Htc356 Assessment Rubrics
Htc356 Assessment Rubrics
Htc356 Assessment Rubrics
Name of Student: _________________________________ Date: _________
Format and Word processed, used standard Manage to produce according to the Poor organization. Unable to
Mechanics format, folder, page number, table of requirement with some flaws but produce a standard assignment as
contents included, complete front acceptable required
page title, index, references
Contents Well written, easily understood , Some important information’s Lack of information, incorrect
correct methods of preparation, detail pertaining to ingredients; amount and methods of recipe preparation,
descriptions of ingredients, amount, methods were noted. Display some insufficient information, vague
illustrated with photos or sketches photos and sketches and confusing
Standardized Recipe contains the title of the recipe, Recipes contains the title, but a list of None of the criteria needed for the
Recipes a list of ingredients and method of ingredients and method of cooking not recipe are present.
cooking, a paragraph of written proper, a paragraph of written
directions, and a picture that directions is messy, and don’t have
correlates with the recipe. picture that correlates with the recipes.
Problems and The overall purpose is clear; the The purpose is generally clear; the The purpose of the writing is not
Solutions problem is defined clearly; the problem is stated; the solution(s) are always clear; both the problem
solution(s) are logical and practical. presented. and the solution(s) should be more
clearly stated.
References and Full and complete bibliography. There is a bibliography, but it is not in Does not include a bibliography.
Appendices Refers to many sources. The a recognized format. Refers to only a Refers only to the company’
references refer to are valid. few sources. website and Wikipedia.
Communication Skill Explains points Most points are Points are Points need Points are vague,
explicitly with elaborated upon minimal further with no relation to
specific explanatory with specific elaborated, with elaboration, many overall argument,
detail; points relate explanatory explanatory, and points do not and meaning is
to overall argument detail; and most relate to relate to overall unclear
points relate to arguments. argument, and
overall argument. meaning is often
Leadership Skill Leads others in Leads others in Leads others in Lack when leads Disregard leads
planning and planning and minimal planning others and others and don’t
successfully implementing a and implementing implementing a implementing a
implementing a given task a given task by given task with task given.
given task independently asking the fellow helplessly
Time Management Effectively follows Well follows Partial Disregard of None of written
written time written time implementation of written time time management
management plan management plan written time management plan plan
management plan
Problem Solving Skill Able to explain, and Consistently seeks Sometimes Accepts Ignore
demonstrate to to evaluate the questions sources information given information given
others how to quality of sources or reasoning without without
evaluate the quality and review behind a claim questioning questioning
of sources and reasoning behind when encouraged sources, relies on sources, in
reason from claims, and uses and shown how, past experience in problem solving
evidence in both evidence and and uses problem solving situations.
familiar and reason in both reasoning and situations.
problem solving familiar and evidence in
situations. problem-solving problem-solving
situations situations.
The following attributes is designed to identify the students achievement towards the specific cooking products. Using the Likert Scale 1-10,
Circle small number i.e. no 1 if the criteria is not achieved (the greater number the higher the achievement)
TIME MANAGEMENT Disregard of written time Partial implementation of written Effectively follows written time
management plan time management plan management plan
SAFETY AND Disregard of safety creating Shows minimal safety concerns Follow all safety practices Follows
SANITATION unsafe situation. Unsanitary during preparation. Shows some all safety practices
situation creates unsafe product sanitation concerns during
GROUP Work but complained, refused Demonstrated a willingness to Mastered the use of customer service
COOPERATION non-preferred tasks, or quit before complete all tasks including clean and professional attitude.
all tasks were complete. up tasks. Work steadily through the Demonstrated leadership by
kitchen and participated in all effectively delegating tasks to others.
kitchen tasks.
COOKING TECHNIQUE Did not focus on task at hand, left Showed proper cooking methods Demonstrated proper cooking
equipment on stove unattended, and techniques, but did not practice technique, showed professionalism,
did not control heat, and did not good time management completed all instructions
follow instructions successfully, and finished within the
allotted time.
PRODUCT The presentation was fair. It The presentation was good. It The presentation was creative. It
PRESENTATION contained some colour and plate contained colour and plate was contained very good colour and plate
was organized with some fairly organized. was organized.
PRODUCT TEXTURE Final food product was Correct preparation of food Correct preparation of food products
undercooked and edible; but products resulted in very good resulted in excellent flavour profiles,
lacked in flavour, texture and flavour profiles, texture and texture and consistency.
consistency. consistency.
PRODUCT TASTE Questionable taste; needs Adequate, but not outstanding taste. Pleasing, appropriate taste for
improvement OR poor taste and Not all items served at proper food/recipe OR excellent taste and
bland temperatures OR fairly in taste and well- seasoned.
quite well seasoned
Teamwork Rubric Guideline
Teamwork Positively encourages and offers help, Helps others willingly and positively but Cooperative in assisting others but doesn't
anticipates potential problems and needs occasional reminders to do so take initiative to do so unless asked
work to solve them
The following attributes is designed to identify the students achievement towards the specific cooking products. Using the Likert Scale 1-
10, Circle small number i.e. no 1 if the criteria is not achieved (the greater number the higher the achievement)
TIME MANAGEMENT Disregard of written time Partial implementation of Effectively follows written
management plan written time management plan time management plan
STAFF CLEANLINESS AND Disregard of safety creating Shows minimal safety concerns Follow all safety practices.
APPEARANCE unsafe situation. Unsanitary during preparation. Shows Looks neat and wear complete
situation creates unsafe some sanitation concerns uniform. A responsible
product. during preparation. individual who takes pride in
Untidy and usually missing an Looks neat but often missing an producing the best at all tasks
item from complete uniform. item from complete uniform. given
Irresponsible, disrespectful, Responsible but mediocre and
irreverent has no desire to complete tasks
Presentation needs Presentation is acceptable but Presentation is attractively
improvement lacks professional qualities displayed and shows creativity
PRODUCT TASTE Questionable taste; needs Adequate, but not outstanding Pleasing, appropriate taste for
improvement OR poor taste taste. Not all items served at food/recipe OR excellent taste
and bland proper temperatures OR fairly and well- seasoned.
in taste and quite well seasoned
PRESENTATION The presentation was fair. It The presentation was good. It The presentation was creative.
contained some colour and contained colour and plate was It contained very good colour
plate was organized with some fairly organized. and plate was organized.
COOKING TECHNIQUE Did not focus on task at hand, Showed proper cooking Demonstrated proper cooking
left equipment on stove methods and techniques, but technique, showed
unattended, did not control did not practice good time professionalism, completed all
heat, and did not follow management. instructions successfully, and
instructions. finished within the allotted
CREATIVITY Final food product was under Correct preparation of food Correct preparation of food
cooked, lacked in flavor and products resulted in good products resulted in excellent
inedible. Flavour and texture flavour profiles, texture and flavour profiles, texture and
not visible. consistency. consistency