Falcon 9 v1.2
Falcon 9 v1.2
Falcon 9 v1.2
F9-21 Liftoff
SpaceX returned its Falcon 9 to service on December 22, 2015 when it boosted 11 Orbcomm satellites into orb
Cape Canaveral, Florida. For the first time, a Falcon 9 first stage boosted back and landed near its launch site. T
took place at Landing Zone 1 at the former site of Launch Complex 13.
The two-stage kerosene/LOX rocket, sidelined since a June launch failure, returned in upgraded form with hig
engines, a stretched second stage and interstage, and supercooled, condensed propellant. The improved rocket
initially by SpaceX as a "Falcon 9 v1.1 Full Thrust" but later as "Falcon 9 v1.2", was the 20th Falcon 9 to fly an
Liftoff from SLC 40 took place at 01:29 UTC. The now 69.799 meter (229 foot) tall rocket, about 1.524 meters
taller than v1.1, rose on 694 metric tons (1.53 million pounds) of thrust produced by its nine Merlin 1D first st
Previous Falcon 9 v1.1 first stages produced 600 metric tons (1.323 million pounds) of thrust.
The first stage fired for 2 minutes 20 seconds, separating four seconds later. The second stage ignited
improved Merlin Vacuum engine at 2 minutes 35 seconds to begin a nearly eight minute burn to reach
620 x 660 km x 47 deg orbit.
The eleven 172 kg Orbcomm satellites separated in sequence from their center-mounted support pilla
15 minutes and ending 20 minutes after liftoff.
Meanwhile, the first stage performed a roughly 30 second boostback burn beginning about 3 minutes
after launch and a 20 second reentry burn about 8 minutes after launch, both using three engines. A fi
32 second single-engine landing burn using only the center engine took place just before the landing, a
minutes after liftoff.
The stage landed near the center of the circular landing zone. A small fire burned at the base of the st
least a half-minute after the center Merlin 1D engine shut down.
After spacecraft deployment, the upgraded second stage Merlin Vacuum engine restarted both to test its restart capability for future missions and to deorbit the stage in the Southe
south of Australia.
After the mission, Elon Musk announced that the recovered first stage would be used, if possible, for propellant loading and static fire testing at the rebuilt LC 39 Pad A. SpaceX
plans to re-fly the stage. The stage was moved to the new Horizontal Integration Facility at LC 39A a couple of days after its landing, where it was photographed and inspected.
During week of January 12, the stage was unexpectedly moved to SLC 40. A crane was used to erected it on the stand rather than the usual erector. On January 14, an unannounc
fire attempt was made and aborted after 2-3 seconds when one of the outer engine's thrust fluctuated. After the test, Elon Musk tweeted that the engine would be borescoped and
might have ingested something. The stage subsequently returned to LC 39A.
Launch Complex 13 supported 51 Atlas missile and Atlas Agena orbital launches from 1958-1978. The site's mobile service tower was demolished in 2005 and its blockhouse in 20
subsequently built an 86 meter (282 foot) diameter landing pad centered on the spot where the original Atlas missile service tower parked during launches.
Falcon 9 Launches SES 9 (Updated 03/06/16)
SpaceX's second Falcon 9 v1.2 with full thrust Merlin 1D engines boosted the SES 9 communications sate
geosynchronous transfer orbit from Cape Canaveral, Florida on March 4, 2016. Liftoff from SLC 40 took p
23:35 UTC. The 5,271 kg Boeing BSS-702HP satellite separated about 31 minutes 24 seconds later, after tw
the second stage Merlin 1D Vacuum engine.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted that SES 9 had been inserted into a transfer orbit with a 40,600 km apog
the first Falcon 9 Upgrade geosynchronous transfer orbit mission. The second stage used a minimum resid
shutdown to provide as much orbital energy as possible, with a target of 290 km x at least 39,300 km x 28 d
modified earlier plans to aim for a 26,000 km apogee at the behest of SES.
The insertion change made first stage recovery very unlikely, due to its extra velocity. SpaceX announced
launch that it did not expect a successful recovery. A boost-back burn was not used. The first stage only
a three-engine reentry burn and a never-before-attempted three-engine final landing burn, but did not surv
speed attempt to land on a converted barge positioned more than 600 km downrange. The stage impacted
punching a hole through the steel deck. It was the fourth failed barge landing attempt by a Falcon 9 first s
The success followed scrubbed launch attempts on February 24 and 25 due to supercooled LOX temperat
T-0 abort on February 28 caused by a low thrust detection in one engine, and a cancelled try on March 1 re
from excessive high altitude winds. Prior to the launch attempts, the first stage performed a brief static fire
February 22.
