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Who am I?

• Professor John Kubiatowicz (Prof “Kubi”)

– Background in Hardware Design

» Alewife project at MIT
Operating Systems and » Designed CMMU, Modified SPAR C processor
Systems Programming » Helped to write operating system
– Background in Operating Systems
Lecture 1 » Worked for Project Athena (MIT)
» OS Developer (device drivers,

What is an Operating System? network file systems)
» Worked on Clustered High-Availability systems
(CLAM Associates)
» OS lead researcher for the new Berkeley PARLab
(Tessellation OS). More later.
August 30th, 2010
– Peer-to-Peer
Prof. John Kubiatowicz » OceanStore project –
Store your data for 1000 years

» Tapestry and Bamboo –
Find you data around globe
– Quantum Computing
» Well, this is just cool, but probably not apropos
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Goals for Today Technology Trends: Moore’s Law

• What is an Operating System?

– And – what is it not?
• Examples of Operating Systems design
• Why study Operating Systems?
• Oh, and “How does this class operate?” Moore’s Law

Interactive is important!
Ask Questions! 2X transistors/Chip Every 1.5 years
Called “Moore’s Law”
Gordon Moore (co-founder of
Intel) predicted in 1965 that the
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are Microprocessors have
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne. Slides
transistor density of
courtesy of Kubiatowicz, AJ Shankar, George Necula, Alex Aiken, semiconductor chips would become smaller, denser,
Eric Brewer, Ras Bodik, Ion Stoica, Doug Tygar, and David Wagner. double roughly every 18 and more powerful.
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Societal Scale Information Systems People-to-Computer Ratio Over Time
• The world is a large parallel system
– Microprocessors in everything Massive Cluster
From David Culler
– Vast infrastructure behind them Gigabit Ethernet Clusters

Scalable, Reliable,
Secure Services

Information Collection
Remote Storage
Online Games

• Today: Multiple CPUs/person!
MEMS for – Approaching 100s?
Sensor Nets
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New Challenge: Slowdown in Joy’s law of Performance ManyCore Chips: The future is here
• Intel 80-core multicore chip (Feb 2007)
10000 3X – 80 simple cores
From Hennessy and Patterson, Computer Architecture: A
Quantitative Approach, 4th edition, Sept. 15, 2006 – Two FP-engines / core
??%/year – Mesh-like network
– 100 million transistors
– 65nm feature size
Performance (vs. VAX-11/780)

• Intel Single-Chip Cloud

Computer (August 2010)
100 – 24 “tiles” with two cores/tile
– 24-router mesh network
– 4 DDR3 memory controllers
 Sea change in chip – Hardware support for message-passing
25%/year design: multiple “cores” or • “ManyCore” refers to many processors/chip
processors per chip – 64? 128? Hard to say exact boundary
1 • How to program these?
1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 – Use 2 CPUs for video/audio
• VAX : 25%/year 1978 to 1986 – Use 1 for word processor, 1 for browser
• RISC + x86: 52%/year 1986 to 2002 – 76 for virus checking???
• RISC + x86: ??%/year 2002 to present • Parallelism must be exploited at all levels
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Another Challenge: Power Density Computer System Organization

• Computer-system operation
– One or more CPUs, device controllers connect
through common bus providing access to shared
– Concurrent execution of CPUs and devices
competing for memory cycles

• Moore’s Law Extrapolation

– Potential power density reaching amazing levels!
• Flip side: Battery life very important
– Moore’s law can yield more functionality at equivalent
(or less) total energy consumption
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Functionality comes with great complexity! Sample of Computer Architecture Topics

Input/Output and Storage

Disks, WORM, Tape RAID
Pentium IV Chipset
Proc Emerging Technologies
DRAM Interleaving
Bus protocols
Busses Coherence,
Memory L2 Cache Bandwidth,

Other Processors
adapters Hierarchy Latency
Controllers L1 Cache Addressing,
VLSI Protection,
Disks Instruction Set Architecture
Exception Handling
I/O Devices:
Networks Pipelining, Hazard Resolution, Pipelining and Instruction
Superscalar, Reordering, Level Parallelism
Prediction, Speculation,
Vector, Dynamic Compilation

