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Shia Islam

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Shia Islam

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Shia Islam

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Shia Islam or Shi'ism is one of the two main branches of Islam. It holds that the Islamic

prophet Muhammad designated Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor and the Imam (spiritual and
political leader) after him,[1] most notably at the event of Ghadir Khumm, but was prevented from
succeeding Muhammad as the leader of all Muslims as a result of the choice made by Muhammad's
other companions at Saqifah. This view primarily contrasts with that of Sunni Islam, whose
adherents believe that Muhammad did not appoint a successor before his death and consider Abu
Bakr, who was appointed caliph by a group of senior Muslims at Saqifah, to be the first rightful caliph
after Muhammad.[2] A person observing Shia Islam is called a Shi'ite or Shi'i.
Shia Islam is based on Muhammad's hadith (Ghadir Khumm).[3][4] Shia consider Ali to have been
divinely appointed as the successor to Muhammad, and as the first Imam. The Shia also extend
this Imammah to Muhammad's family, the Ahl al-Bayt ("the people/family of the House"),[5] and some
individuals among his descendants, known as Imams, who they believe possess special spiritual
and political authority over the community, infallibility and other divinely ordained traits.[6] Although
there are many Shia subsects, modern Shia Islam has been divided into two main
groupings: Twelvers and Ismailis, with Twelver Shia being the largest and most influential group
among Shia.[7][8][9]
Shia Islam is the second largest branch of Islam: as of the end of the first decade of the twenty-first
century, Shia Muslims constituted 10–15% of all Muslims. [10] Twelver Shia is the largest branch of
Shia Islam,[11] with 2012 estimates saying that 85% of Shias were Twelvers. [12]

Collectively, adherents of Shia Islam are called the Shīʿah (Arabic: ‫;شِ يعَ ة‬ /ˈʃiːə/), which is short
for Shīʿatu ʿAlī (Arabic:  ّ‫;شِ يعَ ة عَ لِي‬ /ˈʃiːʕatu ˈʕaliː/) meaning "followers of Ali", "faction of Ali", or "party of
Ali";[13][14] Shīʿī ( ّ‫ )شِ يعِي‬denotes both the singular noun and the adjective form, while Shīyāʿ (‫ )شِ يَاع‬refers
to the plural noun.[15] Shiʻa, Shia, Shiʻism/Shiʻite or Shiism/Shiite are the forms used in English, for
adherents, mosques, and things associated with the religion. [16][17]
The term was first used during Muhammad's life. [18] At present, the word refers to the Muslims who
believe that the leadership of the community after Muhammad belongs to Ali and his successors.
Nawbakhti states that the term Shia refers to a group of Muslims that at the time of Muhammad and
after him regarded Ali as the Imam and Caliph. [19] Al-Shahrastani expresses that the term Shia refers
to those who believe that Ali is designated as the Heir, Imam and caliph by Muhammad [20] and that
Ali's authority is maintained through his descendants. [21] For the Shia, this conviction is implicit in the
Quran and the history of Islam. Shia scholars emphasize that the notion of authority is linked to the
family of the prophets as the verses 3:33,34 show: "Indeed, God chose Adam and Noah and the
family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran over the worlds – (33) Descendants, some of them from
others. And God is Hearing and Knowing. (34)"[22]

Succession of Ali
Main articles: Shia view of Ali and Succession to Muhammad
See also: Ali in the Quran
Shia Muslims believe that just as a prophet is appointed by God alone, only God has the prerogative
to appoint the successor to his prophet. They believe God chose Ali to be Muhammad's successor,
infallible, the first caliph (khalifah, head of state) of Islam. The Shia believe that Muhammad
designated Ali as his successor by God's command (Eid Al Ghadir).[23][24]
Ali was Muhammad's first-cousin and closest living male relative as well as his son-in-law, having
married Muhammad's daughter Fatimah.[25][26]
The Party of Ali
Further information: The Four Companions
Even during the time of Muhammad, there were signs of spilt among the companions with Salman
al-Farsi, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, Miqdad, and Ammar ibn Yasir amongst the most vehement and loyal
supporters of Ali.[27][28]
The event of Dhul Asheera
Main article: Hadith of Warning
During the revelation of Ash-Shu'ara, the twenty-sixth Surah of the Quran, in c. 617,[29] Muhammad is
said to have received instructions to warn his family members against adhering to their pre-Islamic
religious practices. There are differing accounts of Muhammad's attempt to do this, with one version
stating that he had invited his relatives to a meal (later termed the Feast of Dhul Asheera), during
which he gave the pronouncement.[30] According to Ibn Ishaq, it consisted of the following speech:
Allah has commanded me to invite you to His religion by saying: And warn thy nearest kinsfolk. I,
therefore, warn you, and call upon you to testify that there is no god but Allah, and that I am His
messenger. O ye sons of Abdul Muttalib, no one ever came to you before with anything better than
what I have brought to you. By accepting it, your welfare will be assured in this world and in
the Hereafter. Who among you will support me in carrying out this momentous duty? Who will share
the burden of this work with me? Who will respond to my call? Who will become my vicegerent, my
deputy and my wazir?[31]
Among those gathered, only Ali offered his consent. Some sources, such as the Musnad Ahmad ibn
Hanbal, do not record Muhammad's reaction to this, though Ibn Ishaq continues that he then
declared Ali to be his brother, heir and successor.[32] In another narration, when Muhammad
accepted Ali's offer, he "threw up his arms around the generous youth, and pressed him to his
bosom" and said, "Behold my brother, my vizir, my vicegerent ... let all listen to his words, and obey
The direct appointment of Ali as heir in this version is notable by the fact it alleges that his right to
succession was established at the very beginning of Muhammad's prophetic activity. The association
with the revelation of a Quranic verse also serves the purpose of providing the nomination with
authenticity as well as a divine authorisation. [34]
Event of Ghadir Khumm
Main article: Event of Ghadir Khumm
The hadith of Ghadir Khumm has many different variations and is transmitted by both Sunni and
Shia sources. The narrations generally state that in March 632, Muhammad, while returning from
his Farewell Pilgrimage alongside a large number of followers and companions, stopped at the oasis
of Ghadir Khumm. There, he took Ali's hand and addressed the gathering. The point of contention
between different sects is when Muhammad, whilst giving his speech, gave the proclamation
"Anyone who has me as his mawla, has Ali as his mawla." Some versions add the additional
sentence "O God, befriend the friend of Ali and be the enemy of his enemy." [35]
Mawla has a number of meanings in Arabic, with interpretations of Muhammad's use here being split
along sectarian lines between the Sunni and Shia. Among the former group, the word is translated
as "friend" or "one who is loyal/close" and that Muhammad was advocating that Ali was deserving of
friendship and respect. Conversely, Shi'ites tend to view the meaning as being "master" or
"ruler"[36] and that the statement was a clear designation of Ali being Muhammad's appointed
successor. Shia sources also record further details of the event, such as stating that those present
congratulated Ali and acclaimed him as Amir al-Mu'minin.[35]

Ali's caliphate
The Investiture of Ali at Ghadir Khumm (MS Arab 161, fol. 162r, AD 1309/8 Ilkhanid manuscript illustration)

When Muhammad died in 632 CE, Ali and Muhammad's closest relatives made the funeral
arrangements. While they were preparing his body, Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abu Ubaidah ibn al
Jarrah met with the leaders of Medina and elected Abu Bakr as caliph. Ali did not accept the
caliphate of Abu Bakr and refused to pledge allegiance to him. This is indicated in
both Sunni and Shia sahih and authentic Hadith.
Ibn Qutaybah, a 9th-century Sunni Islamic scholar narrates of Ali:
I am the servant of God and the brother of the Messenger of God. I am thus more worthy of this
office than you. I shall not give allegiance to you [Abu Bakr & Umar] when it is more proper for you to
give bayʼah to me. You have seized this office from the Ansar using your tribal relationship to the
Prophet as an argument against them. Would you then seize this office from us, the ahl al-bayt by
force? Did you not claim before the Ansar that you were more worthy than they of the caliphate
because Muhammad came from among you (but Muhammad was never from AbuBakr family) – and
thus they gave you leadership and surrendered command? I now contend against you with the same
argument…It is we who are more worthy of the Messenger of God, living or dead. Give us our due
right if you truly have faith in God, or else bear the charge of wilfully doing wrong... Umar, I will not
yield to your commands: I shall not pledge loyalty to him.' Ultimately Abu Bakr said, "O 'Ali! If you do
not desire to give your bay'ah, I am not going to force you for the same.