The 23rd Falcon 9 launch vehicle, the third upgraded v1.2 variant, successfully orbited the Dragon 10 spacecraft on NASA's CRS 8 International Space Station cargo hauling missi
8, 2016. After performing the initial mission boost, the rocket's first stage accomplished the first successful landing on a floating platform - the company's converted landing barge
positioned about 300 km northeast of the Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 40 launch site. It was the fifth such attempt.
Liftoff took place at 20:43 UTC after no delays or scrubs. Dragon was targeted toward a 200 x 360 km x 51.6 deg orbit. The spacecraft carried 3,136 kg of cargo, including the 1,4
Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) experiment in the unpressurized trunk section. At more than 8.6 tonne
combined Dragon and cargo mass was the heaviest-payload yet launched by a Falcon 9.
During its descent, the first stage perform a three-engine boost-back burn, followed by a final single
landing burn. Landing took place about 8 minutes 35 seconds after liftoff.
The F9-23 first stage had performed a static firing at SLC 40 on April 5. After its successful static te
McGregor, Texas during February, a ground equipment failure damaged multiple engines during a n
propulsive test. The engines were repaired or replaced without causing significant delay to the launc
The landing platform with the first stage returned to Port Canaveral during the pre-dawn hours of A
2016. During the day, a crane picked up the stage from the barge and placed it onto a work stand on
After several days of processing which included leg removal, the stage was moved to the Launch Co
HIF on April 19.
On April 30, 2016, SpaceX released new performance data for an improved Falcon 9 v1.2. The two-stage rocket gross mass increased to about 564 tonnes, not including payload,
liftoff thrust rose to 775.65 tonnes as Merlin 1D thrust was pushed upward again to 190,000 pounds (86.183 tonnes) at sea level. For the first time, the company gave solid payloa
performance numbers for this version. They were: 22.8 tonnes to LEO x 28.5 deg, 8.3 tonnes to GTO x 27 deg, and 5.5 tonnes GTO x 27 deg when the first stage was recovered
downrange. The cost for a flight with first stage recovery was listed at $62 million.
By early 2017 it had become apparent that SpaceX referred to this improved version as "Falcon 9 Block 5". Block 5 was designed to perform Dragon 2 Commercial Crew launch
NASA, but would also apparently be used for unmanned satellite launches. Elon Musk announced that the first Block 5 launch would occur by the end of 2017.
It had also become known that the company was, as of late 2016/early 2017, still flying "Falcon 9 Block 3". Block 3 thus was the Falcon 9 v1.2 variant. The identity of "Block 4"
early March 2017, unknown outside the halls of SpaceX.
A Falcon 9 rocket and its $200 million AMOS 6 satellite payload were destroyed during a
propellant loading and hot fire test exercise at Cape Canveral on September 1, 2016. The
planned to assure all was ready for a September 3 launch that would have placed 5.5 tonn
in geosynchronous transfer orbit.
Early reports indicated that propellant loading was nearly completed and the test was abo
minutes away when a powerful explosion destroyed the rocket and satellite at about 9:07
Eastern Time. A series of smaller explosions occurred during the following minutes as a
SLC 40 and a large plume of black smoke drifted across the Florida space center. It was
pad explosion in the history of Cape Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center.
A few hours after the explosion, Elon Musk tweeted that the failure appeared to have be
second stage liquid oxygen tank. SLC 40 was reported to have been heavily damaged, kn
out of service. A day after the failure, SpaceX announced that East Coast launch campai
move to Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39 Pad A, which at the time was plann
ready to support operations beginning in November, 2016.
The AMOS 6 launch would have been the 29th Falcon launch, and the ninth by a Falcon 9 v1.2 variant. The AMOS 6 first stage was test fired at McGregor, Texas on August 5, 2
arrived at Cape Canaveral some time after August 21.
SpaceX subsequently determined that the cause was sudden overpressurization of the second stage liquid oxygen (LOX) tank due to the failure of a composite overwrapped pressu
(COPV) containing pressurized helium that was mounted inside the LOX tank. Improper control of subcooled-LOX temperatures may have been involved. Elon Musk suggeste
froze within or beneath the composite overwrapping, causing loss of COPV structural integrity. SpaceX performed cryogenic loading tests, with some leading to failure, of small t
at its McGregor, Texas test site to confirm the failure mode.
