2 Day Performance Tuning Guide
2 Day Performance Tuning Guide
2 Day Performance Tuning Guide
November 2020
Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide, 21c
Contributors: Glenn Maxey, Rajesh Bhatiya, Lance Ashdown, Immanuel Chan, Debaditya Chatterjee, Maria
Colgan, Dinesh Das, Kakali Das, Karl Dias, Mike Feng, Yong Feng, Andrew Holdsworth, Kevin Jernigan,
Caroline Johnston, Aneesh Kahndelwal, Sushil Kumar, Sue K. Lee, Herve Lejeune, Ana McCollum, David
McDermid, Colin McGregor, Mughees Minhas, Valarie Moore, Deborah Owens, Mark Ramacher, Uri
Shaft, Susan Shepard, Janet Stern, Stephen Wexler, Graham Wood, Khaled Yagoub, Hailing Yu, Michael
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Audience ix
Documentation Accessibility ix
Related Documents x
Conventions x
1 Introduction
About This Guide 1-1
Common Oracle DBA Tasks 1-1
Tools for Tuning the Database 1-2
Accessing the Database Home Page 1-3
Using the Oracle Performance Method 2-5
Preparing the Database for Tuning 2-6
Tuning the Database Proactively 2-7
Tuning the Database Reactively 2-7
Tuning SQL Statements 2-8
Common Performance Problems Found in Databases 2-8
Monitoring I/O by Consumer Group 4-13
Monitoring Parallel Execution 4-13
Monitoring Services 4-14
Monitoring Host Activity 4-15
Monitoring CPU Utilization 4-16
Monitoring Memory Utilization 4-17
Monitoring Disk I/O Utilization 4-20
Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity 4-22
8 Resolving Transient Performance Problems
Overview of Active Session History 8-1
Running Active Session History Reports 8-2
Active Session History Reports 8-4
Top Events 8-4
Top User Events 8-4
Top Background Events 8-5
Load Profile 8-5
Top SQL 8-6
Top Sessions 8-7
Top DB Objects/Files/Latches 8-7
Top DB Objects 8-8
Top DB Files 8-8
Top Latches 8-9
Activity Over Time 8-9
Supplemental Information in the AWR Compare Periods Report 9-20
Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Filter Options 13-13
Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Schedule 13-14
Dropping a SQL Tuning Set 13-16
Transporting SQL Tuning Sets 13-16
Exporting a SQL Tuning Set 13-16
Importing a SQL Tuning Set 13-18
Managing SQL Profiles 13-19
Managing SQL Plan Baselines 13-20
Capturing SQL Plan Baselines Automatically 13-21
Loading SQL Plan Baselines Manually 13-21
Evolving SQL Plans 13-23
This preface contains the following topics:
• Audience
• Documentation Accessibility
• Related Documents
• Conventions
This guide is intended for Oracle database administrators (DBAs) who want to tune
and optimize the performance of Oracle Database. Before using this document, you
should be familiar with Oracle Database administration.
In particular, this guide is targeted toward the following groups of users:
• Oracle DBAs who want to acquire database performance tuning skills
• DBAs who are new to Oracle Database
See Also:
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the
Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?
Related Documents
For more information about the topics covered in this document, see the following
• Oracle Database Administrator's Guide
• Oracle Database Concepts
• Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide
• Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide
The following conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Changes in This Release for Oracle
Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning
This preface contains:
• Changes in Oracle Database Release 19c, Version 19.1
• Changes in Oracle Database Release 18c, Version 18.1
• Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2)
• Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (
• Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (
New Features
The following features are new in this release:
• Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) support for pluggable databases
You can now use ADDM to analyze AWR data in PDBs for identifying and
resolving performance related issues.
See "ADDM for a Multitenant Environment" for more information.
• Real-time SQL monitoring functionality enabled for non-administrative database
The database users without the administrative privileges can also now view the
execution plans and performance metrics of their SQL statements by navigating to
the Monitored SQL Executions page of Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
(Cloud Control).
See the section "Monitoring Database Operations in Cloud Control" for more
Desupported Features
The following feature is desupported in this release.
• Oracle Streams
Changes in This Release for Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide
Starting in Oracle Database 19c, the Oracle Streams feature is desupported. Use
Oracle GoldenGate to replace all replication features of Oracle Streams.
New Features
The following features are new in this release:
• Manageability support for In-Memory Column Store
The new Oracle Database In-Memory Column Store (IM column store) feature
accelerates database performance of analytics, data warehousing, and online
transaction processing (OLTP) applications.
SQL Monitor report, ASH report, and AWR report now show statistics for various
in-memory operations.
– In-memory statistics in SQL Monitor report: Activity % in Time and Wait
Statistics panel, Activity column in Plan Statistics table, and Activity tab in SQL
Monitor report show CPU consumed by SQL commands while executing in-
memory query operations. SQL Monitor report now supports Adaptive plans.
The Execution plan shows Resolving or Resolved icon depending upon the
current status of that plan. The Plan Statistics tab contains a drop down list to
show current plan, final plan, and full plan. It also contains Plan Note button,
which when clicked, shows the notes that are generated in the explain plan for
the SQL statement.
– In-memory statistics in ASH report: ASH report header table shows the size
of in-memory pool under In Memory Area column. Top Events, Top SQL, and
Activity Over Time sections show CPU consumption by various in-memory
– In-memory statistics in AWR report: AWR report contains a new section -
In-Memory Segments Statistics - that shows in-memory segment consumption
based on various attributes, such as, scans, DB block changes, populate CUs,
and repopulate CUs. Time Model Statistics section shows statistics related to
in-memory CPU usage and Instance Activity Statistics section shows statistics
related to in-memory activities.
Changes in This Release for Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide
Other Changes
The following are additional changes in the release:
• Changes in ASH Analytics page
In the Average Active Sessions chart on ASH analytics page, you can now click
on CPU wait class to see its breakdown by CPU usage based on various in-
memory operations as well as total CPU used for operations other than in-memory
See "Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity" for more information.
New Features
The following features are new in this release:
• Real-time database operations monitoring
Real-Time database operations monitoring tracks and reports on active and
recently completed database operations. You can monitor details of the execution
of a single SQL or PL/SQL statement. You can also monitor the progress of
long-running operations such as a batch job, or extract, transform, and load (ETL)
See "Monitoring Real-Time Database Operations " for information on this feature.
Desupported Features
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control is no longer supported by Oracle.
Other Changes
The following are additional changes in the release:
• Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
In previous releases of Oracle Database, you used Oracle Enterprise Manager
Database Control (Database Control) to manage database performance tuning
from a graphical user interface. In this release, you can use the Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) graphical user interface. Cloud Control
provides more functionality than Database Control. The procedures in this guide
use Cloud Control.
You must install Cloud Control separately from Oracle Database.
Changes in This Release for Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide
See Also:
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide
Part I
Getting Started
Part I provides an introduction to this guide and explains the Oracle Database
performance method. This part contains the following chapters:
• Introduction
• Oracle Database Performance Method
As an Oracle database administrator (DBA), you are responsible for the performance
of your Oracle database. Tuning a database to reach a desirable performance level
may be a daunting task, especially for DBAs who are new to Oracle Database. Oracle
Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide is a quick start guide that describes how
to perform day-to-day database performance tuning tasks using features provided by
Oracle Diagnostics Pack, Oracle Tuning Pack, and Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control (Cloud Control).
This chapter contains the following sections:
• About This Guide
• Common Oracle DBA Tasks
• Tools for Tuning the Database
• Accessing the Database Home Page
Chapter 1
Tools for Tuning the Database
Chapter 1
Accessing the Database Home Page
how to tune statements, along with a rationale for each recommendation and
its expected benefit. A recommendation relates to collection of statistics on
objects, creation of new indexes, restructuring of the SQL statements, or
creation of SQL profiles.
– SQL Access Advisor
This feature enables you to optimize data access paths of SQL queries by
recommending the proper set of materialized views and view logs, indexes,
and partitions for a given SQL workload.
• Oracle Real Application Testing
Oracle Real Application Testing consists of the following key features:
– Database Replay
This feature enables you to capture the database workload on a production
system, and replay it on a test system with the exact same timing and
concurrency as the production system on the same or later release of Oracle
– SQL Performance Analyzer
This feature enables you to assess the effect of system changes on SQL
performance by identifying SQL statements that have regressed, improved, or
remained unchanged.
See Also:
Oracle Database Testing Guide for information about how to use the
features Database Replay and SQL Performance Analyzer
Some of the products and tools in the preceding list, including Oracle
Diagnostics Pack and Oracle Tuning Pack, require separate licenses. For
more information, see Oracle Database Licensing Information.
Chapter 1
Accessing the Database Home Page
2. In the Welcome page, enter your Cloud Control user name and password, and
then click Login.
3. From the Targets drop-down menu, select Databases.
The Databases page appears with a list of the available target databases.
4. Select the database that you want to observe or modify from the Databases page.
If the list of databases is long, use the Search functionality.
The home page for the target database appears. The first time that you select an
option from some of the menus, such as the Performance menu, the Database
Login page appears.
5. In the login page for the target database, log in as a user with the appropriate
privileges. For example, to log in as user SYS with the SYSDBA privilege:
• User Name: Enter SYS.
• Password: Enter the password for the SYS user.
• Connect As: From the Role list, select SYSDBA.
Oracle Database Performance Method
Performance improvement is an iterative process. Removing the first bottleneck (a
point where resource contention is highest) may not lead to performance improvement
immediately because another bottleneck might be revealed that has an even greater
performance impact on the system. Accurately diagnosing the performance problem is
the first step toward ensuring that your changes improve performance.
Typically, performance problems result from a lack of throughput (the amount of work
that can be completed in a specified time), unacceptable user or job response time
(the time to complete a specified workload), or both. The problem might be localized to
specific application modules or it might span the system.
Before looking at database or operating system statistics, it is crucial to get feedback
from the system users and the people in charge of the application. This feedback
makes it easier to set performance goals. Improved performance can be measured in
terms of business goals rather than system statistics.
The Oracle performance method can be applied until performance goals are met
or deemed impractical. Because this process is iterative, some investigations may
have little impact on system performance. It takes time and experience to accurately
pinpoint critical bottlenecks quickly. Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
implements the Oracle performance method and analyzes statistics to provide
automatic diagnosis of major performance problems. Because ADDM can significantly
shorten the time required to improve the performance of a system, it is the method
used in this guide.
This chapter discusses the Oracle Database performance method and contains the
following sections:
• Gathering Database Statistics Using the Automatic Workload Repository
• Using the Oracle Performance Method
• Common Performance Problems Found in Databases
Chapter 2
Gathering Database Statistics Using the Automatic Workload Repository
By default, the database gathers statistics every hour and creates an AWR snapshot,
which is a set of data for a specific time that is used for performance comparisons. The
delta values captured by the snapshot represent the changes for each statistic over
the time period. Statistics gathered by AWR are queried from memory. The gathered
data can be displayed in both reports and views.
The following initialization parameters are relevant for AWR:
Set this parameter to TYPICAL (default) or ALL to enable statistics gathering
by AWR. Setting STATISTICS_LEVEL to BASIC disables many database features,
including AWR, and is not recommended.
Set to DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING (default) or DIAGNOSTIC to enable automatic database
diagnostic monitoring. Setting CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS to NONE disables
many database features, including ADDM, and is strongly discouraged.
See Also:
Browser WAN App Server LAN DB Time LAN Apps Server WAN Browser
Chapter 2
Gathering Database Statistics Using the Automatic Workload Repository
A session is a logical entity in the database instance memory that represents the state
of a current user login to a database. Database time is calculated by aggregating the
CPU time and wait time of all active sessions (sessions that are not idle). For any
database request, the CPU time is the sum of the time spent working on the request,
while the wait time is the sum of all the waits for various database instance resources.
DB time includes only time spent on client processes and does not include time spent
on background processes such as PMON.
For example, a user session may involve an online transaction made at an online
bookseller consisting of the actions shown in Figure 2-2.
DB Time
Chapter 2
Gathering Database Statistics Using the Automatic Workload Repository
DB time is measured cumulatively from when the instance started. Because
DB time combines times from all non-idle user sessions, DB time can exceed
the time elapsed since the instance started. For example, an instance that
has run 5 minutes could have four active sessions whose cumulative DB
time is 20 minutes.
