Y-Bocs Symptom Checklist (9/89) : Aggressive Obsessions
Y-Bocs Symptom Checklist (9/89) : Aggressive Obsessions
Y-Bocs Symptom Checklist (9/89) : Aggressive Obsessions
Check all that apply, but clearly mark the principal symptoms with a "P", (Rater must ascertain whether reported
behaviors are bona fide symptoms of OCD, and not symptoms of another disorder such as Simple Phobia or
Hypochondriasis. Items marked "*" may or may not be OCD phenomena.)
Current Past Examples
11. Concerns or disgust with Fear of contracting AIDS, cancer, or other diseases
bodily waste or secretions. from public rest rooms; fears of your own saliva,
urine, feces, semen, or vaginal secretions.
12. Concern with dirt or germs. Fear of picking up germs from sitting in certain
chairs, shaking hands, or toughing door handles.
13. Excessive concern with Fear of being contaminated by asbestos or radon,
environmental fear of radioactive substances, fear of things
contaminants. associated with towns containing toxic waste
14.Excessive concern Fear of poisonous kitchen or bathroom
with household items cleansers, solvents, Insect spray or turpentine.
15. Excessive concern Fear of being contaminated by touching an
with animals. insect, dog, cat, or other animal.
16.Bothered by sticky Fear of adhesive tape or other sticky substances
substances or residues that may trap contaminants.
17.Concerned I will get ill Fear of getting ill as a direct result of being
because of contaminant contaminated (beliefs vary about how long
the disease will take to appear.
18.Concerned I will get others ill Fear of touching other people or preparing their
by spreading contaminant food after you touch poisonous substances (like
(Aggressive) gasoline) or after you touch your own body.
19.Other: _
36. Intrusive nonsense Words, songs, or music in your mind that you
sounds, words, or music. can’t stop.
37.Bothered by Worries about the sounds of clocks ticking loudly
certain sounds/ or voices in another room that may interfere with
noises * sleeping.
38.Lucky/unlucky numbers Worries about common numbers (like thirteen) that
may cause you to perform activities a certain
number of times or to postpone an action until a
certain lucky hour of the day.
39.Colors with special significance Fear of using objects of certain colors (e.g. black
may be associated with death, red with blood and
40.Superstitious fears Fear of passing a cemetery, hearse, or black cat;
fear of omens associated with death.
Current Pas Examples
55.Concern with illness or disease t Worries that you have an illness like cancer,
* heart disease or AIDS, despite reassurance from
doctors that you do not.
41.Excessive concern with Worries that your face, ears, nose, eyes, or
body part or aspect of another part of your body is hideous, ugly,
appearance (e.g. despite reassurances to the contrary.
dysmorphophobia) *
42.Other _