MEChA Startup Kit
MEChA Startup Kit
MEChA Startup Kit
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan
HISTORY OF MEChA……………………………………………………… 2
MEChA REGIONS…………………………………………………………10
The Chicano Movement, of the late l960s, helped spark cultural and historical pride in
our people. Chicana/os demanded to be treated as equals, denounced acculturation, and
assimilation. Chicana/os expressed their pride through poetry, literature, art, and theatre.
The contributions of the Chicano movement are numerous and continue to be valuable to
our society.
In March of 1969 the Crusade for justice organized the first National Chicano Youth
Conference in Denver, Colorado. At this conference the Plan de Aztlan was drafted;
giving way to the Chicano movement. This document asserts that Chicana/os must work
to better the conditions of their communities.
Following the National Chicano Youth Conference, in April of 1969, over 100
Chicanas/Chicanos met together at the University of California Santa Barbara to
formulate a plan for higher education: El Plan de Santa Barbara. With this document they
were successful in the development of two important contributions to the Chicano
Movement: Movimiento Estudintil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) and Chicano Studies.
MEChA uses El Plan de Santa Barbara and El Plan de Aztlan as guiding documents.
Today, over 35 years after its creation, there are MEChA Chapters from coast to coast,
and there are an even bigger Number of MEChA’s at high schools and junior colleges
throughout the United States.
Our gente still faces the same problems of the 1970’s, Chicana/Chicano junior high, high
school and college push out rates have risen since 1969, forcing many Chicanas and
Chicanos to a life of poverty. These factors along with a growing right wing trend in the
nation are combining to work greater hardships on Chicanas and Chicanos. New
repressive and racist immigration laws are continuously directed at our Gente. Thus
M.E.Ch.A’s spirit of activism is conduced within experience and expression for the
betterment of our community.
In the past, the structure of M.E.Ch.A allowed any individual wanting to organize
a chapter on any particular campus the opportunity to do so. This could occur without
prior knowledge of the history and philosophical objectives of M.E.Ch.A. Thus, vast
numbers of M.E.Ch.A chapters with dissimilar and contradictory objectives as well as
conflicting philosophies.
Recognizing the ineffectiveness of this previous M.E.Ch.A organizational
structure and the philosophical polarity that it allowed, we propose that the following
structure be adopted which makes every Mechista accountable to its chapter, every chapter
accountable to its central (where applicable), every central accountable to its region, every
region accountable to its state (where applicable), and every state accountable to the national
(The Philosophy of MEChA).
MEChA adopts the bottom up structure:
Mechista (Individual)
An individual who adopts the philosophies of MEChA
The group of Mechistas at a College, University or High School campus
A collection of Chapters/Centrales in a particular area or state(s).
National MEChA
Composed of the following ten regions:
Alta Califas Norte, Alta Califas Sur, Calpulli Montañas del Norte, Centro Aztlan, Centro
Califaztlan, Este Aztlan, Mictlampa Cihuatlampa, Tierra Mid-Atl, Pacific Northwest, and
Southeast Tejaztlan.
What is MEChA?
MEChA is an acronym for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan. MEChA is a
National student organization. The goals of MEChA are to promote and recruit students
into higher education, retain our cultural identity, preserve and study our history,
maintain ties with the Chicano community, and become politically active.
Our guiding documents serve as the base for MEChA. They serve to guide our
organization and outline our philosophy and principles. These documents must be
discussed fully by the chapter.
*For a detailed outline on gaining voting rights, contact a voting chapter within the
region or an NMCC representative. Find your region click here.
What is Chicanismo?
Chicanismo involves a personal decision to reject assimilation and work towards the
preservation of our cultural heritage. Therefore, the term Chicano is grounded in a
philosophy, not a nationality. Chicano is a state of mind, not a birthright. Recognizing
that all people are potential Chicanas and Chicanos, we encourage those interested in
developing a total commitment to our movement for self-determination for the people
of Aztlan to join MEChA. (Philosophy of MEChA)
Ten regions make up National MEChA. These regions include: Tierra Mid-Atl, Centro
Aztlan, Pacific Northwest, Mictlampa Cihuatlampa, Southeast Tejaztlan, Alta Califas
Sur, Centro Califaztlan, Alta Califas Norte, Calpuilli Mantanas del Norte, and Este
Aztlan MEChA Region.
National MEChA meets once a year during the spring at the National MEChA
Conference held at alternate regions throughout the nation. The purpose of this
conference shall be to bring all M.E.Ch.A chapters together in an effort to form a
M.E.Ch.A. National Conference structure that advocates a common M.E.Ch.A.
philosophy, works towards unified goals and objectives, and reaffirms the principles of
M.E.Ch.A. to consolidate our Movement.
