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Smart Goals

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Austin Allen

Instructional and Learning Processes

Dr. Wendy Bokhorst-Heng
22nd March 2021

S.M.A.R.T Goals
SMART Goal #1 Strategies and Responsibility Timeline Evidence of
Action Steps Effectiveness
Rationale: It is (add rows as needed) (no action words!)
important to me
that my students
know that I care
about them and
their individuality. I
want to know their
names comfortably
as a demonstration
of that.

1 Ask my host 1 Mine and my host 1 As soon as the 1 List of students’

Goal: I would like teacher to forward teacher’s list becomes names
to know all of my me her class list available (spring?)
students’ names once she receives it
during my in the Spring.
internship by the
end of my first two 2 Read through 2 Mine 2 1 Week after the 2 List of students’
weeks with them. students list and is sent to me names
ensure that I
determine proper
3 Place learned 3 Mine (and my 3 The second week 3 Checklist of
names to faces students’ after school has students’ names once
during the cooperation). started. I’ve mastered the
beginning of my pairing of their face to
internship. their name.

SMART Goal #2 Strategies and Responsibility Timeline Evidence of

Action Steps Effectiveness
Rationale: It is (add rows as needed) (no action words!)
crucial for me to
complete my
Winter semester as
soon as possible so
that I have time to
tend to both of my
jobs as well as my
10-day internship
1 Solidify my to-do 1 Mine 1 March 26th 1 To-Do list of
list to ensure I remaining
Goal: I want to know what I have assignments.
have all of my left to do for the
assignments for the semester.
remainder of the 2 Create an action 2 Mine 2 April 2nd 2 List with start and
Winter 2021 plan (I will have finish dates for each
semester to be this assignment of my remaining
completed by April done by this day, assignments.
9th. etc…).

3 Complete all 3 Mine 3 April 9th 3 No outstanding

assignments by the assignments to be
goal date. completed.

SMART Goal #3 Strategies and Responsibility Timeline Evidence of

Action Steps Effectiveness
Rationale: Reading (add rows as needed) (no action words!)
is very important to
me, and I want to
start off my
summer reading list
with a short and
easy novella
(Animal Farm by
George Orwell).
1 Check the page 1 Mine 1 As soon as 1 Will have the exact
Goal: I wish to count for the entire possible (now) number of pages in
start and finish book (112). the book.
Animal Farm by
George Orwell by 2 Read half of the 2 Mine 2 March 26th 2 First half of book
the start of April. book (56 pages) complete.
within the first

3 Remainder of the 3 Mine 3 April 1st 3 Completed book!

book will be
complete (latter 56

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