CMX Manual Generic
CMX Manual Generic
CMX Manual Generic
“This is a real quality product When used as directed CMX Clean Machine will clean your track better than any other method
and you guys are to be available or your money back. Clean your track by any method then perform the “white glove”
congratulated.” test. Notice black lines. Then use CMX and perform test - no black lines.
“I’ve been in model railroad- ○
ing for most of my 56 years
and cleaning track has always Fill Port Assembly
been a pain in the @#$. Last
week I purchased one of your
CMX Clean Machines, I’ve
N scale
tried most of the others. No
question about that product. It
Control Valve Assembly
really works very well!”
Tank Assembly
“Thanks for coming up with
your CMX Clean Machine. I
bought one for my railroad
and was extremely impressed.
I then took my cleaner to our Coupler Box (2)
club layout, and bingo - our Assembly with
dirty track problem was 2-56 Screw
Kadee Couplers
solved. We tried several other or Micro Trains
brands with limited success.” Frame
Skid Pad Assembly
“The other
HO scale above,
O scale on the left,
G scale below.
the performance of the CMX
Clean Machine! Everyone is
pleased that we’ve found a car
that works!”
stays on the track, does a Reviewed by Model Railroader Magazine, February 2000.
passages.” • Solid Brass Construction. points, frogs, and any other pieces of
“One of the better investments • Body mount Kadee couplers. • Spill resistant design.
that I have made on my layout, • Easy Fill Design. • Solvent proof design.
very impressed with its • Leak proof valve and fill port. • Both solvent/abrasive options.
CMX Products, 57 River Road, Suite 1023, Essex Jct, Vermont 05452, Tel. 800-671-0641
Operating Instructions
CAUTION: CMX is not a toy, NOT to be used by children under 12 years of age.
Getting Started 4) Keep fill port cap on during use, but do not tighten
completely or vent will be closed preventing proper drip rate.
Please read and follow all recommendations and
instructions stated herein for CMX+ 5) Crack open control valve, observe drip rate by holding
CMX+ above surface and viewing nozzle.
Clean the Clean Machine
6) Adjust drip rate to about 10-15 drops per minute or less.
Contaminants from the machining and assembly processes CW reduces drip rate, CCW increases.
may remain in the tank of your CMX+. To clean, fill the tank
as stated per Sect B. Use an aggressive solvent. Insure that 7) NOTES
both fill cap & control valve are tightened securely. Shake
well to agitate to clean. Empty contents in suitable container 7.1) No drip, drip not adjustable or drip migrates
by draining & removing control valve completely. up nozzle exterior.
(A) SKID PAD ADJUSTMENT, CLEANING PAD Check fill port................Plug should be loose.
INSTALLATIONS Nozzle blocked..............Use wire or needle to clear.
Solvent level too low......Min. 3CC needed. Add
1) The skid pad is designed to snap on/off via skid pad more solvent.
spring clips.
7.2) When drip is adjusted as described above CMX+
2) The cleaning pad is installed by rotating spring clip will not harm plastic ties or painted areas even when
appropriately and wrapping cleaning pad, velvet side down, standing still. Cleaning pad allows solvents to
around skid pad, so that cleaning pad is centered and the evaporate. It is a good practice to tighten fill plug and
pad ends do not protrude into large hole on skid pad. close valve completely when CMX+ is not in use.
3) CMX+ may be used as abrasive type cleaner by installing 7.3) In some instances droplet from nozzle may
abrasive type pads. Sheet rock sanding mesh (Fine) is good migrate up exterior of nozzle and to other surfaces
or 600+ Emory paper of the CMX. This may happen sometime with
certain solvents because of the fluid viscosity. This
(B) SOLVENT HANDLING AND FILLING can be corrected by adding 5 to 10% portion of
water to the cleaning solvent.