This section of the Handbook covers setting up, maintaining, and building campus
M.E.Ch.A chapters. We hope that it will provide guidance, structure, and unity of
purpose for new and growing M.E.Ch.A chapters. M.E.Ch.A is much more than a club;
it is a movement founded on the principles of self-determination for the liberation of our
Gente. We believe that political involvement and education is the avenue for change in
our society. In order to do this we need an organized, focused organization with
committed leaders and members who are willing to be role models for our community.
We must be willing to build and demonstrate strong character in mind and body if we
are to accomplish significant change in attitudes and behavior in our families, friends,
acquaintances, and leaders.
4. Structure
You will want to make sure this structure insures that M.E.Ch.A will function
democratically. Most M.E.Ch.A organizations hold democratic election of officers who
are accountable to the general membership and use Robert’s Rules of Order (or Beto’s
Rules of Order) as the form of parliamentary procedure to run meetings. Setting up
committees such as Fundraising and Events or ongoing committees, which focus on
educational rights, political education, or cultural work examples. You may also want to
set up a steering committee/executive committee made up of the elected officers and
committee heads, which can function in a collective manner.
7. M.E.Ch.A. Meetings:
Be organized! No one likes to waste their time. Identify why you are meeting, make an
agenda and follow it, keep members focused, encourage participation, and use a
structured form of procedure in every meeting (most organizations use a form of
Robert’s Rules of Order). At the first meeting, you may want to have a brainstorming
session on the type of social, political, cultural, or educational activities that M.E.Ch.A
can take up, or what issues are of collective and democratic manner, involving as many
students as possible. In this way you will ensure the success of your activities. You can
then make a calendar for M.E.Ch.A activities for the quarter/semester.
8. Integrating members into the activities:
To keep your membership you need to encourage all members to participate. Because of
the conditions we face as a people, many Raza students today have to work, go to class
and study. As stated in EPSB, the strengths, weaknesses, and talents of each member
should be known so that they may be utilized to the greatest advantage. Know one
another. Part of the reason that students will come to the organization is in search of self-
fulfillment. Give that individual the opportunity to show what she/he can do. Although
the Movement stresses collective behavior, it is important that the individual be
recognized and given credit for his/her efforts. When people who work in close
association know one another well, it is more conductive to self-criticism and re-
evaluation, and this every M.E.Ch.A person must be willing to submit to. Periodic self-
criticism often eliminates static cycles of unproductive behavior.
In order to be a MEChA chapter recognized by the Regional, it (the chapter) shall adopt
and abide by the following responsibilities:
Any campus wanting to become a recognized MEChA Chapter must gain its affiliation
and voting rights through their recognized regional. Voting rights within regions vary,
for detailed information contact your region.
Alphabetical order
Centro Aztlan:
The region is comprised of New Mexico, Arizona and El Paso, Texas.
Centro Califaztlan:
The region is composed of chapters within central California, between the Southern
boundary of San Joaquin County to chapters north of Ventura County.
Este Aztlan:
The region is composed of MEChA chapter’s within the District of Columbia,
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont.
Mictlampa Cihuatlampa:
The region is composed of MEChA chapters within the state of Oregon.
Pacific Northwest:
The region is composed of MEChA chapters within the states of Idaho, Alaska,
Washington and Hawaii
Southeast Tejaztlan:
The region is composed of MEChA Chapters within all of Tejas except for the city of El
Tierra Mid-Atl:
Composed of the Midwest states North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas,
Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois,
Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.
The tradition of student organization in the high school level is long standing. Student
organizations serve a viable and an important role in student development and
leadership. El Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), a Chicana/o student
organization which emerged in 1969, contributes to the goals and diversity of the
tradition of student organizations at the high school level. This list is by no way
5. MEChA also provides opportunity for students at a particular school to share and
be connected with other MEChA students at other high schools and colleges. This
opportunity for interaction is important in affording students opportunity for exchanging
ideas seeking mutual, support and sharing a MEChA organizational tradition that
extends throughout the United States. This interaction is supported by State, Regional,
and National MEChA conferences held annually.
7. MEChA, like other organizations provide students opportunity to learn group
dynamics, planning, staging of organizational activities, leadership development, and a
host of other skills transferable to other settings.
8. Since MEChA student organization exist at both high school and college levels,
MEChA serves as an excellent bridge for students making the transition between high
school and college.