His hand is all good and He has power
over everything.
Huroof-e-Leen (Short Vowel Sound)  Give the meaning of Leen.
 These are soft vowel sound letters.  List Huroof-e-Leen.
 They are pronounced quickly in a soft  Explain the method to pronounce Huroof
tone. e Leen.
 There are two Huroof e Leen:  Explain the terms Izhar and Idgham.
 Wao Leen: is made when zabar comes  List Huroof-e-Halqi and Huroof e
before Wao Yarmallon.
 Yaa Leen: is made when zabar comes
before Yaa
 Idgham means to merge the “n” sound of
the Noon Sakin or Tanveen with any of

the six letters of ‫یرملون‬

 There are six Huroof-e-Yarmaloon
(‫)ی ر م ل و ن‬.
 Pronounce clear “n” sound on Noon
Saakin and Tanveen without Ghunnah in
case of appearing Huroof-e-Halqi after
 There are six Huroof-e-Halqi
(‫)ء ہ ع ح غ خ‬.


Revision for Final Examination

Final Examination

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