Mode Structure and Ray Dynamics of A Parabolic Dome Microcavity
Mode Structure and Ray Dynamics of A Parabolic Dome Microcavity
Mode Structure and Ray Dynamics of A Parabolic Dome Microcavity
Jens U. Nöckel
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany
Guillaume Bourdon, Eric Le Ru, Richard Adams,
Isabelle Robert, Jean-Marie Moison, and Izo Abram
Laboratoire CDP CNRS/CNET,
196 Avenue Henri Ravera, F-92220 Bagneux, France
Published in Phys.Rev.E 62, 8677 (2000)
January 9, 2002
We consider the wave and ray dynamics of the electromagnetic field in a parabolic dome
microcavity. The structure of the fundamental s-wave involves a main lobe in which the electro-
magnetic field is confined around the focal point in an effective volume of the order of a cubic
wavelength, while the modes with finite angular momentum have a structure that avoids the
focal area and have correspondingly larger effective volume. The ray dynamics indicate that
the fundamental s-wave is robust with respect to small geometrical deformations of the cavity,
while the higher order modes are unstable giving rise to optical chaos. We discuss the incidence
of these results on the modification of the spontaneous emission dynamics of an emitter placed
in such a parabolic dome microcavity.
1 Introduction 4
2 The model 6
3 Wave equation 8
6.5 Families of rays and Poincaré sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
9 Conclusion 44
A Parabolic coordinates 45
1 Introduction
The miniaturization of optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes or semiconductor lasers,
is expected to lead to an improvement of their energy efficiency and to a lowering of the lasing
threshold. This tendency towards miniaturization has led to the exploration of optical microcavities
whose dimensions are of the order of a few wavelengths [1]. In such microcavities the extreme
confinement of the electromagnetic field modifies the interaction of the active medium with the
radiation field so that the process of spontaneous emission is altered both in its spatial and its
dynamical characteristics. Spontaneous emission can thus be redirected, enhanced or inhibited in
a way that may be exploited for the operation of light-emitting diodes or lasers. A modification
of the characteristics of spontaneous emission, such as its directionality or the emission rate, has
been shown for several microcavity designs such as for the traditional Fabry-Perot planar cavities
[2] and for disk-shaped [3] or spherical [4] cavities displaying Whispering Gallery Modes.
One of the key requirements for enhancing the dynamics of spontaneous emission and reducing
the laser threshold is that the electromagnetic field at the site of the emitting dipole should be
enhanced inside the cavity with respect to its value in free space. With this feature in mind, a simple
argument from geometrical optics leads us to expect that a confocal cavity made of two concave
mirrors, or a semi-confocal plano-concave cavity should display a very large enhancement of the
field in the vicinity of the focal point, and a concomitant modification of the emission characteristics
of an active medium placed there. A few experiments with spherical confocal cavities [5], or semi-
confocal microcavities [6] have been reported already, in which significant spontaneous emission
modification or extremely low laser thresholds have been observed.
Among the different designs of concave mirrors, parabolic mirrors have an important advantage
in that their focal point displays no astigmatism and is free from spherical aberrations. Double-
parabolic confocal cavities or plano-parabolic semi-confocal cavities should thus display a strong
enhancement of the electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the focal point. With this design in
mind, we have fabricated a semi-confocal plano-parabolic semiconductor microcavity (see Fig. 1)
by etching an appropriately-prepared GaAs wafer by a Focused Ion Beam1 to produce a “hill” of
cylindrical symmetry and parabolic vertical cross-section having a diameter of 7.2 µm and a height
of 1.8 µm (corresponding to optical lengths of respectively 27 λ and 6.75 λ for a wavelength (in
vacuo) of 960 nm) which was subsequently covered with a thin metallic layer of gold. This gold
dome constituted thus a concave parabolic mirror with its focal point inside the GaAs substrate.
At the base of the parabolic hill, the wafer had a 6-period GaAs/AlAs Bragg mirror, closing the
semi-confocal cavity (see Fig. 2). This cavity is expected to possess a mode in which the electric
field is strongly enhanced in the vicinity of the focal point, so that a localized semiconductor
emitter, such as a quantum box or quantum well, emitting at a wavelength near 960 nm, will
have its spontaneous emission greatly enhanced when placed there. The use of a dielectric mirror
with lower refractive index rather than a metallic mirror at the focal plane is important because
it introduces a boundary condition that requires the tangential electric field to be maximal at the
focal plane. This condition cannot be fulfilled on a metallic mirror, on which the tangential electric
field should vanish, producing thus a vanishing field at the focal point of the parabola.
In order to understand the operation of such a cavity and to assess its performance in modifying
The Focused Ion Beam etching process was carried out by Orsay Physics S.A. under contract
Figure 1: Atomic Force Microscope image of a “hill” of diameter 7.2 µm and parabolic cross-section
of height 1.8 µm, etched on a GaAs substrate by a Focused Ion Beam apparatus. When covered
with gold it constitutes a concave parabolic mirror with its focal point inside the GaAs substrate.
spontaneous emission, in this paper, we examine the modal structure of an ideal confocal double-
parabolic, or semi-confocal plano-parabolic microcavity, as well as the stability of these modes with
respect to geometric deformations of the cavity that corresponds to deviations from confocality. It
should be noted that because of the very large aperture displayed by the parabola in this cavity
and because the cavity dimensions are comparable with the optical wavelength, the microresonator
cannot be treated within the paraxial approximation of conventional [9] resonator theory: Gaussian
beam propagation is entirely inadequate as a starting point for mode calculations here. Extensions
of the paraxial approximation to the highly convergent (or divergent) beams produced by parabolic
mirrors are cumbersome even in macroscopic resonators [7] where the optical axis is long compared
to the wavelength – in microresonators, the latter breaks down as well.
However, there are other approximate techniques which are well-suited to the problem we consider.
As a valuable tool for simplifying the exact solution of Maxwell’s equations for the cavity modes,
we employ a short-wavelength approximation leading to simple WKB quantization conditions. The
assumption that wavelengths are much shorter than the relevant cavity dimensions is common
to both WKB and paraxial approximation, and it is therefore at first sight surprising that the
WKB approach yields excellent quantitative agreement with the exact cavity spectrum even for the
longest-wavelength modes of the parabolic cavity. We show how this arises by discussing in detail
the structure of the classical ray dynamics in the resonator which makes the WKB approximation
possible. As a result, we shall then also be able to assess the stability of the modal structure with
regard to fabrication imperfections, based on a ray analysis for parabolic cavities in cases where
confocality is violated. To characterize the modes of the parabolic resonator, the internal caustic
structure formed by the rays turns out to be of crucial importance. These considerations establish
a connection between the the microcavity optics of the parabolic dome and the field of quantum
chaos: even minute deviations from confocality introduce chaos into the ray dynamics, and we have
to address the significance of this effect for the relevant cavity modes.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2, introduces the mathematical model that describes
confocal parabolic cavities, while Section 3 presents the wave equation for the electromagnetic
field in cylindrical and parabolic coordinates and discusses its exact vectorial and scalar solutions.
Section 4 presents the WKB approximation of the wave equations for the parabolic cavity, an
approach that will permit us in section 6 to make the connection with ray optics, while Section
5 compares the numerical solutions of the wave equations in the parabolic microcavity with those
of the WKB approximation. Section 6 introduces the main concepts of ray optics applied to
our parabolic cavities with cylindrical symmetry, while Section 7 analyzes the stability of the ray
trajectories in a parabolic cavity in which there is a slight deviation from confocality. Finally
Section 8 summarizes the results of this study and gives its conclusions.
2 The model
We consider a model structure for an ideal semi-confocal cavity which is bounded by a metallic
concave parabolic mirror on one side and a planar dielectric mirror on the other side, placed at the
focal plane of the parabola.
Figure 3: (a) Representation of parabolic cylinder coordinates in the z - ρ plane of a cylindrical
coordinate system (z is the vertical axis). The third dimension is obtained by rotating the figure
around ẑ by the angle φ. The point A is specified by ξ = 1.3 f , η = 0.9 f and φ = 0. The focus
of all parabolas is at the origin. (b) By unfolding the parabolic dome into a double paraboloid,
the boundary conditions on the common focal plane can be restated as simple parity requirement
under reflection at this plane (z = 0). For TE modes, the electric field must be even under this
reflection. The unfolded cavity is shown in side view with meridians which make 90◦ -corners at the
focal plane. The latter is also the equatorial plane of the cavity.
z=f− (1)
where f is the focal distance of the parabola, while the focal plane (and the planar mirror) corre-
sponds to
z=0 (2)
It is convenient to describe this cavity in parabolic coordinates (ξ, η, φ), whose properties are
summarized in the Appendix. For reference, we reproduce here the transformation to cylindrical
coordinates as given in Eq. (99): ( √
ρ = ξη
z = 21 (ξ − η)
To illustrate this coordinate system, we show in Fig. 3 (a) how the intersection of the coordinate
surfaces defines a point A in the plane z versus ρ. Also shown is the cavity shape itself: the
parabolic mirror corresponds to
ξ = 2 f, (4)
and the planar dielectric mirror is at
ξ = η. (5)
In an ideal cavity, the parabolic metallic mirror can be assumed to be lossless, displaying an
amplitude reflectivity r = -1. This produces a π phase change upon reflection so that it corresponds
to a boundary condition in which the tangential electric field vanishes. In parabolic coordinates
this can be expressed as
Eη (ξ = 2f ) = 0 Eφ (ξ = 2f ) = 0 Bξ (ξ = 2f ) = 0 (6)
Similarly, the planar dielectric mirror can be assumed to have a reflectivity of r = +1, producing
no phase change upon reflection so that the tangential magnetic field vanishes on the focal plane
of the cavity. In cylindrical coordinates, this can be expressed as
Bρ (z = 0) = Bφ (z = 0) = 0 and Ez (z = 0) = 0 (7)
Alternatively, this implies that the tangential electric field is maximum on the focal plane and is
symmetric under reflection of the whole cavity at the z = 0 plane. Thus, instead of considering
this plane as an additional boundary with the properties (7), one can unfold the cavity across this
plane by reflection, to obtain a confocal double paraboloid shown in Fig. 3 (b). This extended
cavity requires only the metallic boundary conditions on its parabolic walls, that is Eq. (6) and its
equivalent in which ξ and η are interchanged. It will support modes that can be either symmetric
or antisymmetric under reflection at the focal plane. If we restrict ourselves to modes in which Eρ
and Eφ are symmetric, this subset is identical to the modes of the original dome with the conditions
of Eqs. (6) and (7).