The objective of database tuning is to reduce DB time. In this way, you can improve
the overall response time of user transactions in the application.
See Also:
Chapter 2
Using the Oracle Performance Method
DB Time
7:38 7:42 7:50 7:52
The light vertical lines represent samples of inactive session activity that are not
captured in the ASH statistics. The bold vertical lines represent samples of active
sessions that are captured at:
• 7:38, while novels by the author are being queried
• 7:42, while the user is browsing the query results
• 7:50, when one novel is added to the shopping cart
• 7:52, during the checkout process
Table 2-1 lists ASH statistics collected for the active sessions, along with examples
of the session ID (SID), module, SQL ID, session state, and wait events that are
Chapter 2
Using the Oracle Performance Method
In the reactive tuning phase, you must respond to issues reported by users, such as
performance problems that may occur for only a short duration of time, or performance
degradation to the database over a period of time.
SQL tuning is an iterative process to identify, tune, and improve the efficiency of
high-load SQL statements.
Applying the Oracle performance method involves the following:
• Performing pre-tuning preparations, as described in "Preparing the Database for
• Tuning the database proactively on a regular basis, as described in "Tuning the
Database Proactively"
• Tuning the database reactively when performance problems are reported by the
users, as described in "Tuning the Database Reactively"
• Identifying, tuning, and optimizing high-load SQL statements, as described in
"Tuning SQL Statements"
To improve database performance, you must apply these principles iteratively.
See Also:
Chapter 2
Using the Oracle Performance Method
Chapter 2
Common Performance Problems Found in Databases
In this way you can analyze current database performance before the next
ADDM analysis, or analyze historical database performance when you were not
proactively monitoring the system.
2. Resolve transient performance problems, as described in Resolving Transient
Performance Problems.
The Active Session History (ASH) reports enable you to analyze transient
performance problems with the database that are short-lived and do not appear
in the ADDM analysis.
3. Resolve performance degradation over time, as described in Resolving
Performance Degradation Over Time.
The Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Compare Periods report enables you
to compare database performance between two periods of time, and resolve
performance degradation that may happen from one time period to another.
4. Validate that the changes made have produced the desired effect, and verify that
the users experience performance improvements.
5. Repeat these steps until your performance goals are met or become impossible to
achieve due to other constraints.
Chapter 2
Common Performance Problems Found in Databases
Chapter 2
Common Performance Problems Found in Databases
Chapter 2
Common Performance Problems Found in Databases
See Also:
Oracle Database Testing Guide to know more about how to use SQL
Performance Analyzer
Part II
Proactive Database Tuning
Part II describes how to tune Oracle Database proactively on a regular basis and
contains the following chapters:
• Automatic Database Performance Monitoring
• Monitoring Real-Time Database Performance
• Monitoring Real-Time Database Operations
• Monitoring Performance Alerts
Automatic Database Performance
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) automatically detects and reports
performance problems with the database. The results are displayed as ADDM
findings on the Database Home page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
(Cloud Control). Reviewing the ADDM findings enables you to quickly identify the
performance problems that require your attention. Before using another performance
tuning method described in this guide, first review the results of the ADDM analysis.
Each ADDM finding provides a list of recommendations for reducing the impact of
the performance problem. You should review ADDM findings and implement the
recommendations every day as part of regular database maintenance. Even when
the database is operating at an optimal performance level, you should continue to use
ADDM to monitor database performance on an ongoing basis.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Overview of Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
• Configuring Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
• Reviewing the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Analysis
• Interpretation of Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Findings
• Implementing Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Recommendations
• Viewing Snapshot Statistics
See Also:
Chapter 3
Overview of Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
ADDM Analysis
An ADDM analysis is performed after each AWR snapshot (every hour by default),
and the results are saved in the database. You can then view the results using Cloud
The ADDM analysis is performed from the top down, first identifying symptoms and
then refining the analysis to reach the root causes of performance problems. ADDM
uses the DB time statistic to identify performance problems. Database time (DB) time
is the cumulative time spent by the database in processing user requests, including
both the wait time and CPU time of all user sessions that are not idle.
The goal of database performance tuning is to reduce the DB time of the system for
a given workload. By reducing DB time, the database can support more user requests
by using the same or fewer resources. ADDM reports system resources that are using
a significant portion of DB time as problem areas and sorts them in descending order
by the amount of related DB time spent.
See Also:
"Time Model Statistics" for more information about the DB time statistic
ADDM Recommendations
In addition to diagnosing performance problems, ADDM recommends possible
solutions. When appropriate, ADDM recommends multiple solutions from which you
can choose. ADDM recommendations include the following:
• Hardware changes
Adding CPUs or changing the I/O subsystem configuration
• Database configuration
Changing initialization parameter settings
• Schema changes
Hash partitioning a table or index, or using automatic segment space management
• Application changes
Using the cache option for sequences or using bind variables
• Using other advisors
Running SQL Tuning Advisor on high-load SQL statements or running the
Segment Advisor on hot objects
Chapter 3
Overview of Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
ADDM benefits apply beyond production systems. Even on development and test
systems, ADDM can provide an early warning of potential performance problems.
Performance tuning is an iterative process. Fixing one problem can cause a bottleneck
to shift to another part of the system. Even with the benefit of the ADDM analysis, it
can take multiple tuning cycles to reach a desirable level of performance.
See Also:
A multitenant container database is the only supported architecture in Oracle
Database 21c. While the documentation is being revised, legacy terminology
may persist. In most cases, "database" and "non-CDB" refer to a CDB or
PDB, depending on context. In some contexts, such as upgrades, "non-CDB"
refers to a non-CDB from a previous release.
To use ADDM in a PDB, you must enable automatic snapshots in the PDB by setting
the AWR_PDB_AUTOFLUSH_ENABLED initialization parameter to TRUE and AWR snapshot
interval greater than 0.
See Also:
Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide for more information about
using ADDM in a multitenant environment
Chapter 3
Configuring Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
Chapter 3
Configuring Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
See Also:
1. Measure the average read time of a single database block for your hardware.
This measurement must be taken for random I/O, which includes seek time if you
use standard hard drives. Typical values for hard drives are between 5000 and
20000 microseconds.
See Also:
Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide to learn how to assess the
I/O capability of the storage subsystem
2. Set the value one time for all subsequent ADDM executions.
For example, if the measured value is 8000 microseconds, then execute the
following PL/SQL code as the SYS user:
Chapter 3
Configuring Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
The data in the snapshot interval is analyzed by ADDM. ADDM compares the
differences between snapshots to determine which SQL statements to capture, based
on the effect on the system load. The ADDM analysis shows the number of SQL
statements that need to be captured over time.
This section contains the following topics:
• Creating Snapshots
• Modifying Snapshot Settings
Creating Snapshots
Manually creating snapshots is usually not necessary because AWR generates
snapshots of the performance data once every hour by default. In some cases,
however, it may be necessary to manually create snapshots to capture different
durations of activity, such as when you want to compare performance data over a
shorter period than the snapshot interval.
To create snapshots:
1. Access the Database Home page.
See "Accessing the Database Home Page" for more information.
2. From the Performance menu, select AWR and then select AWR Administration.
If the Database Login page appears, then log in as a user with administrator
privileges. The Automatic Workload Repository page appears.
3. Under Manage Snapshots and Baselines, click the number next to Snapshots.
The Snapshots page appears with a list of the most recent snapshots.
4. Click Create.
The Confirmation page appears.
5. Click Yes.
The Processing: Create Snapshot page is displayed while the snapshot is being
After the snapshot is taken, the Snapshots page reappears with a Confirmation
The following screenshot of the list of snapshots shows that a snapshot was
created at 9:24:25 a.m. The ID of the snapshot is 383.
Chapter 3
Configuring Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
3. Click Edit.
The Edit Settings page appears.
Chapter 3
Reviewing the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Analysis
Chapter 3
Reviewing the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Analysis
The ADDM Findings link shows how many ADDM findings were found in the most
recent ADDM analysis.
Chapter 3
Interpretation of Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Findings
4. Optionally, click the Zoom icons to shorten or lengthen the analysis period
displayed on the chart.
5. To view the ADDM findings in a report, click View Report.
The View Report page appears.
You can click Save to File to save the report for later access.
Chapter 3
Implementing Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Recommendations
Recommendations are composed of actions and rationales. You must apply all the
actions of a recommendation to gain its estimated benefit. The rationales explain
why the set of actions are recommended, and provide additional information for
implementing them. An ADDM action may present multiple solutions. If this is the
case, then choose the easiest solution to implement.
Chapter 3
Implementing Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Recommendations
Chapter 3
Implementing Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Recommendations
The Finding History page shows how often a particular finding has occurred in
a selected 3-hour interval. You can use this information to determine whether
the finding was a transient or a persistent problem in the system. Based on this
Chapter 3
Viewing Snapshot Statistics
information, you can determine whether the actions associated with the finding
should be implemented.
The Active Sessions stacked area chart shows the impact of the finding and of the
other loads on the system. You can change the display as follows:
a. To move the 3-hour interval, click and drag the shaded box in the Active
Sessions chart.
b. To change dates, enter the desired date in the View field, and then click Go.
c. To view details about a finding, under Detail for Selected 3 Hour Interval, click
the link in the Finding Details column to display the Performance Finding
Details page for the corresponding ADDM finding.
9. Optionally, create a filter to suppress known findings that have been tuned or
cannot be tuned further. To create filters for a selected ADDM finding:
a. Click Filters.
The Filters for Finding page appears.
b. Click Create.
The Create Filter for Finding page appears.
c. In the Name field, enter a name for the ADDM filter.
d. In the Active Sessions field, specify the filter criteria in terms of the number of
active sessions.
The database filters the ADDM finding for future ADDM runs if the number of
active sessions for the finding is less than the specified filter criteria.
e. In the % Active Sessions field, specify the filter criteria in terms of percentage
of active sessions.
The database filters the ADDM finding for future ADDM runs if the number of
active sessions for the finding is less than the specified filter criteria.
f. Click OK.
10. Perform the required action of a chosen recommendation.
Depending on the type of action you choose to perform, various options may be
available, such as Implement or Run Advisor Now. These options enable you to
implement the recommendation immediately with a single mouse click.
In the example shown in Figure 3-2, the simplest solution is to click Run Advisor
Now to immediately run a SQL Tuning Advisor task on the SQL statement.
See Also:
Chapter 3
Viewing Snapshot Statistics
problems. Snapshot statistics are intended primarily for advanced users, such as
DBAs accustomed to using Statspack for performance analysis.
Chapter 3
Viewing Snapshot Statistics
See Also:
Monitoring Real-Time Database
The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) automatically identifies
performance problems with the database, as described in Automatic Database
Performance Monitoring. Information on performance appears on the Performance
page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control).
By drilling down to other pages from the Performance page, you can identify database
performance problems in real time. If you find a problem, then you can run ADDM
manually to analyze it immediately without having to wait until the next ADDM
analysis. To learn how to run ADDM manually, see "Manually Running ADDM to
Analyze Current Database Performance".
This chapter describes how to monitor some aspects of database activity. It contains
the following sections:
• Monitoring User Activity
• Monitoring Instance Activity
• Monitoring Host Activity
• Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity
• Customizing the Database Performance page
Chapter 4
Monitoring User Activity
Figure 4-1 shows an example of one dimension of the Average Active Sessions
chart on the Performance Hub page.
Each color-filled area on the stacked area chart shows the average active
sessions for the specified event at the specified time. In the chart, the average
active sessions amount for each event is stacked upon the one below it. The
events appear on the chart in the order shown in the legend, with CPU starting
at zero on the y-axis and the other events stacked in ascending order, from CPU
Wait to Other. The wait classes show how much database activity is consumed by
waiting for a resource such as disk I/O.
The CPU Cores line at 2 on the y-axis indicates the number of CPUs on the host
system. When the CPU value reaches the CPU Cores line, the database instance
is consuming 100 percent of CPU time on the system.
The last item in the graph title Average Active Sessions by Wait Class is a
drop-down menu for other dimensions to view the performance. Wait Class is the
The main dimensions are:
• Wait Class
• Wait Event
• Instance
• Service
• Module
• Action
• User Session
The Active Sessions Working page shows a 1-hour timeline. Details for each wait
class are shown in 5-minute intervals.
