Ensuring Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research: Belitung Nursing Journal December 2015
Ensuring Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research: Belitung Nursing Journal December 2015
Ensuring Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research: Belitung Nursing Journal December 2015
32 30,021
1 author:
Joko Gunawan
Belitung Raya Foundation
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Joko Gunawan*
Diploma Nursing Study Program, Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Pangkal
Pinang, Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
*Corresponding author:
Joko Gunawan, RN
Diploma Nursing Study Program, Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Pangkal Pinang
Jl. Melati Kabupaten Belitung, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33684, Indonesia
E-mail: joe_gunawan@ymail.com
Editor’s Note:
Note: This
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the qualitative paradigm) to be ‘multiple utilization of detailed transcription tech-
and constructed’, then ‘repeatability is not niques, schematic plan of systematic
an essential (or necessary or sufficient) coding by means of computer programs, as
property of the things themselves’, and we well as counting in qualitative research are
should not expect either expert researchers the modalities to ensure rigor and
or respondents to arrive at the same themes trustworthiness.
and categories as the researcher. Put In conclusion, to ensure the rigor
simply, any attempt to increase reliability and trustworthiness, the qualitative
involves a forced or artificial consensus researchers consider to do member
and conformity in the analysis of the data, checking, triangulation, detailed transcript-
which is usually at the expense of the tion, systematic plan and coding.
validity or meaningfulness of the findings.
Sandelowski, therefore, rejected reliability Declaration of Conflicting Interest
as a useful measure of quality in qualitative None declared.
research in favor of validity or Funding
trustworthiness. However, she was None.
skeptical of the positivist notion that
validity can be achieved by the rigorous Authorship Contribution
application of method or technique, This study is the original work of the corresponding
agreeing with Mishler (1990) that
‘validation is less a technical problem than References
a deeply theoretical one’, and is ultimately 1. Sandelowski M. Rigor or rigor mortis: the
‘a matter of judgment’.2 In this latter problem of rigor in qualitative research
statement, she is approaching the third revisited. Advances in Nursing Science.
position on the issue of quality in 2. Sandelowski M. "To be of use": enhancing the
qualitative research, that validity is utility of qualitative research. Nursing
achieved through consensus on each Outlook. 1997;45(3):125-132.
individual study rather than by the blanket 3. Rolfe G. Validity, trustworthiness and rigour:
application of predetermined criteria.3 Wuality and the idea of qualitative research.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2006;53(3):
On the other hand, to ensure the 304-310.
trustworthiness, the role of triangulation
must again be emphasized, in this context Cite this article as: Gunawan J. Ensuring
to reduce the effect of investigator bias. trustworthiness in qualitative research. Belitung
Detail emerging methodological descript- Nursing Journal. 2015;1(1):10-11. https://doi.org/
tion enables the readers to determine how
far the data and constructs emerging from
it may be accepted. Additionally, the