The advantage of considering the unfolded cavity is that the focal plane as a physical boundary
drops out of the discussion; this will considerably simplify the interpretation in terms of the ray
picture later on. Therefore, in the remainder of this paper, we can refer to Fig. 3 (b) as our model
3 Wave equation
The boundary conditions and the constraint of zero divergence imposed on the electromagnetic
field in general will lead to a coupling between the various vectorial components of the electric and
magnetic fields. In simpler geometries such as cylinders, spheres or rectangular cavities, a suitable
choice of polarizations reduces the problem to finding the eigensolutions of a scalar Helmholtz
equation [8]. However, in our case the three polarizations and the intersecting parabolic surfaces
forming the resonator cannot be labeled by the coordinate lines of a single orthogonal coordinate
system, as is possible in the textbook systems mentioned. We discuss now the implications of this
we can take advantage of the cylindrical symmetry of the problem by expressing the wave equation
for a time-harmonic electric field oscillating at frequency ω in cylindrical coordinates (ρ, z, φ), as
2 ∂Eφ
∇ 2 Eρ − E
ρ2 ρ
− ρ2 ∂φ
+ µω 2 Eρ = 0 (a)
1 2 ∂Eρ
∇ 2 Eφ − E
ρ2 ρ
+ ρ2 ∂φ
+ µω 2 Eφ = 0 (b) (11)
∇2 Ez + µω 2 Ez = 0 (c)
We note that the wave equation couples the radial and angular components of the electric field
(Eρ and Eφ ), while the equation for the axial component Ez is scalar. One can achieve a further
simplification in this system of equations as follows:
The rotational symmetry around the z axis permits us to assume a φ-dependence of all components
of the field of the form
Q(ρ, z) · eimφ . (12)
With this ansatz, Eqs. (11 a,b) can be written as
2 2
ρ ∇ + k Eρ − Eρ = 2imEφ
ρ2 ∇2 + k 2 E − E = −2imE
φ φ ρ
where k = µω is the wavenumber inside the parabolic dome. If the azimuthal quantum number
m = 0, this reduces to two identical equations. If, on the other hand, m 6= 0, we can form a
suitable linear combination of Eρ and Eφ which decouples these two equations. Naively setting
Eφ = 0 would not achieve this goal because it forces both field components to vanish.
The proper linear combination in which to decouple this system of differential equations is obtained
with the definition
Eρ ≡ 2 (E+ − E− )
E ≡ √1 (E + E ).
φ 2 + −
way, we have therefore formally decoupled the original system of equations Eq. (11) for the vector
field components. In the special case m = 0, case E+ and E− will moreover be linearly dependent
because their respective equations again coincide.
However, this decoupling of polarizations in the wave equation does not reduce the problem to a
truly scalar one because the field components are still coupled by the boundary conditions and by
the condition of zero divergence. On the “top” parabolic mirror, the conditions (6) in terms of the
cylindrical components of the electric field now read:
√ √
i f (E+ − E− ) + ηEz = 0
at ξ = 2f E+ + E− = 0 (16)
∂η (E+ + E− ) = 0.
The first line expresses the condition Eη = 0, the second and third lines represent Eφ = 0 and
Bξ = 0, respectively. On the “bottom” parabolic mirror the boundary conditions are the same as
in Eq. (16) with ξ and η interchanged.
Unfortunately, the set of boundary conditions Eq. (16) is not yet a complete list of constraints that
we have to satisfy. An additional requirement is that the field at every point in the resonator has
to have zero divergence, which in parabolic coordinates reads
2ξη ∂ ∂
E+ − E− + m(E+ + E− ) + · + (E+ − E− )
ξ+η ∂ξ ∂η
2i 2ξη ∂ ∂
+ · ξ +η Ez = 0 (17)
ξ+η ∂ξ ∂η
This assumption already entered the derivation of the system of wave equation, Eq. (10), from
the original Maxwell equations in the form of Eq. (8). However, this does not guarantee that all
solutions of Eq. (10) or Eq. (11) satisfy Eq. (17). The latter is just the well-known statement that
the electromagnetic field is purely transverse, ruling out longitudinal modes: the transverse electric
~ ⊥ is related to the curl of the magnetic field by the Maxwell equation
field E
~ = 1 ∂ B = ik E~⊥ ,
∇×B (18)
c ∂t
~ ⊥ = 0; the longitudinal field E
and hence satisfies ∇ · E ~ k , which can be written as the gradient of a
potential Φ, is responsible for violations of Eq. (17).
In view of the constraints imposed by the boundary conditions (16) and by the zero divergence
condition (17) it is not possible (except for the case m = 0, as we shall see later) to set one (or
two) of the vector components to zero without setting the full electric field identically to zero, and
thus it is not possible to reduce in a rigorous manner the vector problem into a scalar one.
The problem can in principle be solved by converting Eq. (17) from a condition in the cavity volume
to a boundary condition which can then be treated on the same footing as Eq. (16). One way of
achieving this [10] is by noting that if
~0 ≡ E
E ~⊥ + E
~k (19)
~ to satisfy the boundary condition E
The latter is automatically divergence-free. In order for E ~ t = 0,
we require for E0
~ 0 = 0 and∇ · E
E ~0 = 0 (21)
on the surface. Then one has indeed
~ t = k2 ∇ × ∇ × E
E ~0
= k 2 ~ 0 + ∇(∇ · E
E ~ 0) ~0
= k2 E = 0. (22)
t t
on the boundary. The problem is therefore reduced to finding the auxiliary field E ~ 0 and then
deducing the transverse field from Eq. (21). This leads to a system of three second-order differential
equations for each vector component of E ~ 0 , given by Eq. (11), all of which are coupled by boundary
conditions that are, however, quite complex.
The next step is then to write the field components as linear combinations of independent general
solutions of Eq. (11) and determine the unknown coefficients in that expansion from the matching
conditions at the boundary. The solution proceeds in an analogous but much less tedious way if we
neglect the additional divergence condition. The important simplification is that we are then able
to consider the E+ and E− components of the electric field independently, by setting all except for
one component to zero. The boundary conditions (16) are then decoupled as well. More precisely,
it will be shown that the wave equations are then not only scalar but also separable, i.e., reducible
to the solution of ordinary differential equations.
We therefore would like to neglect the coupling that results from the condition of zero divergence,
provided that this can be justified in the context of the present study. There are various reasons
why this approximation will provide us with useful results. Foremost, it will turn out below that
the most important modes we find in this way in fact conspire to satisfy Eq. (17) a posteriori, cf.
Section 3.5: the modes that provide the best confinement of the field in a tightly focused region
around the focal point are the ones with m = 0. For these, the different vector components decouple
rigorously and the scalar program is exact. These m = 0 modes are particularly significant because
they provide the best confinement of the field in a tight focal volume. This is the paramount aim
of the experimental dome structure.
In addition to this exact result, the more transparent simplified problem allows us to evaluate
the stability of the stationary states of the field in the parabolic cavity with respect to deviations
from the confocality condition – a deformation that can readily occur in the course fabrication.
This will be addressed with the help of the ray picture in Section 7, and the ray trajectories
themselves are independent of whether a vectorial or scalar field is considered. Since the exact
nature of the deformation is unknown, it is necessary to make model assumptions and parametrize
the deformation in some way. Although the range of possible behaviors explored within our model
can be argued to be generic, we lose at that point the ability to predict accurately all the individual
modes of the specific sample. The error incurred by this fundamental uncertainty about the precise
boundary shape is larger than the error made by adopting the simplified boundary conditions, and
hence the latter are warranted on physical grounds.
The consistency of these arguments is proven in Section 7 where we find that the only modes
which can in fact be reliably predicted for a large range of possible deformations (because they are
structurally stable against the emergence of chaos) are the ones with low m (or angular momen-
tum in the classical picture), concentrated strongly near the z-axis. For these modes one can set
approximately m ≈ 0, E+ = E− and Ez = 0 so that Eq. (17) becomes valid.
Having discussed the boundary conditions, we now provide the solutions to Eq. (15). In order to
find a system of general solutions to the formally scalar differential equations, Eqs. (11 c) or (15),
we express the scalar Laplacian appearing there in parabolic coordinates (ξ, η, φ), leading to the
4 ∂ ∂Q ∂ ∂Q n2
· ξ· + η· + k2 Q = ·Q (23)
ξ + η ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂η ∂η ξη
n = m + 1 f or
Q = E+
n = m − 1 f or Q = E− (24)
n=m f or Q = Ez
Here we have used the fact that the derivative ∂ 2 /∂φ2 appearing in the Laplacian ∇2 pulls down a
factor −m2 due to the ansatz Eq. (12). Although the righthand side is the analog of the centrifugal
barrier in cylindrical problems, it thus depends not on angular momentum m directly but on a
modified azimuthal mode number n. This occurs due to the additional φ derivatives introduced
when we transformed the vector field components to cylindrical coordinates in Eq. (11).
At this point we introduce the approximation of discarding the divergence condition so that we
merely have to consider the boundary conditions (16) with one and only one of the three field
components nonzero. Then, Eq. (23) is separable in η and ξ. We shall return to the details of the
solution procedure in Section 4; for now it is sufficient to give the result: Denoting the separation
constant by β, the solution can be written in the form
b b
M ( − a, b, −z) = e−z M ( + a, b, z), (28)
2 2
where we set a = iβ/k, b = n + 1 and z = ikξ. Applying the theorem then yields F (k, β, ξ) =
F (k, β, ξ)∗ .
The separation constant β and the wavenumber k at which to find the mode are still unknowns of
the problem that have to be determined from the boundary conditions. The first constraint we can
write down is
F (k, β, 2 f ) ≡ 0 (29)
to enforce vanishing tangential field on the parabolic surface. In the two-dimensional plane spanned
by the unknowns β and k, this single equation defines a set of curves. The boundary condition on
the focal plane requires that E± be symmetric under reflection, i.e., invariant under ξ ↔ η. For Ez ,
on the other hand, one needs odd parity. In order to construct such solutions with a well-defined
parity, we have to form linear combinations
where in addition
F (k, −β, 2 f ) ≡ 0. (31)
The set of curves parameterized by this constraint will intersect the curves defined by Eq. (29)
at certain isolated points in the β - k plane. By finding these intersection points, we determine
the quantized values of β and k corresponding to solutions of Eq. (23) which satisfy the boundary
conditions. It is not clear at this stage of the discussion how many intersections there are, or
even how the curves defined by each equation separately will look. Before we analyze the different
branches of these equations and identify their intersections based on asymptotic methods in Section
4, it is useful to discuss in more detail the consistency of the fields thus obtained.
The main experimental purpose of the cavity is to concentrate the field near the focus as much
as possible. Since one always has Ez = 0 there, it remains to discuss the behavior of E± in the
focal region. Because of the “angular-momentum-barrier” on the righthand side of Eq. (23), the
solutions F given in Eq. (27) attain a factor ξ n/2 which suppresses the field near the origin ξ = 0
when n 6= 0. The Kummer function itself goes to M = 1 at ξ = 0, so that the only way of getting a
non-vanishing field at the origin is to set n = 0 in Eq. (26). This means that the angular momentum
quantum number must in fact satisfy m = 1 for E− or m = −1 for E+ according to Eq. (24). But
this leads to a contradiction: if the field is nonzero at the origin, then because of the azimuthal
factor exp(±iφ) one faces a singularity at ξ = η = 0 in which the field is indeterminate. Therefore,
there is no possibility to obtain a nonzero field precisely at the focus of the cavity.
For m = ±1 there are still solutions of Eq. (23), but they must involve solutions of Eq. (23) in
suitable linear combinations such as to yield a vanishing field at ξ = η = 0. We have the freedom to
linearly combine eigenstates of the wave equation at the same wavenumber k (yielding a stationary
state with monochromatic time dependence). First we use the real-valued solutions in Eq. (27) to
form a superposition of the type Eq. (30) with a plus sign. Despite its symmetry it can also be
made to vanish at ξ = η = 0, if one or both of the functions F (k, β, ξ) and F (k, −β, η) are zero at
the origin.
