Speleothem Paleoclimatology For The Caribbean, Central America, and North America
Speleothem Paleoclimatology For The Caribbean, Central America, and North America
Speleothem Paleoclimatology For The Caribbean, Central America, and North America
Speleothem Paleoclimatology for the Caribbean,
Central America, and North America
Jessica L. Oster 1, * , Sophie F. Warken 2,3 , Natasha Sekhon 4 , Monica M. Arienzo 5 and
Matthew Lachniet 6
1 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240, USA
2 Department of Geosciences, University of Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany;
3 Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
4 Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas,
Austin, TX 78712, USA; nsekhon@utexas.edu
5 Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV 89512, USA; Monica.arienzo@dri.edu
6 Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA; matthew.lachniet@unlv.edu
* Correspondence: jessica.l.oster@vanderbilt.edu
Received: 27 December 2018; Accepted: 21 January 2019; Published: 28 January 2019
Abstract: Speleothem oxygen isotope records from the Caribbean, Central, and North America reveal
climatic controls that include orbital variation, deglacial forcing related to ocean circulation and
ice sheet retreat, and the influence of local and remote sea surface temperature variations. Here,
we review these records and the global climate teleconnections they suggest following the recent
publication of the Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and Analysis (SISAL) database. We find that
low-latitude records generally reflect changes in precipitation, whereas higher latitude records are
sensitive to temperature and moisture source variability. Tropical records suggest precipitation
variability is forced by orbital precession and North Atlantic Ocean circulation driven changes in
atmospheric convection on long timescales, and tropical sea surface temperature variations on short
timescales. On millennial timescales, precipitation seasonality in southwestern North America is
related to North Atlantic climate variability. Great Basin speleothem records are closely linked with
changes in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Although speleothems have revealed these
critical global climate teleconnections, the paucity of continuous records precludes our ability to
investigate climate drivers from the whole of Central and North America for the Pleistocene through
modern. This underscores the need to improve spatial and temporal coverage of speleothem records
across this climatically variable region.
Keywords: SISAL database; speleothem; cave; oxygen isotopes; North America; Central
America; Caribbean
1. Introduction
Speleothems, or secondary cave carbonates, have become essential tools for the reconstruction
of past terrestrial climate variability [1]. Speleothem oxygen isotope records (hereafter δ18 Ospel ) in
particular have provided important information about changes in precipitation, temperature, and
atmospheric circulation over low and middle latitude regions throughout the world. The Speleothem
Isotopes Synthesis and Analysis (SISAL) project and database aims to compile published speleothem
data globally to facilitate paleoclimate reconstructions and the evaluation of climate models [1].
The first version of the database (SISAL_v1) contains 376 speleothem records [2]. These records were
compiled from public archives and published data or provided through correspondence with the
original authors. The challenges found while compiling such data are discussed in [1]. The database
archives speleothem oxygen and carbon isotope data, detailed chronologic and analytical information,
and important metadata for each cave site and speleothem such as bedrock geology, overburden
thickness, and whether cave monitoring was conducted, among other pieces of information that are
essential for working with and interpreting speleothem isotope records.
Of the 376 records included in SISAL_v1, 42 are from cave sites in Central and North America
and the Caribbean [2]. These records cover a vast region, spanning the tropics to mid-latitudes
and bordering two oceans, with climate controls that are highly variable both in the modern and
through time. Speleothem records from this region have revealed critical climate teleconnections
between the polar regions, the tropics, and the mid-latitudes at decadal to orbital timescales [3–6].
These records have provided evidence for the effects of climate variability on ancient civilizations [7–9],
and contributed toward open questions and key debates regarding Earth’s climate system [3,10].
Here, we discuss the spatial and temporal coverage of North and Central American and Caribbean
speleothem records included in SISAL_v1 and the predominant controls on δ18 Ospel variability in each
region. We review the most salient discoveries arising from regional records included in SISAL_v1 and
conduct a statistical analysis to underscore observed spatial relationships. Our summary highlights
the value, the challenges, and the opportunities afforded by the SISAL compilation of Central and
North American and Caribbean speleothem records.
Figure 1.1.Map
showing distribution
distributionofofcarbonate andand
carbonate evaporite rocksrocks
evaporite in North and Central
in North AmericaAmerica
and Central
provided by the World Karst Aquifer Mapping project (WOKAM [11]).
provided by the World Karst Aquifer Mapping project (WOKAM [11]). Purple circles Purple circles indicateindicate
speleothem record sites included in SISAL_v1 [1], while green circles indicate
speleothem record sites included in SISAL_v1 [1], while green circles indicate speleothemspeleothem records
records sites
sites that have been identified, but are not included in SISAL_v1. Specific information about all sites
that have been identified, but are not included in SISAL_v1. Specific information about all sites is
is included in Table 1.
included in Table 1.
when the jet stream has a more meridional configuration [22]. Similar work has linked AR frequency
and intensity to the occurrence and type of El Niño event [23]. These findings hint at the importance of
both high and low latitude teleconnections in driving AR occurrence.
The southwestern portion of North America into northern Central America is also influenced by
precipitation associated with the North American Monsoon (NAM). Heating of the Mojave and Sonoran
deserts in the summer creates a thermal low that draws moisture from the Gulf of California, Gulf
of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea into parts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico [24].
Most NAM precipitation occurs as isolated thunderstorms or mesoscale convective systems, and thus
its influence on modern regional precipitation and its past variability are complex [25]. The dominant
moisture source for monsoon rains varies from west to east, with the Gulf of California and the Pacific
providing more moisture to the Mojave and Sonoran deserts and the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean
becoming more important toward the east. The Great Plains low level jet also carries moisture through
eastern Mexico, influencing precipitation in central and northern Mexico, Texas, and into the Great
Plains [25,26].
