Application Form and Documents
Application Form and Documents
Application Form and Documents
A. Type of Request
New Upgrade/Downgrade Disconnection Internal shifting External shifting
Migration from Etisalat Service Migration from Non-Etisalat Service Renew Contract
B. Company Information
Gateway Commercial Brokers LLC
Company Name: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Business Center Bldg Hamdan St. P.O. Box: ....................................................
Billing Address in the UAE: ...................................................................................................................................... 36687 Abu Dhabi
Emirate: .........................................................................
Office No.: ..................................................................................... 100257013100003
Fax No.: ..................................................................................... TAX Registration No. (TRN) : .................................................................................
Technical Contact Details:
°Name: .................................................................................. 0589856089
°Mobile No.: ..................................................................................................
°Email: ......................................................................................................................................
D. Billing Details
By default, bill will be sent to the below email address:
°Email: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Language: English Arabic
For detailed bill, register on the Business Online Portal and access it anytime, or you may also place a
request at 800 5800.
If you require a printed bill please call 800 5800 (Only summary bill will be provided).
Working telephone number in the same office/building*: ........................................................................................ Plot: ............................................. Makani No: ...............................................
G. Packages
Please select your Internet Bundles package on one year contract.
To upgrade/ downgrade your Internet Bundles, please provide your existing account number .................................................................................................. and
select the required package below.
A. High Speed Internet
Unlimited Broadband 100 Mbps 150 Mbps 200 Mbps 300 Mbps 400 Mbps 600 Mbps
Bandwidth Downstream 100 Mbps 150 Mbps 200 Mbps 300 Mbps 400 Mbps 600 Mbps
Bandwidth Upstream 10 Mbps 15 Mbps 20 Mbps 30 Mbps 40 Mbps 60 Mbps
Cloud Firewall (Network Protect) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bundled Business Edge Services*** 1 1 2 2 2 2
Web Storage 100MB 100MB 400MB 400MB 1GB 6GB
Business Emails 20 20 30 30 40 180
Storage per email 250MB 250MB 500MB 500MB 1GB 2GB
Anti-virus Licenses 3 3 3 5 10 30
Switch 1 1
Free Collaborate Line** Collaborate 10 Line Collaborate 30 Line
Domain Name 1 Domain (.ae only)
Main Number 1 Main Number
1 Communicate Line with advanced telephony features such as Video calls,
Bundled Voice Line
Voice calls, Messaging and Presence plus one DID & bundled 100 Flexi Minutes.
Bundled Phone Standard phone: free Cordless phone: + AED 13/month Video phone: + AED 95/month
PABX features such as Auto Attendant (IVR), Hunt Groups, Call Forward Options,
Cloud PABX
Call Conferencing, Voicemail and many more
Rental Charges (AED/month) 995 1,095 1,475 1,875 2,475 3,375
Monthly Contract Charges*
1,295 1,395 1,775 2,175 2,775 3,675
*Monthly contract charges apply from the second year onwards, in case the customer does not renew the contract for another 12 months.
One-time installation charge of AED 200 applicable for new customers.
**Free Collaborate line shall only be provided to Internet Bundles subscriptions with five (5) or more Communicate Lines
***Bundled Business Edge Services
Charges Count of Charges Count of Charges Count of Charges Count of Charges Count of
Voice (AED/Month) Lines (AED/Month) Lines (AED/Month) Lines (AED/ Month) Lines (AED/Month) Lines
110 ____ 85 ____
2 135 ____ 140 ____ 20 ____
*Each Voice Line (except for Extension Line) comes with bundled 100 Flexi Minutes and a Standard Phone.
**Extension Line also comes with a Standard Phone, however, since this line allows voice calls within the copany only, hence, it does not have the bundled
100 Flexi Minutes with it. Each block of 5 voice lines (User voice/ communicate/ collaborate) will allow for subscription of one Extension line.