You can view the details of wait classes in different dimensions by proceeding to
one of the following sections:
• Monitoring Top Dimensions
• Monitoring SQL
• Monitoring PL/SQL
Chapter 4
Monitoring User Activity
Chapter 4
Monitoring User Activity
The Average Active Sessions by drop-down contains a Top Dimensions fly-out with
the following common views:
• Wait Class
• Wait Event
• Instance
• Service
• Module
• Action
• User Session
Monitoring SQL
The Average Active Sessions by drop-down contains a SQL fly-out with the following
common views:
• Top Level SQL ID
• SQL Force Matching Signature
• SQL Plan Hash Value
• SQL Full Plan Hash Value
Chapter 4
Monitoring User Activity
To monitor SQL:
1. Access the Performance Hub page, as explained in "Monitoring User Activity".
2. Click on the drop-down in Average Active Sessions by, mouse onto SQL, and
select the desired view from the fly-out.
• Top Level SQL ID
• SQL Force Matching Signature
• SQL Plan Hash Value
• SQL Full Plan Hash Value
• SQL Plan Operation
• SQL Plan Operation Line
• SQL Opcode
• Top Level SQL Opcode
Graphs, tables, and information on the page are updated to reflect the selected
See Also:
Monitoring PL/SQL
The Average Active Sessions by drop-down contains a PL/SQL fly-out with the
following common views:
• Top Level PL/SQL
To monitor PL/SQL:
1. Access the Performance Hub page, as explained in "Monitoring User Activity".
2. Click on the drop-down in Average Active Sessions by, mouse onto PL/SQL,
and select the desired view from the fly-out.
Chapter 4
Monitoring User Activity
• Top Level PL/SQL
Graphs, tables, and information on the page are updated to reflect the selected
Chapter 4
Monitoring User Activity
• Program
• Session Type
A service is a group of applications with common attributes, service-level thresholds,
and priorities. For example, the SYS$USERS service is the default service name used
when a user session is established without explicitly identifying a service name. The
SYS$BACKGROUND service consists of all database background processes. If a service is
using the majority of the wait time, then you should investigate it.
A session is a logical entity in the database instance memory that represents the state
of a current user login to the database. A session lasts from the time a user logs in to
the database until the user disconnects. For example, when a user starts SQL*Plus,
the user must provide a valid database user name and password to establish a
session. If a single session is consuming the majority of database activity, then you
should investigate it.
Chapter 4
Monitoring Instance Activity
A client can be a web browser or any client process that initiates a request for the
database to perform an operation. If a single client is using the majority of the wait
time, then you should investigate it.
Modules represent the applications that set the service name as part of the workload
definition. For example, the DBMS_SCHEDULER module may assign jobs that run within
the SYS$BACKGROUND service. If a single module is using the majority of the wait time,
then it should be investigated.
Monitoring Throughput
Database throughput measures the amount of work the database performs in a unit
of time. The Throughput charts show any contention that appears in the Average
Active Sessions chart.
Compare the peaks on the Throughput charts with the peaks on the Average Active
Sessions chart. If the Average Active Sessions chart displays a large number of
Chapter 4
Monitoring Instance Activity
sessions waiting, indicating internal contention, but throughput is high, then the
situation may be acceptable. The database is probably also performing efficiently if
internal contention is low but throughput is high. However, if internal contention is high
but throughput is low, then consider tuning the database.
To monitor throughput:
1. Access the Database Home page.
See "Accessing the Database Home Page" for more information.
2. From the Performance menu, select Performance Home.
If the Database Login page appears, then log in as a user with administrator
privileges. The Performance page appears.
3. Click the Throughput tab.
4. Select one of the following Instance Throughput Rate options.
• Per Second
Two charts appear. One shows the number of logons and transactions per
second and the other shows the physical reads and redo size per second.
Figure 4-3 shows the Throughput charts with the Instance Throughput Rate of
Per Second selected. The bar in the middle of the figure indicates a portion of
the charts (from approximately 1:37 to 1:52) that has been removed for space
considerations. In Figure 4-3, the most transactions occurred from 1:15 to 1:27
p.m. and from 2:08 to 2:12 p.m.
• Per Transaction
One chart appears that shows the number of physical reads and redo size per
Monitoring I/O
The I/O charts show I/O statistics collected from all database clients. The I/O wait time
for a database process represents the amount of time that the process could have
been doing useful work if a pending I/O had completed. Oracle Database captures the
Chapter 4
Monitoring Instance Activity
I/O wait times for all important I/O components in a uniform fashion so that every I/O
wait by any Oracle process can be derived from the I/O statistics.
The Latency for Synchronous Single Block Reads chart shows the total perceived I/O
latency for a block read, which is the time difference between when an I/O request is
submitted and when the first byte of the transfer arrives. Most systems are performing
satisfactorily if latency is fewer than 10 milliseconds. This type of I/O request is the
best indicator of I/O performance for the following reasons:
• Write operations may exhibit good performance because of write caches in
• Because multiblock I/O requests have varying sizes, they can take different
amounts of time.
• The latency of asynchronous I/O requests does not represent the full I/O wait time.
The other charts shown depend on your selection for I/O Breakdown, as described in
the following sections:
• Monitoring I/O by Function
• Monitoring I/O by Type
• Monitoring I/O by Consumer Group
Chapter 4
Monitoring Instance Activity
• Activity
This category includes XDB, Advanced Queuing (AQ), Data Pump, Recovery, and
• I/O type
The category includes the following:
– Direct Writes
This write is made by a foreground process and is not from the buffer cache.
– Direct Reads
This read is physical I/O from a data file that bypasses the buffer cache and
reads the data block directly into process-private memory.
– Buffer Cache Reads
• Others
This category includes I/Os such as control file I/Os.
See Also:
Chapter 4
Monitoring Instance Activity
KB. Large I/Os are generated by database operations such as table/index scans,
direct data loads, backups, restores, and archiving.
When optimizing for short transaction times, such as in an OLTP environment, monitor
latency for small I/Os. High latencies typically indicate that the storage system is a
When optimizing for large queries, such as in a data warehouse, performance
depends on the maximum throughput the storage system can achieve rather than
the latency of the I/O requests. In this case, monitor the I/O megabytes per second
rather than the synchronous single-block I/O latencies.
Chapter 4
Monitoring Instance Activity
Chapter 4
Monitoring Instance Activity
Monitoring Services
Services represent groups of applications with common attributes, service-level
thresholds, and priorities. For example, the SYS$USERS service is the default service
name used when a user session is established without explicitly identifying a service
To monitor services:
1. Access the Database Home page.
See "Accessing the Database Home Page" for more information.
2. From the Performance menu, select Performance Home.
If the Database Login page appears, then log in as a user with administrator
privileges. The Performance page appears.
Chapter 4
Monitoring Host Activity
Chapter 4
Monitoring Host Activity
4. Set the appropriate threshold values for the performance metrics so the system
can automatically generate alerts when these thresholds are exceeded.
For information about setting metric thresholds, see "Setting Metric Thresholds for
Performance Alerts".
Chapter 4
Monitoring Host Activity
9. Verify the current CPU load using the CPU Load chart.
The CPU Load chart shows the CPU load over the last hour and a half. The
current value is displayed below the chart. During standard workload hours, the
value of CPU load should not exceed the warning threshold.
CPU load represents the average number of processes waiting to be scheduled
for CPU resources in the previous minute, or the level of CPU contention time over
10. Under the graph for CPU Load, click the link CPU Load.
See Also:
Chapter 4
Monitoring Host Activity
This page contains statistics about memory utilization, page scan rates, and swap
utilization gathered over the last hour. The top 10 processes are also listed
ordered by memory utilization. Figure 4-8 shows a portion of the Memory Details
page. The Top 10 Processes (ordered by Memory) section is not shown.
3. Verify the current memory page scan rate using the Memory Page Scan Rate
The current value of the memory page scan rate is displayed below the chart. On
UNIX and Linux, this value represents the number of pages scanned per second.
On Microsoft Windows, this value represents the rate at which pages are read
from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This value is a primary indicator
of the types of faults that may be causing system-wide delays.
4. Click Memory Scan Rate (pages per second).
The Memory Page Scan Rate page appears.
This page contains memory page scan rate statistics and related alerts over the
last 24 hours.
If you notice an unexpected increase in this value that is sustained through
standard workload hours, then a memory performance problem might exist.
5. Return to the Memory Details page. From the Host drop-down menu, select
Monitoring, and then Memory Details.
6. Using the Memory Utilization chart, verify the current memory utilization.
The Memory Utilization chart shows how much memory is being used. The current
value of memory utilization is displayed below the chart. During standard workload
hours, the value should not exceed the warning threshold (shown in yellow).
7. Click Memory Utilization (%).
The Memory Utilization page appears.
This page contains memory utilization statistics and related alerts generated over
the last 24 hours.
Chapter 4
Monitoring Host Activity
In this example, memory utilization has exceeded 80%, so warnings appear in the
Metric Alert History table.
If you notice an unexpected spike in this value that is sustained through normal
workload hours, then a memory performance problem might exist.
8. Return to the Memory Details page. From the Host drop-down menu, select
Monitoring, and then Memory Details.
9. Using the Swap Utilization chart, verify current swap utilization.
The Swap Utilization chart shows how much swap space is being used. The
current value of swap utilization is displayed below the chart. During normal
workload hours, the value should not exceed the warning threshold.
10. Click Swap Utilization (%).
Chapter 4
Monitoring Host Activity
See Also:
Chapter 4
Monitoring Host Activity
3. Verify the current disk I/O utilization using the Total Disk I/O Made Across All Disks
The Total Disk I/O Made Across All Disks chart shows how many disk I/Os are
being performed per second. The current value for total disk I/O per second is
displayed below the chart. In Figure 4-9 the value is 153.07.
4. Click Total Disk I/O made across all disks (per second).
The Total Disk I/O Made Across All Disks (Per Second) page appears.
This page contains disk utilization statistics and related alerts generated over the
last 24 hours.
If you notice an unexpected spike in this value that is sustained through standard
workload hours, then a disk I/O performance problem might exist and should be
5. Verify the current I/O service time using the Max Average Disk I/O Service Time
(ms) Among All Disks chart.
The Max Average Disk I/O Service Time (ms) Among All Disks chart shows the
longest service time for disk I/Os in milliseconds. The current value for longest I/O
service time is displayed below the chart. In Figure 4-9 the value is 1.79.
6. Return to the Disk Details page. From the Host drop-down menu, select
Monitoring, and then Disk Details.
7. Click Max Average Disk I/O (ms) Service Time Among All Disks.
This page contains I/O service time statistics and related alerts generated over the
last 24 hours.
If you notice an unexpected spike in this value that is sustained through normal
workload hours, then a disk I/O performance problem might exist and should be
8. Return to the Disk Details page. From the Host drop-down menu, select
Monitoring, and then Disk Details.
Chapter 4
Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity
9. On the Disk Details page, verify the disk devices in the Top Disk Devices
(ordered by % Busy) table.
If a particular disk is busy a high percentage of the time, then this disk should be
10. If a disk I/O performance problem is identified, you can attempt to resolve the
problem by doing the following:
• Use Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) to manage
database storage.
• Stripe everything across every disk to distribute I/O.
• Move files such as archived redo logs and online redo logs to separate disks.
• Store required data in memory to reduce the number of physical I/Os.
See Also:
Chapter 4
Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity
3. To view a high-level perspective of top activity during a selected time period, drag
the entire shaded slider area in the top chart to the desired time period.
You can change the amount of time selected in the shaded slider area by
selecting the control at either edge of the slider and dragging it to the left
or right.
You can select a time period within the default setting of one hour or you
can use the selector buttons above the chart to display time periods of
one day, one week, or one month. You can also use the Calendar and
Custom buttons to display a time period other than one of the preset
4. To view a more detailed perspective of your selected time period, use the Activity
chart on the page. By default, the chart shows a breakdown of workload activity by
wait classes.
5. Investigate the impact by viewing detailed statistics for the top activity sessions
that are adversely affecting the system.
To view detailed statistics for a session:
a. Select the largest spike in the chart or the corresponding wait class in the
legend beside the chart. The viewer now filters out everything in the chart
except for the wait class of interest.
Chapter 4
Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity
For example, if the chart shows that the Concurrency wait class has the
biggest spike, select the chart area of the legend for Concurrency. The viewer
refreshes the chart and now only shows the Concurrency value and displays a
Wait Class: Concurrency icon in the Filters bar.