Large-scale ocean-atmosphere interactions strongly influence patterns of precipitation variability
in western North America on interannual to decadal timescales. Historical records of precipitation
variability suggest a dipole pattern between the Pacific Northwest and desert southwest displaying
opposing relationships with indices of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) [13,27]. The Pacific
Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is thought to modulate this relationship on decadal timescales, including
control on the shape and location of the transitional zone between the sign of correlation between
precipitation and ENSO indices [27]. The strength of the ENSO/precipitation relationship also appears
to be modulated by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) [27], which also influences summer
precipitation over Texas and the southern Great Plains [28].
Figure 2. Cont.
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 6 of 33
Figure 2. Conceptual model of components of the climate system for modern (A) and last glacial
maximum (B) conditions in North and Central America. Climate models and paleoclimate records
Figurethat the LGM was
2. Conceptual characterized
model by a stronger
of components of the Aleutian low (AL),
climate system for weaker
modernNorth Pacific
(A) and lasthigh
(NPH) [49]; high
maximum pressure over
(B) conditions the Laurentide
in North and Central iceAmerica.
sheet (LISH) andmodels
Climate a tiltedand
westerly storm track
paleoclimate records
(red dashedthat
indicate line) [4];
the LGMmorewasfrequent atmospheric
characterized river storms
by a stronger alonglow
Aleutian the(AL),
west coast of North
weaker North Pacific
America high
(ARs) [49];[49];
(NPH) a weaker North American
high pressure monsoon (NAM)
over the Laurentide ice sheet[50]; weaker
(LISH) and aBermuda high (BH)
tilted westerly storm[51] and
track (red
Caribbean low level jet [52]; and small southward (<1 ◦ ) shifts in ITCZ position [53].
dashed line) [4]; more frequent atmospheric river storms along the west coast of North America (ARs)
[49]; a weaker North American monsoon (NAM) [50]; weaker Bermuda high (BH) [51] and Caribbean
2.2. Climate and Controls on δ18 Op in Eastern North America
low level jet [52]; and small southward (<1°) shifts in ITCZ position [53].
across the Western Atlantic and Caribbean and typically move northward along the east coast, or west
into the Gulf of Mexico and into the eastern interior of North America, bringing large quantities of
rainfall over short periods of time. Localized “lake effect” precipitation, caused by vertical fluxes of
heat and recycled moisture from the lake surface, also occurs adjacent to the Great Lakes [58,59].
2.3. Climate and Controls on δ18 Op in Central America and the Caribbean
orographic rainfall [78]. On the Pacific slope of southern Mexico, precipitation is advected from the
ITCZ, where it is then available for convective systems to produce rainfall in the semi-arid regions of
southwestern Mexico.
Besides the ITCZ and the NASH, other significant synoptic influences include the intrusions of
polar fronts of midlatitude origin modifying the dry winter and early summer climates of the northern
Caribbean and north Central America as well as westward propagating tropical disturbances—a
summer season feature associated with enhanced rainfall over the Caribbean [70]. ENSO also influences
the climate of Central America, manifesting as a zonal seesaw in sea level pressure (SLP) between the
eastern equatorial Pacific and Atlantic Ocean [69]. Hence, in western and southwestern Mexico and
the Pacific coast of Central America, changes in precipitation are commonly linked to ENSO variability,
with weaker convective precipitation occurring during warm El Niño events, and more convection
associated with La Niña conditions [79]. Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean slopes commonly experience
an anti-phased ENSO response to the Pacific sectors [69].
Figure 3. 3.Temporal
coverage of of North
North and
and Central
Central American
American speleothem
represented in in
SISAL_v1 for all records (A) and covering only the last 22 ka (B). Shading denotes temporal
SISAL_v1 for all records (A) and covering only the last 22 ka (B). Shading denotes temporal resolution resolution
within records
records givenasasthe
given thetime
difference between
between twotwo consecutive
stableisotope samples
isotope samples in in
Hiatuses in individual records are shown by blank
Hiatuses in individual records are shown by blank spaces. spaces.
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 11 of 33
As described in Section 2, the primary controls on speleothem δ18 O vary substantially across
North and Central America, providing the opportunity to reconstruct many important components of
the climate system in different locations and to investigate teleconnections between these components.
However, this variability clearly necessitates a place-based understanding of modern climate and
in-cave controls at each study site, as well as consideration of how these processes may operate on
multiple timescales, from seasonal to orbital. Presently, the temporal coverage of speleothem records
is uneven across the region, allowing the investigation of different aspects of the climate system
at different time periods, but precluding a comprehensive view of climate from the tropics to the
mid-latitudes and from the glacial period through modern for the region as a whole. This is apparent
when comparing the range and variance of δ18 Ospel values during the LGM versus the Holocene
(Figure 4), which hints at a more negative and more variable δ18 Ospel during the glacial, with higher
latitude records displaying more variance than low latitude records. This observation is consistent
with a synthesis of global temperature proxies that suggest more variable temperatures during the
LGM compared to the Holocene at high latitudes compared to the tropics [97]. However, in our case
this comparison also demonstrates the lack of overlap in individual records that cover both periods.
Figure 4.Figure
Box 4. Boxwhisker
and and whisker plots
plots comparing(A)
comparing (A) LGM
LGM (18-22
ka)and (B) (B)
and Holocene (0-10 ka)
Holocene values
(0-10 ka) of
values of
δ18 Ospelδ. Records
18Ospel. Records are arranged by latitude, with lower latitude records at the bottom of each panel.
are arranged by latitude, with lower latitude records at the bottom of each panel.
Center lines are median values and box hinges represent the first and third quantiles. Whiskers extend
Center lines are median values and box hinges represent the first and third quantiles. Whiskers extend
to the highest and lowest values with points plotted beyond the whiskers considered as outliers.
to the highest and lowest values with points plotted beyond the whiskers considered as outliers.