Although we can hence find solutions for arbitrary m with a tangential electric field that is sym-
metric under reflection at the focal plane, we can only attempt to concentrate the field near the
focus, always with a node at the focal point, dictated for m 6= 0 by the phase singularity at the
origin. For m = 0, there is the residual angular momentum barrier due to n 6= 0, and thus even in
this simple case – contrary to our expectation from quantum mechanical analogues – the “s-wave”
solutions have vanishing field at the focus, as a consequence of the vector nature of the field.
The case m = 0 can be discussed in more detail because it permits simple analytical expressions for
the wave solution, if we specialize further to β = 0. In this case, the solutions in Eq. (27) simplify
n i
F (k, 0, ξ) ∝ I( , kξ) in/2 , (32)
2 2
dropping prefactors that are absorbed in the normalization. Here, I is the modified Bessel function.
As was already noted below Eq. (15), E± linearly dependent in the special
√ case m = 0, so that we
can in particular choose E+ = E− . Then Eρ = 0 and E+ = E− = Eφ / 2. We thus obtain the TE
field by setting
Eφ = Q = F (k, 0, ξ) F (k, 0, η) (33)
as in Eq. (25). This already satisfies the condition of symmetry with respect to the focal plane,
without having to form a superposition of the type (30). Moreover, it satisfies the condition of
vanishing divergence, as can be checked with Eq. (17).
and √
B = −iE0 · · · √1 sin(kξ/2) cos(kη/2)
k ξ+η
√ ξ
~ =
B µ
1 √1 cos(kξ/2) sin(kη/2) (35)
Bη = +iE0 · k · ξ+η · η
B =0
The resonance condition is obtained from the boundary condition Eq. (6) on the parabolic dome
at ξ = 2f as
kN = N , N = 1, 2, . . . (36)
A relatively simple visualization of these modes can be obtained by expressing the electric and
magnetic fields in cylindrical and spherical coordinates which are more familiar. It can be verified
using the relations between these coordinates to the parabolic variables that Eq. (34) then takes
Figure 4: Cross-sectional view of the unfolded cavity with two closed, bowtie-shaped ray paths
going through the common focus of the bounding parabolas. Families of such rays can be thought
of as constituents of the s-wave in Eq. (34).
the form
Eρ = 0
~ =
E Ez = 0 (37)
E =E · 1
· (cos(kz) − cos(kr)) ,
φ 0 kρ
By splitting the various terms appearing here into two contributions, the electromagnetic field can
then be considered as the superposition of two fields:
The first field is polarized along Eφ and Bρ and can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as
(1) E0 √ E0
Eφ = cos(kN z) and Bρ(1) = i µ sin(kN z) (39)
kN ρ kN ρ
The second field is polarized in spherical coordinates (r, φ, θ) along the directions of the azimuthal
and polar angles, φ and θ, according to
The first field, Eq. (39), corresponds to cylindrical standing waves with a phase variation along
the z direction, while the second field, Eq. (40), corresponds to spherical standing waves with a
phase variation along the radial direction. This configuration is reminiscent of what is expected
from a simple geometrical optics argument in which a ray bundle emerging from the focal point can
propagate outwards as a spherical wave, upon reflection on the parabola it gets converted into a
cylindrical wave, which in turn can counter-propagate back to the focal point after being reflected
on the planar mirror and a second time on the parabola. In the unfolded double-paraboloid, the ray
trajectories are of the type shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that these two partial waves are not
physical when taken individually, because in both cases the electric field diverges along the axis of
the parabola. The divergence, however, cancels out when the superposition of the two partial waves
is considered. We have so far only drawn this ray interpretation from a particular decomposition of
the exact solution; the question is how arbitrary that decomposition is and what we can learn from
it. This will be pursued in the following section. The actual intensity distribution of these n = 1
states in the cavity will be plotted in Section 5.2 where we can compare their spatial patterns with
those obtained for larger n, in order to justify our claim that the s-wave modes provide the best
Having seen that even the long-wavelength s-wave in our cavity can be interpreted as standing
waves arising from counter-propagating ray bundles and their accompanying wavefronts, we now
turn to a more quantitative eikonal analysis. Such an analysis can provide accurate starting points
for a numerical search of the exact wave solutions, which are determined by finding intersection
points between the families of curves (29) and (31) in the plane of β vs. k. Such semiclassical
considerations based on the short-wavelength approximation are an important first step because
there are, as we shall see, infinitely many intersections between the sets of curves determining the
exact solutions, and one desires a means of finding them in a systematic way, labeling them by
“quantum numbers”, giving the number of nodes in the field along the coordinate lines for ξ and η.
Beyond this very practical use of the short-wavelength limit, we also want to establish a physical
understanding of the resonator modes that allows us to predict how they depend on changes in the
cavity shape. This aspect of the ray picture will be expounded in the last section.
The equation to be solved is Eq. (26), an ordinary second-order differential equation, where the
angular momentum m enters as a parameter trough the constant n. We are looking for solutions
F (ξ) which satisfy the boundary condition F (2 f ) = 0 and are not singular at ξ = 0. The standard
short-wavelength approach to be employed here is the WKB approximation[12]. After division by
ξ, Eq. (26) takes the form
d2 f 1 df 1 2 4β n2
+ + k + − 2 f (ξ) = 0. (41)
dξ 2 ξ dξ 4 ξ ξ
Z≡ , (43)
the following equation is obtained:
d2 f 1 df 1 n2
− 2− + − u2 f (u) = Z f (u). (44)
du u du 4 u2
Figure 5: Solid curve: the effective potential V (u) for n = 3, showing the classical turning points
u0 (v0 ) where Z (−Z) intersects the effective potential V , cf. the dashed lines. The ranges of
classically allowed motion for the two degrees of freedom u and v with energies Z and√−Z are
indicated by the shaded bars (dark for u, light for v). The outer turning points at u, v = 2kf act
as a hard wall whose position depends on k.
This has a form similar to the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics, except
for the first u-derivative which makes the kinetic energy operator non-selfadjoint. This term appears
in the radial equation of cylindrically symmetric problems but does not affect the applicability of
the WKB approximation2 .
The WKB solution requires us to find the classical turning points in the potential appearing in this
equation, with Z playing the role of the total energy. This effective potential,
1 n2
V (u) = − u2 , (45)
4 u2
There is only one possible turning point corresponding to the closest approach to the origin u = 0,
which is given by v
u Z2 Z
V (u0 ) = Z ⇒ u0 = n2 + − . (47)
4 2
If Z > 0 and n = 0, then no inner turning point exists. This inner turning point, in classical
mechanics, is the point where the momentum in the x-direction smoothly goes through zero as it
changes sign, and hence the probability per unit time of finding the particle becomes infinite. In
The first derivative can in principle be removed by another substitution of variables, ρ = − ln u. All quantities
entering the WKB procedure are, however, unchanged by this substitution. Therefore, the following discussion retains
u as the variable.
the ray dynamics, this phenomenon gives rise to a caustic. This will be discussed further in Section
The outer turning point of this classical picture is determined by the Dirichlet boundary condition
at the parabolic mirror, which in the new coordinate is located at
ξ1 = 2 f ⇒ u1 = 2 kf . (48)
It is the boundary condition f (u1 ) = f ( 2 kf ) = 0 in which the short-wavelength condition is
contained: we assume that at the outer boundary the wavefunction has the WKB form, Eq. (46),
which requires that the dimensionless size parameter satisfies
x ≡ 2 kf 1, (49)
i.e. this additional boundary is far away from the classical turning point u0 of the effective potential.
All steps discussed above for f (ξ) apply analogously to the variable η appearing in the product
ansatz Q, Eq. (25), if we reverse the sign of Z everywhere and replace u by the variable
v= kη. (50)
Then the inner turning point v0 for this second degree of freedom is obtained as
u Z2 Z
V (v0 ) = −Z ⇒ v0 = n2 + + . (51)
4 2
The values of u0 and v0 determine the distance of closest approach to the z axis
Under this condition, the semiclassical determination of the eigenfrequencies proceeds by applying
the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization to the action integral for one period of the motion in the effective
potential. One round trip consists of the path from u0 to u1 and back to u0 . The quantized action
is therefore
Zu1 q
J(Z, x; n, ν) ≡ 2 Z − V (u) du ≡ 2π ν + . (52)
The integer ν = 0, 1 . . . is the number of nodes of the wavefunction in the potential, and the
constant 3/4 takes into account the phase shifts of π and π/2, at the outer and inner turning
points, respectively. In other words, the above quantization condition is an approximate way of
writing the phase-shift requirements that hold at boundaries and caustics, using the approximation
that the wave propagation itself is described by a wavefront whose phase advance in x is given by
the function J.
Z x − 2n2 π
−n arcsin √ +
x Z + 4n 2 2
= 2π ν + . (53)
This is an equation for the two unknowns Z and x, i.e. for the rescaled separation constant and
size parameter. It is therefore analogous to Eq. (29). The integer ν uniquely labels all the allowed
solutions fν of Eq. (44). This is an important difference to Eq. (29): there, the function F in fact
has infinitely many branches that satisfy the equation, which are however not labeled explicitly.
The great advantage of Eq. (53) is that these branches are explicitly enumerated by ν, so that
fixing this index selects exactly one curve in the Z-x plane instead of an infinite family.
with v defined as in Eq. (50). The two function fν and fµ have their analog in the exact solutions
F of Eq. (26), corresponding to the branches of F labeled by ν and µ, respectively.
We then form combinations the form of Eq. (30) to enforce the required symmetry with respect
to the focal plane. The semiclassical WKB quantization for the function fµ (x, −Z, v) provides a
second equation of the form (53),
J(−Z, x; n, µ) = 2 π µ+ . (55)
These two quantization conditions play the same role as Eqs. (29) and (31): the intersections of
the curves parameterized by them determine the quantized values of Z and x. However, the WKB
method affords a great simplification: by fixing the branches ν and µ, the intersection of the two
resulting curves is uniquely determined. To illustrate this situation, we show in Fig. 6 how the
lines defined by the above two equations traverse the Z-x plane. Only a small portion of this plane
is shown, emphasizing the behavior of the semiclassical results at small x where their accuracy
should be at a minimum. Comparison with the exact families of curves shows, however, that the
WKB results are excellent even in this long-wavelength limit. Note that by symmetry, intersections
occurring at Z = 0 are always between curves with the same branch index ν = µ. All curves shift to
larger x with increasing n because of the larger centrifugal barrier, pushing the classically allowed
regions of the effective potential in Fig. 5 outward.
Once the allowed combinations of Z and x – or equivalently β and k – at which the boundary
conditions are satisfied have been found, the problem of finding the modes is solved. For example,
we can now plot the intensity distribution of each mode by using the quantized values of β and k
in Eq. (27) and forming the proper linear combinations of the form Eq. (30).
Figure 6: For the first six values of n, the graphical solution of the simultaneous equations (53) and
(55) can be read off from the intersections of the gray curves. The dashed black curves show the
analogous graphical solution of Eqs. (29) and (31). The exact and semiclassical curves are almost
indistinguishable (except for n = 0), attesting to the striking accuracy of the former even at the
smallest possible size parameters x. All plots can be continued to Z > 0 by reflecting at the axis
Z = 0. The WKB curves with positive slope belong to Eq. (55), the falling lines are created by Eq.