Great Mosque of Kufa, site of Ali's assassination.

Ali's wife, and daughter of Muhammad, Fatimah, refused to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr and
remained angry with him until she died due to the issues of Fadak and her inheritance from her
father and the situation of Umar at Fatimah's house. This is stated in sahih Sunni Hadith, Sahih
Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Fatimah did not at all pledge allegiance or acknowledge or accept the
caliphate of Abu Bakr.[37] Almost all of Banu Hashim, Muhammad's clan and many of the sahaba, had
supported Ali's cause after the demise of the prophet whilst others supported Abu Bakr.[38][39][40][41][42][43][44]

It was not until the murder of the third caliph, Uthman, in 657 CE that the Muslims in Medina in
desperation invited Ali to become the fourth caliph as the last source,[25] and he established his
capital in Kufah in present-day Iraq.[13]

Ḍarīẖ over Ali's qabr (grave), Mosque of Ali, Najaf

Ali's rule over the early Muslim community was often contested, and wars were waged against him.
As a result, he had to struggle to maintain his power against the groups who betrayed him after
giving allegiance to his succession, or those who wished to take his position. This dispute eventually
led to the First Fitna, which was the first major civil war within the Islamic Caliphate. The Fitna began
as a series of revolts fought against Ali ibn Abi Talib, caused by the assassination of his political
predecessor, Uthman ibn Affan. While the rebels who accused Uthman of prejudice [clarification
 affirmed Ali's khilafa (caliph-hood), they later turned against him and fought him. [25] Ali ruled from
656 CE to 661 CE,[25] when he was assassinated[26] while prostrating in prayer (sujud). Ali's main
rival Muawiyah then claimed the caliphate.[47]
The connection between the Indus Valley and Shia Islam was established by the initial Muslim
missions. According to Derryl N. Maclean, a link between Sindh and Shias or proto-Shias can be
traced to Hakim ibn Jabalah al-Abdi, a companion of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, who traveled
across Sind to Makran in the year 649AD and presented a report on the area to the Caliph. He
supported Ali, and died in the Battle of the Camel alongside Sindhi Jats.[48] He was also a poet and
few couplets of his poem in praise of Ali ibn Abu Talib have survived, as reported in Chachnama: [49]
‫ليس الرزيه بالدينار نفقدة‬
‫ان الرزيه فقد العلم والحكم‬
‫وأن أشرف من اودي الزمان به‬
 ‫أهل العفاف و أهل الجود والكريم‬
"Oh Ali, owing to your alliance (with the prophet) you are truly of high birth, and your example is
great, and you are wise and excellent, and your advent has made your age an age of generosity and
kindness and brotherly love".[51]
During the reign of Ali, many Jats came under the influence of Shi'ism. [52] Harith ibn Murrah Al-abdi
and Sayfi ibn Fil' al-Shaybani, both officers of Ali's army, attacked Sindhi bandits and chased them to
Al-Qiqan (present-day Quetta) in the year 658.[53] Sayfi was one of the seven Shias who were
beheaded alongside Hujr ibn Adi al-Kindi[54] in 660AD, near Damascus.

Hasan ibn Ali

Main article: Hasan ibn Ali
Upon the death of Ali, his elder son Hasan became leader of the Muslims of Kufa, and after a series
of skirmishes between the Kufa Muslims and the army of Muawiyah, Hasan agreed to cede the
caliphate to Muawiyah and maintain peace among Muslims upon certain conditions: [55][56]

1. The enforced public cursing of Ali, e.g. during prayers, should be abandoned

2. Muawiyah should not use tax money for his own private needs
3. There should be peace, and followers of Hasan should be given security and their rights
4. Muawiyah will never adopt the title of Amir al-Mu'minin
5. Muawiyah will not nominate any successor
Hasan then retired to Medina, where in 670 CE he was poisoned by his wife Ja'da bint al-Ash'ath ibn
Qays, after being secretly contacted by Muawiyah who wished to pass the caliphate to his own
son Yazid and saw Hasan as an obstacle. [citation needed]

Husayn ibn Ali

Main article: Husayn ibn Ali

Battle of Karbala, Brooklyn Museum.

Husayn, Ali's younger son and brother to Hasan, initially resisted calls to lead the Muslims against
Muawiyah and reclaim the caliphate. In 680 CE, Muawiyah died and passed the caliphate to his
son Yazid, and breaking the treaty with Hasan ibn Ali. Yazid asked Husayn to swear allegiance
(bay'ah) to him. Ali's faction, having expected the caliphate to return to Ali's line upon Muawiyah's
death, saw this as a betrayal of the peace treaty and so Husayn rejected this request for allegiance.
There was a groundswell of support in Kufa for Husayn to return there and take his position as caliph
and imam, so Husayn collected his family and followers in Medina and set off for Kufa. En route to
Kufa, he was blocked by an army of Yazid's men (which included people from Kufa) near Karbala
(modern Iraq), and Husayn and approximately 72 of his family and followers were killed in the Battle
of Karbala.

Left: The Imam Husayn Shrine; Right: Al Husayn Mosque premises during Arba'een.

The Shia regard Husayn as a martyr (shahid), and count him as an Imam from the Ahl al-Bayt. They
view Husayn as the defender of Islam from annihilation at the hands of Yazid I. Husayn is the last
imam following Ali whom all Shiah sub-branches mutually recognize. [57] The Battle of Karbala is often
cited as the definitive break between the Shia and Sunni sects of Islam, and is commemorated each
year by Shiah Muslims on the Day of Ashura.

Imamate of the Ahl al-Bayt

Main article: Imamah (Shia doctrine)

Zulfiqar with and without the shield. The Fatimid depiction of Ali's sword as carved on the Gates of Old Cairo,
namely Bab al-Nasr shown below. Two swords were captured from the temple of the pagan polytheist
god Manāt during the Raid of Sa'd ibn Zaid al-Ashhali. Muhammad gave them to Ali, saying that one of them
was Zulfiqar, which became the famous sword of Ali and a later symbol of Shiism. [58]

Ali's Sword and shield depiction at Bab al Nasr gate wall, Cairo

Later most of the Shia, including Twelver and Ismaili, became Imamis. Imami Shia believe that
Imams are the spiritual and political successors to Muhammad. [citation needed] Imams are human
individuals who not only rule over the community with justice, but also are able to keep and interpret
the divine law and its esoteric meaning. The words and deeds of Muhammad and the imams are a
guide and model for the community to follow; as a result, they must be free from error and sin, and
must be chosen by divine decree, or nass, through Muhammad.[59][60]
According to this view, there is always an Imam of the Age, who is the divinely appointed authority
on all matters of faith and law in the Muslim community. Ali was the first imam of this line, the rightful
successor to Muhammad, followed by male descendants of Muhammad through his daughter
Fatimah.[citation needed]
Imam Reza shrine