4. Patterns in δ18Ospel in North and Central America through Time
4. Patterns in δ18 Ospel in North and Central America through Time
To document observed patterns in δ18Ospel variations during MIS 3 to 7 (~80 to 200 ka), the LGM
To through
document observed patterns 18 O
the last deglaciation (10 toin22δka), variations
the Holocene
spel during
(0 to 10 ka),MIS 3 tolast
and the 7 (~80 to 200 ka),
two millennia the LGM
(0 to
through2 theka), last
we usedeglaciation (10 to 22
visual comparisons andka), the Holocene
statistically (0 to 10 ka),
assess correlations and the
between last tworecords
speleothem millennia (0
to 2 ka),when
we use appropriate. We follow the approach
visual comparisons of Rehfeldassess
and statistically and Kurths (2014) and
correlations Oster andspeleothem
between Kelley (2016)records
which uses Gaussian-kernel based smoothing to generate regularly
when appropriate. We follow the approach of Rehfeld and Kurths (2014) and Oster and sampled estimates that follow the (2016)
pattern of change observed in the original irregularly sampled speleothem time series [29,107]. We
which uses Gaussian-kernel based smoothing to generate regularly sampled estimates that follow
use the MATLAB toolbox NESToolbox [107] to compute Pearson correlation of these Gaussian
the pattern of change
smoothed records,observed in the original irregularly
termed Gaussian-kernel-based sampled
cross-correlation speleothem
(gXCF), time
to identify seriesor[29,107].
We use negative
the MATLAB toolbox
correlations NESToolbox
between speleothem[107] to compute
records. We appliedPearson correlation
linear detrending of these
to the raw dataGaussian
smoothed records,
series prior totermed Gaussian-kernel-based
gXCF analysis by taking the residuals cross-correlation (gXCF),
from a linear function y = ato identify
+ bt fitted topositive
the or
original data series. This was done to remove correlations between records that
negative correlations between speleothem records. We applied linear detrending to the raw data series simply reflect long-
prior toterm
gXCF change in the climate system. Pairs of these detrended data-series were compared using the
analysis by taking the residuals from a linear function y = a + bt fitted to the original
similarity function in NESToolbox using the gXCF option with bandwidth selection following the
data series. This was done to remove correlations between records that simply reflect long-term
recommended h = 0.25 for the common sampling interval on the rescaled time-axis which is the
change default
in the climate system.
setting within Pairs of these
NESToolbox. detrended
We conduct data-serieswith
all comparisons werezero
temporalusing the similarity
lag between
in NESToolbox
Time series using
aregXCF optionand
centralized with bandwidthwithin
standardized selection following
NESToolbox thetorecommended
prior gXCF
calculation. Significance of gXCF values was evaluated by comparison
h = 0.25 for the common sampling interval on the rescaled time-axis which is the default setting with independent AR(1)
autocorrelated We
within NESToolbox. but conduct
mutuallyall uncorrelated
comparisons surrogate
with zerotimetemporal
series generated
lag betweenusing records.
NESToolbox.Time series
Correlation values that fall outside the 5% and 95% quantiles drawn from 2000 replicate surrogate
data are centralized and standardized within NESToolbox prior to gXCF calculation. Significance
of gXCF values was evaluated by comparison with independent AR(1) autocorrelated but mutually
uncorrelated surrogate time series generated using NESToolbox. Correlation values that fall outside
the 5% and 95% quantiles drawn from 2000 replicate surrogate testing are accepted as significant [107].
We then visualize the significant gXCF values between records of each time period (if there are any)
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 13 of 33
on a network diagram. We construct these diagrams using the qgraph package in R [108] with node
placement determined geographically.
testing are accepted as significant [107]. We then visualize the significant gXCF values between
records of each time period (if there are any) on a network diagram. We construct these diagrams
4.1. Late Pleistocene
using the qgraph package in R [108] with node placement determined geographically.
4.1.1. Pre-LGM
4.1. Late Pleistocene
Pre-LGM climate in North and Central America is mostly recorded in lower temporal resolution
4.1.1. Pre-LGM
records. Records covering Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS7) through MIS5 include the Devil’s Hole vein
Pre-LGM climate in North and Central America is mostly recorded in lower temporal resolution
calcites, records
records.from Lehman
Records coveringand Leviathan
Marine Isotope Caves in Nevada,
Stage 7 (MIS7) through and
MIS5Buckeye Creek
include the Cave
Devil’s Holeinvein
West Virginia
(Figure 5). calcites,
MIS3 isrecords
recordsandfrom AbacoCaves
Leviathan Islandin in the Bahamas,
Nevada, and Buckeyethe Creek
Fort Stanton (FS2-2012) and
Cave in West
Cave of the Virginia
Bells (Figure 5). MIS3records
(COB02-01) is covered
in by records from Abaco
southwestern North Island in the Bahamas,
America, the Fort Stanton
and Leviathan Cave. Temporal
(FS2-2012) and Cave of the Bells (COB02-01) records in southwestern North America, and Leviathan
coverage of records across this time and region is too variable to warrant a statistical comparison.