Ending a four-month failure investigation stand-down, SpaceX Corporation's Falcon 9 launch vehicle returned to servic
January 14, 2017, orbiting ten IridiumNEXT satellites from Vandenberg AFB in California. The v1.2 variant, informally
F9-30 by outside observers (it used first stage number B1029), lifted off from Space Launch Complex 4 East at 17:54 U
a hour-long mission that inserted the 860 kg, Thales Alenia Space-built satellites into roughly 610 x 620 km x 86.4 deg o
satellites will raise themselves into 780 km operational orbits.
After a 43 minute, 16 second coast, the Falcon 9 second stage restarted for a brief second, circularization burn at first ap
52 minutes 31 seconds after liftoff to complete the powered phase of the flight. Spacecraft separation began at about th
16 seconds mark, with each satellite separating individually separated by about 1.5 minutes.
The first stage performed boost-back, reentry, and landing burns before landing on the converted barge "drone ship" “J
the Instructions”. It was the first successful first stage landing in two West Coast attempts. Six previous first stage recov
been made after Cape canaveral liftoffs.
The launch was the first of seven planned IridiumNext Falcon 9 flights that will replace the company's orbiting "Little L
communication satellite constellation.
Falcon 9 had been grounded since F9-29 and its $200 million AMOS 6 satellite payload were destroyed during a pre-lau
propellant loading and hot fire test exercise at Cape Canveral on September 1, 2016. SpaceX determined that the cause w
overpressurization of the second stage liquid oxygen (LOX) tank due to the failure of a composite overwrapped pressur
(COPV) containing pressurized helium that was mounted inside the LOX tank. Improper control of subcooled-LOX te
may have been involved. Elon Musk of SpaceX suggested that LOX froze within or beneath the composite overwrapping, causing loss of COPV structural integrity.
SpaceX performed cryogenic loading tests, with some leading to failure, of small test vessels at its McGregor, Texas test site to confirm the failure mode. The company also chang
propellant loading procedures, more than doubling the LOX loading time.
The F9-30 first and second stages were test fired at the company's McGregor, Texas test site during late October and early November, 2016. The first stage was hot fired at SLC 4
January 5, 2017 after a scrub the previous day. The IridiumNEXT payload was not atop the vehicle during the wet dress rehearsal and hot fire exercise.
F9-30 was the 29th Falcon 9 launch and the ninth v1.2 variant to fly, not including the lost AMOS 6 launch vehicle. It was the first v1.2 to fly from VAFB.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 orbited the CRS-10 Dragon spacecraft with cargo for the International Space Station from Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39 Pad A on February 29, 2
the first Falcon 9 launch from the converted NASA Saturn 5/Space Shuttle launch site. Liftoff took place at 14:39 UTC, following an aborted attempt one day earlier caused by o
readings from the second stage thrust vector control system.
Falcon 9's second stage boosted Dragon into a 51.6 deg low earth orbit, with stage cutoff occurring about 9 min 5 sec after liftoff and spacecraft separation taking place about one
later. While the second stage was performing its 393 second long burn, the first stage did a 180 deg flip and performed 3-engine boostback burn. It flipped again before performi
engine entry burn and a single engine landing burn that began about 7 min 33 sec after liftoff. The stage landed at Cape Canaveral Landing Zone 1, performing the first daylight la
third overall, at the site. The second stage was expected to perform a deorbit burn after spacecraft separation.
The CRS-10 Dragon (Dragon spacecraft No. 12) carried about 2,490 kg tonnes of cargo, including 1,530 kg ins
pressurized capsule and 960 kg attached to the unpressurized trunk section. Spacecraft berthing at ISS is sched
occur on February 21. SpaceX does not announce total spacecraft mass, but based on early publications by the
and on more recent expert estimates, CRS-10 Dragon likely weighed about 8,430 kg at liftoff, including cargo.
The flight was performed by the F9-32 vehicle, a v1.2 (or "Block 3") variant, which used first stage number B1
vehicle's stages were test fired at McGregor, Texas, apparently during December, 2016. The first stage perform
static firing at LC 39A on February 12, 2017 after a scrubbed attempt the day before. The first and second stag
payload were stacked for the test.
With the flight, Falcon 9 became the first launch vehicle family to perform a second orbital flight in 2017.
For Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy, SpaceX added a large horizontal processing hangar just south of the SLC 39A
and replaced the crawlerway ramp with dual rail tracks for a transporter erector launcher (TEL) to roll upon wh
rockets up to the pad. The flame trench was rebuilt and reconfigured, with exhaust now exiting only toward th
and large "rainbirds" were added to spray water on the launcher during liftoff. Additional changes to the pad a
to support Commercial Crew launches, including installation of a crew access arm on the fixed service tower.
Falcon Heavy is not expected to debut from LC 39A until after Cape Canaveral SLC 40 is restored to service so
after mid-2017. Meanwhile, SpaceX hopes to perform a first unmanned flight of its Dragon 2 Commercial Crew spacecraft from LC 39A by year's end. An improved "Block 5" F
being developed to launch Dragon 2 will perform the launch.
It was the 95th launch from LC 39A, a number that includes 12 Saturn 5 and 82 Space Shuttle liftoffs, the most recent by Shuttle Atlantis on July 8, 2011 for STS-135 mission.
Falcon 9 Reflies First Stage, Orbits SES 10 (March 31, 2017 Update)
SpaceX launched a previously-flown Falcon 9 first stage for the first time on March 30, 2017. The stage, B1021, boosted the F9-33 miss
lofted the SES 10 communications satellite to geosynchronous transfer orbit from Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39 Pad A. B
previously flown during the F9-23 CRS-8 mission on April 8, 2016, when it landed downrange on a converted barge. After a 22:27 UTC
B1021 repeated the feat, landing again on the downrange floating platform after performing reentry and landing burns.
After the first stage completed its 2 min 38 sec ascent burn, the Falcon 9 second stage fired its Merlin 1D Vacuum engine for 345 sec to
parking orbit. After a 17 min 55 sec coast to the equator above the west African coast, the stage restarted for 53 seconds to accelerate th
SES 10 satellite toward a planned 218 x 35,410 km x 26.2 deg transfer orbit. SES 10 separated from the stage 32 min 03 sec after liftoff.
After raising itself to geostationary orbit, Airbus Defense and space-built SES 10 will serve Latin America, using 55 Ku-band transpond
equivalents, from 67 deg West.
After the flight, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced that the company had, in another first, directed one of the two payload fairing hal
landing zone in a test of future payload fairing recovery. The fairing had been equipped with a cold gas thruster system. Eventually, ste
parachutes and inflatable shock absorbers will be used to bring the fairings down to recoverable ocean landings.
It was the first reflight of a complete orbital-class liquid fueled rocket stage. Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket had previously reflown,
much less taxing suborbital missions. Reusable Space Shuttle orbiters brought back three main engines (SSMEs) and avionics, but expe
large external propellant tank that fed the three SSMEs. Space Shuttle solid rocket boosters were also recovered and reused, but they w
disassembled after each flight and the motor segments never stayed together to fly again as a unit.
After its 2016 flight, the B1021 stage was partially disassembled (its engines were removed, for example) and was shipped back to the SpaceX factory in Hawthorne, California. Af
engines were re-installed and other refurbishment work completed, the stage was shipped to the company's McGregor, Texas test site. There, it was test-fired on January 25, 2017
what appeared to be a standard test cycle for a Falcon 9 first stage. The new second stage was also test fired in late January or early February. After shipment to LC 39A's Horizo
Integration Facility, the assembled F9-33 rocket performed a five-second static test at LC 39A on March 27, 2017, with no payload installed.