(53). They are labeled starting from the leftmost by µ, ν = 0, 1, 2 . . ..
Figure 7: Four states with n = 1. Gray scale indicates the magnitude of the electric field for the
modes (E± ) of the confocal double paraboloid, highest fields shown in black. The vertical axis is
z, the horizontal axis the axial distance ρ. Increasing x means shorter wavelength and hence more
nodal lines (white). The size parameter is quantized according to Eq. (56) with N = 1, 2 in the
top row, and N = 7, 14 at the bottom.
This will now be carried out for the lowest-lying modes as obtained from the intersections in Fig.
6. Any given value of n can have a different meaning for the intensity distribution in the azimuthal
direction, depending on which case in Eq. (24) we choose to consider: n = m ± 1 for the modes.
Since the azimuthal field variation is trivial, ∝ exp(imφ), we wish to restrict our attention to the
mode profile in the plane spanned by ρ and z in cylindrical coordinates. The variable governing
this property is n, not m. Therefore, n is used here to classify the mode profiles.
As has been done in the previous sections, we shall take the focal plane to be the symmetry plane
of a double paraboloid, and plot the wave fields in this unfolded cavity. This is done in view of
the subsequent discussion, where we shall establish the connection between these modes and the
ray dynamics. Some wave plots are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Note that the case n = 0 does not
appear among the solutions listed here because it corresponds to wave fields that do not vanish on
the z-axis and hence are irreconcilable with the finite angular momentum m = ±1, as discussed in
section 3.4).
If we look at only the left column of Figs. 7 and 8, it is apparent that all states with Z = 0 look
similar, as do all states with Z 6= 0. A similar observation can be made in the right columns of
the figures. Comparison to the intersecting lines in the graphical solution, Fig. 6, shows that states
with the same nodal pattern indeed result from the crossing of the same pair of lines – labeled by
the same µ and ν, only for different n which pushes the intersecting lines to higher x. However,
the interpretation of µ, ν as the number of nodes in the parabolic coordinate directions cannot be
carried through in all of the plots. We will return to this problem in Section 5.3.
In order to achieve the best possible concentration of fields near the focus, the most promising
candidates are the modes with n = 1. Among these, the patterns shown in Fig. 7 indicate that
the states at Z = 0 in turn show the highest intensity near the focal plane. These are precisely
the fundamental s-waves we discussed in Section 3.5, with the wavenumbers quantized according
Figure 8: The modes shown here do not follow the simple law of Eq. (56) but were obtained
numerically. With increasing centrifugal barrier, labeled by n, the forbidden region around the
z-axis grows outward.
to Eq. (36), which for the size parameter reads
xN = 2 kn f = 2 π N. (56)
This is an exact result which can be compared to the WKB quantization condition in Eq. (53) with
Z = 0, n = 1. The latter actually has a more complicated form,
p 1
x2 − 1 + arcsin = 2π (ν + 1), (57)
but to second order in the small quantity 1/x this is identical to Eq. (56) with N = ν + 1.
This confirms the observation made in Fig. 6 that the numerical agreement between exact and
semiclassical solutions is good even for small quantum numbers.
In order to evaluate the field enhancement that is achieved in the fundamental TE modes discussed
in Section 3.5 and shown in Fig. 7, it is necessary to examine the distribution of the electromagnetic
energy in that mode. The energy in a parabolic cavity of focal length f is
Z ξ=2f Z η=2f Z φ=2π
U =
4 ξ=0 η=0 φ=0
(|Eξ |2 + |Eη |2 + |Eφ |2 ) + (|Bξ |2 + |Bη |2 + |Bφ |2 )
2 2µ
dξ dη dφ (58)
which gives, for the fundamental (s-wave) TE modes, Eq. (34),
πf kf sin2 (x)
U = E02 dx (59)
4k 2 0 x
where the value of the integral can be evaluated numerically.
For the experimentally realized cavity described in Section 1, kf = 14 π so that the value of the
integral is 2.527. The intensity distribution for this mode is shown at the bottom right of Fig. 7
(note x = 2 kf ). To examine the energy distribution in the cavity, we can evaluate the energy that
is contained at each lobe of the standing wave of parabolic wavefront that corresponds to the mode.
We note then that the first lobe, corresponding to a parabolic wavefront of focal length f1 = λ/2,
contains 48% of the total energy; to see this, replace the integration limit in Eq. (59) by π. This
lobe occupies a physical volume of V0 ≡ πλ3 /4 whereas the volume of the overall cavity, V = 2π f 3 ,
is 2744 times larger.
This underscores the very large confinement of the field that occurs in the vicinity of the focal point
and points to the possibility of observing a very large enhancement of spontaneous emission into
this mode. The fraction of the total energy contained in the first lobe of course reaches 100% if
the smallest possible cavity with k f = π is considered. However, the size achieved in our present
sample already approaches the optimal conditions if one takes into account that enhancement of
spontaneous emission requires not only a small effective mode volume but most of all a small
local density of states [13]. The average density of modes in an arbitrarily-shaped electromagnetic
resonator of volume V is a fundamental quantity in the theory of blackbody radiation and was
derived by H. Weyl [16]:
ρWeyl (k) ≈ 2 V. (60)
Note that this can also be written in the physically intuitive form
2 d V
ρWeyl (k) ≈ π 2 , (61)
3 dk V0
indicating that the number of modes in the interval dk is proportional to the number of additional
volume quanta V0 that fit into the given volume V when k increases to k + dk. The local density
of states in the focal volume V0 can therefore be interpreted to be the same as the total density
of states in a small cavity of volume V = V0 . This, in turn, is roughly the effective mode volume
for the fundamental s-wave in our structure. From this we conclude that the spontaneous emission
enhancement should be close to the maximum possible value even though our cavity is not of the
minimum possible size. This is one of the central advantages we were looking for in the parabolic
cavity design. In this discussion we have assumed for simplicity that the Q-factor of the modes
under consideration is fixed, independent of size and quantum numbers. This severe simplification
will be removed in Section 8.
In the higher order modes with m > 0, the centrifugal barrier prevents the field from approaching
the focal point. This implies that these modes will have a larger effective volume and, correspond-
ingly, a smaller enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate. An added difficulty concerning the
higher order modes arises from the limited experimental control over the exact cavity shape. As
discussed in Section 7, small deformations of the cavity (modeled as deviations from confocality),
result in chaos, leading to a loss of constraints on the possible regions of phase space which can be
explored. This further increases the effective volume of these modes. The enhanced spontaneous
emission into the fundamental s-wave implies that this mode will also exhibit a large gain and,
correspondingly, a low lasing threshold. The preliminary conclusion of this section is therefore that
a mode with low angular momentum and small Z (or β) will be the dominant mode in a laser of
parabolic geometry.
In order to arrive at the solutions shown in Fig. 8, we started from the semiclassical (short-
wavelength) approximation and then refined the quantized Z and k further by applying the exact
modal conditions. However, the question arises how the quantum numbers µ and ν which label the
semiclassical solutions can be visualized in Fig. 8. The answer is that the symmetrization procedure
obscures this identification. What happens can be understood if we ignore the parity requirement
and plot the wave fields in the simple product form of Eq. (25).
The symmetrization performed according to Eq. (30) with A = B introduces no change whatsoever
if the separation constant is β = 0. Therefore, the intensity profiles of all modes with Z = 0 in Fig.
8 are the same before and after symmetrization. However, the wave patterns acquire a qualitatively
different and simpler form if we desymmetrize the remaining states. This is shown in Fig. 9. The
Figure 9: Mode intensities as in Fig. 8, but without performing the symmetrization prescribed by
the focal plane boundary condition. The WKB quantum numbers µ (and ν) can be read off by
counting the number of wavefunction nodes parallel (and perpendicular) to the reference line γ.
Modes in the first three rows correspond to the symmetrized versions of Fig. 8. In order to illustrate
the approach to the short-wavelength limit, additional modes are shown for which the formation of
caustics is apparent in the high-intensity ridges (black) bordering the classically forbidden regions
nodal patterns now appear in a regular fashion along the coordinate lines for u and v (or ξ and η),
and their number along these lines is uniquely determined by µ and ν.
By symmetrizing a state such as the one shown for n = 3, k = 18.59 and Z = −2.54 in Fig. 9, the
field shown in the desymmetrized plot is added to its reflection at the focal plane, thus allowing
some nodal lines to be “filled in”, as seen in the corresponding state at the bottom right of Fig.
8. The desymmetrized waves in Fig. 9 exhibit nodal lines precisely along lines of η = const or
ξ = const. In addition to the simple nodal structure, we also observe a clear segregation between
regions of negligible intensity and regions of oscillatory field, with dividing lines between them
that become more and more pronounced as the size parameter x = 2 k f increases. These are the
caustics, which in fact accumulate an increasing amount of intensity as the short-wavelength limit
is approached. The caustics follow parabolic coordinate lines as well, as is apparent from the last
row of Fig. 9. The field at n = 3, x = 34.16, Z = −8.72 is bounded from below by a broad
inverted parabola, and excluded from the z-axis by a steep upright parabola. The intersection of
both parabolas forms the caustic. In the mode at n = 4, x = 73.73, Z = 0, both the upright and
inverted bounding parabolas are symmetric as we expect for Z = 0.
In this section we will elaborate on the relation between mode structure and ray dynamics, as
a basis on which we can predict the effect of shape perturbations on the mode structure. The
caustic patterns revealed in the last section by the decomposition into the product states as in
Eq. (25) is a direct consequence of the classical turning points in the effective potential V , Eq.
(45), for the motion along the ξ and η directions. The distinction between classically allowed and
forbidden regions gives rise to the regions of oscillatory and vanishing fields in Fig. 9. The effective
potential has, so far, been discussed only as an auxiliary concept that proved convenient in the
WKB treatment; its relation to the behavior of the rays of geometric optics is, however, well-
known. For the sake of a self-contained presentation, we convey here the idea behind the general
eikonal theory by showing how to derive ray equations from the one-dimensional separated wave
equations, Eq. (26). The argument is non-standard in the sense that Eq. (26) is based on the full
vectorial wave equation (i.e. with polarization), and we therefore shall find that for a given angular
momentum m, slightly different ray trajectories have to be considered depending on polarization.
This is because the quantity entering Eq. (26) is n, not m.
Inserting the WKB ansatz, Eq. (46), into the wave equation for the separated variables, Eq. (26),
one finds to leading semiclassical order that p must satisfy the equation
p2u + V (u) = Z, similarly p2v + V (v) = −Z. (62)
We can interpret this as the Hamiltonians of two decoupled linear systems, and add them to obtain
the Hamiltonian for the combined system,
H̃ = p2u + p2v + V (u) + V (v) (63)
The trajectories we are looking for then satisfy the equation H̃(pu , pv , u, v) = Z − Z = 0, or written
out: !
2 2 1 n2 n 2 2 2
pu + pv + + 2 − u − v = 0. (64)
4 u2 v
If we divide this by (u2 + v 2 ), the result is
p2u + p2v 1 n2
2 2
+ −1 = 0. (65)
u +v 4 u2 v 2
(u2 + v 2 ) (u̇2 + v̇ 2 ) + = 1. (70)
u2 v 2
Reverting to cylinder coordinates, the above equation becomes
k 2 (ρ̇2 + ż 2 ) + = 1. (71)
k2 ρ
Here we used the definitions of the coordinates in Eqs. (3) and (42). To examine what this equation
has to do with the ray dynamics, we take the ray-picture point of view now.
