Отчет ВЭК перевод
Отчет ВЭК перевод
Отчет ВЭК перевод
Addressed to the
IAAR Accreditation
on results of the work of the external expert panel for assessing compliance with the requirements of
Standards and guidelines for international accreditation of medical organization of education abroad
(based on standards WFME/ AMSE)
Under the IAAR General director Order № 120-20 ОD from 10.11.20 KhIMU was visited by
External Expert Panel (EEP) from 26 to 28 November 2020. An assessment of the university's
compliance with IAAR standards for international accreditation of medical educational organizations
abroad (based on WFME / AMSE standards) was carried out.
The panel’s composition:
1. Panel’s Chairman – Ion Bologan, D.M.S. “Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of
Medicine and Pharmacy (Kishinev, Republic of Moldova);
2. Expert – Bauyrzhan Omarkulov, PhD in medicine, Associate Professor, NJSC “Medical
university of Karaganda” (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan);
3. Expert – Irine Sakhelashvili, PhD, Professor, Georgian National University SEU (Tbilisi,
Republic of Geogia);
4. Employer – Iryna Kalashchenko, Medical center “Sunrise” (Kyiv, Republic of Ukraine);
5. Student – Anastasiia Hrynzovska, Bogomolets national medical university (Kyiv, Republic
of Ukraine);
6. Observer from the Agency – Aigerim Aymurzieva, Head of medical projects of the Agency
(Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan).
Due to the fact that the EEP was working in a remote way – the Commission conducted
familiarization with the university on the basis of the presented videos: the university building, the
central computer lab, the biochemical laboratory, departments, and the library. Also, according to the
agreement on use with the Kharkov National Medical University, the simulation center and the class
of phantom dummies, the educational anatomical and pathological museums and the sports hall were
examined. View of the abovementioned buildings was carried out by video call. Faculty
documentation was studied by links. A video call was used to inspect clinical bases – Educational and
Scientific Medical Complex “University Clinic”, V.I. Shapovalov Regional Nephro-Urological
Medical Center, medical center “Polymed”.
During the visit according to the program (Appendix No. 6), members of the EEP have
attended classes according to the approved schedule. All examined study rooms are equipped with the
necessary modern equipment for all types of courses: projectors, projection screens, internet access
and suitable furniture. The classrooms are equipped according to the type of activity and comply with
the standards and norms specific to medical education for all disciplines of the curriculum requiring
laboratory training. Equipment and facilities help to achieve the goals of each discipline.
Members of the EEP (by video call) met with the directors of clinics, students, who spoke
about the requirements for students, about the process of internship. It should be noted that clinical
bases plan to ensure the effective undergo of professional practice, take part in the assessment of
knowledge, skills and abilities of students. During the visit, the directors of the clinics noted close
cooperation with the university in terms of students’ clinical training.
Proof part
The mission of “KhIMU” was made in 2017 when the University was founded, but it has
undergone a number of significant changes on the development of the university and depending on
the changing conditions. The mission of the University is contained in the University Charter, the
University Development Strategy for 2020-2025. The mission of KhIMU is:
The priority mission of the University is to train highly skilled healthcare professionals based
on the integration of the international experience and sustainable development through the
harmonization of practical training and scientific research, the formation of value orientations and the
development of clinical thinking of future doctors.
The Mission is open and accessible information for all interested parties. This information is
provided on the official website of the University, posted on the information boards of the university
and in the University booklets. https://khimu.edu.ua/en/about/politika/.
Stakeholders took part in the development of the mission and its revision: the University
administration, scientific and pedagogical staff, employees of structural divisions, students,
representatives of healthcare organizations. An expert group, which was later changed, created to
develop the Mission and development strategy of KhIMU. The last update of the Mission was initiated
on 1.08.2020 and approved at the General Meeting on August 31, 2020. Information about the
development and updating of the mission, as well as the collection of incoming proposals was carried
out during one month in electronic form via e-mail. At the meeting of the expert group on the
development of the Mission and strategy of the PIHE “KhIMU” was decided to make changes and
additions (Minutes No. 3 of 28.08.2020). The final formulation was discussed at a meeting of the
KhIMU labor collective and approved in the existing formulation at a meeting of the Academic
Council of the PIHE “KhIMU”.
To create the mission, KhIMU also consulted with other stakeholders – representatives of
organizations of higher and postgraduate education in the field of medicine (KhMAPE, KhNMU, V.N.
Karazin KhNU);
KhIMU is a private educational establishment and it determines University autonomy in the
formation of the internal politics according the state national interest, University organization
structure as well as content of the pedagogical system components (goals, principles, content, methods
and forms of training) in compliance with law of Ukraine and international standards.
Administrative and teaching staff have institutional autonomy. The university has autonomy
in the development of curricula for all academic disciplines: determining the length of the academic
semester, the number of fundamental and clinical disciplines, a variety of elective disciplines, clinical
practice, etc.,
The University has full financial autonomy, which allows it to independently manage financial
resources in accordance with the requirements of legislation and the Educational Program. At the
beginning of the academic year, the University administration accepts proposals on the need for
certain material and technical support from all structural divisions. These proposals are analyzed,
systematized, supplemented and introduced into the project. The formed project is submitted for
consideration by the Founders and the Supervisory Board, who make the final decision on financing
the material and technical support.
When forming the budget, attention is focused on investing in modern high-tech equipment,
as well as innovative information systems to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process.
KhIMU have an autonomous right to choose the forms and methods of teaching; revision,
updating, addition of the content of academic disciplines. The university offers students a wide range
of elective subjects.
The University has determined the expected final learning outcomes that the student must
demonstrate at the end of his studies at KhIMU. The competencies that characterize the qualifications
of a doctor are presented in the Educational and Qualification Characteristics of a Specialist, drafted
by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The mission of the university addressed to the formation of students' value orientations.
KhIMU values, the formation of which the educational process is aimed at, are: respect for the human
personality, tolerance, complicity, civil and personal responsibility, respect for human rights and
freedoms, professionalism, human decency, openness to the perception of any information, critical
thinking. These values are included in the Ethics Code of the KhIMU student. The Ukrainian
Physician’s oath (Decree of the President of Ukraine of 15.06.1992 No.349), which is made by
university graduates, is the basis for building the University's strategy to form students' value
orientations. The University has a “Code of Academic Ethics” and a “Code of Ethics for Students”.
To control the quality of education, the following forms of certification are used: final modular
control; exams; differentiated credits; credits. It is planned to conduct a unified state qualification
exam (USQE), which will include state standardized test (licensed integrated) exams “Krok 1”, “Krok
2” and also an objective structured practical (clinical) exam (OSP(C)E) will be held; professional
English exam; international exam on the basic of medicine; The Objective Structured Clinical
Examination (OSCE) will be conducted in the form of final exams or as complex final exam and will
cover the following disciplines: “Internal, occupational and infectious diseases”, “Surgical diseases
and pediatric surgery”, “Obstetrics and gynecology”, “Childhood diseases with childhood infectious
diseases”, “Hygiene, social medicine, organization and economics of health care”. The University has
organized a direct transparent communication between students and the staff of KhIMU. Students
using QR-code located on the information board of the University, may express their comments and
proposals on the electronic resource at the University and to get feedback from the administration.
KhIMU made the students’ survey on their satisfying with the training process in the
University and it is planned to make such surveys on the regular basis. Besides, the graduates’ survey
aimed to estimate the various aspects of the successful program, goals and tasks realization determined
by educational program and University mission is planned.
Analytic part
The mission of KhIMU was developed with the active participation of teaching and academic
staff. During interviews with staff and students, it was revealed that both staff and students are familiar
with the mission. It is published on the University website and is available to all interested parties.
However, interviews showed less involvement of employers in the mission development process. The
university must ensure their active participation in this process.
Since the implementation of the educational program has just begun, KhIMU has no graduates
yet, therefore, their participation would be impossible at this stage. However, in the future, graduates,
as well as a wide range of employers, must be involved in the revision of the mission.
Educational program “Master of Medicine” implemented by the University for the period of
accreditation, with its goals and end results corresponds to the mission of the University. The final
results of the educational program are aimed at mastering by students of general and special
competencies necessary for medical professional activity. The procedure for assessing the final
learning outcomes is spelled out in the Educational and Professional Program of Higher Education, as
well as in the self-assessment report. The EEP did not find evidence to support the information
provided in the self-assessment report that the administration regularly monitors the educational
activities of students using the Rector's tests, the results of which should reflect the level of certain
competencies formation. It seems that such tests have not yet been made. However, it should be noted
that, taking into account professional characteristics, as well as the principles of adult education, in
modern medical education, it is recommended to use assessment methods focused on identifying high-
level competencies, for example, practical clinical skills, as well as critical analysis/synthesis of
material, scientific literature, ability use the acquired knowledge in critical conditions, etc. It is
recommended to develop a methodology for assessing the learning outcomes of the educational
program, which will clearly define indicators/headings/markers for assessing general and specific
learning outcomes, as well as the assessment process itself and, of course, will define in detail the
stages and forms of response to the assessment results. In addition to the methods for directly assessing
the outcomes identified by the provided curriculum, it is recommended to use methods of indirectly
assessing the outcomes (for example, stakeholder surveys: students, academic staff, graduates,
employers) and analysis of survey results in order to improve the program to achieve the outcomes.
As in the case of the mission, it is necessary to involve employers to the process of constant
reviewing, evaluating and improving the final results, since they are ultimately the recipients of the
“product” of the program – graduates. It is also important that prospective graduates participate in the
process of evaluating the final results.
Both during the study of documents and during the interviews it turned out that the University
does not yet have its own research bases. KhIMU presented agreements signed with the scientific
bases of the Kharkov National Medical University, which will be used for the implementation of
research projects. Further, the strategic development plan of the University does not contain specific
tasks and indicators that would be aimed at direct cooperation with research institutes in different
directions, as well as creating its own research bases at KhIMU.
Reviewing of the presented documents, as well as interviews with students, showed that the
reports presented at student conferences were not the results of research projects, but rather samples
of student essays with an overview of the chosen topic of study. The University is preparing a training
biomedical center, on the basis of which fundamental research will be carried out together with
students and teachers of KhIMU, as well as scientists from other Research Institutes and Centers
(Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, Medical Genetic Center, I.I. Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, etc.). It
is obvious that it is too early for a university with a two-year history to have a strong experience in
conducting its own scientific research, especially at the student level, but it is necessary to continue
work in this direction.
To use the results of new research, the academic course "World Innovations in Medicine" is
under development. It should be noted that the educational program presented by the University does
not provide the developing students’ research skills. Such mandatory training courses need to be
included in the curriculum to ensure the achievement of appropriate end results.
It is also recommended to define a strategy for the development of research activities, which
in the short and long term will take into account the stimulation of the involvement of students and
young scientists in research activities, in particular on university basis, with appropriate funding
provided in the program budget.
Self-assessment report of KhIMU
Educational program
Development strategy of KhIMU for 2018-2023
University web-site
University Charter
Agreements for cooperation with scientific and research centers
Online interviews with academic staff and students.
Strengths/best practice
KhIMU mission corresponds to abilities and requirements of modern market and international
health care system.
Mission of educational program is widely accessible and known to all staff not only of medical
faculty but also to university personnel and students.
Mission, tasks and goals, main direction in the policy of the field of University quality
insurance is available at https://khimu.edu.ua/en/about/politika/
EEP recommendations:
1. To ensure the active participation of employers in the process of revising and changing the
mission, as well as guarantee their participation in the revision of the EP, and the assessment of the
final results to improve the educational program.
2. To develop a methodology for assessing the learning outcomes of the educational program,
which will clearly define markers/indicators for assessing general and specific learning outcomes, as
well as the assessment process itself, to define narrowly the stages and forms of response to the
assessment results.
3. Develop a strategy for the development of research activities of the University, which in the
short and long term will take into account the stimulation of students and young scientists involvement
in research activities, including on a university basis, with appropriate funding provided in the
program budget.
4. To integrate into the educational program compulsory training courses aimed to develop
students’ research skills, throughout the entire educational process, both at the basic and at the clinical
stage of training.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard's criteria
are as follows: strong positions – 0, satisfactory – 21; suggested to be improved – 2; unsatisfactory
– 0.
Proof part
“KhIMU” has medical education programs in two languages: Ukrainian and English, on the
basis of a license, “Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 53-o dated 18.01.2018 (with
the expansion of educational activities from 19.12.2019)”.
The educational and professional program “Medicine” prepares higher education candidates
of the second (master's) level in the field of knowledge 22 “Health care” in specialty 222 “Medicine”.
After successful completing EP, a specialist must perform professional work: an intern doctor or a
junior doctor. A specialist must enter postgraduate education programs (internship, residency), where
training is carried out according to educational programs for the preparation of a doctor of a certain
specialty, which are approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and can also enter the program
to obtain a Ph.D. In the future, specialists can undergo retraining and receive another medical
According to the self-assessment report, the EP “Medicine” was designed in the same time as
the University was created in 2017. Since then, it has undergone a number of changes, in accordance
with national legislative and regulatory acts, international standards and scientific and technological
advances. Amendments to the curriculum has the following stages:
1. Departments, educational units propose changes in the curriculum and send them to the
educational and methodological commission.
2. The educational and methodological commission (EMC) discusses the need to change the
curriculum and revise the compulsory, elective, optional disciplines, in accordance with the
requirements of the health care system. For bibliographic support of EP, examination and quality
control of educational and methodological works are carried out.
Among the most important changes, made in EP in 2020, according the self-assessment should
be noted:
- Disciplines were reallocated by terms and grades in accordance to 30 credits per year.
- Professional and ordinary competences and their correlation were specified.
- The amount of elective and optional disciplines was enlarged started from the first grade.
New elective disciplines which ensure the students’ ability to take personalized education on their
desire were introduced according the employers’ proposals.
- The curricula of all disciplines included in the EP have been updated, indicating professional
and ordinary competencies in each discipline.
- The elective discipline “European standard of computer literacy” was introduced at the first
grade in order to form students' information competencies.
- The ways of performing and evaluating of ISW were clarified.
- In order to acquire specific skills for working in a medical team, the discipline “Patient Care”
was developed for the second grade, and elective components “Ethical Problems in Medicine” and
“Fundamentals of Social Psychology” were introduced at the third grade.
- Clinical practice was reorganized in accordance with the Strategy for the Development of the
Healthcare System: an internship “Patient Care (Practice)” was introduced after the second grade; the
number of practical hours within the modules for clinical disciplines increased; clinical practice
“Family Medicine” at the sixth grade introduced.
- Some disciplines are combined for horizontally and vertically integration (Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Psychiatry and Addictology, Traumatology and Orthopedics).
- Implementation of the discipline “Epidemiology and principles of evidence-based medicine”
has been revised for the fifth grade within the clinical modules in the specialty.
- The discipline “Palliative and Hospice Medicine” was introduced at the sixth grade in
accordance with the National Health Policy.
- In order to ensure the implementation of the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
“On Approval of the State Strategy in the Field of Counteracting HIV Infection/ AIDS, Tuberculosis
and Viral Hepatitis for the Period up to 2030” dated November 27, 2019, an optional component
“Current issues of HIV infection” was introduced at the sixth grade.
