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Diseases in The Aquarium Fishes Challenges and Are

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Volume-2, Issue-1, Sep-Nov 2013 ISSN 2091-2854

Received:19 October Revised:1 November Accepted:10 November



M. Vishwas Rao1*, T. T. Ajith Kumar2 and M. A. Badhul Haq3

Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences,
Annamalai University, Parangipettai - 608502, Tamil Nadu, India
Corresponding author: vishwasrao.au@gmail.com
Progress over the past years has revealed much strength of the ornamental fish as an
alternative model for the environmental sideline in the aquaculture both in fresh water and
marine waters. These include low rearing costs, an earlier life stage. Aquarium fish are one of
the largest groups of pets in the world. There is an increasing demand for the veterinary
services that are related to the ornamental fish. Early clinical signs in many infectious and
noninfectious diseases of fish are manifested by the skin. More diseases in fish have been
described and have been associated with the research for the future has been discussed. This
article also describes the more common environmental and pathogen related dermatologic
diseases of the aquarium fishes. Disease prevention, control and various treatment methods
also have been discussed.
Key words: Ornamental fishes, diseases, clinical signs, treatment, ornamental aquaculture.

The ornamental fish industry is an aquaculture based business which is the popular
hobby around the world which gives hundreds of millions of dollars and supports the rural
people in developing countries. And the veterinarians are increasingly becoming involved in
disease management of the related species whether for private home clients, retail and
wholesale operations, which are in larger display settings. Diseases of fish arise through
many of the same pathways of influencing the primary, and perpetuating factors as of their
other animals. Often results in the practical approach of euthanizing one or more of the
severely affected fish, and using various tools (Chapman et. al., 1997). Early clinical signs in
many infectious and noninfectious diseases of fish are manifested by the skin (Schmale,
In general, as in all vertebrates, the skin of fish consists of epidermis which is very
thin and composed, from the inside outward, of a basal layer of germinal cells, a variable
number of layers of cuboidal to squamous cells and an outer cuticle layer and dermis was
supported by a hypodermis (Stoskopf MK, 1993; Gratzek et.al., 1992). The color of fish is
affected by many normal physiologic and environmental factors including age, diet,
temperature, stress and in some cases sunlight and colors may fade to some extent during

International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 127 | P a g e

sleep, the clinician must consider these facts when evaluating a fish because there are also
many color changes associated with different disease conditions. The first sign, the fish
shows when it is ill is a change in its body color, usually the fish becomes darker (Stoskopf
MK, 1993; Gratzek et.al., 1992).
Although, in recent years, there has been a worldwide increase in both basic and
applied research concerning viral diseases and viral infections of fish species important to the
aquaculture industry (Agius C, 1982). The major reason for this inequity is the higher
socioeconomic importance placed on fish destined for human consumption. In addition, there
is a little incentive for private aquarium fish owners to authorize detailed and expensive
virological examinations, where a positive diagnosis, in most cases results in destruction of
the fish rather than implementation of a treatment with the possibility of a cure (Hill BJ,

Dermatologic disease associated with aquarium fish

Aquarium fish often live in suboptimal conditions involving limited volumes of water
in aquarium systems with a restricted capacity to maintain adequate water quantity, unlike
natural fish; they cannot escape a potentially harmful environment. Even the preeminent
outfitted aquarium, combined with meticulous concern of water quality parameters, can never
truly ape natural conditions in the wild. Thus, the keeping of fish in aquaria is a finding the
middle ground that usually has a pessimistic influence on the fish wellbeing (Magnadottir,
2006). In wild fish live in an environment that is full of disease causing organisms and
parasites (Nunez et.al., 1990) which usually have a low burden of a wise varieties of parasites
when they are captured, frequently without showing any signs of disease (King et.al., 2004).
Protozoa, trematodes and crustaceans are among the many parasites which usually infect the
fishes. Some of the figures of the disease associated with aquarium fish in the Hatchery are
shown in figure 1.
Protozoan Diseases
Velvet or Rust
Symptoms: Clamped fins, respiratory distress (breathing hard), and yellow to light brown
"dust" on body.
This disease has the appearance of a golden or brownish dust over the fins and body.
The fish may show signs of irritation, like glancing off aquarium decor, shortage of breath
(fish-wise), and clamping of the fins. The gills are usually the first thing affected. Velvet
affects different species in different ways (Lederberg et.al, 1992). This disease is highly
contagious and fatal. The best treatment is with copper at 0.2 mg per liter (0.2 ppm) to be
repeated once in a few days if necessary. Acriflavine (trypaflavine) may be used instead at
0.2% solution (1 ml per liter). As acriflavine can possibly sterilize fish and copper can lead to
poisoning, the water should be gradually changed after a cure has been affected.
Marine velvet disease
Symptoms: Respiratory distress (fast breathing - gills opening more than 80 times per
minute); White, yellow to light brown, or grey "dusty" appearance on body, Loss of appetite,
Rubbing or scratching against decor or substrate.