If we consider the three-dimensional motion of rays in a double paraboloid of the shape in Fig. 3 (b),
their propagation between reflections at the parabolic walls will of course follow straight lines, and
hence there is no place for any coordinate-dependent potential V . However, in order to compare
the ray dynamics to wavefunction plots in the z-ρ plane as shown in Fig. 9, we must project the
ray motion onto this plane as well. In the wave analysis, this projection was achieved by using the
rotational symmetry of the cavity around the z axis to eliminate the azimuthal coordinate φ from
the problem in favor of the angular momentum quantum number m.
In ray optics, we can do the same: rays can be classified by an angular momentum Lz because of the
axial symmetry. To see this, we first define Lz . A ray trajectory is a curve consisting of straight line
segments between each reflection. If we parametrize this curve as r(l), where l is the path length
along the ray from some arbitrary starting point, then |ṙ(l)| = 1. Here and in the following, the
dot represents the differentiation with respect to arc length, d/dl. In cylinder coordinates ρ, φ, z,
we can decompose this as
ṙ = ρ̇ eρ + ż ez + r φ̇ eφ . (72)
Between any two reflections, this is a constant unit vector in the direction of the ray. With this,
the equation for a straight line segment can be written in general as
r × ṙ ≡ L, (73)
Because of the rotational symmetry around the z-axis, the azimuthal unit vector eφ at the point of
reflection is always tangent to the surface. Therefore, a reflection does not change the component
of ṙ along eφ , so that ρ φ̇ is continuous. Since the ray curve is itself continuous everywhere, so is
ρ(l). Hence the quantity
Lz ≡ ρ2 φ̇ (74)
is also continuous at each reflection. But this is just the z-component of L in Eq. (73), as can
be verified by performing the cross product there. Thus, Lz is a constant between reflections,
which together with its overall continuity implies that it is a conserved quantity for the whole ray
Using Eq. (74), the fact that ṙ is a unit vector, Eq. (72), can be recast as
ρ̇2 + ż 2 + = 1. (75)
From the ray approach we have thus obtained an equation almost identical to Eq. (71). We only
have to re-define the path length variable l to make it dimensionless, by introducing
s = k l, (76)
Besides Eq. (75), the only other equation that is needed to completely determine any ray trajectory
from its initial conditions is the law of specular reflection, which can be formulated with the help
of the outward normal unit vector u at the reflection point as
This corresponds to a reversal of the normal component of ṙ. Here we can see explicitly that
reflections do not affect the component of ṙ in the direction of eφ , since the normal u has no
eφ -component as a consequence of the axial symmetry.
This latter fact also means that we can simply drop the eφ -component from Eq. (79) altogether.
Therefore, we now define the two-component vectors in the z - ρ plane by dropping the eφ -
components from the corresponding three-component vectors. Thus, ṙ becomes
v ≡ ρ̇ eρ + ż ez ≡ , (80)
and similarly
u = u ρ eρ + u z ez . (81)
In this two-dimensional space, the specular-reflection condition retains the form of Eq. (79),
This is the reason why we can call the motion in the z - ρ plane a billiard problem.
We know that the trajectories between reflections are straight lines, so that the components of ṙ in
the Cartesian coordinate frame are constant for each segment. In our new z - ρ frame of reference,
the z-axis is the same as the Cartesian one, so that we still have vz = ż = const between reflections
in Eq. (80). However, the same does not hold for the ρ-component of v. Instead, we obtain from
Eq. (75)
ρ̇2 + 2z = 1 − ż 2 = const. (83)
If we multiply this by 4 ρ2 , it can be written as a differential equation for ρ2 :
d 2
ρ = 4 ρ2 ρ̇2 = 4 (1 − ż 2 )ρ2 − 4 L2z . (84)
The solution is that ρ2 (l) describes a shifted parabola,
ρ2 (l) = ρ20 + 2 (l − li ) (1 − ż 2 ) ρ2i − L2z + (l − li )2 (1 − ż 2 ), (85)
where ρ2i is the integration constant and specifies the value of ρ2 (li ) at the starting point li of the
ray. Since furthermore z is a linear function of l (ż = const), we can for definiteness fix the initial
point is to lie on the focal plane and substitute
to find that Eq. (85) describes a curved path ρ(z) in the z -ρ plane. The curved nature of this
trajectory is a direct consequence of the centrifugal potential L2z /ρ2 in Eq. (75), and we would
recover straight lines, i.e. linear variation of ρ(l) for Lz = 0. This is why we refer to this problem
as a centrifugal billiard [14]. For a visual example of how curved traces arise from straight-line
trajectories, the reader is referred to Fig. 13 (e) which will be discussed in Section 7.
Figure 10: All starting conditions for the rays in (a), (b) and (c) amount to the same angular
momentum, Lz = 0.1 f , but prescribe different angles of incidence with respect to the boundary,
and different positions of impact. (a) shows two different orbits in the same plot, both are periodic
and symmetric in this projection onto the z - ρ plane, differing only in their starting points. (b)
shows a single path, which is quasi-periodic because it does not close on itself even in this projection.
Instead, it densely fills a region of space delimited by a caustic whose shape is given by the parabolas
(grey). The caustic becomes more asymmetric in (c) and (d), each of which shows a quasiperiodic
orbit. The angular momentum in (d) is Lz = 0.6 f , leading to a larger forbidden zone around the
z - axis.
An example of the ray motion in the special case Lz = 0 is already displayed in Fig. 4, showing
no curved trajectories because there the z - ρ plane is indistinguishable from the Cartesian z - x
plane. For Lz 6= 0, curved ray trajectories in the z - ρ plane are shown in Fig. 10 for four different
initial conditions under which the ray is launched. Note that the parameter Lz as given in the
plot has dimensions of length, cf. Eq. (75). This reduced two-dimensional problem can be analyzed
completely without reference to the original three-dimensional ray tracing, with Lz as a parameter
that encapsulates the third degree of freedom φ which has been eliminated. We have, broadly
speaking, converted to a co-rotating frame of reference (with rotation speed always matching the
varying angular velocity of the ray), and thus obtained a planar problem in which we now look for
the classical orbits. The simplification is considerable because the three-dimensional ray motion in
the cavity is rather difficult to visualize, compared to the motion in the z - ρ plane.
The two periodic orbits in Fig. 10 (a) exemplify this situation: after the trajectory completes one
round-trip in the z - ρ plane, it returns to its initial position with the initial orientation – but in
the original three-dimensional cavity there has also been a motion in φ which does not necessarily
amount to a full rotation around the z axis. Hence, this periodic orbit of the centrifugal billiard is
not in general a true periodic orbit of the parabolic dome, cf. Fig. 13 (e). However, we can reverse
this statement and conclude that any periodic orbit of the three-dimensional problem must also
be periodic in the z - ρ plane. This cautionary remark concerning the interpretation of Fig. 10
is relevant if we attempt to interpret the actual modes of the original cavity in terms of a naive
physical optics approach: one might think that a quantized mode has to be associated with ray
paths that form a closed loop and in that way “reproduce” themselves. However, a comparison
between Figs. 9 and 10 reveals that periodic orbits seem to play no special role for the mode
What shapes the modes is not any single periodic ray orbit, but the caustics as they appear in Fig.
10 (b) - (d). The spatial distribution of the ray trajectories exhibits a clear correspondence with the
modal intensities shown in Fig. 9, particularly in the shape of the caustics. This is most convincing
for the two examples in the bottom row of Fig. 9 where the wavelength is shortest: The state at
n = 3, x = 34.16, Z = −8.72 should be compared to Fig. 10 (c), and the reflection-symmetric mode
with n = 4, x = 73.73, Z = 0 finds its counterpart in Fig. 10 (d).
Caustics are immediately generated when we follow a single quasiperiodic orbit, but not so for
a periodic one. However, periodic orbits occur in infinite families which, when plotted together,
again fill a region of space bounded by a caustic curve. The two members of the family shown in
Fig. 10 (a) are obtained by launching a ray from the focal plane, perpendicular to it, differing only
in the radial distance ρ of the launch. All other siblings of the examples in Fig. 10 (a) combined,
would create a picture almost identical to the one generated by the single quasiperiodic orbit in
Fig. 10 (b) – the latter is in fact the result of only a slight deviation from the initial conditions
chosen in Fig. 10 (a), with the result that the orbit almost, but not quite, closes on itself after one
round trip, and continues to fall short of closing itself after each subsequent round trip as well.
The conclusion is that from the point of view of the caustic structure in our system, there is no
qualitative difference between periodic and quasiperiodic orbits.
The fact that all orbits can be characterized by a particular caustic which they touch, and that
moreover all periodic orbits come in infinite families, is a general property of integrable Hamiltonian
systems, to which the special centrifugal billiard defined here belongs. That the paraboloid billiard
is integrable, can already be concluded from the existence of a separation ansatz for the wave
equation, which we discussed in Section 3. However, we have not yet completed our program of
connecting the ray and wave approaches, and in particular we have not addressed the question of
how to determine quantitatively the type of ray trajectories that correspond to a given mode. So
far, the correspondence was established by visual inspection alone. The quantitative connection is
obtained by comparing the ray patterns of Fig. 10 with the effective potential V of Eq. (45). We
shall see that for an integrable system, we can in fact uniquely connect a particular caustic with a
given mode.
As a final remark concerning the periodic orbits in this integrable system, it is worth comparing
the patterns of Fig. 10 (a) and especially Fig. (4) with the “bowtie laser” of Ref. [15]. There, a
semiconductor cavity was designed in such a way as to obtain lasing from a bowtie-shaped mode
with highly desirable properties, foremost among them its focusing action in the center of the
cavity. The focusing patterns of Fig. (4) are very similar, but the main difference is that in our
case these orbits occur in families whose members can cross the z = 0 plane with all possible axial
displacements ρ. In the semiconductor cavity, most rays move on chaotic trajectories, and only
a small range of initial conditions for the rays lead to a stable bowtie pattern, leading to modes
which are strongly concentrated near a unique bowtie path, and hence even less spread out in space
than the examples shown in Fig. 7. This leads us to anticipate that the beneficial properties of the
n = 1 modes found for our integrable system can in fact be enhanced if we allow for the possibility
of chaos in the ray dynamics.
6.4 Connection with the effective potential in parabolic coordinates
The classical turning points for the two degrees of freedom u and v in the potential of Eq. (45)
determine the parabolas which describe the caustics in Fig. 10. We notice that the caustics (and
also the quasiperiodic rays that generate the caustics we show) have a well-defined distance of
closest approach ρ0 with respect to the z axis, given by the corner at which the two bounding
parabolas meet. Describing this in parabolic coordinates, we find that ρ0 is approached if both ξ
and η simultaneously reach their inner turning points. Expressing this condition in terms of Eqs.
(47) and (51), we obtain the simple semiclassical relation
ρ0 = . (87)
Here, we have used the coordinate transformation ρ = ξ η, cf. Eq. (3), and the definition of the
rescaled variables, Eq. (42).
