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Altair Winprop: Wave Propagation and Radio Network Planning

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Altair WinProp™

Wave Propagation and Radio Network Planning

Altair WinProp is the most complete suite of tools in the domain of wireless propagation and radio network
planning. With applications ranging from satellite to terrestrial, from rural via urban to indoor radio links,
WinProp’s innovative wave propagation models combine accuracy with short computation time.

WinProp is a powerful tool with sophisticated wave WinProp supports arbitrary transmitters
propagation models for various scenarios and including cellular and broadcasting sites,
Product Highlights efficient network planning modules. satellites, repeaters, and leaky feeder cables.

• Innovative, either empirical or ray The WinProp suite includes the following tools: Databases
optical/deterministic wave propagation • ProMan with the propagation models
and the network planning modules Depending on the scenario, predictions
models combining high accuracy and
are based on topographical (pixel), clutter
short computation times • WallMan as graphical editor for vector
building databases (pixel - with or without heights & clearance),
• Wide range of scenarios and map data urban building (pixel or vector), and/or 3D
supported, even allowing combination • AMan as graphical editor for the antenna
patterns planar objects/walls (vector) databases.
of different scenarios For a prediction, different types of databases
for hybrid analyses • CoMan is the connectivity simulator
for sensor and mesh networks can be used simultaneously and transitions
• Network planning modules available between the databases are computed
• TuMan is the graphical editor for tunnels
for most standards (cellular incl. automatically. Graphical editors, CAD tools,
and stadium
LTE and beyond, W-LAN, etc.) and various converters are available for all
• The flexible WinProp API allows the types of databases.
integration of the wave propagation Scenarios and Applications
models and network planning modules WinProp’s highly accurate and very fast Propagation Models
into other software tools empirical and deterministic propagation models
are available for a wide range of scenarios: WinProp’s powerful propagation engines
• Rural and Residential include empirical and semi-empirical models
(calibration with measurements possible),
• Urban and Suburban
rigorous 3D ray tracing models as well as
• Indoor and Campus
the unique Dominant Path Model (DPM).
Learn more: • Tunnel and Underground
altair.com/winprop • Vehicular and Time-Variant Besides the prediction of the path loss,
• Satellites GEO, LEO the delay and angular spread can also be
Coverage based on urban buildings Display of urban propagation paths Combined urban and indoor scenario
and topography with multi-floor buildings

computed, as well as LOS/NLOS, directional Computation and Simulation and networks can be optimized to provide
channel impulse response, angular profile both high capacity and throughput. Capacity
Depending on the application WinProp offers
and propagation paths. improvements due to MIMO and/or beam
static, Monte-Carlo, and dynamic network
forming are modeled accurately because of
simulators. WinProp allows the planning of
WinProp API and Engines the sophisticated deterministic propagation
coverage and capacity as well as network
The WinProp application programming models. Arbitrary antenna configurations
simulations (performance of algorithms,
interface (API) is available for both the (linear, circular,...) are possible and their
analysis of delays, etc.). The user can define
wave propagation engines and the network impact on the radio channel - determined
the (location dependent) traffic for circuit
planning modules. The very simple handling during the propagation analysis - is considered
and for packet switched services (including
of the API allows customers to integrate the in the network planning.
the statistical distributions, mobility, etc.).
wave propagation models (as well as the
network planning engines) into their own Coverage Altair Feko™ and WinProp
or any 3rd party software tool.
Different transmission modes can be
Electromagnetic simulation can be used
Air Interfaces and Applications defined (bandwidth, MCS, data rate, SNIR
to design the antennas as well as compute
target, signal threshold, Tx power,...) and the
In WinProp various air interfaces and the radiation characteristic in terms of a
coverage maps (cell assignment, best server,
applications are pre-defined: 3D antenna pattern. For this purpose the
active set, channel quality, Rx power in DL
various solvers included in Feko can be
& UL, SNIR,...) are computed individually for
applied. The resulting 3D antenna patterns
each transmission mode. Link adaptation
describe the antenna characteristic in the far
is considered and depends on the channel
field and can be superposed to the 3D radio
quality predicted with the propagation models. channels computed with the WinProp wave
Maximum received power as well as maximum propagation models.
achievable data rates are predicted accurately
for each location in the coverage area. There is an interface to import and process
the Altair Feko 3D antenna patterns in
Capacity WinProp. For the acceleration of these
WinProp computes the capacity (throughput, simulations the complex objects, like vehicles,
maximum data rates, packet delays, QoS,...) can be substituted by their radar cross sections
Additionally, the user can define individual of the different radio links and cells in the (bi-static RCS as computed in Feko).
properties of the air interface to adapt it network based on the coverage analysis and
to the requirements. Besides the network the traffic assumptions. Capacity limitations
planning, the ICNIRP and EM compliance and over-loaded cells can be detected easily
can be analyzed with WinProp.

Prediction on multiple floors in an office building Channel impulse response and spatial channel Radio planning for an urban network
profile for two indoor locations with 3-sector sites
| © 2019 Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved. • altair.com • Nasdaq: ALTR 05.2019

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