Financial Proposal: Cost Summaries For Installation of PV Power Systems
Financial Proposal: Cost Summaries For Installation of PV Power Systems
Financial Proposal: Cost Summaries For Installation of PV Power Systems
ToT 3,240.00
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Work detail to be performed and Cost Summary for installing ONE 1,200Wp solar PV system at
West Gojjam Zone, Mecha Woreda, Tagel Kebele health centre
Work Description
No cost (ETB)
I Installation of PV Generator with 1,200Wp system and system components 8,500.00
Fixing, interconnection, testing, and commissioning of PV System
components in the technical room of the institution 11,000.00
III Internal Installation (lighting, power outlet system and distribution system) 10,000.00
IV Power cable laying, connecting and testing 7,000.00
V End-user training, preliminary handover, documentation and reporting 14,000.00
VI Six months defects liability period with service and maintenance activities 16,000.00
Total excluding ToT 66,500.00
ToT 6,650.00
Work detail to be performed and Cost Summary for installing One 2,400Wp solar PV system at
Agew Awi Zone, Jawi Woreda, Bambuk kebele health centre
Installation cost
Work Description
No (ETB)
I Installation of PV Generator with 2,400Wp system and system components. 19,500.00
Fixing, interconnection, testing, and commissioning of PV System
components in the technical room of the institution. 22,000.00
III Internal Installation (lighting, power outlet system and distribution system). 20,000.00
IV Power cable laying, connecting and testing. 14,000.00
V End-user training, preliminary handover, documentation and reporting. 28,000.00
VI Six months defects liability period with service and maintenance activities. 30,000.00
Total excluding ToT 133,500.00
ToT 13,350.00
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A. Work detail and cost breakdowns for installation PV power systems
Work detail to be performed and cost break-down for one 600Wp solar PV power system
Bidder’s Name: ----------
No Detail work Description Unit Qty Unit rate
Total rate (ETB)
I Installation of PV Generator with 600 system and system components
1 Module racks (per one site):
►Erection of module racks / panel frame lump
for two 300Wp PV modules per site. 1 500 500
►Site clearing, excavation, masonry and
back filling work.
PV Modules installation, fixing and
► Installing and inter- connecting two PV
modules of 300Wp as per GIZ EnDev
installation manual Lump
1 1,000 1,000
► Testing before and after connection, sum
commissioning and all related works.
► All electrical parameters shall be
measured before and after
3 Fencing work:
► Erection of fencing, including
40mmX40mmX5mm, 12 pcs of angle iron
and 5pcs of wooden pole at corner in a
concrete base, mounting one gate and 1 2,000 2,000
fixing wire mesh according to provided
installation manual by GIZ EnDev Ethiopia.
► Excavation work of 40cm depth and
30cm diameter and with all relative works.
4 System Earthing:
► Interconnecting all module frame in
series by using 1x4mm 2 of insulated
earthing conductor.
►Connecting from common connected
point to earthing road by using 1x25mm 2 of
insulated earthing conductor through
conduit. 1 500 500
►All metallic structure and earthing
terminal of inverter must be connected with
the earthing system as per the GIZ EnDev
installation manual.
►Earthing of components at Technical
room should be connected to earthing
PVG system earthing at Common point.
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►All connection points must be
mechanically bonded.
►Testing and commissioning of
Subtotal I 4,000
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►Testing with solar system and
Installation of sub distribution boxes
►Mounting SDB on surface and fixing all
below listed equipment inside of SDB and
connecting the incoming from MDB and
outgoing power cable to load properly. The Pc 1 750 750
SDB contains:
a) 1 pc ACB 6Amp/1-phase as main
b) 1 pc ACB 2Amp/1-phase
► Testing and commissioning of
Subtotal (III) 4,750
IV. Power cable laying, connecting and testing
1 DC power laying: Mt 20 1,000 1,000
►Laying and connecting of DC power
cable of 3X16 mm 2 in rigid conduits of
specified diameter from PV-Generator to
main distribution board in technical room
and connecting to charge controller
through MDB
►Actual measurements should be taken
on site.
