Bliss Breastfeeding Leaflet
Bliss Breastfeeding Leaflet
Bliss Breastfeeding Leaflet
M U M I N S P I R E D . H O S P I TA L T R U S T E D .
Why give my baby breast milk?
Helps with
my baby’s
What does
breast milk do?
• Protects against
bacteria and viruses
Who can help?
• Helps protect against • Breastfeeding
life-threatening gut co-ordinators
infections • The Bliss freephone
• Provides antibodies Helpline
that are present in • Other mums on the unit
breast milk and help
strengthen your baby’s • Speech and language
immune system therapists
Building a bond
By using close contact techniques such as skin-to-skin
Kangaroo Care, you can help to build a loving bond with
your baby, stimulate your milk supply and boost your
immune system to produce more antibodies.
Kangaroo Care can help you feel more confident in
caring for your baby and benefits your baby by making
them feel calm, encouraging less crying and more deep
sleep which is vital for their development. Ask the team
caring for your baby to help you do this.
About Ameda
Ameda know how much breastfeeding matters to you and your baby. Ameda’s
story starts with a passion for breastfeeding.
More than 60 years ago, engineer Einar Egnell invented the first truly comfortable
and effective breastpump. He also created the vacuum and cycle standards that
today’s lactation consultants use to assess breastpump efficiency.
Because every mum and baby is different, Ameda breastpumps are designed to be
more adjustable than other hospital-grade breastpumps:
• Make sure you wash your hands • Be careful not to set the suction
before you start. level on an electric or battery pump
too high, since this may make your
Getting comfortable
nipples sore. Try increasing the
• Try to sit comfortably, with your vacuum on the pump slowly until
back straight. A sturdy chair it starts to feel a bit uncomfortable
with arms can make expressing and then reduce it slightly. It is
much more comfortable. a good idea to make a note of
the best suction level so you can
• Support your breast from use the same setting the next
underneath, with fingers flat on time you sit down to express.
your ribs and the index finger
• Try gently massaging your breasts 2. Hold the breast with the other
when expressing, as this can hand, thumb on one side of the
encourage milk flow (see page breast, finger on the other side,
14 for more information about fairly far back from the nipple.
breast massage technique).
3. Do not roll your finger along
• Use breast compression to the breast, just squeeze.
help stimulate the milk ejection
reflex, helping your milk to flow 4. Do not squeeze so hard that it
more quickly. hurts and try not to change the
shape of the nipple area (areola).
• When you start pumping, you
might find that the funnel makes 5. When the milk stops flowing,
your nipple very sore. release the squeeze and
wait for a short time before
• If this happens, it could be the compressing the breast again.
wrong size for you. In this case,
Getting more milk
it is worth discussing it with your
breastfeeding adviser or nurse. While expressing your milk, changing
Larger funnels are available, from one breast to another can help to
which will make expressing more stimulate the milk ejection reflex which
comfortable. Availability depends can make your milk flow more quickly
on the pump that you are using. or come out in spurts. Carry on with
one breast until the milk flow slows
to the occasional drip. The amount of
Helpful hint
fat in your milk rises as the breast is
You may find one breast emptied, so it is important not to restrict
produces more milk, or that the time taken to express milk. Double-
one breast flows faster. This pumping/expressing from both breasts
is perfectly normal and means at the same time can save a lot of time.
that your baby might latch on
to one breast for longer Research has shown that double-
when feeding. pumping may increase your milk
supply, especially if your baby is born
1 2
Start by holding your baby She’ll reach towards your
close to you with her nose nipple, her mouth will open
level with your nipple. wide and you may see her
putting her tongue out.
3 4
When her mouth opens really Well latched on, her chin
wide, and she will open wider will be against your breast
if you wait a little, bring her and there will be a little
shoulders in close so that gap between your breast
her head tilts backwards as and her nose. You should be
she come to your breast. comfortable and feel no pain.
Babies come off the breast
spontaneously when they
have had enough. Then
you can offer the second
breast if she’s still awake.
ur lovely baby son Marc gut for when he was ready to take my
was born at 24 weeks, milk. I was supported by a fabulous
weighing only 620 midwife through this time, who gave
grams. His twin brother me great confidence and helped me
was born moments before but he to understand what a special job I was
was so poorly and sadly died. doing for my son, by giving him a good
start to his very early life. Although
From the moment I entered the my feelings were upside down, I
neonatal unit, I was in complete started to feel secure in the care of
shock. All my hopes and dreams were the nursing staff and was happy for
shattered. All I had wished for was a my actions to be guided by them.
healthy, strong baby whom I could hold.
I had to pump eight times a day
When I took that first look at Marc, he (including during the night), to make
was hardly recognisable. Behind the sure that I built up my milk supply
coloured strands of wires and tubing sufficiently to be able to feed Marc
lay what seemed to be our helpless when, or if, he would be strong enough
little boy. The first day in the neonatal to feed from me. It was such a huge
unit was scary and I was completely commitment. For the first two months
overwhelmed by what I saw. To top it of Marc’s life it was very much touch
all, I was asked by the nurse looking and go as to whether he would even
after Marc if I would express some survive. Expressing my milk was the
colostrum for him. I thought that this one thing that only I could do; and that
was a big joke, since I did not even made it important for me to succeed.
know if I could express – my breasts
With help from Annie Aloysius, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Hammersmith Hospital;
Carmel Duffy, Deputy Programme Director, UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative; Caroline King, Chief
Paediatric Dietitian, Hammersmith Hospital; Heather Naylor, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Queen
Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital; Gillian Weaver, Milk Bank Manager, Queen Charlotte’s and
Chelsea Hospital; Bliss Medical and Nursing Advisory Panels.
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Bliss is a member of Language Line, the telephone interpreting service,
which has access to qualified interpreters in 170 languages.
Bliss is the UK charity working to provide the best possible care and
support for all premature and sick babies and their families.
We support parents, we work directly with doctors and nurses and
we campaign to ensure the needs of babies and their families are
always heard.
Bliss relies on voluntary donations to fund its services and your support
would be greatly appreciated. To find out how to donate, please contact
020 7378 1122 or visit our website
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London, SE1 2EL
t 020 7378 1122 f 020 7403 0673
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