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DAPAR, Sophia Marie Pacaldo, Alec SOMOZA, Trexia

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DAPAR, Sophia Marie


SOMOZA, Trexia



Objective: To identify and analyze safety, toxicity and efficacy of the ingredients used in making
creams/ lotions

Materials: Remington Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cosmetics e- books, INTERNET SOURCES



Active Ingredients Uses Allowable Toxicity

quantity in a
cream formulation
99.4% in some skin The LDLO
Glycerin Used as a moisturizer to cleaning products. of glycerin was reported
treat or prevent dry, to be 1428 mg/kg for
rough, scaly, humans. There were no
itchy skin and signs of toxicity when
minor skin irritations human subjects were
(e.g., diaper administered 30
rash, skin burns from mL glycerin. Adverse
radiation effects to human
therapy). Emollients are subjects following the
substances that soften and oral administration
moisturize the skin and of glycerin include mild
decrease itching and headache, dizziness,
flaking. nausea, vomiting, thirst,
and diarrhea.
Stearic acid is used most 13% May be harmful by
Stearic Acid often to thicken and retain inhalation
the shape of soaps or skin absorption. May
(indirectly, through cause eye, skin, or
saponification of respiratory system
triglycerides composed irritation. Toxic if
of stearic acid esters), and swallowed. Very toxic
it is also used in to aquatic life
shampoos, shaving
creams, and detergents.
Isopropyl Isopropyl palmitate acts 2.7% Known to be
Palmitate as a moisturizer in some comedogenic (pore-
products by helping bind clogging), it also causes
moisture to the skin. It is flare-ups of pustular
also an emollient, which acne. The thickness of
helps products spread the chemicals
smoothly, and it can be in isopropyl
used as a fragrance palmitate can deprive
ingredient the skin of nutrients
such as as oxygen. If
the skin doesn't breathe,
your pores can become
clogged and healthy
skin cells can die.
Disodium EDTA Edetate disodium (EDTA) 25% EDTA is safe when
is a chelating (KEE-late- used as a prescription
ing) agent. A chelating medicine, as eye drops,
agent is capable of and in small amounts as
removing a heavy metal, a preservative in
such as lead or mercury, foods. EDTA can cause
from the abdominal cramps,
blood. EDTA is used nausea, vomiting,
to lower blood levels of diarrhea, headache, low
calcium when they have blood pressure, skin
become dangerously high. problems, and fever.
Carbomer Carbomers are acrylic Dogs chronically
acid polymers that fed Carbomer-934P
are used for a variety of manifested
purposes. They gastrointestinal
are used in irritation and marked
pharmaceutical processes pigment deposition
as suspending agents, gel within Kupffer cells of
bases, emulsifiers, and the liver. Clinical
binding agents. They are studies
also used as artificial with Carbomers showed
tears. that these polymers
have low potential for
skin irritation and
sensitization at
concentrations up to
Aloe vera, or Aloe 10% Aloe vera has
Aloe barbadensis barbadensis, is a thick, potential toxicity, with
short-stemmed plant that side effects occurring at
some dose levels both
stores water in its leaves.
when ingested and
It is best known for when applied topically.
treating skin injuries, but Although toxicity may
it also has several be less when aloin is
other uses that could removed by
potentially benefit health. processing, Aloe
vera ingested in high
amounts may induce
side effects, such as
abdominal pain,
diarrhea or hepatitis.
Titanium dioxide Titanium dioxide has 25% Cancer in humans:
been used for a century in There is inadequate
a range of industrial and evidence in humans for
consumer products, the carcinogenicity of
including paints, coatings, titanium dioxide.
adhesives, paper, plastics Cancer in experimental
and rubber, printing inks, animals: There is
coated fabrics and sufficient evidence in
textiles, as well as experimental animals
ceramics, floor coverings, for the carcinogenicity
roofing materials, of titanium dioxide.
cosmetics, toothpaste, Overall evaluation:
soap, water treatment Titanium dioxide is
agents, pharmaceuticals, possibly carcinogenic to
food colorants, humans (Group 2B)
products, sunscreen and

Potassium sorbate It's widely used as a 0.025% to 0.1% Potassium sorbate is

preservative safe for most people to
in foods, drinks, and eat, though it may cause
personal care products. It some skin
is an odorless and allergies when used in
tasteless salt synthetically personal care products.
produced from sorbic acid
and potassium hydroxide.
Potassium sorbate
prolongs the shelf life
of foods by stopping
the growth of mold, yeast,
and fungi.
Tapioca starch Tapioca Starch, 25-50% Contains naturally
sometimes called tapioca occurring forms of
flour, is a refined cyanide, which are
white flour made from the toxic to ingest
cassava root. It is
broadly used as a
thickener for sauces,
soups and stews. It can
also be used
in baking. Tapioca
starch is very fine and
starchy, and is often used
as a substitute for
arrowroot starch and