Solvents are most easily and safely dispensed by using a 5 -
10 cc syringe which is available at pharmacies for Warning: Proceed at your own risk. Failure to
dispensing children’s liquid medicines, and cost about read, understand, and follow all instructions
$1.50. Handling and filling should be performed on stated herein and furthermore stated on labels,
suitable surface in suitable area. and by the manufacturers of solvents, will result
in damage and harm to you, the environment, or
1) Close control valve, turn screw knob clockwise until your equipment.
valve seats.
2) Remove fill port cover. Screw.
1) CMX+ comes to you ready to run.
3) Use syringe and draw 3CC solvent. Transfer solvent
slowly to CMX+ through fill port, use from 4CC to 9CC. 2) CMX+ may be pushed or pulled by any locomotive with
CMX Products, 57 River Road, Suite 1023, Essex Jct, Vermont 05452, Tel. 800-671-0641
sufficient traction. Short, 8 wheel drive, four axle diesels are Most aggressive group
ideal. For highly contaminated track place CMX+ before (Observe precautions stated on container and herein)
power unit. (2 Loco’s may be needed) Nail Polish Remover, Laquer Thinner, Acetone, MEK,
Toluene & Xylene.
3) Cleaning pad should be sufficiently wetted with solvent
to clean properly. This can be usually seen as wetness on This group of solvents are the most effective but
pad or cool feeling of skid pad. This is about 10 drops a the most dangerous. You will probably need to use
minute. Cleaning pad should be centered on skid pad fore these to start and then once a year thereafter.
to aft and right to left. Plastic from wheels and other organic matter is the
most significant contaminant on your track. Since
4) Cleaning pad may be cleaned while in use by using a you need to follow the same precautions for all the
solvent wetted rag and rubbing cleaning pad until dirt is solvents in this group, use Nail Polish Remover or
removed. Pads may also be washed in detergent and be reused. Acetone, which are readily available.
2) CMX+ is designed so nozzle receives solvent about 1/8" This group of solvents will not remove plastic but
above bottom of tank. This leaves sediments at bottom of are satisfactory for routine maintenance.
tank and protects nozzle from clogging. This is about 3CC
volume and gives false impression of being usable solvent.
3) CMX+ has limited spill fill port design. The fill port
protrudes about 1/8" into tank creating inside lip to impede
spills. Held inverted about 1-2 CC of solvent will still
remain in CMX+.
CMX Products, 57 River Road, Suite 1023, Essex Jct, Vermont 05452, Tel. 800-671-0641
Chemist Reviews CMX Clean Machine
The following review of the CMX “Clean Machine” was performed by Charlie Miller, a retired chemist. I asked Charlie to
do this review because as a chemist he would have a better technical basis to do so.
CMX Products, 57 River Road, Suite 1023, Essex Jct, Vermont 05452, Tel. 800-671-0641
Please be aware also that the plastic wheels have “addi- general public in their pure form. (Further reading will also
tives”. To give the wheels their authentic color, carbon inform you that this mixture “cannot be made non-poison-
black or other dark pigment is usually added to the poly- ous” and that it is highly flammable. These properties of
meric resin before it is used to form the wheels in the lacquer thinner mean that it must be used with utmost
injection molding process. Thus, over time, tiny amounts of caution.) Because of the array of solvent strengths repre-
these pigments will accumulate at the wheel surfaces and sented here, lacquer thinner is well suited for track cleaning,
transfer onto the track. Although some forms of elemental and in conjunction with the CMX, it is probably more
carbon can be good electrical conductors, when mixed with effective than any single-component solvent.
other residues, carbon is probably only a contributor to the
overall dirty condition. Perhaps the issue of volatility should be addressed here.
Many organic solvents, such as the lower molecular weight
Also, the injection molding process usually requires alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol) and ketones
something called a “mold release agent”, without which the (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone) have boiling points well
manufacturer would have difficulty removing the cast below that of water. The lower the boiling point, the more
wheels from the mold. Unless this release agent is removed readily a solvent will evaporate. Very volatile solvents are
from the wheel surfaces in some later step of the process, it sometimes referred to as “fast” solvents. With the exception
too can transfer to the track. of toluene and xylene, all the listed ingredients of lacquer
thinner are fast solvents. This is why the adjustable flow
Organic chemical solvents are available in a bewildering control on the CMX unit comes in handy. The user can
assortment. Solvents vary in strength according to their adjust the flow to compensate for evaporative loses, thereby
chemical nature, characterized by a chemist’s term called keeping the pad wet during the entire cleaning operation.