• For Internet Bundles subscriptions with 2 or more add-on voice lines, one time discount as per the below table shall be posted
in the first bill
Internet Package Bandwidth 100 Mbps 150 Mbps 200 Mbps 300 Mbps 400 Mbps 600 Mbps
One Time Discount (AED) 885 985 1,365 1,765 2,365 3,265
• Please select the phone type for each of the additional voice users selected above (Input the number of phones required
against each phone type*)
12 month Installment
Phone Type
Charges (AED/Month) Count of Phones
Standard Phone NA ____
Network Features
c Enable Port Forwarding c Enable Dynamic DNS
J. Internet Username
(Not applicable for BusinessSuper, BusinessSuper + Voice, Business Quick Start, Business in a Box customers)
1st choice Gatecomm
2nd choice
3rd choice
Username should contain 2-8 characters (can be alphanumeric characters: A-Z or 0-9)
K. Domain name
(Not applicable for BusinessSuper, BusinessSuper + Voice, Business Quick Start, Business in a Box customers)
I have an existing .ae domain ................................................................................................................ .ae OR gatewaytoabudhabi
I want a new .ae domain at no cost
K. Disconnection
L. Required Documents
1. Trade License 5. Tenancy contract
2. Power of Attorney of the signing person 6. Cease Form*
3. Establishment Card (New customers only) 7. Existing non-Etisalat Bill*
4. Valid passport copy/Emirates ID of the sponsor/partner 8. TRN Certificate
*In case of migration from non-Etisalat service.
Terms and Conditions
Business Edge | Internet Bundles
1. INTRODUCTION off-peak fixed to ID charges. All out of bundle usage will be charged on (k) Web Hosting
per second billing pulse.
These specific terms and conditions (“Service Specific Terms”) along with As part of the Web Hosting Service, the Customer may be able to set up his
the General T&Cs (Business) apply in relation to the provision of the Service (f) Cloud Firewall own website(s). The Customer will be responsible for any content or material
by Etisalat to the Customer, in addition to other constituent parts of the that the Customer or anyone authorized by the Customer places on the
Agreement between Etisalat and the Customer. 1) This is a cloud based solution wherein, the Cloud Firewall is hosted Customer’s website. The Customer shall include its contact details (e.g. email
at Etisalat facility without any deployment of firewall devices at the address and location address) clearly on its website(s). Etisalat accepts no
2. DEFINITIONS Customer premise. It also includes security subscriptions and one-time responsibility or liability whatsoever in relation to any Customer website(s)
(a) “Agreement” means the entire contractual agreement between Etisalat automated configuration and ongoing remote support. It offers remote set up using the Service.
and the Customer in respect of the Service, comprising its constituent management by the customer on Etisalat portal (https://businessonline.
parts listed in Clause 2.1 of the General T&Cs (Business), including these or remotely by Etisalat call center. (l) Email Hosting
Service Specific Terms.
2) Default configuration of the Cloud Firewall covers the following: The Email Hosting service is provided subject to a storage quota
(b) “Downgrade Charge” means a charge calculated in the event of a • Basic interface, zone and IP address configuration (inside and outside) communicated by Etisalat. Once the Customer meets or exceeds the quota,
downgrade from a higher speed package to a lower speed package as the incoming emails will be returned to the sender as undeliverable. Etisalat
per Clause 10. • All firewall features provided in the plan accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever in relation to the Customer’s
• Next generation firewall protection for Customer infrastructure use of the Email Hosting Service, including the content of any incoming or
(c) “General T&Cs (Business)” means Etisalat’s general terms and outgoing emails.
conditions for business products and services which are published on • Forward and reverse routing for basic internet access for user LAN
Etisalat’s website and are available through the other communication infrastructure 4. COMMENCEMENT & DURATION
channels referred to in Clause 35 of the General T&Cs (Business). • Internet access for firewall (a) The Agreement has a minimum term of One (1) year (“Minimum Term”),
• Traffic reports which starts on the date on which Etisalat makes the Service available to
(d) “Minimum Term” has the meaning given to it in Clause 4(a).
the Customer (“Activation Date”). Additional Voice Lines have a minimum
3) Impact if Customer continues using his existing firewall in parallel term of one (1) year (Voice Line Minimum Term), which starts on the date
(e) “Service” means the Business Internet Bundles and any of the
that Etisalat activates the additional Voice Lines following a request by
corresponding service packages, further detailed in Clause 3 herein. • Customer can have his own firewall for layer 3 filtering, but next- the Customer.
generation features shall not be enabled as it might lead to faulty
(f) “Cloud Firewall” means a cloud-based firewall which is a network functioning. (b) After the expiry of the Minimum Term, and unless terminated by the
protection service to protect Customer’s resources and assets from Customer in accordance with Clause 8 – Termination by the Customer,
various security threats/attacks arising from the connection to Internet • Customer shall not perform Network Address Translation (NAT) from the Service and the Agreement shall continue on a monthly rolling basis,
or within the IP VPN base network of the Customer. private to public. and the same terms and conditions will continue to apply to the Service.
