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Answering Your Akashic Record Questions

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The first big question is usually "What are the Akashic Records?


The Akashic Records are the record of your soul’s journey, from the time you first

arise from Source until you eventually return home. This can take millennia. But no

matter how new or ancient of a Soul you are, the Akashic energy holds all your

thoughts, feelings, actions and deeds from each lifetime. Many people imagine the

Akashic Record as a library with each book representing a lifetime. Some people look at

the Records as a computer with all your info stored in the hard drive. Truth is, the

Akashic Field is part of and connected to the All; in everyone and everything.

You have your own Masters, Teachers and Beings of Light that keep track of this

information, just for you. We can access these Masters & Teacher and they will answer

your personal questions about this life and the past lives which are affecting you today.

When you realize that you came into life with a plan, it becomes very useful to access

information about that plan. We come to complete some Karma, fulfill our past life

Vows or to be with someone special and to support people who are part of our soul

family. The human challenge is that as soon as we’re born we forget this plan. At times

in our life we feel blocked or constricted or disappointed in our life because we don’t

remember why we chose our families or situations. We may feel life is unfair or very

difficult. I access the Akashic Records to help you learn information about these

situations and to heal and clear the emotional pain. You can ask questions in relation to:

health, career, relationships, life purpose, self-esteem and abundance.

You might experience some of these limitations in the following ways:

 Feel you’re carrying too much baggage? Sometimes this looks like extra weight.

 Are you stuck in a rut? Maybe you hate your job but can’t seem to change.

 Feeling spaced out and tired? Too many people in your space, holding you back.

 Overcome with emotions? Trauma from this life or past lives can affect you.

 Depressed? Angry? or Frustrated? Let’s find the core to start healing that.

Through the use of ancient energetic tools, I am able to help you clear blocks and

constrictions that stand in your way. With my non-touch healing technique I travel back

into your past lives or childhood and release pain and fear and negative energy that

reside in your Pain Body. We will clear the Karma and the connected contracts and

vows so you can move forward in your life with ease, grace and happiness.

Q: When I say the prayers, I see a slightly shifted perception but I don’t really feel

like I received any information. Why is that?

My question to you is: Are you asking easy questions and using journaling? By

doing so, you move out of your head and write what comes through.

My students will often ask a question in their minds and then, they will sit and

wait. They are expecting something really phenomenal; a booming voice, a big

dissertation, or long and complicated answers. While usually in the beginning, the

information doesn’t come through that way. It comes through slowly and begins to

build as you become more experienced in the art of asking questions.

I suggest that you start with the questions I have given you in the preceding

chapters. Here are a couple of the most basic questions you can begin by asking: How

can I organize my day? Which food would be useful for me to eat, or to stop eating


Ask simple life questions that are coming up for you. I find that when you write

down the questions, you are focusing on those questions not concentrating on receiving

answers. And then, what I will do is continue to write whatever it is I am thinking. I

cannot stress enough how important journaling, and starting slow can help your

process of learning to read your Akashic Record effectively.

Often, the Beings of Light will call us “dear one.” If you ever hear that phrase,
you know without a doubt that you are hearing information from your Beings of Light.

But very often, it may come through just as a thought. And what you will start to notice

is that thought is a little bit more expansive, a little bigger, or a little different than what

you might have thought of yourself. Start to notice the difference in the way if feels and

sounds, because it will feel or sound just a little different.

One of the very sweet stories I like to tell is about one of my students. She started

doing this process and she would open her Record every Sunday, and she would say,

“Please help me to organize my week.” She worked 5 days a week and so it was not a

real complicated feat, but she was really practicing and wanted to ask some questions

and shift into the energy. So one day, she got back that she should do her laundry

today. And she said: “Do my laundry today? This is Sunday! This is my day off. This is

the day I really take of myself. Why would I be doing my laundry today? I usually do

my laundry on Tuesdays.” But she listened. “All right, if they say to do the laundry

today, I am going to do the laundry today.”

She did her laundry. And come Tuesday, she was at work and one of her

coworkers came up to her and said: “I have an extra ticket for the symphony. My

husband is sick and he cannot go. Would you like to go with me?” And she said; “Yeah,

that is great!” And she realized that there was some very interesting foresight coming

through her Record. If she had not listened and had not done her laundry, she would

have been stressed because she would have been short of clothes for the rest of the

week. It was a very beautiful and graceful transition for her. She could go to the

symphony, have a great time, feel really happy and comfortable, realizing she had been

divinely guided.

