Remediation Coordination Cell (RCC: For Bangladesh RMG Industry
Remediation Coordination Cell (RCC: For Bangladesh RMG Industry
Remediation Coordination Cell (RCC: For Bangladesh RMG Industry
Following the Rana Plaza collapse in April 2013 the immediate priority was to inspect all of
Bangladesh’s export-oriented garment factories for structural, fire and electrical safety.
Two groups, the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety and the Alliance for
Bangladesh Worker Safety inspected factories from which their members source garments.
A Remediation Coordination Cell (RCC) will verify that this work has been completed for
garment factories under the National Initiative.
The longer term vision is for the RCC to evolve The RCC will be a temporary unit focused
into an industrial safety unit or agency that on managing the remediation process
provides a one-stop-shop service. for National Initiative Remediation
Coordination Cell (RMG) factories.
Ultimately this would benefit all industries and Initially the RCC will work with
WHO are the RCC stakeholders?
workers across Bangladesh. 1,293 operational factories
The RCC has been established through the However, this number may change as
collaboration of the new factories are established and enter
Government of Bangladesh the National Initiative or other factories
Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and exit the Accord and Alliance.
Exporters Association (BGMEA)
The RCC will help facilitate knowledge
Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and
transfer from the Accord and Alliance
Exporters Association (BKMEA).
and build capacity of government
Trade unions and international buyers have officials for a sustainable inspection
been consulted on its development while system.
technical support is provided by ILO with
funding from Canada, the Netherlands and
the United Kingdom.