4) By using the Service, the Customer also accepts the Forcepoint If, following the completion of the Minimum Term, the Customer does
(g) “Managed Device” means a Wi-Fi access point, Digital Signage Media Subscription Agreement at not wish to continue with the Agreement on a monthly rolling basis,
Player or a Managed Business Device as defined in Clause 2(j) below, forcepoint-subscription-agreement the Customer may terminate the Agreement in accordance Clause 8 –
provided by Etisalat as part of the Service. Termination by the Customer.
5) Etisalat will provide login credentials to Etisalat portal, which will
(h) “Managed Wi-Fi Service” means a cloud Wi-Fi solution described in allow the Customer to change the configuration of Cloud Firewall. The (c) Upgrading bandwidth during and after the Minimum Term is possible
Clause 3(g). Customer is solely responsible for any changes he introduces to the without any additional installation Charges. If the Customer downgrades
configuration of Cloud Firewall. bandwidth during the Minimum Term, the Customer shall be required
(i) “Managed Digital Signage Service” means the cloud digital signage to pay an appropriate Downgrade Charge in accordance with Clause 10
6) Customer acknowledges that Etisalat will consider whoever holding the (Downgrade Charges).
service described in Clause 3(h). login credentials and able to log in to the Etisalat Portal, as authenticated
person to make configuration changes. Etisalat shall not be held liable for (d) Upgrading or downgrading bandwidth doesn’t restart the Minimum Term,
(j) “Managed Business Device” means managed laptop, managed tablet making any other verifications. except for the cases where there is change in the number of bundled
or managed smartphone as described in Clause 3(i). Managed Devices from Customer’s existing package to the new package
7) If Customer requires configuration changes, he may carry out the that the customer wishes to subscribe. The monthly rental Charges are
(k) “Managed Device Services” means Managed Wi-Fi Service or Managed configuration changes online on the Etisalat portal. If the Customer is calculated on a pro-rata basis from the date at which the bandwidth
Digital Signage Service as detailed in Clause 9(a) to Clause 9(d). subscribed to a professional service plan under a separate agreement upgrade or downgrade, as applicable, is actually effected by Etisalat.
(such as Etisalat Advanced or Etisalat VIP Plan), he may also reach out
(l) “Digital Signage Network” means the Customer’s group of Digital to Etisalat contact center by providing Etisalat contact center his login
Signage Media Players.
(a) Please see Clause 12 of the General T&Cs (Business) for the charges,
(m) “Digital Signage Portal” means the website that the Customer may (g) Managed Wi-Fi Service billing and payment provisions that apply to the Service.
access to centrally control the content on the Digital Signage Media (b) The monthly rental Charges shall be calculated on a pro rata basis from
Players ( The Customer can upload, 1) The Managed Wi-Fi Service is an integrated hardware, software and
cloud services solution that is powered by Cisco Meraki (the “Third Party the Activation Date until the end of the first billing period. Thereafter,
schedule and publish content to the Digital Signage Media Players and starting from the next billing cycle, the full monthly rental Charge shall
manage the Digital Signage Network. Supplier”). The Managed Wi-Fi Service consists of: (i) a Cisco Meraki
Access Point(s) (“Access Point”); and a (ii) cloud-managed networking be billed monthly in advance.
(n) “Fulfilment Partner” refers to a contractor engaged by Etisalat architecture, including a web-based dashboard (the “Dashboard”) that (c) If the Service is terminated before the completion of any month, the bill
to handle the installation, configuration change requests and enables the Customer to manage the network. To make use of the covering the final billing period will be calculated on a pro rata basis
troubleshooting. Managed Wi-Fi Service, the Customer shall be required to agree and sign from the beginning of the month until the date of the Termination of the
applicable terms and conditions made available by Cisco Meraki. Service.