This difference between following either the Ahl al-Bayt (Muhammad's family and descendants) or
Caliph Abu Bakr has shaped Shia and non-Shia views on some of the Quranic verses, the hadith
(narrations from Muhammad) and other areas of Islam. For instance, the collection of hadith
venerated by Shia Muslims is centered on narrations by members of the Ahl al-Bayt and their
supporters, while some hadith by narrators not belonging to or supporting the Ahl al-Bayt are not
included. Those of Abu Hurairah, for example, Ibn Asakir in his Ta'rikh Kabir and Muttaqi in his
Kanzu'l-Umma report that Caliph Umar lashed him, rebuked him and forbade him to narrate hadith
from Muhammad. Umar said: "Because you narrate hadith in large numbers from the Holy Prophet,
you are fit only for attributing lies to him. (That is, one expects a wicked man like you to utter only
lies about the Holy Prophet.) So you must stop narrating hadith from the Prophet; otherwise, I will
send you to the land of Dus." (A clan in Yemen, to which Abu Huraira belonged.) According to
Sunnis, Ali was the fourth successor to Abu Bakr, while the Shia maintain that Ali was the first
divinely sanctioned "Imam", or successor of Muhammad. The seminal event in Shia history is the
martyrdom in 680 CE at the Battle of Karbala of Ali's son Hussein ibn Ali, who led a non-allegiance
movement against the defiant caliph (71 of Hussein's followers were killed as well). It is believed in
Twelver and Ismaili Shia Islam that 'aql, divine wisdom, was the source of the souls of the prophets
and imams and gave them esoteric knowledge called ḥikmah and that their sufferings were a means
of divine grace to their devotees.[61][62] Although the imam was not the recipient of a divine revelation,
he had a close relationship with God, through which God guides him, and the imam, in turn, guides
the people. Imamate, or belief in the divine guide, is a fundamental belief in the Twelver and Ismaili
Shia branches and is based on the concept that God would not leave humanity without access to
divine guidance.[63]

Imam of the time, last Imam of the Shia

The Mahdi is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for seven, nine or nineteen years
(according to differing interpretations) before the Day of Judgment and will rid the world of evil.
According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi's tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ (Isa), who is to assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the "false Messiah" or
Antichrist). Jesus, who is considered the Masih (Messiah) in Islam, will descend at the point of a
white arcade, east of Damascus, dressed in yellow robes with his head anointed. He will then join
the Mahdi in his war against the Dajjal, where Mahdi slay Dajjal and unite mankind.
Main article: History of Shia Islam

Ghazan and his brother Öljaitü both were tolerant of sectarian differences within the boundaries of Islam, in
contrast to the traditions of Genghis Khan.

Historians dispute the origin of Shia Islam, with many Western scholars positing that Shiism began
as a political faction rather than a truly religious movement. [64][65] Other scholars disagree, considering
this concept of religious-political separation to be an anachronistic application of a Western concept.

Main article: List of Shia dynasties
In the century following the Battle of Karbala (680 CE), as various Shia-affiliated groups diffused in
the emerging Islamic world, several nations arose based on a Shia leadership or population.

 Idrisids (788–985 CE): a Zaydi dynasty in what is now Morocco

 Qarmatians (899–1077 CE): an Ismaili Iranian dynasty. Their headquarters were in East
Arabia and Bahrain. It was founded by Abu Sa'id al-Jannabi.
 Buyids (934–1055 CE): a Twelver Iranian dynasty. at its peak consisted of large portions of
modern Iraq and Iran.
 Uqaylids (990–1096 CE): a Shia Arab dynasty with several lines that ruled in various parts
of Al-Jazira, northern Syria and Iraq.
 Ilkhanate (1256–1335): a Persianate Mongol khanate established in Persia in the 13th
century, considered a part of the Mongol Empire. The Ilkhanate was based, originally,
on Genghis Khan's campaigns in the Khwarezmid Empire in 1219–1224, and founded by
Genghis's grandson, Hulagu, in territories which today comprise most of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, and Pakistan. The Ilkhanate initially
embraced many religions, but was particularly sympathetic to Buddhism and Christianity. Later
Ilkhanate rulers, beginning with Ghazan in 1295, embraced Islam his brother Öljaitü promoted
Shia Islam.[clarification needed]
 Bahmanis (1347–1527): a Shia Muslim state of the Deccan in southern India and one of the
great medieval Indian kingdoms.[67] Bahmanid Sultanate was the first independent Islamic
Kingdom in South India.[68]

The Fatimid Caliphate at its peak

Fatimid Caliphate

Al Hakim Mosque, Islamic Cairo.

 Fatimids (909–1171 CE): Controlled much of North Africa, the Levant, parts

of Arabia and Mecca and Medina. The group takes its name from Fatima, Muhammad's
daughter, from whom they claim descent.
 In 909 CE the Shiite military leader Abu Abdallah al-Shiʻi, overthrew the Sunni ruler in
Northern Africa; which began the Fatimid regime. [69]
 Jawhar (general) (Arabic: ‫;جوهر‬ fl. 966–d. 992) was a Fatimid general. Under the command of
Caliph Al-Mu'izz, he led the conquest of North Africa and then of Egypt,[70] founded the city
of Cairo[71] and the great al-Azhar Mosque. A Greek slave by origin, he was freed by Al-Mu'izz.[72]
Safavid Empire
Main articles: Safavid dynasty, Safavid conversion of Iran to Shia Islam, and Ideology of Safavids
One of Shah Ismail I of Safavid dynasty first actions was the proclamation of the Twelver sect of Shia Islam to
be the official religion of his newly formed state, causing sectarian tensions in the Middle East when he
destroyed the tombs of Abū Ḥanīfa and the Sufi Abdul Qadir Gilani in 1508.[73] In 1533, Ottomans, upon their
conquest of Iraq, rebuilt various important Sunni shrines.[74]

A major turning point in Shia history was the Safavid dynasty (1501–1736) in Persia. This caused a
number of changes in the Muslim world:

 The ending of the relative mutual tolerance between Sunnis and Shias that existed from the
time of the Mongol conquests onwards and the resurgence of antagonism between the two
 Initial dependence of Shiite clerics on the state followed by the emergence of an
independent body of ulama capable of taking a political stand different from official policies. [75]
 The growth in importance of Iranian centers of religious learning and change from Twelver
Shiism being a predominantly Arab phenomenon.[76]
 The growth of the Akhbari School which preached that only the Quran, hadith are to be
bases for verdicts, rejecting the use of reasoning.
With the fall of the Safavids, the state in Persia—including the state system of courts with
government-appointed judges (qadis)—became much weaker. This gave the Sharia courts
of mujtahids an opportunity to fill the legal vacuum and enabled the ulama to assert their judicial
authority. The Usuli School also increased in strength at this time. [77]
 The declaration of Shiism as the state religion of the Safavid dynasty in Persia.

Monument commemorating the Battle of Chaldiran, where more than
7000 Muslims of Shia and Sunni sects were killed in battle.

Battle of Chaldiran in 1514, was a major sectarian crisis in the Middle East.