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Marine velvet is one of the most common maladies experienced in the marine
aquarium, with the other being Marine Ich. It is found in all the oceans of the world and often
infects wild and newly caught marine fish. It is a fast moving disease that can cause mass

Fig. 1. Different types of diseases associated with the aquarium fish in the Hatchery
(A) Yellow wrasse (Halichoereschrysus) effected with the tail rot which is caused by the
Bacterial diseases (Pseudomonas fluorescens);
(B) Long finned Bat fish (Plataxpinnatus) which was effected with the signs of bacterial
diseases on the mouth region (reddish in color);
(C) Orange skunk clownfish (Amphiprionsandaracinos) which was affected with the fin rot
diseases caused by the bacteria.
(D & E) Butterfly fish (Chaetodontidae) with the reddish colored spots on the body which
was effected with the Vibrio sp.
(F) Clown fish (Amphiprionocellaris) effected with the fungal infections.

casualties. Primarily it infects the gills of fish but can attach itself to the body as well,
burrowing deep into the skin's subcutaneous layer. Deaths are generally a result of
interference to the respiratory system. This disease is highly contagious and fatal. Chemical
treatments for this disease include using copper. Follow the instructions provided by the

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manufacturer. Natural methods include hypo salinity, a quarantine tank with a low salinity. A
danger with using low salinity is in re-acclimating the fish to a higher salinity (Kolandasamy
et.al., 1999).
Symptoms: Milky cloudiness on skin.
This is a rare protozoan disease that causes a cloudiness of the skin. The best
treatment is with copper at 0.2 mg per liter (0.2 ppm) to be repeated once in a few days if
necessary. Acriflavine (trypaflavine) may be used instead at 0.2% solution (1 ml per liter). As
acriflavine can possibly sterilize fish and copper can lead to poisoning, the water should be
gradually changed after a cure has been affected. Raising the water temperature to 80º - 83º F
for a few days has also been affective (Kolandasamy et.al., 1999).
Symptoms: The first symptom is slimy, white mucous feces, even while still eating and
acting normal. Further signs are the fish hiding in the corner it's head down, head above the
eyes gets thin, they blacken in color, and swim backwards.
Hexamita are intestinal flagellated protozoa that attack the lower intestine. Discus and
other large cichlids, especially Oscars, are especially prone to Hexamita. As it is a disease of
the digestive tract, a wasting away or loss of appetite may be experienced.An effective
treatment is the drug metronidazole. A combined treatment in the food (1% in any food the
fish will eat) and in the water (12 mg per liter) is recommended. Repeat the water treatment
every other day for three treatments.
This disease is often confused with another disease called Head and Lateral Line
Erosion (HLLE), which use to be called "hole-in-the-head" disease, because both these
diseases are often seen simultaneously in the same fish. Head and Lateral Line Erosion
disease looks like cavities or pits on the head and face. It is not a protozoan disease, but is
actually caused by environmental conditions.
Ich or White spot disease (Ichthyophthiriusmultifiliis)
Symptoms: Salt-like specks on the body/fins. Problems breathing (ich invades the gills),
clamped fins, loss of appetite.
Ich is the most common malady experienced in the home aquarium. Luckily, this
disease is also easily cured if caught in time.Ich is actually a protozoa called
Ichthyophthiriusmultifiliis. There are three phases to the life cycle of these protozoa.
Normally, to the amateur aquarist, the life cycle is of no importance. However, since Ich is
susceptible to treatment at only one stage of the life cycle, an awareness of the life cycle is
important. These three phases take about 4 weeks at 70º F but only 5 days at 80º F. For this
reason it is recommended that the aquarium water be raised to about 80º F for the duration of
the treatment. If the fish can stand it, raise the temperature even higher up to 85º F.
The free swimming phase is the best time to treat with chemicals. Raising the
aquarium temperature to 80º F will greatly shorten the time for the free swimming phase to
occur. The drug of choice is quinine hydrochloride at 30 mg per liter (1 in 30,000). Quinine
sulphate can be used if the hydrochloride is not available. The water may cloud but this will
disappear. By reducing the time (with raised temperature) of the phases, you should be able
to attack the free swimming phase effectively.