Vehicle Configurations
LEO Geosynchronous
Payload Transfer Orbit Price (200
Escape Liftoff
(metric tons) Payload $Millions
Velocty Height Liftoff
185 km x (metric tons)
Payload Configuration (meters) Mass
(1) 28.5 deg (CC) 185x35,788 km
(5)LEO+3,150 m/s [1]Dragon (metric tons)
(2) 98 deg (VA) x 27 deg
(6)LEO+3,750 m/s [2]PLF
(3) 9.1 deg (KW) ~1,800 m/s
(4) 51.6 deg (CC) from GEO
Falcon 9 Block 1 (Merlin 1C) 9.0 t (1) 3.4 t 2 t (5) 2 Stage Falcon 9 (Merlin 1C) [1] 48.1 m 318 t $3555 m
2010 8.5 t (4) + 3.6 m or 5.2 m PLF
Falcon 9 v1.1 (Block 2) (Merlin 13.15 t (1) 4.85 t 2.9 t (est)(5) 2 Stage Falcon 9 v1.1 (Merlin [1] 63.3 m 505.8 t (max) $5459.5
1D) 1D) [2] 68.4 m
+ 3.6 m or 5.2 m PLF
Falcon 9 v1.2 (Block 3) Expendable Theory Expendable Theory Expendable Theory 2 Stage Falcon 9 v1.2 Initial [1] 65.5 m ~556 t (no p/l) $61.2 m (
Sept 2015 ~17.4 t (1) ~6.4 t (Blk 3) ~3.8 t (est)(5) + 3.6 m or 5.2 m PLF [2] 69.98m
Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
8.626 t (1st stg d/r
5.6 t (Blk 3, stg 1 expended)
0.57 t to nearescape
recovery) 6.761 t (Stg 1 expended, Blk 4 (1st stg d/r recovery
8.43 t (1st stg RTLS) Stg 2) abandoned
5.282 t (1st stg d/r recovery)
due high winds)
Falcon 9 Block 5 22.8 t (1) 8.3 t 4.02 t (5) 2 Stage Falcon 9 v1.2 [2] 69.98 m ~587 t (max $62 m (1s
~Late 2017
5.5 t (1st stg recovery) + 3.6 m or 5.2 m PLF p/l) recovery)
Vehicle Components
No. Engines 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1
Comments - -
Falcon 9
Diameter (m) 5.2 m
Length (m) 13.9 m
Empty Mass (tonnes) ~ 2.0 t?
Falcon 9 v1.1 and v1.2 Flight History
Date Vehicle No. Payload Mass Site Orbit (kmxkmxdeg)
09/29/13 Falcon 9 v1.1 F96 Cassiope/5 Cubesats 0.6 VA 4E 500x1500x80 LEO [8]
12/03/13 Falcon 9 v1.1 F97 SES 8 3.183 CC 40 295x80000x20.8 GTO+[9]
01/06/14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F98 Thaicom 6 3.016 CC 40 295x90000x22.5 GTO+[A]
04/18/14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F99 CRS3 Dragon ~7.76 CC 40 313x332x51.6 LEO/ISS[10]
07/14/14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F910 Orbcomm OG2 (6sats) 1.032 CC 40 614x743x47 LEO [11]
08/05/14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F911 Asiasat 8 4.535 CC 40 185x35786x24.3 GTO
09/07/14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F913 Asiasat 6 4.428 CC 40 184x35762x25.3 GTO
09/21/14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F912 CRS4 Dragon ~7.716 CC 40 199x359x51.64 LEO/ISS
01/10/15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F914 CRS5 Dragon ~7.807 CC 40 206x353x51.6 LEO/ISS[12]
02/11/15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F915 DSCOVR 0.57 CC 40 187x1371156x37 EEO [13]
03/02/15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F916 Eutelsat 115WB/ABS 3A 4.159 CC 40 400x63300x24.8 GTO+
04/14/15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F918 CRS6 Dragon ~7.505 CC 40 199x364x51.65 LEO/ISS[14]
04/27/15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F917 TurkmenAlem 52E 4.5 CC 40 180x36600x25.5 GTO
06/28/15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F920 CRS7 Dragon ~7.944 CC 40 [FTO][15]
12/22/15 Falcon 9 v1.2 F921 Orbcomm OG2 1.892 CC 40 620x660x47 LEO [16]
01/17/16 Falcon 9 v1.1 F919 Jason 3 0.553 VA 4E 1305x1320x66 LEO [17]
03/04/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 F922 SES 9 5.271 CC 40 290x40600x28 GTO [18]
04/08/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 F923 CRS 8 Dragon ~8.626 CC 40 200x360x51.6 LEO/ISS[19]
05/06/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 F924 JCSAT 14 4.696 CC 40 189x35957x23.7 GTO [20]
05/27/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 F925 Thiacom 8 3.025 CC 40 350x90226x21.2 GTO+[21]
06/15/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 F926 Eutelsat 117WB/ABS2A ~4.15 CC 40 395x62591x24.7 GTO+[22]
07/18/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 F927 CRS 9 Dragon ~7.747 CC 40 200x360x51.6 LEO/ISS [23]
08/14/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 F928 JCSAT 16 4.6 CC 40 184x35912x20.9 GTO [21]
09/01/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 F929 AMOS 6 5.5 CC 40 [PAD][24]
01/14/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F930 Iridium NEXT 1 8.6 VA 4E 667x86.4 LEO [25]