Cave. Temporal coverage of records across this time and region is too variable to warrant a statistical
MIS 3comparison.
is characterized by globally resolved millennial-scale Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) events,
recorded in the MISGreenland ice cores
3 is characterized as periods
by globally resolvedof warming, followed
millennial-scale by a gradual
Dansgaard/Oeschger return to cooler
(D/O) events,
recorded in the Greenland ice cores as periods of warming, followed
temperatures [109]. The southwestern North American speleothems (FS2-2012, COB-01-02) by a gradual return to cooler
18 [109]. The southwestern North American speleothems (FS2-2012, COB-01-02)
more positive δ Ospel values associated with interstadials, interpreted as enhanced aridity or less winter
demonstrate more positive δ18Ospel values associated with interstadials, interpreted as enhanced
precipitation associated
aridity withprecipitation
or less winter D/O events [5,40]. A
associated California
with D/O events speleothem recordspeleothem
[5,40]. A California not included in SISAL_v1
also displays increased
not included aridity during
in SISAL_v1 D/Oincreased
also displays stadials aridity
of MIS4 andD/O
during early MIS3of[110].
stadials Stalagmites
MIS4 and early MIS3 AB-DC-01
and AB-DC-12[110]. Stalagmites
from Abaco AB-DC-01
Island,and AB-DC-12
Bahamas from Abaco Island,
demonstrate moreBahamas
negative δ18 Ospel values
demonstrate more negative
associated with
δ Ospel values associated with interstadials interpreted as either warmer or wetter periods in the
interstadials interpreted as either warmer or wetter periods in the Bahamas [92].
Bahamas [92].
Figure 5. Speleothem records covering MIS5 to MIS7 that are included in SISAL_v1. These include
vadose zone (LMC and LC records [47,111] which comprise the Leviathan Chronology) and phreatic
deposits from western North America (DH records [96]), as well as records from the eastern United
States (BCC records [112]), and the record of July insolation at 65 ◦ N [113]. Ages (solid circles)
and associated uncertainties are shown with each record. Interglacial periods MIS5 and MIS7 are
shaded blue.
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 14 of 33
The longest accurately-dated speleothem δ18 O record from the western United States comes
from a combination from Leviathan, Pinnacle, and Lehman Caves, Nevada, called the Leviathan
Chronology. These data show that δ18 Ospel variations over the past 175,000 years closely follow the
pacing and amplitude of variations in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. The Great Basin
δ18 Ospel records also display termination ages, marked by increased δ18 O, that are in phase with
increases boreal summer insolation [3,47,48,111]. In the Leviathan Chronology, shifts in δ18 Ospel lag
the precession cycle in boreal summer insolation by on average 3240 years [47]. The mechanism which
links northern hemisphere summer insolation and δ18 Ospel is thought to be changes in Arctic sea ice
extent. When insolation is low, sea ice extent is greater, driving changes in atmospheric circulation
that enhance winter rainfall in the Great Basin [3]. These Nevada vadose zone δ18 Ospel data were
significant because they showed ‘on-time’ climate variations in the Great Basin in contrast to the
Devils Hole phreatic calcite δ18 O record, which exhibited shifts to more positive values at glacial
terminations that appeared to precede terminations in other records by ~10,000 years, e.g., [114].
In particular, the timing of the original record suggested that the isotopic shift in the groundwater
that feeds Devils Hole preceded the rise in boreal insolation, suggesting that Termination II did not
arise from orbital forcing. This timing created a conundrum for how such mid-latitude changes could
lead change in high latitude insolation [96] or suggested that the Devils Hole record must contain
imprints of non-climatic processes [3,47]. Recent redating of the Devils Hole core has helped to resolve
this controversy [96] by suggesting that non-replicated dating of isotopic anomalies of calcite can be
attributed to 230 Th mobilization and dynamics in the groundwater column. This effect is thought to be
especially pronounced during terminations when the water table is high. Considering the effect of
a depth gradient in 230 Th in the groundwater column, the authors suggested that cores collected at
higher elevations within Devils Hole should have the most accurate chronology [96], placing the ages
of the terminations closer to—but lagging behind—those in the vadose zone records [3].
Figure 6. Speleothem
Figure records
6. Speleothem covering
records the LGM
covering through
the LGM the most
through recent
the most deglaciation
recent that that
deglaciation are included
in SISAL_v1 in SISAL_v1 compared
to the 18 ONGRIP
NGRIPtoδthe 18O record from Greenland [115]. See Table 1 for
record δfrom Greenland [115]. See Table 1 for record details.
Ages (solid circles) and associated uncertainties are shown with each record. Periods of Northern
Hemisphere cooling are highlighted in blue. Records are arranged by latitude.
record details. Ages (solid circles) and associated uncertainties are shown with each record. Periods
of Northern
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 Hemisphere cooling are highlighted in blue. Records are arranged by latitude. 16 of 33
Figure Networkplotplot
for deglacial speleothem
for deglacial records
speleothem included
records in SISAL_v1
included shown at shown
in SISAL_v1 zero temporal
at zero
temporal lag with sites arranged geographically. Correlation (gXCF) strength increaseswidth
with sites arranged geographically. Correlation (gXCF) strength increases with of lineof
with width
and depth of color. Blue lines represent positive correlations and red lines represent negative ones.
line and depth of color. Blue lines represent positive correlations and red lines represent negative
These relationships are computed over the amount of time that each pair of records overlaps, so
ones. These relationships are computed over the amount of time that each pair of records overlaps, so
each relationship covers a slightly different temporal interval within the 10–22 ka window. Only
each relationship covers a slightly different temporal interval within the 10–22 ka window. Only
correlations that fall outside of the 5 and 95% quantiles drawn from 2000 replicate surrogate testing
correlations that fall outside of the 5 and 95% quantiles drawn from 2000 replicate surrogate testing
plotted. Pairwise gXCF values are shown in Table 2. Records shown are from Abaco Island (ABDC),
plotted. Pairwise gXCF values are shown in Table 2. Records shown are from Abaco Island (ABDC),
Cave of the Bells (COB), Cave without a Name (CWN), Fort Stanton Cave (FS2), Juxtlahuaca cave (JX2),
Cave of the Bells (COB), Cave without a Name (CWN), Fort Stanton Cave (FS2), Juxtlahuaca cave
Leviathan Cave (LC), Moaning Cave (MC), McLean’s Cave (ML), and Pinnacle Cave (PC).
