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Intasc Standards

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The Standard My Application

Standard 1: Learner Development I incorporated careful lesson planning and

The teacher understands how learners grow and developmentally appropriate content to discuss
develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and cultural topics in respect to student differences and
development vary individually within and across backgrounds. This can be shown through my
the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and ‘eggsperiment’ in Developmentally Appropriate
physical areas, and designs and implements Instruction.
developmentally appropriate and challenging
learning experiences.

Standard 2: Learning Differences I took into consideration the differences between

The teacher uses understanding of individual my students concerning background and learning
differences and diverse cultures and communities styles, when planning instruction. Catering
to ensure inclusive learning environments that instruction to lower levels learners is evident in
enable each learner to meet high standards. Student centered and differentiated instruction
competency paper.

Standard 3: Learning Environments I have grown in my collaboration skills, building

The teacher works with others to create positive and effective relationships with faculty for
environments that support individual and the the betterment of the students. I have also
collaborative learning, and that encourage positive learned the importance of communication with
social interaction, active engagement in learning, parents that can be shown in my Effective
and self motivation. Communication and Collaboration artifacts.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge One of the most important parts of instruction, is

The teacher understands the central concepts, the thorough understanding of the teacher and
tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline he effective ways to convey information in a way that
or she teaches and creates learning experiences students can understand while incorporating cross
that make these aspects of the discipline curriculum material. My application of this is shown
accessible and meaningful for learners to assure in my Content Knowledge in Disciplinary
mastery of the content. Curriculum competency paper.

Standard 5: Application of Content Teaching students the importance of learning

The teacher understands how to connect concepts involves creating real-world connections
and use differing perspectives to engage learners encouraging them to think critically about their own
in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative conclusions. This ultimately sets students up for
problem solving related to authentic local and success and can be shown through Integration of
global issues. Technology and Media Resources artifacts, where
student can explore their ideas with real-life

Standard 6: Assessment Date-driven instruction is essential in allowing

The teacher understands and uses multiple students to reach their full potential. These formal
methods of assessment to engage learners in their and informal assessments shown in Planning,
own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to Preparation, Instruction and Assessment artifacts
guide the teacher's and learner's decision making. guided my instruction and monitored student
The Standard My Application

Standard 7: Planning for Instruction I showed tedious planning of instruction through

The teacher plans instruction that supports every acknowledgment and implementation of SOL
student in meeting rigorous learning goals by standards and awareness of specific student
drawing upon knowledge of content areas, learning goals. This evidence can be found in my
curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, Planning, Preparation, Instruction and Assessment
as well as knowledge of learners and the competency paper.
community context.

Standard 8: Instructional Strategies I exemplify a variety of teaching strategies with

The teacher understands and uses a variety of intent to engage and empower learners to reach
instructional strategies to encourage learners to their full potential. Understanding how student
develop deep understanding of content areas and minds develop and retain information guides the
their connections, and to build skills to apply type of strategies I use, which can be found in
knowledge in meaningful ways. Students-Centered and Differentiated Instruction
competency paper.

Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical The progress I have experienced is evident in my
Practice evaluations that portray specific areas of growth in
The teacher engages in ongoing professional my teaching abilities and highlight areas of
learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate strength.
his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her
choices and actions on others (learners, families,
other professionals, and the community), and
adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration Evidence of collaboration with teachers, faculty
The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and parents can be shown in my Effective
and opportunities to take responsibility for student Communication and Collaboration competency
learning, to collaborate with learners, families, paper. I have learned first hand the importance of
colleagues, other school professionals, and effective collaboration and have grown in
community members to ensure learner growth, establishing community professionally.
and to advance the profession.

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