02/19/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F932 CRS10 Dragon ~8.43 KC 39A 209x363x51.6 LEO/ISS[26]
03/16/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F931 EchoStar 23 5.6 KC 39A 179x35903x22.4 GTO [27]
03/30/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F933 SES 10 5.282 KC 39A 217x33395x26.3 GTO [28]
05/01/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F934 NROL 76 ~2.8? KC 39A 400x51? LEO?[29]
05/15/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F935 Inmarsat 5 F4 6.086 KC 39A 381x69839x24.5 GTO+[30]
06/03/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F936 Dragon 6/CRS11 ~8.198 KC 39A ~210x360x51.6 LEO/ISS[31]
06/23/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F937 BulgariaSat 1 3.669 KC 39A 210x65640x23.9 GTO+[32]
06/25/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F938 Iridium Next 2 8.60 VA 4E 625x86.4 LEO [33]
07/05/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F939 Intelsat 35e 6.761 KC 39A 296x42742x25.6 GTO [34]
08/14/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F941 CRS12 ~8.4 KC 39A 210x360x51.6 LEO/ISS[35]
08/24/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F940 Formosat 5 0.475 VA 4E 720x98.28 LEO/S [36]
09/07/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F942 OTV5 (X37B) ~5.00 KC 39A LEO [37]
10/09/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F944 Iridium NEXT 3 8.6 VA 4E 625x86.6 LEO [38]
10/11/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F943 EchoStar 105/SES 11 5.2 KC 39A 309x40519x27.9 GTO [39]
10/30/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F945 Koreasat 5A 3.7 KC 39A 285x50185x22.0 GTO [40]
12/15/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F947 Dragon 8.2/CRS13 ~7.7 CC 40 LEO/ISS[41]
12/23/17 Falcon 9 v1.2 F948 Iridium NEXT 4 8.6 VA 4E 625x86.6 deg LEO [42]
01/08/18 Falcon 9 v1.2 F946 Zuma CC 40 LEO?[43]
01/31/18 Falcon 9 v1.2 F949 Govsat 1 4.230 CC 40 GTO [44]
02/22/18 Falcon 9 v1.2 F950 Paz/Microsat 2a/b ~2.000 VA 4E 514x97.4 LEO/S [45]
[8] First Falcon 9 v1.1. First VAFB SLC 4E launch of Falcon 9.
1st stage performed two reentry burns (3 and 1 engine), but 2nd
burn cutoff early due high roll rates. 2nd stage restart for
disposal burn failed.
[9] First Falcon 9 GTO+ launch. Targeted 295 x 80,000 km x 20.75 degree
supersynchronous transfer orbit. Stg 1 briefly restarted post sep.
Fire reported in Stg1 octaweb during ascent.
[A] Lower than planned fuel reserves reported at end of final Stg2 burn.
Planned orbit achieved.
[10] First Falcon 9 fitted with extending landing legs. First stage
performed two retro burns after separation, lowering itself to a
simulated landing in the Atlantic off the Georgia/S. Carolina coast.
[11] 2nd Falcon 9 with legs. First stage performed two retro burns and
landed in Atlantic but exploded during tip over.
[12] 1st stg attempted landing on converted barge about 320 km downrange,
but landed hard on barge and was lost.
[13] 187 x 1,371,156 km x 37 degree insertion orbit. DSCVR bound for EarthSun L1.
Stg 1 barge landing attempt abandoned due high seas.
[14] First stage landed hard on downrange landing platform and was destroyed.
[15] Broke up at about T+2m 19sec, before staging, due Stg2 LOX tank overpress.
[16] First stage boosted back to CC LZ1 (former LC 13) and landed. Performed
boostback, reentry, and landing burns using 3, 1, and 1 engine. First
Falcon 9 v1.2 (Full Thrust) flight.
[17] First stage landed on downrange landing platform, but one leg failed to
lock in place. Stage fell over and was destroyed.
[18] First stage landing on downrange platform failed.
[19] 3,136 kg cargo, incl 1,413 kg BEAM in trunk. 1st stg landed on barge
(1st barge success).
[20] First stage landed on downrange platform. First GTO landing. First
successful 3engine landing.
[21] First stage landed on downrange platform.
[22] First stage destroyed during landing attempt on downrange platform. One of
three engines produced low thrust during final landing burn. Stage
"accordianed" on hard landing. Mission otherwise successful.
[23] First stage landed at CC LZ1.
[24] F9 and AMOS 6 destroyed in explosion during hot fire countdown at SLC 40.