You may not receive a life-changing bit of information just yet, but notice the

shift in perception.

Q: After many weeks opening my Akashic Record, I’m not feeling anything. Also,

recently I realized that the back of my 6th chakra is closed. I stopped doing the

exercises. Do you think that is the reason why I am not receiving anything in my


Yes, that is one possible reason. We receive clairaudient information through

channel that run from our ears down the sides of our neck and into our heart. Some

people "hear" as though someone was talking to them but most people hear clairaudient

messages in their heads in their own voice. Often we're "hearing" clairaudiently but it

"sounds like me" so we don't trust that it is the Beings of Light speaking through us.

We also receive information telepathically which are the channels around your

eyes in alignment with your sinuses. Your clairvoyance is connected to both your 3rd

eye, between your eyebrows and to your 6th Chakra along with your Pineal Gland in

your head. We are complex beings and so doing Chakra clearing can be very helpful as

well as a Pineal Clearing.

One of the tools you have now is to open your Record and ask your Beings of

Light for clearing and healing around this block. You could do this every day for a

week and see if that makes a difference for you.

Keep journaling about what you are experiencing since many of these

experiences are subtle. You may not notice day to day but you will notice from week to


You can also ask in your Record if there are past life vows you've made to not

"see or hear" as it's gotten you killed in past lives.

Q: How do I know if I have a blocked chakra? I clear my chakras every day, but it

seems like there’s always something new to clear every day.

Keeping our energy system clear is an ongoing process. You wouldn't take a

shower one day and say, "Now I'm clean for life!"

I don't believe in being obsessive either but you can use your clearing tools and

prayers and ask your Beings of Light for assistance each day.

Q: Are we shown options inside our Record regarding present and future events? Or

is everything already predetermined as to which choices we will make, and what the

likely outcome is?

No, actually it is not predetermined. We come to the earth because we love to

have free will. We come here because we find Earth kind of interesting and exciting;

whereas, in a lot of other worlds and dimensions, things are just very different. Life is

not as hidden. Here, the illusion replaces the truth. So much of the truth is hidden from

us. Many of us haven’t been accessing our divine wisdom or, our mystical knowledge

and the truth…the divine truth.

The simplest way that I can explain it is that each lifetime we make soul choices

before we come here. Our soul decides what our soul wants to accomplish in this

lifetime. Maybe, what karma do we want to complete so that we can finish some of our

past lives stories. I didn’t finish that relationship karma. And so that leaves unfinished

karmic business, which is another way of looking at karma: It is actually unfinished


Some good questions to ask would be: What unfinished business or karma did I

want to complete in this life? Do I have contracts with different people? Who can I be of

service to? What is my heart’s desire? What did I want to accomplish and do or learn

this time around? How did I want to grow? Is there something I needed to learn? Is

there an old story I am stuck on, that I haven’t figured out yet so I might repeat some

kind of similar life?

We actually live 600, 700, and often, 800 lifetimes here on earth before we

complete the learning and growth cycles; and complete our karma that we acquire from

living here.

The Beings of Light always say that nothing is ever written in stone. Our lives are

not predetermined. We come here to grow, and to learn, and to do. We incarnate to

strengthen our love for others and ourselves; to remember who we are; to let go of the

earthly illusion; and, to move forward into our highest and best energy that we can be.

The outcome of our lives is not written in stone, even if we have soul contracts to

complete karma with old family members. Those lifetimes might not be all that much

fun, but we are really working through some of that old energy we call karma.

Q: Can I access the Akashic Records if I have no background in spirituality?

Yes you definitely can. You may have been an Oracle in ancient Greece or a

prophet or channel in other lives. These callings may be dormant until the time is right

in our human life, for us to awaken to our spiritual memory and calling.

The Beings of Light meet us wherever we are in our souls’ process. They come

forward to work with us with the energy, the information, and the wisdom that we are

able to receive at any given moment. If we are just beginning on our spiritual path and

called to accessing the Akashic Records, we may find that we do not hear quite as much

expansive or big picture information as someone else who may have been on their

spiritual path for the last 20 years.

Or, the other hand, I've had students who are new to spirituality but when they

start to access their Akashic Record, all of a sudden many, many doors open, because

they have a soul contract to work with the Akashic Record. These kinds of things can

work in many different ways, and are very fascinating.