The model of EP Medicine of KhIMU, according to the self-assessment report and in fact, is
a classic linear model based on academic disciplines. The curriculum includes fundamental, general,
socio-humanitarian and specialized clinical disciplines, divided into compulsory, elective and optional
disciplines, studied in the form of theoretical courses, seminars, practical / laboratory work. The
program also provides clinical internships/ practices in the future. It is planned to start teaching clinical
subjects from next year, as the program is only being implemented for the second year, but, as in the
rest of the world, the university currently teaches the program online, which, of course, will lead to
delays and problems in teaching clinical subjects while visiting the clinic (supervision).
Each discipline has a certain number of ECTS credits. The volume of one ECTS credit
corresponds to 30 academic hours (lectures, practice). The study time of candidates for higher
education is determined by the number of accounting units of time allotted for the implementation of
an educational (educational-professional or educational-scientific) training program at the
corresponding level of higher education. The accounting units of the student's study time are the
academic hour, academic day, academic week, academic term, academic grade, academic year. The
academic year consists of two terms; between them is a vacation period (summer and winter holidays).
Amount of ECTS credits required to obtain a corresponding higher education degree is 360 credits.
At least 74.4% of the volume of the educational program should be aimed at the formation of general
and special (professional) competencies in the specialty, determined by the higher education standard.
Ways of training, provided in EP, include: lecture sessions, discussion sessions, practical and
laboratory classes, clinical practice, research activity and independent work. Ways of teaching are
described in the syllabus of the discipline.
The educational process at the University is carried out on the basis of innovative teaching
technologies, informatization and computerization of the entire learning process. Interactive teaching
methods and types of teaching include interactive lecture and/or visual support of the lecture
(PowerPoint, Prezi).
Equal treatment of students is ensured by the observance of the constitutional right to
education. The general principles of equality and, accordingly, non-discrimination are established by
the Basic Law – the Constitution of Ukraine (Law of Ukraine “On the principles of preventing and
combating discrimination in Ukraine” 06.09.2012 No. 5207-VI). According to the University Charter,
the EP is the same for every student, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status,
physical abilities. On any cases of rights violation, students have the opportunity to inform or make
demands on their administrative, disciplinary assessment to the dean, or via Rector’s e-mail, as well
as at regular meetings of the University administration with students.
The scientific and teaching potential of KhIMU is 5 doctors of sciences and 18 doctors of
philosophy. The university encourages students to participate in scientific conferences. Several
conferences with the participation of students were held in the University until the moment of
accreditation. Students and teachers of KhIMU also took an active part in the marathon dedicated to
the World Anatomy Day (10/15/2020), which was held at Kharkiv International Medical University.
The main biomedical disciplines are included in the curriculum at the first three grades, and
contain the basic biomedical sciences (Medical Chemistry, Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry,
Medical and Biological Physics, Human Anatomy, Histology, Cytology and Embryology,
Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, Physiology, etc.). The Behavioral and Social Sciences
block includes: History of Medicine, Medical Psychology, Life Safety, Bioethics and Biosafety,
Philosophy, Foreign Language, Psychology of Communication, Healthcare Economics, Social
Medicine, Public Health, Medical Jurisprudence. The grades are equally distributed from 1 to 5 years
of study.
The study of clinical disciplines and skills development is provided by the program from 3-rd
grade and includes such disciplines as Propedeutics of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine,
Pediatrics, Surgery, etc. The program also provides practice in the form of courses such as Nursing
and Patient’s care (Practice).
Analytic part
The presented program by model and teaching methods is a classic example of a traditional,
linear (as noted in the report) medical educational program. Vertical integration involves the
combination of basic and clinical subjects into a single curriculum for the system and/or syndrome.
In horizontal integration, fusion refers to related courses in the main or clinical aspect, where fusion
occurs mainly around the system. This approach helps not only to give the student static knowledge,
but also to develop flexible clinical thinking. The integrated and semi-integrated program creates a
curriculum that helps the student develop critical thinking and identify the way of self-development.
The presented curriculum is not an example of an integrated curriculum as such. For example:
modules: Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Psychiatry and
Addictology, Traumatology and Orthopedics cannot be considered as a vertical or horizontal
integration of disciplines, as presented in the report. These courses are examples of the classic, linear
subjects as mentioned earlier. Horizontal integration brings together core disciplines, topics and
subjects that must provide holistic learning, so that learning can be enriched by links between these
core disciplines; for example, teaching of basic, fundamental subjects simultaneously as one subject:
Anatomical structure of the human body with physiological processes in them and histological-
cytological characteristics can create a horizontally integrated module: Human body structure.
Vertical integration should combine basic and clinical sciences. This presupposes a combination of
basic and clinical sciences in such a way that the traditional gap between preclinical and clinical
subjects is erased and the student acquires a comprehensive knowledge and understanding.
It is necessary and important to integrate not only subjects, but also the assessment system as
a whole. Consequently, the traditional assessment methods provided by the presented educational
program cannot be used to assess integrated subjects: oral questioning, test control, differentiated
credit, etc. The entire system and criteria for estimation of the educational program after “real”
integration must be changed in accordance with the standards and requirements of the WFME.
Otherwise, it will be very difficult to monitor and control the quality level of the educational process.
Classical teaching methods are used (lectures, presentations and typical discussion sessions
etc.) in the educational process. The modern methods mentioned in the self-assessment report have
not been validated during attending ongoing discussing sessions and also during meetings with the
teaching staff. Modern methods of adults teaching are not used, such as: clinical situations, examples
from practice – Case Studies; Problem-Based Learning, Resource-Based learning – RBL; The
program does not have readiness to use a modern resource center for assessment and testing in clinical
subjects, for example, the stations required for an “objective structured clinical examination-OSCE”,
examination materials and, most importantly, the curriculum itself does not describe the methodology
of such exam. However, these types of examinations (and properly equipped examination centers) are
considered to be an integral part of the medical education program in accordance with international
Teaching of evidence-based medicine is mainly carried out in the form of two elective subjects:
Methodology of evidence-based medicine; Evidence-based medicine; and only one subject is foreseen
as the main one: Epidemiology and principles of evidence-based medicine. It should also be noted
that, in accordance with the curriculum, the teaching of these subjects is foreseen after the transition
to the clinical training cycle, although it is considered that the student should become familiar with
them from the first year of study.
In terms of research activities, the information presented in the self-assessment report on the
use of scientific methods in teaching does not fully correspond to modern approaches to medical
education and the tasks of developing research skills in students. In addition, this information was not
confirmed during the meeting with either, the students and the academic staff.
Students’ reports submitted as a result of an expert request are not examples of student research
work, but it is clear that student participation in conferences is encouraged and the university should
continue to encourage such activities by focusing more on student research projects. The paucity of
research experience in training can be explained by the short history of the university and the
educational program, it has been implemented only since 2018, although the university should have a
clearly defined strategy for the development of scientific directions and ways to promote it.
It should be noted, that the program provides for individual work with the patient (under the
guidance of the teacher) and teaching clinical disciplines in the form of curators in order to develop
manual and practical skills in the student. But the biggest threat to the implementation of the program
now is the fact that in fact the university is completely dependent on the clinical bases of another
This is true, KhIMU has submitted cooperation agreements with clinical bases, but the bases
presented are not sufficient to teach all clinical disciplines. Most importantly, on the one hand, the
involvement of a third party and complete dependence on Kharkov National Medical University by
all types of resources (human resources, material, technical and clinical bases) is a threat to the future
activities of KhIMU, such a high degree of dependence itself calls into question the degree of
autonomy of KhIMU, and on the other hand, it is a threat to the successful implementation of the
training program and its goals.
At the University, there is no structural unit that will be responsible for educational
programs, there is no separate independent structure that manages the process and has the authority to
plan and implement an educational program, as one person is involved in monitoring and managing
the program about online visits. He (She) also deals with other administrative cases that are
incompatible with the management of the program.
It should also be noted that the purpose of curriculum development is not only to organize
and manage the learning process; It is also aimed at providing an accurate understanding of the
curriculum and providing students with the right expectations about the curriculum with regard to the
goals and objectives of the program, as well as how to achieve them and how to evaluate them. It
means that the information presented in the EP should be as clear as possible not only for specialists,
but also for students, and especially applicants. The structure of the presented program is complex and
difficult to understand. The scoring systems used are heterogeneous, and it is difficult to understand
how current, interim and final estimates are actually calculated. Both national and European
evaluation standards are used for evaluation, which is incompatible with the international curriculum.
• Educational program
• Curriculum (curriculum)
• University Charter
• Student reports
• KhIMU Self Assessment Report
• Online interviews with academic staff
• Online interviews with students
• Attending ongoing seminars during an online visit
• Online - viewing the material and technical base of KhIMU;
• Online - viewing of clinical bases KhIMU;
• Agreements on cooperation with clinical bases;
Strengths/Best Practices
No strengths have been identified for this standard.
EEP recommendations:
1. To revise the EP and build it on the basis of the discipline integration principle, both
horizontally and vertically.
2. The university must implement and use innovative active teaching methods (Case study
analysis; Problem-Based Learning; Project Based Learning; Resource Based Learning; Task-based
learning –TBL, etc.)
3. The university should promote to teach lecturers innovative methods and conduct training
not only outside the university, but also in the workplace.
4. The university should develop and implement disciplines aimed at developing analytical and
critical thinking of students, starting with junior courses and spiral integration of these courses with
parallel research of students is preferable for including into the curriculum.
5. Include teaching the discipline of evidence-based medicine in junior courses,
6. Reflect topics devoted to the search and critical assessment of scientific evidence in
disciplines syllabuses, especially clinical ones.
7. To promote the development of scientific activities among students and teachers, including
in the field of medical education.
8. It is recommended to cooperate with institutions of primary, secondary and third level of
health care (emergency medical care, outpatient clinic, polyclinic, multidisciplinary and / or
specialized clinics, etc.) in order to be able to master knowledge and practical skills at all three levels
of the health system and make cooperation agreements independent of third parties.
9. Conduct a thorough and objective external and internal examination of the EP.
10. The university should provide trainings on the creation and implementation an integrated
medical EP, as well as an integrated assessment and criteria system, in accordance with modern
standards, and provide the necessary training for academic personnel to acquire the relevant skills.
11. It is necessary to determine the structural unit responsible for EPs (or a program manager),
which will be responsible and will have the authority to implement the educational program, including
the allocation of allocated resources for planning and implementing teaching and learning methods,
student assessment and evaluation the educational program, and training courses to ensure that the
planned learning outcomes are achieved.
12. Create a clear methodology and correct tools for assessing the quality of the educational
process in the a whole: mechanisms of quality control and management (the procedure of planning,
developing and improving educational programs, methods for assessing the learning outcomes of the
program; regulation of the educational process; procedures of the assessing audit results, etc.)
- Seek the opportunity to create a research support center or introduce a position (staff member)
to search and disseminate information about possible competitions for grants, organization of training
courses on research skills for students and staff, etc.
- The university needs to form its own budget to finance small intra-university grant projects
for students, teaching staff and staff.
- It is advisable to involve an expert of the medical EP in the process of the development an EP,
in addition to the teaching staff and departments. They can be both local and invited international
specialists who already have solid experience not only in the development, but also in the
implementation of such a course.
- It is also necessary to revise and adjust the already integrated course by external experts who,
again, have experience in evaluating the course and drawing up an expert opinion.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard's criteria are
as follows: strong - 0, satisfactory –21; suggest improvements - 22; unsatisfactory - 0.
Proof part
At the PIHE "KhIMU" the procedure and policy of assessment learning outcomes is carried out
in accordance with the provisions and regulations: the Law on Education, the Law on Higher
Education, and the Regulation on the organization of the educational process at the PIHE "KhIMU"
on the basis of a single credit transfer system (ECTS), Regulations on the final exam.
At the PIHE "KhIMU" methods of assessment the quality of student learning are used during
the educational process in the form of: oral and written exams, multiple-choice testing, writing or
using computers, passing practical skills. In accordance with the curriculum, gained knowledge,
including the independent work of students, is checked and assessed during the semester (current
assessment), as well as during the examination session (final / final assessment).
The types of assessment are determined in accordance with the goals and objectives of
the learning process.
Entrance control is carried out in all courses on the first lesson on assignments corresponding
to the course of the previous discipline.
The current control of knowledge is an integral part of the entire pedagogical process at the
University and serves as a means of identifying the degree of perception (assimilation) of educational
Final control is an examination of students to assess their knowledge and skills. It is
implemented through exams scheduled for examination sessions, final exams, as well as through the
analysis of final learning outcomes.
The assessment criteria are described in the Working curriculum for the discipline and
the Regulation on the organization of the educational process in the PIHE "KhIMU".
In Ukraine, to test the knowledge of students studying in higher medical educational
institutions, the Testing Center under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine conducts an exam. Since
2019, a comprehensive attestation of the student's knowledge has been introduced - the unified state
qualification exam (Unified State Qualification Exam), which takes place in two stages: the first
(KROK-1), passed on the 3rd year, and the second (KROK-2) - at the final year:
• KROK1 is an exam in general scientific disciplines, which is passed after studying the basic
fundamental disciplines, and includes test tasks for disciplines of 1-3 courses.
• KROK2 is an exam in professionally oriented disciplines corresponding to the training
program for specialists in the field of medicine.
By the order of the rector of the educational institution, students who have academic debt at the
time of writing the integrated exams "KROK1" and "KROK2" are not admitted to comprehensive
When developing assessment methods, criteria such as validity, correctness, focus on
development, efficiency, acceptability are taken into account. All students enjoy the same rights and
opportunities when appealing or correcting their academic achievements.
The University does not accept any forms of donation or service that may affect the assessment
process and does not tolerate direct or indirect discrimination.
Assessment forms, as well as the schedule of final exams, are communicated to students through
social networks, a bulletin board at the University, and published in the public domain on the
University website.
The examination score can be challenged in accordance with the Regulations on the
organization of the educational process in the PIHE "KhIMU". Changes in the assessment can be
carried out both downward and upward. In this case, the University forms an Appeal Commission
consisting of at least three people, including representatives of the administration.
The main result of the educational process at the university is the individual educational
achievements of students, which determine the process of moving to a new level of mastering
educational information.
Methods for assessing students' knowledge reflect the level of knowledge accumulated as a
result of training, practical competencies and results in each discipline. Students' assessment criteria
are announced at the first lesson in each discipline.
In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, the university has developed standard sheets, in
which grades for the knowledge gained on current activities for all stages of the final control are
mandatory. The score is expressed in figures with two decimal places and the recalculation of the
average score for current activities into a multi-point scale recommended by ECTS.
Students transferring to the next course is an important confirmation of the achievement of the
final learning outcomes. Thus, in the period 2018-2020, the level of it was 96.32% to the EP
At the end of each semester, employees of the dean's office and the educational and
methodological department analyze the results achieved for various types of control. The results
obtained are highlighted in the relevant minutes and annual reports.