(JX2), Leviathan Cave (LC), Moaning Cave (MC), McLean’s Cave (ML), and Pinnacle Cave (PC).
The LGM and deglacial climate of North and Central America is influenced by a number of
The LGM and deglacial climate of North and Central America is influenced by a number of
drivers including the presence and decay of the Laurentide ice sheet, glacial meltwater discharge
drivers including the presence and decay of the Laurentide ice sheet, glacial meltwater discharge and
and changes in ocean circulation, and insolation variations. Each of these factors drive changes in
changes in ocean circulation, and insolation variations. Each of these factors drive changes in
atmospheric circulation that influence precipitation, and therefore speleothem δ18 O in different ways
atmospheric circulation that influence precipitation, and therefore speleothem δ18O in different ways
across this region. At the LGM, squeezing and deflection of westerly winds and steering of storms
across this region. At the LGM, squeezing and deflection of westerly winds and steering of storms
along a northwest to southeast trend due to the pressure gradient caused by the high-pressure system
along a northwest to southeast trend due to the pressure gradient caused by the high-pressure system
over the Laurentide ice sheet increased moisture delivery to southwestern North America [4]. This may
over the Laurentide ice sheet increased moisture delivery to southwestern North America [4]. This
have coincided with an increased contribution from southwesterly AR events, with impacts shifted
may have coincided with an increased contribution from southwesterly AR events, with impacts
away from the Pacific Northwest and toward the southwest [49] (Figure 2B). The change in the westerly
shifted away from the Pacific Northwest and toward the southwest [49] (Figure 2B). The change in
winds advected colder air into southwestern North America, reducing the energy flux needed to drive
the westerly winds advected colder air into southwestern North America, reducing the energy flux
the North American Monsoon [50] (Figure 2B). Together, these processes enhanced the contribution
needed to drive the North American Monsoon [50] (Figure 2B). Together, these processes enhanced
of winter westerly storm precipitation to the southwest, reducing δ18 O in speleothems FS2-2012 and
the contribution of winter westerly storm precipitation to the southwest, reducing δ18O in
COB-01-02 (Figure 6).
speleothems FS2-2012 and COB-01-02 (Figure 6).
In southern Mexico, the more negative δ1818Ospel values in stalagmite JX2 are interpreted to reflect
In southern Mexico, the more negative δ Ospel values in stalagmite JX2 are interpreted to reflect
a relatively active Mesoamerican monsoon during the LGM [116]. However, JX2 δ18 O spel values
a relatively active Mesoamerican monsoon during the LGM [116]. However, JX2 δ Ospel values18
increase during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), suggesting a reduction in the monsoon, possibly due to a
increase during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), suggesting a reduction in the monsoon, possibly due to a
southward shift of the ITCZ following meltwater inputs in the North Atlantic [116]. This is consistent
with recent modeling experiments and climate records that advocate for a meridional shift of the
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 17 of 33
4.2. Holocene
Figure 8. Speleothem
Figure 8. Speleothem records
records covering
covering the
the Holocene
Holocene in in SISAL_v1
SISAL_v1 that
that include
include the
the early
early and
and middle
Holocene. See Table
Holocene. See Table 11 for
for record
record details.
details. Ages
Ages (solid
(solid circles)
circles) and
and associated
associated uncertainties
uncertainties are
are shown
with each
each record.
record. Records
Records are
are arranged
arranged byby latitude.
The small
small number
number of of Holocene
Holocene speleothem
speleothem recordsrecords from from western
western NorthNorth America
America may may reflect
widespread aridity during the early and middle Holocene, e.g. [127]. The Holocene LC-1 record
aridity during the early and middle Holocene, e.g., [127]. The Holocene LC-1 record
shows 18 beginning in the early Holocene, a peak in δ18 O values around 8.0 ka,
shows anan increase
increase in in δδ18OOspel
spel beginning in the early Holocene, a peak in δ18O values around 8.0 ka,
and aa decrease
decrease to the present.
to the present. This This pattern
patternof ofδδ1818OOspel
spel change
change is is consistent
consistent with
with a lagged
a lagged response
response to
summer insolation, potentially related to the lagged response of the Arctic cryosphere to summer
summer insolation, potentially related to the lagged response of the Arctic cryosphere to summer
insolation, asas variations
variations in in Arctic
Arctic sea
sea ice
ice could
could influence
influence on on the
the intensity
intensity of of Pacific
Pacific winter
winter storms
storms [3].
The OCNM02-01 record on the other hand, has been tied to changes
The OCNM02-01 record on the other hand, has been tied to changes in northeast Pacific sea surface in northeast Pacific sea surface
temperature and and winter
winter insolation
insolation [42]. The 8.2
[42]. The 8.2 ka ka event
event is is recorded
recorded in in aa high-resolution
high-resolution coastal
California speleothem that is not included in SISAL_v1 [44] as a
California speleothem that is not included in SISAL_v1 [44] as a period of enhanced winterperiod of enhanced winter storminess.
storminess. further inlandfurther
However, LC-1 shows
inlandthe highest
LC-1 shows δ18theOspel at thisδtime
highest 18Ospel and no evidence
at this time andofno anevidence
8.2 ka coldof
event [3,47]. A hiatus in stalagmite CBD-2 suggests dry conditions in
an 8.2 ka cold event [3,47]. A hiatus in stalagmite CBD-2 suggests dry conditions in southern Mexico southern Mexico during this
during[128], but the
this event drying
[128], butencompasses a much broader
the drying encompasses a much temporal
broader window
the short 8.2 the
than ka event.