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Some aquarists like to use malachite green, but it tends to stain the plastic and silicone
in the aquarium. Most commercial remedies contain malachite green and/or copper, which
are both effective.
Marine Ich (Cryptocaryonirritans)
Symptoms: Salt-like specks on the body/fins. Rubbing or scratching against decor or
substrate, Excessive slime. Problems breathing (ich invades the gills), Frayed fins, Loss of
appetite, Cloudy eyes, Abnormal swimming.
Marine ich or white spot disease is one of the most common maladies experienced in the
marine aquarium, with the other being Marine Velvet. This protozoa has four phases to its
life, lasting up to 38 days depending on the temperature of the environment. This parasite
affects marine and brackish water fish. Aquarists are most familiar with the stage where the
protozoa is infesting the host, the small white spots similar to a sprinkling of salt on the fish's
body and fins. Unfortunately this visual clue is also the reason for difficulty in eradicating
marine ich. Once the parasite has left the host's body many aquarists believe their fish is
cured and the problem is solved and so they cease treatment, only to have another larger
For eradication treatment must be carried through to completion, so understanding the
parasite's life cycle will greatly increase your chances of success. The life cycle of this
parasite can vary dramatically and is dependent on temperature; they cycle faster in a warmer
environment (Leong et.al., 1988). Ideally the parasite would be eliminated while on the host
or shortly after leaving the host. However, those that are buried in the gills are immune to
treatment until they leave the fish. This along with the variability of the cycle makes it
difficult to treat in a timely manner. So to rid the aquarium of this protozoon, it is
recommended that you use a combination of water changes and chemical treatment, a
multiple number of times.
Chemical: Chemical treatments for this disease include using copper, formalin, or a
combination of copper and formalin. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Natural: Natural methods include either a quarantine tank with a low salinity (hypo salinity)
or large frequent water changes. For low salinity keep the specific gravity of the water at
approximately 1.009-1.010 with temperatures of 78 - 80° F (25 - 27° C) for 14 days.
A danger with using low salinity is in re-acclimating the fish to a higher salinity. You must be
able to accurately measure the salinity and must increase it very slowly. For the water change
method, replace 50% of the aquarium water daily for 14 days. This is perfectly safe method
as long as temperature and salinity are the same, and this will remove the parasites while in a
free swimming stage.
Reportably some healthy fish can develop a limited immunity. This immunity is short-lived
lasting only about six months and may not be a total immunity, being a small amount of
infestation rather than extensive infestation.
Neon tetra disease
Symptoms: Whitened areas deep into the fishes' flesh. Muscle degeneration leading to
abnormal swimming movements.
It is caused by the sporozoa Plistophora hyphessobryconis. Even though it is named
after Neon Tetras, it can appear on other fish. Whitish patches appear as if just below the
skin. In Neon Tetras it destroys the bright blue-green neon stripe. The organisms form cysts
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which burst and release spores. The spores penetrate further and form more cysts. Eventually,
the spores migrate to the water and are eaten by other fish in the food. These spores migrate
into the digestive tract, then the muscles, and a new infection starts. There is no known cure.
It is best to destroy the infected fish and clean the aquarium (Leong et.al., 1988).
Gluea and Henneguya
Symptoms: Similar to Lymphocystis, the fish will have nodular white swellings on fins or
body. Glugea and Henneguya are sporozoans that form large cysts on the fish's body and
release spores. Luckily, these diseases are very rare. The fish bloat up, with tumor like
protrusions, and eventually die. No cure, as of yet. It is best to destroy the infected fish before
the spores can spread (Leong et.al., 1988).
Symptoms: Dulling of the colors due to excessive slime, fraying of the fins, weakness, gill
This disease causes a blue white cloudiness on the skin and attacks the gills. Later the
skin may be broken down and the gills destroyed. The fish may behave like they have
irritations, by glancing off aquarium decor, they may have clamped fins and difficulty
breathing. Acriflavine (trypaflavine) may be used at 1% solution (5 ml per liter). As
acriflavine can sterilize fish, the water should be gradually changed after a cure has been
affected. It also helps to raise the temperature to about 80º F (Leong et.al., 1988).
Bacterial Diseases
Red pest
Symptoms: Bloody streaks on fins or body.
Red Pest is called such because of bloody streaks that appear on the body, fins and/or
tail. These streaks could proceed to ulcerations and possibly lead to fin and tail rot with, in
severe cases, the tail and/or fins falling off. As the disease is internal, external treatments are
usually not effective, except in very slight cases. In slight cases, treat the aquarium with a
disinfectant and clean the aquarium as best as possible. Do not feed a lot while the aquarium
is being treated. To disinfect, use acriflavine (trypaflavine) or monacrin (monoaminoacridine)
using a 0.2% solution at the rate of 1 ml per liter. Both disinfectants will color the water, but
the color disappears as the disinfectants dissipate. Then add an antibiotic to the food. With
flake food, use about 1% of antibiotic and carefully mix it in (Leong et.al., 1993).
Mouth fungus
Symptoms: White cottony patches around the mouth.
Mouth Fungus is so called because it looks like a fungus attack of the mouth. It is
actually caused from the bacterium Chondrococcuscolumnaris. It shows up first as a gray or
white line around the lips and later as short tufts sprouting from the mouth like fungus. The
toxins produced and the inability to eat will be fatal unless treated at an early stage. This
bacteria is often accompanied by a second infection of an aeromonas bacteria. Penicillin at
10,000 units per liter is a very effective treatment. Treat with a second dose in two days. Or
use chloromycetin, 10 to 20 mg per liter, with a second dose in two days. Other antibiotics
can also be effective. Kanacyn (kanamycin) will treat both bacteria at once. Maracyn
(erythromycin) is effective against C. columnaris, and using Maracyn 2 (minocycline) in
conjuntion with it will treat the Aeromonas bacteria as well.
Tuberculosis (Mycobacteriosis)
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Symptoms: Emaciation, hollow belly, possibly sores.
Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium piscium. Fish infected with
tuberculosis may become lethargic, hollow bellied, pale, show skin ulcers and frayed fins,
