Procedure: Technical Requirement: A Provision Established As The Most Adequate and
Procedure: Technical Requirement: A Provision Established As The Most Adequate and
Procedure: Technical Requirement: A Provision Established As The Most Adequate and
This Standard replaces and cancels its previous revision.
The CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee provides guidance on the
interpretation of this Standard when questions arise regarding its contents. The
Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard is responsible for adopting
and applying the clauses thereof.
Technical Requirement: a provision established as the most adequate and
which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision is
taken not to follow the requirement (“non-conformity” to this Standard) it shall be
CONTEC based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be approved
Comissão de Normalização and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is
Técnica characterized by the verb forms “shall,” “it is necessary...,” “is required to...,” “it is
required that...,” “is to...,” “has to...,” “only ... is permitted,” and other equivalent
expressions having an imperative nature.
Recommended Practice: a provision that may be adopted under the conditions
of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention to) the possibility of
there being a more adequate alternative (not written in this Standard) to the
particular application. The alternative adopted shall be approved and registered
by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized
by the verbal form “should” and equivalent expressions such as “it is
recommended that...” and “ought to...” (verbs of a nonmandatory nature). It is
indicated by the expression: [Recommended Practice].
Copies of the registered “non-conformities” to this Standard that may contribute
to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the CONTEC - Authoring
SC - 15 Subcommittee.
Cathodic Protection Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC -
Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision
of the Standard, the clause(s) to be revised, the proposed text, and
technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals are evaluated during
the work for alteration of this Standard.
“The present Standard is the exclusive property of PETRÓLEO
BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the Company,
and any reproduction for external use or disclosure, without
previous and express authorization from the owner, will imply an
unlawful act pursuant to the relevant legislation through which the
applicable responsibilities shall be imputed. External circulation
shall be regulated by a specific clause of Secrecy and
Confidentiality pursuant to the terms of intellectual and industrial
property law.”
PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG
(consisting of specialists from PETROBRAS and its Subsidiaries), are commented by PETROBRAS
Units and PETROBRAS Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees - SCs
(consisting of specialists from the same specialty, representing the various PETROBRAS Units and
PETROBRAS Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of
the PETROBRAS Units and PETROBRAS Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is
subject to revision at any time by its Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to
be revalidated, revised or cancelled. PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance
with standard PETROBRAS N-1. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards
see PETROBRAS Technical Standards Catalog.
1.1 This Standard describes the documents and information which shall be included in the
design of a Cathodic Protection System (CPS).
1.2 This Standard is applied to the design of CPS of buried or submerged structures such as
oil pipelines, gas pipelines, ship berthing dolphins and piers, fixed and mobile offshore
platforms, ships, vessels, storage tanks, buoys, casings, submarine outfalls and metallic
foundation piles.
The documents listed below are mentioned in the text and contain valid requirements for the
present Standard.
Note: For documents referred in this Standard and for which only the Portuguese version
is available, the PETROBRAS department that uses this Standard should be
consulted for any information required for the specific application.
3.1 The documents listed in Section 4 and prepared according to this Standard comprise a
complete cathodic protection design, and some of those documents may be deemed
dispensable by PETROBRAS.
3.2 It shall be understood that the content of each document represents the minimum
necessary for its acceptance by PETROBRAS.
3.3 The documents mentioned in this Standard shall be presented in accordance with
standards PETROBRAS N-381 and N-1710.
This document shall contain, in summarized form, all information describing how the design
has been developed, including at least the following items:
a) contents;
b) objective of Descriptive Memo;
c) brief description of structure to be protected;
d) field data survey;
e) description of design;
f) list of design documents;
g) list of reference documents.
4.1.1 The brief description of the structure shall contain information characterizing the
structure, such as location, major dimensions, purposes and inter-relations with other
4.1.2 The field data survey shall mention the documents which served as a basis for its
development and the final report of the results obtained.
4.1.3 The description of the design shall contain information regarding parameters, criteria,
elements comprising the design, as well as the distribution of services, which are detailed in
the following sub-items:
a) design parameters:
- current density adopted;
- utilization factor of anodes;
- metal/electrolyte relative velocity;
- operating temperature;
- resistivity of electrolyte;
- type and efficiency of coating;
- current capacity, electrochemical potential and material of anodes for galvanic
current systems;
- wear rate and material of anodes for impressed current systems;
- characteristics, types of rectifiers, in the case of current systems;
- useful life adopted for cathodic protection system;
b) general design criteria and justification:
- selection and criteria for selection of system;
- electrical insulations and interconnections adopted;
- philosophy adopted in the design (total protection or by parts);
c) elements comprising design:
4.1.4 The list of design documents shall contain all documents prepared, with their
respective identification number in accordance with standard PETROBRAS N-1710, title,
revision and date. This list shall contain at least the following documents:
All calculation procedures shall be presented in a clear manner, mentioning the codes and/or
standards on which they were based and containing at least the following information:
a) objective;
b) design parameters and criteria, as described in items 4.1.3 a) and b) and
specific standards on cathodic protection system design for the structure
c) calculation of areas to be protected, with details about the area of each region,
for current distribution studies;
d) detailed calculation of protection currents;
e) calculation of mass of anodes, quantity of anodes, anode beds and cables, if
that is the case, currents debited by anodes and selection criteria in the case of
galvanic systems;
f) sizing of anode beds, criteria for selection of rectifiers, anodes and cables, in
the case of impressed current systems;
g) studies on the distribution of anodes in galvanic systems and on the distribution
of current sources, in impressed current systems;
h) specific calculation such as, for example, the verification of stresses on anode
supports in the galvanic protection of platforms, drainage systems in buried
pipelines, among others.
4.3.2 The results of surveys of electrical resistivity of the soil and anode beds shall be
plotted on documents standardized by standard PETROBRAS N-2245.
It shall include at least information allowing them to be purchased, regardless of the supplier:
a) constructive characteristics;
b) electrical characteristics;
c) basic components;
d) operating principles;
e) presentation;
f) tests;
g) acceptance.
It shall complement the specific drawings and contain information on the requirements and
precautions for the installation and assembly of:
a) rectifiers;
b) anodes;
c) electrical cables;
d) drainage equipment;
e) test points;
f) devices used for protection of insulating joints;
g) electrical interconnections;
h) electrical insulations.
4.4.3 Commissioning
It shall contain information on the locations and procedures to be adopted in the cathodic
protection system, such as:
4.4.4 Inspection
This document shall include a listing of all materials and equipment provided for in the
design, with the specifications, quantities, totals (planned and additional), the respective RMs
(if any) and indication of the drawings on which such materials are to be applied. Reference
shall be made to the standards of standardized materials.
In the case of rectifiers and equipment used for electrical drainage, reference shall be made
in the RMs to the Data Sheets standardized by standards PETROBRAS N-2608 and N-1493,
4.8 Drawings
Drawings shall be presented in accordance with standard PETROBRAS N-381 and contain
all technical information allowing the understanding of the design, including at least the
following documents:
Acceptance of the design is subject to compliance with this Standard and the specific
standard of the design of the cathodic protection system of the structure to be protected.
REV. A, B and C
There is no index of revisions.
Affected Parts Description of Alteration
IR 1/1