Opportunity Recognition and Prior Knowledge: A Study of Experienced Entrepreneurs
Opportunity Recognition and Prior Knowledge: A Study of Experienced Entrepreneurs
Opportunity Recognition and Prior Knowledge: A Study of Experienced Entrepreneurs
13 Nordic Conference on Small Business Research
May 2004
This study investigates how opportunity generation is related to the prior knowledge
base of experienced entrepreneurs. The paper explores how prior knowledge is used
in the process of opportunity generation and whether this varies dependent on how
opportunities come into existence. Opportunities may be the result of serendipity or
deliberate search, and may be (objectively) discovered or (subjectively) created.
Combining these two axes gave four types of processes: opportunity discovery,
opportunity search, opportunity creation, and opportunity occurrence. Based on
interviews of farm-based entrepreneurs in Finland and Norway, it is detected that
different processes of opportunity generation related to the situations of the
entrepreneurs, their former experiences, and their social networks.
One of the main puzzles research relating to entrepreneurial opportunities have dealt
with is why, when and how some persons generate opportunities while others do not
(Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). Shane (2000) argues that entrepreneurs discover
opportunities related to their prior knowledge. This is in line with McGrath (1996)
and Ronstadt (1988) who both argue that existing entrepreneurs may have access to
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opportunities others could not detect because of the specific knowledge they have
generated from their entrepreneurial experiences. Recent literature on habitual
entrepreneurship also indicate that opportunity generation may be fuelled by
knowledge resulting from prior entrepreneurial experience (Ucbasaran, Howorth, &
Westhead, 2000; Ucbasaran & Westhead, 2002).
Two central debates within the opportunity literature are whether opportunities are the
result of serendipity or deliberate search (e.g. Chandler, Dahlquist, & Davidsson,
2002; Gaglio & Katz, 2001), and whether they are objectively discovered or
subjectively created (e.g. Gartner et al., 2003). Prior knowledge can be assumed to
affect both the ability to search for useful information and the ability to take
advantage of elements of coincidence or luck. Further, both discovery and creation of
opportunities may be supported by the prior knowledge of the discoverer/creator. We
argue that these two debates not solely represent different ontological views, but may
also be considered as illustrate the heterogeneity of opportunity detection processes.
Both elements of search and coincidence, as well as elements of discovery and
creation may be included in such processes. These four concepts may be viewed as
placed on different ends of two axes describing the variety of opportunity generation
The study of Chandler et al. (2002) indicates that the type of opportunity detection
process may impact the subsequent implementation processes. Studies have found
that prior knowledge impact opportunity generation (Shane, 2000; Shepherd &
DeTienne, 2001). We suggest that also this relationship may differ depending on the
type of opportunity generation process.
The structure of the paper is as follows: First, the two axes of opportunity generation
processes are discussed in light of present literature. This discussion ends with the
development of taxonomy. Further, the relationship between prior knowledge and
opportunity generation is discussed. After a brief account of the method of the study,
the developed taxonomy is used to categorize the opportunity processes developed
from the empirical data. Then, an analysis of the use of prior knowledge relating to
the different types of opportunity processes is conducted. Finally, the conclusions and
implications of the study are discussed.
Business Opportunity
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“Entrepreneurial opportunities are those situations in which new goods, services, raw
materials, and organizing methods can be introduced and sold at a greater price than
their cost of production”, and thereby linking their concept of opportunities both to
Schumpeter (1934) and Casson (1982).
Opportunities begin unformed and become developed through time. They may begin
as simple concepts and become more elaborated as developed by the entrepreneur
(Ardichvili, Cardozo, & Ray, 2003). The opportunity detection process is a process of
forming and transforming, and change is a fundamental part of it (Hench & Sandberg,
2000). Opportunities can therefore best be described as processes of opportunity
generation or development. Such processes are the focus of this study.
According to this view, opportunity detection is seldom only the result of pure luck.
As Friedel (2001) put it: “serendipity is no accident”. However, it might be argued
that the process of opportunity generation may be more or less pushed by an actively
searching entrepreneur. Depending on the extent of search activity, we might identify
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different types of opportunity detection processes (Chandler et al., 2002). We see such
processes varying along an axis where active search and passive luck represent the
two extreme points.
Against this objectivistic view, Ardichvili et al. (2003) argue that while elements of
opportunities may be “recognized”, opportunities are made, not found. Also De
Koning (1999) holds the view that opportunities are formed, rather than discovered or
identified. Hench and Sanberg (2000) state that opportunities exist in the mind of the
entrepreneur as creative constructions. Gartner et al. (2003) argue that opportunities
are enacted. Building upon Weick (1979), they see opportunities as an outcome of the
sense-making activities of individuals. This follows a view of the environments as
socially constructed, subjective and a product of the actions of individuals.
Opportunities are seen as emerging, that is they “come into existence out of the day-
to-day activities of individuals.” (Gartner et al., 2003:109). Opportunities will be
occurring from activities that individuals are already involved with, and within a
stream of other events and activities.