Beliefs and Practices

Main article: Shia Islamic beliefs and practices
The Shia Islamic faith is vast and inclusive of many different groups. [13] Shia Islam embodies a
completely independent system of religious interpretation and political authority in the Muslim world.
 The original Shia identity referred to the followers of Imam Ali,[80] and Shia theology was
formulated in the 2nd century AH, or after Hijra (8th century CE).[81] The first Shia governments and
societies were established by the end of the 3rd century AH/9th century CE. The 4th century AH
/10th century CE has been referred to by Louis Massignon as "the Shiite Ismaili century in the
history of Islam".[82]
Profession of faith (Shahadah)
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Kalema at Qibla of the Mosque of Ibn Tulun in Cairo, Egypt with phrase "Ali-un-Waliullah"

The Shia version of the Shahada, the Islamic profession of faith, differs from that of the Sunni. The
Sunni Shahada states There is no god except God, Muhammad is the messenger of God, but to this
the Shia append Ali is the Wali (custodian) of God, ‫علي ولي هللا‬. This phrase embodies the Shia
emphasis on the inheritance of authority through Muhammad's lineage. The three clauses of the
Shia Shahada thus address tawhid (the unity of God), nubuwwah (the prophethood of Muhammad),
and imamah (imamate, the leadership of the faith).
The basis of Ali as the "wali" is taken from a specific verse of the quran . [83] A more detailed
discussion of this verse is available. [84][circular reference]
Infallibility (Ismah)
Main article: Ismah

Ali is credited as the first male to convert to Islam.

Ismah is the concept of infallibility or "divinely bestowed freedom from error and sin" in Islam.
 Muslims believe that Muhammad and other prophets in Islam possessed ismah. Twelver and
Ismaili Shia Muslims also attribute the quality to Imams as well as to Fatimah, daughter of
Muhammad, in contrast to the Zaidi, who do not attribute 'ismah to the Imams. [86] Though initially
beginning as a political movement, infallibility and sinlessness of the imams later evolved as a
distinct belief of (non-Zaidi) Shiism. [87]
According to Shia theologians, infallibility is considered a rational necessary precondition for spiritual
and religious guidance. They argue that since God has commanded absolute obedience from these
figures they must only order that which is right. The state of infallibility is based on the Shia
interpretation of the verse of purification.[88][89] Thus, they are the most pure ones, the only immaculate
ones preserved from, and immune to, all uncleanness. [90] It does not mean that supernatural powers
prevent them from committing a sin, but due to the fact that they have absolute belief in God, they
refrain from doing anything that is a sin.[91]
They also have a complete knowledge of God's will. They are in possession of all knowledge
brought by the angels to the prophets (nabi) and the messengers (rasul). Their knowledge
encompasses the totality of all times. They thus act without fault in religious matters. [92] Shias regard
Ali as the successor of Muhammad not only ruling over the community in justice, but also
interpreting Islamic practices and its esoteric meaning. Hence he was regarded as being free from
error and sin (infallible), and appointed by God by divine decree (nass) to be the first Imam.[93] Ali is
known as "perfect man" (al-insan al-kamil) similar to Muhammad, according to Shia viewpoint.[94]
Occultation (Ghaybah)
Main article: The Occultation
The Occultation is a belief in some forms of Shia Islam that a messianic figure, a hidden imam
known as the Mahdi, will one day return and fill the world with justice. According to the Twelver Shia,
the main goal of Mahdi will be to establish an Islamic state and to apply Islamic laws that were
revealed to Muhammad. The Quran does not have the verses on Imamate, which is the basic
doctrine of Shia Islam.[95]
Some Shia, such as the Zaidi and Nizari Ismaili, do not believe in the idea of the Occultation. The
groups which do believe in it differ as to which lineage of the Imamate is valid, and therefore which
individual has gone into occultation. They believe there are many signs that will indicate the time of
his return.
Twelver Shia Muslims believe that the Mahdi (the twelfth imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi) is already on
Earth, is in occultation and will return at the end of time. Fatimid/ Bohra/ Dawoodi Bohra believe the
same but for their 21st Tayyib, whereas Sunnis believe the future Mahdi has not yet arrived on
It is believed that the armaments and sacred items of all of the Prophets, including Muhammad,
were handed down in succession to the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt. In Kitab al-Kafi, Ja'far al-
Sadiq mentions that "with me are the arms of the Messenger of Allah. It is not disputable." [97]
Further, he claims that with him is the sword of the Messenger of God, his coat of arms, his Lamam
(pennon) and his helmet. In addition, he mentions that with him is the flag of the Messenger of God,
the victorious. With him is the Staff of Moses, the ring of Solomon, son of David, and the tray on
which Moses used to offer his offerings. With him is the name that whenever the Messenger of God
would place it between the Muslims and pagans no arrow from the pagans would reach the Muslims.
With him is the similar object that angels brought.[97]
Al-Sadiq also narrates that the passing down of armaments is synonymous to receiving the Imamat
(leadership), similar to how the Ark in the house of the Israelites signaled prophet-hood.[97]
Imam Ali al-Ridha narrates that wherever the armaments among us would go, knowledge would also
follow and the armaments would never depart from those with knowledge (Imamat). [97]
Hadith tradition
The Shia believe that the status of Ali is supported by numerous hadith, including the Hadith of the
pond of Khumm, Hadith of the two weighty things, Hadith of the pen and paper, Hadith of the
invitation of the close families, and Hadith of the Twelve Successors. In particular, the Hadith of the
Cloak is often quoted to illustrate Muhammad's feeling towards Ali and his family by both Sunni and
Shia scholars. Shias prefer hadith attributed to the Ahl al-Bayt and close associates, and have their
own separate hadith canon.[98][99]

Shia religious practices, such as prayers, differ only slightly from the Sunnis'. While all Muslims
pray five times daily, Shias have the option of combining Dhuhr with Asr and Maghrib with Isha', as
there are three distinct times mentioned in the Quran. The Sunnis tend to combine only under
certain circumstances.[100][101]

Main article: List of countries by Muslim population

Islam by country     Sunni     Shias   Ibadi
Map of the Muslim world's schools of jurisprudence.[102]

According to Shia Muslims, one of the lingering problems in estimating Shia population is that unless
Shia form a significant minority in a Muslim country, the entire population is often listed as Sunni.
The reverse, however, has not held true, which may contribute to imprecise estimates of the size of
each sect. For example, the 1926 rise of the House of Saud in Arabia brought official discrimination
against Shia.[103] Shiites are estimated to be 21% of the Muslim population in South Asia, although the
total number is difficult to estimate due to that reason. [104] It is estimated that 15%[105][106][107][108] of
the world's Muslims are Shia. They may number up to 200 million as of 2009.[107]
Shias form a majority of the population in Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Iran, and Iraq,[109][110] as well as a
plurality in Lebanon. Shias constitute 36.3% of the entire population (and 38.6% of the Muslim
population) of the Middle East.[111]
Shia Muslims constitute 27-35% of the population in Lebanon, and as per some estimates from
35%[109][112] to over 35–40% of the population in Yemen, [113] 30%–35% of the citizen population in
Kuwait (no figures exist for the non-citizen population), [114][115] over 20% in Turkey,[107][116] 5–20% of the
population in Pakistan,[117][107] and 10–19% of Afghanistan's population.[118][119]
Saudi Arabia hosts a number of distinct Shia communities, including the Twelver Baharna in
the Eastern Province and Nakhawila of Medina, and the Ismaili Sulaymani and Zaidiyyah of Najran.
Estimations put the number of Shiite citizens at 2–4 million, accounting for roughly 15% of the local
population.[120][better  source  needed]
Significant Shia communities exist in the coastal regions of West Sumatra and Aceh in Indonesia
(see Tabuik).[121] The Shia presence is negligible elsewhere in Southeast Asia, where Muslims are
predominantly Shafi'i Sunnis.
A significant Shia minority is present in Nigeria, made up of modern-era converts to a Shia
movement centered around Kano and Sokoto states.[107][108][122] Several African countries like Kenya,
 South Africa,[124] Somalia,[125] etc. hold small minority populations of various Shia denominations,
primarily descendants of immigrants from South Asia during the colonial period, such as the Khoja.

