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Grade 10 Mapeh First Periodical Test Grade 10 - Amber

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Grade 10 - Amber

Direction: Shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of your chosen answer on the provided answer sheet.

I. MUSIC 11. Who was the composer that was considered as an

A. Multiple Choice “innovative French-born composer?
1. What kind of musical style in the 20th century made A. Edgard Varese
use of the whole-tone scale? B. Maurice Ravel
A. Impressionism C. Karlhienz Stockhausen
B. Expressionism D. Bela Bartok
C. Avant Garde 12. Which of the following is the distinct characteristic
D. Electronic Music of chance musical style?.
2. Which of the following musical style exhibited a A. Uses unconventional composition techniques
new attitude toward musical mobility where B. Different at every performance
improvisation and innovation became necessity? C. Presents an impression of the environment
A. Primitivism D. Uses overlapping of chords
B. Electronic Music 13. Who is the composer of the famous “Claire De
C. Impressionism Lune”?
D. Avante Garde A. Bela Bartok
3. This musical style reveals the composer’s mind, B. Igor Stravinsky
instead of presenting an impression of the C. Claude Monet
environment. It served as a medium of conveying D. Francis Polenc
strong emotions. 14. The following are famous compositions of Maurice
A. Impressionism Ravel EXCEPT
B. Expressionism A. Sonatine for Piano
C. Neo-classicism B. Three Piano Pieces
D. Modern Nationalism C. Bolero
4. Which of the following musical styles focusses on D. String Quartet
combining modern techniques with folk materials? 15. Bernstein is best known for his compositions for the
A. Avant Garde stage. Foremost among these is the musical
B. Electronic Music ____________.
C. Modern Nationalism A. Miss Saigon
D. Neo-classicism B. The Phantom of the Opera
5. An avante-garde composer/musician is C. West Side Story
characterized by being __________________. D. Les Miserables
A. traditional II. ARTS
B. conventional 1. How did the term impressionism originate in the
C. innovative arts?
D. skilled A. Coined from the title of Claude Monet work
6. He was the primary exponent of the impressionist “Impression”
movement and the focal point for other B. Paris artists agreed on that name
impressionist composers. C. The artists wanted to impress the viewers
D. The viewer’s momentary impression of an
A. Claude Debussy
B. Maurice Ravel
2. He was one of the first 19th century artists to
C. Arnold Shoenberg
depict modern-life subjects.
7. Igor Stravinsky
A. August Renoir
8. Electronic machines were used in electronic music
B. Claude Monet
like the following EXCEPT ________.
C. Edouard Manet
A. synthesizers
D. Eugene Delacroix
B. amplifiers
3. Best known for his landscape paintings and
C. gong
D. tape recorders definitely one of the founders of impressionist
9. A chance musical work by John Cage that movement.
instructed the pianist to merely open the piano lid A. August Renoir
and remain silent B. Edouard Manet
A. Four Minutes and 33 Seconds C. Eugene Delacroix
B. Music in Fifths
D. Pablo Picasso
C. Summertime
D. Claire De Lune 4. Impression, soleil levant in English translation is
10. “Musique concrete” or concrete music refers to ______________________.
music that uses _______________ . A. Impression, forbidden love
A. amplifiers B. Impression, soul mate
B. whole tone scale C. Impression, sunset
C. synthesizers D. Impression, sunrise
D. tape recorders
5. He uses expressive brushstrokes and put emphasis
on movement rather than on clarity of form.
A. August Renoir
B. Claude Monet
C. Edouard Manet
D. Eugene Delacroix
6. An outgrowth movement after a highly influential
impressionist movement.
A. Expressionism 15.
B. Post-Impressionism
1. It is the way an individual lives which includes the
C. Fauvism typical patterns of an individual’s behavior and daily
D. Dadaism routine.
A. Fitness
7. Artists during this movement work on more B. Habit
emotional force rather than with realistic and C. Lifestyle
natural images. D. Activity
2. It refers to the activities done during one’s leisure
A. Expressionism
time both for relaxation and enjoyment.
B. Post-Impressionism A. Body Composition
C. Fauvism B. Hobbies And Interests
D. Dadaism C. Physical Fitness
8. Which of the following art styles incorporated D. Recreational Activities
elements from the native arts of the South Sea 3. What do we call the patterns of behavior with
regards to food intake?
Islanders and the wood carvings of African tribes?
A. Daily Routine
A. Surrealism B. Eating Habits
B. Dadaism C. Lifestyle
C. Fauvism D. recreational activities
D. Neo-primitivism 4. These are variables in an individual’s lifestyle and
9. Guernica has been recognized as the most genetics that may lead to certain diseases.
monumental statement of social realism against the A. Body Mass Index
B. Eating Habits
brutality of war. This powerful political statement is
C. Environment
a masterpiece of _____________________ . D. Risk Factors
A. Pablo Picasso 5. What is the preliminary activity done first to
B. Vincent Van Gogh prepare the body before engaging into actual
C. Claude Monet physical activity?