Q: What do I do if I think there is something or someone that is making it difficult to

access my Akashic Records with ease?

The shifting energy of this time on Earth can throw us into a place of distrust.

Next time you do your work in the Records or do an exercise from this book, you could

try asking your Beings of Light these questions:

What percent of the information I received if from my Records; from my ego; from my

Angels or Guides; from Other?

If 75% or more is from your Beings of Light that is great. Remember, you're still in the

early stages of learning to access your Record.

These are also great questions to ask:

 "What can I clear to receive information with ease?"

 "Is there past life trauma blocking or scaring me?"

 "Is there something masked, hidden or cloaked that is blocking me from receive

Akashic information from the Beings of Light?"

 "Which healing prayers would be helpful for me to use; how many times do I

repeat them; how many days?

Q: Why is self-forgiveness a factor?

Forgiveness in general is a large factor in being able to release negative energy

and move forward. When we hold on to anger, hurt, upset and emotional pain, we

continue to poison our minds, our bodies and our spirits. The Beings of Light tell us

that one way to complete a cycle and to clear and release Karma is through forgiveness.

When we can see the "person" as the divine soul they truly are and move forward on

our path then we are actually moving toward enlightenment.

Many people are very good at forgiving others but then turn anger and upset

upon themselves. They may think they were "stupid" because they let someone hurt

them. Or they say "I'm not pretty enough or smart enough to be loved". The Beings of

Light remind us that we are all divine being souls and it is important to forgive and

truly love yourself so you can move into the vibration of unconditional Love. From that

place you can be Love and receive Love with an open heart, creating a powerful connect

to the divine.

Q: In Theta Healing, I was taught to ask by stating a command rather than please.

How do you feel about that? A command is not to show disrespect but rather a firm


It is an interesting question. Because we are building a relationship with the

Beings of Light, I feel it is important to have mutual respect as you build the

relationship. I find this specific work to be different because we are in communication

with Beings of Light and not just giving a command to the universe.

I am not that familiar with how theta healing works, so I cannot speak directly to

that, but when working in the Records I often say, “please” because I am speaking to

divine beings who talk to me; who support me whenever I ask them; and, they offer me

their pure and unconditional love. I want to show them the respect, I would for a


That is one of the difference between other modalities and accessing the Akashic

Record. In your Record you are building a relationship with the Beings of Light that

have kept your Record for hundreds or thousands of years. They offer you a personal

relationship. One filled with love and mutual respect.

Q: Are there any ways for me to be reminded of my connection with the divine, even

during difficult times?

One of the gifts that we receive when we learn to access our Akashic Record is

conscious and easy divine connection. The simple answer to that questions is: open

your Record and ask the divine Beings of Light show you what it feels like to be the

divine soul to truly are and to clear what can be released at that time and to hold you in

the unconditional divine love of Source. I give great thanks daily for this gift.

Q: Do I have just one soul mate?

No. It is not like you have one soul mate, and if that doesn’t work out, the

intimate relationship is over, and you’ll never meet someone again in this lifetime. We

might write 1 to 12 soul contracts with souls to be in a romantic relationship, and we

might have all of them, one of them, or we might have none. So that is because we have

choice and free will.

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Q: My mother has a personality disorder. I have to keep seeing her, but I don't feel

that there's going to be a resolution in our relationship. How do I handle that?

Everyone is so unique and we all have our own path. I often work with people

who have come from very abusive families or relationships. One of the important things

that the Beings of Light bring through is that even though we are all collectively moving

into a space of complete forgiveness and unconditional love; that doesn't mean, that we

ever have to see that person again. It is forgiveness of the self, which is important to our

spiritual growth.

We certainly don’t have to allow them to be abusive to us again.

With that being said, your situation may not be resolved on the human

personality level because there is a disorder, but certainly you now have tools to help

hold you in light and love. Recite the Forgiveness Prayer; hold your grace point; move

into an open heart; open your Akashic Record. Any of these tools will hold you in that

higher vibration which will make it easier for you to be with her.

It may be really useful to use your main grace point the next time you see her

and continue to ask for help with releasing and forgiving the issues that surround the


It is also important to know that by doing this work for yourself, you are

completing the soul contracts and karma you may have together. When you do your

spiritual soul work, you are experiencing soul growth, even if it doesn't seem like it in

the moment. Forgiveness and unconditional love are powerful energy. When you're in a

high vibration, such as the Akashic Record, and with your mother, in love, she receives

that energy too and there is no telling the miracles that may occur.