The process and forms of knowledge assessment within the educational program are strictly
regulated by the Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the PIHE
"KhIMU"; Regulation on the organization of the final exam.
The average score of the current control is taken into account when calculating the final control
for the discipline. So, in the medical-biological and social-humanitarian disciplines, the share of the
average annual score is 50%, and the score for the test is 50%. For clinical disciplines, the final grade
is calculated according to the formula: average annual grade - 30%, practical skills - 20%, testing -
20%, oral exam - 30%.
The final assessment is carried out at the end of the discipline, practice. At the end of the study
of each discipline, it is planned to conduct the questioning of the students to determine the level of
satisfaction with the assessment system. The survey is conducted either through google forms or
printed questionnaires. Topics for the questionnaire questions: tasks of the current / final control were
discussed in the framework of seminars / practical / laboratory work; tasks of the current / final control
were covered in lectures; correctness, transparency of examinations.
Analytical part
Provisions and regulations were provided in electronic form that regulate the procedure and
policy for assessing learning outcomes: the Law on Education, the Law on Higher Education ,
the Regulation on the organization of the educational process in the PIHE "KhIMU" on the basis of a
single credit transfer system (ECTS), the Regulation on final exam and interviewing academic staff
and students at the PIHE "KhIMU".
In the documents provided and in the Self-Assessment Report of the PIHE "KhIMU", as well
as during the interviewing of the teaching staff and students, methods for assessing the quality of
student learning used during the educational process were described in the form of: oral and written
exams, multiple choice testing in writing or with using computers, putting practical skills. In
accordance with the curriculum, the knowledge gained, including the independent work of students,
is checked and assessed during the semester (current assessment), as well as during the examination
session (final / final assessment). The types of assessment are determined in accordance with the goals
and objectives of the learning process.
Entrance control is carried out in all courses in the first lesson according to
assignments corresponding to the program of the previous discipline, current control of knowledge
is carried out throughout the entire pedagogical process at the University and serves as a means of
identifying the degree of mastering of educational material, and the final control is implemented
through exams scheduled for examination sessions, final exams , as well as through the analysis of
the final learning outcomes. The assessment criteria are described in the Working curriculum for the
discipline and the Regulation on the organization of the educational process at the PIHE "KhIMU",
documents that were submitted in electronic form.
Since 2019, on the basis of the Testing Center under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, students
of the PIHE "KhIMU" pass the unified state qualification exam (USQE), which takes place in two
stages: the first (KROK-1), take the 3rd year, and the second (KROK 2) - at the final year.
By order of the rector of the educational institution, students who have academic debt at the
time of writing the integrated exams "KROK1" and "KROK2" are not allowed to the integrated
In the Self-Assessment Report of the PIHE "KhIMU", as well as during the interviews with the
teaching staff and students, it was noted that, when developing assessment methods, criteria such as
validity, correctness, focus on development, efficiency, acceptability are taken into account.
During the interviews, the teaching staff and students noted that students enjoy the same rights
and opportunities when appealing or correcting their academic achievements, the University does not
accept any form of donations and services that may affect the assessment process and direct and
indirect discrimination is not allowed.
Assessment forms, as well as the schedule of final exams are communicated to students through
social networks, a bulletin board at the University, and are also published in the public domain on the
University website www.khimu.edu.ua, which is regularly updated and supplemented.
The electronic document “Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the
PIHE "KhIMU" regulates the process of challenging and changing the assessment both downward
and upward. In this case, the University forms an Appeal Commission consisting of at least three
people, including representatives of the administration. The EEP was not provided with a document
confirming the possibility to take advantage of the contestation of the student's examination
score. When interviewing academic staff and students, it was noted that since 2017 (the beginning of
the University's activities), all students agree with the exam score.
Also, during the online interview, it was emphasized that the main result of the educational
process at the university is the individual educational achievements of students, which determine the
process of moving to a new level of mastering educational information and the methods of assessing
students' knowledge reflect the level of knowledge accumulated as a result of training, practical
competencies and results for each discipline. The EEP was provided with an electronic version of
standard sheets developed by the university, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, in which
marks are entered for the knowledge gained on current activities for all stages of the final control. The
score is expressed in figures with two decimal places and the recalculation of the average score for
current activities on a multi-point scale recommended by ECTS.
In the submitted electronic documents (Self-assessment report of the PIHE "KhIMU", annual
reports and protocols of the achieved learning outcomes of students in the period 2018-2020), the
transfer of students was 96.32% on the EP "Medicine", which confirms 96.32% of the achievement
of the final learning outcomes.
When interviewing academic staff and students, it was noted that the University does not clearly
define the conformity of the principles, methods and practices used to assess students, including the
number of exams and other tests, maintaining a balance between written and oral examinations, using
criteria-based assessment methods and reasoning, and special examinations (OSCE or Mini-Clinical
Exam), as well as determining the criteria for establishing passing scores, grades and the number of
allowed retakes. In addition, due to the lack of students in the first year, the absence of students in
graduate courses and graduates, there is no practice and the ability to determine that the assessment
covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes towards students' learning, which are described in the
provided regulations and regulations in electronic form.
A wide range of assessment methods and formats have been provided and described in the
relevant documents depending on their "usefulness assessment", but there is no evidence to support
the validity, reliability, impact on learning, acceptability and effectiveness of these methods and forms
of assessment.
Also, during the interviews, it was revealed that the University does not have a structural unit
responsible for the quality of student assessment and assessment of the EP and study courses, in order
to ensure the achievement of the planned final learning outcomes and an appropriate balance between
formative and summative assessment in order to manage learning and evaluate the student's academic
PIHE "KhIMU" did not provide protocols of commissions or other documents that would
demonstrate monitoring and development of action plans aimed at promoting knowledge acquisition
and integrated learning, avoiding negative impact on the learning process and eliminating the need to
study an excessive amount of information and overloading the EP, also guaranteed providing timely,
specific, constructive and fair feedback to students based on the results of the assessment.
▪ Self-assessment report of PIHE "KhIMU"
• Interview with academic staff
• Interview with students
EEP recommendations:
1. The university administration needs to identify a structural unit responsible for creating
course assessment policy of students in order to ensure the achievement of the planned learning
2. Improve the documentation and assessment of the reliability and validity of assessment
methods, which requires an appropriate quality assurance process for existing assessment practices.
3. Introduce new assessment methods in accordance with modern requirements.
4. Communicate the course assessment policies of students to all faculty staff and students to
ensure quality assessment practice.
5. Ensure continuous monitoring of the quality of assessment practice, to ensure that the
assessment covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the student, as well as eliminate the need to
study an excessive amount of information and overload of the educational program.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard's criteria are
as follows: strong - 0, satisfactory - 1; suggest improvements - 14; unsatisfactory - 0.
Proof part
Private higher educational institution "Kharkov International Medical University" recruits for
training in the specialty 222 "Medicine". The enrollment of home-based and foreign students for study
has been carried out since 2018 on the basis of the Rules for Admission to the University, which are
developed annually on the basis of the Conditions for Admission to Higher Education Institutions,
developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Admission rules are developed for
the calendar year and include all requirements for admission to the university.
The first enrollment of domestic students on the basis of complete general secondary education
and on the basis of the previously obtained educational qualification level "junior specialist" was
carried out in 2019. The admission of foreign students is carried out on the basis of a complete general
secondary education.
To familiarize students with the procedure of admission to the University site provides
information in section "Introduction".
The admission plan is annually approved by the order of the rector of PIHE "KhIMU" separately
for each contest proposal.
Admission to the PIHE "KhIMU" is carried out on a competitive basis, in accordance with the
selection criteria determined by the Rules of admission for the current year. Applications are accepted
within the timeframes established by the Conditions for admission to higher education
institutions. Applications for admission from applicants, who are admitted on the basis of complete
general secondary education, are accepted in electronic form through the Unified State Electronic
Database on Education. When considering an application, the results of external independent testing
in competitive subjects and the average score of the certificate or certificate of education are taken
into account. Applicants entering on the basis of the educational qualification level "junior specialist"
personally submit an application for participation in the competitive selection by contacting the
University Admissions Committee. Upon admission on the basis of the educational qualification level
"junior specialist", applicants submit to the Admissions Committee the results of external independent
testing and take an entrance exam in their specialty. The decision on admitting an applicant to
participate in the competitive selection is made by the Admissions Committee at the meeting. The
decision of the admissions committee is published on the official website of the university. The
enrollment order is formed by the person in charge in the Unified State Electronic Database on
In order to organize and conduct recruitment for teaching at the University, by order of the
rector, an admission committee was created, consisting of the head, deputy head, executive secretary,
deputy executive secretary, an authorized person for the acceptance and consideration of electronic
applications and members of the commission. In its work, the Admissions Committee is guided by
the Regulations on the Admissions Committee, developed by the University on the basis of the
Typical Regulations on the Admissions Committee. The composition of the Admissions Committee
is approved by the order of the rector every year. The functions of the Admissions Committee are
spelled out in the Regulations on the University’s Admissions Committee.
The PIHE "KhIMU" is guided by the regulatory framework of Ukraine when accepting /
teaching applicants with disabilities.
The university is implementing a policy of transferring students from other medical
schools. The policy of transferring students from other universities and other programs is described
in the "Regulations on the procedure for expulsion, restoration and transfer of applicants for higher
education to the PIHE "KhIMU", as well as granting them an academic leave, the right to re-
study." Transfer from one university to another, or from one academic course to another is allowed
during the vacation period, with the consent of both universities. Translation and restoration in the
first year is not provided. When comparing study programs, the number of ECTS credits studied and
the form of final control are taken into account. The procedure for transferring academic disciplines
when restoring or transferring from one university to another is spelled out in the Regulation on
transferring academic disciplines (ECTS credits) and determining the academic difference.
In order to preserve the transparency of the selection system for admission to the university, as
well as to ensure the rights of applicants at the university, an Appeals Commission has been created
to consider appeals from applicants in case of their disagreement with the results of the entrance
exam. The Appeal Commission in its work is guided by the Regulation on the Appeal Commission
of the PIHE "KhIMU", approved by the order of the rector. The Regulation on the Appeal
Commission is published on the official website of the university. In addition, to ensure the openness
of the selection process for training, applicants are given the opportunity to revise their work after the
announcement of the results of entrance examinations.
PIHE "KhIMU" determines the number of admitted students in accordance with the material
and technical base for training and making a decision on the admission plan for each academic year.
The determination the admission plan for teaching for each academic year takes place at a
meeting of the University Admissions Committee. The plan for admission of students to the 2nd year
on the basis of the qualification "junior specialist" is calculated taking into account the vacancies
within the licensed volume. When developing an admission plan, the Admissions Committee takes
into account: the area of classrooms, the number of teaching staff, the availability of the required
number of teaching aids and practical materials, and the compliance of the trained personnel with the
needs in the field of health protection of the population of Ukraine.
PIHE "KhIMU" has a system of counseling and support for students. Special attention at the
University is paid to social, professional and psychological support of students.
The department for the recruitment of foreign citizens and passport and visa support helps
foreign students in adapting to a new social environment and provides support throughout their
At the faculty, the function of advising and supporting students is performed by the dean's office
of the Faculty of Medicine. The dean in the report provides the assessment of the activities of the
dean’s office staff regarding student support to the rector of the University.
Curators of academic groups are also involved in providing psychological comfort and
professional support for students. The curator of the academic group is appointed from among the
scientific and pedagogical workers, one for each academic group. In senior courses, tutors are
assigned one for each specialization. In their work, the curators are guided by the Regulations on the
curators of academic groups, approved by the Academic Council of the University, are subordinate
to the dean of the faculty and in their work closely interact with the heads of the academic groups.
The University has developed a Regulation on elective disciplines. The list of them is
determined by the University, taking into account the need to form additional professional
competencies of students. Students can familiarize themselves with the list of elective disciplines for
each course of study on the university website, as well as in the dean's office.
To monitor the progress of the student, students and their parents, upon request, can receive an
extract from the dean's office with the results of the assessment of the disciplines studied. Students in
need of academic support can contact the dean's office, where a decision is considered and made using
an individual approach to each student.
When advising students, curators of academic groups, staff of the dean's office and teachers of
the University respect confidentiality in individual work with wards and ensure the protection of
personal data in accordance with applicable law.
In addition, the University has introduced the practice of anonymous contact.
The mechanisms for identifying students in need of psychological, social and academic support
are regular surveys on the quality of education, assessment of teaching activities, psychological state
and social adaptation of students.
For vocational guidance of students, the University regularly organizes national and
international conferences, which provide an opportunity for students to improve their scientific
competencies and professional skills.
The procedure for organizing academic mobility as a way of implementing educational and
scientific cooperation between PIHE "KhIMU" with home-based and foreign partners is determined
by the Regulations on the procedure for exercising the right to academic mobility in the PIHE
The University has student self-government, which is an integral part of the public self-
government of the University. All students are eligible to participate in student government. The
university implements a policy of representation of students and their respective participation in the
management of the university, discussion and resolution of issues of improvement and quality control
of the educational process, in accordance with the Regulation on student self-government of the
Student self-government is carried out at the level of the university, course, academic group and
student scientific society. The election of student representatives at all levels is carried out in
accordance with the Charter of the university in compliance with the ethical code of the applicant for
education. The executive branches of student self-government are the Student Council.
The student council of the university is represented by various sectors: the sector for academic
work, the sector for scientific work, the sector for public education, the sector for artistic, aesthetic
and intellectual development, the sector for organizing the life of students, the sector for cooperation
with foreign students, the sector for external relations and the sector for physical culture and sports.
PIHE "KhIMU" supports students in the exercise of their right to academic freedom,
participation in all decisions that are made at the University. In the context of supporting student
activities, the University observes the following principles: equality in rights and non-discrimination,
transparency and access to information, freedom of expression and assembly.
The University provides organizational and technical support for activities that are carried out
by all sectors of the student council: education and science, external relations, social sphere, culture,
housing and sports. In addition, the university provides appropriate conditions for the Student Self-
Government (provision of premises, furniture, office equipment, provision of telephone
communications, constant access to the Internet, allocation of places for the installation of information
Analytical part
In accordance with the provisions and regulations provided in the electronic version of the
University Admission Rules, which are developed annually on the basis of the Conditions for
admission to higher education institutions developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine, PIHE "KhIMU" has been recruiting for training in the specialty 222 "Medicine" on a
competitive basis since 2018. Admission rules are developed for a calendar year and include all
requirements for admission to the university.
The first enrollment of domestic students was carried out in 2019. The admission of home-based
and foreign students is carried out on the basis of a complete general secondary education. The EEP
appreciated the good practice of the PIHE "KhIMU" on the admission of Ukrainian students and on
the basis of the previously obtained educational qualification level "junior specialist".
PIHE "KhIMU" is guided by the legal framework of Ukraine in the admission / training of
applicants with disabilities.