have fin and scale loss, and loss of appetite. Yellowish or darker nodules may appear on the
eyes or body and may deform the fish. The main causes for this disease appears to be
overcrowding in unkempt conditions; ie. Poor water quality. All fish species could be
susceptible though some are more susceptible than others. Those most susceptible are the
labyrinth air breathers like the Gouramis, Bettas, and Paradise Fish. Others include Neon
Tetras, Discus, and the Ram Cichlid. If either unkempt conditions or overcrowding are the
suspected cause, correct the condition (Leong et.al., 1993).
Symptoms: Bloating of the body, protruding scales.
Dropsy is caused from a bacterial infection of the kidneys, causing fluid accumulation
or renal failure. The fluids in the body build up and cause the fish to bloat up and the scales to
protrude. It appears to only cause trouble in weakened fish and possibly from unkempt
aquarium conditions. An effective treatment is to add an antibiotic to the food. With flake
food, use about 1% of antibiotic and carefully mix it in. If you keep the fish hungry they
should eagerly eat the mixture before the antibiotic dissipates. Antibiotics usually come in
250 mg capsules. If added to 25 grams of flake food, one capsule should be enough to treat
dozens of fish. A good antibiotic is chloromycetin (chloramphenicol). Or use tetracycline
(Leong et.al., 1993).
Scale protrusion
Symptoms: Protruding scales without body bloat. Scale protrusion is essentially a bacterial
infection of the scales and/or body.
An effective treatment is to add an antibiotic to the food. With flake food, use about
1% of antibiotic and carefully mix it in. If you keep the fish hungry they should eagerly eat
the mixture before the antibiotic dissipates. Antibiotics usually come in 250 mg capsules. If
added to 25 grams of flake food, one capsule should be enough to treat dozens of fish. A
good antibiotic is chloromycetin (chloramphenicol). Or use tetracycline.
Tail Rot and Fin Rot
Symptoms: Disintegrating fins that may be reduced to stumps, exposed fin rays, blood on
edges of fins, reddened areas at base of fins, skin ulcers with gray or red margins, cloudy
Tail and fin rot appears to be a bacterial infection of the tail and/or fins and may be
caused by generally poor conditions, bully, or fin nipping tank mates. If aquarium conditions
are not good an infection can be caused from a simple injury to the fins/tail. Tuberculosis can
lead to tail and fin rot. Basically, the tail and/or fins become frayed or lose color.
First, attempt to ascertain the cause. Then treat accordingly. Also, treat the water or
fish with antibiotics. If added to the water, use 20 - 30 mg per liter. If the fish is to be treated
add an antibiotic to the food. With flake food, use about 1% of antibiotic and carefully mix it
in. If you keep the fish hungry they should eagerly eat the mixture before the antibiotic
dissipates. Antibiotics usually come in 250 mg capsules. If added to 25 grams of flake food,
one capsule should be enough to treat dozens of fish. A good antibiotic is chloromycetin
(chloramphenicol) or tetracycline.
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Fish Vibriosis
Symptoms: Lethargy, increased respiration, loss of appetite, skin hemorrhages, and death.
Vibrio is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria found primarily in saltwater or brackish
water, and consisting of 70 or more strains. Fish Vibriosis involves a variety of infectious
strains of Vibrio bacteria, most notably Vibrio anguillarum,V. ordalii, V. damsela, and V.
salmonicida(Leong et.al., 1993).
Fish Vibriosis occurs most often in marine animals or brackish water fish, though it
can occasionally be found in tropical species. Fish contract the bacteria through open sores or
feeding on dead fish that died from the disease. Hemorrhaging starts with reddening or blood
streaks under the skin surface, becoming red spots on the ventral and lateral areas of the fish.
Swollen dark lesions develop, turning into ulcers and release bloody pus. There may also be
eye problems with cloudy eye, which can lead to pop-eye and eye loss.
The course of a vibriosis infection in fish is usually very rapid. Most infected fish die
without showing more visual signs than the ulcers, and sometimes death may occur suddenly
before any signs are noticed at all. The best treatment includes oral antibiotics. Kanamycin is
one of the best, also chloramphenicol or furazolidone are good. When treating with
antibiotics, it must be done in a quarantine tank rather than the main aquarium. This is
because antibiotics will damage the biological filter in the main tank, throwing the
nitrification cycle into reverse and cause a spike in nitrites and ammonia after just a few days
(Lee et.al., 2002).
Viral infections and tumors in ornamental fish
Ornamental fish may harbor viruses without any clinical signs yet become diseased
with the slightest decrease in water that have significant influence include dissolved oxygen,
suspended solids, organic content and nitrogen concentration in the form of ammonia and
nitrate, unless these parameters remain within their optimum range, they will contribute to the
overall stress experienced by the inhabitant fish (Lapierre et.al., 1998a).
Thus, development of a viral infection to the onset of disease is a multifactorial
process, and there are no treatments available for specific viral infections. Early diagnosis is
critical so that we can attempt to reduce mortality associated with disease by concerning any
contributory factors (Lapierre et.al., 1998b).
Viral infections in ornamental fish not only render the fish susceptible to that
particular virus, but the constant presence of an infectious organism can also exhaust the fish
immune system, making it more vulnerable to other infectious agents or noninfectious
problems (Lapierre et.al., 1998). Infected fish may have an effective immune system and not
show the clinical signs of disease but may become carriers of the virus. Consequently, other
more susceptible fish of the same or different species cohabiting in the tank system may
become infected (Southgate PJ et. al., 1992).
Members of several virus families have been drawn in the etiology of tumors in fish.
The literature contains numerous publications in which members of virus families
Herpesviridae, Papillomaviridae, and Retroviridae are associated with the development of
tumors in fish (Bowser et a., 1993). In some instances, the evidence supporting a retroviral
association is compelling and includes viral sequencing and successful transmission trials
using a well-characterized inoculums (Quackenbush et.al., 2010). In other instances, a
retroviral association is based on detection of retrovirus-like particles or reverse transcriptase
International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 134 | P a g e
activity in tissues from proliferative lesions. Proving a retroviral etiology in the pathogenesis
of tumors is notoriously challenging. Due to the paucity of fish cell culture lines, most fish