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Q: What if a person in my family is toxic and affecting other people?

The only person you can be responsible for is yourself, and as you do your work

consciously move into a deep place of forgiveness. Remember that you may be finishing

your side of the karma. Once the contract is complete, then you are done. If they have

incomplete karma or contract still in their world, they will finish it with someone else,

because the likelihood is that they actually have that karma with more than one person.

Often what I'll find when I do work with a couple or someone who is no longer

part of a couple -- maybe they got a divorced and the former spouse is very angry and

aggressive, causing a lot of issues with the children -- it can be very toxic; and of course

a difficult and emotional experience for the family. But if the non-angry party is

working on forgiveness and stays heart-centered, then the karma will be completed.

Partly, what you're doing is working on clearing a lot of that emotional charge

and emotional pain that triggers anger, upset, frustration or even hatred. Once you’ve

cleared that charge, you've come to a place where you've moved into your heart and

can feel the forgiveness. You have then completed your side of the karma; and that’s all

the Beings of Light ask of us.

After we have cleared our part of the emotional charge, very often we notice that

the other person starts to shift in a positive way because in the big microcosm…we are

really one with them.

Q: Why do I feel so tired or doze off when I work with the Record?

The energy is the highest available vibration and often unfamiliar to us.

Sometimes a little part of your ego or personality fights it a little bit, especially when

you do quite a bit of your work. Your ego flares up, making you tired. It’s an easy way

for the ego to derail us.

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Sometimes it's all of the clearing and healing work you're doing with the healing

tool prayers and grace point; or the natural clearing you’re receiving from the Beings of

Light. As we work in the Record, receiving new information about our lives and our

souls, we are shifting energy patterns. The energy moves through our different levels of

being including our physical bodies. It has to move out through our auric field; and a

lot of times, we will notice or experience an emotion as it leaves our body and energy

field. We feel that as a kind of tiredness, or malaise, or sometimes we are more hungry,

or weepy, or more emotional in some way.

Remember that your "jumping up" in vibration and it’s a bit like you're exercising

a lot after being sedentary for a long time. You are tired because you're really exerted a

lot of energy. Take it slow, 15-20 minutes the first week and the 30-60 minutes the next

few weeks. You will find that eventually you can stay in your Akashic Record for hours

and feel great.

Q: Can I open my Records before I go to sleep to work on my problems that way?

Our bodies need rest, so I don’t recommend doing that. What I do occasionally,

though, when I'm working on a big "project", is to ask the Beings of Light if they could

send me a dream with useful information on that particular "project". I ask them to

make the dream easy to understand and that I remember it in the morning. You could

ask with your Record open and then close them; or just asked them outside of the

Records, of course they can hear you.

Q: If they can hear me without being in the Records, what is the difference to be in or

out of the Record?

They can hear you, but you can't them so clearly. When you open your Record
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using one of the sacred prayers you've learned, you know you're in your Record and

you can have a conscious conversation.

Q: Are there different levels of the Akashic Records to access?

Yes. The Records are so expansive. They’re as infinite as divine source energy.

Everything is recorded in them even so; many people only access their personal Record

to work on immediate happenings in their life.

We can access past lives or, other planes and dimensions that hold different layers

of information. We can access the information about our soul lineage or ancestral

lineage. Then there are very deep levels, which are more about the collective Records,

area such as the planet, or some of the collective unconscious. There are a lot of different

areas within the Record that we can eventually gain access to, but before we do that, it's

important increase our faith and trust in the information you're receiving in your

Record. It's also helpful to increase your stamina. The more you practice, the more

doors you will be able to open and the deeper you will be able to go.

Q: I don’t hear words or specific guidance, am I receiving anything?

It’s important for us to acknowledge that we do receive quite a bit of our

information tactility, feeling the love, feeling more expansive, or feeling our hearts

open. Or, on the other end, I will feel a pain in my heart, and I will realize that there is

something there that is calling me to work on it.

You might feel like your middle back hurts. That’s the back of the fourth chakra,

the heart chakra. The back of our chakras are the unconscious level of the chakra.

Sometimes having a pain in your back has something to do with an unconscious

thought or emotion trying to surface. If you experience pain like that, especially if it's in

the back of your heart, you might ask in your Record, What is this pain about? Is this a
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message? Is this something useful to pay attention to on an emotional level? Can you,

Beings of Light, help me to clear and release this stuck energy.

