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Define Business Communication

It may help to solidify your understanding with a definition, so consider one from The
Business Dictionary. It defines communication as a:

 “Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not

only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create
and share meaning.”

“General” communication is distinguished from business communication, because of

the context in which the exchange takes place – in other words, in a business setting.
This is one of those helpful times in which many definitions of business
communication exist, allowing you to cobble together elements as you see fit.

One definition has stood the test of time, penned by Lawrence David Brennan in his
1960 book, “Business Communication.” Note how it underscores the setting:

 “Business communication is the expression, channeling, receiving and

interchanging of ideas in commerce and industry.”

The Business Dictionary has expanded on this definition by saying that business
communication is:

 “The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that

is performed for the commercial benefi_t of the organization. In addition, business
communication can also refer to how a company shares information to _promote its
product or services to potential consumers.”

The upshot is that business communication can take two forms: internal and external.
So, some of the communication you share is intended for the world out there, and
some of the communication you share is intended for your internal audience, meaning
your employees and other colleagues. Think of internal communication as confidential
or proprietary information.

It's unlikely that you will restrict the flow of information the other way. In other words,
it's unlikely you will be in the position of sharing information with an external audience,
while keeping it (or trying to keep it) from your internal audience members. They must
be kept in the loop. As The Business Communication puts it:
 “Business communication is essential to perform management functions and to
ensure organizational success.”
 Good communication can be as stimulating as coffee, and
just as hard to sleep after,” said Anne Morrow Lindbergh,
American author and aviator. As human beings, we crave
connection, socialization, and communication; even the
most introverted person needs to be in dialogue in some
way with others. Today, Koko the gorilla, who started
learning sign language at one year old, shows us what is
possible when we consider communication as one of the
most vital fields of study. We communicate every day.
Whether it’s verbal, non-verbal, via text, social media,
email, or otherwise, communication is key to our
functioning society. Needless to say, studying
communication can be a rewarding and fascinating area of
 Francine Patterson, Koko the gorilla’s lead caretaker,
describes communicating with Koko, in an interview in The Atlantic: “She
would perch on this high spot where she could watch people come and go
and she would sign ‘food’ to them. It might mean ‘Give me the treat you’ve
got,’ or it might mean ‘I want my toothbrush,’ or even just, ‘Engage with
me.’ She understood that signs had power. That particular sign got her
food, so she wondered, ‘What else can I do with it?’” What a wonder!
Imagine communicating with an animal in this very human way?
Communication is such an important part of our day-to-day lives that there
are many degree options available in communication, at both
undergraduate and graduate level. Let's explore this fascinating field of

The goal of business communication is to inform employees, shareholders, departments and customers
about a company's goals, financial status and products, respectively. Thus, the goal of business
communication varies depending on whether it is transferred inside or outside the company.
Additionally, communication goals can be transferred via email, reports, oral communication or
advertising. The proper channel of communication is important for ensuring the effectiveness of
communication. Importance of Communication Skills – Get Inspired!

Neve ru

nderestimate the importance

of communication skills. This post reviews 10 scientific studies in varied areas of life. Each study
underscores how important communication skills are and highlights the surprising benefits of using
communication skills effectively.

My neighbor’s son just started his first year of college with a required course: Interpersonal
Communication Skills 101.

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s some b.s. class, but I have to take it, so…..whatever. What does communication skills
even mean?” he remarked.

And that’s a common view of the importance of communication skills. What student thinks it’s
important enough to take seriously? I felt the same way when I was younger, until I read How to Win
Friends and Influence People. Since then, I’ve never questioned the value of good communication.

In modern corporations, communication skills are considered “soft science” which is not far removed
from “pseudoscientific waste of time” given the lackluster attitude with which many employees
approach the topic.

To be fair, a lot of soft skills education is less than inspiring. When you consider the actual importance
communication skills as evidenced by the wildly convincing studies below, you’d think mainstream
educators would move beyond active listening and ‘I messages’.

As a life coach training and NLP certification school, we’re raising the bar on communication skills
education. Let’s make effective communication more than an emoji! Here are 10 solid reasons the
underscore the importance of communication skills :

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