The distance of closest approach for individual periodic orbits is not given by this expression, but
the minimal ρ over the whole family of such orbits does follow this law. The caustics in Figs. 10
(b-d) exhibit cusp singularities at ρ0 because in that extreme point the z motion has zero velocity:
it is clear from Eq. (75) that the smallest ρ will be achieved when ρ̇ = ż = 0. But from the
same equation we immediately obtain that the angular momentum then equals the axial distance,
and with Eq. (87) this reproduces Eq. (78). We have therefore established that the ray’s “angular
momentum” is directly proportional to the modified angular momentum quantum number n of the
mode under consideration. In the semiclassical limit of large k, the difference between n = m±1 and
m becomes negligible in this expression, so that we recover the intuitively expected proportionality
Lz = ρ0 ≈ . (88)
This approximation means that we can neglect the effect of polarization on the ray-wave correspon-
dence in the semiclassical limit – however, we shall make use of this only later, in the ray analysis
of Section 7. Since we have been interested in states at rather small k and in particular n ≥ 1, we
have plotted in Fig. 10 only trajectories with Lz 6= 0.
A second semiclassical relation follows from Eqs. (47) and (51) if we ask for the value z0 of z
corresponding to the point u0 , v0 at which the caustics have their singularities. The whole caustic is
uniquely determined by its singular point at radial distance ρ0 and height z0 , cf. Fig. 10. According
to Eq. (3), we get
z0 = . (89)
This identifies the meaning of the separation constant Z, also quantifying the earlier observation
that for E = 0 both the wave and ray patterns are symmetric with respect to the focal plane: in
that case, the cusp occurs on this mirror plane, as in Fig. 10 (b).
With Eqs. (78) and (89), we have completed the bridge from the exact wave equation via semi-
classical WKB quantization to the ray caustics. By specifying the quantized n, Z and k of a given
mode, we uniquely determine a caustic and with it a particular family of ray paths. Now we can use
additional properties of the ray picture to better understand the cavity modes. This is especially
promising in this system because we have seen that the semiclassical approximation is extremely
accurate here. The reason for this somewhat surprising accuracy lies itself in the properties of the
ray dynamics, but in order to make this clearer we need to introduce the concept of a phase space
in which the ray dynamics can be described.
A phase-space description is often used in classical mechanics because it carries more information
about the possible trajectories than mere real-space diagrams. This approach has recently been
applied to the analysis of ray dynamics in optical cavities as well [23, 24], with the goal of providing
insights that are not revealed by ray tracing in real space. In particular for the treatment of non-
integrable resonator geometries, it has proved valuable to represent the phase space of the rays in
terms of Poincaré Surfaces of Section (SOS). For our purposes, the following SOS will be chosen:
It is easy to convince ourselves by recalling Fig. 3 that any ray trajectory in the cavity has to
encounter the focal plane infinitely many times as it propagates. However, the radial distance of
these crossings, as well as the value of ρ̇ may vary from one crossing of this plane to the next. Now
we can consider
ρ and pρ ≡ ρ̇ (90)
as a pair of canonically conjugate position and momentum variables, and attempt to image the
subset of phase space spanned by them. In order to do that, we launch a ray trajectory and follow
it for many crossings of z = 0, each time recording the instantaneous values of ρ, pρ as a point in
a two-dimensional graph. The result is shown in Fig. 11. A typical trajectory is – as mentioned
above – quasiperiodic, and in the SOS generates a dense set of points that all lie on a smooth
curve. Several trajectories have been followed in this way and are represented in Fig. 11 by the
different individual curves. Each curve exhibits some minimal axial distance ρmin > ρ0 ; this is a
true inequality because quasiperiodic orbits do not reach their point of closest approach to the z
axis precisely on the focal plane. Since the SOS records the instantaneous ρ upon crossing the focal
plane, the resulting curves have their turning points at larger ρ.
The only orbits which have their real turning points exactly at the focal plane are the periodic
orbits. A periodic orbit as displayed in Fig. 10 (a) generates exactly two discrete points in the
SOS, corresponding to the two distinct values of the radial distance ρ at which the axis z = 0 is
crossed. Both points in the SOS lie at pρ = 0 for the periodic orbit, as can be verified from the
trajectory in the z - ρ plane which always crosses the z axis perpendicularly. The quasiperiodic
trajectory of Fig. 10 (b) corresponds to the leftmost curve in Fig. 11, which has its turning point
almost at ρ0 in the SOS. The caustic is almost on the focal plane but still offset from it by an
amount that is not discernible in Fig. 10 (b).
The distinction between the periodic orbit and its closely neighboring quasiperiodic relative in the
SOS of Fig. 11 is appreciable – a pair of points generated by the former, versus a one-dimensional
curve for the latter. But exactly on the line pρ = 0, there exists an infinite number of other pairs
of points, belonging to the periodic orbits of the same family.
The SOS in these coordinates allows us to see directly in which places the focal plane comes into
contact with the rays under consideration. This is a central piece of information when it comes
Figure 11: Poincaré surface of section of the ray dynamics for Lz = 0.1 f as in Fig. 10 (a-c).
The minimum distance ρ0 from the z axis, given by Eq. (87), is indicated by the dashed line.
All quasiperiodic trajectories fill smooth curves extending between some minimum ρmin ≥ ρ0 and
ρ = 2 f . The two gray dots are the crossings of the focal plane generated by a periodic orbit as
shown in Fig. 10 (a). The plot uses 2 f as the length unit.
to estimating the focusing at this plane where the quantum well is assumed to be. The forbidden
regions around the z axis induced by the angular momentum barrier show up as inaccessible portions
of the SOS toward small ρ.
We can also comment on the striking accuracy of the semiclassical approach in this system. The
Poincaré section shows that almost all trajectories (with the exception of the periodic paths) gen-
erate curves with the same topology: they begin and end at ρ = 2 f , with one turning point in
between. There are other integrable systems for which the Poincaré section has a more complicated
structure, one closely related example being the ellipsoidal cavity[19] or its two-dimensional coun-
terpart, the ellipse billiard[22]. In that case, the phase space consists of two components in which
the topology of the trajectories is different: One type of motion consists of rays circulating around
the perimeter as so-called whispering-gallery orbits, the other is a bouncing-ball oscillation across
the short diameter[17]. There is a division between these two types of trajectories, similar to that
between oscillation and rotation in a pendulum – called the separatrix. The WKB approximation
or its higher-dimensional generalization, named after Einstein, Brillouin and Keller (EBK), cannot
be applied without severe corrections in the vicinity of such a separatrix in phase space[18, 19, 22].
In our case, this breakdown never occurs, and semiclassical results are thus of high accuracy. Being
a conic section, the parabola can of course be considered as a limiting case of the ellipse, with one
of its foci moved to infinity. This leaves no possibility for bouncing-ball trajectories, which leads
to the absence of a separatrix.
Finally, it is worth asking why the sharp corners at the intersection between the paraboloid and
the focal plane do not cause any corrections to our semiclassical treatment, even though the surface
curvature at these points is clearly much shorter than the wavelength. It is known that in such
cases diffraction can occur which makes it impossible to explain the mode structure purely based
on classical orbits[20, 21]. However, this phenomenon is absent for certain special angles subtended
by the corners. One of these “benign” angles is precisely the 90◦ angle we encounter at the corners
of the double paraboloid, cf. Fig. 3. When the confocal condition is violated so that deviations
from a right angle occur at the corners, we have to expect diffractive corrections to the semiclassical
analysis, resulting from classical rays that hit the corners and are reflected in an arbitrary direction
because the law of specular reflection is undefined in that instance. Fortunately, we shall see in
Section 7 that such orbits are far removed from the regions of phase space where we expect the
important focusing modes to lie.
In this section, we have discussed how the ray dynamics develops caustic structure, and how the
latter can be represented with the help of the Poincaré section. We have also observed that the high-
intensity regions in the wave solutions correspond to the ray caustics, because there the density of
rays is high - in fact divergent if we recall the discussion of the classical turning points in the effective
potential below Eq. (47). Therefore, even in situations where we cannot obtain the wave solutions
easily, their possible intensity distribution can be inferred by investigating the ray dynamics first.
This will now be carried out for a cavity that deviates from the ideal model shape.
Having obtained an overview of the types of ray motion that can be encountered in the parabolic
dome, and established the connection to the mode structure of the full vectorial wave equations via
the short-wavelength approximation, we now want to introduce a model cavity for which the wave
solutions cannot be obtained by separation of variables. The variety of possible deviations from
the ideal model geometry of Fig. 3 is enormous, so we have to restrict attention to certain special
distortions that can be expected to be generic in some sense.
The distortions we choose are obtained by pulling the two intersecting paraboloids in Fig. 3 apart
or pushing them together along the z axis by an amount 2 . Specifically, in spherical coordinates
as a function of polar angle θ, the shape is given by
2f 2
r(θ) = + p . (91)
1 + cos θ 1 + 1 + (1 − cos2 θ)
The respective foci, which coincide in the integrable model, then move off the ρ axis. This non-
confocal arrangement of the parabolic walls can be viewed as a model for fabrication-induced
deviations from the ideal cavity shape – where the dome could be slightly too flat or too pointed.
It can also be interpreted in a different way, taking into account the possibility that the boundary
condition at the base of the dome is not exactly given by Eq. (7), if some penetration of the field
through the dielectric mirror on the quantum well is taken into account. This is of course a realistic
expectation, and its effect on the wave solutions would be that the TE electric field no longer needs
to be strictly symmetric under reflection at the focal plane. If one maintains that the dome has
indeed been fabricated with its base in the focal plane, this “soft” boundary condition on the mirror
can be modeled by assuming that our solutions should correspond to waves reflected at a plane
removed from the dielectric interface by some amount .
Therefore, the non-confocal double paraboloid is a way of taking into account the cumulative effects
of fabrication uncertainty and soft boundary conditions at the dielectric mirror with a single model
parameter , denoting half the distance between the foci of the top and bottom parabolic wall in the
unfolded cavity. One could think that a perturbation theory in could allow us to use the solutions
obtained so far and smoothly extend them to the non-confocal situation. This is the traditional
approach in physics and it is the reason why only simple, integrable systems are treated in textbooks
on quantum mechanics or classical mechanics alike. However, perturbation approaches become
tedious and even impossible for wave equations whose short-wavelength limit (i.e. ray picture)
exhibits chaotic dynamics. The difficulties that arise can already be seen without introducing
chaos, if we try to obtain the wave functions of an ellipsoid-shaped resonator as a perturbative
expansion starting from the eigenfunctions of a spherical cavity. This poses no problems as long as
one is interested only in modes of the ellipsoid whose topology is analogous to that found in the circle
[25]. However, as mentioned earlier, the ellipsoid exhibits separatrix structure in phase because
there exists a type of motion that the sphere does not possess: the bouncing-ball trajectories.
Analogous nonperturbative effects arise in the present model, because the distortion can lead to new
types of trajectories that are not present in the confocal cavity, in a process known as bifurcation
[26, 27]. The first consequence of the deformation is that the infinite families of periodic orbits
break up, leaving only a discrete number of periodic orbits of the same topology, which can be
divided in an equal number of stable and unstable paths. Stable paths have the property that rays
with slightly different initial conditions remain close to the given periodic path for all times, while
unstable periodic orbits are surrounded in their immediate neighborhood by chaos – trajectories
deviate from such a periodic orbit at an exponential rate if the initial condition is only infinitesimally
varied. For more quantitative statements and further background on the transition to chaos, the
reader is referred to the literature [26, 28, 14].