The next step is to notice what "you" notice. There is no right or wrong. You may

feel your answer, that's clairsentience or you may just Know the answer or the story.

Most people receive a bit of information from many of the levels such as: clairvoyance,

clairsentience, clairaudience, intuitive knowing.

As you practice you can continue to ask the Beings of Light for help in clearing and

opening these channels. You can also ask what may be blocking them and feel into the

answers. Most clairaudient "hearing" sounds just like you. It's rarely a booming voice

from outside yourself.

Journaling and re-reading the information you receive it the easiest way to notice

the difference between clairaudient information and your thinking.

Q: Can I open my Records when it’s noisy?

Absolutely. I do Akashic Consultations at the San Francisco New Living Expo,

where about 14,000 people attend. I consult the Akashic Record of other people for

three days straight in the middle of the noise and wild energy. The clearer you are, the

more you practice with the ability to really hear or receive or write what your Beings of

Light tell you, the easier it will be. When you feel solid and secure, then you’re good to


Your Record will help to calm, align, and center you. It really makes life easier; it

does add wonderful grace to your life when you use it. The more hours in a day that

you can use your Record and utilize that wisdom and that energy, the more aligned and

on track your life will be.

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Q: How can we keep the golden egg around us continuously? How long does it last?

What if we’re in the subway or at a concert?

When you practice the "Guided, Guarded and Protected" meditation every day it

becomes second nature. You can "see" yourself filled with your highest energy and it

will happen automatically. Like many new tools, it takes a bit a practice.

One of my students has the meditation on her phone and listens to it on the

subway every day. She says it "the perfect way to start the day". It's wonderful to do

this before you go to a concert or out in a crowded place. It will help you to stay in your

body, grounded and not take on other peoples energy or feelings.

Q: I’m a yoga instructor and I taught class with my Record open. Is that ok to do?

Yes, absolutely! It's a wonderful way to use this wisdom. You can open your

Record and ask your Beings of Light to guide you to be the best yoga instructor for the

yoga class meeting here today. You may notice that you are guided to do some different

postures than your usual set or a meditation at the end. Set the intention and asking

your Beings of Light to help you be of service to your clients, your family, your

community and yourself is a remarkable daily practice.

Q: Can we stay in the Record for a long time? Always? Is there a time limit?

Practice daily and build up the length of time so you are comfortable and feel

good in your Record. The path the Beings of Light offer us is to always be in our

Record so we can be divinely guided every day, in every way.

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Q: Why do you sometimes refer to Record as one and then sometimes as more than

one, “Records”?

I use it as a singular or plural word. You have a Record, as vast as it is, with

many sections, past and present and even future, but it is your Record. The Record of

your soul's journey throughout time immemorial.

As a collective, we have Records. The Akashic Records are the Records of

everyone and everything.

Q: Can we access the future?

The interesting truth about the Akashic Record and the unified field of

everything, is there is no Time/Space. Everything is happening at the same time so there

really isn't a past, which is why we can clear that trauma. Even though it often appears

to us as "in the past" and are experiencing it linearly, it is all in the Now and always


Nothing is written in stone, not the past or the future and certainly not the

present. We always have freewill and choice and whatever may appear in our Akashic

Record in the future is unreliable. Imagine yourself walking down the beach following

is someone footsteps. You know exactly where you're going; the path is clear. Now

imagine that someone comes out of one of the houses on the beach. They call your name

and you realize it's a childhood friend. You quickly run toward the house and wait

from the footsteps along the water.

Of course there are limitless scenarios that could come from this divergence from

your original path. You may marry your childhood friend and live happy at the beach

or you may leave the house after your cup of tea and a chat and the waves have washed

away the footprints you were following. Now you feel lost and unsure of where to go

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Q: Do I need to take the Course 1, even if I’ve read this book?

You are a unique soul and because of that the answer varies. I would say that

this book is Course 1 and if you feel solid in the information you receive you are

welcome to go on and take Course 2. If you feel that the group energy of a live class

would benefit you, by all means, please take a live Course 1 workshop.

These are infinite concepts and I look forward to delving deeper into them in an

in-person Course 1 or Course 2.

See you there.

Much Love,
Lisa Barnett

Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom, Founder, Akashic Expert,

Akashic Teacher, Consultant, and Int'l Best Selling Author

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