Significant populations worldwide

Distribution of global Shia Muslim population by continent

  Asia (93.3%)
  Africa (4.4%)
  Europe (1.5%)
  Americas (0.7%)
  Australia (0.1%)
Figures indicated in the first three columns below are based on the October 2009 demographic study
by the Pew Research Center report, Mapping the Global Muslim Population.[107][108]

Distribution of global Shia Muslim population by country

  Iran (37%)
  Iraq (11%)
  Pakistan (10%)
  India (9%)
  Yemen (5%)
  Turkey (4%)
  Azerbaijan (3%)
  Afghanistan (2%)
  Syria (2%)
  Saudi Arabia (1%)
  Other (16%)

Main articles: Anti-Shiism and Shia–Sunni relations
The history of Sunni-Shia relations has often involved violence, dating back to the earliest
development of the two competing sects. At various times Shia groups have faced persecution. [139][140]

Militarily established and holding control over the Umayyad government, many Sunni rulers
perceived the Shia as a threat—to both their political and their religious authority. [145] The Sunni rulers
under the Umayyads sought to marginalize the Shia minority, and later the Abbasids turned on their
Shia allies and imprisoned, persecuted, and killed them. The persecution of the Shia throughout
history by Sunni co-religionists has often been characterized by brutal and genocidal acts.
Comprising only about 10–15% of the entire Muslim population, the Shia remain a marginalized
community to this day in many Sunni Arab dominant countries without the rights to practice their
religion and organize.[146]
In 1514 the Ottoman sultan, Selim I, ordered the massacre of 40,000 Anatolian Shia.[147] According
to Jalal Al-e-Ahmad, "Sultan Selim I carried things so far that he announced that the killing of one
Shiite had as much otherworldly reward as killing 70 Christians." [148]
In 1801 the Al Saud-Wahhabi armies attacked and sacked Karbala, the Shia shrine in eastern Iraq
that commemorates the death of Husayn.[149]
Under Saddam Hussein's regime, 1968 to 2003, in Iraq, Shia Muslims were heavily arrested,
tortured and killed.[150]
In March 2011, the Malaysian government declared the Shia a "deviant" sect and banned Shia from
promoting their faith to other Muslims, but left them free to practice it themselves privately. [151][152]

Main article: Shia days of remembrance
Shias celebrate the following annual holidays:

 Eid ul-Fitr, which marks the end of fasting during the month of Ramadan
 Eid al-Adha, which marks the end of the Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca
 Eid al-Ghadeer, which is the anniversary of the Ghadir Khum, the occasion when
Muhammad announced Ali's Imamate before a multitude of Muslims. [153] Eid al-Ghadeer is held
on the 18th of Dhu al-Hijjah.
 The Mourning of Muharram and the Day of Ashura for Shia commemorates Husayn ibn Ali's
martyrdom. Husayn was a grandson of Muhammad who was killed by Yazid ibn Muawiyah.
Ashurah is a day of deep mourning which occurs on the 10th of Muharram.
 Arba'een commemorates the suffering of the women and children of Husayn ibn Ali's
household. After Husayn was killed, they were marched over the desert, from Karbala (central
Iraq) to Shaam (Damascus, Syria). Many children (some of whom were direct descendants of
Muhammad) died of thirst and exposure along the route. Arbaein occurs on the 20th of Safar, 40
days after Ashurah.
 Mawlid, Muhammad's birth date. Unlike Sunni Muslims, who celebrate the 12th of Rabi' al-
awwal as Muhammad's birthday or deathday (because they assert that his birth and death both
occur in this week), Shia Muslims celebrate Muhammad's birthday on the 17th of the month,
which coincides with the birth date of the sixth imam, Ja'far al-Saadiq. [154] Wahhabis do not
celebrate Muhammad's birthday, believing that such celebrations constitute a bidʻah.[155]
 Fatimah's birthday on 20th of Jumada al-Thani. This day is also considered as the "'women
and mothers' day"[156]
 Ali's birthday on 13th of Rajab.
 Mid-Sha'ban is the birth date of the 12th and final Twelver imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi. It is
celebrated by Shia Muslims on the 15th of Sha'aban.
 Laylat al-Qadr, anniversary of the night of the revelation of the Quran.
 Eid al-Mubahila celebrates a meeting between the Ahl al-Bayt (household of Muhammad)
and a Christian deputation from Najran. Al-Mubahila is held on the 24th of Dhu al-Hijjah.
Holy sites
Main article: Holiest sites in Islam (Shia)
The four holiest sites to Muslims are Mecca (Al-Haram Mosque), Medina (Al-Nabbawi Mosque),
Jerusalem (Al-Aqsa Mosque), and Kufa (Kufa Mosque). In addition for Shias, the Imam Husayn
Shrine, Al Abbas Mosque in Karbala, and Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf are also highly revered.
Other venerated sites include Wadi-us-Salaam cemetery in Najaf, Al-Baqi' cemetery in
Medina, Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad, Kadhimiya Mosque in Kadhimiya, Al-Askari
Mosque in Samarra, Sahla Mosque and Great Mosque of Kufa in Kufa and several other sites in the
cities of Qom, Susa and Damascus.
Most of the Shia holy places in Saudi Arabia have been destroyed by the warriors of the Ikhwan, the
most notable being the tombs of the Imams in the Al-Baqi' cemetery in 1925. [157] In 2006, a bomb
destroyed the shrine of Al-Askari Mosque. [158]

The Shia belief throughout its history split over the issue of the Imamate. The largest branch are the
Twelvers, followed by the Zaidi, and the Ismaili. All three groups follow a different line of Imamate.

Main article: Twelver
Twelver Shia or the Ithnā'ashariyyah' is the largest branch of Shia Islam, and the term Shia
Muslim often refers to the Twelvers by default. The term Twelver is derived from the doctrine of
believing in twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as The Twelve Imams. Twelver Shia are also
known as Imami or Ja'fari, originated from the name of the 6th Imam, Ja'far al-Sadiq, who elaborated
the Twelver jurisprudence.[159]
Twelvers constitute the majority of the population in Iran (90%),[160] Azerbaijan (85%),[13][161] Bahrain
(70%), Iraq (65%), Lebanon (65% of Muslims).[162][163][164]

Names of all 12 Imams (descendants of Imam Ali) written in the form of Arabic name ‫على‬ 'Ali'

Twelver doctrine is based on five principles.[165] These five principles known as Usul ad-Din are as