3. SERVICE DESCRIPTION 2) The Customer understands and acknowledges that the Wi-Fi performance (d) The applicable monthly rental Charges shall be billed monthly in advance
(a) General may vary from site to site and might be affected by concrete structures, and any additional out of bundle usage Charges not covered by the
wall partitions, steel doors, metallic surfaces, temperature, humidity, applicable monthly rental Charges shall be billed monthly in arrears.
The Business Internet Bundles service is an ICT solution for business environmental factors and other equipment in the Customer’s site.
customers offering a converged solution for a unified communications based Etisalat may recommend the Customer to switch-off the built-in Wi- 6. CUSTOMER CREDIT, ADVANCE PAYMENTS & DEPOSITS
telephony service (“UC Voice Service”), fixed line broadband internet (“High Fi in Customer’s ADSL gateway or router permanently to prevent signal
interference and radio frequency pollution at Customer’s site. Please see Clause 13 of the General T&Cs (Business) for the customer credit,
Speed Internet”) with a virtual customer premise equipment (“vCPE”), Cloud
advance payment and deposit provisions that apply to the Service.
Firewall (depending on the subscribed package) and Managed Devices.
(h) Managed Digital Signage Service
1) The Managed Digital Signage Service is an integrated hardware, software ETISALAT
The Service requires that a Customer subscribes to at least one (1) High Speed and cloud services solution provided by the Third Party Supplier. The
(a) Please see Clause 18 of the General T&Cs (Business) for the provisions
Internet line and one (1) voice line or connection of the UC Voice Service. Managed Digital Signage Service consists of: (i) Media Player to plug
governing the suspension, disconnection and termination of the Service
into any TV screen via HDMI cable (“Media Player”); (ii) Remote content
or the Agreement by Etisalat.
(c) Included services management; (iii) Pre-scheduling of content and marketing campaigns
and automated reports of the content played over the Digital Signage (b) Managed Business Devices - Temporary Suspension
The Service includes Domain Name, Web Hosting (including Web Storage), Network.
Email Hosting, Anti-virus licenses for desktop/ laptop and Cloud Firewall 1) Non Payment: In the event that the Customer defaults in the
(depending on the Service package). 2) Cloud storage capacity per Media Player is 1GB. payments to Etisalat, Etisalat shall temporarily suspend the
Managed Business Device from any type of use. The device shall
(d) Service packages 3) The Customer shall be required to read and accept the applicable terms be unsuspended only after the outstanding payments are paid and
and conditions on the Third-Party Supplier’s website, which can be found cleared.
The Service packages vary depending on the bandwidth options for the High on the following domain:
2) Effect of Suspension: Customer will remain liable for all Service
Speed Internet and on the number of voice lines and types of voice packages
rental fees incurred before or during the suspension.
for the UC Voice Service as defined in the Service application form. The (i) Managed Business Devices
maximum number of voice lines is limited to two hundred (200) per site. For 3) Once the payment is cleared, Etisalat may take up to five (5) days
more than four (4) Voice Lines and up to a maximum of two hundred (200), 1) Managed Business Device refers to managed laptop/managed to restore the Customer’s access to the Managed Business Device
the addition of a switch is required. The Customer may use any switch or may smartphone/managed tablet provided by Etisalat to the Customer as part Service. Customer may contact Etisalat business care number 800
separately apply to Etisalat for the provision of additional switch(es) as an of the Service. 5800 after the payments are made for support on restoring the
additional product, not forming part of the Service, described in Clause 9(e) 2) Managed Business Devices provided by Etisalat under the Service are access.
under heading “Additional Switches”. enabled with the device management feature.
