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Optimal Capacitor Placement in Distribution Networks Using Genetic Algorithm

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Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No.7 (July 2012) ISSN: 0974- 6846

Optimal capacitor placement in distribution networks using Genetic Algorithm

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Majid Davoodi , Mohsen Davoudi , Iraj Ganjkhany and Ali Aref
Department of Electrical Engineering, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Abhar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran.
majid.davoodi@yahoo.com, mohsen.davoudi@polimi.it, iraj_ganjkhany@yahoo.com, ali.aref89@yahoo.com

One of the on-going studies in the power distribution system is optimal placement of capacitors to which designers pay
attention since many years ago. The most important benefit of capacitor placement is loss reduction, voltage profile
improvement, increment of power factor and freeing up the power system capacity. This paper presents a new
approach for capacitor allocation in a sample distribution system. The problem formulation considers most of effective
parameters in the capacitor installation. One of the distinguished characteristics of the implementation of the Genetic
Algorithm for optimal capacitor placement in distribution system is its multifunction capability. The proposed method on
capacitor placement and detecting optimum capacitance has been implemented and tested in a 9-bus IEEE sample
network in DIGSILENT and MATLAB environments.

Keywords: Capacitor placement, Genetic algorithm, Optimization.

Introduction considering losses reduction and the installation cost of
The majority of the energy losses happen in the the capacitors.
distribution and transmission systems. The losses in the This study takes more influencing factors into account
power system are produced by reactive current in the in capacitor placement compare to the previous studies.
transmission lines. The reactive power is manufactured in This proposed method for capacitor placement leads to
the power generation sections and is engrossed obtain all advantages of the capacitor placement in the
transmission line by transferring. This problem can power network. Furthermore, a couple of the optimization
increase current in lines. This problem can be rise up with methods, which have been used in the other works for
production of power in vicinity of the consumers. Power optimal capacity placement, are presented shortly in the
capacitors are the main equipment that can produce discussion including the comparison with the proposed
reactive power needed by consumers. Now, we do not method.
need to transfer reactive power and which leads to term Problem statement
of distribution system improvement. The capacitor placement problem is solved optimally
There are many ways for capacitor placement and considering many factors such as reduction of ohmic
determination size of capacitors in power systems. The losses, voltage profile enhancement, freeing up the
current methods are useful and practical but the majority generators capacity, freeing up the distribution capacity,
of them only consider some of the effective parameters freeing up the distribution utilities starting from gathering
for this problem. The most important effective parameters voltage and current of all nodes in network by load
in capacitor placement are: distribution in DIGSILENT environment. Some candidate
 The cost of loss reduction buses will be selected then by running genetic algorithm
 The cost of voltage profile improvement in MATLAB to detect the optimum place and capacitance
 The cost of freeing up system capacity of capacitors. The network then is tested by load
 The cost of capacitor capacity distribution to check whether the problem requests are
 The cost of capacitor installation and maintenance met and the indexes are converged. Steps for finding
In earlier studies only some parts of the effective these optimum points are shown in the Fig.1.
parameters in capacitor placement have been Genetic algorithm
considered. For example Baran & Wu (1989) studied only Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of the optimization
loss reduction and voltage profile enhancement. An algorithms in the problem solving that inspired from
attempt by Gallego et al. (2001) to optimize capacitor natural reproduction in fresh life (Gary Boone & Hsiao-
placement taken into account only loss reduction, voltage Dong, 1993). In this paper the genetic algorithm is used
profile enhancement, freeing up the capacity of the for optimization with multi-objective target function. There
generators and cost of capacitors. In the work of Das, are many ways for capacitor placement Such as
(2008) only losses reduction, voltage profile Numerical programming which is one of the traditional
enhancement and installation cost of capacitors were methods to solve capacitor placement in the power
considered. Mahmoodianfard et al. (2011) investigated distribution system. The current methods are complex
loss reduction and voltage profile enhancement. Ghose and slow in computational point of view. Artificial methods
et al. (1998), has done capacitor placement only by
Research article “Power system capacitor” M.Davoodi et al.
Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://www.indjst.org Indian J.Sci.Technol.
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No.7 (July 2012) ISSN: 0974- 6846

Fig. 1. Flowchart of finding the optimum points considering problem limitation. Fitness function in genetic
algorithm is given by (1):
( , ) ( )
[ ( , + 1)] ≥ . ( , ) 1− . (1 − ) (1)
̅( ) −1

number of instances of schema s in population at
time t
: average fitness of population at time t
: average fitness of instances of schema s at time t
:probability of single point crossover operator
:probability of mutation operator
: length of individual bit strings
: number of defined (non “*”) bits in s
: distance between rightmost, leftmost defined bits in s
Genetic operators:
Perform evolution and optimization on genes in each
generation by genetic operators. This operator can lead
to production of new generation from the old one. The
new generation produced by these operators is better
than the old ones. Genetic operators include:
1. Selection: generation of the first population in
confinement problem by selecting genes quite
randomly, then selection of the genes that are
effective in producing new generation.
2. Crossover: this operator can lead to change in gene
bits. For example interchange of specific bits in one
gene with similar bits in other gene.