“polarity”. Unfortunately, “stronger” is not always better,
since it depends on what type of contamination we are So here (finally) is the bottom line: To me, from the
attacking. A simple rule of thumb to remember when chemist’s perspective, the CMX, when used with lacquer
dissolving a solid is “like dissolves like”. This approach thinner on the sorptive pad, is the best method of mecha-
can be quite effective in a chemical laboratory, where we nized track cleaning presently available. It allows you to
often know what material we are trying to dissolve. Two apply constant and consistent wiping pressure against the
practical examples of solvent polarity effects come to mind: track surfaces, even in places (like tunnels) where you can’t
Sugar is freely soluble in water (water and sugar both being easily reach by hand. It allows you to dispense a continuous
highly polarized chemicals) but totally insoluble in stream of fresh solvent onto the pad, replacing the solvent
something like lighter fluid or mineral spirits. On the other lost to evaporation and keeping the pad at a suitable
hand, ordinary paraffin wax is fully soluble in relatively “wetness”. The large reservoir assures long operation
non-polar solvents like lighter fluid or mineral spirits, but between refills. Finally, using the Clean Machine is much
virtually insoluble in water. more enjoyable than going along the track with a finger
wrapped in a cloth. It’s also safer, because you would not
Since we, as model railroaders, have no means of identify- want prolonged skin contact with lacquer thinner. And after
ing the individual track contaminants, we may as well all, isn’t “having fun safely” what this hobby is all about?
proceed in a “worst case” orientation. In doing so, we can
simply assume that there could be some of all three catego- Having said all this, it is obvious to me (and hopefully to
ries of contamination present on our rails. Because we are you) that it makes very little sense to clean the track so
usually dealing with such a “hodgepodge” of contaminants, thoroughly unless you also clean your locomotive wheels
we need something that covers a wide range of solvent and your rolling stock wheels. During my evaluation of the
strengths. The best we can hope for is to partially dissolve CMX, I looked closely (under 3X magnification) at some of
and loosen most of the foreign matter and have it transfer my n-scale plastic wheel sets. I was appalled at the visual
onto the cleaning pad. As one of my fellow model railroad- difference between freshly cleaned and "uncleaned" wheels.
ers is quick to point out, if we soften the foreign matter on
the rails without removing it, we are simply “making mud”, For cleaning black plastic wheels, I recommend only
which will dry out and remain on the rails after the solvent methanol (methyl alcohol). Some of the solvents contained
evaporates. in lacquer thinner are strong enough to soften and distort
some types of plastics. (If you don’t believe this, try
My recommendation for this broad utility cleaning agent is pouring a little lacquer thinner into an ordinary Styrofoam
lacquer thinner. Read the label. Lacquer thinner usually coffee cup, but make sure you have a more suitable catch
contains a mixture of petroleum distillates, methanol, basin under it.) Just to test this, I soaked a discarded black
toluene, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, propylene glycol plastic wheelset in lacquer thinner for about one half hour.
monomethyl ether acetate, ethyl acetate and xylene. Some When removed from the solvent, it was a gooey mass, with
of these chemicals are not even available to the no resemblance to its original shape. Although better
CMX Products, 57 River Road, Suite 1023, Essex Jct, Vermont 05452, Tel. 800-671-0641
quality rolling stock wheels are usually either Nylon or Two additional comments on the “Track and Wheel
Delrin, some cheaper brands appear to use polystyrene. Cleaning” write-up that comes just prior to the “Operat-
Nylon and Delrin are relatively impervious to most sol- ing Instructions”:
vents; polystyrene is not. So, to be on the safe side, I
believe it’s best to use methanol. I agree with your assessment of chemical deoxidants and
conductivity enhancers and have similar “reservations
Charlie Miller 9/6/2001 about adding organic material to the rails”. To me, any
addition of non-volatiles to the track surface is going to
Comments and Suggestions cause subsequent problems, sooner or later. Since the Clean
Machine works so well, there should be no need for such
I spent several days trying to make the CMX fail by doing materials.
