A. CRES is a scheme which enables a person to pay an advance to CESC Limited for a specific Low Tension (LT)
consumer number for automatic adjustment with future monthly electricity bills. Interest @6% will be credited to
the CRES A/c on the 1st day of the succeeding month and will be available for adjustment against the electricity
payment of bills falling due during the month.
Contact person:
Senior Commercial Executive
For home delivery of Application Forms dial 1912 informing the address where the application form is to be sent
or click here to submit your requirement on line.
Q. How will the payer get informed about the CRES Account?
A. A statement will be issued by TCS every quarter showing the detailed operations in the account including interest
credited, and amount of electricity bill adjusted, and the closing balance in the CRES Account at the end of the
quarter. The unadjusted credit balance in the CRES Account before adjustment for the month will also get
reflected in the monthly electricity bills.
Q. Can the advance be withdrawn / What happens if the consumer gets transferred?
A. The advance can be withdrawn under special circumstances like cessation of consumer.