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Zakat Calculation Sheet

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Standards Legend:

Nisab of Gold 87.48 g Put values manually as per current rate

Nisab of Silver 612.36 g Automatically calculated via formula
1 Tola = 11.66 g Put values manually

Dummy Date: 15th Ramadan 2020 (9th May 2020) Dummy Date: 15th Ramadan 2021

Silver value (g) Forex.pk PKR 79.50 Silver value (g)

Gold value (g) (24K) PKR 8,874.00 Gold value (g) (24K)
Gold value (g) (22K) PKR 8,134.00 Gold value (g) (22K)
Gold value (g) (21K) PKR 7,765.00 Gold value (g) (21K)
Gold value (g) (18K) PKR 6,656.00 Gold value (g) (18K)
USD to PKR Rate: PKR 160.50 USD to PKR Rate:
SAR to PKR Rate: PKR 43.20 SAR to PKR Rate:
Nisab Value PKR 48,682.62 Nisab Value

Possessions Possessions
Gold in grams (24K) 42.50 g PKR 377,145.00 Gold in grams (24K)
Gold in grams (22K) 35.00 g PKR 284,690.00 Gold in grams (22K)
Gold in grams (21K) 103.00 g PKR 799,795.00 Gold in grams (21K)
Gold in grams (18K) 22.70 g PKR 151,091.20 Gold in grams (18K)
Silver in grams 0.00 g PKR 0.00 Silver in grams
Cash in PKR PKR 625,000.00 Cash in PKR
Cash in SAR SAR 700.00 PKR 30,240.00 Cash in SAR
Cash in USD USD 1,200.00 PKR 192,600.00 Cash in USD
Assets bought for sale PKR 20,000.00 Assets bought for sale
BC (Family Committee) PKR 10,000.00 BC (Family Committee)
Money loaned to someone PKR 8,000.00 Money loaned to someone
Stocks PKR 65,000.00 Stocks
Just in case PKR 40,000.00 Just in case
PF PKR 100,000.00 PF
Qarz taken from someone -PKR 5,000.00 Qarz taken from someone
Total PKR 2,698,561.20 Total

Zakat Obligated = Yes Zakat Obligated =

Zakat Value = PKR 67,464.03 Zakat Value =
Paid = PKR 68,000.00 Paid =
Remaining = -PKR 535.97 Remaining =
Completed = Yes Completed =
Date Completed 5/Apr/2021 Date Completed

ly as per current rate
ulated via formula

te: 15th Ramadan 2021 (28th April 2021)




PKR 0.00

42.50 g PKR 0.00
35.00 g PKR 0.00
103.00 g PKR 0.00
22.70 g PKR 0.00
0.00 g PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
SAR 0.00 PKR 0.00
USD 0.00 PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00

PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00
PKR 0.00

21k Gold 22k Gold

Dummy 1 24 21k Dummy 1

Dummy 2 10 21k Dummy 2
Dummy 3 35 21k
Dummy 4 22.5 21k
Dummy 5 11.5 21k
Total (21K) 103.00 g Total (22K)

22k Gold 18k Gold 24k Gold

15 22k Dummy 1 8.5 18k Dummy 1 11.5

20 22k Dummy 2 14.2 18k Dummy 2 31

35.00 g Total (18K) 22.70 g Total (24K) 42.50 g

24k Gold


42.50 g

> Zakat should be given on assets purchased for selling/business
> Assets that are now for sale but were bought with the intention of personal use, then there is no Zakat on such property, bu
> Thereandisyou
no have
on itemsthe money then
of personal use you have its
whether to ainclude
car or the amount
10,000 cars. in your
But Zakat
your calculation
intention while buying and using must b
and not to trade
> Amount that have been submitted to BC (family Committee) must be included in the Zakat calculation as it is loaned to some
> If you received BC (family committee) after giving your share for some month then you should subtract the remaining amoun
>then calculate
Amount that zakat
have on
beenyour assets.
loaned to It is so because
someone thatincluded
must be amountinisthe
Zakat qarz that youIf have
calculation. taken
you are notfrom
able someone andof
to give Zakat it do
you should write it down and include its amount in next year Zakat
> If you loaned some money to someone and he denies it to give it back or you have no hope to get it back then there is no Za
> There Ifis that
Zakatperson realizes
on rent, his mistake
basically and gavethe
you will receive therent
everyback to you
month so itafter
will some
eitheryears then
be used asstill there is no
purchasing Zakat on
personal usethat
or in your bank account
> Zakat should be given on PF (Provident Fund). Point # 6 shall apply.
> Include market value of stocks / assets in zakat calculations


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