Launch was planned for 09/03/16.
[25] First stage (B1029) landed downrange on drone ship "Just Read the
[26] First stage (B1031) landed at CC LZ1.
[27] First stage (B1030) purposely expended. No legs or fins. First
expendable v1.2. Allowed heaviestyet GTO payload.
[28] First Stg 1 reflight using B1021. Stage landed downrange on drone ship
"Of Course I Still Love You". PLF half recovery test.
Planned 218 x 35,410 km x 26.2 deg, but achieved agreed parameters.
[29] First stage (B1032) landed at CC LZ1. Block 4 second stage.
[30] Expendable first stage (B1034). Heaviestyet GTO payload. Stg 2
burned to depletion. Block 4 second stage.
[31] First stage (B1035) landed at CC LZ1. 1st reflight by Dragon C106.
[32] First stage (B1029.2) landed OCISLY. 2nd Stg 1 reflight.
[33] First stage (B1036) landed JRTI.
[34] Expendable first stage (B1037). Heaviestyet GTO payload. Stg 2
burned to depletion. Block 4 second stage.
[35] First stage B1039 landed at CC LZ1. First Blk 4 Stg 1.
[36] First stage B1038 landed JRTI.
[37] First stage B1040 landed CC LZ1. Blk 4 Stg 1&2.
[38] First stage B1041 landed JRTI.
[39] First stage B1031.2 landed on OCISLY downrange.
[40] First stage B1042 landed on OCISLY downrange.
[41] First stage B1035.2 landed LZ1.
[42] First stage B1036.2 expended.
[43] First stage B1043 landed LZ1.
[44] First stage B1032.2 expended.
[45] First stage B1038.2 expended. 1st PLF 2.0, recovery attempted.
X = Expended
OL = Ocean Landing
DRL = Down Range Platform Landing
LZ1 = Landing Zone 1 Landing
X = Failed Landing
S = Successful Landing (Scrapped)
D = Successful Landing (Saved for Display)
M = Successful Landing (Mothballed)
STA = Structural Test Article
QTA = Qualification Test Article
Stage 1 Falcon 9
No. Date Variant/No. Description Mass Site Stg1/Result Orbit
B0001 2007 v1.0 STA
B0002 2007 v1.0 QTA/Grasshopper
B0003 06/04/10 v1.0 F91 Dragon Qual Unit ~5.5 CC 40 X LEO
B0004 12/08/10 v1.0 F92 Dragon C1 ~5.5 CC 40 X LEO
B0005 05/22/12 v1.0 F93 Dragon C2+ ~6.02 CC 40 X LEO/ISS
B0006 10/08/12 v1.0 F94 Dragon 3/CRS1 ~6.4 CC 40 X [LEO/ISS]
B0007 03/01/13 v1.0 F95 Dragon 4/CRS2 ~6.54 CC 40 X LEO/ISS
B1001 2013 v1.1 STA
B1002 2013 v1.1 QTA/F9R Dev1 X
B1003 09/29/13 v1.1 F96 Cassiope/5 Cubesats 0.6 VA 4E OLX LEO
B10?? 2013 v1.1 F9R Dev2 (not flown)
B10?? 12/03/13 v1.1 F97 SES 8 3.183 CC 40 X GTO+
B100? 01/06/14 v1.1 F98 Thaicom 6 3.016 CC 40 X GTO+
B10?? 04/18/14 v1.1 F99 Dragon 5/CRS3 ~7.76 CC 40 OLX LEO/ISS
B10?? 07/14/14 v1.1 F910 Orbcomm OG2 (6sats) 1.032 CC 40 OLX LEO
B10?? 08/05/14 v1.1 F911 Asiasat 8 4.535 CC 40 X GTO
B1010 09/21/14 v1.1 F912 Dragon 6/CRS4 ~7.716 CC 40 OLX LEO/ISS