(e) UC Voice Service 3) The device management feature of these Managed Business Devices
allows Etisalat to remotely send notifications on due and outstanding (a) The Customer may terminate the Service, by sending to Etisalat a fifteen
1) The UC Voice Service will be preconfigured for use through Etisalat payments and suspend the usage of the Managed Business Device(s) (15) days’ prior written notice. The Customer acknowledges that, upon
provided preconfigured fixed line desk-phones. It can also be used in the event of default in payment of the monthly rental Charges as receipt of the Customer’s termination notice, it may take up to 15 days
(if available in ordered voice package) through computers, laptops, described in Clause 7 (b). to terminate the Customer’s account.
notebooks or smartphones. (b) In the event of termination during the Minimum Term, the Customer shall
(j) Domain Name be obliged to pay an early termination charge to Etisalat, in accordance
2) The access and the use of the UC Voice Service is granted through an
authentication procedure, with user name and password/PIN code, the 1) Etisalat will apply to the relevant regulatory body for the Domain Name with the following calculation:
disclosure of which may allow third parties to use/ mis-use the Services on behalf of the Customer, and there will be no additional cost to the
in the name of the User. Customer for the Domain Name during the Term of the Agreement 1) For High Speed Internet line:
For the UC Voice Service, Etisalat assigns to the Customer a number 2) Minimum period of hire for the domain is one (1) year. (a) The equivalent of one (1) month in monthly rental charges for the
of the UAE National Numbering Plan. For each geographical number High Speed Internet; and
3) Etisalat will renew the Domain Name registration on behalf of the
requested, the Customer must indicate, the domicile where the number Customer on an annual basis, and there will be no additional cost to (b) Charge for the vCPE provided to the Customer, calculated as: AED
will be used. the Customer for the Domain Name renewal during the Term of the 100 X (number of remaining months – 1) of the Minimum Term; and
3) Each Voice Line includes 100 flexi minutes for national fixed to mobile Agreement. (c) Charges for the Managed Devices provided to the Customer shall be
usage or international minutes to any International Destination ("ID”), 4) The provision of a Domain Name shall be subject to the applicable rules calculated as follows: AED 200 X (number of remaining months –
except some black listed ID destinations (View permitted ID destinations relating to domain name registration and/or renewal and the procedures 1) of the Minimum Term of the terminated Managed Device. In the
at and an IP phone and/or rules of the relevant regulatory body applicable from time to time. event of multiple Managed Devices, the applicable Charges will be
device provided at fees specified in the Service Application Form. Out of the sum of the calculations for each Managed Device; and
bundle charges (beyond flexi minutes) for fixed to mobile national calls
(d) Charges for the Switch (if applicable with the Customer’s subscribed
will be standard fixed to mobile charges. Out of bundle charges (beyond
package) provided to the Customer, calculated as: AED 100 X
flexi minutes) for fixed to international calls would be standard 24x7
(number of remaining months - 1) of the Minimum Term.
2) For Voice line 2) Customers are entitled to 10 configuration changes per Access Point (f) Limitation of Liability
per month. Any additional configuration and network changes shall
(a) The equivalent of one (1) month in monthly rental Charges for each Voice be subject to additional charges, which the Customer shall have to UC Voice Service
Line; and negotiate directly with the Fulfilment Partner, and any such additional
configuration and network change is subject to a separate agreement Etisalat shall not be liable for malfunctioning or possible defects with the
(b) Charge for the IP Phone provided to the Customer, calculated as: (AED
between the Customer and the Fulfilment Partner. devices provided. Etisalat shall undertake only repair or substitution of these
15 + IP Phone installment) X (number of remaining months – 1) of the
devices that have manufacturing defects. In any case tampering or breakage
Minimum Term. In the event of multiple IP Phones, the applicable Charge
of the supplied devices by customer will not be covered by Etisalat.
shall be the sum of the calculations for each IP Phone. (c) Installation for Managed Digital Signage Service
(c) The early termination charges on additional Voice Lines shall only Cloud Firewall
As part of the Service, Etisalat/Fulfilment Partner will carry out the following:
be applicable if the Customer elects to terminate the Voice Line
subscriptions before the end of the Voice Line Minimum Term. For the i. Installation of the Managed Digital Signage Service, including cabling (a) Etisalat shall not be held liable for the performance of the Cloud Firewall
avoidance of any doubt, the early termination charges on the Voice Lines from the Media Player to the nearest available Wi-Fi access point. Power in any case, especially if:
shall be applied independently of the High Speed Internet subscription. adapter and WIFI antenna shall be provided for each Media Player. The 1) any new occurrence of intrusion attack/virus patterns,
Termination of the Service results in the termination of every additional Customer is required to make available to Etisalat a power outlet for AC
service such as additional Voice Lines, provision of IP phones, provision adapter no longer than one (1) meter from the screen. HDMI cable shall 2) failure to provide detection and mitigation due to attributes which
of additional switches, domain name, web hosting, email hosting etc. be provided by Etisalat (up to one (1) meter). Additional cabling or passive are beyond any reasonable control of Etisalat ,
work may be charged to the Customer. 3) degraded performance caused by technical faults of the Customer’s
9. OTHER PROVISIONS ii. Configuration of the provided Media Player(s) which includes, connecting network or by configuration changes initiated by the Customer, or
the Media Player(s) to the Wi-Fi/ LAN, mapping the Media Player(s) to 4) any faults or defects caused due to a change in the way the Customer
(a) Installation of Managed Device Services Third Party Supplier’s portal, grouping and naming the Media Player(s) in uses the Service or any part of it.
