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Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química 1665-2738: Issn: Amidiq@xanum - Uam.mx

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Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química

ISSN: 1665-2738
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad

Maya-Yescas, R.; Salazar-Sotelo, D.; Mariaca-Domínguez, E.; Rodríguez-Salomón, S.; García-

Moreno, L. M.
Fluidized-bed catalytic cracking units emulation in pilot plant
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, vol. 5, núm. 2, 2006, pp. 97-103
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa
Distrito Federal, México

Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=62050201

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R. Maya-Yescas 1*, D. Salazar-Sotelo 2, E. Mariaca-Domínguez 3, S. Rodríguez-Salomón 3, and

L.M. García-Moreno 3
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Santiago Tapia 403, Centro,
58000, Morelia, Michoacán, México.
Escuela de Ingeniería Química, UNITEC, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Programa de Tratamiento de Crudo Maya. México, D.F., México.
Recibido 27 Febrero 2004; Aceptado 7 Julio 2006

Due to necessity to predict accurately the performance of fluidized-bed catalytic cracking (FCC) industrial units,
after feedstock or catalyst is changed, use of pilot plant as emulation devices has been increasing. Among these pilot
plants, the Recirculation Catalyst Pilot Plant is the small-scale simulator that closer matches the behaviour of
industrial units. This kind of pilot plants consists of riser, stripper, regenerator and separation column that perform
duties similar to those of industrial units. Additionally, this pilot plant is able to operate using a descendant flow
reactor (downer) in order to emulate several technological trends; which operation mode promises better selectivity.
FCC process involves many variables interconnected in complex way, making a difficult task to predict its
performance when operating far from original design conditions. Nevertheless, using the same catalyst, the same
feedstock and the same main operating conditions of industrial units, it is possible to emulate the performance of
industrial units in pilot plant. In this work, the characteristic relationship between pilot plant and industrial units is
shown with examples of emulation, establishing its importance in research and support of technical services. Scale-
up problems are addressed and solutions that mimic operating data from an industrial plant are found. Conversion
results are shown graphically to easily assess industrial potential benefits that can be drawn from pilot plant

Keywords: catalytic cracking, emulation, pilot plant, reactors.

Debido a la necesidad de predecir con precisión el desempeño de unidades industriales de desintegración catalítica
en lecho fluidizado (FCC) después de un cambio de carga o de catalizador, el uso de plantas piloto como dispositivos
para emulación se ha incrementado. Entre estas plantas, la de recirculación de catalizador es la que logra emular más
cercanamente el desempeño de unidades industriales. Este tipo de plantas consiste de riser, agotador, regenerador y
columna de separación, tal que desempeña tareas similares a aquellas de las unidades industriales. Además, esta
planta es capaz de operar en flujo descendente (downer), a fin de emular diversas tendencias tecnológicas; operación
que promete mejores selectividades. El proceso FCC involucra muchas variables interconectadas de manera
compleja, haciendo difícil predecir su desempeño cuando operan lejos de las condiciones originales de diseño. Sin
embargo, utilizando el mismo catalizador, la misma carga y las mismas condiciones de operación que en las unidades
industriales, es posible emular la operación de estas unidades en la planta piloto. En este trabajo, se muestran las
relaciones características entre la planta piloto y las unidades industriales, a través de ejemplos de emulación,
estableciendo su importancia en investigación y soporte de servicios técnicos. Se tratan problemas de escalamiento y
encontrando soluciones que imitan resultados de operación industrial. Los resultados para la conversión se muestran
gráficamente a fin de visualizar fácilmente beneficios potenciales industriales utilizando la emulación en planta

Palabras clave: desintegración catalítica, emulación, planta piloto, reactores.

*Corresponding author: E-mail: rmayay@zeus.umich.mx

Phone: (443) 3273584 Ext. 105; Fax: (443) 3273584 Ext. 117
R. Maya-Yescas et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química Vol. 5 (2006) 97-103