retroviruses are amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced using
degenerate PCR approaches, rather than cell culture. Only 6 tumorigenic piscine retroviruses
have been fully or partially sequenced. These include walleye dermal sarcoma virus, walleye
epidermal hyperplasia viruses 1 and 2, perch epidermal hyperplasia viruses 1 and 2, and
salmon swim bladder sarcoma virus (Quackenbush et.al., 2001).
Before evaluating a lesion, any case of a fish tumor must be considered in light of the
fish as an ectotherm. Much of the biology of fish is affected by water temperature and
seasonality of various physiological processes. It is well known that the immune response in
fish is modified by changes in water temperature and other physiological stressors, such as
spawning activity (Magnadottir B., 2006). A review of the case records of most fish disease
diagnostic laboratories will show the largest number of neoplastic cases to occur in the
spring, a time of changing water. Studies of tumor induction by retroviruses and DNA viruses
have led to key advances in understanding cell proliferation and oncogenesis, and form the
foundation for modern cancer studies. The discovery that retroviral oncogenes are derived
from cellular proto-oncogenes provided important clues about the roles of proto-oncogenes in
normal cell proliferation and in tumor induction (Markussen et al., 2008; Rovnak et.al., 2010;
Poulet et.al., 1993).
The formation of tumors involving the peripheral nervous system and pigment cells is
a function of effects of the virus infection on specific cell types rather than simply a
limitation on the range of cell types susceptible to infection by the virus. This might be
homologous to the life cycle of infection of many of the small DNA tumor viruses that
produce tumors in cells which are non-permissive for complete viral replication (Schmale
et.al., 2002). In these cases, Isshiki 2004 described that an aborted cycle of replication in non-
permissive cell types results in the survival of the cell containing the viral genome. This state
of continued, suspended infection then predisposes the cell to neoplastic transformation by a
continued expression of a combination of viral genes that stimulate cell replication.
Another factor relevant to understanding the relationship between virus and non-
tumorous but apparently infected tissues in fish with spontaneous or induced tumors is the
type and level of viral RNA transcripts present which was described by Poulet et.al., 1995.
Conversely, no data are yet available on the levels of RNA expression in tumors relative to
grossly normal infected tissues. Although transcriptional silencing has been proposed to
explain lack of tumor development in healthy fish, unaffected tissue types in diseased fish did
exhibit normal transcription levels, suggesting a different mechanism must avert
tumorigenesis in these cells (Schmale et.al., 1996).
Diseases associated with deficiency in Nutrition
Generally, the optimal dietary protein level for the growth is also the optimal level for
the reproduction. This has been demonstrated in oreonchromisniloticus (DeSilva &
Radampola, 1990). Nutrition requirements of the brood stock fish are also generally similar
to that for optimal growth. Since dietary protein quality has a significant influence on the
success of reproduction and also the health requirements of the broodstock, which preferable
gives the good quality of eggs and better young ones.
Vitamin E deficiency
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The requirement for vitamin E in the diet of terrestrial animals is well documented,
although a demand for this nutrient in fish has only been demonstrated in a few cultured
species (Huerkamp et.al., 1988 and Blazer, 1992). The accidental feeding of a vitamin E
deficient diet to a group of ornamental fish resulted in progressive fraying and declension of
the tail and then the fins. At the terminal stages of the disease, an external fungal infection
will be developed and which can lead the high mortality in the tank. The clinical itinerary of
onset to death will be around 6 – 7 days. And the effected fish also shows the signs of the
epidermal necrosis and bacterial infections. Enrichment of vitamin E diet which can results in
immediate and permanent improvement of the fish and also reduction in mortality.
Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C in the diet for the vertebrates and invertebrates is predictable for the better
management. And a stipulate for this nutrient in fish has only been explained in few
ornamental cultured fishes (Bowser et.al., 1991 and Noga, 1993). The deficiency of this
vitamin in the diet of the fish results in the various allergic conditions of the fish which shows
scrimmaging and deterioration of the fins and loss of scales on the body. At the end stages of
the disease, bacterial infection will be developed and results high mortality. Enrichment of
vitamin C in diet is essential for the enhancement of the fish and reduction.
Head and lateral line erosion syndrome (HLLE)
It is a common syndrome of marine species that are reared in captivity (Varner et.al.,
1991). The symptoms which show on the fish include superficial erosions of the head and
face which progress down the lateral line. It is nonfatal but can result in permanent scarring
of the skin surface (Varner et.al., 1991and Stoskopf, 1991).
Deterrence and control of diseases
Defensive medicine is always the best medicine. This is especially true when dealing
with the aquarium fishes. Treating captive fish is often difficult and may be costly in term of
the value of the fish, necessary requirements and time. The same accepted principles for
disease prevention and control can be applied to the aquarium fish which are raised in the
captive condition. Most of these management practices become more critical in captive fish
rearing because the fish are held at much higher densities, the system has added components,
such as biofilter which may harbor disease organisms and carrier fish can reside in the system
even after its recovery from the disease. The authors would recommend that any clinicians
involved in treating aquarium fish which consult references on species compatibility
(Stoskopf, 1991, Lewbart 1991 and Lewbart et.al., 1993 ), lighting (Lewbart et.al., 1993),
biological filters (Scholtfeldt et.al., 1991), treatment tanks, disinfection and sterilization
(Lewbart 1991), water quality (Newman, 1993) and environmental control (Noga, 1993;
Huerkamp et.al., 1988).
The main preventive measure is to keep known pathogens from inward bound the
system by avoiding the introduction of infected fish. If a disease enters in a system and a
outbreak occurs, the organism can spread rapidly throughout the population due to the high
loading density which were explained by Scholtfeldt et.al., 1991.
The quarantine aquarium temperature should be actually maintained at the upper end of the
species optimum range to speed parasite life cycles.

