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I would like to thank the Editor and the anonymous readers of Phoenix for their valuable suggestions
on the presentation of this argument. The attention that Clare Keane and my colleague Ryan Balot
generously gave helped to improve this paper. An early version was presented to the University of
Pennsylvania Department of Classical Studies in November 2002; the discussion on that occasion was
fruitful, and I am indebted to all who attended.
1 The most recent discussion of Horace's engagement with Old and New Comedy is Cucchiarelli
2001: 15-55; cf. Leach 1971.
PHOENIX, VOL. 57 (2003) 3-4.
18Coleman 1990.
19 Smith 1985; Freudenburg 1993: 227-228; Schmitz 2000: 38-50; Cucchiarelli 2001: 204-205.
20Nicolet (1980: 366-373) discusses cases in the late Republic; cf. Bartsch 1994: 63-97. On the
political context and significance of tragedy in classical Athens, see Goldhill 1990.
Horace's account of tr
accurate than the extrem
the tragic tradition of
stereotypes of his own.
character, which Horac
oriented in contrast to
Ars P. 323-332). The Ro
something "useful" (uti
high style.21
It is remarkable that Juvenal, at the end of Satire 6, chooses to take us back
to this historic moment of literary exposure. Juvenal's critic likens the satirist
to a pioneer of the third and second centuries22 who both enhances his cultural
consciousness and (as the critic puts it) violates the very landscape of his homeland.
In fact the critic's description of Juvenal bears an uncanny resemblance to the
Horatian character of "the Roman": he is finding the conventions of classical
tragedy to be utile for his own moral themes and perspectives, and he is making
his own version of it (vertere, 164) by writing it into his historical satire. And as
the early Roman followed his own rules (placuit sibi, 165), so does Juvenal: in this,
his longest poem by several hundred lines, he exhibits a "lofty and fierce nature,"
"tragic spirit and successful daring."
21Horace describes the early Roman tragedian as natura sublimis (165). Writing on the Juvenal
passage, Schmitz (2001: 44) notes that it is appropriate for Juvenal to choose Sophocles as his tragic
counterpart, for Quintilian identifies Sophocles as the most sublimis of the three great Attic tragedians
at Inst. 10.1.68.
22Horace's phrase post Punica bella (Epist. 2.1.162) could refer either to the first phase of the
war (262-241 B.C.E.) when Livius Andronicus and Naevius were active, or to the second phase
(212-201 B.C.E.) and the careers of Ennius, Pacuvius, and Accius. Rudd (1989: 102) prefers the latter
interpretation, as the Epistle does not discuss the earlier authors as dramatists.
26 Parker 1999: 167: "To appear in the theater under the eyes of the mu
assimilation to those who appeared on the stage or in the arena.
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