including TABU search, Steel plating, Particle crow
theory, Fuzzy network theory, Body immune algorithm,
Artificial networks and Genetic algorithm can be used for
capacitor placement problem (Salama et al., 2000).
3. Mutation: this operator changes one or more bits in
This study implements genetic algorithm for detection
one gene randomly to improve its condition, for
and placement of capacitors considering most of the
example in one bit change 1 to 0 or 0 to 1.
influencing factors in the multi-objective target function.
The advantage of the proposed method compare to the
current intelligent methods such as Fuzzy method used
by Prasad et al. (2007) and PSO (particle swarm Parents
optimization) used in (Xin-mei Yu et al., 2004) is that it
converges faster.
Genetic algorithm optimization uses effectively the The Proposed Method
result of capacitor placement study on fresh life style and In this study to compute the capacitance and location of
evolution process. Optimization process in GA include capacitor in the distribution system, the genetic algorithm
several steps: in the first step includes selecting the first has been used. The target function of the genetic
population of the solution considering problem algorithm is a cost function that includes most of the
qualification and data amplitude. The first population known parameters such as cost of decreasing losses,
includes small components called gene or chromosome. cost of voltage profile enhancement, cost of capacitor
The second step includes the production of new installation that include fix and variable cost that is based
population in each repetition using genetic operators. on capacitor capacitance and has following equation:
Production of new population continues until achieving ( ) = + + + + ( )(2)
optimum solution for the capacitor placement problem

Research article “Power system capacitor” M.Davoodi et al.

Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://www.indjst.org Indian J.Sci.Technol.
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No.7 (July 2012) ISSN: 0974- 6846

Table1. The 9-bus IEEE network line data set is discussed in the next sections. The Limitations faced
Sen.bus Res.bus X(ohm) R(ohm) while running the algorithm are as follows:
0 1 0.4127 0.1233 1. Limitation of the buses voltage: < < ,
1 2 0.605 0.014 the buses voltage after capacitor
2 3 1.205 0.7463
installations have not to be more than detected
3 4 0.6084 0.6984
4 5 1.7276 1.9831
5 6 0.7886 0.9053
2. Limitation of the capacitor bank: used capacitor bank
6 7 1.164 2.0552 has a fixed capacitance and can't be varied.
7 8 2.716 4.7953 In this study a sample network was selected to
8 9 3.0264 5.3434 implement the optimal capacitor placement and
capacitance detection by the proposed algorithm
Table 2. The 9-bus IEEE network buses data set considering the most of the known influencing factors
No.bus P(Kw) Q(Kvar) (Majid davoodi et al., 2012).
1 1840 460 Table 3. Destination function coefficients
2 980 340 Coefficient applied to
3 1790 446 Coefficient Parameter each parameter in the
4 1598 1840 destination function
5 1610 600 K1 Loss reduction 25%
6 780 110 K2 Voltage profile 15%
7 1150 60 Capacitor
K3 25%
8 980 130 installation cost
9 1640 200 Capacitor
K4 20%
where: capacitance cost
System over
Fcost(x) : target function K5 15%
capacitance cost
: cost of losses in the network
: cost of voltage profile enhancement Fig. 3. A general form of genes bits used in the genetic
: cost of each capacitor installment algorithm
: cost of capacitor (based on it's capacitance) 1 2 3 4 ................... n
: cost of generators capacity, lines and distribution utilities The simulated distribution network
development, In this study to compare the results achieved from the
: coefficient of transferring losses to cost capacitor placement in the distribution system a standard
: coefficient of transferring voltage profile enhancement 9-bus IEEE power network is selected (its single line
to cost diagram is shown in Fig. 2.This network has one voltage
source and a data set about its lines and buses shown in
: coefficient of transferring each capacitor installation
Tables 1 and 2.
to cost The genes (chromozóm) used in the genetic
:coefficient of transferring capacitor capacitance to cost algorithm for solving the capacitor placement problem in
: coefficient of transferring capacity of system an this study has n member. Each member represents one
apparatus development to cost bus in the network. Values of these buses in the i
As an example for calculating the cost of losses in the position show the capacitance of the installable
network, the differences of losses in each bus before and capacitors in the I bus. A general form of genes is
after capacitor installation is computed in DIGSILENT. shown in Fig.3. The first generation of the genes is
This difference is used as K1 coefficient multiplied in the initialized randomly in the start of the genetic algorithm.
voltage profile enhancement cost. The other influencing Simulation results
cost parameters are calculated as like for this one. The Ki In this study, the optimal placement and capacitance
are the coefficients of the target function given to detection of the capacitors using the genetic algorithm
DIGSILENT as a matrix called coefficients matrix, which including the most of the influencing parameters in its
target function has been implemented in a 9-bus IEEE
Fig. 2. The 9-bus IEEE single line diagram network.
Input matrix of target function including coefficients
such as cost of losses reduction, voltage profile
increment, transferring capacitor installment to cost,
transferring capacitor capacitance to cost and transferring
over capacitance of systems and apparatus to cost that
called K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 respectively in the target function.
The parameters consider environmental, economical
Research article “Power system capacitor” M.Davoodi et al.
Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://www.indjst.org Indian J.Sci.Technol.
Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No.7 (July 2012) ISSN: 0974- 6846