►Excavation, refilling and all relative
2 AC power laying:
►Laying and connecting of AC power
cable of 3x2.5mm 2 in rigid conduits of
specified diameter from main distribution Actual
board to specific SDB. Mt 30 2,000 measurement to
►Actual measurements should be taken be taken on site
on site.
►Excavation, refilling and all relative
Subtotal IV 3,000
V End-user training, preliminary handover, documentation and reporting
Staff member training with following
►General functionality concept of the
►Do’s and Don’ts Hour 2 2,500 2,500
►Safety aspects
►Economical energy utilisation
►Advantage and disadvantage of solar
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Operator training with following
2 ►System Operation, follow-up Hour 4 2,500 2,500
►Data recording and reporting
►Basic maintenance
3 Hand-over procedure Per site 1
►Handover of the installed system to GIZ
EnDev and Woreda offices.
►Placing all necessary documents such 1,400 1,400
as end user manual, log sheet etc at an
appropriate place of institution.
►Reporting work done in hard and soft
Subtotal V 6,400
VI Six months defects liability period with service and maintenance activities
1 Duties until final handover
►Preventive and service and
maintenance visits to ensure functionality
of the installed system over six months. Per site 1 9,500 9,500
►Refreshment training for staff member
and operator.
►Functionality check for final hand over.
Subtotal VI 9,500
B. Work detail to be performed and cost break-down for one 1,200Wp solar PV power system installation
Work detail to be performed and cost break-down for one 1,200Wp solar PV power system
Bidder’s Name: ----------
No Detail work Description Unit Qty Unit rate Total rate
I Installation of PV Generator with 1,200 system and system components
1 Module racks (per one site):
►Erection of module racks / panel frame lump
for four 300 Wp PV modules per site. 1 1,000 1,000
►Site clearing, excavation, masonry and
back filling work.
PV Modules installation, fixing and
► Installing and inter- connecting four PV
modules of 300Wp as per GIZ-EnDev 1 2,000 2,000
installation manual
► Testing before and after connection,
commissioning and all related works.
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► All electrical parameters shall be
measured before and after interconnection.
3 Fencing work:
► Erection of fencing, including
40mmX40mmX5mm, 15 pcs of angle iron
and 5pcs of wooden pole at corner in a Lump
concrete base, mounting one gate and 1 5,000 5,000
fixing wire mesh according to provided
installation manual by GIZ EnDev Ethiopia.
► Excavation work of 40cm depth and
30cm diameter and with all relative works.
4 System Earthing:
► Interconnecting all module frame in
series by using 1x4mm 2 of insulated
earthing conductor.
►Connecting from common connected
point to earthing road by using 1x25mm 2 of
insulated earthing conductor through
►All metallic structure and earthing
terminal of inverter must be connected with 1 500 500
the earthing system as per the GIZ EnDev
installation manual.
►Earthing of components at Technical
room should be connected to earthing PVG
system earthing at Common point.
►All connection points must be
mechanically bonded.
►Testing and commissioning of
Subtotal I 8,500
Fixing, interconnection, testing, and commissioning of PV System components in the
technical room of the institution
1 Battery Bank: 1 2,000 2,000
►Placing each 2V cell, 12 pcs of
682Ah@C10 batteries in battery stand and
connecting properly by using the battery
bridges as per provided GIZ EnDev
installation manual.
►Testing and documentation each battery
cell before interconnection and battery
system voltage after interconnection.
►Connecting of DC output to battery fuse
through DC power cable.
►Connecting battery temperature sensor
from the charge controller or inverter with
one battery cell.