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Acclimatization involves floating the transport bag in the quarantine water system and
slowly siphoning the system water into the bag to effect a complete transition to the new
water conditions in 1 – 2 hours (Lewbart et.al., 1993).
This is an outward appearance of preventive medicine has little application as yet in
the ornamental fish system. Only few commercially available vaccines for fish which are
used exclusively in the food fish industry. Vibriosis, furunculosis and enteric red mouth
disease are the diseases for which fish may be vaccinated (Lewbart et.al., 1993; Ingebrigtsen,
1991). Several vaccines against bacterial and viral pathogens are under development and
should be available in the forthcoming future and should not be used in the home aquarium
(Newman, 1993; Leong et.al., 1993).

Concern on research
With the increasing use of risk analysis for disease prevention and the development of
precautionary management measures, generating information to support biosecurity
assessments should be given high priority. Research to support aquaculture biosecurity
should focus, for example, on the pathways of pathogen spread, methods for inactivation of
infectivity, and ‘‘barrier’’ vaccination strategies. Epidemiological research should include
investigation of biological factors which includes identification of risk populations, hazards,
pathways, and pattern of spread, incubation period, and nature of the pathogen, risk factors,
interventions, and methodologies. Risk analysis information or knowledge requirements
should be given high priority. Essential research areas, for example, include pathogen studies,
information on trade and most importantly, biological pathways for the introduction,
establishment and spread of a pathogen. Other important areas of research include studies on
host susceptibility; modes of transmission; infectivity, virulence and stability; intermediate
hosts and vectors; effects of processing, storage and transport. For newly emerging diseases
as well as some diseases in poorly studied aquatic animal species, basic studies on their
pathology and methods for rapid and accurate diagnosis are essential to facilitate accurate
risk assessment and biosecurity management. Increased surveillance of wild fish to detect
significant disease problems at an early stage will also be required (Arthur et al., 2002).