According to the Self-Assessment Report of the PIHE "KhIMU" and the electronic documents
provided for the purpose of organizing and conducting recruitment at the University by order of the
rector, an Admissions Committee is created, which in its work is guided by the Regulations on the
Admissions Committee, developed by the University on the basis of the Typical Regulations on the
Admissions Committee. The composition of the Admissions Committee is approved annually by
order of the rector.
An electronic version of the admission plan for training was granted in, it is approved annually
by order of the rector PIHE "KhIMU" for each contest order, information is provided in the section
"Introduction" on the site www.khimu.edu.ua University to familiarize students with the admission
procedure as well as the decisions of the selection committee on the admission of the applicant to
participate in the competitive selection.
Applicants entering on the basis of complete general secondary education are accepted
electronically through the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, and applicants applying
on the basis of the educational qualification level "junior specialist" personally submit an application
for participation in the competitive selection by contacting the University Admissions Committee.
When considering an application, the results of external independent testing in competitive
subjects and the average grade of a certificate or certificate of education are taken into account, and
applicants entering on the basis of the educational qualification level "junior specialist" take into
account the results of external independent testing and pass an entrance exam in their specialty. The
enrollment order is formed by the person in charge in the Unified State Electronic Database for
Education. The EEP noted that there are no 1st year students for the academic year 2020 - 2021, which
is a risk for the PIHE "KhIMU" due to a decrease in the number of students.
In order to preserve the transparency of the selection system for admission to the university, as
well as to ensure the rights of applicants at the university, an Appeal Commission was created to
consider appeals from applicants in case of their disagreement with the results of the entrance exam,
which in its work is guided by the Regulation on the Appeal Commission of the PIHE "KhIMU",
approved by order rector and provided in electronic form for review to the members of the EEP,
published on the official website of the University www.khimu.edu.ua.
The university is implementing a policy of transferring students from other medical
schools. The EEP familiarized with the Policy of the students transfer from other universities and
other programs described in the "Regulations on the procedure for expulsion, restoration and transfer
of applicants for higher education to the PIHE"KhIMU", as well as granting them an academic leave,
the right to re-study" in electronic form. The procedure for transferring academic disciplines when
restoring or transferring from one university to another is spelled out in the Regulation on transferring
academic disciplines (ECTS credits) and determining the academic difference. During interviews
with academic staff and students, the process of transferring students, granting them academic leave,
and the right to re-study was described in detail.
PIHE "KhIMU" determines the number of accepted students in accordance with the material
and technical base for training, the number of teaching staff, and also, the compliance of the trained
personnel with the needs in the field of health protection of the population of Ukraine is taken into
With all the above points, during interviewing academic staff and students, as well as studied
the provided provisions and regulations in electronic form, the University website, the EEP stated that
the PIHE “KhIMU” should more carefully define and implement the Admission Policy, including a
clearly established provision on the student selection process due to the risk of lack of applicants in
the 2020-2021 academic year in the first year and a decrease in the number of students in the second
and third years.
When interviewing academic staff, it was noted that the University has a system of counseling
and support for students and special attention is paid to social, professional and psychological support
of students. At the same time, when interviewing students, it was noted that:
• The department for the recruitment of foreign citizens and passport and visa support helps
foreign students in adapting to a new social environment and provides support throughout their
studies, but does not provide, but only offers programs for immunization and health insurance.
• PIHE "KhIMU" does not provide programs for Ukrainian and foreign students related to the
social and personal problems and events, programs aimed at financial support in the form of material
assistance, scholarships and loans,
• counseling and professional career planning is not provided.
At the faculty, the function of advising and supporting students is performed by the dean's office
of the Medical Faculty. The assessment of the activities of the dean's office staff regarding student
support is provided by the dean in the report to the rector of the University. Curators of academic
groups are also involved in providing psychological comfort and professional support for
students. The curator of the academic group is appointed from among the scientific and pedagogical
workers, one for each academic group, and in the senior courses, curators are appointed one for each
specialization. In their work, the curators are guided by the Regulations on the curators of academic
groups, approved by the Academic Council of the University, are subordinate to the dean of the
faculty and in their work closely interact with the heads of the academic groups.
There is no evidence of monitoring and quality control of the work of the consultant and
supervisors on the issues of counseling and support students due to the lack of an appropriate unit
responsible for the quality of activities of the entire PIHE "KhIMU".
In the course of the work of the EEP, it was established that the PIHE "KhIMU" developed the
Regulation on elective disciplines. The list of optional disciplines is determined by the University,
taking into account the need for the formation of additional professional competencies of
students. Students can familiarize themselves with the list of elective disciplines for each course of
study on the university website, as well as in the dean's office.
To monitor the progress of the student, students and their parents, upon request, can receive an
extract from the dean's office with the results of the assessment of the disciplines studied. Students in
need of academic support can contact the dean's office, where a decision is considered and made using
an individual approach to each student.
In the PIHE "KhIMU" there is a Regulation on the procedure for exercising the right to
academic mobility in the PIHE "KhIMU", but when interviewing students Participants of the EEP
drew attention to the lack of student mobility. PIHE "KhIMU" should introduce and develop student
mobility to achieve the quality of education. When interviewing students, no answers to questions
about research activities in the field of medicine and scientific achievements as well as in the field of
medical education were received. The submitted documents do not contain information about research
projects where students of the PIHE "KhIMU" participated and are participating. The information
provided in the Self-Assessment Report of the PIHE "KhIMU" on the research base and priority areas
in the field of scientific research of the University proves that the main base for research is the
laboratories and departments of the National University. Therefore, the management of the University
needs to include indicative indicators in the EP development plans and implement the points of student
participation in scientific and technical programs financed from various sources, including in the field
of medical education.
The University has student self-government, which is an integral part of the public self-
government of the University. All students are eligible to participate in student government. The
university implements a policy of representation of students and their respective participation in the
management of the university, discussion and resolution of issues of improvement and quality control
of the educational process, in accordance with the Regulations on student self-government of the
Student self-government is carried out at all levels of the university. The election of student
representatives is carried out in accordance with the Charter of the university in compliance with the
ethical code of the applicant for education. The student council is the executive body of student self-
government. The University provides organizational and technical support to the activities of the
Student Council and provides appropriate conditions for Student self-government.
• Online - Viewing regulations:
▪ Admission Regulations to the university - the university's website provides information in the
section "Introduction".
▪ Regulations on the Admissions Committee of PIHE "KhIMU"
▪ Regulations on the Appeal Commission of the PIHE "KhIMU"
▪ Regulations on the procedure for expulsion, restoration and transfer of applicants for higher
education to the PIHE "KhIMU"
▪ Regulations on the transfer of academic disciplines (ECTS credits) and determination of the
academic difference in the PIHE "KhIMU"
▪ Regulations on the procedure for exercising the right to academic mobility at the PIHE
▪ Regulations on student self-government of PIHE "KhIMU"
▪ Self-assessment report of PIHE "KhIMU"
• Interview with academic staff
• Interview with students
EEP recommendations:
1. The administration of the university needs to determine and implement academic year the
Student Admission Policy by the 2021-2022, it includes clear mechanisms for the student selection
process, preventing the risks of a decrease in the number of students or their absence, etc.
2. To promote the development of scientific activities among students.
3. Introduce and motivate student mobility.
4. The administration of the university needs to provide the annual funding of academic mobility
of students from the university budget.
5. To improve and motivate the activity of student self-government.
6. To provide and create a student support program aimed at meeting their social, financial and
personal needs.
7. To improve the availability of health care, immunization programs and health insurance.
8. To provide continuous monitoring the progress of the student's academic achievement and
counseling aimed at the social and personal needs of students, including academic support, support in
relation to personal problems and situations, health problems, financial issues.
9. To provide counseling and professional career planning.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard's criteria are
as follows: strong - 0, satisfactory - 11; suggest improvements - 5; unsatisfactory - 0.
Proof part
The university's human resources development policy is carried out in accordance with the Law
on "Higher Education" of Ukraine, the Labor Code, "Regulations on filling vacancies, development
strategy of PIHE "KhIMU" for 2020-2024", "Regulations on filling managerial positions", and other
normative acts of the university.
As of 01.10.2020 TS consists of 34 teachers who provide the educational process in accordance
with the curriculum, including 3 heads of departments, 3 professors, 11 associate professors, 1 senior
teacher, 5 teachers and 11 assistants.
Out of the total number of TSs, 4 people have the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, 18
people - Candidate of Science, 3 people - the scientific title of Professor and 11 people - Associate
Professor. TS staff - 16 people (47%), including 3 professors, 2 associate professors, 3 teachers and
5 assistants. 18 people (53%) also work externally, including 10 associate professors, 1 senior teacher,
2 teachers and 5 assistants. Achievement of the goals and objectives of personnel policy is entrusted
to the university personnel department, which is responsible for human resources management,
namely, planning and the need for personnel, selection and registration of staff, motivation,
development, career growth of employees and their interest in work.
The development of the staffing table and its annual planning is carried out in accordance with
the needs for human resources and includes all categories of staff positions that are necessary for the
effective and efficient work of the university.
The University independently manages the academic staff recruitment system. In the process of
selecting candidates for TS positions, special attention is paid to qualifications and personal qualities,
erudition, breadth and depth of knowledge, the desire to constantly improve their knowledge,
competence, work experience and ability to work in a team, as well as the certified level of knowledge
(B2, C1, iTEP and other certificates) English.
The process of selecting candidates for teaching staff positions is carried out in accordance with
the "Regulations on the replacement of teaching positions in the PIHE "KhIMU" and provides a single
mechanism for all candidates for positions with the conclusion of an employment contract.
The policy of activities and development of employees is aimed at high-quality management
and development of human potential, growth and compliance with a high level of professionalism of
employees to fulfill the goals of the university. There is a sufficient number of TS for stable
implementation of the curriculum and implementation of the integration of the learning process.
Of the total number of TS (34), as of 01.10.2020 scientific and pedagogical title (associate
professor / professor) is 1/3 of the total number of teaching staff.
The norms of pedagogical activity are carried out in accordance with the regulation "About the
norms of time for planning scientific and other work of scientific and pedagogical workers." Working
hours for TS are 36 hours per week, 1548 academic hours per year.
The scope of work of the TS is recorded in the mandatory individual plan of each teacher. The
individual plan displays the educational, methodological, scientific and organizational work of the
teacher, which is planned for the academic year. The individual plan is approved at a meeting of the
department. The dean of the faculty approves the individual plan of the head of the department.
The scientific and pedagogical load is carried out during the academic year and is controlled by
the heads of the departments. For the TS of the composition, the academic year ends with a report to
the head of the department. After that, the manager provides an annual report on the work done.
The University complies with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" and
does not allow discrimination in the team, all employees have equal rights and opportunities,
regardless of race, citizenship, gender, political beliefs, age, disability and religion.
The composition of the teaching staff as of 01.10.2020 consists of 22 women (64.7%) and 12
men (35.3%). The distribution of academic personnel by age is approximately the same and amounts
to 14 people (41.2%) under the age of 40 and 20 people (58.8%) between the ages of 40-60.
The average age of teachers is about 41 and younger teachers have the opportunity to learn from
their more experienced colleagues. In order to implement the University Development Strategy, the
PIHE "KhIMU" annually approves a plan for the implementation of actions for structural units. The
management of the PIHE "KhIMU" together with the personnel department develops a plan for
recruiting, maintaining and developing the staff. The University provides TS with real and equal
opportunities for professional development in the course of their work. In the process of teaching,
teachers use innovative information technologies (lectures using ppt, Prezi), interactive whiteboards
and video walls in practical and lecture classes. Remote technologies have become widespread due to
the spread of Covid19 (use of Google for Education services). In the classroom, cloud services, video
conferencing programs (Zoom, Meet) are widely used, work is carried out in the Google classroom,
Kahoot questionnaires, Google forms are used. Also, in the classroom of human anatomy, an
anatomical table with the Pirogov system and the virtual reality software 3D Organon is used.
For young teachers there is an opportunity to learn from the experience of older colleagues by
attending classes, participating in scientific and methodological seminars of departments. The
University employs 1 doctor of pedagogical sciences, 2 candidates of pedagogical sciences, who
periodically conduct seminars and lectures for TS, dedicated to innovations in the field of pedagogy.
At the university, teaching is hold in English, respectively, teachers have certificates (Green
Forest, Cambrige English, iTEP, IELTS) confirming their level of English proficiency, on the basis
of which teaching staff receive an additional fee. Of the total number of teachers, 17 people have B2
level, 4 people have C1 level, 5 people have diplomas of philologists, teachers of English. A
commission has also been created to assess the level of English proficiency among teachers, sufficient
for teaching. Based on the results of TS assessment, admission to disciplines in English is given.
To ensure a high-quality educational process, both full-time and distant learning are used.
If necessary, to ensure the educational process, there is the possibility of part-time employment
of doctors working in medical institutions that are clinical bases and have certificates confirming their
level of English proficiency.
The PIHE "KhIMU" creates equal working conditions for full-time employees and for
employees working part-time.
The ratio of the number of academic staff and students at the university is 1: 4, while the
personnel policy is focused on increasing the personnel potential and preserving the existing TS.
The appointment procedure (recruitment) is based on the competence, honesty and transparency
of the procedure. Information on the conditions of employment is provided to interested persons in
full. The objectivity of the selection of candidates for positions is carried out on the basis of clear
criteria in assessing the level of training and competence of all candidates, the selection takes place
in accordance with a higher level of professional training.
Analytical part
According to the provisions and regulations provided in the electronic variant The policy of
development of human resources of the university is carried out in in accordance with the Law on
"Higher Education" of Ukraine, the Labor Code, "Regulations on filling vacancies, development
strategy of the PIHE "KhIMU" for 2020-2024", "Regulations on the replacement of leadership
positions", as well as other university regulations.
Achievement of the goals and objectives of the personnel policy is entrusted to the personnel
department University responsible for human resource management, namely planning and the need
for personnel, selection and registration in the staff, motivation, development, career growth
employees and their interest in work.
In the self-assessment Report of the PIHE "KhIMU" and in the submitted documents it was
noted that as of 01.10.2020 34 teachers work at the PIHE "KhIMU" ensure the educational process in
accordance with the curriculum, including 3 heads of departments, 3 professors, 11 associate
professors, 1 senior teacher, 5 teachers and 11 assistants.
Of the total number of teaching staff, 4 people have a scientific degree of Doctor of Science,
18 people - candidate of sciences, 3 people - the scientific title of professor and 11 people - associate
TS membership consists of 22 women (64.7%) and 12 men (35.3%).
The distribution of academic personnel by age is approximately the same and amounts to 14
people (41.2%) under the age of 40 and 20 people (58.8%) between the ages of 40-60.
The provided electronic document "About the norms of time for planning scientific and other
works of scientific and pedagogical workers" describes the norms of pedagogical activity: the working
time for TS is 36 hours per week, 1548 academic hours per year.
The amount of work of the TS is recorded in the mandatory individual plan of each teacher.
The individual plan displays the educational, methodological, scientific and organizational work of
the teacher, which is planned for the academic year. The individual plan is approved at a meeting of
the department. The dean of the faculty approves the individual plan of the head of the department.
