Neural Networks
Neural Networks
Neural Networks
Abstract - The paper deals with the problem of performance guarantee an optimal solution to the optimization problem,
optimization of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. As widely they have the evident advantage of low calculating times.
documented in literature, this is a hard task on account of its One of the most important contributions in this field is
computational complexity. For this reason a number of heuristic provided by [3], in which two heuristic algorithms are
techniques are currently available, the best known of which are
based on Event Graphs, which are a particular class of Petri
proposed. Although they feature high percentages of optimal
Nets. The paper proposes a performance optimization technique solutions, some remarks need to be made. One concerns the
which, although it is based on Event Graphs, applies different extremely vague definition of certain conditions surrounding
algorithms than traditional heuristic ones. More specifically, a the optimization problem to be solved. In addition, although
novel neural model is used to solve the optimization problem. the algorithms are heuristic and therefore reduce the set of
The neural model was obtained by making significant changes solutions to be explored, the time required to reach a solution
in a network which is well known in literature: the Hopfield cannot be established a priori, and may range in an interval
network The modifications were made in order to meet the whose upper bound is the time required to calculate an
constraints typical of performance optimization of Flexible
exhaustive solution.
Manufacturing Systems. The aim of the paper is to present the
new neural model and show the performance optimization
The aim of this paper is to present an altemative to
results that can be obtained by using it. The results that will be these heuristic algorithms, which can overcome the limits
presented highlight the goodness of the solution proposed and outlined above. The performance optimization technique
its applicability in the factory automation environment. proposed in the paper is again based on Event Graphs, but
applies different algorithms than traditional ones. In
I. INTRODUCTION particular, a novel neural model is used to solve the
optimization problem. The neural model was obtained by
One of the main goal in the area of the factory making significant changes to the well-known Hopfield
automation is to fully exploit the resources present in a network [4][5][6]. The modifications were made in order to
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) [I], to optimize its meet the constraints typical of performance optimization of
productivity (or performance). This can be reached in Flexible Manufacturing Systems.
different way such as, for example, scheduling of the The paper will present the new neural model and its
sequence of activities performed by each resource or fixing use in the FMS performance optimization. Then, in order to
the number of part types processed simultaneously in each highlight the capacity of the neural approach to solve the
production cycle of the FMS. In the paper it will be assumed problem, some example of performance optimization of
that the processing sequence for each resource is always FMSs are shown.
fixed, while the number of parts present in the production
cycle can be varied. Too low a number of parts processed 1I.EVENT GRAPHS-BASED FMS PERFORMANCE
underexploits the available resources, while too high a OPTIMIZATION METHODOLOGY
number causes conflicts which slow down the productivity of
the system. The aim to be reached is to determine a number The class of Petri Nets denoted as Event Graphs is
of parts to be processed such as to optimize the productivity particularly suitable to represent Flexible Manufacturing
of the FMS as a whole. This problem is generally Systems. An Event Graph is a Petri Net in which each place
characterized by very high calculation time needed to obtain has one input transition and one output transition [2]. Each
a feasible solution. For example, literature provides well- transition can have an associated firing time, in which case
known techniques for performance optimization based on the the Event Graph is called timed. The presence of a token in a
use of a particular class of Petri Nets, called Event Graphs place enables firing of the output transition for that place.
[ 2 ] . In this case the FMS performance optimization is a Firing may occur in null time, if the transition is immediate,
combinatorics task of a non-polynomial dimension (i.e. an or in the time associated with the transition if it is timed. An
NP-hard problem). Event Graph is said to be strongly connected if there is a
There are numerous contributions in literature path joining any pair of places. An elementary circuit in a
presenting heuristic algorithms for performance strongly connected Event Graph is a direct path that goes
optimization. Although these algorithms do not always
from one place back to the same place, while no other place of the need for a new neural model, the following subsection
is repeated. presents the original Hopfield model [4][5][6] on which the
Modelling an FMS by Event Graph is quite simple new model is based. Then, the limits of the original Hopfield
and consists of representing each FMS resource (buffer, model and the capacity of the new model to overcome them,
machine, robot, etc.) by a place, and the activity performed i d 1 be pointed out.
by the resource by a transition, to which the processing time
of the activity is associated. AThe Hopfield Neural Network
The Event Graph can be easily used to the
performance evaluation and optimization of the FMS. The The Hopfield neural model [4][5][6] is very suitable
optimization problem of a FMS modelled by a strongly to solve optimization problems. This network was first used
connected Event Graph, can be formulated as minimizing the to solve the well-known Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
quantity: [7], and then its use was extended to a large number of
optimization problems.
n The Hopfield-type model is based on a single-layer
C U I 'XI (1) architecture of neurons, the outputs of which are fed back
where U, are the p-invariants of the Event Graph [2] and xi towards the inputs. Fig.1 shows a Hopfield network with n
represents the number of tokens in place Pi, under the neurons.
condition :
M(y 1 2 a . P(Y) (2)
where a is the performance required, M(y) indicates the
number of tokens in the elementary circuit y of the strongly
connected Event Graph, and p(y) is the sum of all the firing 01
where the p-armeter uo controls the effective steepness of the A strategy by which such problems can be solved
function: the lower it is, the steeper the function. features the possibility of dynamically modifying the bias
Hopfield [6] showed that if the weights matrix current values in order to meet all the surrounding
W=[wij] is symmetrical and if the function gi is a steep-like conditions. A neural model which can achieve this aim is
curve (i.e.uo+O), the dynamics of the neurons described by shown in Fig.2. Comparison between Figs. 1 and 2 highlights
(3) follow a gradient descendent of the quadratic energy the modifications made to the model originally proposed in
function, also known as the Lyapunov function: [51[61.