You can create an unlimited number of filters.
b. In the Activity section, select Top Dimensions from the dimensions list.
The chart refreshes in response to your selection, displaying values for the
particular category you selected.
For instance, if you create a filter for Concurrency as described above, then
select Top Dimensions from the list, and then select User Session, the chart
shows user sessions only for Concurrency.
Figure 4-11 shows the list of activities with Top Dimensions selected.
6. Optionally, use the Load Map for a graphical view of system activity.
The Load Map is useful for viewing activity in a single- or multi-dimensional layout
when you are not interested in seeing how activity has changed over time during
the selected period.
Figure 4-12 shows the load map for activity by wait class and wait events.
Chapter 4
Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity
Monitoring Real-Time Database Operations
This chapter describes how to monitor current and recent database operations in
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control). This chapter contains the
following topics:
• About Monitoring Database Operations
• Creating a Database Operation
• Monitoring Database Operations in Cloud Control
See Also:
See Also:
Chapter 5
About Monitoring Database Operations
operation starts automatically when a SQL statement runs in parallel, or when it has
consumed at least 5 seconds of CPU or I/O time in a single execution.
A composite database operation is activity between two defined points in time in
a database session. You begin and end a composite operation by using PL/SQL
procedures, as shown in "Creating a Database Operation". Only one composite
database operation at a time can run in a database session.
See Also:
Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about
consumer group switching by setting resource limits using the Resource
Chapter 5
Creating a Database Operation
When tuning a database operation, you typically want to improve the response
time. Often the database operation performance issues are mainly SQL
performance issues.
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide for more information about how to
disable real-time database operations monitoring
Chapter 5
Creating a Database Operation
v1 number;
SELECT cust_city
FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) cnt, cust_city
FROM sh.customers GROUP BY cust_city
ORDER BY 1 desc);
FOR i IN c1
v1 := 0;
SELECT MAX(amount_sold)
FROM sh.sales
WHERE cust_id IN (select cust_id FROM sh.customers WHERE cust_city=i.cust_city);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Amount: '||v1);
(SELECT MAX(amount_sold) asld, cust_id FROM sh.sales WHERE cust_id IN
(SELECT cust_id FROM sh.customers WHERE cust_city IN
(SELECT cust_city FROM
(SELECT count(*) cnt, cust_city FROM sh.customers
GROUP BY cust_city HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
GROUP BY cust_id)
Starting with Oracle Database 19c, database users without the administrative
privileges can also create composite database operations using the
DBMS_SQL_MONITOR package subprograms and view the SQL execution
details of those operations, including the execution plans and performance
metrics, by navigating to the Monitored SQL Executions page of Cloud
See Also:
Chapter 5
Monitoring Database Operations in Cloud Control
Starting with Oracle Database 19c, database users without the administrative
privileges can also view the execution plans and performance metrics of their
SQL statements by navigating to the Monitored SQL Executions page of
Cloud Control.
See Also:
Chapter 5
Monitoring Database Operations in Cloud Control
Chapter 5
Monitoring Database Operations in Cloud Control
Chapter 5
Monitoring Database Operations in Cloud Control
Monitoring Performance Alerts
Oracle Database includes a built-in alerts infrastructure to notify you of impending
problems with the database. Alerts are a type of event and events comprise incidents.
A problem is a special type of incident.
By default, Oracle Database enables some alerts, including the following:
• Archive Area Used
• Current Open Cursors Count
• Recovery Area Free Space
• Tablespace Space Used
In addition to these default alerts, you can set metric thresholds so that Oracle
Database generates alerts to notify you about the database performance conditions
that you specify.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Setting Metric Thresholds for Performance Alerts
• Responding to Alerts
• Clearing Alerts
See Also:
Chapter 6
Responding to Alerts
of users blocked by a particular session exceeds the metric threshold. This alert is
relevant regardless of how the environment is configured.
To obtain the most relevant information from performance alerts, set the threshold
values of performance metrics to values that represent desirable boundaries for your
system. You can then fine-tune these values over time until your system meets or
exceeds your performance goals.
See Also:
Responding to Alerts
When an alert is generated by Oracle Database, it appears in the Incidents and
Problems section of the Database Home page.
Figure 6-1 shows the Incidents and Problems section of the Database Home page.
The section is below the SQL Monitor - Last Hour section in the default layout of the
Figure 6-1 Incidents and Problems Section of the Database Home Page
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) enables you to configure
alerts to be sent by email, pager, or text messaging.
Chapter 6
Clearing Alerts
To respond to an alert:
1. Access the Database Home page.
See "Accessing the Database Home Page" for more information.
2. In the table in the Incidents and Problems section, find the alert that you want to
investigate and click the link in the Summary column.
If the Database Login page appears, then log in as a user with administrator
privileges. An Incident Manager page appears that contains further information
about the alert. For example, clicking the value in the first row of the Summary
column in Figure 6-1 causes the Incident Manager Problem Details page shown in
Figure 6-2 to appear. The General sub-page is selected.
Clearing Alerts
Most alerts, such as the CPU Utilization alert, are cleared automatically when the
cause of the problem disappears. However, other alerts, such as the Generic Alert Log
Error or Generic Incident alert, must be acknowledged.
After taking the necessary corrective measures, you can clear an alert.
Chapter 6
Clearing Alerts
To clear alerts:
1. Access the Database Home page.
See "Accessing the Database Home Page" for more information.
2. In the Incidents and Problems section, click the link in the Summary column of the
table. See Figure 6-1 for a screenshot of the section.
The Incident Manager Problem Details page appears. If the incident or problem
can be manually cleared, the Clear button appears in the Tracking section.
What happens if the Clear button does not appear. How is the problem cleared?
3. In the Tracking section, click Clear.
Part III
Reactive Database Tuning
Part III describes how to tune Oracle Database in response to a reported problem,
such as when the user reports a performance problem with the database that must be
tuned immediately.
This part contains the following chapters:
• Manual Database Performance Monitoring
• Resolving Transient Performance Problems
• Resolving Performance Degradation Over Time
Using Autonomous Database Warehouse
in Automatic Workload Repository
Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) is supported in AWR Warehouse. The ADW
must be discovered as an Enterprise Manager (EM) target. In addition to other AWR
information, the user needs to provide for ADW:
• A Named OCI Credential to access Object Store. This is created in EM.
• Object Store base URI.
• Bucket Name.
When the warehouse is ADW, these features are disabled in the AWR dashboard in
• Edit Warehouse
• Restore Warehouse if the warehouse is on error state
If the EM does not detect when ADG switch-over has occurred for a database, you can
manually restore the source database to the new ADG primary.
Manual Database Performance Monitoring
You can run the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) manually to
monitor current and historical database performance. Typically, you use the automatic
diagnostic feature of ADDM to identify performance problems with the database. As
described in Automatic Database Performance Monitoring, ADDM runs once every
hour by default. You can configure ADDM to run at a different time interval. However,
in some cases you may want to run ADDM manually.
You can run ADDM manually to analyze a time period that is longer than one ADDM
analysis period. For example, you may want to analyze database performance in a
workday by analyzing 8 consecutive hours. You could analyze each of the individual
ADDM periods within the workday, but this approach may become complicated if
performance problems appear in only some ADDM periods. Alternatively, you can
run ADDM manually with a pair of Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) snapshots
that encompass the 8-hour period. In this case, ADDM identifies the most critical
performance problems in the entire time period.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Manually Running ADDM to Analyze Current Database Performance
• Manually Running ADDM to Analyze Historical Database Performance
• Accessing Previous ADDM Results
Chapter 7
Manually Running ADDM to Analyze Current Database Performance
If the Database Login page appears, then log in as a user with administrator
privileges. The Advisor Central page appears.
3. Under Advisors, select ADDM. The Run ADDM page appears.
In this example, the average active sessions with wait events rose at 10:00 a.m.,
peaking at 10:50 a.m. The number dipped at 11:00 a.m. and then started to rise
again at 11:10 a.m.
4. Select Run ADDM to analyze current performance and click OK.
The Confirmation page appears.
5. Click Yes.
The Processing: Run ADDM Now page appears while the database takes a new
AWR snapshot.
An ADDM run occurs for the time period between the new and the previous
snapshot. After ADDM completes the analysis, the Automatic Database Diagnostic
Monitor (ADDM) page appears with the results.
Chapter 7
Manually Running ADDM to Analyze Historical Database Performance
See Also:
Chapter 7
Manually Running ADDM to Analyze Historical Database Performance
6. Click OK.
After ADDM completes the analysis, the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
(ADDM) page appears with the results of the ADDM run.
Chapter 7
Accessing Previous ADDM Results
See Also:
Chapter 7
Accessing Previous ADDM Results
See Also:
Resolving Transient Performance
Transient performance problems are short-lived and typically do not appear in the
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) analysis. ADDM tries to report the
most significant performance problems during an analysis period in terms of their
effect on database time (DB time). If a problem lasts for a brief time, then its
severity might be averaged out or minimized by other performance problems in
the entire analysis period. Therefore, the problem may not appear in the ADDM
findings. Whether or not a performance problem is captured by ADDM depends on its
duration compared to the interval between the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
If a performance problem lasts for a significant portion of the time between snapshots,
then it is captured by ADDM. For example, if the snapshot interval is one hour, then
a performance problem that lasts 30 minutes should not be considered a transient
performance problem because its duration represents a significant portion of the
snapshot interval and is likely to be captured by ADDM.
On the other hand, a performance problem that lasts 2 minutes could be transient
because its duration is a small portion of the snapshot interval and probably does not
appear in the ADDM findings. For example, if the system was slow between 10:00
p.m. and 10:10 p.m., and if the ADDM analysis for the time period between 10:00 p.m.
and 11:00 p.m. does not show a problem, then a transient problem may have occurred
for only a few minutes of the 10-minute interval.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Overview of Active Session History
• Running Active Session History Reports
• Active Session History Reports
• Diagnosing Serious Performance Problems in Real Time
Chapter 8
Running Active Session History Reports
See Also:
Chapter 8
Running Active Session History Reports
Chapter 8
Active Session History Reports
See Also:
"Active Session History Reports" for descriptions of some of the reports.
6. Optionally, click Save to File to save the report in HTML format for future analysis.
See Also:
Top Events
The Top Events section of the report describes the top wait events of the sampled
session activity categorized by user, background, and priority. Use this information to
identify the wait events that may be the cause of the transient performance problem.
The Top Events section of the report contains the following subsections:
• Top User Events
• Top Background Events
Chapter 8
Active Session History Reports
Load Profile
The Load Profile section of the report describes the load analyzed in the sampled
session activity. Use the information in this section to identify the service, client, or
SQL command type that may be the cause of the transient performance problem.
The Top Service/Module subsection lists the services and modules that accounted for
the highest percentages of sampled session activity. A service is a group of related
database tasks that share common functionality, quality expectations, and priority.
Services are a convenient way to monitor multiple applications. The SYS$USERS and
SYS$BACKGROUND services are always defined.
Figure 8-3 shows that over half of the database activity is consumed by the SYS$USERS
service running the SQL*Plus module. In this example, it appears that the user
is running high-load SQL that is causing the performance problem indicated in
Figure 8-1. The Top SQL section of the report should be analyzed next to determine
whether a particular type of SQL statement makes up the load.
Chapter 8
Active Session History Reports
See Also:
The Top SQL section of the report describes the top SQL statements of the sampled
session activity. Use this information to identify high-load SQL statements that may
be the cause of the transient performance problem. The Top SQL with Top Events
subsection lists the SQL statements that accounted for the highest percentages of
sampled session activity. The Sampled # of Executions column shows how many
distinct executions of a particular SQL statement were sampled. To view the text of the
SQL statements, click the SQL ID link.
Figure 8-4 shows that over half of DB time is consumed by three DML statements.
These statements were run in the SQL*Plus module shown in Figure 8-3. The
Top Sessions section should be analyzed to identify the sessions running these
Chapter 8
Active Session History Reports
See Also:
Top Sessions
The Top Sessions section lists the sessions that were waiting for the wait event
that accounted for the highest percentages of sampled session activity. Use this
information to identify the sessions that may be the cause of the performance problem.
The # Samples Active column shows the number of ASH samples in which the
session was found waiting for that particular event. The percentage is calculated
based on wall-clock time.