In eastern North America, the BCC record from West Virginia displays
8.2 ka event. In eastern North America, the BCC record from West Virginia displays a shift to a shift to lower values at 4.2
(Figure 8),4.2
which is coincident with 18
values at ka (Figure 8), which is acoincident
step-change with toalower δ Ospeltoinlower
step-change the Great Basin
δ18Ospel [47].
in the ThisBasin
Great shift
in the eastern United States was interpreted to reflect a reduction in summer,
[47]. This shift in the eastern United States was interpreted to reflect a reduction in summer, Gulf of Gulf of Mexico-derived
Mexico-derived andprecipitation
is coincidentand with many other
is coincident withrecords
manyofother hydrologic
recordschange across the
of hydrologic globe
change [67].
More early[67].
the globe to middle
More earlyHolocene speleothem
to middle Holocene records
speleothemfrom North records and Central
from North America are needed
and Central America to
provide a detailed picture of climate change during this
are needed to provide a detailed picture of climate change during this time. time.
Figure 9. Speleothem records covering the last 2000 years at approximately decadal resolution or
better that
Figure are included
9. Speleothem in SISAL_v1.
records coveringSeethe
for record
years details. Ages (soliddecadal
at approximately circles) and associated
resolution or
uncertainties are shown with each record. Records are arranged by latitude.
better that are included in SISAL_v1. See Table 1 for record details. Ages (solid circles) and associated
uncertainties are shown with each record. Records are arranged by latitude.
Oxygen isotope values in speleothem PDR-1 from Puerto Rico during the last 800 years are
characterized by a pronounced multi-decadal variability [129]. Moving from Puerto Rico towards the
west, speleothem records from central America show a multi-decadal pattern superimposed upon
several multicentennial-scale trends during the last 2000 years BP [8,9]. Interpreting δ18 Ospel in the
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 20 of 33
Central American speleothems as a proxy for precipitation amount, the δ18 Ospel records from Yucatan
and also western Mexico show a series of droughts during the last millennia [9,93,129–131]. These major
dry events (marked with vertical bars in Figure 9) are particularly pronounced in MC01 from Belize,
where major dry events (MDE) were identified between 2840–3060, 2500–2540, 2060–2140, 1600–1700,
1050–1200, 750–900, 370–420, and 40–100 cal yr BP [8]. The timing of drought in the Mexico highlands
(JX6, JX-7) may have preceded that in the lowlands (YOKG, MC01, YOKI) [9]. Major dry events are
evident in most Central American and Caribbean δ18 Ospel records suggesting a common regional
forcing. Correlation analyses (Figure 10) show a positive correlation of Central American speleothem
records to both PDR-1 (Puerto Rico) and OCNM (Oregon, United States). The strongest positive
connection appears between the PDR-1 and MC01 in Belize, whereas no significant correlation was
derived for PDR-1 to the speleothem records located towards the west. This supports the observation
of an E-W-gradient of multidecadal versus centennial scale patterns, indicating that the influence of
the North Atlantic diminishes when moving across central America towards the west. This common
pattern is presumably the influence of North Atlantic Sea surface temperatures, which modulate the
meridional temperature gradient and consequently the strength of the trade winds and the CLLJ,
transporting moisture westwards into the Caribbean basin. Locations further west are less influenced
by the eastern trades and the CLLJ, but receive more moisture from Pacific sources. This, in turn,
is indicative of a more dominant influence of ENSO activity in speleothems from mid and western
Central America, as proposed for many of these records [6,8,9,130]
Figure 10. Network plot for high resolution records covering the last 2000 years. See Figure 7 for further
Figure Pairwise gXCF values
10. Network arehigh
plot for shown in Tablerecords
resolution 2. Records shownthe
covering are last
years.Cave (CHIL-1),
See Figure 7 for
Juxtlahuaca Cave (JX-6),
further details. Machal
Pairwise gXCFChasm
values(MC01), Oregon
are shown Caves
in Table 2. National Monument
Records shown (OCNM),
are from Perdida
Chilbrillo Cave
Cave (PDR), Tzabnah
(CHIL-1), CaveCave
Juxtlahuaca (Chaac), andMachal
(JX-6), Yok Balum
(YOKI). Oregon Caves National Monument
(OCNM), Perdida Cave (PDR), Tzabnah Cave (Chaac), and Yok Balum Cave (YOKI).
A negative correlation is observed between δ18 Ospel of CHIL-1, the southernmost record from
the Isthmus of Panama,
A negative and both
correlation YOKI (Belize)
is observed between andδ18JX-6
of CHIL-1,Athenumber of precipitation-based
southernmost record from the
records suggest that the seasonal extremes of the ITCZ rainbelt respond to local
Isthmus of Panama, and both YOKI (Belize) and JX-6 (Mexico). A number of precipitation-based summer insolation,
and consequently the rainbelt seasonal range undergoes latitudinal migrations [10,132–136].
records suggest that the seasonal extremes of the ITCZ rainbelt respond to local summer insolation, Other
evidence suggests that
and consequently therainbelt
the ITCZ rainbelt
seasonalcontracted/expanded around itsmigrations
range undergoes latitudinal mean position [120,137–139].
