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C2 Article Sample

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Writing Part 2, Article

Understanding the task 1 Read this exam task and answer questions a-d.

A health magazine has invited readers to write an article about significant changes
to lifestyles in their own country. Write your article (280-320 words) giving details
of changes and your opinion on the positive and negative impacts of these changes.

a Who are the target readers?

b What expectations of the article might readers have?
c What style of writing would be appropriate to this article?
d Write an outline plan of how you would approach this task. Compare your outline
with your partner's.
Text analysis 2 Read the article and answer questions a-d.
a How is the article different from a formal essay?
b Are the writer's opinions clear? Do they present different perspectives?
c What specific words or phrases make the style informal?
d What persuasive devices does the writer use? c

Busy, busy, busy

With obesity having shot up across the globe to dangerously high time without a washing machine or dishwasher: We now have so
levels in recent years, it is little wonder that people have started many conveniences in our lives that allow us such drastically better
to ask why. True, diets have changed; we all know that we live in a lifestyle choices that at times it can be difficult to picture these in
McWorld, hunting and gathering our food from fast-food outlets a negative way.
and supermarket aisles, but it can't al l be down to diet, can it? Without doubt there are positives to these changes. The number
Technology has changed modern life to such an extent that few of people who suffer debi litating injuries at work is min iscule in
aspects of life today bear any resemblance to lives only a couple comparison to the past. Fewer hours working and more efficient
of generations ago. Just taking jobs as an example, how many of transport are all to our benefit in allowing us a greater amount of
us today spend twelve hours a day on our feet physically slogging leisure time. At what cost though? We may save a few hours a day
ourselves into the ground? Or how many fam ilies could you travelling and enjoy less physically demanding working conditions,
imagine li ving without a car? Kids walking to school, parents going but is this really worth it when the cost to our health and life
to half a dozen local shops, on foot, to buy the week's food, family expectancy is so high? Modern lifestyles have become shockingly
holidays by bus to the nearest seaside town. Take Tina Jameson, a sedentary and in combination with the deterioration in diet this is
mother of two who has to juggle home and a part-time job. She surely creating a ticking time bomb for modern humanity.
says" haven't got time to wa lk anywhere. But I'd have even' less

Writing skills: exemplification 3 Read the article again. Underline the examples the writer gives to support each
main idea.
4 Discuss with a partner how some of the examples are similar in style. How are the
examples introduced?

5 Expand the following main ideas into paragraphs giving examples. Use pronouns
to involve the reader personally in the examples you give.
a Modern technology means many people can now do a range of things at home that
once required them to leave the house.
b Few jobs today require any physical exertion whatsoever.
c Shockingly, in Western countries this is the first generation that is expected to live a
shorter life than their parents.
Persuasive devices 6 Read through sentences a-k. Decide what type of persuasive device is being used in
each one.
a That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
b Can we honestly call ourselves human when we let such injustice go unchallenged?
c I'm sure you will agree that trampling over their rights is simply unfair.
d The fast food industry is responsible for pumping salt and goodness knows what else
into our children's bodies.
e For behaviour like this to be taking place today is nothing less than dirty, disgusting,
and despicable.
f I despise fitness routines. I despise healthy eating. I despise yoga.
g The economy is on its knees, begging for forgiveness .
h There are a thousand reasons why more research is needed on the dangers of a
sedentary lifestyle.
The argument for a proposed tax on high calorie foods is as flimsy as a philanderer's
In an age of pressurized happiness, we seem to have grown insensitive to simple
k Fame makes men proud; failure makes them wise.
7 Look at the suggested topics below. Write sentences using the persuasive
devices above.
dieting healthy foods exercising lifestyles

Exam practice See Writing guide page 140

Tip 8 Read the exam task below. Use the checklist below to help you write your answer.
Providing examples to illustrate the
point you are trying to make can help A health magazine has invited readers to write an article about significant changes
clarify ideas. It also adds interest and to diet in their own country. Write your article (280-320 words) giving details of
personalization to an article. changes and your opinion on the positive and negative impacts of these changes.

Stage 1: Read
Who will read the article?
Stage 2: Think
What are the most significant changes? What have been the positive and negative
Stage 3: Plan
Make a detailed plan using this structure if you wish:
Main changes - Positive impact - Negative impact - Your opinion
Stage 4: Write
Use language that will capture your reader's interest.
Stage 5: Check
Is the register appropriate?
Will it capture your reader's interest?


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