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Increasing Software Complexity Example: Some Mars Rover (“Pathfinder”) Requirements
• Pathfinder hardware limitations/complexity:
– 20Mhz processor, 128MB of DRAM, VxWorks OS
– cameras, scientific instruments, batteries,
solar panels, and locomotion equipment
– Many independent processes work together
• Can’t hit reset button very easily!
– Must reboot itself if necessary
– Must always be able to receive commands from Earth
• Individual Programs must not interfere
– Suppose the MUT (Martian Universal Translator Module) buggy
– Better not crash antenna positioning software!
• Further, all software may crash occasionally
– Automatic restart with diagnostics sent to Earth
– Periodic checkpoint of results saved?
• Certain functions time critical:
– Need to stop before hitting something
From MIT’s 6.033 course
– Must track orbit of Earth for communication
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How do we tame complexity? OS Tool: Virtual Machine Abstraction

• Every piece of computer hardware different Application

– Different CPU Virtual Machine Interface
» Pentium, PowerPC, ColdFire, ARM, MIPS
– Different amounts of memory, disk, … Operating System
– Different types of devices Physical Machine Interface
» Mice, Keyboards, Sensors, Cameras, Fingerprint Hardware
– Different networking environment • Software Engineering Problem:
» Cable, DSL, Wireless, Firewalls,… – Turn hardware/software quirks 
what programmers want/need
• Questions:
– Optimize for convenience, utilization, security,
– Does the programmer need to write a single program reliability, etc…
that performs many independent activities?
• For Any OS area (e.g. file systems, virtual memory,
– Does every program have to be altered for every networking, scheduling):
piece of hardware?
– What’s the hardware interface? (physical reality)
– Does a faulty program crash everything?
– What’s the application interface? (nicer abstraction)
– Does every program have access to all hardware?
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Interfaces Provide Important Boundaries Virtual Machines
• Software emulation of an abstract machine
software – Make it look like hardware has features you want
– Programs from one hardware & OS on another one
instruction set • Programming simplicity
– Each process thinks it has all memory/CPU time
hardware – Each process thinks it owns all devices
– Different Devices appear to have same interface
– Device Interfaces more powerful than raw hardware
• Why do interfaces look the way that they do? » Bitmapped display  windowing system
– History, Functionality, Stupidity, Bugs, Management » Ethernet card  reliable, ordered, networking (TCP/IP)
– CS152  Machine interface • Fault Isolation
– CS160  Human interface – Processes unable to directly impact other processes
– CS169  Software engineering/management – Bugs cannot crash whole machine
• Should responsibilities be pushed across boundaries? • Protection and Portability
– RISC architectures, Graphical Pipeline Architectures – Java interface safe and stable across many platforms
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Virtual Machines (con’t): Layers of OSs Course Administration

• Useful for OS development • Instructor: John Kubiatowicz (kubitron@cs.berkeley.edu)
– When OS crashes, restricted to one VM 673 Soda Hall
Office Hours(Tentative): M/W 2:30pm-3:30pm
– Can aid testing programs on other OSs
• TAs: Angela C. Juang (cs162-ta@cory)
Christos Stergiou (cs162-tb@cory)
Hilfi Alkaff (cs162-tc@cory)
• Labs: Second floor of Soda Hall
• Website: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162
Mirror: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~kubitron/cs162
• Webcast: http://webcast.berkeley.edu/courses/index.php
• Newsgroup: ucb.class.cs162 (use news.csua.berkeley.edu)
• Course Email: cs162@cory.cs.berkeley.edu
• Reader: TBA (Stay tuned!)

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Class Schedule Textbook
• Class Time: M/W 4:00-5:30 PM, 277 Cory Hall
– Please come to class. Lecture notes do not have everything • Text: Operating Systems Concepts,
in them. The best part of class is the interaction! 8th Edition Silbershatz, Galvin, Gagne
– Also: 10% of the grade is from class participation (section
and class)
• Online supplements
• Sections:
– See “Information” link on course website
– Important information is in the sections
– Includes Appendices, sample problems, etc
– The sections assigned to you by Telebears are temporary!
– Every member of a project group must be in same section • Question: need 8th edition?
– No sections this week (obviously); start next week – No, but has new material that we may cover
Section Time Location TA
– Completely reorganized
101 F 9:00A-10:00A 85 Evans Christos Stergiou – Will try to give readings from both the 7th and 8th
editions on the lecture page
102 F 10:00A-11:00A 6 Evans Angela Juang
103 F 11:00A-12:00P 2 Evans Angela Juang
104 F 12:00P-1:00P 75 Evans Hilfi Alkaff
105 (New) F 1:00P-2:00P 85 Evans Christos Stergiou
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Topic Coverage Grading

Textbook: Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, • Rough Grade Breakdown