accordance with the Customer’s preferences.
1) Installation, activation, handling of configuration change requests as
well as troubleshooting shall be provided by Fulfilment Partner. iii. Setting up user accounts through which end users identified by the (b) Etisalat will do default configuration of the Cloud Firewall based on
Customer can access the Digital Signage Portal. vendor’s best practices and to optimize the performance for the HSI.
2) Etisalat will coordinate with Customer to obtain all relevant information In case Customer initiates custom configuration, makes configuration
iv. Brief training to the customer on how to use the Digital Signage Portal to changes or adds more devices to its network, performance might degrade.
needed to carry out standard installation and configuration of the perform the below activities:
Managed Devices. Etisalat shall not be held liable for performance degradation.
a. Uploading content to the library (c) Etisalat shall not be liable for any security incident or breach. Etisalat is
3) Customer shall ensure site readiness to ensure no delay occurs for b. Content management not responsible for material, data or information contained in any third-
installation of the Service. Customer site readiness shall include but not party content.
be limited to the internal structured cabling, main power supply, proper c. Scheduling and pre-scheduling content
ventilation or air conditioning, rack mounting cabinet and the safety (d) Etisalat disclaims all liability whatsoever, for any loss or unavailability of
d. View reports data howsoever caused including without limitation any non-delivery,
environment of all installed Etisalat equipment at the Customer’s site.
misuse/mis-delivery or for any interruption/suspension of the Service or
4) Delivery and installation of Managed Devices will be carried out within (d) Support for Managed Device Services for its contents/accuracy/quality of information made available/received/
three (3) to five (5) business days from the date the High-Speed Internet transmitted.
is provisioned. Etisalat delivery dates are an estimate based on current 1) In the event that a Managed Device (except for the Managed Business
Devices) requires replacement during the term of this Agreement, Etisalat (e) Any misuse or abuse of the Cloud Firewall and any breach or violation
lead times. Etisalat will use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver of the terms & conditions of the Agreement shall be at the sole risk and
the Managed Devices as agreed between the Parties and specified in will replace the defective device within the next business day without
any additional charges, provided that the device has not been altered cost of the Customer. The Customer shall indemnify and hold Etisalat
the Agreement. f) Installation and subsequent relocation/ shifting of the harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, losses, damages,
Services shall only be carried out during normal business hours (Sunday or modified, in any way whatsoever, or suffered any abuse, misuse or
mistreatment by the Customer and that any defects of the device are not costs and expenses incurred by Etisalat resulting directly or indirectly
to Thursday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM / 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM) and shall not be from Customer’s breach of the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
carried out during public holidays. attributed to the Customer or any third party.
However, nothing herein shall be taken or understood as either: (i)
2) In the case of onsite hardware failures and upon the Customer’s request, prohibiting Etisalat or restricting its right to initiate such criminal or
(b) Installation of Managed Wi-Fi Service Etisalat may carry out an on-site inspection. civil proceedings as it may deem appropriate against the Customer (ii)
3) The Customer understands that as part of its customer support, Etisalat restricting Etisalat’s right to terminate the Agreement.
1) As part of the Service, Etisalat or Fulfilment Partner will carry out the may require remote access to the Managed Device, any Etisalat (f) The Customer will be solely liable for any loss as a result of negligence on
following installations: Equipment and the Customer-owned equipment. The Customer agrees to the part of the Customer.
i. Install the Access Points in scope, including cabling from Access provide such remote access as may be required from time to time.
