Wall-E Doc With Timestamps
Wall-E Doc With Timestamps
Wall-E Doc With Timestamps
(0:12) Eve Picking up bulb and rubix cube – Picking up a pen from my desk
(0:31) Wall-E moving and shaking metal – Shaking around a bag of wires
(0:33) Metal getting crushed – Shaking 2 metal pots together/ gear turning
sound effect
(1:24) Eve opening Walle-E's hand – Opening an old remote and slowing it
(1:46) Eve trying to move away – Closing my PC disc tray slowed and
(2:04) Wall-E's eyes adjusting – Camera sound effect with a pitch change
(2:08) Hand/Claw closing – Putting a disc into a game console and changing
pitch and speed
(2:38) Other robots in the video – Robot Sound Effect with a pitch change
and added an equalizer
Gears sounds