things I thought others might attempt to do. (Well, only some
of the things they might do... I didn’t try dropping the unit or You were being kind in your comments about rolling pad
throwing it against the wall. And I didn’t eat the spare set of cleaning cars. As you said, they offer no scrubbing action,
o-rings.) I did not experience any "failure" that I could especially when used with something such as “Goo-Gone”,
expressly attribute to the machine itself. Comments follow: where these rollers do a fantastic job of coating the track
without removing anything.
My layout is n-scale and consists of two interconnecting
loops, a switching yard, and various sidings. I have prob- Charlie Miller 9/6/2001
ably 50 - 55 feet of track in all. I had better luck pushing the
unit ahead of the loco, because my track was so dirty from
neglect and lack of use for the past three months. (Model
railroad operation is mainly a “cold weather sport” for me.)
Since I was mostly using lacquer thinner in the machine, I
was a little concerned that I might have a fire, if a spark
from my engine armature happened to contact the trailing
solvent vapors. Apparently most modern engines are pretty
well shielded, for this never happened.
CMX Products, 57 River Road, Suite 1023, Essex Jct, Vermont 05452, Tel. 800-671-0641
User Reviews Cleaning Cars
The following review of some popular cleaning cars was fowarded to us, unsolicited, and is used herein with permission.
I have a track cleaning car fetish. I own them all. Anyone I EASE OF USE
can find from the crumby Roco tank with a dragging pad to Well, anything you don’t have to put anything in or tie
the newest CMX. I have even built some of my own design anything to comes in tops.
with varying results. I have tried them all and they all have
plusses and minuses that have mostly been touched on 1st Bright boy drag pad. Does not seem to ever need
here. I will try not to repeat the ones I agree with. The fun cleaning itself.
thing about this subject is peoples cleaning situations can 2nd Masonite drag pad. Sometimes needs cleaning or
be very different. Some have lots of dust or humidity or replace the pad
spiders... Your mileage will vary!! 3rd Aztec dry. Have to clean the roller from time to time.
4th CMX Easy to fill and regulate flow
ONE PASS CLEANING. 5th Monsoon. Flow is harder to set and harder to fill.
How well does the track act with regular locos after I have 6th Centerline. Have to replace the wipes and they dry out
run my cleaner around once. For this I like to use Alcohol in fast in use.
the wetable cleaners.
NOTES: One thing about the Aztec cleaners that sometimes
1st CMX bothers me is the magnet. True, it does pick stuff up, but
2nd Monsoon what usually happens to me is it derails in a tunnel because
3rd 2 Centerlines (one wet one dry) of a spike on the magnet gets hung up on something. I like
4th Aztec Dry the fact it got it of the track for me, but I hate fishing the
5th Masonite drag pad derailed car out of the tunnel.
6th Bright boy drag pad.
All in all, I use them all at different times for different
MULTI PASS CLEANING. spurs I use the Centerlines cause I can
How well do my regular locos do after the cleaning car has add lots of cleaning fluid to them on really dirty track very
been looping for about 30 minutes on my layout. (about 10 easily... Over all, right now I like the CMX the best, until
laps) I find the ones with bright boy like characteristics fair someone comes out with a newer better one...and I will
much better and almost match the we tables. I still find the HAVE to have that one too!!!
CMX to be a little better.
Sean B. McCaskey
1st CMX Owner - TBA Railway
2nd Aztec Dry
3rd Monsoon
4th Masonite drag pad
5th Bright boy drag pad
6th 2 Centerlines (one wet one dry)
CMX Products, 57 River Road, Suite 1023, Essex Jct, Vermont 05452, Tel. 800-671-0641