Business Plan Formart
Business Plan Formart
Business Plan Formart
This section is a brief overview of the whole Business Plan.
Description of Business: Provide some information about the product or service
you wish to offer.
The Market: What markets do you intend to target?
Growth Potential: What is the potential for your business? (What do you hope
to achieve in one to three years’ time?)
Sales & Profit Forecast: Give a summary of the sales and profit forecast figures
(for the next three years).
Financial Requirements: How much money would you requirements
It is important that you demonstrate a clear understanding of the business you would
like to be in. You should also explain your business concept and the reasons why you
think it will be a success.
Provide an overview of your business idea
What inspired you to choose this line of business?
What personal qualities and experience will you invest in the business?
In what way is your concept innovative? What are you offering that other
businesses do not offer already?
Do you believe there is a real need for your product or service?
Where do you see your business in the medium and long term?
This section helps you to understand the industrial environment you intend to work in
and through it you can identify important changes that are likely to take place in your
How big is the sector you will be operating in?
How many companies already operate in this sector?
What are the general sector trends? Is it growing, static or slowing down?
Can you perceive any important changes in this sector?
How can these changes affect your business?
Are you aware of any Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legislative or
Environmental changes that could seriously affect your business in the medium or long
term? This is known as the PESTLE analysis.
How desirable do you consider this sector to be for new, local entrants and from
other EU areas?
In order to compete successfully in any business you need to know your competitors. It
is useful to study how and why they achieve success. Also you need to be aware of their
failures to avoid committing the same errors.
Who are your most important competitors?
What are their main strengths and weaknesses?
How can you be different?
How can your product or service be more competitive?
What are your competitors’ pricing policies? How do these affect your sales
Can you list your main competitors and their estimated market share?
This section enables you to look closely at the internal strengths and weaknesses of your
business, and to identify external threats and potential opportunities.
S = Strengths
W = Weaknesses
O = Opportunities
T = Threats
Provide a list of your core competencies that give your product or service certain
(Example: High quality, competitive pricing, customer care)
Given the necessary resources, which areas of your business would you need to
(Example: Lack of funds, lack of management skills, unskilled workforce)
Given the right conditions, which business opportunities can you identify for growth and
greater profitability?
(Example: New markets, export potential, joint venture proposal)
Think about possible factors which could adversely affect your business in the future.
(Example: Imported products, new entrants, political and economic changes
It is no use having the greatest product in the world if you cannot sell it.
This section focuses on your potential customers and allows you to see whether your
products can satisfy their needs.
The Product
List three important features that make your product or service worth having.
Example: design, functionality, reliability.
List three features where you think your product or service could be improved.
Can you list three major competitors that offer similar products or services to
yours? Can you identify differences between your product and theirs?
In what aspects can your product or service be described as innovative?
What image do you want to project with your product or service?
Do you have any plans to add more products or services to your current
The Customer
Will your business depend on one main customer or will you sell to a wide variety
of customers?
If you plan to sell to a wide variety of customers, list five types of customers that
are likely to buy your product or service.
Do you plan to have a uniform approach to all customer groups or will you vary
your strategies accordingly?
What measures will you employ to identify customer requirements with regard to
your product or service?
How do you plan to collect customer feedback in order to ensure that your
product or service has a high degree of customer satisfaction?
The Place
Where do you plan to sell your product or service?
1. Directly from the factory
2. From a showroom
3. E-Commerce
4. Other (give details)
How easy will it be for your customers to gain access to your products or
services? Give details.
If you feel that customers will find it difficult to access your products, can you
suggest ways of improving the situation?
Mention three ways in which your competitors facilitate access to their products
or services for their customers.
How do you plan to get the product to the market?
1. Distribute the product yourself?
2. Employ full/part-time salesmen?
3. Enter into a distribution agreement with third parties?
4. Online sales
The Method
What methods of advertising do you intend to use for your product or service?
1. Newspapers and magazines
2. Television
3. Radio
4. Sponsorships
5. Internet (websites, e-newsletters, search engine optimization)
6. Other (specify)
If you intend to use any of the media mentioned above, which do you rate as the
most effective and why?
How do your competitors advertise their products? Do you think their methods
are effective?
How will you price your products? Explain the reasons behind your pricing
How will your prices compare with those of your competitors?
Do you intend to give your customers credit? Explain the reasons behind your
This section helps you to look at your internal operations in detail to see if your business
can be run efficiently and effectively. It draws attention to your team and allows you to
develop strategies for good and effective management.
Do you already have business premises or are you planning to buy/lease/rent
them in the near future?
Give details of your business location and premises
How long and how well will the present premises (if any) meet your business
Are the business premises you have identified easily accessible to your clients?
Give details of equipment/machinery/vehicles you will require to operate your
business (such as purpose, current value and future replacement date)
Give details of equipment/other items which you plan to acquire or lease in the
near future (such as purpose, costs and credit terms)
Make up a list of your main suppliers and their credit terms
Plan on contingency suppliers in case of emergencies
Do you intend to operate a quality management system of any sort? Are you
planning to apply for quality certification?
Describe your Management Structure (If you do not have a management
structure, list those people who can assist you with the running of the business).
How many people do you plan to employ? (Full Time / Part Time)
What types of skills and/or experience are you looking for?
What training will your work force require to be able to meet your future plans?
What measures do you plan to adopt to ensure employee loyalty?
How soon do you think you will need to expand your work force?
Plan you own development and that of your management team as your business
continues to expand.
The budgeted net profit, after taxation, when expressed as a percentage of the net
investment in the business, gives the Return On Investment - ROI - the single most
important piece of financial data and the reason for being in business in the first place.
Prepare a detailed budget
Plan periodical reviews of actual performance against budget
Prepare a corrective action plan for the variances that will inevitably occur
Set the basis for the Return on Investment you wish the business to give you
Liquidity is fundamental to every business in relation to being able to trade and meet
Management monitors the risks in liquidity by tracking cash movements with a Cash
Flow Forecast ensuring adequate cash or facilities to raise money to carry out the
How will you keep control of your cash flow?
How will you finance the changes you may need to make in your business
Once the options have been identified, you should be in a position to list a number of
critical measures that need to be implemented in line with the options you have
Now that you have carried out a systematic analysis of your project, you should be in a
position to look at your options in a more formal manner. Consider your options very
carefully and seek advice in order to be in a position to draw up a list of critical
measures you need to implement in order to launch your project. These measures
should also indicate what kind of assistance (technical and financial) you require to get
started. As a result of the analysis carried out in the preceding sections make a list of the
critical measures you need to carry out, such as:
Look into energy savings efficiencies on machinery
Apply for ISO certification
Invest in training for management
Invest in training for employees
Employ new staff
Carry out market research
Invest in Information Technology Systems
Seek new premises
Seek foreign partners
Look for new market segments
Human Resources
February 2,000
November 1,500
Export Marketing