D. Auguste Renoir A. Diet
10. “Pop Art” means… B. Exercise
C. Physical Fitness Tests
A. Popular art
D. Warm-Up
B. Optical Art 6. It is the ability of the human body to meet the
C. Performance art demands imposed by the environment and daily
D. Contemporary art life.
11-12. Identify the style of following art work. A. Physical Education
A. Dadaism B. Physical Fitness
B. Fauvism C. Exercise
C. Social realism D. Recreational Activities
D. Surrealism 7. Which skill-related component of physical fitness
refers to the ability to start, stop and change
direction quickly?
A. Agility
B. Endurance
C. Flexibility
D. Speed
8. BMI is dependent on the person’s
11. 12. ____________________.
13-15. Identify the style of following art work. A. age and preferences
A. Pop art B. diet and exercise
B. Op art C. height and weight
C. Cubism D. lifestyle
D. Installation art 9. The following are benefits from active recreational
activities EXCEPT
A. activates risks of depression and anxiety
B. enjoyable and keeps the body in motion
C. release of stress from demands of everyday
13. D. strengthen social networks and community
10. Which of the following is not a healthy practice?
A. choosing to eat home-cooked meals rather than
buying fast food items
B. eating fruits daily
14. C. eating meat products moderately
D. skipping meals on a regular basis 6. It is a form of energy medicine where long thin
11. Which of the following factors affects the teenager’s needles are inserted to specific part of the body to
food choice nowadays? affect the energy flow.
A. culture and tradition A. Ventosa
B. information from school B. Acupuncture
C. food pyramid C. Reflexology
D. media and technology D. Nutrition Therapy
12. If a person’s goal is to lose weight, he/she should 7. Which of the following reflects the procedure done
________________________________. in nutritional therapy?
A. do the same physical exertion and food intake A. Use hands to apply pressure on certain points
B. do more physical exertion and less food intake of the body
C. have more food intake but less physical B. Placing inverted glasses that have flames from
exertion burning cotton on specific points in the body.
D. take dietary pills for one month C. Providing a tailored diet for the patient
13. Physical fitness tests aim to ____________ D. Treating specific disorders through massaging
A. classify students’ nutritional status the soles of the feet
B. gauge students’ fitness level 8. They make use of miraculous gadgets, gauges,
C. identify students with behavioral problems electrodes, magnets and blinkers that are believed
D. scout possible sports scholars to cure certain health conditions.
14. Which of the following is not a skill-related A. Device Quackery
component of physical fitness? B. Faith Healing
A. agility C. Medical Quackery
B. body composition D. Nutrition Quackery
C. coordination 9. Among the ten herbs approved by the DOH, which
D. speed of the following treats cough and asthma?
15. Poor food choices contribute directly to A. Bayabas
______________. B. Sambong
A. having a good body posture C. Lagundi
B. increased risk of diseases D. Yerba-Buena
C. achieved emotional comfort 10. Which of the following statement explains
D. probable slim body nutritional quackery?
VI. HEALTH A. It includes cure, treatments and remedies that
1. It encompasses the health information, products are drugless or bloodless in nature.
and services being gathered, acquired and availed B. It involves offerings and ritual dances
by an individual. C. It involves exorcism and ceremonies that
A. Public Health claims to cast away evil spirits
B. Consumer Health D. It involves promotion of food fads and
C. Quackery practices that claim to be all-natural.
D. Networking 11. This law protects the interest of consumer,
2. Public health insurance that is mandated by promotes general welfare, and establishes
Philippine Law. standards of conduct for business and industry.
A. Department of Health A. Consumer Rights Law
B. Philhealth B. Health Law of the Philippines
C. Hospital C. The Consumer Act of the Philippines
D. Association of Doctors D. Trade Law of 1985
3. It refers to the sale of products that are not 12-15. Identify the basic rights of the consumer.
scientifically proven to be effective; fraudulent A. Basic Needs
advertisement or promotion B. Information
A. Acupuncture C. Safety
B. Herbal Medicine D. Representation
C. Quackery 12. Right to be protected against dishonest and
D. Naturopathy misleading advertising and labeling.
4. Doctor who deals with women health, especially 13. This right guarantees survival, adequate food,
with the health of women’s reproductive organs. clothing, shelter, healthcare, education and
A. Cardiologist sanitation.
B. Neurologist 14. Right to be protected against the marketing goods
C. Pediatrician or the provision of services that are hazardous to
D. Gynecologist health and life,
5. Where do people undergo medical diagnosis, care 15. The right to express consumer interests in the
and treatment? making and execution of government policies.
A. School
B. Red Cross Goodluck! From Ma’am Luziel
C. Hospital
D. Intensive Care Unit

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