Institutional strengthening and manpower development

Subasinghe et al. (2001)indicated that although there has been an increase in the
number of diagnostic laboratories, universities and other institutions offering short and long-
term training courses in fish and shellfish health, the increase in number has not matched the
needs of the rapidly developing aquaculture sector, especially in the developing regions of the
world, where most aquaculture activities take place. Because of the wide range of resource
expertise and infrastructure required for disease diagnostics, FAO (2000)recommends the
promotion of three levels of diagnostics (Levels I, II and III) according to existing resources.
Reference laboratories and collaborating centers of expertise are essential to the successful
implementation of any aquatic animal health programme because they:
 Provide a range of services and assistance such as generalized support services and
confirmatory diagnosis of both current and newly emerging diseases;

International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 137 | P a g e

 Facilitate research and act as contact centers for advice and training;
 Crucial partners in standardizing, validating and assisting in the quality control of
development and research programmes.

Opportunities for fisheries biologists and veterinarians

Aquatic animal health management has only recently assumed high priority in many
aquaculture producing regions of the world. This was stimulated by the serious socio-
economic losses, environmental impacts and investment costs involved, as previously
discussed in this paper. Many countries have improved their laboratory facilities, diagnostic
expertise, and control and therapeutic strategies in order to handle disease outbreaks more
effectively. There has also been some progress in dealing with aquatic animal disease
problems in terms of increasing awareness, creating effective policy and legislation, and
enhanced research and manpower development.
However, this progress has not matched that of the rapidly developing aquaculture
sector. There is more room for inter-disciplinary studies to expand this window of
opportunity for fisheries biologists and veterinarians to work together in research,
diagnostics, extension and training. Taxonomy, although a significant branch of science is
currently less well funded by various research agencies worldwide. However, it remains of
critical importance for the first and all important accurate identification of pathogens in
aquatic animal health, and will continue to be an important field and its value will be
highlighted in risk analysis studies. Epidemiology will continue to be sought after as one
effective approach to disease investigation and control. In the foreseeable future, we can
expect to see more involvement of veterinarians in dealing with diseases affecting aquatic

The culture of ornamental fish and the aquarium system is governed by many factors,
including the availability of water, water temperature, the energy required to utilize the water
and the product price that can be obtained. Recent regulations on disease and quarantine, use
of drugs and effluent discharge have made it clear that the economics of traditional
ornamental fish will change. The key to success once an outbreak occurs is prompt diagnosis
and treatment. Routine observation of mortalities and abnormal swimming or feeding
behavior is useful in early detection of a disease problem. Tackling health questions with
both pro-active and reactive programmes has become a primary requirement for sustaining
aquaculture production and product trade. The current strategy in the ornamental fish system
emphasizes responsible health management to minimize the risks of disease incursions. The
ornamental fish sector will continue to intensify; trade in live organisms will also persist
because it is a necessity for ornamental fish development at both the subsistence and
commercial levels. The risk of major disease incursions and newly emerging diseases will
keep on threatening the sector, and unless appropriate health management measures are
maintained and effectively implemented, the government and private sectors will be faced
with more costs in terms of production losses and the efforts needed to contain and eradicate
diseases, funds that would have been better spent in preventing their entry into the system.
Focusing efforts on prevention, on better management practices and on maintaining healthy

International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 138 | P a g e

fish maybe more important than focusing on why fish get sick. Health management is a
shared responsibility, and each stakeholder’s contribution is essential to the health
management process. An important component of the future success of the ornamental
culture and aquarium systems will be the implementation of fish health management
programs that aim at preventing diseases from being introduced. The availability of better
disease prevention and control methods, such as vaccines and a wider variety of approved
drugs, will contribute to successful fish culture in commercial aquarium systems.

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Table. 1. Different types of diseases and medication of aquarium and finfish culture

Symptom Possible Cause Medication

Small white Ich For fresh water species (Sea water Bath) and for Sea
spots on fins / water species ( Fresh water Bath), Formalin and
skin, clamped Malachite green is preferably used for this type of
fins cause.
Peppery Velvet Copper sulphate bath for 1-2 minutes
clamped fins
Gray or white Fungus Methyl Blue, Antibiotics for secondary infections.
fluffy patches
Gray or white Mouth Fungus Erythromycin, Kanacyn, Fish Pen (penicillin),
fluffy patches Maracyn
around mouth Antibiotics for secondary infections. (Use Maracyn
simultaneously with Maracyn II)
Pale Neon Tetra No Known Cure
appearance disease
Unusual Flukes Paragon, Clout, Proxipro, Fluke-Tabs
racing around
Black to red
beneath skin.
Milky Costia, Chilodone Copper sulphate, Acriflavine
cloudiness on lla
Destruction Tail or fin rot Maracyn, Methylblue, Antibiotics, Tetracycline,
of fins or tail Chloromycetin
Red streaks Red pest, Fin rot Tetracycline, Penicillin. Acriflavine, Chloromycetin,
on body Fish Pen (penicillin)
Yellow to Ichthyosporidium
black nodules
on skin
Ulcerated Red
patches on pest,Ichthyospori
skin dium