1. Monotheism, God is one and unique.

2. Justice, the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, fairness, and equity, along with the
punishment of the breach of these ethics.
3. Prophethood, the institution by which God sends emissaries, or prophets, to guide mankind.
4. Leadership, a divine institution which succeeded the institution of Prophethood. Its
appointees (imams) are divinely appointed.
5. Last Judgment, God's final assessment of humanity.
More specifically, these principles are known as Usul al-Madhhab (principles of the Shia sect)
according to Twelver Shias which differ from Daruriyat al-Din (Necessities of Religion) which are
principles in order for one to be a Muslim. The Necessities of Religion do not include Leadership
(Imamah) as it is not a requirement in order for one to be recognized as a Muslim. However, this
category, according to Twelver scholars like Ayatollah al-Khoei, does include belief in God,
Prophethood, the Day of Resurrection and other "necessities" (like belief in angels). In this regard,
Twelver Shias draw a distinction in terms of believing in the main principles of Islam on the one
hand, and specifically Shia doctrines like Imamah on the other.
Besides the Quran which is common to all Muslims, the Shia derive guidance from books of
traditions ("ḥadīth") attributed to Muhammad and the Twelve Imams. Below is a list of some of the
most prominent of these books:
 Nahj al-Balagha by Ash-Sharif Ar-Radhi[168][169][170] – the most famous collection of sermons,
letters & narration attributed to Ali, the first Imam regarded by Shias
 al-Kafi by Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni[171]
 Wasa'il al-Shiʻah by al-Hurr al-Amili
The Twelve Imams
See also: The Twelve Imams and Sunni reports about there being 12 successors to the Prophet
The Twelve Imams are the spiritual and political successors to Muhammad for the Twelvers. [citation
 According to the theology of Twelvers, the successor of Muhammad is an infallible human
individual who not only rules over the community with justice but also is able to keep and interpret
the divine law and its esoteric meaning. The words and deeds of Muhammad and the imams are a
guide and model for the community to follow; as a result, they must be free from error and sin, and
Imams must be chosen by divine decree, or nass, through Muhammad.[59][60] Each imam was the son
of the previous imam, with the exception of Hussein ibn Ali, who was the brother of Hasan ibn Ali.
[citation needed]
 The twelfth and final imam is Muhammad al-Mahdi, who is believed by Twelvers to be
currently alive and in occultation. [63]
Main article: Ja'fari jurisprudence
See also: Shia clergy
The Twelver jurisprudence is called Ja'fari jurisprudence. In this jurisprudence Sunnah is considered
to be the oral traditions of Muhammad and their implementation and interpretation by the twelve
Imams. There are three schools of Ja'fari jurisprudence: Usuli, Akhbari, and Shaykhi. The Usuli
school is by far the largest of the three. Twelver groups that do not follow Ja'fari jurisprudence
include Alevi, Bektashi, and Qizilbash.
The five primary pillars of Islam to the Ja'fari jurisprudence, known as Usul' ad-Din. They are at
variance with the standard Sunni "five pillars of religion". The Shia's primary "pillars" are:

1. Tawhid or oneness of God.

2. Nubuwa prophethood of Muhammad.
3. Mu'ad resurrection.
4. Adl justice (of God)
5. Imama the rightful place of the Shia Imams
In Ja'fari jurisprudence, there are eight secondary pillars, known as Furu' ad-Din, which are as

1. Prayer
2. Fasting
3. Pilgrimage to Mecca
4. Alms giving
5. Struggle for the righteous cause
6. Directing others towards good
7. Directing others away from evil
8. Khums (20% tax on savings yearly, {after deduction of commercial expenses.})
According to Twelvers, defining and interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence is the responsibility of
Muhammad and the twelve Imams. As the 12th Imam is in occultation, it is the duty of clerics to refer
to the Islamic literature such as the Quran and hadith and identify legal decisions within the confines
of Islamic law to provide means to deal with current issues from an Islamic perspective. In other
words, Twelver clerics provide Guardianship of the Islamic Jurisprudence, which was defined by
Muhammad and his twelve successors. This process is known as Ijtihad and the clerics are known
as Marja', meaning reference. The labels Allamah and Ayatollah are in use for Twelver clerics.

Zaidi (Fiver)
Main article: Zaidiyyah
Zaidiyya, Zaidism or Zaydi is a Shia school named after Zayd ibn Ali. Followers of the Zaidi fiqh are
called Zaidis (or occasionally Fivers). However, there is also a group called Zaidi Wasītīs who are
Twelvers (see below). Zaidis constitute roughly 42–47% of the population of Yemen. [173][174]
The Zaydis, Twelvers, and Ismailis all recognize the same first four Imams; however, the Zaidis
consider Zayd ibn Ali as the fifth. After the time of Zayd ibn Ali, the Zaidis believed that any
descendant of Hasan ibn Ali or Hussein ibn Ali could be imam after fulfilling certain conditions.
 Other well-known Zaidi Imams in history were Yahya ibn Zayd, Muhammad al-Nafs al-
Zakiyya and Ibrahim ibn Abdullah.
The Zaidi doctrine of Imamah does not presuppose the infallibility of the imam nor that the Imams
receive divine guidance. Zaidis also do not believe that the Imamate must pass from father to son
but believe it can be held by any Sayyid descended from either Hasan ibn Ali or Hussein ibn Ali (as
was the case after the death of Hasan ibn Ali). Historically, Zaidis held that Zayd was the rightful
successor of the 4th imam since he led a rebellion against the Umayyads in protest of their tyranny
and corruption. Muhammad al-Baqir did not engage in political action, and the followers of Zayd
believed that a true imam must fight against corrupt rulers.
In matters of Islamic jurisprudence, the Zaydis follow Zayd ibn Ali's teachings which are documented
in his book Majmu'l Fiqh (in Arabic: ‫)مجموع الفِقه‬. Al-Hadi ila'l-Haqq Yahya, founder of the Zaydi state
in Yemen, is seen as the codifier of Zaydi fiqh and as such most Zaydis today are known as
The Idrisids (Arabic: ‫ )األدارسة‬were Arab[176] Zaydi Shia[177][178][179][180][181][182] dynasty in the
western Maghreb ruling from 788 to 985 CE, named after its first sultan, Idris I.
A Zaydi state was established in Gilan, Deylaman and Tabaristan (northern Iran) in 864 CE by
the Alavids;[183] it lasted until the death of its leader at the hand of the Samanids in 928 CE. Roughly
forty years later the state was revived in Gilan and survived under Hasanid leaders until 1126 CE.
Afterwards, from the 12th to 13th centuries, the Zaydis of Deylaman, Gilan and Tabaristan then
acknowledged the Zaydi Imams of Yemen or rival Zaydi Imams within Iran.[184]
The Buyids were initially Zaidi[185] as were the Banu Ukhaidhir rulers of al-Yamama in the 9th and
10th centuries.[186] The leader of the Zaydi community took the title of Caliph. As such, the ruler of
Yemen was known as the Caliph, al-Hadi Yahya bin al-Hussain bin al-Qasim ar-Rassi Rassids (a
descendant of Hasan ibn Ali the son of Ali) who, at Sa'dah, in 893–7 CE, founded the Zaydi
Imamate, and this system continued until the middle of the 20th century, when the revolution of 1962
CE deposed the Zaydi Imam. The founding Zaidism of Yemen was of the Jarudiyya group; however,
with increasing interaction with Hanafi and Shafi'i rites of Sunni Islam, there was a shift from the
Jarudiyya group to the Sulaimaniyya, Tabiriyya, Butriyya or Salihiyya groups. [187] Zaidis form the
second dominant religious group in Yemen. Currently, they constitute about 40–45% of the
population in Yemen. Ja'faris and Isma'ilis are 2–5%.[188] In Saudi Arabia, it is estimated that there are
over 1 million Zaydis (primarily in the western provinces).
Currently the most prominent Zaydi movement is the Houthis movement, known by the name
of Shabab Al Mu'mineen (Believing Youth) or AnsarAllah (Partisans of God). In 2014–2015 Houthis
took over the government in Sana'a, which led to the fall of the Saudi Arabian-backed government
of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.[189] Houthis and their allies gained control of a significant part of
Yemen's territory and were resisting the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen seeking to restore
Hadi in power. Both the Houthis and the Saudi Arabian-led coalition were being attacked by
the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[190][191]