1. Introduction So, pilot scale equipment offers

advantages and fewer risks than laboratory
Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC) is
equipment to scale up operating conditions
a very complex process combining a reaction
and process performance, quickly generating
stage (riser) with a continuous catalyst
enough quantities of products for more
regeneration stage. Both stages strongly
complete and detailed analysis (e.g. Prasad &
interact, particularly in energy balance.
Balaraman, 1995; Leuenberger et al., 1988).
Catalyst regeneration severity and capacity
Pilot plants are considered, in general, as
highly influences riser behaviour. There are
reduced versions of industrial units (Boock &
several factors that complicate FCC
Zhao, 1998); however, scale reduction has
operation, among them feed composition is
implications in design and operation of these
probably the main one, since it is a complex
pilot plants. Energy balance is the most
mixture of hydrocarbons with different
important difference between industrial and
chemical reactivity (Mariaca-Domínguez et
pilot plants, resulting in differences in coke
al., 2003). The second important fact is the
yields and catalyst-to-oil ratio (C/O) when
big number of simultaneous reactions in the
the same conditions are chosen for both
riser. Thirdly, the decaying catalytic activity
plants (Young et al., 1988).
coming from coke formation and catalyst
Pilot plant size allows studying and
deactivation produced by feed contaminants
simulating confidently the industrial unit
and regeneration severity. Least but not lest
behaviour with no risk for production. It is
is the important effect from equipment
also possible to develop new catalysts
formulations for each feedstock in long term
Pilot plant studies are a support tool in
tests and give recommendations for better
research and development activities, as well
operation aiming to optimize conditions and
as the platform for providing technical
improve profitability. Besides, pilot plant
services and improvements. These plants are
information is essential for developing,
strategic bases for deciding about feedstock
adjusting and validating FCC simulation
and catalyst, through evaluation of yields and
models. As data source for simulation, pilot
quality of products. They are also important
plants give opportunities to explore broad
studies in feasibility. For example, in refining
ranges of process conditions, being useful to
petroleum industry, and particularly in FCC,
process research and development (Dienert et
it is observed a tendency to incorporate
al., 1993).
feedstock hydrotreatment because of the
Taking into account the
increasing supply of heavy oils. There is also
aforementioned arguments and considering
a trend to develop better catalysts in order to
the high economic impact of FCC units in
look for optimal operating conditions.
refineries, it is highly advisable to use pilot
Due to its high impact on the
scale information to provide permanent
profitability of refineries, it is often
technical services, in order to optimise
unfeasible and/or impossible to try new
industrial operation and to research and
feedstock or catalysts during FCC industrial
development efforts.
operation. On the other hand, laboratory
microactivity plants, like MAT and ACE
1.1. Pilot plant description
units, give quick results that are not usable,
directly, to model the industrial process The typical arrangement of a pilot
performance (Boock & Zhao, 1998; Maya- plant scheme is shown in Fig. 1. Feedstock is
Yescas et al., 2004). taken from a couple of storage vessels,
connected to the control system. This couple
R. Maya-Yescas et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química Vol. 5 (2006) 97-103

of storage vessels allows normalising unit. At the top of the riser, catalyst and
operation with a reference feedstock and then products are separated using cyclones. Spent
introducing a new one. A dosage pump with catalyst falls to a vertical column within a
precision control is used to send the feed dense phase fluidized bed, in order to strip
through the heater and nozzle. There is a hydrocarbons from catalyst with vapour or
system to control and register the flow. A nitrogen flowing counter current. A slide
nitrogen or vapour stream can be used as valve controls the flow of stripped catalyst to
dispersant, feeding it through an independent regenerator. Stripping temperature, bed
heater. Feed vaporizes as soon as gets in height and vapour/nitrogen flows are
touch with catalyst coming from regenerator controlled to adjust stripper efficiency.
and goes through the riser, as in the industrial



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Fig. 1. FCC Pilot plant basic equipment.

Gaseous products go to a stabilizer maintain regenerator and stripper pressure.

column, to separate components heavier than Regenerated catalyst goes through a slide
C 5 & C 6 ; this liquid product is fractionated valve to a return line with independent
to obtain gasoline, LCO and HCO. Gas heating that fix the inlet temperature to riser.
products at NTP conditions are analyzed Regenerator vessel can be heated to
using an online chromatograph. The spent different temperatures. Flue gas and excess
catalyst is sent to the regenerator with a air are measured and analyzed continuously
nitrogen or vapour line transfer, part of which ( O 2 , CO , CO 2 , SO X and NO X ). Control
is a double tube heat exchanger using air. system is based in flue gas composition to
Exchanger heat balance provides a reliable adjust the air quantity and keep the
method for getting C/O ratios. During regeneration level required. Additionally, this
regeneration reactions, coke deposited on pilot plant can be operated using a
catalyst surface burns inside a fluidized bed descendant flow reactor (downer) in order to
using air, and generating flue gas. At exit of study other technological trends. It has been
this flue gas, a control valve is used to presumed that this operation mode promises
R. Maya-Yescas et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química Vol. 5 (2006) 97-103

greater selectivities (Ikeda & Imo, 1999). variables were measured for feedstock (Table
Heat balance can be adjusted with two 1) and catalyst (Table 2); and some special
operation modes for flexibility: Adiabatic tests were performed.
Mode and Heat Balance Mode