In Figure 8-5, the # Samples Active column shows that of the 300 times that ASH
sampled database activity, the HR session (SID 123) performed a sequential read 243
times and a flashback operation 36 times. So, HR was active at least 93% of the time.
The session consumed 27% of the total activity (much less than 93%) because other
sessions, including the SH session, were also active.
It appears that the HR and SH sessions were running the high-load SQL statement in
Figure 8-4. You should investigate this session to determine whether it is performing
a legitimate operation and tune the SQL statement if possible. If tuning the SQL is
not possible, and if a session is causing an unacceptable performance impact on the
system, then consider terminating the session.
See Also:
Top DB Objects/Files/Latches
The Top Objects/Files/Latches section provides additional information about the most
commonly-used database resources and contains the following subsections:
Chapter 8
Active Session History Reports
• Top DB Objects
• Top DB Files
• Top Latches
Top DB Objects
The Top DB Objects subsection lists the database objects (such as tables and
indexes) that accounted for the highest percentages of sampled session activity.
The example in Figure 8-6 shows that the hr.departments and hr.employees tables
account for a high percentage of activity. Enqueue waits are waits for locks. In this
example, the wait is for the TM (table) lock. Sometimes these waits indicate unindexed
foreign key constraints. The buffer busy waits event records waits for a buffer
to become available. These waits indicate that multiple processes are attempting to
concurrently access the same buffers in the buffer cache.
Top DB Files
The Top DB Files subsection lists the database files that accounted for the highest
percentages of sampled session activity. Only cluster and I/O events are considered.
The % Event column breaks down the activity by event, so if multiple rows exist in this
table, then the sampled activity is divided among multiple events.
Figure 8-7 shows that about 11 percent of DB time involves waits for the UNDOTBS
tablespace. This information is consistent with Figure 8-4, which shows significant
DML activity from multiple sessions.
Chapter 8
Active Session History Reports
Top Latches
The Top Latches subsection lists the latches that accounted for the highest
percentages of sampled session activity. Latches are simple, low-level serialization
mechanisms to protect shared data structures in the System Global Area (SGA).
Chapter 8
Active Session History Reports
Each time slot contains session and wait event activity, as described in Table 8-1.
Column Description
Slot Time (Duration) Duration of the slot
Slot Count Number of sampled sessions in the slot
Event Top three wait events in the slot
Chapter 8
Active Session History Reports
Column Description
Event Count Number of ASH samples waiting for the wait event
% Event Percentage of ASH samples waiting for wait events in the entire
analysis period
All inner slots are the same number of minutes each for easy comparison. The first
and last slots, called outer slots, are odd-sized because they do not have a fixed slot
When comparing the inner slots, perform a skew analysis by identifying spikes. A
spike in the Slot Count column indicates an increase in active sessions and a relative
increase in database workload. A spike in the Event Count column indicates an
increase in the number of sampled sessions waiting for an event. Typically, when the
number of active session samples and the number of sessions associated with a wait
event increase, the slot may be the cause of the transient performance problem.
Resolving Performance Degradation Over
Performance degradation of the database occurs when your database was performing
optimally in the past, such as 6 months ago, but has gradually degraded to a point
where it becomes noticeable to the users. The Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
Compare Periods report enables you to compare database performance between two
periods of time.
While an AWR report shows AWR data between two snapshots (or two points in time),
the AWR Compare Periods report shows the difference between two periods (or two
AWR reports with a total of four snapshots). Using the AWR Compare Periods report
helps you to identify detailed performance attributes and configuration settings that
differ between two time periods. The two time periods selected for the AWR Compare
Periods report can be of different durations. The report normalizes the statistics by the
amount of time spent on the database for each time period and presents statistical
data ordered by the largest difference between the periods.
For example, a batch workload that historically completed in the maintenance
window between 10:00 p.m. and midnight is currently showing poor performance and
completing at 2 a.m. You can generate an AWR Compare Periods report from 10:00
p.m. to midnight on a day when performance was good and from 10:00 a.m. to 2 a.m.
on a day when performance was poor. The comparison of these reports should identify
configuration settings, workload profile, and statistics that were different in these two
time periods. Based on the differences identified, you can diagnose the cause of the
performance degradation.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Managing Baselines
• Running the AWR Compare Periods Reports
• Using the AWR Compare Periods Reports
See Also:
Managing Baselines
Baselines are an effective way to diagnose performance problems. AWR supports the
capture of baseline data by enabling you to specify and preserve a pair or a range of
snapshots as a baseline. The snapshots contained in a baseline are excluded from the
automatic AWR purging process and are retained indefinitely.
Chapter 9
Managing Baselines
A moving window baseline corresponds to all AWR data that exists within the AWR
retention period. Oracle Database automatically maintains a system-defined moving
window baseline. The default size of the window is the current AWR retention period,
which by default is 8 days.
This section contains the following topics:
• Creating a Baseline
• Deleting a Baseline
• Computing Threshold Statistics for Baselines
• Setting Metric Thresholds for Baselines
Creating a Baseline
Before creating a baseline, carefully consider the time period you choose as a
baseline because it should represent the database operating at an optimal level. In the
future, you can compare these baselines with other baselines or snapshots captured
during periods of poor performance to analyze performance degradation over time.
You can create the following types of baseline:
• Creating a Single Baseline
• Creating a Repeating Baseline
Chapter 9
Managing Baselines
4. Click Create.
The Create Baseline: Baseline Interval Type page appears.
7. Under Baseline Interval, select whether to use a snapshot range or a time range
for the baseline. Do one of the following:
• To use a range, select Snapshot Range. Complete the following steps:
Chapter 9
Managing Baselines
– Under Select Time Period, specify a start time for the baseline by
selecting Period Start Time radio button and then a snapshot icon below
the Active Sessions chart that corresponds to the desired start time.
– Specify an end time for the baseline by selecting Period End Time radio
button and then a snapshot icon below the Active Sessions chart that
corresponds to the desired end time.
– Optionally, to view older snapshots that are not displayed below the
Active Sessions chart, expand Change Chart Time Period. Enter the
desired start date in the Chart Start Date field and the desired end date in
the Chart End Date field, and click Go.
In this example, a snapshot range of February 7, 2012 from 10:50 a.m. to
11:20 a.m. is selected.
• To use a time range, select Time Range. Complete the following steps:
– In the Start Time fields, select a start time for the baseline.
– In the End Time fields, select an end time for the baseline.
In the following example, a time range from 12:20 p.m. to 12:35 p.m. on
February 7, 2012 is selected.
8. Click Finish.
The AWR Baselines page returns and has a new item for just created baseline.
Chapter 9
Managing Baselines
2. Click Create.
The Create Baseline: Baseline Interval Type page appears.
3. Select Repeating and then click Continue.
The Create Baseline: Repeating Baseline Template page appears.
4. In the Baseline Name Prefix field, enter a name prefix for the baseline.
5. Under Baseline Time Period, specify the time of the day that you want the
baseline to begin collecting AWR data and the duration of the baseline collection.
6. Under Frequency, do one of the following:
• Select Daily if you want the baseline to repeat on a daily basis.
• Select Weekly if you want the baseline to repeat on a weekly basis, and then
select the day of the week on which the baseline repeats.
7. Under Interval of Baseline Creation, complete the following steps:
a. In the Start Time fields, select a date and time in the future when the data
collection should begin.
b. In the End Time fields, select a date and time in the future when the data
collection should end.
8. Under Purge Policy, enter the number of days to retain captured baselines.
9. Click Finish.
A baseline template with the same name as the baseline name prefix is created. A
baseline template is a specification that enables Oracle Database to automatically
generate a baseline for a future time period.
This example creates a baseline that repeats weekly on Mondays from 8:00 a.m.
to 10:00 a.m. from February 6, 2009 to February 6, 2010. Every captured baseline
expires after 30 days.
Deleting a Baseline
To conserve storage space, you may want to periodically delete unused baselines
stored in the database.
Chapter 9
Managing Baselines
To delete a baseline:
1. Access the AWR Baselines page, as explained in "Creating a Single Baseline".
2. Select a baseline and click Delete.
The Confirmation page appears.
3. Select whether to purge the underlying data associated with the baseline.
The underlying data includes the individual snapshots preserved in the baseline
and any statistics that are computed for the baseline. Do one of the following:
• To delete the underlying data, select Purge the underlying data associated
with the baseline.
• To preserve the underlying data, select Do not purge the underlying data
associated with the baseline.
4. Click Yes.
The AWR Baselines page reappears. A message informs you that the baseline
was deleted successfully.
Chapter 9
Managing Baselines
3. From the Actions list, select Schedule Statistics Computation, and then click
The Compute Threshold Statistics page appears.
This example computes statistics for the baseline BASELINE_TUE_1120.
See Also:
"Customizing the Database Performance page" for information about
displaying computed statistics on the Performance page
Chapter 9
Managing Baselines
Chapter 9
Managing Baselines
Chapter 9
Running the AWR Compare Periods Reports
The charts on this page provide simple and detailed views of metric activity for a
24-hour period. In the top simple chart, click a day to view the value of the metric
plotted against a 24-hour period.
4. Under AWR Baseline, in the Name list, select either the default
SYSTEM_MOVING_WINDOW or the name of a baseline created in the AWR
Baselines page.
A baseline appears in the AWR Baseline list after you have scheduled statistics
computation from the AWR Baselines page and the statistics have finished
computing on the static baseline.
In this example, BASELINE_TUE_1120 is selected.
The page refreshes to show the charts for the baseline that you selected.
5. In the Threshold Settings section, complete the following steps to change the
a. In the Threshold Type list, select a type.
b. In the Critical list, select a level.
c. In the Warning list, select a value.
d. In the Occurrences list, select a value.
6. Click Apply Thresholds.
The Baseline Metric Thresholds page reappears. The page shows the altered
metric threshold settings.
Chapter 9
Running the AWR Compare Periods Reports
You can use AWR Compare Periods reports to compare the database performance
between two time periods by:
• Comparing a Baseline to Another Baseline or Pair of Snapshots
• Comparing Current System Performance to a Baseline Period
• Comparing Two Pairs of Snapshots
3. Under Manage Snapshots and Baselines, click the link next to Baselines.
The AWR Baselines page appears.
4. Complete the following steps:
a. Select the baseline to use for the report.
At least one existing baseline must be available.
b. From the Actions list, select Compare Periods and then click Go.
The Compare Periods: Second Period Start page appears. Under First Period, the
selected baseline is displayed.
In this example, the baseline named BASELINE_TUE_1120 is selected.
Chapter 9
Running the AWR Compare Periods Reports
5. Compare the baseline selected in the first period to another baseline or a pair of
snapshots. Do one of the following:
• To compare to another baseline, select Select a Baseline and the baseline
you want to use in the second period, and then click Next.
The Compare Periods: Review page appears.
• To compare to a pair of snapshots, select Select Beginning Snapshot and
the beginning snapshot to use in the second period, and then click Next.
This example selects snapshot 18, taken on February 7, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.
The Compare Periods: Second Period End appears. Proceed to the next
6. Select the ending snapshot for the snapshot period to include in the report and
then click Next.
In this example, snapshot 1500, taken on February 7, 2009 at 12:50 p.m., is
Chapter 9
Running the AWR Compare Periods Reports
7. Review the periods to be included in the report and then click Finish.
The Compare Periods: Results page appears.
Data from the selected periods appears under the General subpage. You can view
data per second or per transaction by selecting an option from the View Data list.
If the time periods have different lengths, then the data is normalized
over database time before calculating the difference so that periods of
different lengths can be compared.
In this example, almost every metric shows that more resources were consumed
in the first period. The bar graphs indicate the proportions of the values in the
two periods. The absence of bars indicates equivalent values. The report for this
example shows significantly more database block changes per second and parse
time in the first period than in the second.
Chapter 9
Running the AWR Compare Periods Reports
See Also:
• "Creating a Baseline"
• "Using the AWR Compare Periods Reports"
Chapter 9
Running the AWR Compare Periods Reports
The information displayed shows base period and comparison period values
for various parameters categorized by instance, host, and database.
• Findings
The findings can show performance improvements and identify the major
performance differences caused by system changes. For negative outcomes,
if you understand and remove the cause, the negative outcome can be
The values shown for the Base Period and Comparison Period represent
performance with regard to database time.