These two views represent different ontological perspectives viewing the world as
consisting of objective facts or of subjective constructions. However, several authors
argue that opportunity generation processes may both include the recognition of
objective facts and construction of subjective believes. Emphasis is put on the
subjective perception of (objective) resources, marke t needs, etc. (Eckhardt & Shane,
2003; Shaver & Scott, 1991), or on (objective) information and the individuals
(subjective) ability to learn from this information (Corbett, 2002). Elements of
opportunities may be recognized, even if most of the process is about creation
(Ardichvili et al., 2003). We argue that opportunity generation processes may include
both discovering and creating elements. Opportunities may be seen as varying along
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an axis where pure objective discovery and subjective creation represent the two
extreme points.
Entrepreneur’s personality traits, social networks, and prior knowledge are seen as
antecedents of entrepreneurial alertness to business opportunities. Entrepreneurial
alertness, in its turn, is a necessary condition for the success of the opportunity
identification triad: recognition, development and evaluation (Ardichvili et al., 2003).
Shane argues that entrepreneurs discover opportunities related to the information that
they already possess. They discover opportunities because prior knowledge triggers
recognition of the value of the new information (Shane, 2000). Each person’s
idiosyncratic prior knowledge creates a “knowledge corridor” that allows him/her to
recognize certain opportunities, but not others (Ronstadt, 1988; Venkataraman, 1997).
According to Kirzner (1973), entrepreneurs are selling not just products, but, rather,
their knowledge, the ability to assemble resources, and the resources already available
to them. This perspective allows entrepreneurs to move away from analyzing what is
to discussion of what is possible, and opens an opportunity for entrepreneurial
discovery (Ardichvili et al., 2003).
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started their initial venture”. McGrath (1996) argues that entrepreneurs with access to
a large end well-functioning network, for instance through an existing business,
probably will have access to a large number of good “shadow options”, i.e. latent
business ideas. Also Singh et al. (1999) state that a large social network with many
weak ties going beyond close friends and family, relates positively to idea
identification and opportunity recognition.
According to Shane (2000) three major dimensions of prior knowledge are important
to the process of entrepreneurial discovery: prior knowledge of markets, prior
knowledge of ways to serve markets, and prior knowledge of customer problems.
Prior entrepreneurial experience provides a source of information and skills which are
useful also to the pursuit of opportunity (besides the recognition of opportunity).
Shane (2003:95) argues that general business experience, industry experience,
functional experience in marketing, product development or management, and
previous start-up experience all provide some of the information and skills that
increase the likelihood of opportunity exploitation.
Research Questions
This exploratory study addresses the following broad research question: How is
opportunity recognition related to the prior knowledge base of experienced
entrepreneurs? More specifically, the study will explore:
§ Can the four suggested types of opportunity generation processes be identified
§ What characterizes and differentiates the four types of processes?
§ In what way is prior knowledge and experience of the entrepreneur related to
the four types of processes?
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The data for this study consist of qualitative long in-depth interviews (McCracken,
1988) of thirty-one farm-based entrepreneurs in Finland and Norway. The informants
were farmers who have started new business activities in addition to the farm, or are
seriously considering doing so. In the cases the farm household consisted of a couple
who both were involved in the farm and/or in the new business activity, both spouses
were interviewed when possible. During the interviews, they were asked how
business opportunities had come into existence in their lives. The stories revealed
several opportunity detection episodes where some of the opportunities were rejected,
some resulted in new ventures, and some are still being considered for the future.
These opportunities were included in the study regardless of the present outcome of
them, since focusing only on opportunities that are carried out may cause scholars to
overlook a large number of venture possibilities that were seriously considered by an
entrepreneur (Fiet, 1996:421).
The origin of this study is in two separate but similar studies conducted in Norway
and Finland, both focusing on rural micro firms. The interviewed farm-based
entrepreneurs were located in the Northern Savo region in Finland and the Nordland
and the Møre regions in Norway. These regions have many similarities, for instance
their rurality and their dependence on primary production and small businesses. But
there are also differences, not least regarding the different policy efforts of Finland, as
an EU member, and Norway.
In an analysis of farms in the UK using a small business approach, Carter and Rosa
(1998) found that farms share many of the characteristics of other rural enterprises.
They argued that the similarities are likely to increase over time, and that the farm
sector should not be excluded in analysis of rural small firms. Farmers have
experience, often through generations, from self employment, and they have
historically been known for commitment to independence and entrepreneurial ideals
(Carter, 1996). In accordance with these arguments, we see farmers as primarily
business owner managers. However, the restructuring of the farm sector as a result of
policy changes, may motivate farmers to considering new business opportunities.
The level of analysis for this study is the entrepreneurial opportunity. An opportunity
is defined as a perceived situation where a good and/or a service can be introduced
which the entrepreneur believes will yield a profit. One entrepreneur may detect
several opportunities, and therefore the interviews of thirty-one entrepreneurs (or
couples) gave us a data consisting of fifty-nine opportunity generation processes. The
opportunities were categorized according to the passive-active and objective-
subjective axes, using the following procedure: Each opportunity was first categorized
separately by each of the authors. Secondly the categorizations were compared. In the
cases of disagreement, the categorization was discussed between the authors until an
agreement was reached.