The scientific and pedagogical load is carried out during the academic year and is controlled
by the heads of the departments. For the PS, the academic year ends with a report to the head of the
department. After that, the head of the department provides an annual report on the work done.
The University independently manages the academic staff recruitment system. In the process
of selecting candidates for PS positions, special attention is paid to qualifications and personal
qualities, erudition, breadth and depth of knowledge, the desire to constantly improve their
knowledge, competence, work experience and the ability to work in a team.
Particular attention is paid to candidates for the position of a full-time or part-time teacher, the
level of English proficiency, confirmed by the corresponding certificate (B2, C1, iTEP and other
The EEP found that the PIHE " KhIMU" does not maintain a balance between teaching,
research and service functions, which includes setting the time for each type of activity, taking into
account the needs of the university and the professional qualifications of teachers. As of 01.10.2020,
the percentage of freelance teachers in the PIHE " KhIMU" - 53% (10 associate professors, 1 senior
teacher, 2 teachers and 5 assistants) exceeds the regular ones - 47% (3 professors, 2 associate
professors, 3 teachers and 5 assistants); the ratio of teachers to students is 1: 4. There is a risk of not
filling the vacant positions of medical practitioners.
In the process of teaching, teachers use innovative information technologies (lectures using
ppt, Prezi), interactive whiteboards and video walls in practical and lecture classes. Remote
technologies have become widespread due to the spread of Covid19 (use of Google for Education
services). In the classroom, cloud services, video conferencing programs (Zoom, Meet) are widely
used, work is carried out in the Google classroom, Kahoot questionnaires, Google forms are used.
Also, in the classroom of human anatomy, the Anatomical table with the Pirogov system, the 3D
Organon virtual reality software is used.
To ensure a high-quality educational process in the PIHE " KhIMU", both full-time and
distance learning are used.
During the online observation of the educational process and after interviewing the academic
staff by the EEP, it was found that partially the teaching staff does not possess innovative active
teaching methods and there is no evidence that the teaching staff has digital competence, which means
the readiness and ability to use digital resources, use computers, mobile devices and cloud
technologies in the educational process, as well as create and effectively use the digital educational
environment and all its components in the educational process. The university was unable to present
a curriculum for the appropriate teaching skills of the teaching staff.
Another point to which the members of the EEP drew attention is the lack of mobility of
teachers. PIHE " KhIMU" should introduce and develop the mobility of the teaching staff to achieve
the quality of education. When interviewing TS, no answers were received to questions about research
activities in the field of medicine and scientific achievements, as well as in the field of medical
education. The information provided in the Self-Assessment Report of the PIHE " KhIMU" about the
research base and priority areas in the field of scientific research of the University proves that the
main base for research is the laboratories and departments of the Kharkiv National Medical University.
In this connection, the management of the PIHE " KhIMU" needs to include indicative indicators in
the EP development plans and implement the points of PS participation in scientific and technical
programs financed from various sources, including in the field of medical education.
According to the provided electronic documents (Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of
Personal Data") and after interviewing, the members of the EEP came to the conclusion that the
University respects and does not allow discrimination in the team, all employees have equal rights
and opportunities, regardless of race, citizenship, gender, political beliefs age, disability and religion.
In the PIHE " KhIMU" in order to implement the Strategy for the development of the university, an
annual action plan is approved for the structural units. The management of the PIHE "KhIMU"
together with the personnel department develops a plan for hiring and provides the TS with real and
equal opportunities for professional development in the course of their work.
Online - View regulations:
Law on "Higher Education", Ukraine
Labor Code
Regulations on filling vacancies, development strategy of the PIHE "KhIMU" for
Regulations on the replacement of managerial positions, as well as other normative
acts of PIHE "KhIMU"
Regulations on the norms of time for scientific and pedagogical activities in the PIHE
Self-assessment report of PIHE "KhIMU"
Statute of KhIMU
Development Strategy of KhIMU for 2018-2023
License of the Ministry of Education and Science for educational activities in the
specialty "Medicine"
Interview with academic staff
EEP recommendations:
1. The administration of the PIHE "KhIMU" should contribute to the development of scientific
activities among teachers, including in the field of medical education.
2. The administration of the university to develop a plan for the development of academic
mobility of teaching staff and ensure its implementation, taking into account the potential and
capabilities of partner universities, various international programs.
3. The administration of the PIHE "KhIMU" by the 2021-2022 academic year to develop a
plan for the training of practical health care professionals participating in educational activities, and
start its implementation based on the widespread use of active innovative teaching methods aimed at
the formation of pedagogical and digital competence.
4. Constantly maintain a balance between full-time and part-time teachers.
5. Create a clear policy of promotion, motivation, encouragement of the University staff and
vice versa.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard's criteria
are as follows: strong - 0, satisfactory - 6; suggest improvements - 6; unsatisfactory - 0.
Proof part
The PIHE "Kharkiv International Medical University" uses a complex of modern facilities for
the educational process, which were built at the beginning of the twentieth century with a total area
of 5444.4 square meters, with lecture rooms, classrooms, offices, modern laboratories and computer
labs (140 square meters m.), as well as premises for the scientific and pedagogical staff (300 sq. m.).
On the territory of the main building there is an assembly hall (420 sq.m.), a dining room (70
sq.m.) and a medical office.
The building also has service premises, namely: boiler rooms, toilet rooms, security rooms
(200 sq.m.).
According to clause 3.9 of the agreement on cooperation No. 203 / 11-19 / іс for maintaining
a healthy lifestyle and working capacity, as well as conducting physical culture classes, there is a gym
equipped with modern exercise equipment with a total area of 320 sq.m.
The PIHE "KhIMU" provides nonresident and foreign students with a hostel (according to the
cooperation agreement (clause 2.12) No. 203 / 11-19 / іс). Each hostel is equipped with service rooms
and a catering unit, as well as fully provided with all types of inventory and a complete set of each
bed for a comfortable stay of the student.
For the educational process, the university purchased 34 modern computers, audio and video
headsets, cameras, etc. Students are provided with and have full access to everything they need,
including: modern laboratories (for conducting practical exercises and introducing them to the
scientific component of experimental research), high-quality microscopes, and a computer class. For
a high-quality, visual, more detailed and comprehensive study of the structure of the human body,
individual organs and systems, Interactive 35 anatomical table "Pirogov-II" (FullHD (3 840 x 1 080).
Each classroom of the university is equipped with modern interactive multimedia devices:
Interactive panel 75” (4K, Multitouch, OPC i5, SSD128); Interactive panel 86” (4K, Multitouch, OPC
i5, SSD128); Video cameras DS-2CD2120F-I; Epson EP-X400 projector; Suspended motorized
screen 4: 3, 150 "; Lenovo IdeaPad 320-15ISK (80XH00WXRA) laptops; TV Samsung
The technical equipment of the university to ensure the educational process in the specialty
222 "Medicine", namely, the department of educational units includes 63 computers, with network
and communication equipment based on fiber-optic technologies (Ethernet technology with a data
transfer rate of up to 1 Gbit / s.). All equipment used by the university has a service life of no more
than 5 years.
The safety system at the PIHE "KhIMU" is achieved by carrying out technical, organizational,
sanitary and hygienic medical and preventive, legal measures in accordance with the Law of Ukraine
on labor protection. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No.
1669 "Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection in educational institutions" the
Rector of the University appoints persons responsible for labor protection and fire safety in each
classroom at the beginning of each academic year (Order No. 134 / OP). Responsible person for labor
protection and fire safety throughout the University has been appointed the Vice-Rector for HKD.
For this period, the premises of the 1st floor are being prepared for commissioning, on which
the hall, food zone, assembly hall, administrative premises are located.
Clinical and practical training of students is carried out under a cooperation agreement with
KNMU on the basis of clinical departments of KNMU, as well as under direct contracts with 3 medical
institutions, which are clinical bases of the University. Bases of KNMU: Scientific and Educational
Medical Center "University Clinic" KNMU, University Dental Center KNMU, Clinic of the Research
Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of KNMU.
The University widely uses and introduces the latest information and communication
technologies into the educational process. All university lecture halls are equipped with interactive
multimedia teaching aids: Interactive panel 86” (4K, Multitouch, OPC i5, SSD128); DS-2CD2120F-
I video cameras; Epson EP-X400 projector; Motorized suspended screen, 4: 3, 150 "; Lenovo IdeaPad
320-15ISK (80XH00WXRA) laptops; TV Samsung UE50MU6102K.
The University's digitalization system (administrative activities and educational process) is
under development. The website of the University www.khimu.edu.ua was developed, which is
regularly updated and supplemented.
The university engages in teaching work doctors from clinical bases, who, having a qualified
electronic signature, through the medical information systems of healthcare institutions provide access
to the eHealth electronic healthcare system, which creates opportunities for students to use
information and communication technologies at clinical bases for patient management.
The KhIMU has a Data Center, which ensures the operation of information and communication
equipment and software. The technical equipment of the university includes network and switching
equipment, which is based on fiber-optic technologies with a data transfer rate of up to 1 Gbit / s.
The University is currently working on the formation of the Department of Information
Technologies, the purpose of which is to ensure the comprehensive digitalization of the work of
There is free Wi-Fi access throughout the University. KhIMU also has a computer class with
15 computers with Internet access, where teachers and students can do independent work. Besides
stationary computers at the disposal of the departments are laptops.
Under a cooperation agreement, students and employees of KhIMU have access to the
Scientific Library of KNMU. "Scientific Library of KhIMU" popularizes the ideas of open access to
intellectual achievements by forming a repository. The KhNMU Repository (ISSN 2310-8363) was
created in 2011 as an electronic archive and is an important component of the National Repository of
Academic Texts. As of 20.08.2020, 25,751 documents are in the public domain. Among the presented
documents: 766 - lecture materials, 2,154 - teaching materials, 15,252 - scientific papers and 5,876 -
scientific robots of young scientists.
The general fund of the "Scientific Library of KhNMU" as of 01.07.2020 is 1,052,933 copies
(electronic documents - 30,516). Incl. Fund of the Scientific Library of KhNMU - 1,012,293
documents (educational literature - 554,469 copies, scientific - 432,966 copies, art 25610 copies), the
fund of the Scientific Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of
KhNMU - 28,116 copies, the fund of the Medical College of KNMU - 12524 copies.
At the moment, research activities are carried out under a cooperation agreement with KNMU
and on the basis of other partner research organizations.
The main research base is the Scientific Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical
Medicine (SRI ECM) KhNMU. The Scientific Research Institute of ECM KhNMU includes a
laboratory of cell technologies, a laboratory of molecular cell pathology, a laboratory of
immunological and molecular biological research. Also, the base for scientific research is the Central
Research Laboratory of the University (CSRL) at KhNMU. The Central Scientific Research
Laboratory includes: biochemical department, pathomorphological department, sanitary and hygienic
laboratory, PCR laboratory.
Personnel potential of researchers: the research and teaching staff of KhIMU includes 5
doctors of sciences, 18 candidates of sciences.
Analytical part
The existing material and technical base of KhIMU allows to ensure the conduct of all types
of educational, laboratory, practical, clinical and research work of students, but not in full, since the
material and technical base of the Kharkov National Medical University is mainly used.
The university administration presented agreements on cooperation with KNMU on the basis
of clinical departments of KNMU (Scientific and Educational Medical Center "University Clinic"
KNMU, University Dental Center KNMU, Clinic of the Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene
and Occupational Diseases of KNMU.), As well as 3 contracts with medical institutions that are
clinical bases of the University. During an online visit and during work with focus groups, the EEC
Commission revealed that the main material base of KMMU is represented by the bases of the Kharkiv
National Medical University, and in order to achieve the mission and strategic goals, the university
needs to reduce dependence in terms of material and technical base, academic and human resources.
KhIMU should improve the learning environment for students by regularly updating,
expanding and strengthening the material and technical base, which should correspond to the
development in teaching practice, taking into account the number and categories of patients and
ensuring rotation in the main clinical disciplines. For the successful implementation of the accredited
educational program, the university needs to develop a development plan for the faculty by the 2021-
2022 academic year, including the development of its own 37 library fund. It is also recommended to
introduce a unified electronic platform to improve the quality of the educational process and exchange
information within the university. Under a cooperation agreement, students and employees of KhIMU
have access to library and scientific library of KNMU.
At the moment, research activities are carried out under a cooperation agreement with KNMU
and on the basis of other partner research organizations.
The main research base of the KhIMU employees is the Scientific Research Institute of
Experimental and Clinical Medicine (SRI ECM) KNMU. The Scientific Research Institute of ECM
KNMU includes a laboratory of cell technologies, a laboratory of molecular cell pathology, a
laboratory of immunological and molecular biological research. Also, the base for scientific research
is the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the University (CSRL) at KNMU. The Central
Scientific Research Laboratory includes: biochemical department, pathomorphological department,
sanitary and hygienic laboratory, PCR laboratory.
When interviewing teaching staff and students, no answers were received to questions about
research activities in the field of medicine and scientific achievements, as well as in the field of
medical education. In the submitted documents there is no information about scientific projects where
the teaching staff and the student participated and are participating. The information provided in the
self-report on the research base and priority areas in the field of scientific research of the university
proves that the main base for research is the laboratories and departments of the National University.
In this connection, the university administration needs to include indicative indicators in the EP
development plans and implement points for the participation of teaching staff and students in
scientific and technical programs financed from various sources, including in the field of medical
A document was presented on the strategy for the internalization of KhIMU for 2020-2025,
signed by Rector D.M.Shyian, in September 2020, but when interviewing responsible persons, no
answer was received with whom the university is going to cooperate as a strategic partner, with which
universities it plans to harmonize the EP, what financial expenses are planned in this area, etc. etc.
The young university is just beginning to establish ties with international universities. In order to
improve the EP, the management of KhIMU needs to modify and modernize the educational program
in accordance with the modern requirements of the WFME. In the opinion of the EEP experts, the
system of academic mobility, both internal and external at KhIMU, implies improvements. The EEC
members recommend that the university leadership develop and ensure the implementation of a plan
for academic mobility of teaching staff, AUP and students. It is also necessary to carry out cycles of
improving pedagogical qualifications for teaching staff on innovative teaching methods.
An answer was not received to the question about the external examination of the educational
program, the development of teaching methods and the assessment of knowledge and skills. When
examining an educational program, it is necessary to involve experts with experience in conducting
research in medical education. The EEP members recommend that the EP management ensure the
passage of the educational program of external expertise, with the involvement of experienced experts
in the field of medicine and medical education.
In the presented structure of KhIMU from 09/02/2020, only 49.5 staff units, of which the
rectorate - 4.0 units, the medical faculty - 25.0 units, the library - 1.0 units, accounting - 1.5 units. and
others. The structure of KhIMU is presented in the form of a table, which is difficult to perceive, and
it is difficult to understand who and to whom is subordinate.
EEP recommendations:
1. The administration of the university to take measures to increase the academic, financial
and economic independence in the implementation of educational activities. Reduce dependence on
Kharkiv National Medical University in terms of material and technical base, academic and human
2. Establish a development plan for the faculty and strengthen the material and technical base
for teaching staff and students, for adequate implementation of the EP by the 2021-2022 academic
3. The university administration should include indicative indicators in the EP development
plans and implement the points of participation of teaching staff and students in scientific and
technical programs funded from various sources, including in the field of medical education.