The Change Impact value represents a measurement of the scale of a change
in performance from one time period to another. It is applicable to issues
or items measured by the total database time they consumed in each time
period. The absolute values are sorted in descending order.
If the value is positive, an improvement has occurred, and if the value is
negative, a regression has occurred. For instance, a change impact of -200%
means that period 2 is three times as slow as period 1.
You can run performance tuning tools, such as ADDM and the SQL Tuning
Advisor, to fix issues in the comparison period to improve general system
• Resources
The information shown here provides a summary of the division of database
time for both time periods, and shows the resource usage for CPU, memory,
I/O, and interconnect (Oracle RAC only).
5. Based on your observations, decide how to proceed to resolve performance
regressions, then implement your action plan.
Chapter 9
Using the AWR Compare Periods Reports
Chapter 9
Using the AWR Compare Periods Reports
The AWR Compare Periods report is divided into the following sections:
• Summary of the AWR Compare Periods Report
• Details of the AWR Compare Periods Report
• Supplemental Information in the AWR Compare Periods Report
Chapter 9
Using the AWR Compare Periods Reports
Snapshot Sets
The Snapshot Sets section displays information about the snapshot sets used for this
report, such as instance, host, and snapshot information.
In the example shown in Figure 9-1, the first snapshot period corresponds to the
time when performance was stable on February 7 from 10:50 to 11:20. The second
snapshot period corresponds to the time when performance degradation occurred on
the same day from 12:50 to 13:00.
Cache Sizes
The Cache Sizes section compares the database configurations used in the two
snapshot sets. For example, the report compares the SGA and log buffer size.
Differences in the configurations are quantified as percentages in the %Diff column.
Load Profile
The Load Profile section compares the loads used in the two snapshot sets.
Differences in the loads are quantified as percentages in the %Diff column.
Chapter 9
Using the AWR Compare Periods Reports
In this example, the DB time per second was 100% higher in the first period. CPU time
per second was 100% higher.
Chapter 9
Using the AWR Compare Periods Reports
In this example, CPU time and the number of waits for database file sequential reads
are significantly higher in the first period than in the second.
Using Automatic Workload Repository
Warehouse for Generating Performance
The Enterprise Manager AWR Warehouse enables you to consolidate and store
detailed performance data from the Automatic Workload Repository of your important
Oracle databases. This consolidated AWR Warehouse allows DBAs and developers
to view and analyze historical performance data beyond the AWR retention period
of the source database. Enterprise Manager extracts Automatic Workload Repository
(AWR) data from one or more source database targets and transfers it into the AWR
Warehouse, which is maintained independent of the source databases. The AWR
Warehouse lets you keep a long-term history of AWR data, forever, if so configured,
from the selected Enterprise Manager database targets. This enables long-term
analysis of AWR data across databases without performance or storage impact on
the source database targets.
Therefore, by uploading AWR data to a centralized AWR Warehouse, you free up
space and improve performance on your production systems.
Starting in version 19c, AWR supports pluggable databases (PDB) as source
databases that upload their AWR data to the warehouse. Also PDBs can be the AWR
warehouse repository. This feature requires Oracle Database 12.2 and higher as the
source or repository.
To configure an AWR warehouse, an Enterprise Manager administrator needs to
designate an existing Enterprise Manager database target as the AWR Warehouse.
The warehouse target database must be version or higher or version
with the appropriate patch. It also must be an equal or higher database version of the
source databases it accommodates.
The warehouse is built in the SYS schema, using the SYSAUX tablespace by default.
Starting Database 19c, it is possible to specify another tablespace to store the AWR
data collected from all the source databases. This tablespace must exist on the
Warehouse database.
To use the feature, you first need to set up an Oracle database that Enterprise
Manager can use as the AWR Warehouse. After you set up the warehouse database,
you can identify source databases whose repositories you want to extract and upload
to the warehouse.
In Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Platform Release 4 Update 2 ( Active
Data Guard (ADG) supports the switch over when the warehouse database or source
database is configured with ADG and the primary database goes down and the
standby database becomes the primary. After the switchover, the databases are
automatically switched in the AWR warehouse.
Chapter 10
Setting Up the AWR Warehouse
Chapter 10
Setting Up the AWR Warehouse
When adding a new AWR source database, you can specify dump
locations for extract. The location should be a valid directory inside the
source database host (or a shared location in case of a cluster) and
accessible by the host credential specified. By default, the field is empty
and means the dump file location is the default agent directory.
After setup, the right side of the page summarizes the warehouse configuration
and graphically depicts space used as a percentage of space available.
4. Click Configure in the pane to the right of the workflow diagram. The first
configuration page (Repository) appears.
5. Click the search icon to select the database to serve as the AWR Warehouse.
6. Select the preferred or named credentials established for the target database. You
can also provide new credentials.
You can specify a password compliant with password policy for staging schema
during warehouse configuration. If none specified, a complex random password is
used by default.
7. Select the preferred or named credentials established for the target database host.
You can also provide new credentials.
8. Click Next. The second configuration page (AWR Snapshot Management)
9. Set the retention period to a number of years. Optionally, you can choose to retain
the data indefinitely.
10. Set the snapshot upload interval. The default is 24 hours The minimum interval is
one hour. You can also upload snapshots on-demand.
11. Select where on the warehouse database host to save exported dump files. For a
single instance database, the location defaults to the agent state directory. For a
cluster database, you have to specify a location that is accessible to all nodes.
12. Click Submit. This submits a job with the prefix CAW_LOAD_SETUP_.
After initial setup, the AWR Warehouse page becomes a dashboard where you can
perform the following tasks:
• Add and remove source databases.
• Enable and disable snapshot uploads.
Chapter 10
Setting Up the AWR Warehouse
Modifying Warehouse properties affects all the sources and overrides
source level custom properties, if any.
If you modify Host Credential, Database Credential, or Upload
Interval, a Reconfigure Job is triggred and re-schedules the extract and
transfer jobs with the new values.
• Specify dump locations for extract when adding a new AWR source database.
The location should be a valid directory inside the source database
host (shared location in case of a cluster) and accessible by the host
credential specified. By default, the field is empty and uses the default
agent directory.
Chapter 10
Setting Up the AWR Warehouse
Chapter 10
Using Performance Pages with the AWR Warehouse
incremental fashion. If there is too much data to collect initially, the job staggers the
collection process to avoid placing a burden on the source database.
You can also upload snapshots on-demand. Select a source database on
the dashboard and then select Upload Snapshots Now from the Actions
Chapter 10
Using Performance Pages with the AWR Warehouse
You do not have to log in to the source database to view this page.
The AWR Warehouse selection is available only for databases that have
been added as source databases and only to users who have been
granted access.
See Also:
"Monitoring User Activity" for more information about the Performance Home
You do not have to log in to the source database to view this page.
See Also:
"Determining the Cause of Spikes in Database Activity" for more information
about ASH Analytics.
Chapter 10
Using Performance Pages with the AWR Warehouse
4. From the Performance drop-down menu, select AWR and then AWR
5. From AWR Warehouse dashboard, highlight a database.
6. Click the AWR Report button on the toolbar.
The AWR Report page displays in Historical - AWR Warehouse mode. Note that
you do not have to log in to the source database to view this page.
7. Click Generate Report.
See Also:
" Resolving Performance Degradation Over Time " for more information
about AWR Report.
See Also:
"Comparing Current System Performance to a Baseline Period" for more
information about Compare Period ADDM.
Chapter 10
AWR Warehouse Best Practices
The selections for the two periods are derived from data in the
warehouse. For the second period, you can select any database in the
warehouse to which you have access.
See Also:
"Running the AWR Compare Periods Reports" for more information about
Compare Periods Report.
Memory Management
Oracle recommends that you use Automatic Memory Management on the warehouse
database to manage and tune it as required. To do this, set the target memory size
initialization parameter (MEMORY_TARGET) and optionally a maximum memory size
initialization parameter (MEMORY_MAX_TARGET). The amount of target memory
depends on the number of users of the warehouse. Set it to at least 2GB and modify it
as needed depending on the load and other requirements.
Chapter 10
AWR Warehouse Best Practices
When using manual memory management, set the sizes of SGA and instance PGA to
sufficiently high enough values, minimally, 2GB. And if using manual shared memory
management, set the sizes of individual SGA components, especially buffer cache size
and shared pool size, to sufficiently high enough values.
Storage Requirements
By default, Oracle Database captures snapshots once every hour; the snapshot size
varies depending on the database load. A typical system with an average of 10
concurrent active sessions may take anywhere from 1MB to 2MB per snapshot. Thus,
the one hour default snapshot interval requires approximately 24MB to 48MB a day.
AWR data is stored in SYSAUX tablespace. The tablespace space required depends
on the number of source databases. Using default settings with a typical load on
source databases requires approximately 24MB to 48MB a day per source database.
To get a more accurate read on space requirements, run the awrinfo.sql script
located in the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. In particular, see the "Size
estimates for AWR snapshots" section, which contains "AWR size/day" and "AWR
size/wk" values. On source databases, these values represent the average size of
AWR data being generated on that database. On the AWR Warehouse database,
these values represent the average size of AWR data imported from all the
source databases. Use these values to estimate the warehouse space requirements.
Naturally, as more source databases are added to the warehouse, the space required
to store their AWR data increases.
Use Automatic Storage Management (ASM) with redundant disk groups and
"Average Synchronous Single-Block Read Latency" of less than 40 milliseconds. The
DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY view contains this and other metrics related to
storage and I/O.
Additionally, ensure that there is enough free disk space (approximately 50GB) on the
warehouse host to store the dump files containing incoming AWR data from source
databases until the data can be loaded into the warehouse database.
Oracle recommends that you back up the AWR Warehouse on a regular basis as a
safeguard against any data loss. Using Data Guard along with RMAN ensures high
availability and data protection.
Stats Collection
Gather statistics periodically, once a day at a minimum, for SYS and DBSNMP
schemas to ensure that the stats are accurate.
Chapter 10
AWR Warehouse Best Practices
Access Control
Ensure that users do not have direct access to the warehouse database as this
will bypass the Enterprise Manager security model. The AWR Warehouse console in
Enterprise Manager has an access control mechanism to control who can view data in
the AWR Warehouse and for which source databases.
Chapter 10
Monitoring and Researching Incidents and Errors
state directory. For a cluster database, you have to specify a location that is accessible
to all nodes.
Network Latency
AWR Warehouse uses the Agent-to-Agent file transfer method to move dump files
from source databases to the warehouse database host. The connection between the
source agent host and the warehouse agent host should have low network latency to
avoid delays and problems during the transfer.
Chapter 10
Monitoring and Researching Incidents and Errors
The solution is to drop the master tables from the previous failed jobs. Query the
dba_datapump_jobs view for jobs in the NOT RUNNING state, as follows:
SELECT job_name
FROM dba_datapump_jobs
WHERE owner_name='SYS'
AND operation='IMPORT'
AND job_mode='FULL'
AND job_name like 'SYS_IMPORT_%'
There may be cases where a job name the query returns is in use by an
active Data Pump job. Ensure that there are no active Data Pump jobs to
avoid mistakenly deleting their master tables.
The patch that enables the AWR Warehouse feature includes a fix for the legacy
master tables, so you should not encounter this problem after applying the patch.
When an active Data Pump job exits ungracefully (it aborts or the database shuts
down, for example), subsequent jobs fail with the following errors:
ORA-39097: Data Pump job encountered unexpected error -56935
ORA-39065: unexpected master process exception in DISPATCH
ORA-56935: existing datapump jobs are using a different version of time zone
data file
To resolve the issue, check database properties for certain values on database startup
and take appropriate action, as follows:
SELECT property_name, property_value
FROM sys.database_properties
If the query returns 'DATAPUMP' and '<> 0', respectively, for the named properties,
run the following:
exec dbms_dst.unload_secondary();
This Data Pump error can also happen during source database extraction.
When the source database time zone is ahead of the AWR Warehouse time zone, the
following error occurs when importing the latest snapshot dumps:
ORA-20105: Unable to move AWR data to SYS
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL", line 4773
ORA-13555: Message 13555 not found; product=RDBMS; facility=ORA;
arguments: [end_time is greater than SYSDATE]
Chapter 10
Monitoring and Researching Incidents and Errors
No action is necessary. The issue self-corrects when the SYSDATE of the AWR
Warehouse advances past the date of the dump file.