[10,132–136]. Other
According to this argument, asymmetric extratropical forcings like ice sheets
evidence suggests that the ITCZ rainbelt contracted/expanded around its mean position [120,137– or freshwater
hosing produce meridional
139]. According shifts inasymmetric
to this argument, the zonal extratropical
mean rainbelt, but orbital
forcings like icevariations produce
sheets or freshwater
hosing produce meridional in terms of the
shifts in global zonalmean
the zonal meanrainbelt,
[120]. However,
but orbitalthe variations
driving regional
mechanisms still remain elusive since the dynamic response of the rainbelt
expansion/contractions in terms of the global zonal mean [120]. However, the driving variation is regionally
variable, depending
mechanisms on surface
still remain type (land
elusive since or ocean)
the dynamicand surrounding
response of continental
the rainbeltconfiguration [10,120].
variation is regionally
variable, depending on surface type (land or ocean) and surrounding continental configuration
For the monsoon domain of southwestern Mexico, a precisely-dated (<10-year precision) and
replicated δ18Ospel record from Juxtlahuaca Cave, Mexico (JX-6 and JX-7) shows a combined Atlantic
and Pacific control of rainfall amount. The JX δ18Ospel record is correlated with both the North Atlantic
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 21 of 33
For the monsoon domain of southwestern Mexico, a precisely-dated (<10-year precision) and
replicated δ18 Ospel record from Juxtlahuaca Cave, Mexico (JX-6 and JX-7) shows a combined Atlantic
and Pacific control of rainfall amount. The JX δ18 Ospel record is correlated with both the North Atlantic
Oscillation reconstruction and with a tree-ring based reconstruction of ENSO [130]. These data suggest
that ocean-atmosphere variations in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean are important controls on
climate dynamics in southwestern Mexico and Central America.
There is also evidence for the influence of aerosol forcing by volcanic and human activity on
Mesoamerican rainfall variability from Belize [140,141]. Both studies provide evidence of long-lasting
volcanic effects on precipitation changes in Mesoamerica during the past centuries. However, the
authors also note, that direct climate effects cannot be attributed to volcanic aerosol forcing alone,
but may have exacerbated or prolonged the drought intervals beyond the duration of the direct
radiative imbalance [140–142]. In summary, this makes interpretation of precipitation-proxy records as
large-scale rainbelt movement challenging, requiring regional or global data syntheses.
Site Name Site ID Country Entity Name Entity ID Lat (ºN) Long (ºE) Elev. (m asl) Min Year BP Max Year BP SISAL_v1 Ref.
Lehman Caves 14 United States LMC-14 67 39.01 −114.2 2080 105,617 128,604 y [47]
Lehman Caves 14 United States LMC-21 68 39.01 −114.2 2080 133,340 174,096 y [47]
Lehman Caves 14 United States LC-2 69 39.01 −114.2 2080 128,888 133,168 y [111]
Cueva del Diablo 34 Mexico CBD-2 109 18.19 −99.9 1030 1220 10,812 y [128]
DeSoto Caverns 37 United States DSSG-4 112 33.37 −86.4 150 −58 4204 y [145]
Leviathan Cave 48 United States LC-1 124 37.89 −115.6 2400 −60 103,740 y [47]
McLean’s Cave 49 United States ML1 125 38.07 −120.4 300 10,971 19,391 y [45]
Moaning Cave 50 United States MC3 126 38.07 −120.5 520 8702 15,870 y [45]
Moaning Cave 50 United States MC3 126 38.07 −120.5 520 8702 15,870 y [43]
Natural Bridge Caverns 51 United States NBJ 127 29.69 −98.3 306 18 6381 y [26]
Tzabnah Cave 63 Mexico Chaac 147 20.73 −89.7 20 −54 1463 y [93]
Abaco Island Cave 70 Bahamas AB-DC-01 155 26.23 −77.2 −45 23,699 28,895 y [92]
Abaco Island Cave 70 Bahamas AB-DC-03 156 26.23 −77.2 −45 14,308 15,704 y [92]
Abaco Island Cave 70 Bahamas AB-DC-12 157 26.23 −77.2 −45 36,122 63,848 y [92]
Abaco Island Cave 70 Bahamas AB-DC-09 158 26.23 −77.2 −45 13,766 32,076 y [91]
Abaco Island Cave 70 Bahamas AB-DC-09 158 26.23 −77.2 −45 13,766 32,076 y [92]
Cave Without a Name 75 United States CWN4 164 29.89 −98.6 377 9546 28,490 y [18]
Chilibrillo Cave 78 Panama CHIL-1 167 9.17 −79.6 −79.6164 690 2180 y [6]
Macal Chasm 85 Belize MC01 178 16.88 −89.1 530 −43 5245 y [8]
Macal Chasm 85 Belize MC01 178 16.88 −89.1 530 −43 5245 y [131]
Brown’s Cave 95 United States BC01-07 191 27.89 −82.5 25 4627 6604 y [146]
Yok Balum Cave 107 Belize YOKI 209 16.21 −89.1 336 −56 1965 y [7]
Yok Balum Cave 107 Belize YOKG 210 16.21 −89.1 336 −34 399 y [140]
Pinnacle Cave 124 United States PC-1 259 35.97 −115.5 1792 15,585 20,000 y [124]
Buckeye Creek 128 United States BCC-2 271 37.98 −79.6 600 37 6945 y [67]
Buckeye Creek 128 United States BCC-4 272 37.98 −79.6 600 78 7184 y [67]
Buckeye Creek 128 United States BCC-6 273 37.98 −79.6 600 −24 7848 y [67]
Buckeye Creek 128 United States BCC-8 274 37.98 −79.6 600 116,501 126,712 y [112]
Buckeye Creek 128 United States BCC-10 275 37.98 −79.6 600 41,604 124,036 y [112]
Buckeye Creek 128 United States BCC_composite 276 37.98 −79.6 600 37 7847 y [67]
Cave of the Bells 134 United States COB-01-02 284 31.75 −110.8 11,484 53,335 y [40]
Juxtlahuaca Cave 136 Mexico JX-6 286 17.4 −99.2 934 −60 2397 y [9]
Juxtlahuaca Cave 136 Mexico JX-2 287 17.4 −99.2 934 11,553 22,061 y [116]
Juxtlahuaca Cave 136 Mexico JX-10 288 17.4 −99.2 934 6908 7244 y [116]
Juxtlahuaca Cave 136 Mexico JX-7 289 17.4 −99.2 934 −7 1000 y [130]
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 23 of 33
Table 1. Cont.