4. The university administration should improve and develop its own library fund.
5. Introduce a unified electronic platform to improve the quality of the educational process and
exchange information within the university.
6. By the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year, the Educational and Methodological
Commission modify and modernize the educational program in accordance with the modern
requirements of the WFME.
7. By the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year, the educational and methodological
commission ensure the passage of the educational program of external expertise, with the involvement
of experienced experts in the field of medicine and medical education.
8. The dean of the faculty to develop and ensure the implementation of the plan for academic
mobility of teaching staff and students for the 2021-2022 academic year.
9. To develop pedagogical competence, include publications on medical education in the
indicative plan of teaching staff.
10. To intensify cooperation of the university at the national and international levels with other
medical universities.
11. Bring the structure of KhIMU in line with national and international requirements for
higher medical education institutions.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard's criteria
are as follows: strong - 0, satisfactory - 12; suggest improvements - 18; unsatisfactory - 0.
According to the self-assessment report, internal and external mechanisms are used to monitor
and evaluate the educational program at the University. External mechanisms include independent
assessment of graduates and specialized accreditation. Internal mechanisms include: assessment of
students and teachers, self-assessment of the university; internal control of departments, as well as
current, intermediate and final certification of students. All stages and levels of quality assurance are
governed by applicable laws and regulations:
- ORDER 24.10.2012 No. 834 On educational and methodological activities of higher medical
and pharmaceutical educational institutions of I - IV levels of accreditation;
- ORDER 21.06.2013 No. 536 On the formation and placement of state orders for the training
of specialists, scientific, scientific and pedagogical personnel, advanced training. As amended by
order of the Ministry of Health;
- Decree of the President of Ukraine On the National Strategy for the Development of
Education in Ukraine for the Period until 2021.
- The logistics of the monitoring and evaluation mechanism of the educational program are
described in detail in DSTU ISO 9001: 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015, IDT).
Again, according to the self-assessment report, the process of monitoring and evaluating the
program takes place at the level of departments and the dean's office. Quality management is planned
annually on the basis of the development and subsequent analysis of individual plans at the level of
departments, dean's office.
The systematic collection of information about the satisfaction of the consumer of educational
services in relation to the program is carried out through a survey of students, alumni, and faculty.
The survey is conducted anonymously once during the academic year. The questionnaire uses a 5-
point scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 points (strongly agree).
The curriculum of the discipline and the educational program at the end of each academic year
is discussed at a meeting of the department of the medical faculty of KhIMU and is updated as
necessary, including the distance learning format.
KhIMU plans to establish feedback from employers - heads of medical and sanitary institutions
on the quality of graduates of the educational process in the following ways: feedback in the form of
official letters from employers on satisfaction with the competencies of graduates of the educational
process and questionnaires to determine the level of satisfaction of employers.
Educational program 222 "Medicine" PIHE "KhIMU" has passed external expertise and peer
review. The reviewers of the updated OP were the chief freelance specialist in pathological anatomy
of the Health Department of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, the head of the pathological
anatomical department of the Communal non-profit enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council
"Regional Clinical Hospital" I.V. Borzenkova, the chief physician of the educational and scientific
complex "University Clinic" of Kharkiv National Medical University Maltsev A.V., Director of the
Institute for Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the National Academy of Medical
Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor G.M. Danilenko.
Analytical part
Methods of assessing students in the educational program are not well documented. Each
discipline in the international medical program must be evaluated in accordance with the Regulation
Rule of the European Transmission and Accumulation System (ECTS) and the regulations governing
the educational process at the university. The evaluation components and their specific proportion
should be clearly and clearly reflected in the course curriculum in accordance with the Regulation
Rule of the European Transmission and Accumulation System (ECTS). All evaluation systems and
criteria should be understood not only by teachers, but also by students, which seems quite difficult
to get acquainted with the program.
The mechanism presented by the university for monitoring and evaluating the educational
program does not contain a clearly and detailed methodology for internal evaluation of the curriculum
as a whole and its components. It is not entirely clear how or with what tools the student's progress or
regression is assessed (other than the assessment during study), with regard to mission and training
results, there is also no description of the appropriate tools for assessing the performance of academic
staff (for example, the form of evaluation of the teacher's demo lecture, the evaluation of the course
and the teacher by the student); moreover, it is not clear how the results of the assessment (e.g., the
results of the questionnaire) affect the educational program, how the corresponding changes are made
to eliminate the detected problems. The collection of reviews proposed by the University once a year
is not enough to see the "general picture," make all the shortcomings of the educational program
visible or possible ways to improve it.
KhIMU did not confirm the existence of a structure/person responsible for implementing the
curriculum and achieving the final goals. This in itself represents a very complex and time-consuming
job. The combination of quality assurance of the educational program with other responsibilities of
even highly qualified administrative personnel makes it impossible to fulfil it at the proper level. As
it turned out during the visit, the responsibility for ensuring the quality of the program lies with the
vice-rector of the university. The scope and administrative duties of the vice-rector are very large, and
EEP experts considered it inappropriate to combine the duties of the vice-rector with the duties and
responsibility for quality assurance. In addition, the quality assurance authority/person must be
independent to avoid conflicts of interest during programme monitoring and audit.
The information given in the report is that the student community participates in commissions
to evaluate and monitor the process of teaching - learning - assessment as representatives of this
commission. did not confirm about an online meeting with students.
External experts of the Medicine educational program were specialists in the field of medicine,
who are simultaneously employees of KhIMU, which in itself is a conflict of interest.
Periodic updating of the program to reflect the changing needs of the labour market, students
and graduates, as well as the requirements of potential employers of the program was not confirmed
at online meetings with students, academic and administrative staff or employers.
• Educational program
• Curriculum (curriculum)
• KhIMU self-assessment report;
• Submitted documents
• Interviews with academic staff
• Interviews with external experts of the program
• Interviews with students
• Interview with employers
Strengths/Best Practices
EEP Recommendations:
1. Create a Quality Assurance Service/Department
2. Develop and implement an internal quality assurance program in the management of the
3. Develop and implement clearly defined quality assurance policies and mechanisms;
4. Develop and implement methods for assessing the validity, reliability and fairness of
methods for assessing academic achievements of students and ensure accessibility for
external expertise.
5. Use and respect the principle of integration in the development of evaluation methods.
6. Regularly investigate stakeholder requirements, including labour market requirements, to
reflect their respective changes in the program.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard criteria
are as follows: strong - 0, satisfactory - 23; suggest improvements
– 1; unsatisfactory - 0.
Proof part
The organizational structure, processes and policy of PIHE «KhIMU» are indicated in
accordance with the mission, goal and tasks presented in the Development Strategy of of PHEI
«KhIMU» for the period 2018-2023 and in the annual development plans of the institution.
Since 2017, PIHE «KhIMU», then PIHI «KhIMU» carries out its activities in conditions of
self-government, including financial autonomy.
The system of governing bodies of PHEI «KhIMU» and their functions are determined by the
requirements of the laws «On Education», «On Higher Education», as well as the Charter of the
university. According to the above legislative and regulatory acts, higher education is managed at two
1. at the national level: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ministry of Health
of Ukraine - in terms of education policy.
2. at the institutional level - the governing and administrative structures of the University.
The management of PIHE «KhIMU» is based on the following principles:
a) university autonomy and academic freedom;
b) public liability;
c) strategic management;
d) governance efficiency and transparency.
The system of governing bodies of PIHE «KhIMU» consists of: Founders; Supervisory Board
(SB); Rector of the University.
These governing bodies are guided by domestic regulations developed in accordance with the
requirements of national legislation.
The founders of the University form a general policy in the areas of financial, administrative
and academic activities of the University.
The Supervisory Board shall monitor the implementation of the general policy of the
University as determined by the Founders; participates in the personnel activities of the University;
responsible for respecting the rights and freedoms of University participants.
The rector provides operational management of the University with the participation of vice-
rectors and with the support of the SB. The rector is the responsible person managing the budget of
PIHE «KhIMU». The Rector shall be appointed by the Assembly of Founders upon approval with SB.
The university, within its governing structures, establishes structural units by defining the
responsibilities of each of them, and also includes representatives of academic staff.
According to provisions of the Law on the higher education, the main structural units of the
University are the dean's offices, departments, unitts, the centers including the following categories
of personnel: scientific and pedagogical and pedagogical, administrative and managerial, educational
and auxiliary and service staff. According to the organizational structure of PIHE «KhIMU», approved
by order of the Rector, there are currently 10 divisions, including: 1 dean’s office, 3 departments, 1
educational and methodological unit, 3 administrative units, 1 administrative and economic unit and
1 university center.
The organizational structure of the University is flexible and, if necessary, can be changed,
optimized and improved.
The powers, duties and rights of university units and their staff are established by internal
regulations and job descriptions developed by the and approved in accordance with the established
procedure. The key division within the PIHE «KhIMU» is the faculty. The executive direction of the
faculty is carried out by the dean, who is elected and appointed to this position in accordance with the
Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education."
At the level of functional divisions (faculty, department/unit, etc.) responsible for determining,
implementing and maintaining the conformity of the quality management system to regulatory
standards are managers and the Teaching and Methodological Commission (TMC).
Planning and implementation of an effective system of recruitment, hiring and management of
administrative personnel, scientific, pedagogical and auxiliary personnel in PIHE «KhIMU» are
reflected in the Development Strategy for 2020-2024 and are carried out in accordance with: Labor
Code of Ukraine; The Education Act; the Higher Education Act; Statute of PIHE «KhIMU»;
Regulation on the Human Resources Department; Regulation on the organization and functioning of
the Department/Department.
Senior positions include the following administrative staff: a) at the University level - Rector
and Vice-Rector; b) at the faculty level - dean; c) at the level of the educational unit - heads of the
At the University level, responsibility lies with the Rector, who defines the strategy, policy,
goals and priorities in the field of quality and monitors their implementation throughout the institution;
Vice-Rector, who shall plan, maintain, monitor, improve and implement the system by following
procedures and system processes; academic quality at the University is coordinated by the Teaching
and Methodological Commission and the Teaching and Methodological Department. At the Faculty
level, academic quality is coordinated by the Dean’s office.
The University has a clear range of responsibilities and responsibilities to provide resources to
the educational program of KhIMU, in its legal status, is a private higher educational institution that
carries out its activities in the regime of financial and economic self-government. The main area of
financial support for the University remains the increase in the amount of resources received from
various sources.
The cost per student, in the allocation of University funds, includes the following categories
of expenses: a) payment of salaries, including wages, contributions of compulsory state social
insurance; b) purchase of goods, services and works necessary to ensure the implementation of the
educational/scientific process; c) purchase of fixed assets for educational and scientific purposes.
The budget of the University is developed annually, on the basis of projected sources of income
and expenses, with the obligatory observance of their balance. The draft annual budget of the
University is being considered and discussed at the level of the Rectory and approved by the
University's Signatories. The annual budget performance report shall be submitted to the Founders in
the first quarter of the next calendar year. The financial condition of the University has been stable
for two years. The university has no overdue financial debts. Obligations to creditors and to the staff
of the University are fulfilled systematically and on time. The financial sustainability of the University
is confirmed by the growth of funding from various sources, the availability of sufficient assets, and
their use on the principles of efficiency, effectiveness, priority, transparency and responsibility.
At the University level, the duties of the UQMS are assigned to the Rector, who determines
the strategy, policy, goals and priorities in the field of quality and monitors their application
throughout the institution, and the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work implements
planning, maintenance, monitoring and improvement.
The University cooperates with the Department of Health of the Kharkiv City Council and
with the Department of Health of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, with the administration
of health-care institutions, which are clinical bases for the purpose of correcting the master's education
program in the specialty 222 Medicine, taking into account the structure of morbidity of the
population, regional needs and the needs arising from medical reform in Ukraine.
Analytical part
According to the Statute of KMMU, the University is a legal enterprise that has been created
in the form of a private institution (university) and works on the basis of non-profit. The university
was created on the basis of the decision of the Founder Matviychuk Olga Grigoryevna (registration
number of the taxpayer's account card 2971513786, passport: EU series No. 678408 was issued on
May 5, 1998 by the Alushta State Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of Ukraine in Crimea, registration address: 61202, Kharkov city, Ludwig Liberty Avenue,
house 39-B, apartment 90) issued by protocol No. 1 of 11.09.2017. The activities of the university are
based on the Constitution of Ukraine and legislative acts of Ukraine regulating legal relations in the
field of education and science.
Thus, according to the mentioned legislative and regulatory acts, KhIMU, through its own
governing bodies, provides financial and administrative management of property by: a) managing
financial resources through bank accounts; b) the use of available funds to carry out statutory activities
in accordance with their own decisions; c) savings of own income from charges for training, training,
retraining, developing the skills of experts, providing additional educational services according to the
signed contracts with legal entities and individuals, the means received from medical practice, means
received for scientifically - research, scientific and technical works performed by the university under
contracts with enterprises, institutions, organizations, money and material assets in the form of
contributions of the Founders, irretrievable financial assistance from legal entities and individuals,
income from economic and foreign economic activities of the University; e) setting the amount of
tuition fees; f) management of university property and ensuring the best conditions for the
development of the University's material base;
Financial autonomy is related to the principles of public responsibility for the quality of all
activities of the University in professional training, research activities and the provision of services
that are carried out by the University, with effective management of funds and property, but
unfortunately not on the official website of KhIMU, in the documents submitted, the presentations of
AMP did not provide information about the decisions taken at the university, financial and annual
The medical organization of education should ensure transparency of the system of
management and decisions, which are published in bulletins, are posted on the website of the
University, are included in the protocols for familiarization and execution.
When interviewing AMP and the heads of departments, it was noted that the university does
not clearly define the responsibility of academic management in relation to the development and
management of the educational program. Members of the EEP noted that the university does not have
a structure or person responsible for implementing the curriculum and achieving the final goals and
results. Therefore, the university needs to define a structural unit responsible for educational programs
with the authority to plan and implement an educational program, including the allocation of allocated
resources for planning and implementing teaching and learning methods, evaluating students and
evaluating the educational program and courses of study.
In an online conversation with focus groups, no response was received from interviewers, as
the university will periodically conduct an assessment of academic leadership regarding the
achievement of its mission and the end results of training.
Although KhIMU is an autonomous university and has sufficient economic opportunities to
attract the best academic staff able to ensure the effective implementation of educational programs.
However, when interviewing the teaching staff and the financial part of the university, it was not
possible to hear and see evidence on the allocation of resources, including worthy remuneration of
teachers in order to achieve the final learning outcomes, taking into account scientific advances in the
field of medicine and public health problems and their needs. The EEP members believe that it is
necessary to provide mechanisms for the development of autonomy in the allocation of resources,
taking into account the changing needs of medical education, science and practice, including decent
remuneration of teachers in order to achieve the final learning outcomes.