The solution is to drop the master tables from the previous failed jobs. Query the
dba_datapump_jobs view for jobs in the NOT RUNNING state, as follows:
SELECT job_name
FROM dba_datapump_jobs
WHERE owner_name='SYS'
AND operation='EXPORT'
AND job_mode='TABLE'
AND job_name like 'SYS_EXPORT_%'
There may be cases where a job name the query returns is in use by an
active Data Pump job. Ensure that there are no active Data Pump jobs to
avoid mistakenly deleting their master tables.
The patch that enables the AWR Warehouse feature includes a fix for the legacy
master tables, so you should not encounter this problem after applying the patch.
See also the Data Pump error under AWR Warehouse Load errors for another
potential error during source database extraction.
Transfer Errors
If many dump files from a single source database are waiting to be loaded into the
AWR Warehouse and their total size exceeds a threshold value (1 GB), the following
error results:
Chapter 10
Monitoring and Researching Incidents and Errors
The total size of dump files from the source database exceeds threshold value
(size: xxx MB, threshold: xxx MB)
There appears to be an underlying problem loading dump files into the AWR
Warehouse, resulting in a backlog of dump files. Check for and resolve any
outstanding load errors to enable importing to resume.
If the total size of dump files from all source databases waiting to be loaded into the
AWR Warehouse exceeds a threshold value (30 GB), the following error results:
The total size of dump files on AWR Warehouse exceeds threshold value (size: xxx
MB, threshold: xxx MB)
Determine why there is a backlog of pending dump files in the load queue. Resolving
the backlog issue will enable the load to resume.
Part IV
SQL Tuning
Part IV describes how to effectively tune SQL statements and contains the following
• Identifying High-Load SQL Statements
• Tuning SQL Statements
• Optimizing Data Access Paths
Identifying High-Load SQL Statements
High-load SQL statements may consume a disproportionate amount of system
resources. These SQL statements often greatly affect database performance and must
be tuned to optimize their performance and resource consumption. Even when a
database is properly tuned, inefficient SQL can significantly degrade performance.
Identifying high-load SQL statements is an important SQL tuning activity that must
be performed regularly. Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) automates
this task by proactively identifying potential high-load SQL statements. Additionally,
you can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) to identify
high-load SQL statements that require further investigation. After you have identified
the high-load SQL statements, you can tune them with SQL Tuning Advisor and SQL
Access Advisor.
This chapter describes how to identify high-load SQL statements and contains the
following sections:
• Identification of High-Load SQL Statements Using ADDM Findings
• Identifying High-Load SQL Statements Using Top SQL
See Also:
Chapter 12
Identifying High-Load SQL Statements Using Top SQL
Chapter 12
Identifying High-Load SQL Statements Using Top SQL
Tuning SQL Statements
A SQL statement specifies the data you want Oracle Database to retrieve. For
example, a SQL statement can retrieve the names of employees in a department.
When Oracle Database executes the SQL statement, the query optimizer (also called
the optimizer) first determines the best and most efficient way to retrieve the results.
The optimizer determines whether it is more efficient to read all data in the table, called
a full table scan, or use an index. It compares the cost of all possible approaches and
chooses the approach with the least cost. The access method for physically executing
a SQL statement is called an execution plan, which the optimizer is responsible
for generating. The determination of an execution plan is an important step in the
processing of any SQL statement, and can greatly affect execution time.
The query optimizer can also help you tune SQL statements. By using SQL Tuning
Advisor and SQL Access Advisor, you can run the query optimizer in advisory mode
to examine a SQL statement or set of statements and determine how to improve
their efficiency. SQL Tuning Advisor and SQL Access Advisor can make various
recommendations, such as the following:
• Creating SQL profiles
• Restructuring SQL statements
• Creating additional indexes or materialized views
• Refreshing optimizer statistics
Additionally, Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) enables you to
accept and implement many of these recommendations easily.
SQL Access Advisor is primarily responsible for making schema modification
recommendations, such as adding or dropping indexes and materialized views. SQL
Tuning Advisor makes other types of recommendations, such as creating SQL profiles
and restructuring SQL statements. If significant performance improvements can be
gained by creating a new index, then SQL Tuning Advisor may recommend it.
However, such recommendations should be verified by running SQL Access Advisor
using a SQL workload that contains a set of representative SQL statements.
This chapter describes how to tune SQL statements using SQL Tuning Advisor and
contains the following sections:
• Tuning SQL Statements Using SQL Tuning Advisor
• Managing SQL Tuning Sets
• Managing SQL Profiles
• Managing SQL Plan Baselines
Chapter 13
Tuning SQL Statements Using SQL Tuning Advisor
See Also:
Chapter 13
Tuning SQL Statements Using SQL Tuning Advisor
5. In the Name field, enter a name for the SQL tuning task.
If unspecified, then SQL Tuning Advisor uses a system-generated name.
6. Do one of the following:
• To run a SQL tuning task for one or more high-load SQL statements, under
Overview click Top Activity.
The Top Activity page appears.
Under Top SQL, select the SQL statement that you want to tune.
In the Actions list, select Schedule SQL Tuning Advisor and click Go.
See Also:
"Identifying High-Load SQL Statements Using Top SQL" to learn how
to identify high-load SQL statements using the Top Activity page
• To run a SQL tuning task for historical SQL statements from the Automatic
Workload Repository (AWR), under Overview click Historical SQL (AWR).
The Historical SQL (AWR) page appears.
Under Historical SQL (AWR), click the band below the chart, and select the
24-hour interval for which you want to view SQL statements that ran on
the database. Under Detail for Selected 24 Hour Interval, select the SQL
statement you want to tune, and click Schedule SQL Tuning Advisor.
• To run a SQL tuning task for a SQL tuning set, under Overview click SQL
Tuning Sets.
The SQL Tuning Sets page appears.
Select the SQL tuning set that contains the SQL statements you want to tune
and then click Schedule SQL Tuning Advisor.
Chapter 13
Tuning SQL Statements Using SQL Tuning Advisor
See Also:
"Creating a SQL Tuning Set" to learn how to create SQL tuning sets
8. Under Scope, select the scope of tuning to perform. Do one of the following:
• Select Limited.
A limited scope takes approximately 1 second to tune each SQL statement but
does not recommend a SQL profile.
• Select Comprehensive, and then set a time limit (in minutes) for each SQL
statement in the Time Limit per Statement field, and a total time limit (in
minutes) in the Total Time Limit field. Note that setting the time limit too small
may affect the quality of the recommendations.
Comprehensive mode may take several minutes to tune a single SQL
statement. This mode is both time and resource intensive because each query
must be hard-parsed. You should only use comprehensive scope for high-load
SQL statements that have a significant impact on the entire system.
See Also:
"Managing SQL Profiles" to learn more about SQL profiles
Chapter 13
Tuning SQL Statements Using SQL Tuning Advisor
11. Select a SQL Tuning Advisor type result from the table and then click View
The Recommendations for SQL ID page appears.
If you used a SQL tuning set, then multiple recommendations may be shown. To
help you decide whether to implement a recommendation, an estimated benefit
of implementing the recommendation is displayed in the Benefit (%) column. The
Rationale column displays an explanation of why the recommendation is made.
12. To implement the recommendation, do one of the following:
Chapter 13
Tuning SQL Statements Using SQL Tuning Advisor
5. In the Time Period list, select All and then click Go.
The Overall Task Statistics and Profile Effect Statistics sections are refreshed.
6. Optionally, in the Task Status section, click Configure to change the attributes of
the Automatic SQL Tuning task.
Chapter 13
Tuning SQL Statements Using SQL Tuning Advisor
This page can include recommendations for SQL profiles and indexes.
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
See Also:
"Tuning SQL Manually Using SQL Tuning Advisor" to learn how to
implement recommendations made by SQL Tuning Advisor
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide for more information about transporting
SQL tuning sets between databases
Using Cloud Control, you can manage SQL tuning sets by doing the following:
• Creating a SQL Tuning Set
• Dropping a SQL Tuning Set
• Transporting SQL Tuning Sets
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
5. Optionally, to create an empty SQL tuning set and add SQL statements to it at a
later time, complete the following steps:
a. Select Create an empty SQL tuning set.
b. Click Next.
The Create SQL Tuning Set: Review page appears.
c. Review your SQL tuning set options and click Submit.
The empty SQL tuning set is created. You can add SQL statements to it later.
6. Click Next.
The Create SQL Tuning Set: Load Methods page appears.
7. Proceed to the next step, as described in "Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Load
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
• Select either ALL or a time period such as Last 24 hours and then go to Step
Only snapshots that are captured and stored in AWR in the specified time are
• Select Customize and then go to Step 5.
Only snapshots that are captured and stored in AWR during a customized time
period that you specify are included.
5. To select a customized time period of snapshots, complete the following steps:
a. Select Customize and then click Go.
The Select Time Period window opens.
b. For the starting snapshot, select Period Start Time and then click the
snapshot icon below the Active Session graph that corresponds to the desired
start time.
c. For the ending snapshot, select Period End Time and then click the snapshot
icon below the Active Session graph that corresponds to the desired end time.
d. Click Select.
In this example, the snapshot taken on December 27, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. is
selected as the start time, and the snapshot taken on December 27, 2011 at 11:00
a.m. is selected as the end time.
6. Click Next.
The Create SQL Tuning Set: Filter Options page is shown.
7. Proceed to the next step, as described in "Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Filter
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
5. Click Next.
The Create SQL Tuning Set: Filter Options page is shown.
6. Proceed to the next step, as described in "Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Filter
5. Click Next.
The Create SQL Tuning Set: Filter Options page appears.
6. Proceed to the next step, as described in "Creating a SQL Tuning Set: Filter
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
4. On the Create SQL Tuning Set: Schedule page, under Job Parameters, enter a
name in the Job Name field if you do not want to use the system-generated job
5. In the Description field, enter a description of the job.
6. Under Schedule, do one of the following:
• Immediately to run the job immediately after it has been submitted
• Later to run the job at a later time as specified using the Time Zone, Date, and
Time fields
7. Click Next.
The Create SQL Tuning Set: Review page appears.
8. Review the SQL Tuning Set options that you have selected.
To view the SQL statements used by the job, expand Show SQL.
9. Click Submit.
The SQL Tuning Sets page appears.
If the job was scheduled to run immediately, then a message is displayed to inform
you that the job and the SQL tuning set were created successfully. If the job was
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
scheduled to run at a later time, a message is displayed to inform you that the job
was created successfully.
10. To view details about the job, such as operation status, click View Job Details.
The View Job page appears to display details about the job.
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
4. In the Directory Object field, select a directory in which to create the export file.
For example, to use the Oracle Data Pump directory, select DATA_PUMP_DIR.
The Directory Name field refreshes automatically to indicate the selected directory.
5. In the Export File field, enter a name for the file.
Alternatively, you can accept the name generated by the database.
6. In the Log File field, enter a name for the log file for the export operation.
Alternatively, you can accept the name generated by the database.
7. Select a tablespace to temporarily store the data for the export operation.
By default, SYSAUX is used.
8. Under Job Parameters, in the Job Name field, enter a name for the job.
Alternatively, you can accept the name generated by the database.
Optionally, in the Description field, enter a description of the tuning set.
9. Under Schedule, do one of the following:
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Tuning Sets
• Select Immediately to run the job immediately after it has been submitted.
• Select Later to run the job at a later time as specified by selecting or entering
values in the Time Zone, Date, and Time fields.
10. Click OK.
The SQL Tuning Sets page appears.
A confirmation message indicates that the job was created successfully.
11. Transport the export file to another system using the mechanism of choice, such
as Oracle Data Pump or a database link.
See Also:
"Exporting a SQL Tuning Set" for more information
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Profiles
• Select Immediately to run the job immediately after it has been submitted.
• Select Later to run the job at a later time as specified by selecting or entering
values in the Time Zone, Date, and Time fields.
11. Click OK.
The SQL Tuning Sets page appears.
A confirmation message appears that indicates that the job was successfully
created. If the job is scheduled to run immediately, then the imported SQL tuning
set is shown on this page. You may need to refresh to see the SQL tuning set.
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Plan Baselines
5. Select the SQL profile you want to manage. Do one of the following:
• To enable a SQL profile that is disabled, click Disable/Enable.
• To disable a SQL profile that is enabled, click Disable/Enable.