Operating Systems Concepts, 8th Ed., 2008 – One Midterm: 20% each (Perhaps 2?)
One Final: 25%
Four Projects: 50% (i.e. 12.5% each)
• 1 week: Fundamentals (Operating Systems Structures) Participation: 5%
• 1.5 weeks: Process Control and Threads
• Four Projects:
– Phase I: Build a thread system
• 2.5 weeks: Synchronization and scheduling
– Phase II: Implement Multithreading
• 2 week: Protection, Address translation, Caching
– Phase III: Caching and Virtual Memory
• 1 week: Demand Paging – Phase IV: Networking and Distributed Systems
• 1 week: File Systems • Late Policy:
• 2.5 weeks: Networking and Distributed Systems – Each group has 5 “slip” days.
• 1 week: Protection and Security – For Projects, slip days deducted from all partners
• ??: Advanced topics – 10% off per day after slip days exhausted

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Group Project Simulates Industrial Environment Typical Lecture Format

• Project teams have 4 or 5 members in same

discussion section
– Must work in groups in “the real world” Attention

• Communicate with colleagues (team members)

– Communication problems are natural 20 min. Break 25 min. Break 25 min. “In Conclusion, ...”
– What have you done? Time
– What answers you need from others? • 1-Minute Review
– You must document your work!!! • 20-Minute Lecture
– Everyone must keep an on-line notebook • 5- Minute Administrative Matters
• Communicate with supervisor (TAs) • 25-Minute Lecture
– How is the team’s plan? • 5-Minute Break (water, stretch)
• 25-Minute Lecture
– Short progress reports are required:
• Instructor will come to class early & stay after to answer
» What is the team’s game plan? questions
» What is each member’s responsibility?
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Lecture Goal Computing Facilities

• Every student who is enrolled should get an

account form at end of lecture
– Gives you an account of form cs162-xx@cory
– This account is required
» Most of your debugging can be done on other EECS
accounts, however…

» All of the final runs must be done on your cs162-xx
account and must run on the x86 Solaris machines
• Make sure to log into your new account this week
and fill out the questions
• Project Information:
– See the “Projects and Nachos” link off the course
home page
• Newsgroup (ucb.class.cs162):
– Read this regularly!

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Academic Dishonesty Policy What does an Operating System do?
• Copying all or part of another person's work, or using reference • Silerschatz and Gavin:
material not specifically allowed, are forms of cheating and will “An OS is Similar to a government”
not be tolerated. A student involved in an incident of cheating will
be notified by the instructor and the following policy will apply: – Begs the question: does a government do anything useful by
http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Policies/acad.dis.shtml • Coordinator and Traffic Cop:
• The instructor may take actions such as: – Manages all resources
– require repetition of the subject work,
– Settles conflicting requests for resources
– assign an F grade or a 'zero' grade to the subject work,
– Prevent errors and improper use of the computer
– for serious offenses, assign an F grade for the course.
• The instructor must inform the student and the Department Chair • Facilitator:
in writing of the incident, the action taken, if any, and the – Provides facilities that everyone needs
student's right to appeal to the Chair of the Department – Standard Libraries, Windowing systems
Grievance Committee or to the Director of the Office of Student
Conduct. – Make application programming easier, faster, less error-prone
• The Office of Student Conduct may choose to conduct a formal • Some features reflect both tasks:
hearing on the incident and to assess a penalty for misconduct.
– E.g. File system is needed by everyone (Facilitator)
• The Department will recommend that students involved in a second
incident of cheating be dismissed from the University. – But File system must be Protected (Traffic Cop)

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What is an Operating System,… Really? Operating System Definition (Cont.)

• Most Likely:
• No universally accepted definition
– Memory Management
• “Everything a vendor ships when you order an
– I/O Management
operating system” is good approximation
– CPU Scheduling
– But varies wildly
– Communications? (Does Email belong in OS?)
• “The one program running at all times on the
– Multitasking/multiprogramming? computer” is the kernel.
• What about? – Everything else is either a system program (ships
– File System? with the operating system) or an application
– Multimedia Support? program
– User Interface?
– Internet Browser? 
• Is this only interesting to Academics??

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What if we didn’t have an Operating System? Simple OS: What if only one application?

• Source CodeCompilerObject CodeHardware • Examples:

• How do you get object code onto the hardware? – Very early computers
• How do you print out the answer? – Early PCs
• Once upon a time, had to Toggle in program in – Embedded controllers (elevators, cars, etc)
binary and read out answer from LED’s! • OS becomes just a library of standard services
– Standard device drivers
– Interrupt handlers
– Math libraries

Altair 8080
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MS-DOS Layer Structure More thoughts on Simple OS

• What about Cell-phones, Xboxes, etc?

