Shutter Island Review
Shutter Island Review
Shutter Island Review
the complexity and level of detail that a crime fiction novel can
achieve, and I am of course referring to no other than “ Shutter
Island” by Dennis Lehane, which also happens to be his most
well-known title.
The overall theme and atmosphere of the book appears to
be very grim: the characters themselves are cold-hearted, the
emotions are almost unpresent throughouut the beginning of
the novel and the setting, a secluded, mysterious island which is
a host to one of the most advanced and well-known mental
institutions, is entirely unique from anything I’ve ever read
before. Although the characters which, as I’ve stated, possess a
more cold, analytical type of behaviour, the action itself and the
plot builds up as the main characters, two detectives from
Bronx, begin to unravel the mysteries of the institution. Both
the environmental as well as the physical description of the
characters is very detailed, without divulging too many details
in order to keep the overall tension of the novel high, until the
big reveal at the end, which in a seriously disturbing twist of
events, almost refutes everything the reader believed he knew
about the plot.
While the characters are what you would typically expect
from such a type of book, that being the silent, but clever
detective who has got some personal issues from the past that
haunt him until present times, it is nowhere near as bland as
any other crime novel, seeing as the motives and reasons for
why the two protagonists are on the actual island are not
immediately obvious, and are not revealed until the end. The
dialogue between the characters in the novel is very simple, yet
extremely important, as if you pay close attention, there are
many hidden things to be found between the lines, and the
words are carefully chosen in order to give hints to the reader,
should he take the time to analise the phrases.
A shocking but marvellous lecture, ‘Shutter Island” has
proved itself in front of everyone and claimed the title as one of
the best detective novels ever in existence, with it’s massive
cult following representing clear proof of just that. Overall, I
believe that it is a book that anyone who is into psychological
thrillers should definitely consider reading, and it is without a
single doubt a great addition to it’s genre. If nothing more, it is
a standard that every writer should consider when deciding to
hop into thriller-writing, as it becomes nearly impossible to look
at any other piece of fiction without comparing it to the famous