To That End, Let Us Call A Point P A Point of Equal Potency, If For
To That End, Let Us Call A Point P A Point of Equal Potency, If For
To That End, Let Us Call A Point P A Point of Equal Potency, If For
Hence A,B,M and N lie on one and the same circle K.
Next let a be any point of the arc MBN, and let the point of
intersection of MN and AO be denoted by Q. Then since we have
0 must be a point on the circle AMN, i.e. K.
By just the same way, it can be proved that every point of the
are MAN is situated on the circle BMN, i.e.K. Therefore r must
be coincident with the circle K.
4. Next let us call a plane section of a simply closed convex
surface F a plane of equal potency, if every point of it is of equal
potency with respect to F. Then we can prove the following
Theorem: If, in a simply closed convex swfaces F, there exist a
plane of equal potency, then F must be a sphere.
Let n be a plane of equal potency of F, which cuts F along a
simply closed convex curve 1. Then since any
chord of 1 is of equal potency, r must be a circle.
Take any point A on 1, and draw a supporting
line (Stiite) t through A, cutting the plane n in
A. Draw any plane n, passing through t and
cutting r along a simply closed convex curve r'.
If the other point of intersection of r and F' is
denoted by P, AP is evidently a chord of equal
potency of F', and therefore r, must also be a circle, touching tatA.
Then by turning the plane ir' continuously about t, it can be conclud-
ed that F is a sphere, by means of the lemma 2 in my note "A
theorem on surface" in this Journal, Vol.8, p. 42.