Site Name Site ID Country Entity Name Entity ID Lat (ºN) Long (ºE) Elev. (m asl) Min Year BP Max Year BP SISAL_v1 Ref.
Oregon caves national monument 139 United States OCNM02-1 294 42.1 −123.4 1300 234 7992 y [42]
Fort Stanton Cave 147 United States FS2_2012 321 33.51 −105.4 1864 11,336 25,840 y [147]
Fort Stanton Cave 147 United States FS2_2010 322 33.51 −105.4 1864 11,310 55,846 y [5]
Devils Hole 171 United States DH2 373 36.43 −116.3 719 100,902 181,716 y [96]
Devils Hole 171 United States DH2-D 374 36.43 −116.3 719 4896 204,226 y [96]
Devils Hole 171 United States DH2-E Terminal1 375 36.43 −116.3 719 5534 50,131 y [96]
Devils Hole 171 United States DH2-E Terminal2 376 36.43 −116.3 719 117,435 154,922 y [96]
Perdida Cave 173 Puerto Rico PDR-1 378 18 −67.0 1450 −54 742 y [129]
Cold water Cave United States CWC-1s 43.47 −92.0 356 1147 7774 n [148]
Cold water Cave United States CWC-2ss 43.47 −92.0 356 1740 7270 n [148]
Cold water Cave United States CWC-3L 43.47 −92.0 356 2080 9040 n [148]
Devils Icebox Cave United States DIB-1 38.9 −92.3 250 610 3500 n [149]
Devils Icebox Cave United States DIB-2 38.9 −92.3 250 2010 3610 n [149]
Minnetonka Cave United States MC08-1 42.0875 −111.5 2347 n [150]
Chen Ha Cave Belize CH04-02 17 −89.0 550 4631 7159 n [151]
Goshute Cave United States GC_2 40.03 −114.8 2000 90,169 101,899 n [152]
Goshute Cave United States GC_3 40.03 −114.8 2000 83,704 86,223 n [152]
White Moon Cave United States WMC1 37 −122.2 170 6937 8604 n [44]
Arch Cave Canada DM05-01 50.55 −127.1 660 9 12,092 n [153]
Harrisons Cave Barbados HC-1 13 −59.0 300 n [154]
Xibalba Cave Belize GU-Xi-1 16.5 −89.0 350 −57 251 n [141]
Dos Anas Cave Cuba CG 22.38 −84.0 120 −50 1203 n [155]
Dos Anas Cave Cuba CP 22.38 −84.0 120 61 12,333 n [156]
Santo Tomas Cave Cuba CM 22.55 −83.8 170 6850 9914 n [156]
Chan Hol Cave Mexico Ch-7 20.16 −87.6 −8.5 n [157]
McLean’s Cave United States ML2 38.07 −120.4 300 55,158 66,902 n [110]
Bat Cave United States BC-11 32.1 −104.3 n [158]
Crystal Cave United States CRC-3 36.57 −118.8 n [159]
Ozark Caverns United States OC-2 38.02 −92.0 n [160]
Bridal Cave United States BC-3 38.01 −92.5 n [160]
Bridal Cave United States BC-2 (2) 38.01 −92.5 n [160]
Cosmic Caverns United States CS-2A 36.26 −93.3 n [160]
Beckham Creek Cave United States BCC-10 35.57 −93.2 n [160]
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 24 of 33
Table 1. Cont.
Site Name Site ID Country Entity Name Entity ID Lat (ºN) Long (ºE) Elev. (m asl) Min Year BP Max Year BP SISAL_v1 Ref.
Mystery Cave United States MC-28 43.62 −92.3 n [161]
Onondaga Caverns United States ON-3 38.03 −91.1 n [160]
Onondaga Caverns United States ON-3-B 38.03 −91.1 n [162]
Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave Belize ATM-7 17.1 −88.9 n [94]
Crevice Cave United States CCC-2 37.45 −89.5 n [61]
Crevice Cave United States CCDBL-L 37.45 −89.5 n [61]
Crevice Cave United States CCDBL-S 37.45 −89.5 n [61]
Crevice Cave United States CCE-1 37.45 −89.5 n [61]
Terciopelo Cave Costa Rica CT-6 10.1667 −85.3 n [95]
Terciopelo Cave Costa Rica CT-7 10.1667 −85.3 n [95]
Venado Cave Costa Rica V1 10.1667 −85.3 n [163]
Palco Cave Puerto Rico PR-PA-1b 18.35 −66.5 n [164]
Pink Panther Cave United States PP-1 32.08 −105.2 n [165]
Quaternary 2019, 2, 5 25 of 33
Table 2. Timing of overlap and gXCF values for significant pairwise correlations between speleothem
records for the LGM-deglacial and last 2000-year time periods.
Author Contributions: All authors contributed to the collection of data and liaison with original authors of studies
reviewed here. J.L.O. and S.F.W. organized and wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. All authors
analyzed data, reviewed the literature, and drafted and edited figures. All authors discussed manuscript ideas,
edited earlier versions, and approved this version of the manuscript.
Funding: J.L.O. acknowledges funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF grant AGS-1554998). S.F.W.
acknowledges travel funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Acknowledgments: We thank everyone involved in SISAL for the extraordinary work of record gathering and
database construction. SISAL is a working group of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) program, and we thank
PAGES for their support. We thank Sandy Harrison and Laia Comas Bru for helpful editorial comments and
figure construction. This contribution benefited from helpful comments by two anonymous reviewers. We thank
the World Karst Aquifer Mapping project (WOKAM) team for providing us with the karst region map presented
in Figure 1.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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