• To remove a SQL profile, click Delete.
A confirmation page appears.
6. Click Yes to continue, or No to cancel the action.
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide to learn how to manage SQL profiles
using an API
See Also:
• Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide for more information on SQL plan
management and on controlling it with APIs
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Plan Baselines
4. Under Settings, click the link next to Capture SQL Plan Baselines.
The Initialization Parameters page appears.
5. In the Value column of the table, select TRUE and then click OK.
You are returned to the SQL Plan Baseline subpage, which now shows Capture
SQL Baselines set to TRUE.
Because you configured baselines to be automatically captured, the database will
create a SQL plan baseline for all SQL statements executed more than once and
adds the current execution plan for the statement to the SQL plan baseline as the
first accepted plan.
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Plan Baselines
5. Select the SQL plan baselines to be loaded by completing the following steps:
a. Under Load SQL Plan Baselines, select Load plans from SQL Tuning Set
In this example, load plans from the SQL tuning set that you created in
"Creating a SQL Tuning Set".
b. In Job Name, enter a name for the job. For example, enter SPM_LOAD_TEST.
c. Under Schedule, select Immediately.
d. Click OK.
The SQL Plan Control page reappears.
The table displays a list of SQL plans that are stored as SQL plan baselines.
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Plan Baselines
6. Optionally, fix the execution plan of a baseline to prevent the database from using
an alternative SQL plan baseline. Complete the following steps:
a. Select a SQL plan baseline that is not fixed.
b. Select Fixed - Yes from the list preceding the baseline table.
c. Click Go.
The table is refreshed to show the SQL execution plan with the value YES in the
Fixed column of the table.
See Also:
Chapter 13
Managing SQL Plan Baselines
in the SQL plan baseline to compare against each unaccepted plan. If a plan performs
sufficiently better than the existing accepted plan, then the database automatically
accepts it.
See Also:
Optimizing Data Access Paths
To achieve optimal performance for data-intensive queries, materialized views and
indexes are essential for SQL statements. However, implementing these objects
does not come without cost. Creation and maintenance of these objects can be time-
consuming. Space requirements can be significant. SQL Access Advisor enables you
to optimize query access paths by recommending materialized views and view logs,
indexes, SQL profiles, and partitions for a specific workload.
A materialized view provides access to table data by storing query results in a
separate schema object. Unlike an ordinary view, which does not take up storage
space or contain data, a materialized view contains the rows from a query of one
or more base tables or views. A materialized view log is a schema object that
records changes to a master table's data, so that a materialized view defined on the
master table can be refreshed incrementally. SQL Access Advisor recommends how to
optimize materialized views so that they can be rapidly refreshed and make use of the
query rewrite feature.
SQL Access Advisor also recommends bitmap, function-based, and B-tree indexes. A
bitmap index reduces response time for many types of ad hoc queries and can also
reduce storage space compared to other indexes. A function-based index computes
the value of a function or expression involving one or more columns and stores it in the
index. B-tree indexes are commonly used to index unique or near-unique keys.
Using SQL Access Advisor involves the following tasks:
• Running SQL Access Advisor
• Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
• Implementing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
See Also:
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
2. Select the workload source you want to use for the analysis, as described in
"Selecting the Workload Source".
3. Define the filters options, as described in "Applying Filter Options".
4. Choose the types of recommendations, as described in "Specifying
Recommendation Options".
5. Schedule the SQL Access Advisor task, as described in "Specifying Task and
Scheduling Options".
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
6. Click Continue.
The SQL Access Advisor: Workload Source page appears.
7. Proceed to the next step, as described in "Selecting the Workload Source".
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
See Also:
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
current logical schema design, and provides recommendations based on the defined
relationships between tables.
See Also:
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
5. Define the filters you want to apply, as described in the following sections:
• Defining Filters for Resource Consumption
• Defining Filters for Users
• Defining Filters for Tables
• Defining Filters for SQL Text
• Defining Filters for Modules
• Defining Filters for Actions
6. Click Next.
The Recommendation Options page appears.
7. Proceed to the next step, as described in "Specifying Recommendation Options".
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
2. In the Modules field, enter the names of the modules for which associated SQL
statements are included or excluded.
5. Under Scope, select the mode in which SQL Access Advisor runs. Do one of the
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
• Select Limited.
In limited mode, SQL Access Advisor focuses on SQL statements with the
highest cost in the workload. The analysis is quicker, but the recommendations
may be limited.
• Select Comprehensive.
In comprehensive mode, SQL Access Advisor analyzes all SQL statements in
the workload. The analysis can take much longer, but the recommendations
are exhaustive.
In this example, Limited Mode is selected.
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
Chapter 14
Running SQL Access Advisor
Chapter 14
Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
Under Options is a list of modified options for the SQL Access Advisor task. To
display both modified and unmodified options, click Show All Options. To view
the SQL text for the task, click Show SQL.
12. Click Submit.
The Advisor Central page appears. A message informs you that the task was
created successfully.
Chapter 14
Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
If the task is not displayed, then you may need to refresh the screen. The Results
for Task page appears.
5. Review the Summary subpage, which provides an overview of the SQL
Access Advisor analysis, as described in "Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor
Recommendations: Summary".
6. Review the Recommendations subpage, which enables you to view the
recommendations ranked by cost improvement, as described in "Reviewing the
SQL Access Advisor Recommendations: Recommendations".
7. Review the SQL statements analyzed in the workload, as described in "Reviewing
the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations: SQL Statements".
8. Review the details of the workload, task options, and the SQL Access Advisor
task, as described in "Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations:
Chapter 14
Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
Chapter 14
Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
7. Under SQL Statements, click Show Statement Counts to display the type of SQL
In the following example, 25 SELECT statements are analyzed.
Chapter 14
Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
Chapter 14
Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
The Recommendation Details page displays all actions for the specified
Under Actions, you can choose to specify the schema or the tablespace for all
actions. For some actions you can modify the object name, tablespace, and
schema. To view the SQL text of an action, click the link in the Action column
for the specified action.
Under SQL Affected by Recommendation, the SQL text of the SQL statement and
cost improvement information are displayed.
5. Click OK.
The Recommendations subpage appears.
6. To view the SQL text of a recommendation, select the recommendation and click
Show SQL.
The Show SQL page for the selected recommendation appears.
Chapter 14
Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
Chapter 14
Reviewing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
3. Use the SQL Statements by Cost Improvement chart to view SQL statements in
the workload ordered by the cost improvement.
Under Select SQL Statements to be Improved, each SQL statement is listed with
its statement ID, SQL text, associated recommendation, cost improvement, and
execution count.
Implementing the recommendation associated with the top SQL statement has
the biggest benefit to the total performance of the workload. In this example,
implementing the recommendation with ID 3 produces the biggest benefit, a cost
improvement of 99.80%, for the SQL statement with ID 803.
4. To view the SQL text of a recommendation, select the recommendation and click
Show SQL.
The Show SQL page for the selected recommendation appears.
Chapter 14
Implementing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
2. Click Details.
The Details subpage appears.
Under Workload and Task Options, a list of options that were selected when the
advisor task was created is displayed.
Under Journal Entries, a list of messages that were logged to the SQL Access
Advisor journal while the task was executing is displayed.
Chapter 14
Implementing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
Chapter 14
Implementing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
Chapter 14
Implementing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
– Under Not Available After, select No End Date to indicate that there is no
end date for the execution window, or Specified End Date to specify an
end date using the Date and Time fields.
• Click Calendar.
Complete the following steps:
– Enter your time zone code in the Time Zone field or click the search icon
to locate the code for your area.
– Under Calendar Expression, enter a calendar expression.
– Under Start, select Immediately to start the task now, or Later to
schedule the task to start at a time specified using the Date and Time
– Under Not Available After, select No End Date to indicate that there is no
end date for the execution window, or Specified End Date to specify an
end date using the Date and Time fields.
In this example, Standard is selected for schedule type. The job does not repeat
and is scheduled to start immediately.
8. Optionally, click Show SQL to view the SQL text for the job.
9. Click Submit to submit the job.
10. Do one of the following, depending on whether the job is scheduled to start
immediately or later:
Chapter 14
Implementing the SQL Access Advisor Recommendations
• If you submitted the job immediately, and if the Results for Task page appears,
then click the link in the Scheduler Job field to display the View Job page. Go
to Step 12.
• If the job is scheduled to start at a later time, then proceed to Step 11.
11. Complete the following steps:
A Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (continued)
recommendations (continued)
about, 14-1 types, 3-2
Active Session History, report, 3-10
about, 8-1 reviewing results, 3-8
ASH Analytics page, 4-22 running manually
report analyzing current database performance,
about, 8-2 7-1
activity over time, 8-9 analyzing historical database
load profile, 8-5 performance, 7-3
running, 8-2 Automatic Memory Management, 10-9
top events, 8-4 Automatic SQL Tuning
top SQL, 8-6 modifying task attributes, 13-7
using, 8-4 viewing recommendations, 13-7
sampled data, 8-1 viewing results, 13-5
statistics, 2-4 Automatic Storage Management, 10-10
active sessions, 2-3 Automatic Workload Repository, 2-1
captured in Active Session History, 2-4 about, 2-1
ADDM baselines, 9-1
See Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor compare periods report
Agent-to-Agent file transfer, 10-12 about, 9-1
alerts details, 9-20
clearing, 6-3 saving, 9-14, 9-16
default, 6-1 summary, 9-17
performance, 6-1 supplemental information, 9-20
responding to, 6-3 using, 9-16
ASH using another baseline, 9-11
See Active Session History snapshots, 2-1
ASH Analytics, 4-22 statistics collected by, 2-1
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor, using, 3-5
about, 3-1 Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
accessing results, 7-5 Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW), 11-1
analysis, 3-2 Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW)
configuring, 3-4 Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), 11-1
findings average active sessions
about, 3-10 about, 4-1
viewing, 3-8 AWR
for a multitenant environment, 3-3 See Automatic Workload Repository
for Oracle RAC, 3-3 AWR Warehouse
identifying high-load SQL, 12-1 about, 10-1
recommendations ASH Analytics page, 10-7
actions, 3-11 AWR Report page, 10-7
implementing, 3-11 Compare Period ADDM page, 10-8
interpreting, 3-10 Compare Periods Report page, 10-8
rationales, 3-11 credentials, 10-11
H monitoring
PL/SQL, 4-5
high-load SQL resource consumption, 4-6
about, 12-1 session attributes, 4-7
identifying using ADDM, 12-1 session identifiers, 4-6
identifying using top SQL, 12-2 SQL, 4-4
statistics, 2-5
tuning, 13-2, 13-5
host activity, monitoring, 4-15
CPU, 4-17 Network Latency, 10-12
CPU utilization, 4-16
disk utilization, 4-20
I Oracle Diagnostics Pack, 1-2
Oracle performance method
I/O wait times, monitoring, 4-9 about, 2-1
In-Memory Column Store (IM column store), xii pretuning tasks, 2-6
incidents, 6-1 proactive database tuning tasks, 2-7
index reactive database tuning tasks, 2-7
about, 14-1 SQL tuning tasks, 2-8
B-tree, 14-1 using, 2-5
bitmap, 14-1 Oracle Tuning Pack, 1-2
creating, 14-1
functional, 14-1
indexes P
creating, 2-8 parallel execution, monitoring, 4-13
initialization parameter, 10-9 parameters
instance activity, monitoring, 4-8 CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ASSESS,
I/O wait times, 4-9 2-6, 3-4, 5-3
parallel execution, 4-13 initialization, 9-20
services, 4-14 STATISTICS_LEVEL, 3-4, 5-3
throughput, 4-8 Performance page
about, 4-1
J performance problems
common, 2-8
job_queue_processes parameter, 10-11 CPU, 4-17
diagnosing, 3-1
L disk, 4-22
memory, 4-19
load errors, AWR Warehouse, 10-12 real-time, 4-1
transient, 8-1
M monitoring, 4-5
materialized view logs, 14-1 problems, as a type of incident, 6-1
creating, 2-8, 14-1
materialized views R
creating, 2-8, 14-1
memory redo logs, 10-10
performance problems, 4-19 resource consumption, 4-6
swap utilization, 4-19 RMAN, 10-10
utilization, monitoring, 4-17
memory management, AWR Warehouse, 10-9
metrics, 6-1, 9-8
Monitored SQL Executions page, 5-5