International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 143 | P a g e

Emaciation, Tuberculosis No Known Cure
hollow belly,
possibly sores
Protrusion of Dropsy Feed Anti-Bacteria medicated food
scales with
bloated body
Protrusion of Scale protrusion
scales, body
Eyes protrude Pop eye Penicillin or amoxicillin
Cloudiness of Eye problems, Maracyn, Maracyn Plus, Antibiotics for bacterial
eyes Ich, velvet infection, Increase vitamin A.
Hole in head, Head and Lateral Copper sulphate
ulceration of Line Disease
lateral line, (Hole-in-the-
loss of Head)
White slimy Hexamita Metronidazole
feces, loss of
Crustaceans Argulus, Ergasilu Trifon, Anti-Fluke treatment
on skin s
Flukes on Flukes
skin or gills
Worms Nematoda Trifon, Worm Parasitic treatment
hanging from
Heart shaped Leeches
Nodular Lymphocystis,Gl Since lymphocystis is not harmful and will drop off
white ugea, Henneguya after some time, no cure is necessary.
swellings on
fins or body
Glancing off Velvet, Ich, fluke Ich Medication (Ich)
rocks or s,anchorworm,Ch fresh water bath
plants ilodonella, Costia
Severe loss of Swim bladder Check aquarium parameters; look for signs of other
balance disease disease.
Gasping at Oxygen/ Oxygenex, Oxygen stones - (short-term).
surface O2deficiency, Provide better water circulation, lower temperature
CO2excess, tank
too hot, toxins,
Jumping out pH wrong, toxins Check for phextremes, do water changes with
of water dechlorinated water.
Appetite Constipation or Medicinal parrafin oil, change in diet,
dwindles, Internal Parasites Anti-Parasitic Medicated Food

International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 144 | P a g e

belly swells,
feces trails
Fins frayed or Injuries Wound Treat, Bio Bandage, Stress relievers.
split, scales Look for and remove bully fish.

Table. 2 The Socio economic and other impacts of diseases in finfish and ornamental
fish aquaculture in selected Asian countries (Source updated from BondadReantaso,

Country Disease/Pathogen Its Impacts due to Reference Year

Indonesia White spot disease 10,000 Dutch guilders, an Buschkiel 1932
(Ichthyophthirius) amount that (1935),
exceeded losses of Sachlan (1952)
salmonids in European
countries caused by similar
between 1919–1928
Indonesia Lernaeacyprinacea 30% Of hatchery Djajadiredja et 1983
production in main al. (1983)
hatchery centers of Java,
Sumatra and northern
affected. In Java, an
1.48 billion fry were lost,
some 7.4 billion rupiahs
(approximately US$ 11.4
Malaysia Diseases of cage- US$ 1.3 M in potential Wong and (1989
cultured grouper, income—combined Leong (1987) -
snapper and seabass 1993)
loss estimates of private
sector and
government farms
Thailand Seabass diseases US$ 0.8 M in 1989 ADB/NACA 1990
Thailand Grouper diseases US$ 1.07 M in 1989 ADB/NACA 1990
China Bacterial diseases of >US$ 120 M annual losses Wei (2002) 1990
fish –
a, Yersinia
ruckeri and Vibrio

International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 145 | P a g e

Thailand Jaundice disease US$ 4.3–21.3 M Chinabut 1992
Malaysia Vibriosis US$ 7.4 M—outbreak Shariff (1995) 1990
Singapore Grouper diseases $360,500 Chua et al. 1993
Japan Marine fish disease US$ 114.4 M Arthur and 1994
Ogawa (1996) –
Thailand Alitropustypus US$ 234–468/cage culture Chinabut 1998
of tilapia (2002b) –
Philippine Grouper diseases 75% Reduction in Somga et al. 2001
s household income; 19.4% (2002)
increased debt
Singapore Grouper iridovirus >50% Mortality among Chang (2001) 2000
Malabar grouper
China Viral nervous 100% Mortality among 3 Zhang (2001) 2000
necrosis (VNN) species of grouper
Singapore Viral nervous 80–100% Mortality among Chang (2001) 2000
necrosis (VNN) fry and fingerlings
Indonesia Viral nervous 100% Mortality of larvae in Yuasa and 1999
necrosis (VNN) national hatcheries Koersharyani –
(2001) 2000
Indonesia Suspected Koi herpes 50 Billion Rs. in one area NACA (2002), 2001
virus (KHV) alone during first 3 months Bondad-
of outbreak Reantaso (2001)
Japan Suspected Koi herpes US$ 15 M Sunarto et al. 2003
virus (KHV) (2004)

International Journal of Environment ISSN 2091-2854 146 | P a g e

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