– Is this organization enough?
– What about an Android or iPhone phone?
• Can OS be encoded in ROM/Flash ROM?
• Does OS have to be software?
– Can it be Hardware?
– Custom Chip with predefined behavior
– Are these even OSs?

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More complex OS: Multiple Apps Example: Protecting Processes from Each Other

• Full Coordination and Protection • Problem: Run multiple applications in such a way
– Manage interactions between different users that they are protected from one another
– Multiple programs running simultaneously • Goal:
– Multiplex and protect Hardware Resources – Keep User Programs from Crashing OS
» CPU, Memory, I/O devices like disks, printers, etc – Keep User Programs from Crashing each other
• Facilitator – [Keep Parts of OS from crashing other parts?]
– Still provides Standard libraries, facilities • (Some of the required) Mechanisms:
– Address Translation
• Would this complexity make sense if there were – Dual Mode Operation
only one application that you cared about? • Simple Policy:
– Programs are not allowed to read/write memory of
other Programs or of Operating System

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Address Translation Example of Address Translation

• Address Space Data 2
Code Code
– A group of memory addresses usable by something Stack 1
Data Data
– Each program (process) and kernel has potentially
Heap Heap 1
different address spaces. Heap
• Address Translation: Stack Code 1
– Translate from Virtual Addresses (emitted by CPU) Stack 2
into Physical Addresses (of memory) Prog 1 Prog 2
Data 1
Virtual Virtual
– Mapping often performed in Hardware by Memory
Address Heap 2 Address
Management Unit (MMU)
Space 1 Space 2
Code 2
Virtual Physical
Addresses Addresses OS code
Translation Map 1 Translation Map 2
OS heap &

Physical Address Space

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Address Translation Details Dual Mode Operation

• For now, assume translation happens with table • Hardware provides at least two modes:
(called a Page Table): – “Kernel” mode (or “supervisor” or “protected”)
10 – “User” mode: Normal programs executed
V page no. offset • Some instructions/ops prohibited in user mode:
– Example: cannot modify page tables in user mode
Page Table
» Attempt to modify  Exception generated

index V
Rights PA • Transitions from user mode to kernel mode:
into – System Calls, Interrupts, Other exceptions
table table located
in physical P page no. offset Physical
memory Address
• Translation helps protection:
– Control translations, control access
– Should Users be able to change Page Table???

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New Structures for Multicore chips?

UNIX System Structure Tessellation: The Exploded OS
• Normal Components split
Firewall into pieces
Virus – Device drivers
Applications (Security/Reliability)
User Mode Large Compute-Bound Intrusion – Network Services
Application Monitor (Performance)
Standard Libs
And » TCP/IP stack
» Firewall
» Virus Checking
Video & » Intrusion Detection
Window – Persistent Storage
Kernel Mode Application
Drivers (Performance,
Security, Reliability)
Persistent Identity HCI/
Device – Monitoring services
Storage & Voice » Performance counters
File System Rec » Introspection
– Identity/Environment
Hardware services (Security)
» Biometric, GPS,
Possession Tracking
• Applications Given
Larger Partitions
– Freedom to use
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Lec 1.44
OS Systems Principles Why Study Operating Systems?
• Learn how to build complex systems:
• OS as illusionist: – How can you manage complexity for future projects?
– Make hardware limitations go away • Engineering issues:
– Provide illusion of dedicated machine with infinite – Why is the web so slow sometimes? Can you fix it?
memory and infinite processors
– What features should be in the next mars Rover?
• OS as government:
– How do large distributed systems work? (Kazaa, etc)
– Protect users from each other
– Allocate resources efficiently and fairly
• Buying and using a personal computer:
– Why different PCs with same CPU behave differently
• OS as complex system:
– How to choose a processor (Opteron, Itanium, Celeron,
– Constant tension between simplicity and Pentium, Hexium)? [ Ok, made last one up ]
functionality or performance – Should you get Windows XP, 2000, Linux, Mac OS …?
• OS as history teacher – Why does Microsoft have such a bad name?
– Learn from past • Business issues:
– Adapt as hardware tradeoffs change – Should your division buy thin-clients vs PC?
• Security, viruses, and worms
– What exposure do you have to worry about?
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“In conclusion…”

• Operating systems provide a virtual machine

abstraction to handle diverse hardware
• Operating systems coordinate resources and
protect users from each other
• Operating systems simplify application
development by providing standard services
• Operating systems can provide an array of fault
containment, fault tolerance, and fault recovery

