The Hardest Job in Sales: Just Got Harder
The Hardest Job in Sales: Just Got Harder
The Hardest Job in Sales: Just Got Harder
Long known as “the hardest job coaching and support they need.
in sales” and entrenched at the Surely no strangers to stress and
intersection of buyers, sellers uncertainty, sales managers face
and organizational demands, a new challenge in the global
sales managers bear the brunt COVID-19 pandemic crisis for
of rapidly changing realities and which there is no clear answer.
expectations. CSO Insights’ 2020
Sales Management Study shows How do sales managers handle
that they carry this responsibility, managing through a crisis?
along with aggressive quotas,
while typically lacking the
execution. With a span of control
of one to 10 sellers, managers have
tremendous influence over the success
or failure of these strategies.
• Managers spend twice as much
time on administration and
forecasting (34.1%) as they do
coaching their people.
• Less than 1/3 of companies claim
‘developing sales managers into
success’ as a strength. CRISIS
• Organizations that effectively
develop and coach sellers to
success have a 23.8% increase in
quota attainment.
• Deploying a dynamic coaching
process increases win rates by
By the very nature of the job, Most sellers and sales managers
many sales managers find worked for a great leader at
themselves mired in the minutia some point in their career or
of management: updating knew one in their personal life.
forecasts, negotiating terms, They likely exhibited all of these
protecting budgets and traits and made it seem like
ensuring compliance. Now is they did it without trying. That’s
the time to set aside minutia. doubtful.
Managers now must recalibrate
their work to emphasize the THIS KIND OF
leadership aspects of their roles
to help their teams through
crisis. Specifically, managers TAKES WORK.
will need to demonstrate the
characteristics and capabilities
of a leader.
Calm. Managers are the face Empathy. This is a human crisis
of the organization to their and people’s well-being comes
frontline sellers and they need to first. Managers may find that
project a calm demeanor, even they need to make time for more
as opportunities drop out of the frequent and longer one-on-ones
funnel and forecasts diminish. Deal with sellers. One of the unintended
with situations in a level-headed consequences of a home-bound
way and provide sellers with workforce is an explosion of
specific and productive next steps. meetings. Don’t shortcut the
opportunity to show empathy by
Confidence. If sales managers jumping to the next client call.
indicate skepticism that the new
outreach or pricing strategy Resilience. Sellers and their
will work, sellers won’t believe managers are known for their
it either. Managers need to get ability to recover from adversity.
enough information on their Daily, they endure a thousand
organization’s crisis response to cuts: rejection from prospects, the
genuinely convey confidence in loss of an opportunity because a
the approach. prospect laid off their champion,
an inability to recognize revenue
Courage. Leaders take decisive because of a late shipment.
action knowing that inaction Managers need to call on this
results in a worse outcome. An resilience now more than ever
organization may decide to before.
shorten their horizon to the near-
term, shutting down all business IN THESE TIMES
development activity and directing OF CRISIS, HOW
sellers towards implementation
work. Or they may decide to take MANY OF THESE
a risk and offer non-standard
financing terms or set other costly
precedents. Such decisions must YOUR SELLERS
be made proactively, fueled by
We outlined what a manager should be; now it’s time to
explore what they should do. There are an infinite number of
places where a manager can spend time. While there are no
guaranteed strategies for what we face today, our research
into sales organizations undergoing transformation reveals
several options to pay immediate attention:
Validate these inputs with individual Additionally, consider where a little bit
funnel reviews. Be honest with yourselves extra investment would make a difference.
and each other on the state of your Look across your territory and determine
pipeline. The better the information, where your organization can deepen client
the clearer the direction you provide to relationships. Inevitably, each proposal
sellers. It also allows managers to more deck includes a slide that talks about how
effectively partner with sales operations you want to be a client’s trusted partner.
on modelling contingencies, such as quota Now is the time to fulfill on that promise.
relief, compensation plan redesign, or Times of crisis act as a catalyst. Adding
restructuring activity. value to relationships in these times can
result in stronger and longer-lasting
partnerships. On the flipside, neglect a
relationship now and that small crack
grows into a chasm of disloyalty.
4. Err on the side of too much detail.