The self-assessment report also provides information that in order to improve the quality of
education to meet the expectations of the beneficiaries, as well as to strengthen confidence in the
quality of educational services, the University plans to introduce and operate the University Quality
Management System (UQMS). This system stipulates the provision of all processes in accordance
with the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001: 2015. During the online visit
and in the analysis of the submitted documents, it was revealed that many of the main documents
(workload of teaching staff, syllabuses, decision of the administration, etc.) were not dated, signed,
not stamped, that is, the documented procedure was violated. The university should develop and
implement an internal management quality assurance program that considers needs for improvement
and conduct regular management reviews.
Also, during the interview it was revealed that the university does not have a structural unit
responsible for the quality of the accredited educational program, all these functions are delegated to
the vice-rector of the university.
Due to the small number of agreements on cooperation with health organizations, the
university needs to expand cooperation with partners in the health sector, which includes the
conclusion of formal agreements defining the content and forms of cooperation and / or the conclusion
of a joint contract and the creation of a coordinating committee, and joint events. EEP members
recommend harmonizing the educational program with leading domestic and foreign universities, in
order to simplify the exchange and transfer of students between universities.
EEP recommendations:
1. Constant updating of the university website in Ukrainian and English.
2. In order to ensure the transparency of the management system and decisions made at
KhIMU, it is necessary to post reports on the financial activities of the university on the website for
access by a wide range of the public.
3. It is necessary to determine the structural unit responsible for educational programs, which
is responsible and empowered to plan and implement the educational program, including distribution
of resources for planning and implementing teaching and learning methods, student assessment and
evaluation of curriculum and courses of study, in order to ensure the achievement of planned learning
4. An internal management quality assurance program should be developed and implemented,
including consideration of needs for improvement, and a regular review and analysis of Management.
5. It is necessary to provide mechanisms for the development of autonomy in the allocation of
resources, taking into account the changing needs of medical education, science and practice,
including worthy remuneration of teachers in order to achieve the final learning outcomes.
6. Harmonization of educational programs with leading domestic and foreign universities, in
order to simplify the exchange and transfer of students between universities.
7. It is necessary to expand the network of clinical sites in all clinical disciplines.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard's criteria
are as follows: strong - 0, satisfactory - 9; suggest improvements - 8; unsatisfactory - 0.
Proof part
Analytical part
The members of the EEP, having analyzed the submitted documents, concluded that the self-
assessment report and other documents do not contain information about the financing of the
university for the continuous improvement of the quality of the educational program, and how the
material and technical base of KhIMU will be updated and strengthened.
The EEP notes that when interviewing representatives of different focus groups, no answer
was received on how the model of the educational program will be adapted. Also, the documents
submitted for analysis do not contain information on how the model of the educational program and
methodological approaches will be adapted, taking into account modern theories in education, the
methodology of adult education, and the principles of active learning.
The self-assessment report does not provide information on how the elements of the
educational program and their relationship will be adjusted in accordance with advances in
biomedical, behavioral, social and clinical sciences, with changes in the demographic situation and
health status / morbidity structure of the population and socio-economic and cultural conditions. It is
not clear how the adjustment process will ensure that new relevant knowledge, concepts and methods
are incorporated, and obsolete ones are removed. The EEC experts analyzed the questions and
answers with focus groups, and came to the conclusion that the EP management needs to create a clear
methodology and the right tools for assessing the quality of the educational process, taking into
account the final learning outcomes and teaching methods.
• Online - viewing the material and technical base of KhMMU;
• Online - viewing clinical bases of KhIMU;
• Educational program;
• Curriculum (curriculum);
• Self-assessment report of KhMMU;
• Interview with academic staff;
• Interview with students;
• Agreement on cooperation with clinical sites;
• Statute of KHIMU;
• Development Strategy of KHIMU for 2018-2023;
• License of the Ministry of Education and Science for educational activities in the specialty
EEP recommendations:
1. By the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year, the Educational and Methodological
Commission should modify and modernize the educational
2. Create a clear methodology and the right tools to assess the quality of the educational
process, taking into account the final learning outcomes and teaching methods.
Quantitative indicators reflecting the organization's compliance with the Standard's criteria
are as follows: strong - 0, satisfactory - 6; suggest improvements - 8; unsatisfactory - 0.
4. The management of the university should provide annual funding of academic mobility of
students from the university budget.
5. To improve and motivate the activity of student self-government.
6. Provide and create a student support program aimed at meeting their social, financial and
personal needs.
7. Improve the availability of health care, immunization programs and health insurance.
8. Provide continuous monitoring of the progress of the student's academic achievement and
counseling aimed at the social and personal needs of students, including academic support, support in
relation to personal problems and situations, health problems, financial issues.
9. Provide counseling and professional career planning.
The conclusion of the self-assessment committee
No. No. Criteri Institution of
Str Sat Exp Un
on isfa ect sati
g cto s sfa
ry im cto
pro ry
and diseases, a model based on a modular or spiral
25 2 2.1.2 The medical institution of education must determine the +
teaching and learning methods used that encourage,
train and support students in taking responsibility for
their educational process.
26 3 2.1.3 The medical institution of education should ensure that +
the academic programme develops students' lifelong
learning abilities.
27 4 2.1.4 Medical institution of education must ensure that the +
academic programme is implemented in accordance
with the principles of equality.
28 5 2.1.5 Medical institution of education should use teaching and +
learning methods based on the modern theory of adult
2.2 Scientific method
2.2.1 Throughout the entire programme of study, the medical +
institution of education should teach students:
29 6 principles of scientific methodology, including methods +
of analytical and critical thinking;
30 7 scientific research methods in medicine; +
31 8 evidence-based medicine, +
32 9 which requires the appropriate competence of teachers +
and will be a compulsory part of the academic
33 10 2.2.2 Medical institution of education should include in the +
academic programme elements of basic or applied
research for the formation of scientific thinking and the
application of scientific research methods.
34 11 2.2.3 Medical institution of education should promote the +
involvement of students in conducting or participating in
research projects.
Basic biomedical sciences
Medical institution of education should define and
include in the academic programme:
35 12 2.3.1 achievements of basic biomedical sciences to develop +
students' understanding of scientific knowledge;
36 13 2.3.2 concepts and methods that are fundamental to the +
acquisition and application of clinical scientific
Medical institution of education should in the academic +
programme adjust and introduce new achievements of
biomedical sciences for:
37 14 2.3.3 scientific, technological and clinical developments; +
38 15 2.3.4 current and expected needs of the community and the +
health care system.
2.4 Behavioral and social sciences and medical ethics
2.4.1 Medical institution of education must determine and
include in the academic programme the achievements
39 16 behavioral sciences; +
40 17 social sciences; +
41 18 medical ethics; +
42 19 medical jurisprudence, which will provide the knowledge, +
concepts, methods, skills and attitudes necessary to
understand the socioeconomic, demographic and
cultural conditions, causes, distribution and
consequences of medical health problems, as well as
knowledge about the national health system and patient
rights, which will facilitate the analysis of public health
problems, effective communication, clinical decision
making and ethical practice.
2.4.2 The medical institution of education should adjust and
introduce new achievements in the behavioral and social
sciences and also medical ethics for:
43 20 scientific, technological and clinical developments; +
44 21 current and expected needs of the community and the +
health care system.
45 22 changing demographic and cultural conditions. +
2.5 Clinical sciences and skills
The medical institution of education should in the
academic programme define and implement the
achievements of clinical sciences and ensure that
46 23 2.5.1 acquire sufficient knowledge, clinical and professional +
skills to assume appropriate responsibilities, including
activities related to health promotion, disease
prevention and patient care;
47 24 2.5.2 conduct a reasonable part (one third) of the programme +
in scheduled contact with patients, including review of
the goal, of the appropriate number and their adequacy
for training in the relevant clinical bases;
48 25 2.5.3 carry out work on health promotion and prevention. +
49 26 2.5.4 The medical institution of education must establish a +
certain amount of time for training of the main clinical
disciplines, including internal diseases, surgery,
psychiatry, general medical practice (family medicine),
obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics.
50 27 2.5.5 The medical institution of education should organise +
clinical training with appropriate attention to patient
safety, including monitoring the activities performed by
the student in a clinical setting.
The medical institution of education should adjust and
introduce new clinical science achievements in the
academic programme for:
51 28 2.5.6 scientific, technological and clinical developments; +
52 29 2.5.7 current and expected needs of the community and the +
health care system.
53 30 2.5.8 The medical institution of education should ensure that +
every student has early contact with real patients,
including his gradual participation in assisting the
patient, including responsibility for the examination and
/ or treatment of the patient under supervision, which is
carried out in appropriate clinical bases.
54 31 2.5.9 The medical institution of education should structure the +
various components of clinical skills in accordance with
the specific stage of the training programme.
2.6 Structure of the academic programme, content and
55 32 2.6.1 The medical institution of education should give a +
description of the content, scope and sequence of
courses and other elements of the academic programme
in order to ensure that the appropriate proportions
between the basic biomedical, behavioral, social and
clinical disciplines is observed.
The medical institution of education should in the +
academic programme:
56 33 2.6.2 provide horizontal integration of related sciences and +
57 34 2.6.3 provide vertical integration of clinical sciences with basic +
biomedical, behavioral and social sciences;
58 35 2.6.4 provide the possibility of elective content (electives) and +
determine the balance between the compulsory and
elective parts of the academic programme, including a
combination of compulsory elements and electives or
special components of choice;
59 36 2.6.5 determine the relationship with complementary +
medicine, including non-traditional, traditional or
alternative practice.
2.7 Programme management
60 37 2.7.1 The medical institution of education must determine the +
structural unit responsible for the academic
programmes, which, under the academic leadership,
shall be responsible and have the authority to plan and
implement the academic programme, including the
allocation of given resources for planning and
introduction of teaching and learning methods,
students, academic programme and learning courses
assessment in order to achieve the final learning
61 38 2.7.2 Medical institution of education must guarantee +
representation of teachers and students in the structural
unit responsible for academic programmes.
62 39 2.7.3 Medical institution of education should, through the +
structural unit, responsible for academic programmes,
plan and implement innovations in the academic
63 40 2.7.4 Medical institution of education should include +
representatives from other relevant stakeholders, in the
structure of the medical education organisation
responsible for academic programs, including other
participants of the learning process, representatives
from clinical sites, graduates of medical education
organisations, health professionals involved in the
training process or other faculty members of the
2.8 The link with medical practice and health care system
64 41 2.8.1 The medical institution of education should provide an +
operational link between the academic programme and
the subsequent stages of vocational training (internship,
specialisation, CPD / CME) or practice that the student
will begin after graduation, including defining health
problems and required learning outcomes, clearly
determining and describing elements of academic
programmes and their links at various stages of training
and practice, with due regard to local, national, regional
and global conditions, and also feedback to / from the
health sector and the participation of teachers and
students in the work of a team of specialists in the
provision of medical aid.
Medical institution of education should ensure that the
structural unit responsible for the academic programme:
65 42 2.8.2 takes into account the particular conditions in which +
graduates have to work and modify the academic
programme accordingly;
66 43 2.8.3 reviews the modification of the academic programme +
based on feedback from the public and society as a
Total 37 6
3.1 Assessment methods
Medical institution of education must:
67 1 3.1.1 determine, approve and publish the principles, methods +
and practices used to assess students, including the
number of exams and other tests, the balance between
the written and oral exams, the use of assessment
methods based on criteria and reasoning, and special
exams (CSVE or the Mini-clinical exam), as well as
determine the criteria for setting passing scores, grades
and the number of allowed retakes;
68 2 3.1.2 ensure that the assessment covers knowledge, skills and +
attitudes to learning;
69 3 3.1.3 use a wide range of assessment methods and formats +
depending on their “utility assessment”, which includes
a combination of validity, reliability, impact on training,
acceptability and effectiveness of methods and format
of assessment;
70 4 3.1.4 guarantee that assessment methods and results avoid +
conflicts of interest;
71 5 3.1.5 ensure that the evaluation process and methods are +
open (accessible) for inspection by external experts;
72 6 3.1.6 use the system to appeal the assessment results. +
Medical institution of education should:
73 7 3.1.7 document and evaluate the reliability and validity of +
evaluation methods, which requires an appropriate
process to ensure the quality of existing assessment
74 8 3.1.8 introduce the new, demand-driven assessment +
75 9 3.1.9 use the system to appeal the assessment results. +
3.2 The link between assessment and learning
Medical institution of education must use the principles,
methods and practice of assessment, including students’
learning achievements and assessment of knowledge,
skills, professional values of relationships that:
76 10 3.2.1 clearly comparable with the learning and teaching +
77 11 3.2.2 guarantee that students achieve final learning +
78 12 3.2.3 promote learning; +
79 13 3.2.4 provide an appropriate balance between formative and +
summative assessment in order to manage learning and
evaluate the student’s academic progress, which
requires the establishment of rules for assessing progress
and their links with the assessment process.
Medical institution of education should:
80 14 3.2.5 regulate the number and nature of examinations of the +
various elements of the academic programme in order to
facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and integrated
learning and to avoid adverse effects on the learning
process and eliminate the need to study excessive
amounts of information and overload of the academic
81 15 3.2.6 guarantee the provision of timely, precise, constructive +
and fair feedback to students based on the assessment
Total 9 6
4.1 Admission and selection policy
material and technical capabilities at all stages of
education and training, and making decisions on the
recruitment of students implies the need to regulate
national requirements for human resources for
healthcare when medical institutions of education do
not control the number of recruited students, then
responsibilities should be demonstrated by explaining all
relations, paying attention to the consequences of the
decisions made (imbalance between the student
enrollment and the material, technical and academic
potential of the university).
89 8 4.2.2 Medical institution of education should periodically +
review the number and admitted students’ population in
consultation with the relevant stakeholders responsible
for planning and developing human resources in the
health sector, as well as with experts and organisations
on global aspects of human health resources (such as
insufficient and uneven distribution of human resources
in healthcare, migration of doctors, the opening of new
medical institutions of higher education) and introduce
regulations to meet the health needs of the population
and society as a whole.
4.3 Student counseling and support
Medical institution of education must:
90 1 4.3.1 have a system of academic counseling for its students, +
which includes issues related to the choice of electives,
preparation for postgraduate education, career
planning, appointment of academic mentors
(supervisors) for individual students or small groups of
91 2 4.3.2 offer a student support programme aimed at social, +
financial and personal needs, which includes support due
to social and personal problems and events, health and
financial problems, access to medical care, immunisation
programmes and health insurance, as well as financial
assistance services in the form of material assistance,
scholarships and loans;
92 3 4.3.3 allocate resources to support students; +
93 4 4.3.4 ensure confidentiality regarding counseling and support. +
Medical institution of education should provide
94 5 4.3.5 based on monitoring of student progress and addressing +
students' social and personal needs, including academic
support, support for personal problems and situations,
health problems, financial issues;
95 6 4.3.6 includes counseling and career planning. +
4.4 Student representation
96 7 4.4.1 Medical institution of education must determine and +
implement the policy of student representation and their
respective participation in the definition of the mission,
the development, management and evaluation of the
academic programme, and other students related
97 8 4.4.2 Medical institutions of education should promote and +
support student activities and student organisations,
including the provision of technical and financial support
to student organisations.