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►Testing and commissioning of
2 Battery Fuse:
►Fixing of fuse box at appropriate place
on surface and connecting to system
(battery to fuse box and to regulator)
(includes transparent plastic cover, fuse
holder and 125Amp fuse). Lump
1 1,500 1,500
►Incoming and outgoing power cable sum
must be properly inserted in cable lugs and
well pressed to ensure effective electrical
►Testing and commissioning of
3 Inverter:
►The work includes surface mounting
inverter at an appropriate place and
connecting DC power cable from battery to Lump 1 2,000 2,000
battery inverter and connecting AC power sum
cable to load through ACB in MDB.
► Testing and commissioning of
4 Charge controller:
► Mount on surface as per GIZ installation
manual Lump
►Connecting incoming DC power cable 1 1,500 1,500
from PV modules/arrays and connecting to
battery through fuse as per design and GIZ
EnDev installation manual
5 Main Distribution board (MDB):
►Mounting MDB on surface and fixing all
below listed equipment inside of MDB and
connecting the incoming and outgoing
power cable properly as per provided
installation manual by GIZ EnDev
a) 1 pc ACB of 16Amp/2 pole Lump
1 4,000 4,000
b) 1 pcs ACB of 10Amp/1pole
c) 1 pcs ACB of 6Amp/1pole
d) 1 pcs ACB of 2Amp/1pole
e) 1 pc of AC energy meter
►Testing and commissioning of
Subtotal II 11,000
III Internal Installation (lighting, power outlet system and distribution system)
1 Installation of lighting system: Pc. 30 5,000 5,000
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► Installing surface mounted light points
fed through PVC insulated copper AC
power conductors of 2x1.5mm 2 inside
thermos plastic conduits/ trucking including
junction boxes with cover & screw type
►Fixing lighting fixture with lamp and
surface mounted switch (double/single) as
per specification for each block.
► All installation should be surface
mounted and installed using rigid conduit
with connecting accessories for switches.
Also installed with flexible conduit from
SDB to sockets.
► Testing with solar system and
Installing and fixing socket outlets
(surface mounted leg rand type):
► Installation of surface mounted socket
outlets of 10/16Amp 1-Phase with earthing
contacts fed through PVC insulated copper
conductors of 3x2.5mm 2 in rigid PVC
conduits min. diameter of 16mm including
Pc. 15 3,500 3,500
junction boxes with cover and screw type
►All installation should be surface
mounted and installed using rigid conduit
with connecting accessories for sockets.
►Testing with solar system and
Installation of sub distribution boxes
►Mounting SDB on surface and fixing all
below listed equipment inside of SDB and
connecting the incoming from MDB and
outgoing power cable to load properly. The
SDB contains: Pc 1 1,500 1,500
a) 1 pc ACB of 10 Amps/1-phase, to be
fixed as main for both 6Amp and 2Amp
b) 1 pc ACB 6Amp/1-phase
c) 1 pc ACB 2Amp/1-phase
► Testing and commissioning of
Subtotal (III) 10,000
IV. Power cable laying, connecting and testing
1 DC power laying: Mt 15 2,500 2,500
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►Laying and connecting of DC power
cable of 3x16mm 2 in rigid conduits of
specified diameter from PV-Generator to
main distribution board in technical room
and connecting to charge controller
through MDB
►Actual measurements should be taken
on site.
►Excavation, refilling and all relative
2 AC power laying:
►Laying and connecting of AC power
cable of 3x4mm 2 in rigid conduits of
specified diameter from main distribution
board to specific SDB. Mt 40 4,500 4,500
►Actual measurements should be taken
on site.
►Excavation, refilling and all relative
Subtotal IV 7,000
V End-user training, preliminary handover, documentation and reporting
Staff member training with following
►General functionality concept of the
►Do’s and Don’ts Hour 2 5,000 5,000
►Safety aspects
►Economical energy utilisation
►Advantage and disadvantage of solar
Operator training with following
2 ►System Operation, follow-up Hour 4 5,000 5,000
►Data recording and reporting
►Basic maintenance
3 Hand-over procedure Per site 1
►Handover of the installed system to GIZ
EnDev and Woreda offices.
