This document contains a list of 43 names and their roles. Ahmad Yusuf Yasaharja is listed as the head, Shafira Shafiyanti as the deputy head, and Hafidhi Izzati and Muammad Afrizal as the first and second secretaries respectively. The other names on the list do not have specified roles.
This document contains a list of 43 names and their roles. Ahmad Yusuf Yasaharja is listed as the head, Shafira Shafiyanti as the deputy head, and Hafidhi Izzati and Muammad Afrizal as the first and second secretaries respectively. The other names on the list do not have specified roles.
This document contains a list of 43 names and their roles. Ahmad Yusuf Yasaharja is listed as the head, Shafira Shafiyanti as the deputy head, and Hafidhi Izzati and Muammad Afrizal as the first and second secretaries respectively. The other names on the list do not have specified roles.
This document contains a list of 43 names and their roles. Ahmad Yusuf Yasaharja is listed as the head, Shafira Shafiyanti as the deputy head, and Hafidhi Izzati and Muammad Afrizal as the first and second secretaries respectively. The other names on the list do not have specified roles.