1.2. Adiabatic mode Table 1. Typical feedstock properties.

In this operating mode, riser outlet Density, kg / m3 920.0
temperature is fixed and controlled with hot Conradson Carbon, % p 0.20
catalyst flow coming from regenerator. This ASTM D-1160 distillation, ºC
mode allows industrial emulation of 10% vol. 346
conversion and product yields, by using the 50% vol. 422
same temperatures for outlet riser, preheating 90% vol. 501
and regeneration. It requires only to adjust Metal content
the C/O ratio, fine-tuning with nitrogen or Nickel, ppm 380
vapour flows and the desired temperature Vanadium, ppm 440
profile inside riser. Iron, ppm 750
Sodium, ppm 2.5
1.3. Heat balance mode
Typical FCC pilot plant operation
cannot follow industrial operation in the Table 2. Typical equilibrium catalyst properties.
control of an important parameter—
Activity MAT, % p 70.0
regenerator temperature. In industrial units,
regenerator temperature is determined from Specific area, m / g 158
thermal balance existing in the steady state Pore specific area, cm3 / g 0.172
operation and is not controlled. Minor size in Coke on regenerated catalyst, 0.066
pilot plant means heat losses are gcoke / gcatalyst
comparatively more important than in the
industrial case. Consequently, it is necessary In order to maintain catalyst properties,
to add heat to the pilot plant regenerator to equilibrium catalyst was changed before
obtain industrial temperatures. In the heat every one of the 50+ experiments carried out.
balance mode it is possible to fix regenerator Outlet riser temperature was maintained at
temperature taking as a basis the coke yield. the industrial operation value. Feed
A correlation is used to calculate this preheating temperature values were chosen
parameter and use it in the control system to from a wide range (See Table 3), and
adjust the temperature of the catalyst at the operation was performed in adiabatic mode.
riser inlet, forcing the pilot plant to react in a For each operating point standard conversion
similar way to the industrial unit. By using was calculated by analyzing gas products
this mode, calculations are made (gas chromatography) and liquid products
automatically by the control system of the (simulated distillation); coke was estimated
pilot plant. from the heat balance. Regenerator
temperature was kept high in all experiments,
2. Methodology in order to assure good regeneration, and
Typical feedstock and equilibrium keeping residual coke in catalyst ( ω CRC ),
catalyst samples were taken from an below 0.05 wt. %.
industrial FCC unit; standard characterization
R. Maya-Yescas et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química Vol. 5 (2006) 97-103

Table 3. Base parameters in FCC pilot plant operation.

Variable Range Independent Dependent
Outlet riser temperature, ºC 525 X
Preheating temperature, ºC 100 - 350 X
C/O Ratio 6.8 - 25.5 X
Conversion, wt. % 61 - 77 X
Yields, wt. % - X

3. Industrial emulation: results and C/O ratio, taking an asymptotic behaviour.

discussion Upper limit is a function of feed and catalyst
characteristics, within operation conditions
Since standard conversion is the main range. The data dispersion shows the normal
dependent variable in FCC units, it was experimental error uncertainty. There is a
considered as response variable. Emulation general similar trend for each series, despite
experiments were designed to investigate the fact that other variables could have
conversion trend around the industrial value additional effects. Among the obtained
(73 % wt). It was decided to move the results, the experimental points that showed
preheating temperature from 100 ºC to 350 similar conversion to the industrial value
ºC, maintaining constant the outlet riser were selected. Gasoline, LPG and Dry Gas
temperature (525ºC) and keeping the yields were compared to industrial ones as
regenerator temperature above 690 ºC, to see shown in Fig. 3. It is evident that just small
the way the pilot plant behaves. The results deviations were found, the biggest being in
are shown in Fig. 2. dry gas yields, making the emulation results
Results show the expected tendency, as acceptable.
FCC standard conversion is proportional to


Conversion, %p


137 ºC < T feed < 157 ºC
60 T feed = 100 ºC
T feed = 175 ºC
55 T feed = 275 ºC
T feed = 350 ºC
6 12 18 24

Fig. 2. Operating region for 525 ºC outlet riser temperature.

R. Maya-Yescas et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química Vol. 5 (2006) 97-103


Yield in the pilot unit, wt 40


G a s o lin e

10 LP gas
D ry g a s
0 10 20 30 40 50
Y ie ld in th e in d u s tr ia l u n it, w t %

Fig. 3.Pilot plant results vs. industrial data.