Total 9 7
5.1 Selection and Recruitment Policy
Medical institution of education must determine and
implement a policy of selection and admission of
employees, which:
98 1 5.1.1 determines their category, responsibility and balance of +
teaching staff / teachers of basic biomedical sciences,
behavioral and social sciences and clinical sciences for
the adequate implementation of the academic
programme, including the proper link between medical
and non-medical teachers, full-time and part-time
teachers, and the balance between academic and non-
academic staff;
99 2 5.1.2 contains criteria for the scientific, pedagogical, and +
clinical merits of applicants, including the appropriate
balance between pedagogical, scientific, and clinical
100 3 5.1.3 identifies and monitors the responsibilities of teaching +
staff / teachers of basic biomedical sciences, behavioral
and social sciences and clinical sciences.
Medical institution of education should in its policy for
the selection and reception of staff to consider such
criteria as:
101 4 5.1.4 relation to its mission, significance of local conditions, +
including gender, nationality, religion, language and
other conditions related to the medical institution of
education and academic programme;
102 5 5.1.5 economic opportunities that take into account the +
institutional conditions for financing employees and the
efficient use of resources.
5.2 Development policy and employee activities
Medical institution of education must determine and
implement the policy of the activities and development
of employees, which:
104 6 5.2.1 allows to maintain a balance between teaching, +
scientific and service functions, which include the
establishment of time for each activity, taking into
account the needs of the medical institution of education
and professional qualifications of teachers;
105 7 5.2.2 guarantees deserved recognition of its academic +
activities, with an appropriate focus on pedagogical,
research and clinical qualifications, and is carried out in
the form of awards, promotion and/or remuneration;
106 8 5.2.3 ensures that clinical activities and research are used in +
teaching and learning;
107 9 5.2.4 guarantees the adequacy of knowledge by each +
employee of the academic programme, which includes
knowledge of the methods of teaching/learning and the
general content of the academic programme, and other
disciplines and subject areas in order to encourage
cooperation and integration;
108 10 5.2.5 includes training, development, support and evaluation +
of teachers, which involves all teachers, not only newly
recruited, but also teachers from hospitals and clinics.
Medical institution of education should:
109 11 5.2.6 take into account the proportion of "teacher-student" +
depending on the various components of the academic
110 12 5.2.7 develop and implement employee promotion policy. +
Total 10 2
6.1 Material and technical base
Medical institution of education should:
111 1 6.1.1 have a sufficient material and technical base for teachers +
and students to ensure adequate implementation of the
academic programme;
112 2 6.1.2 provide a safe environment for employees, students, +
patients and those who takes care of them, including
provision of the necessary information and protection
from harmful substances, microorganisms, compliance
with safety regulations in the laboratory and while using
the equipment.
113 3 6.1.3 The medical institution of education should improve the +
student learning environment by regularly updating,
expanding and strengthening the material and technical
base, which should be consistent with the development
in the learning practice.
6.2 Clinical training resources
The medical institution of education must provide the
necessary resources for students to acquire adequate
clinical experience, including sufficient:
114 4 6.2.1 number and category of patients; +
115 5 6.2.2 number and categories of clinical sites, which include +
clinics, outpatient services (including primary health
care), primary health care facilities, health centers and
other institutions rendering medical care services to the
population, and clinical skills centers / laboratories that
allow to conduct clinical training, using the capabilities
of clinical bases and ensure rotation on the main clinical
116 6 6.2.3 observation of students' clinical practice. +
117 7 6.2.4 Medical institution of education should study and +
evaluate, adapt and improve resources for clinical
training to meet the needs of the population served,
which will include relevance and quality for clinical
training programmes regarding clinical sites, equipment,
number and category of patients and clinical practice,
observation as a supervisor and administration.
6.3 Information Technology
118 8 6.3.1 Medical institution of education must determine and +
implement a policy that aims at the effective use and
evaluation of the relevant information and
communication technologies in the academic
119 9 6.3.2 Medical institution of education must provide access to +
network or other e-media outlets
Medical institution of education should provide
opportunities for teachers and students to use
information and communication technologies:
120 10 6.3.3 for self-study; +
121 11 6.3.4 access to information; +
122 12 6.3.5 case management; +
123 13 6.3.6 healthcare jobs. +
124 14 6.3.7 Medical institution of education should ensure that +
students have access to relevant patient data and
healthcare information systems.
6.4 Medical research and scientific achievements
Medical institution of education must:
125 15 6.4.1 have research activities in the field of medicine and +
scientific achievements as the basis for the academic
126 16 6.4.2 identify and implement a policy that promotes the link +
between the research and education;
127 17 6.4.3 provide information on the research base and priority +
areas in the field of scientific research of the medical
institution of education;
128 18 6.4.4 use medical research as the basis for a study programme +
Medical institutions of education should guarantee that
the link between research and education:
129 19 6.4.5 is taken into account in teaching;
130 20 6.4.6 encourages and trains students to participate in medical +
research and development.
6.5 Inspection review in the field of education
Medical institution of education must:
131 21 6.5.1 have access to education related inspection reviews, +
where necessary, and conduct such reviews that
examine the processes, practices and problems of
medical education and may involve doctors with
experience in conducting research in medical education,
psychologists and sociologists in the field of education,
or involving experts from other national and
international institutions.
Medical institution of education must determine and
implement a policy on the inspection reviews in the field
of education:
132 22 6.5.2 in the development of an academic programme; +
133 23 6.5.3 in developing teaching methods and assessing +
knowledge and skills.
Medical institution of education should:
134 24 6.5.4 provide evidence of the internal or external inspection +
reviews in the field of medical education to develop the
potential of employees;
135 25 6.5.5 pay due attention to the development of inspection +
reviews in education related evaluations and research in
medical education as a discipline, including the study of
theoretical, practical and social issues in medical
136 26 6.5.6 promote the aspirations and interests of staff in +
conducting research on medical education.
6.6 Exchange in education
Medical institution of education must define and
implement a policy for:
137 27 6.6.1 cooperation at the national and international levels with +
other medical institutions of higher education;
138 28 6.6.2 the transfer and offsetting of studying credits, which +
includes review of the scope limits of the academic
programme, which may be transferred from other
educational organisations and which may be facilitated
by concluding agreements on mutual recognition of
academic programme elements and active coordination
of programmes between medical institutions of
education as well as the use of a transparent system of
credits and flexible course requirements.
Medical institution of education should:
139 29 6.6.3 promote regional and international exchange of staff +
(academic, administrative and teaching staff) and
students by providing appropriate resources;
140 30 6.6.4 guarantee that the exchange is organised in accordance +
with the objectives, taking into account the needs of
employees, students, and with respect for ethical
Total 16 14
7.1 Programme monitoring and evaluation mechanisms
Medical institution of education must
141 1 7.1.1 have a process and outcome monitoring programme +
that stipulates collection and analysis of data on key
aspects of the academic programme in order to ensure
that the educational process is implemented
appropriately and to identify any areas that require
interventions, as well as collection of data which is part
of the administrative procedures associated with
students admission, assessment and completion of
142 2 7.1.2 control that the relevant assessment results affect the +
The medical institution of education must establish and
apply mechanisms for evaluation of the academic
programme, which:
143 3 7.1.3 is focused on the academic programme and its main +
components, including the model of the academic
programme, the structure, content and duration of the
academic programme, and the use of compulsory and
elective parts;
144 4 7.1.4 student progress centered; +
145 5 7.1.5 identify and review problems that include the lack of +
achievement of the expected learning outcomes, and will
assume that the information received about the learning
outcomes, including on the identified deficiencies and
problems, will be used as feedback for activities and
corrective action plans to improve the academic
programme and disciplines curriculum;
Medical institution of education should periodically
conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the academic
programme, focused on:
146 6 7.1.6 the context of the educational process, which includes +
the organisation and resources, the learning
environment and the culture of the medical institution of
147 7 7.1.7 special components of the academic programme, which +
include a description of the discipline and methods of
teaching and learning, clinical rotations and assessment
148 8 7.1.8 general outcomes, which will be measured based on the +
national exams, international exams, career choices and
postgraduate studies;
149 9 7.1.9 Medical institution of education should rely on social +
7.2 Teacher and student feedback
150 10 7.2.1 The medical institution of education must foresee a +
systematic collection, analysis, and provision of teachers
and students with feedback that includes information
about the process and products of the academic
programme, and also contains information about unfair
practices or improper behavior of teachers or students
with and/or legal consequences.
151 11 7.2.2 Medical institution of education should use feedback +
results to improve the academic programme.
7.3 Students’ learning performance
Medical institution of education should analyse the
educational achievements of students and graduates in
relation to:
152 12 7.3.1 its mission and learning outcomes of the academic +
programme, which contains information on the average
duration of studies, grades, the frequency of passing and
failures in examinations, cases of successful completion
and deduction, students' reports on the conditions of
training in the completed courses, the time spent to
study areas of interest, including on elective
components, as well as interviews with students on the
repeat courses, and interviews with students who quit
from their studies;
153 13 7.3.2 academic programme; +
154 14 7.3.3. availability of resources. +
Medical institution of education should analyse the
students' studying achievements regarding:
155 15 7.3.4 their prior experience and conditions, including social, +
economic, cultural conditions;
156 16 7.3.5 level of training at the time of admission to the medical +
education organisation.
Medical institution of education uses the analysis of
students' studying achievements to provide feedback to
the structural units responsible for:
157 17 7.3.6 students selection; +
158 18 7.3.7 academic programme planning; +
159 19 7.3.8 students consulting. +
7.4 Stakeholder involvement
Medical institution of education in its programme of
monitoring and evaluation of the academic programme
must involve:
160 20 7.4.1 teaching staff and students; +
161 21 7.4.2 its administration and management. +
For other stakeholders, including other representatives
of academic and administrative staff, members of the
public, authorised education and health authorities,
professional organisations, as well as those responsible
for post-graduate education:
162 22 7.4.3 provide access to the evaluation results of the course +
and academic programme;
163 23 7.4.4 collect and study feedback from them on the clinical +
practice of graduates/students;
164 24 7.4.5 collect and study feedback from them on the academic +
Total 11 13
8.1 Management
165 1 8.1.1 Medical institution of education must determine the +
management structures and functions, including their
links with the university, if the medical institution of
education is affiliated with or a branch of the university.
Medical institution of education should in their
management structures determine the structural units
with the establishment of the responsibility of each
structural unit and include in their composition:
166 2 8.1.2 representatives of teaching staff; +
167 3 8.1.3 students; +
168 4 8.1.4 other stakeholders including representatives from the +
ministry of education and health, the healthcare industry
and the public.
169 5 8.1.5 Medical institution of education should ensure the +
transparency of the management system and decisions
that are published in bulletins, posted on the website of
the higher education institution, included in the protocols
for review and implementation.
8.2 Academic leadership
170 6 8.2.1 Medical institution of education must clearly define the +
responsibility of academic leadership in the
development and management of the academic
171 7 8.2.2 Medical institution of education should periodically +
assess academic leadership regarding the achievement
of its mission and the final study results.
8.3 Budget for learning and resource allocation
Medical institution of education must:
172 8 8.3.1 have a clear set of responsibilities and authorities to +
provide the academic programme with resources,
including a targeted budget for training;
173 9 8.3.2 allocate resources necessary for the implementation of +
the academic programme and distribute educational
resources in accordance with the correspondent needs.
174 10 8.3.3 The system of financing the medical institution of +
education should be based on the principles of
efficiency, effectiveness, priority, transparency,
responsibility, differentiation and independence of all
levels of budgets.
Medical institution of education should:
175 11 8.3.4 provide sufficient autonomy in the allocation of +
resources, including a decent remuneration of teachers
in order to achieve the final learning outcomes;
176 12 8.3.5 in the allocation of resources, take into account scientific +
advances in medicine and the problems of public health
and correspondent needs.
8.4 Administrative staff and management
Medical institution of education must have the
appropriate administrative staff, including their number
and composition in correspondence with the
qualifications, in order to:
177 13 8.4.1 ensure the implementation of the academic programme +
and relevant activities;
178 14 8.4.2 guarantee proper management and allocation of +
179 15 8.4.3 The Medical institution of education should develop and +
implement an internal quality assurance management
programme, including review of the needs for
improvement, and conduct regular management review
and analysis.
8.5 Interaction with the healthcare sector
180 16 8.5.1 Medical institution of education must develop a +
constructive interaction with the healthcare sector, with
related health industries at the society and the
government levels, including the exchange of
information, cooperation and initiatives of the
organisation, which contributes to the provision of
qualified doctors in accordance with the needs of society.
181 17 8.5.2 Medical institution of education should be given an +
official status of cooperation with partners in the
healthcare sector, which includes the conclusion of
formal agreements with the definition of the content and
forms of cooperation and/or concluding a joint contract
and the establishment of a coordinating committee, and
joint activities.
Total 6 11
Medical institution of education must as a dynamic and
socially responsible institution:
182 1 9.1.1 initiate procedures for regular review and revision of the +
content, results/competences, assessment and learning
environment, structures and functions, document and
correct deficiencies;
183 2 9.1.2 allocate resources for continuous improvement. +
Medical institution of education should:
184 3 9.1.3 base the update process on prospective studies and +
analysis and on the results of own research, evaluation,
and medical education related literature;
185 4 9.1.4 guarantee that the process of renewal and restructuring +
leads to a revision of its policy and practice in accordance
with previous experience, current activities and future
prospects; direct the update process to the following:
186 5 9.1.5 Adaptation of the Regulations on the mission and final +
outcomes to the scientific, socio-economic and cultural
development of society.
187 6 9.1.6 Modification of final learning outcomes in accordance +
with the documented needs of the postgraduate training
environment, including clinical skills, training in public
health issues and participation in the process of
providing medical care to patients in accordance with
the duties assigned to graduates after graduation.
188 7 9.1.7 Adaptation of the academic programme model and +
methodological approaches to ensure that they are
relevant and appropriate and take into account modern
theories in education, the methodology of adult
education, the principles of active learning.
189 8 9.1.8 Correction of the elements of the academic programme +
and their interrelation in accordance with achievements
in the biomedical, behavioral, social and clinical sciences,
with changes in the demographic situation and health
status/morbidity structure of the population and socio-
economic and cultural conditions, and the adjustment
process will ensure the inclusion of new relevant
knowledge, concepts and methods, and the elimination
of outdated ones.
190 9 9.1.9 Development of evaluation principles, and methods of +
conducting and the number of examinations in
accordance with changes in the final learning outcomes
and methods of teaching and learning.
191 10 9.1.10 Adaptation of a student recruitment policy and student +
selection methods taking into account changing
expectations and circumstances, needs for human
resources, changes in the pre-university education
system and the demands of the academic programme.
192 11 9.1.11 Adaptation of a recruitment policy and the formation of +
academic staff in accordance with changing needs.
GRAND TOTAL 125 69 1