B1011 09/07/14 v1.1 F913 Asiasat 6 4.428 CC 40 X GTO
B1012 01/10/15 v1.1 F914 Dragon 7/CRS5 ~7.807 CC 40 DRLX LEO/ISS
B1013 02/11/15 v1.1 F915 DSCOVR 0.57 CC 40 OLX EEO
B1014 03/02/15 v1.1 F916 Eutelsat 115WB/ABS 3A 4.159 CC 40 X GTO+
B1015 04/14/15 v1.1 F918 Dragon 8/CRS6 ~7.505 CC 40 DRLX LEO/ISS
B1016 04/27/15 v1.1 F917 TurkmenAlem 52E 4.5 CC 40 X GTO
B1017 01/17/16 v1.1 F919 Jason 3 0.553 VA 4E DRLX LEO
B1018 06/28/15 v1.1 F920 Dragon 9/CRS7 ~7.944 CC 40 X [FTO]
B1019 12/22/15 v1.2 F921 Orbcomm OG2 1.892 CC 40 LZ1D LEO
B1020 03/04/16 v1.2 F922 SES 9 5.271 CC 40 DRLX GTO
B1021 04/08/16 v1.2 F923 Dragon 10/CRS 8 ~8.626 CC 40 DRL LEO/ISS
B1021.2 03/30/17 v1.2 F933 SES 10 5.282 KC 39A DRLD GTO
B1022 05/06/16 v1.2 F924 JCSAT 14 4.696 CC 40 DRL GTO
B1022.2 2016 v1.2 TX Hot Fire Tests
B1023 05/27/16 v1.2 F925 Thiacom 8 3.025 CC 40 DRL GTO+
B1023.2 02/06/18 FH FH1 FH Demo Side KC 39A LZ1 HCO
B1024 06/15/16 v1.2 F926 Eutelsat 117WB/ABS2A ~4.15 CC 40 DRLX GTO+
B1025 07/18/16 v1.2 F927 Dragon 11/CRS 9 ~7.747 CC 40 LZ1 LEO/ISS
B1025.2 02/06/18 FH FH1 FH Demo Side KC 39A LZ1 HCO
B1026 08/14/16 v1.2 F928 JCSAT 16 4.6 CC 40 DRLS GTO
B1027 2016 FH FH1 FH Core STA
B1028 09/01/16 v1.2 F929 AMOS 6 5.5 CC 40 X [PAD]
B1029 01/14/17 v1.2 F930 Iridium Next 110 8.6 VA 4E DRL LEO
B1029.2 06/23/17 v1.2 F937 BulgariaSat 1 3.669 KC 39A DRLM GTO+
B1030 03/16/17 v1.2 F931 EchoStar 23 5.6 KC 39A X GTO
B1031 02/19/17 v1.2 F932 Dragon 12/CRS10 ~8.43 KC 39A LZ1 LEO/ISS
B1031.2 10/11/17 v1.2 F943 EchoStar 105/SES 11 5.2 KC 39A DRL GTO
B1032 05/01/17 v1.2 F934 NROL 76 ~2.8? KC 39A LZ1M LEO?
B1032.2 01/31/18 v1.2 F949 GovSat 1 4.23 CC 40 X GTO
B1033 02/06/18 FH FH1 FH Demo Core KC 39A DRLX HCO
B1034 05/15/17 v1.2 F935 Inmarsat 5 F4 6.086 KC 39A X GTO+
B1035 06/03/17 v1.2 F936 Dragon 6.2/CRS11 ~8.198 KC 39A LZ1 LEO/ISS
B1035.2 12/15/17 v1.2 F947 Dragon 8.2/CRS13 ~7.7 CC 40 LZ1 LEO/ISS
B1036 06/25/17 v1.2 F938 Iridium Next 1120 8.60 VA 4E DRL LEO
B1036.2 12/23/17 v1.2 F948 Iridium Next 4 8.6 VA 4E X LEO
B1037 07/05/17 v1.2 F939 Intelsat 35e 6.761 KC 39A X GTO
B1038 08/24/17 v1.2 F940 Formosat 5 0.475 VA 4E DRL LEO/S
B1038.2 02/22/18 v1.2 F950 Paz/Microsat 2a/b ~2.0 VA 4E X LEO
B1039 08/14/17 v1.2 F941 Dragon 13/CRS12 ~8.4 KC 39A LZ1 LEO/ISS
B1040 09/07/17 v1.2 F942 OTV5 (X37B) ~5.00 KC 39A LZ1 LEO
B1041 10/09/17 v1.2 F944 Iridium Next 3 8.6 VA 4E DRL LEO/S
B1041.2 //18 v1.2 F951 Iridium Next 5 8.6 VA 4E LEO/S
B1042 10/30/17 v1.2 F945 Koreasat 5A 3.7 KC 39A DRL GTO
B1043 01/08/18 v1.2 F946 Zuma CC 40 LZ1 LEO?
B1044 //18 v1.2 F952 Hispasat 1F CC 40 GTO