Main article: Isma'ilism
Ismailis gain their name from their acceptance of Isma'il ibn Jafar as the divinely appointed spiritual
successor (Imam) to Ja'far al-Sadiq, wherein they differ from the Twelvers, who accept Musa al-
Kadhim, younger brother of Isma'il, as the true Imam.
After the death or Occultation of Muhammad ibn Ismaill in the 8th century, the teachings of Ismailism
further transformed into the belief system as it is known today, with an explicit concentration on the
deeper, esoteric meaning (bāṭin) of the faith. With the eventual development of Twelverism into the
more literalistic (zahir) oriented Akhbari and later Usuli schools of thought, Shi'ism developed in two
separate directions: the metaphorical Ismailli group focusing on the mystical path and nature of God
and the divine manifestation in the personage of the "Imam of the Time" as the "Face of God", with
the more literalistic Twelver group focusing on divine law (sharī'ah) and the deeds and sayings
(sunnah) of Muhammad and his successors (the Ahlu l-Bayt), who as A'immah were guides and a
light to God.[192]
In the Nizari Ismaili interpretation of Shia Islam, the Imam is the guide and the intercessor between
humans and God, and the individual through whom God is recognized. He is also responsible for the
interpretation (ta’wil) of the Quran. He is the possessor of divine knowledge and therefore the "Prime
Teacher". According to the "Epistle of the Right Path", a Persian Ismaili prose text from the post-
Mongol period of Ismaili history, by an anonymous author, there has been a chain of Imams since
the beginning of time, and there will continue to be an Imam present on the Earth until the end of
time. The worlds would not exist in perfection without this uninterrupted chain of Imamate. The proof
(hujja) and gate (bāb) of the Imam are always aware of his presence and are witness to this
uninterrupted chain.[193]
Though there are several sub-groupings within the Ismailis, the term in today's vernacular generally
refers to the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim (Nizari community), generally known as the Ismailis, who are
followers of the Aga Khan and the largest group among the Ismailiyyah. Another community which
falls under the Isma'il's are the Dawoodi Bohras, led by a Da'i al-Mutlaq as representative of a
hidden imam. While there are many other branches with extremely differing exterior practices, much
of the spiritual theology has remained the same since the days of the faith's early Imams. In recent
centuries Ismailis have largely been an Indo-Iranian community, [194] but they are found in India,
Pakistan, Syria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, [195] Yemen, China,[196] Jordan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,
Afghanistan, East Africa and South Africa, and have in recent years emigrated to Europe, Australia,
New Zealand, and North America.[197]
Ismaili imams
Main article: List of Ismaili imams
After the death of Isma'il ibn Jafar, many Ismailis believed that one day the messianic Mahdi, whom
they believed to be Muhammad ibn Ismail, would return and establish an age of justice. One group
included the violent Qarmatians, who had a stronghold in Bahrain. In contrast, some Ismailis
believed the Imamate did continue, and that the Imams were in occultation and still communicated
and taught their followers through a network of dawah "Missionaries".
In 909, Abdullah al-Mahdi Billah, a claimant to the Ismaili Imamate, established the Fatimid
Caliphate. During this period, three lineages of imams formed. The first branch, known today as
the Druze, began with Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah. Born in 386 AH (985), he ascended as ruler at the age
of eleven. The typical religiously tolerant Fatimid Empire saw much persecution under his reign.
When in 411 AH (1021) his mule returned without him, soaked in blood, a religious group that was
forming in his lifetime broke off from mainstream Ismailism and did not acknowledge his successor.
Later to be known as the Druze, they believe al-Hakim to be the incarnation of God and the
prophesied Mahdi who would one day return and bring justice to the world. [198] The faith further split
from Ismailism as it developed very unusual doctrines which often class it separately from both
Ismailiyyah and Islam, and today most Druze do not identify themselves as Muslims.[199][200][201][202]
The second split occurred following the death of Ma'ad al-Mustansir Billah in 487 AH (1094). His rule
was the longest of any caliph in any Islamic empire. Upon his passing away, his sons, Nizar the
older, and Al-Musta'li, the younger, fought for political and spiritual control of the dynasty. Nizar was
defeated and jailed, but according to Nizari tradition, his son escaped to Alamut, where
the Iranian Ismaili had accepted his claim.[203] From here on, the Nizari Ismaili community has
continued with a present, living Imam.
The Mustaali line split again between the Taiyabi (Dawoodi Bohra is its main branch) and the Hafizi.
The former claim that At-Tayyib Abi l-Qasim (son of Al-Amir bi-Ahkami l-Lah) and the imams
following him went into a period of anonymity (Dawr-e-Satr) and appointed a Da'i al-Mutlaq to guide
the community, in a similar manner as the Ismaili had lived after the death of Muhammad ibn Ismail.
The latter (Hafizi) claimed that the ruling Fatimid Caliph was the Imam, and they died out with the fall
of the Fatimid Empire.
Ismailis have categorized their practices which are known as seven pillars:
 Walayah (Guardians  Salat (Prayer)  Sawm (Fasting)  Jihad (Strug
hip)  Zakāt (Charity)  Hajj (Pilgrimage) gle)
 Taharah (Purity)
The Shahada (profession of faith) of the Shia differs from that of Sunnis due to mention of Ali. [204]
Contemporary leadership
The Nizaris place importance on a scholarly institution because of the existence of a present Imam.
The Imam of the Age defines the jurisprudence, and his guidance may differ with Imams previous to
him because of different times and circumstances. For Nizari Ismailis, the Imam is Karim al-
Husayni Aga Khan IV. The Nizari line of Imams has continued to this day as an unending line.
Divine leadership has continued in the Bohra branch through the institution of the "Unrestricted
Missionary" Dai. According to Bohra tradition, before the last Imam, At-Tayyib Abi l-Qasim, went into
seclusion, his father, the 20th Al-Amir bi-Ahkami l-Lah, had instructed Al-Hurra Al-
Malika the Malika (Queen consort) in Yemen to appoint a vicegerent after the seclusion—
the Unrestricted Missionary, who as the Imam's vicegerent has full authority to govern the
community in all matters both spiritual and temporal while the lineage of Mustaali-Tayyibi Imams
remains in seclusion (Dawr-e-Satr). The three branches of the Mustaali, the Alavi Bohra, Sulaimani
Bohra and Dawoodi Bohra, differ on who the current Unrestricted Missionary is.

Other doctrines
Doctrine about necessity of acquiring knowledge
According to Allameh Muzaffar God gives humans the faculty of reason and argument. Also, God
orders humans to spend time thinking carefully on creation while he refers to all creations as his
signs of power and glory. These signs encompass all of the universe. Furthermore, there is a
similarity between humans as the little world and the universe as the large world. God does not
accept the faith of those who follow him without thinking and only with imitation, but also God blames
them for such actions. In other words, humans have to think about the universe with reason and
intellect, a faculty bestowed on us by God. Since there is more insistence on the faculty of intellect
among Shia, even evaluating the claims of someone who claims prophecy is on the basis of intellect.

Doctrine concerning Du'a

Praying or Duʼa in Shia has an important place as Muhammad described it as a weapon of the
believer. In fact, Duʼa considered as something that is a feature of Shia community in a sense.
Performing Duʼa in Shia has a special ritual. Because of this, there are many books written on the
conditions of praying among Shia. Most of adʼayieh transferred from Muhammad's household and
then by many books in which we can observe the authentic teachings of Muhammad and his
household according to Shia. The leaderships of Shia always invited their followers to recite Duʼa.
For instance, Ali has considered with the subject of Duʼa because of his leadership in monotheism. [207]

See also
‹ The template below (Wikipedia books) is being considered for merging. See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus. ›
‹ The template below (Wikipedia books) is being considered for merging. See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus. ›

 Shia Islam portal

 Religion portal

 Islam portal

 Outline of Islam
 Glossary of Islam
 Index of Islam-related articles
 Alawi Islam
 Amman Message
 Anti-Shi'ism
 Persecution of Muslims
 Bada'
 Criticism of Twelver Shia Islam
 Ibadi Islam
 Imamate in Twelver doctrine
 International Islamic Unity Conference (Iran)
 List of Shia books
 List of Shia Islamic dynasties
 List of Shia Muslim scholars of Islam
 List of Shia Muslims
 Madhhab
 Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
 Shia nations
 Sahabah
 Schools of Islamic theology
 Shia genocide
 Shia Islam in the Indian subcontinent
 Shia Rights Watch
 Shi'a view of Ali
 Shia view of the Quran
 Solar Hijri calendar