The Poincaré section is very suitable as a diagnostic tool to identify this process of emerging chaos
on on hand, and the stabilization of certain periodic orbits on the other hand. This is illustrated
in Fig. 12. The perturbation consists of pulling the foci of the walls apart by = 0.02 f along the z
- axis. Since this preserves the axial symmetry of the cavity, Lz is still a conserved quantity – the
arguments of Section 6.3 rely on no other symmetries of the problem. We chose Lz = 0.1 f in the
plot. The small distortion of one percent is already sufficient to change the phase space portrait
significantly, compared to Fig. 11). The unstable periodic orbit appearing prominently in Fig. 12)
as a so-called hyperbolic point, is shown in its spatial pattern in Fig. 13 (a). It is a self-retracing
periodic orbit because it reflects from the boundary at normal incidence (in the z - ρ plane).
The effects that chaos can have on the ray motion are illustrated in Fig. 13 (b). Shown there is a
single ray trajectory which superficially has some similarity to Fig. 10 (b). However, the path does
not trace out a well-defined caustic in Fig. 13 (b). What looks like a caustic here is in fact better
described as two caustics of the type in Fig. 10, arranged almost symmetrically with respect to the
Figure 12: Surface of section at Lz = 0.1 f of a non-confocal double-paraboloid, with foci pulled
apart by = 0.02 f . This destabilizes the cavity, leading to chaotic ray dynamics which generates
an irregular cloud of points filling almost the whole region that is accessible for this Lz . A special
point is encountered on the line pρ = 0 where the irregularity gives way to a confluence of hyperbolic
traces whose vertices are centered on a single, unstable periodic orbit. The spatial pattern of this
new periodic orbit is shown in Fig. 13 (a).
focal plane. Note in particular the symmetric occurrence of cusps both below and above the line
z = 0. Recall that in the integrable case the position ρ0 , z0 of the caustic singularity is uniquely
given by the turning points ξ0 and η0 (or equivalently u0 , v0 ), in the effective potential. Reversing
the sign of the cusp coordinate z0 corresponds to exchanging the role of ξ and η. The significance
of Fig. 13 (b) is therefore that the degrees of freedom ξ and η are no longer decoupled, because
during a single ray trajectory both the cusps at z0 and −z0 are reached. By virtue of Eq. (89), the
quantity Z is thus not conserved anymore. A trajectory is able to exhibit multiple points of closest
approach to the z axis and is not strictly guided by caustics.
Under these circumstances, it is not clear what to expect for the mode structure of the cavity
because we lose the possibility of labeling the eigenstates by a complete set of quantum numbers.
This does not imply there are no modes associated with chaotic rays, but one requires additional
techniques to perform a semiclassical quantization [28, 29]. The destruction of the conserved
quantity Z means that there is one less constraint which the ray trajectories have to satisfy; this
allows them to fill two-dimensional areas instead of one-dimensional curves in the SOS. Since the
SOS gives us a picture of how the rays intersect the plane z = 0, chaotic rays can be seen to
show less concentrated overlap with that plane. We anticipate that the presence of true caustics
is required to create the best focusing action. With this hypothesis, the goal must be to identify
ray orbits that exhibit caustics. This occurs in the vicinity of stable periodic orbits, due to the
fact that perturbed trajectories execute an oscillatory and in general quasi-periodic motion around
such stable orbits. In Fig. 12, however, no stable periodic orbits can be identified, telling us that
for the deformation chosen ther, no stable modes with Lz = 0.1 f should exist.
The situation changes if we consider Fig. 14, in which Lz is the same but the sign of the non-
confocal displacement is reversed. The walls of the double paraboloid are hence pushed together
instead of being pulled apart. The resulting phase space structure in the SOS differs markedly
from Fig. 12: many trajectories trace out one-dimensional curves in the SOS which organize as
Figure 13: Trajectories in the non-confocal cavity. (a) shows the unstable periodic orbit arising
at = 0.02 f , Lz = 0.1 f , cf. Fig. 12. For the same parameter, a chaotic trajectory is seen in
(b). Oscillatory motion around stable periodic orbits occurs in (c) and (d), where = −0.02 f and
Lz = 0.1 f as in the SOS of Fig. 14. The patterns of type (a) and (c) derive from the periodic
motion of Fig. 10 (a) as a result of the shape perturbation. In real three-dimensional Cartesian
space, (e) shows the straight-line ray motion (arrows) giving rise to the curved “envelope” surface
whose cross section we see in (a).
Figure 14: Surface of section at Lz = 0.1 f with = −0.02 f . The cavity develops a multitude
of stable periodic orbits surrounded by elliptical islands. The most prominent island of stability
is centerd on the the line pρ = 0 where a small circle indicates the location of the corresponding
periodic orbit around which other trajectories can oscillate. Shown in the inset is the central stable
periodic orbit. The next innermost closed line in the SOS belongs to the trajectory shown in Fig.
13 (c).
Figure 15: For the same deformation = 0.02 f as in Fig. 12, this surface of section at the
smaller angular momentum Lz = 0.03 f shows that a stable orbit exists in addition to the unstable
hyperbolic one. This is indicated by the elliptic (lens-shaped) island structure. The hyperbolic
point is located to the right of the island. The ray pattern near the stable periodic orbit is shown
in the inset. The small corresponding mode volume is apparent.
closed loops, forming island chains that proliferate with various sizes. All these islands are centered
around stable periodic orbits – the biggest island of stability lies symmetrically around the line
z = 0 and corresponds to oscillatory motion of the type shown in Fig. 13 (c). The center of the
island is in fact formed by a periodic orbit similar to Fig. 13 (a) – the only difference being, that
small perturbations of its initial conditions do not lead to chaos as in Fig. 12, but to the motion of
Fig. 13 (c).
Another oscillatory ray path centered at a stable periodic orbit is shown in Fig. 13 (d). The pattern
should be compared to Fig. 10 (c) which has the same Lz . The similarity is apparent, except for
the fact that the path in Fig. 10 (c) will eventually fill the remaining gaps in that plot, if one
follows it longer. The path in Fig. 13 (d), on the other hand, is truly restricted to the vicinity
of a self-retracing orbit which reverses its propagation direction at one end due to perpendicular
reflection at the wall, and at the other end by running up the centrifugal barrier perpendicular to
the z axis.
All islands of stability in Fig. 14 generate their own caustics, which are topologically different from
the ones in the integrable system. The caustic created by the orbit in Fig. 13 (c) is simply the
boundary of the regions into which the ray never penetrates. The difference between the absence
and presence of caustics in Figs. 13 (b) and (c) is not easily appreciated if we consider only the
real-space plots. Here, the usefulness of the Poincaré section as a diagnostic tool is again to be
noted – showing two-dimensional clouds of points versus one-dimensional curves, respectively, for
trajectories without and with caustics.
It follows from the preceding discussion that a negative leaves us with a cavity that is in many
respects similar to the unperturbed double paraboloid, cf. the ray pattern of Fig. 13 (d). However,
the qualitative and important difference is that some periodic orbits are now more stabilized than
at = 0. In particular, there are simple ray bundles such as Fig. 13 (c) that promise reasonable
focusing close to the center of the unfolded cavity. The physical explanation for the general stabi-
lizing effect that we achieved by moving the paraboloids closer together lies in the well-known fact
that a two-mirror resonator configuration has a a focusing action when the mirrors are separated
less than the sum of their radii of curvature. Conversely, mirrors that are further apart than this
criterium act in a defocusing way. This is consistent with the observation of a large chaotic domain
in Fig. 12.
These simple arguments, and the chaotic picture of Fig. 12, seem to suggest that stable ray motion
is not to be expected in the supposedly defocusing configuration with = 0.02 f . However, when
applying the standard criteria for focusing and defocusing resonator geometries, we have to bear in
mind that we are dealing with a centrifugal billiard whose ray trajectories are curved. The effect
of the centrifugal barrier is to push the regions of allowed ray motion outwards until only a small
patch surrounding the equatorial corners of the cavity is accessible. At large Lz the motion is then
so confined that chaos does not develop. This is just the whispering-gallery phenomenon[14]. On
the other hand, at Lz = 0.1 f we certainly found chaos with no remaining islands of stability. Small
Lz are what we must be interested in if concentration near the focal points is to be achieved.
In view of this, it is all the more surprising that the same cavity does in fact support stable orbits
at even smaller angular momenta than in Fig. 12. This is shown in Fig. 15 for Lz = 0.03 f . The
periodic orbit responsible for the single stable island in that SOS is again almost identical to the
one shown in Fig. 13 (a), and its oscillatory neighborhood is analogous to Fig. 13 (c); the inset of
Fig. 15 shows this similarity. This stable orbit exists only at sufficiently small Lz ; its associated
island in the SOS shrinks to a point when Lz ≈ 0.038 f . The conclusion is that both the nominally
focusing and defocusing configurations = ±0.02 f permit the formation of ray bundles with a
spatial distribution as in Fig. 13 (c), and hence the stable modes associated with this pattern
should be robust. This is also confirmed by analogous Poincaré sections for larger displacements
of the foci. At larger ||, the motion of type Fig. 13 (c) and the inset of Fig. 15 is in fact stabilized
further – for both directions of displacements alike.
The modes corresponding to this particular ray pattern are closely related to the fundamental s-
waves we discussed in Section 3.5, because both arise from ray bundles in the immediate vicinity
of the shortest periodic orbits in the cavity. For = 0 this was the family of paths in Fig. 10 (a),
members of which can be smoothly deformed into Fig. 13 (a) without changing the topology – i.e.,
the number and sequence of reflections and turning points. we shall therefore call all these orbits
the fundamental orbits of the cavity. The mode spacing of the corresponding eigenstates should be
comparable as well for the perturbed and unperturbed case. However, we have to defer a detailed
analysis of the wave solutions and their semiclassical correspondence to a future paper. Here, the
goal has been to introduce the ray dynamics and its phase space as the backbone on which the
mode structure is built.
Assuming that the deformation is = 0.02 f , we have the peculiar situation that the fundamental
orbit is unstable if Lz > 0.038 f , cf. Fig. 12. Therefore, the most desirable modes will be those
with smaller Lz . According to Eq. (78), we have to choose modes with low n and high k to achieve
this. For the experimental cavity we have k f ≈ 14π. Taking n = 1 as in Section 3.5, we arrive at
the semiclassical value
Lz = ≈ 0.023 f (92)
14 π
which is close to the situation depicted in Fig. 15. The difference in the SOS is insignificant. We
have no accurate way of determining the actual value of most closely describing the real structure,
but these considerations give us considerable confidence that modes with a spatial pattern as in
Fig. 13 (c) or Fig. 15 will be found in the cavity, because the relevant Lz estimated above is in
a range where this fundamental orbit is stable – irrespective of the sign of and moreover largely
independent of its magnitude.
The internal ray dynamics of the dome resonator has up to this point been evaluated under the
assumption that the cavity is a perfect resonator. There are two physical mechanism that invalidate
this viewpoint: absorption in the gold mirror and transmission through the Bragg grating. The
trade-off between the comparatively large absorption of a metal on the one hand and its ability to
reflect omnidirectionally have been discussed in Ref. [30]. In our context, metallic absorption will
always degrade the Q factor because the gold layer provides only an estimated 95% reflectivity[30].