(g) Etisalat would have no liability for any damage caused by errors or
Points to nearest available Ethernet port with an active route to the 4) Etisalat will inform the Customer of any of End-Of-Life support or omissions in any information, instructions or scripts provided to Etisalat
Internet and trunking of this cable. Installation will cover up to forty End-Of-Sale for Managed Devices that are no longer manufactured by the Customer in connection with the Service, or any actions taken by
(40) meters of Ethernet cable. AC power adapter will be provided by the Third Party Supplier. All affected models on End-Of-Sale will Etisalat at Customer's directives.
for each Access Point. The Customer is required to make available be supported until the end of the Term. Customers will be notified of
to Etisalat a power outlet for AC adapter. Subject to a separate the event of End-Of-Life support and upon such notification they shall (h) Etisalat shall not be liable from any rebates/refund to the Customer on
agreement between the Customer and the Fulfilment Partner, contact Etisalat to plan and budget to move to more recent Managed applicable charges should an intrusion attack breach the Customer’s
additional cabling or passive work may be charged to the Customer Device models. network.
at a cost, which shall be agreed between the Customer and the (i) Etisalat will not be liable to the Customer in damages or otherwise for
Fulfilment Partner, depending on the scope of the work required to 5) Where the Managed Device has reached End-Of-Life support during the
Term, Etisalat will replace the existing Managed Device at no additional the loss or damage occasioned by the total or partial interruption or
be carried out. Provided that Etisalat will not be held liable for any disconnection of the Cloud Firewall.
legal consequences or liabilities resulting from the agreement to be cost.
signed between the Fulfilment Partner and the Customer or due from (j) In no event shall Etisalat be liable to the other Party or its employees,
any act of the Fulfillment Partner. (e) Additional Switches directors, agents, contractors, customers or any third party for loss of
revenue or other economic loss or any indirect, incidental, punitive or
ii. Configuration of the Wi-Fi login page, which Etisalat can customize consequential loss whether arising under the Agreement/Contract, tort
for the Customer. During the installation of the Managed Wi-Fi The Customer may purchase additional switches as a separate product, not
forming part of the Service. Additional switches have a minimum term of or otherwise.
Solution the Customer can provide Etisalat with images/URL which
Etisalat can use to customize the guest Wi-Fi login for the Customer; either twenty four (24) months or thirty six (36) months, depending on
and the Customer’s choice, which starts on the date when Etisalat installs the
additional switch(es).
iii. Setting up of user accounts through which end users identified by the
Customer can access a read-only version of the Dashboard.
To Package
100 Mbps 150 Mbps 200 Mbps 300 Mbps 400 Mbps 600 Mbps
100 Mbps NA NA NA NA NA NA
One Month Rent of High Speed One Month Rent of High Speed
Internet + Voice Line + AED 200 X Internet + Voice Line + AED 200 X
200 Mbps NA NA NA NA
(number of remaining months – 1) of (number of remaining months – 1) of
the Minimum Term the Minimum Term
One Month Rent of High Speed One Month Rent of High Speed One Month Rent of
Internet + Voice Line + AED 200 X Internet + Voice Line + AED 200 X High Speed Internet
From Package 300 Mbps NA NA NA
(number of remaining months – 1) of (number of remaining months – 1) of + Voice Line
the Minimum Term the Minimum Term
One Month Rent of High Speed One Month Rent of High Speed One Month Rent of One Month Rent of
Internet + Voice Line + AED 200 X Internet + Voice Line + AED 200 X High Speed Internet High Speed Internet
400 Mbps NA NA
(number of remaining months – 1) of (number of remaining months – 1) of + Voice Line + Voice Line
the Minimum Term the Minimum Term
One Month Rent of High Speed One Month Rent of High Speed One Month Rent of One Month Rent of One Month Rent of
Internet + Voice Line + AED 200 X Internet + Voice Line + AED 200 X High Speed Internet High Speed Internet High Speed Internet
600 Mbps NA
(number of remaining months – 1) of (number of remaining months – 1) of + Voice Line + Voice Line + Voice Line
the Minimum Term the Minimum Term
For Official Use Only
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