Each of the fifty-nine opportunity generation processes identified from the stories of
thirty-one farm-based entrepreneurs were categorized according to the passive -active
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and the objective -subjective axes, and thereby to the four type taxonomy (Figure 2).
We found opportunity generation processes of each category from both Finnish and
Norwegian firms. In category opportunity discovery were placed 17 opportunity
generation processes (9 Finnish, and 8 Norwegian), in opportunity search category 17
(10 Finnish, 7 Norwegian), in opportunity creation category 13 (7 Finnish, 6
Norwegian), and in opportunity occurrence 12 (5 Finnish, 7 Norwegian). Thus, all
four types of opportunity generation processes from the developed taxonomy where
identified in the empirical data.
The opportunity stories also revealed that the opportunity generation process may
change, starting as one type of process and then moving to another type. In the
empirical data there were examples of generation processes starting as discovery or
search, and then moving more in the direction of creation. However, most of the
processes in this empirical data seemed to stay within the same category.
Opportunities in the category opportunity search are less related to the farms than the
discovery opportunities. They are often but not always related to other industries than
farm-based industries. Entrepreneurs searching for opportunities in this way are
typically the ones who have chosen the path of developing other business activities in
stead of growing their farm, as a response to policy demands of efficient large-scale
farming, or as a response to the need for more income than farming can give. These
opportunities are often imitations of other businesses locally or in other areas. The
active opportunity search has been conducted looking for “known” opportunities that
might fit the entrepreneur’s competence, resources and situation. Similar to the
discovered opportunities, the searched opportunities are mainly related to a small and
local market, and also often related to a small growth potential.
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After categorizing the opportunities according to the taxonomy and identifying the
characteristics of each category, we explored the role of prior knowledge in the four
types of opportunity generation processes.
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Prior knowledge and experience play very critical role in the two more subjective
opportunity generation processes. The business opportunities in firms of both these
categories are in a way conducted from the earlier experiences of the entrepreneurs.
The processes of opportunity creation are often related to or directly resulting from
experiences from earlier business activities, employed work, or hobbies. Prior
knowledge of industry, markets, ways to serve markets and customers as well as
comprehensive knowledge or competence regarding the production process form a
basis of the opportunity generation. Furthermore, the competence to search for and
obtain new knowledge when needed, seem to be present among the entrepreneurs
creating opportunities in this category. Many of them develop the opportunity further
by searching for new knowledge. Moreover, they make use of networks going beyond
friends and relatives, which give them access to new information relevant to
opportunity generation.
Several of the stories of the farm-based entrepreneurs revealed two or three separate
opportunities. These opportunities were not necessarily in the same category,
indicating that one person can conduct different types of opportunity generation
processes. In particular, we found examples of the opportunity generation processes
forming a continuum, where gaining knowledge and experience on business, industry,
markets and customers from generating and exploiting their first opportunities leads
entrepreneurs to generate more subjective opportunities the second or third time
around. This finding may have some connection to findings in Carter’s (2001) study
stating that the process of additional business activities in farm-based firms can be
viewed as a continuum, from monoactive farming, through relatively simple forms of
structural diversification, to the ownership of a portfolio of business interests.
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enforced the demand for efficiency in agriculture) and they did not want to
invest on growing it larger, and secondly, Helena had started to get allergic
symptoms while working with cows. In that situation Helena’s husband was
already working outside the farm, and Helena began to search for a business
opportunity for she wanted to have her own business. She had former
education on catering and she participated to a project for beginning food-
processing entrepreneurs. After that (1997) Helena found a firm which made
salad-sauces and marmalades, operating mainly in direct sales. She was
minded to develop her knowledge and skills further, and she attended a course
for cooks who arrange events and make food in woodlands (near Helena’s
home is one preserved woodland). This course was one of the very first in
Finland. Therefore she created a business opportunity by acquiring new skills
which together with her resources formed a basis for her new venture. After
she had operated in this business for some years a new business opportunity
occurred: she was asked to start acting as an instructor for new beginning
woodland-cooks, for she had gained experience on how to operate in this
business area, as well as general entrepreneurial experience. Nowadays the
main income to Helena’s firm comes from these teaching-services.
The results from this exploratory study indicate that there is a heterogeneity among
opportunity generation processes which needs to be taken into account when
discussing the relationship between prior knowledge and opportunity generation. A
taxonomy of opportunity generation processes based on the extent of which the
process includes active and deliberate search or more passive serendipity or
coincident, and on the extent of which the opportunity is objectively
discovered/recognized or subjectively created, was developed and found applicable to
empirical data on opportunity generation among farm-based entrepreneurs. The
processes were categorized as opportunity discovery, opportunity search, opportunity
creation or opportunity occurrence. The opportunity resulting from discovery and
particularly search processes were found to be more imitative and related to lower
growth potential. On the other hand, processes related to creation and particularly
occurrence processes were found to be more innovative and seem to have larger
potential for growth if successfully exploited.
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NCSB 2004 Conference
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Opportunity Opportunity
Occurence Creation
Passive Active
Opportunity Opportunity
Discovery Search
Finnish firms
Norwegian firms
passive active