Stearamide Stearamide is a primary 20% UMAN STUDIES:

fatty acid amide that is There are no data
often used in the synthesis available. ANIMAL
of organic chemicals and STUDIES: Rats
surfactants. Levels (5/sex/dose) were
of stearamide are reported administered stearamide
to be up-regulated in the in corn oil via gavage at
serum of patients with a dose of 10,000 mg/kg
hepatic cirrhosis. and then observed for
14 days. No mortality
was observed.
typhimurium strains
TA98, TA100, TA1535,
TA1537 and TA1538
were exposed to
stearamide at
concentrations of 50,
150, 500, 1500 or 5000
ug/plate in the presence
and absence of
metabolic activation.
Stearamide was not
mutagenic in this assay.
Cetyl alcohol Cetyl alcohol helps 25%
prevent creams from Acute oral LD50 in
separating into oil and mouse is 3200 mg/kg
liquid. A chemical that and acute dermal LD50
helps to keep liquid is >2600 mg/kg in
and oil together is known rabbit. It is considered
as an emulsifier. It may to be slightly toxic in
also make a product humans in case of oral
thicker or increase the ingestion at doses of 5
product's ability to foam g/kg and greater 1. In a
rat study, the effects of
toxicity were mainly in
the central nervous
system (CNS) leading
to CNS depression and
difficulty in respiration
after 7-14 days post-
administration via
stomach tube 1. In a
subchronic dermal
toxicity study of
rabbits, topical
application of 11.5 %
cetyl alcohol was
associated with
histological findings of
hyperkeratosis, and
papillary projections of
the epidermis, all of
which are features of
dermatitis However it is
concluded that there is
no evidence of major
skin irritation and
systemic toxicity of
cetyl alcohol. Inhalation
of 26 ppm cetyl alcohol
vapors in animals
caused slight irritation
of the mucous
membranes of the eyes,
nose, throat, and
respiratory passages/
Cetyl Alcohol was not
in Salmonella
typhimurium LT2
mutant strains in the
spot test 
Lactic acid Lactic acid is used as a 5% Lactic acid is a normal
food preservative, curing constituent of the body
agent, and flavoring and of certain foods.
agent. It is an ingredient Its toxicity is largely
in processed foods and is related to its acidity, the
used as a decontaminant pH of concentrated
during meat processing. solutions being less
Lactic acid is produced than 1. ... Ingestion
commercially by of lactic acid (or its
fermentation calcium salt) by man
of carbohydrates such as has resulted in gastro-
glucose, sucrose, or intestinal damage, and
lactose, or by kidney injury has also
chemical synthesis. been seen in infants.

2. Give at least 5 specific chemicals used in the creams and its effects to the human body / organs .

1. SULFATES- Sulfates are salts that are formed when sulphuric acid (H2SO4) reacts with
another chemical. They are also produced from petroleum and plant sources like coconut
and palm oil. They act as surfactants and are used for lathering purposes.Sulfates can
irritate your eyes and skin. They can prematurely clear off dye from your hair.There is also
an ongoing debate about their use due to potential threats to the environmen t.

2. PARABENS- Parabens are the preservatives used to keep your skincare and makeup
fresh and germ-free. They are found in a variety of products, from soaps to lotions and
makeup. Research shows that they cause increased production of the hormone estrogen
(female sex hormone) and interfere with reproductive and brain function.
3. POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL (PEG)- PEG is used as a thickening agent in skincare
products like lotions, sunscreen and shampoos. It can cause cancer and respiratory
disorders. It can also strip off the natural oils (sebum) from your skin and trigger
the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands) to make more sebum that can make the skin
4. HYDROQUINONE- Hydroquinone is used in skincare for skin lightening. It is used to
treat pigmentation related to acne scars, freckles, melasma, age spots and post-
inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Hydroquinone functions by reducing the melanin
pigment-producing cells (melanocytes). However, hydroquinone is a known carcinogen.
Prolonged use can lead to whitening of the skin, as it reduces melanocytes to a great extent.
5. PHTHALATES- Phthalates are salts or plasticizing chemicals used for the spreadability
of a product. They are used in nail polishes, perfumes and lotions to name a few. Also used
as softeners in shampoos, they are reproductive and developmental toxins.

3. Give 3 alternatives to commercial creams/ lotions that cleanses the skin and define its main

1. CLAY- Draws toxins from the skin and can calm inflammations. It can also be used as daily face


enzymes which will remove dead skin cells, clear pores and resolve excess oil.

3. RAW ORGANIC HONEY- Mild cleanser with antibacterial and moisturizing benefits.

4.. Paste 3 brands of creams/ lotions here .

References Used:







Skin care ingredients are the main components of a cosmetics that helps in hydrating, clarifying, or on
anti-aging. These ingredients are categorized into two, the active and inactive. Inactive ingredients are
typically the delivery method for other elements of the product formula, usually these are water or oil-
based. Commonly used ingredients of our skin care products are the AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acid,
Vitamin C. Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol, Salicylic Acid, etc.

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