However, the reflectivity of the Bragg mirror can be significantly lower for certain modes and
in that case constitutes the dominant mechanism for Q-spoiling. The variable that determines
the reflectivity of the Bragg mirror (at the fixed operating frequency) is the angle of incidence χ
with respect to the z-axis. For the purposes of a qualitative analysis, we assume that the Bragg
reflectivity is unity for χ < 22◦ ≡ χc but drops to ≈ 20% outside this cone of incidence[30]. In
other words, χc is the boundary between absorption-dominated and leakage-dominated Q factors.
A second window of high reflectivity opens for rays at very oblique incidence on the grating surface,
more specifically for χ > 60◦ . This second window will be discussed further below.
The ray picture allows us to use this rough transmission criterion as a guide in order to separate
long-lived cavity modes from short-lived ones. The angle χ between z-axis and a trajectory is,
according to Eq. (72), given by
cos χ = ṙ · ez = ż, (93)
so that
1 − ż 2 = sin2 χ. (94)
One can substitute this as the righthand side of Eq. (83) and obtains an equation for a curve in
the plane ρ̇, ρ (ρ̇ = pρ ) spanning the Poincaré section:
|pρ | = sin2 χ − . (95)
Using the critical value of χc in this equation specifies the escape condition in the Poincaré section:
the Bragg mirror becomes ineffective when
|pρ | > sin2 χc − . (96)
In order to get a feeling for the type of ray orbits that can remain in the cavity under this escape
condition, we plot in Fig. 16 the resulting curves in the surface of section for the two different
values of Lz appearing in Figs. 11, 12, 14 and 15. The plot should be superimposed on these plots
to decide which parts of the respective phase space falls within the high-reflectivity range of the
Figure 16: Assuming that the Bragg mirror stack at the plane z = 0 yields high reflectivity only
for waves within χc = 22◦ from the surface normal or for, the regions of high reflectivity in the
Poincaré section are bounded by Eq. (96). The resulting curves bounded by |pρ < 0.374 are shown
for Lz = 0.03 (solid line) and Lz = 0.1 (dashed). A second high-reflectivity window exists for rays
falling between the boundary of this plot and the solid line near the boundary. It becomes relevant
only for the integrable confocal cavity because the perturbed shapes have no stable orbits in this
second window.
DBR grating. Note that the critical lines for ray escape are independent of deforamtion because
they rely only on Eq. (83).
As a result of this comparison, we find first of all that low angular momenta are required by the
escape criterion, because the phase-space area enclosed by the critical curves in Fig. 16 shrinks with
increasing Lz . This is understandable because the ray motion in this case has a strong azimuthal
component contributing to the tilt angle with respect to the z-axis. Let us turn our attention to the
stable periodic orbits arising in the chaotic Poincaré sections. The case Lz = 0.1 f shown previously
for illustrative purposes turns out now to be roughly the maximum angular momentum at which the
stable orbit of Fig. 14 is still confined by Bragg reflection. The lower angula momentum Lz = 0.03 f
coming close to the estimated value for the s-waves of our experimental cavity, on the other hand,
places the stable periodic orbit well inside the high-reflectivity range of the DBR. For the case of
a defocusing deformation this is illustrated in Fig. 15. The peridic point is at ρ ≈ 0.086. For a
focusing deformation of the same magnitude, = −0.02, the periodic point lies at ρ ≈ 0.99. Both
values are to the right of the solid line in Fig. 16, corresponding to high reflectivity.
For the chaotic orbits, we observe that they spread out over the Poincaré section in such a way
as to yield significant overlap with the low-reflectivity regions of Fig. 16. This is true for all
Poincaré sections shown in this paper. Therefore, we conclude that cavity modes associated with
the chaotic phase space regions are short-lived, and the corresponding broad resonances will not
affect the spontaneous emission enhancement of the parabolic dome. A quantitative estimate of
the resonance lifetimes could be obtained by measuring the time that a chaotic trajectory spends,
on average, in the high-reflectivity region without excursions beyond the critical line. However, we
shall not attempt quantitative predictions at this stage of our investigation, and defer it to future
A quantitative analysis would also be necessary to determine the modal lifetimes in the marginal
Figure 17: The Poincaré section combined with the escape conditions can be used to extract
information about the lifetime and escape locations. This is illustrated here for a single ray orbit
(black trace), followed for 500 crossings of the focal plane. The gray area is the region which has
to be avoided by the ray in order to remain in the cavity.
case of the ideal confocal cavity. The reason is that the ray picture alone does not allow a clear
distinction between classically confined and unconfined orbits, because the classification according
to stable and unstable trajectories does not apply in the integrable parabolic dome. All the solid
curves in the Poincaré section of Fig. 11 cross into the low-reflectivity region of Fig. 16 at some
point, but the time spent in the high-reflectivity range can be very long classically. To illustrate
this, we show in Fig. 17 a particular ray trajectory for Lz = 0.1 f in the confocal parabolid, which
for almost 500 crossings of the focal plane remains inside the regions of high reflectivity. This time,
the second window of high reflectivity close to the border of the SOS is important because the ray
alternates between the low- and high-χ windows from one crossing of the focal plane to the next.
The regular nature of this motion makes long lifetimes possible because it strictly prevents the
ray from entering the low-reflectivity region for long times, whereas a chaotic orbit would quickly
explore this domain in a quasi-random way.
The trajectory shown in Fig. 17 is practically identical to the one shown in Fig. 10 (b). The
alternating way of intersecting the focal plane can be understood from that figure, or from Fig. 10 (a)
which shows periodic orbits closely neighboring the quasiperiodic trajectory of plot (b). Note that
the ray model allows us in addition to predict the spatial location where the mode corresponding
to this ray bundle will preferentially be coupled out through the Bragg mirror. As can be seen in
Fig. 17, the low-reflectivity region is reached for the first time when, after many reflections, the
trajectory departs from the immediate neighborhood of the focal region, i.e. intersects the focal
plane with a ρ that is slightly too large.
The subtle balance of parameters that prevents chaos from appearing will, in all experimental
realizations, be shifted to either the defocusing or the focusing side. Therefore, the above ray
analysis of the mixed phase spaces for these two situations above is our main concern. However,
as in the previous sections the integrable case is a useful starting point to illustrate our strategy.
The advantage of the ray approach is that it provides fast and intuitive predictions, but further
studies are required in order to determine how this model succeeds in characterizing the cavity
quantitatively. Paradoxically, we can already conclude that the existence of chaos and islands of
stability makes it easier to obtain results from a ray analysis, because there is a sharper separation
between long lifetimes for the stable modes discussed above and short lifetimes for modes associated
with the chaotic portions of the SOS.
9 Conclusion
In this paper we have examined some of the features of the electromagnetic field in a semiconfocal
plano-parabolic cavity (or, equivalently, in a double-paraboloid confocal cavity) in view of our
recent fabrication of semiconductor microcavities having that geometry. More particularly, we
discussed the modal structure of such a cavity as well as the stability of the modes with respect to
deformations consisting of deviations with respect confocality.
The problem is of interest from a fundamental point of view because the scalar wave equation
is solvable by separation of variables. The vectorial boundary conditions for the electromagnetic
field destroy this property, leaving only the cylindrical symmetry. Nevertheless, the fundamental
series of s-waves (free of azimuthal nodes) in such a confocal electromagnetic cavity can be solved
rigorously. It has its energy concentrated in a small volume (of order λ3 ) around the focal point,
even though at the focal point itself the electric field is zero due to the vectorial nature of the field.
The higher order modes cannot be solved as readily in the full three-dimensional model, but it is
possible to appreciate their features by reducing the problem to scalar form. In these higher order
modes, the energy is less confined in the vicinity of the focal point. It is concentrated in lobes
that surround the focal point but avoid it because of the centrifugal barrier that arises from the
cylindrical symmetry. Indeed, these modes correspond to non-zero values of the angular momentum
(m 6= 0) and for large values of m tend towards a type of whispering-gallery modes with intensity
concentrated in a ring along the focal plane, cf. Fig. 10 (d).
The stability of the modes of the parabolic cavity with respect to geometrical deformations can
be assessed by examining the ray trajectories that correspond to each mode. For a deformation
that corresponds to a small deviation from confocality, chaotic ray patterns emerge. However,
we also find stable ray orbits concentrated in a small part of the cavity volume. Independent of
deformation, the most important of these are those which in cylinder coordinates ρ and z follow the
shortest possible periodic trajectory. This general topology is the same for a range of deformations
(including the ideal confocal cavity) and corresponds to a ray returning to the same ρ and z after
two reflections, missing the focal point by a certain amount because the field there has to vanish.
The generic shape of this orbit is represented in Fig. fig:chaosl05, and its special modification in
the confocal case with its marginal stability is shown in Fig. fig:raytrajec.
The topological equivalence between the stable orbits of the distorted cavity on one hand and of
the confocal system on the other indicates that the structure of the fundamental s-wave is stable
with respect to deformations, and that it will therefore be difficult to tell experimentally whether
the cavity has the ideal confocal shape or is distorted. This is advantageous from the device physics
point of view because it implies a large degree of tolerance to fabrication errors. From the theoretical
point of view, on the other hand, it would in fact be desirable to have a means of identifying the
presence or absence of chaos in this system. This can only be done indirectly in this situation, by
looking for spectral features that are not associated with the shortest periodic orbits. For the lasing
properties, however, only the stable modes with their small effcive volume are relevant. Chaotic
modes which may exist in the cavity have a larger mode volume and a shorter lifetime.
Acknowledgement: This work was supported in part by the European Commission through an
ESPRIT-LTR contract (No. 20029 ”ACQUIRE”) and a TMR Network (”Microlasers and Cavity
Quantum Electrodynamics”).
A Parabolic coordinates
The parabolic coordinates ξ, η, φ are related to the three-dimensional cartesian coordinates accord-
ing to √
x = √ ξη cos φ
y = ξη sin φ (97)
z = 1 (ξ − η)
Or, equivalently,
ξ =r+z
η =r−z (98)
φ = arctan y
where r = x2 + y 2 + z 2 is the spherical radius vector. With this definition, ξ and η have the same
dimensions as the cartesian coordinates, which is helpful for physical considerations. The surfaces
ξ = constant are paraboloids by revolution about the positive ẑ-axis having their focal point at
the origin, while the surfaces η = constant are directed along the negative ẑ-axis.pThe plane z = 0
corresponds to the condition ξ = η. In terms of the cylindrical coordinates ρ = x2 + y 2 , z, φ the
parabolic coordinates obey ( √
ρ = ξη
z = 21 (ξ − η)
and √ √
ρ̂ = √ 1
η · ξˆ + ξ · η̂
√ √ (100)
ẑ = √ 1
− ξ · ξˆ + η · η̂
In these parabolic cordinates, the electric field E = (Eξ , Eη , Eφ ) is related to its representation in
cylindrical coordinates according to
q q
η √i ξ
E ξ = ξ+η 2 (E + − E − ) − ξ+η Ez
~ =
q q
E ξ √i η (101)
Eη = ξ+η 2 (E+ − E− ) + ξ+η Ez
E =
φ 2
(E+ + E− )
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