problem, a solution to which is, however, possible using the
novel model presented in Section 1II.B. n n n
minimize ( c u i .xi)2=minimize ( c c u i 'xi 'U, .x,)
i=l i=lj=1
A. Modelling the FMS by the Novel Neural Network
This condition can be expressed in the following term of the
Lyapunov energy function:
The first step in the strategy proposed is
representing the FMS using the novel neural network. This is
achieved by mapping the Event Graph modelling the FMS -
A. ( ~ ~ u l . o l . u ~
A . o ~ ) = - - . ( ~ ~ u(~
5 )~ u ~ ~ o l ~ o j )
with the neural model, by making each place P, in the Event 2 i j 1
2 i j
Graph correspond to the neuron 0, in the novel neural based on the consideration that each x, corresponds to O,,
network. The value (1 or 0) of the output of each neuron 0, according to the mapping between the Event Graph and the
models the presence or absence of a token in the place P, neural model, as stated in the previous section. By
modelled: if the output is 1 the place corresponding to the comparison of (5) with (4), it is possible calculate the
neuron contains a token, if it is 0 the place contains no contribution to the bias currents and weights of this term:
tokens. It is clear that the proposed coding of the neural
output is based on the necessary assumption that each place wIJ = -A.u, . u J 7I, = 0
in the Event Graph contains at most one token. In general The energy function term relating to the validity of
there is no limit in an Event Graph to the maximum number tlhe solution has to impose a certain number of tokens in each
of tokens in a place. Such a limit can only be imposed by the elementary circuit of the Petri net. The corresponding term
particular features of the FMS modelled (e.g. if a place of the Lyapunov Function has to be of the following kind:
models a buffer, the maximum number of tokens in the place
is equal to the real capacity of the buffer). In [3] it is Constant
demonstrated that it is always possible to modify a strongly
.c( Coi-M(y>>2 (6)
y i:Piey
connected graph into an equivalent one in which each place
possesses at most one token. The proposed mapping between This term is, in fact, minimized when the number of
the Event Graph and the novel Hopfield-based Neural activated neurons in each circuit y is equal to M(y). The
Network can occur under the hypothesis of the original Event value of this number is given by conditions (2') and (2").
Graph having been converted into an equivalent one in which Condition (2') establishes that, in all the circuits y*Er*, this
each place contains at most one token. number has to be at least equal to [ a .p(y)l, while condition
(2") states that in all the circuits ycErc, M(yC)is strictly 1.
B.FMS Performance Optimization by the Novel Neural
Eielow we will illustrate the expressions of the energy
function terms relating to conditions (2') and (2").
As said above, ( 6 ) establishes that there are M(y)
As already mentioned in Section III.A, solving any
tokens in each circuit. Therefore the following Lyapunov
optimization problem by means of the Hopfield network is
energy function term:
generally achieved through a number of steps. First, all the
constraints of the optimization problem are expressed in
terms of Lyapunov energy functions. Then, the weights and
bias currents of the Hopfield network are obtained according
to the surrounding conditions, so that it can provide a establishes that in each circuit y*ET* there is a number of
solution to the problem. These steps are examined in greater
detail below, with reference to the surrounding conditions . Comparing (7) with (4) we get
(1),(2') and (2") which, as mentioned previously, are always
present in the problem of FMS performance optimization. tlne following weights and bias current values:
The expression of the energy function linked to the
problem of FMS performance optimization comprises two
terms respectively relating to the quality and validity of the
solution. The term relating to quality has to be based on
condition (1) while the term related to the validity has to take
into account conditions (2') and (2"). The expressions of
these two terms will be formulated below. Each term will be
multiplied by a real coefficient (as will be seen, by the where ny* represents the number of circuits in the set I-* to
coefficients A,B and C) which weights the influence of each which the places with index i and j simultaneously belong.
term on the others. As can be seen, the bias current assumes a constant value,
The term relating to the quality of the solution can fixing the number of tokens in each non-command
be obtained by considering that condition (1) can also be
expressed in the following form: elementary circuit as [a.p(y*)]. For this reason, the bias
current value given by (8") might make the solution non-
r *1
circuit y*ET*, to be no less than a . p ( y ) . In this way the
neural network is hee to establish the number of tokens in
where the first sum is extended to VycETc. For each yCETc,
the second sum is extended to YOi such that the
corresponding place Pi in the Event Graph belongs to yc. As
each circuit y*E;T*, this respecting the validity of the can be seen this condition imposes a single token in each
solution. In other words, the number of tokens in each circuit command circuit yc. Imposing a single token in each
is not determined a priori but is varied (always, of course, command circuit guarantees the validity of the solution. The
being greater than or equal to a minimum value) so as to contribution to the bias currents and weights of (9) becomes:
guarantee the validity of the solution.
Taking into account (8') and (87, the modification w..- =C.n , I,+ = C.n
1J y'1.J YCt
shown in Table I contain no token. As can be verified, this assuming a=1/3 and values of ui=l Vi~[O,l7]and ui=O Vi€
solution produces the best performance for the whole system. [18,23].