Corticosteroid Injections For Painful Shoulder:: A Meta-Analysis
Corticosteroid Injections For Painful Shoulder:: A Meta-Analysis
Corticosteroid Injections For Painful Shoulder:: A Meta-Analysis
ABSTRACT Shoulder pain is a common source of distress. In two
cross-sectional surveys based on patients registered
There are no systematic reviews of corticosteroids for with general practices a prevalence of 11.7% and
shoulder pain that calculate the numbers needed to treat. 15%, respectively, was found.1,2
Aim Six previous reviews of the use of corticosteroid
We wished to determine the effectiveness in terms of
injections in shoulders have found conflicting
improvement of symptoms of intra-articular and
subacromial injections of corticosteroid for rotator cuff results.3-8 There are no systematic reviews of
tendonitis and frozen shoulder. corticosteroids for shoulder pain that calculate the
Design of study numbers needed to treat. A Cochrane review found
Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised
that subacromial steroid injection was effective in
controlled trials.
Method improving range of abduction.3 A Health Technology
Data sources included the Cochrane Controlled Trials Assessment published in 1997 concluded that the
Register, Medline, EMBASE, hand searches and author evidence was less than compelling and reported a
contacts. The review methods required any randomised
number needed to treat of 33, with a confidence
controlled trial in which the effectiveness of subacromial
or intra-articular steroid injections versus placebo and interval (CI) including ‘no benefit’.4 A third review
versus non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, reported that the evidence was scarce and of poor
could be ascertained. The outcome was improvement quality. It did consider ‘improvement’ but did not
of symptoms. The data abstraction was done
independently, as was the validity assessment. The
pool the results.5 The fourth review reported that
data was pooled using Review Manager 4.1. local corticosteroid injections were effective in
Results rotator cuff tendonitis although it was critical of the
Seven studies were reviewed for corticosteroids versus quality of many of the studies.6 There was no pooling
placebo and three for corticosteroids versus non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The relative of results. The fifth review was conducted by the
risk for improvement for subacromial corticosteroid same authors as the Cochrane review.7 They
injection for rotator cuff tendonitis was 3.08 (95% reported that subacromial steroids were better than
confidence interval [CI] = 1.94 to 4.87). The number
placebo in improving the range of abduction.
needed to treat based on the pooled relative risk was 3.3
(95% CI = 1.8 to 7.7) patients to obtain one We consider improvement/remission a more
improvement. The relative risk for high dose (50 mg of important patient outcome than increases in range
prednisone or more) was 5.9 (95% CI = 2.8 to 12.6). The of motion or improvements on pain scales, as it
relative risk for improvement with steroids compared with
NSAIDs was 1.43 (95% CI = 0.95 to 2.16). The number
needed to treat for corticosteroids versus NSAIDs was B Arroll, PhD, FRNZCGP, associate professor of General
2.5 (95% CI = 1 to 9) for one significant study. The
Practice and Primary Health Care; F Goodyear-Smith, MGP,
relative risks for intra-articular steroid injection for rotator
FRNZCGP, senior lecturer in General Practice and Primary
cuff tendonitis were not statistically significant.
Health Care, Department of General Practice and Primary
Health Care, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences,
Subacromial injections of corticosteroids are effective
for improvement for rotator cuff tendonitis up to a University of Auckland.
9-month period. They are also probably more effective
than NSAID medication. Higher doses may be better Address for correspondence
than lower doses for subacromial corticosteroid Associate Professor Bruce Arroll, Department of General
injection for rotator cuff tendonitis. Practice and Primary Health Care, Faculty of Medical and
Keywords Health Sciences, University of Auckland PB 92019,
adrenal cortex hormones; injections; meta-analysis; Auckland, New Zealand. E-mail:
relative risk; review, systematic; shoulder impingement
syndrome; shoulder pain. Submitted: 7 February 2004; Editor’s response: 23 April
2004; final acceptance: 24 May 2004.
©British Journal of General Practice 2005, 55, 224–228.
Supplementary information 5. Van der Heijden GJ, van der Windt DA, Kleijnen J, et al. Steroid
Additional information accompanies this article at injections for shoulder disorders: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials. Br J Gen Pract 1996; 46: 309–316.
Funding body 6. Goupille P, Sibilia J. Local corticosteroid injections in the
treatment of rotator cuff tendinitis (except for frozen shoulder and
This work was funded by the Accident Rehabilitation and
calcific tendinitis). Groupe Rhumatologique Francais de l’Epaule
Compensation Insurance Corporation (G.R.E.P.). Clin Exp Rheumatol 1996; 14: 561–566.
Competing interests 7. Green S, Buchbinder R, Glazier R, Forbes A. Systematic review of
None randomised controlled trials of interventions for painful shoulder:
selection criteria, outcome assessment, and efficacy. BMJ 1998;
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