►Placing all necessary documents such 4,000 4,000
as end user manual, log sheet etc at an
appropriate place of institution.
►Reporting work done in hard and soft
Subtotal V 14,000
VI Six months defects liability period with service and maintenance activities
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1 Duties until final handover
►Preventive and ad-hoc service and
maintenance visits to ensure functionality
of the installed system over six months. Per site 1 16,000 16,000
►Refreshment training for staff member
and operator.
►Functionality check for final hand over.
Subtotal VI 16,000
C. Work detail to be performed and cost break-down for one 2,400Wp solar PV power system installation
Work detail to be performed and cost break-down for one 2,400Wp solar PV power system
Bidder’s Name: -----------
No Detail work Description Unit Qty Unit Rate Total
I Installation of PV Generator with 1,200 system and system components
1 Module racks (per one site):
►Erection of module racks / panel frame for lump
eight 300Wp PV modules per site. 1 3,000 3,000
►Site clearing, excavation, masonry and
back filling work.
PV Modules installation, fixing and
► Installing and inter- connecting eight PV
modules of 300Wp as per GIZ EnDev
installation manual 1 4,500 4,500
► Testing before and after connection,
commissioning and all related works.
► All electrical parameters shall be
measured before and after interconnection.
3 Fencing work:
► Erection of fencing, including
40mmX40mmX5mm, 20 pcs of angle iron
and 5pcs of wooden pole at corner in a Lump
concrete base, mounting one gate and fixing 1 10,000 10,000
wire mesh according to provided installation
manual by GIZ EnDev Ethiopia.
► Excavation work of 40cm depth and
30cm diameter and with all relative works.
4 System Earthing:
► Interconnecting all module frame in 1 2,000 2,000
series by using 1x4mm 2 of insulated
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earthing conductor.
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3 String inverter:
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► Testing with solar system and
Installing and fixing socket outlets
(surface mounted leg rand type).
► Installation of surface mounted socket
outlets of 10/16Amp 1-Phase with earthing
contacts fed through PVC insulated copper
conductors of 3x2.5mm 2 in rigid PVC
conduits min. diameter of 16mm including
junction boxes with cover and screw type Pc. 31 7,000 7,000
►All installation should be surface mounted
and installed using rigid conduit with
connecting accessories for sockets.
►Testing with solar system and
Installation of sub distribution boxes
►Mounting SDB on surface and fixing all
below listed equipment inside of SDB and
connecting the incoming from MDB and
outgoing power cable to load properly. The
SDB contains: Pc 6 3,000 3,000
a) 1 pc ACB of 10 Amps/1-phase,
b) 1 pc ACB 6Amp/1-phase
c) 1 pc ACB 2Amp/1-phase
► Testing and commissioning of installation
Subtotal (III) 20,000
IV. Power cable laying, connecting and testing
1 DC power laying: Mt 20 5,000 5,000
►Laying and connecting of DC power cable
of 3x4mm 2 in rigid conduits of specified
diameter from PV-Generator to main
distribution board in technical room and Actual
connecting to charge controller through measurement to
MDB be taken on site
►Actual measurements should be taken on
►Excavation, refilling and all relative works.
2 AC power laying:
►Laying and connecting of AC power cable
of 3x4mm 2 in rigid conduits of specified
diameter from main distribution board to Mt 200 9,000 9,000
specific SDB.
►Actual measurements should be taken on
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►Excavation, refilling and all relative works.
Subtotal IV 14,000
V End-user training, preliminary handover, documentation and reporting
Staff member training with following
►General functionality concept of the
►Do’s and Don’ts Hour 2 10,000 10,000
►Safety aspects
►Economical energy utilisation
►Advantage and disadvantage of solar PV
Operator training with following
2 ►System Operation, follow-up Hour 4 10,000 10,000
►Data recording and reporting
►Basic maintenance
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