conditions such as weather and power market as well Discussion

(see Table 3). Optimal placement of capacitor in distribution
systems are among the on-going problems that many
Table 4. Result of running algorithm on a 9-bus IEEE network studies have been performed in this area. Due to
Number of importance of this problem, different methods are used to
Bus Capacitor size PR
capacitor find the optimal solution. In this section a couple of
1 KVar300 1 optimization methods (PSO Algorithm and Plant Growth
2 KVar600 2 Simulation Algorithm) used in the previous works are
0.88438 shortly explained:
5 KVar300 1
1.The particle swarm optimizer (PSO) algorithm firstly
6 KVar1200 4 was presented by Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Eberhart. It is a
random evolution method based on intelligent search of
These coefficients are computed based on their the group birds. It has quick convergence speed and
importance and influence on decreasing costs given as a optimal searching ability for solving large-scale
column matrix to DIGSILENT. Notice that these factors optimization problems. It emulates the ‘flocking’ or
may be changed in each network (Aref et al., 2012a,b). ‘swarming’ behavior seen in animals such as birds and
Based on these factors, target function is created and the insects. As such, the ‘swarm’ is initialized with a
genetic algorithm based optimization method is population of random solutions, and successive
implemented. The proposed method has been developed generations of particles are then ‘flown’ through this
in DIGSILEN and MATLAB environments. In MATLAB by solution space at a certain velocity. Prakash & Sydulu
assigning values to the algorithm, the results of the (2007) used PSO algorithm for optimal capacitor
standard 9-bus IEEE network are shown in Table 4. placement in distribution system.
In Table 4, PR is the index of losses decrement which in 2.Plant Growth Simulation Algorithm (PGSA) is another
the genetic algorithm is the ratio of total losses in the method that is used for optimal capacitor allocation.
system after capacitor placement to all of losses before This algorithm is based on the plant growth process, in
capacitor placement: the way that a plant grows a trunk from its root, then
= (3) branches will grow from the nodes on this trunk, and
then new branches will grow from old branches and this
Where Plossnew and Ploss refer to losses after capacitor process continue until optimal response be found.
placement and before it respectively. Srinivasas et al. (2011) used PGSA for optimal
Achieved result from losses indexes are as follows: capacitor placement in distribution system, but target
 PR <1: capacitor placement results in costs reduction. function in the previous works checks only two
 PR = 1: capacitor placement does not have any effect parameters (comprehensive voltage profile and loss
on the network costs. reduction) while leaving the other factors.
 PR > 1: capacitor placement results in costs increment. Conclusion
When there is no capacitor placement in the network, the In this paper the optimal capacitor placement and
value of the cost function is Fcost(x)= 330125 and after capacitance computation in the power distribution
capacitor placement based on Table 4, Fcost(x)= 308900. networks using a proposed method based on genetic
In the Table 5 detecting the location and capacitance of algorithm considering the majority of the influencing
the capacitors based on the influencing factors using factors in its multi-objective target function have been
genetic algorithm is shown with comparison to the other studied. In the first step, the coefficient of the target
methods. It can be seen that the results of the proposed function is got weighted in a column matrix in which the
method has lower cost than others. value of each factor possibly may be different for each
Table 5. Comparison proposed capacitor placement network. Entering the factors of the target function in
with other methods DIGSILENT environment and running genetic algorithm,
Solution Solution Solution Solution Genetic
Bus the results have been achieved. This study shows that in
1 2 3 4 algorithm
optimal placement of capacitors and detecting optimum
1 300 300 300 300
2 300 300 600 capacitance considering most of the important factors
3 300 (such as loss reduction, voltage profile enhancement,
4 600 cost of installation and capacitor cost based on it's
5 300 300 900 300 capacitance), using genetic algorithm the best values to
6 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 target function can be achieved.
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Research article “Power system capacitor” M.Davoodi et al.

Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://www.indjst.org Indian J.Sci.Technol.

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