1. ^ A 2019 Council on Foreign Relations article states: "Nobody really knows the size of the
Shiite population in Nigeria. Credible estimates that its numbers range between 2 and 3 percent of
Nigeria’s population, which would amount to roughly four million." [132] A 2019 BBC News article said
that "Estimates of [Nigerian Shia] numbers vary wildly, ranging from less than 5% to 17% of Nigeria's
Muslim population of about 100 million."[133]

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9. ^ Esposito, John. What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam, Oxford University Press,
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10. ^ "Mapping the Global Muslim Population". 7 October 2009. Archived from the original on 14
December 2015. Retrieved 10 December 2014.  The Pew Forum's estimate of the Shia population
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15. ^ Wehr, Hans.  "Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic".  Archive.org. p.  498. Retrieved 31
July  2019.
16. ^ Shiʻa is an alternative spelling of Shia, and Shiʻite of Shiite. In subsequent sections, the
spellings Shia and Shiite are adopted for consistency, except where the alternative spelling is in the
title of a reference.
17. ^ "Difference Between The Meaning Of  Shia  And  Shiite?". English forums.  Archived  from the
original on 31 July 2019. Retrieved  31 July 2019.
18. ^ Tabataba'i 1977, p. 34
19. ^ Sobhani & Shah-Kazemi 2001, p. 97
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21. ^ Vaezi, Ahmad (2004).  Shia political thought. London: Islamic Centre of England.
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22. ^ Cornell 2007, p. 218
23. ^ Momen 1985, p. 15
24. ^ Ehsan Yarshater (ed.).  "Shiʻite Doctrine". Iranicaonline.org. Archived from the original on 17
May 2015. Retrieved 22 January  2019.
25. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions, Wendy Doniger,
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BL31.M47 1999, p. 525
26. ^ Jump up to:a b "Esposito, John. "What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam" Oxford University
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27. ^ Ali, Abbas (ed.).  "Respecting the Righteous Companions".  A Shi'ite Encyclopedia. Ahlul
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312-54108-5. Lay summary –  alseraj.net. Abu Hatin al-Razi says, "It is the appellation of those who
were attached to Ali during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah, such as Salman, Abu Dharr Ghifari,
Miqdad ibn al-Aswad and Ammar ibn Yasir and others. Concerning these four, the Messenger of Allah
had declared, 'The paradise is eager for four men: Salman, Abu Dharr, Miqdad, and Ammar.'"
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32. ^ Rubin (1995, p. 137)
33. ^ Irving, Washington  (1868), Mahomet and His Successors, I, New York: G. P. Putnam and
Son, p.  71
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44. ^ Peshawar Nights
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46. ^ Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, vol. 3, p. 208; Ayoub, 2003, 21
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50. ^ )2018( ،‫ جامشورو‬،102 ‫ صفحہ‬،‫ سندھی ادبی بورڈ‬،‫چچ نامہ‬
51. ^ Mirza Kalichbeg Fredunbeg, "The Chachnama", p. 43, The Commissioner's Press, Karachi
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53. ^ Ibn Sa'd, 8:346. The raid is noted by Baâdhurî, "fatooh al-Baldan" p. 432, and Ibn Khayyât,
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General sources
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 Shii at the Encyclopædia Britannica
 Encyclopædia Iranica Online. Columbia University Center for Iranian Studies. Retrieved 11
September 2019.
 Martin, Richard C. (2004). Encyclopaedia of Islam and the Muslim World. Volume
1: Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World: A–L. MacMillan. ISBN 978-0-02-865604-5. |
volume= has extra text (help)
 Corbin, Henry (1993) [1964]. History of Islamic Philosophy. Translated by Liadain Sherrard
and Philip Sherrard. London; Kegan Paul International in association with Islamic Publications
for The Institute of Ismaili Studies. ISBN 978-0-7103-0416-2.
 Dakake, Maria Massi (2008). The Charismatic Community: Shiʻite Identity in Early Islam.
Suny Press. ISBN 978-0-7914-7033-6.
 Holt, P. M.; Lewis, Bernard (1977a). Cambridge History of Islam, Vol. 1. Cambridge
University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-29136-1.
 Lapidus, Ira (2002). A History of Islamic Societies (2nd ed.). Cambridge University
Press. ISBN 978-0-521-77933-3.
 Sachedina, Abdulaziz Abdulhussein (1988). The Just Ruler (al-sultān Al-ʻādil) in Shīʻite
Islam: The Comprehensive Authority of the Jurist in Imamite Jurisprudence. Oxford University
Press US. ISBN 978-0-19-511915-2.
 Sobhani, Ja'afar; Shah-Kazemi, Reza (2001). Doctrines of Shiʻi Islam: A Compendium of
Imami Beliefs and Practices ([Online-Ausg.] ed.). London: I. B. Tauris [u.a.] ISBN 978-1-86064-
 Tabatabaei, Sayyid Mohammad Hosayn (1979). Shiʻite Islam. Translated by Seyyed
Hossein Nasr. State University of New York Press. ISBN 978-0-87395-272-9.
 Ṭabataba'i, Allamah Sayyid Muḥammad Husayn (1977). Shiʻite Islam. Albany: State
University of New York Press. ISBN 978-0-87395-390-0.
 Vaezi, Ahmad (2004). Shia political thought. London: Islamic Centre of England. ISBN 978-
1-904934-01-1. OCLC 59136662.

Further reading
 Peter J. Chelkowski (2010) Eternal Performance: Taziyah and Other Shiite Rituals.
University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-1-906497-51-4
 Corbin, Henry (1993). History of Islamic Philosophy, translated by Liadain Sherrard and
Philip Sherrard. Kegan Paul International in association with Islamic Publications for The
Institute of Ismaili Studies. ISBN 978-0-7103-0416-2.
 Dabashi, Hamid (2011). Shiʻism: A Religion of Protest. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-
 Halm, Heinz (2004). Shiʻism. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978-0-7486-1888-0.
 Halm, Heinz (2007). The Shiʻites: A Short History. Markus Wiener Pub. ISBN 978-1-55876-
 Lalani, Arzina R. (2000). Early Shiʻi Thought: The Teachings of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir.
I.B.Tauris. ISBN 978-1-86064-434-4.
 Marcinkowski, Christoph (2010). Shiʻite Identities: Community and Culture in Changing
Social Contexts, Lit Verlag 2010. ISBN 978-3-643-80049-7.
 Momen, Moojan (1985). An Introduction to Shiʻi Islam: The History and Doctrines of Twelver
Shiʻism. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-03499-8.
 Shirazi, Sultanu'l-Wa'izin (2013). Peshawar Nights, A Transcript of a Dialogue between Shia
and Sunni scholars. Ansariyan Publications. ISBN 978-964-438-320-5.
 Nasr, Seyyed Hossein; Hamid Dabashi (1989). Expectation of the Millennium: Shiʻism in
History. SUNY Press. ISBN 978-0-88706-843-0.
 Rogerson, Barnaby (2007). The Heirs of Muhammad: Islam's First Century and the Origins
of the Sunni Shia split. Overlook Press. ISBN 978-1-58567-896-9.
 Wollaston, Arthur N. (2005). The Sunnis and Shias. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-1-
 Moosa, Matti (1988). Extremist Shiites: The Ghulat Sects. Syracuse University
Press. ISBN 978-0-8156-2411-0.

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