Table 4. Gas composition comparison (wt. %).

Product Component Pilot Plant Industrial Unit
Dry Gas 2.70 3.73
Hydrogen 0.11 0.09
Methane 0.98 1.34
Ethylene 0.83 1.01
Ethane 0.77 1.30
LPG 15.78 14.09
Propane 1.65 1.31
Propylene 6.38 3.45
i-Butane 3.51 3.18
n-Butane 0.79 1.26
Propadiene 0.03 N.A.
1-Butene 0.85 1.19
i-Butylene 0.89 1.36
t-Butene 0.98 1.29
c-Butene 0.68 1.04

Scaling problems seem to explain the aforementioned cases is shown in Table 4.

differences in yields. The emulation of The composition is not quite similar, these
industrial operation can be fine-tuned by data need to be studied under the frame
moving around some other variables. For kinetic models in order to use them for
specific emulations, it is possible to adjust complete emulation. As it was mentioned
temperature profile along the riser, move the before, pilot plant parameters can be tested
regenerator temperatures and/or make runs beyond standard industrial conditions. In this
with different dispersion flows in such a way particular case it was possible to obtain
to minimize deviations. Yield and gas values for C/O ratio in a broad range, with
composition were obtained and compared values as high as 25. These values are not
with industrial data. A sample of one of the exhibited by industrial units, but they could
R. Maya-Yescas et al. / Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química Vol. 5 (2006) 97-103

be useful to evaluate the behaviour during References

heavy feeds cracking, or to explore the Boock L.T. and Zhao X. (1998). Recent
maximum conversion attainable for a Advances in FCC Catalyst Evaluations:
catalyst-feedstock system. MAT vs. DCR Pilot Plant Results.
Chemical Industry 74, 131-141.
Conclusions Dienert J.M., Renfree M. and Holden I.A..
Emulation of the behaviour of an (1993). On-Line Simulation of
industrial FCC unit was explored using a Commercial Adiabatic FCCU Operation
pilot plant. The standard conversion was with a FCC Pilot Plant. AIChE Symposium
emulated for different C/O ratios, by setting Services 88, 54-58.
different feed temperature, at constant Ikeda S. and Ino T. (1999). Down-Flow FCC
Pilot Plant for Light Olefin Production.
temperature at the riser outlet. In this region,
Proceeding of the Symposium on
unit operation could be oriented to maximize Advances in Fluid Catalytic Cracking
yield of either gasoline or olefins. The American Chemical Society. New Orleans,
emulated operating region is specific for the LA. August 22-26, 1999.
catalyst and feedstock used, as well as Leuenberger E.L., Moorehead E.L.and Newell
operating conditions. It is interesting to note D.F. (1988). Effects of Feedstock Type on
that parameters out of common operation FCC Overcracking. Proceedings of the
regions are possible to obtain by NPRA Annual Meeting, San Antonio TX,
manipulating variables. In this case C/O March 20-22, AM-88-51.
ratios greater than 25 were studied, which are Mariaca-Domínguez E., Rodríguez-Salomón S.
not seen in commercial FCC units, but are and Maya-Yescas R. (2003). Reactive
Hydrogen Content: A Tool to Predict FCC
useful to evaluate different combinations of
Yields. International Journal of Chemical
feedstock and catalyst. Yields and Reactor Engineering 1, A46, 2003.
composition of main products, gasoline and http://www.bepress.com/ijcre/vol1/A46.
LPG, are well emulated, even if there is still Maya-Yescas R., León-Becerril E. and Salazar-
room for fine-tuning by manipulating other Sotelo D. (2004). On the Translation of
variables. Emulation is specific for each MAT Kinetic Data for the Modelling of
commercial unit and catalyst-feedstock Industrial Catalytic Cracking Units.
system. Finally, it should be noted that Chemical Engineering and Technology 27,
despite the similarity between pilot and 777-780.
commercial units, there are some scale-up Young G.W., Weatherbee G.W. and Davey S.W.
problems to solve. (1988). Stimulating Commercial FCC
Yields with the Davidson Circulating
Riser Pilot Unit. Proceedings of the NPRA
Acknowledgments Annual Meeting, San Antonio TX, March
Authors thank support from PEMEX- 20-22, AM-88-52.
Refinación personnel for helping take
samples and data from an industrial FCC
unit, as well as economic support from the
Research Program “Tratamiento de Crudo
Maya” at the Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo.
We thank also personnel involved in running
test on pilot plants and product analysis.

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