• CS162 combines things from many other areas of

computer science –
– Languages, data structures, hardware, and

8/30/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 1.47

Review: Virtual Machine Abstraction

CS162 Application
Operating Systems and Virtual Machine Interface
Systems Programming Operating System
Lecture 2 Physical Machine Interface
History of the World Parts 1—5
• Software Engineering Problem:
Operating Systems Structures – Turn hardware/software quirks 
what programmers want/need
September 1st, 2010 – Optimize for convenience, utilization, security,
reliability, etc…
Prof. John Kubiatowicz
• For Any OS area (e.g. file systems, virtual memory,
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 networking, scheduling):
– What’s the hardware interface? (physical reality)
– What’s the application interface? (nicer abstraction)

9/01/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 2.2

Review: Protecting Processes from Each Other Review: Address Translation

• Address Space
• Problem: Run multiple applications in such a way
that they are protected from one another – A group of memory addresses usable by something
– Each program (process) and kernel has potentially
• Goal: different address spaces.
– Keep User Programs from Crashing OS
• Address Translation:
– Keep User Programs from Crashing each other
– Translate from Virtual Addresses (emitted by CPU)
– [Keep Parts of OS from crashing other parts?] into Physical Addresses (of memory)
• (Some of the required) Mechanisms: – Mapping often performed in Hardware by Memory
– Address Translation Management Unit (MMU)
– Dual Mode Operation Virtual Physical
Addresses Addresses
• Simple Policy:
– Programs are not allowed to read/write memory of
other Programs or of Operating System

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Review: Example of Address Translation Goals for Today
Data 2
Code Code • Finish Protection Example
Stack 1 • History of Operating Systems
Data Data
Heap Heap 1 – Really a history of resource-driven choices
Stack Code 1
Stack • Operating Systems Structures
Stack 2 • Operating Systems Organizations
Prog 1 Prog 2
Data 1 • Abstractions and layering
Address Heap 2 Address
Space 1 Space 2
Code 2
OS code

Translation Map 1 OS data Translation Map 2

OS heap & Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
Stacks adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Many slides generated from lecture notes by Joseph.
Physical Address Space
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The other half of protection: Dual Mode Operation UNIX System Structure
• Hardware provides at least two modes:
– “Kernel” mode (or “supervisor” or “protected”)
– “User” mode: Normal programs executed Applications
User Mode
• Some instructions/ops prohibited in user mode: Standard Libs
– Example: cannot modify page tables in user mode
» Attempt to modify  Exception generated
• Transitions from user mode to kernel mode:
Kernel Mode
– System Calls, Interrupts, Other exceptions


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Moore’s Law Change Drives OS Change Moore’s law effects

• Nothing like this in any other area of business

1981 2010 Factor
CPU MHz, 10 Quad 3G 1,200
• Transportation in over 200 years:
Cycles/inst 3—10 0.25—0.5 6—40 – 2 orders of magnitude from horseback @10mph to
Concorde @1000mph
DRAM capacity 128KB 8GB 65536
– Computers do this every decade (at least until 2002)!
Disk capacity 10MB 2TB 200,000 • What does this mean for us?
Net bandwidth 9600 b/s 1 Gb/s 110,000 – Techniques have to vary over time to adapt to
changing tradeoffs
# addr bits 16 64 4
• I place a lot more emphasis on principles
#users/machine 10s  1  0.1 – The key concepts underlying computer systems
Price $25,000 $4,000 0.16 – Less emphasis on facts that are likely to change over
the next few years…
Typical academic computer 1981 vs 2010 • Let’s examine the way changes in $/MIP has
radically changed how OS’s work
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Dawn of time History Phase 1 (1948—1970)

ENIAC: (1945—1955) Hardware Expensive, Humans Cheap

• When computers cost millions of $’s, optimize for

more efficient use of the hardware!
– Lack of interaction between user and computer

• User at console: one user at a time

• Batch monitor: load program, run, print

• Optimize to better use hardware

– When user thinking at console, computer idleBAD!
• “The machine designed by Drs. Eckert and Mauchly – Feed computer batches and make users wait
was a monstrosity. When it was finished, the – Autograder for this course is similar
ENIAC filled an entire room, weighed thirty tons, • No protection: what if batch program has bug?
and consumed two hundred kilowatts of power.”
• http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/ENIAC.Richey.HTML

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Core Memories (1950s & 60s) History Phase 1½ (late 60s/early 70s)
• Data channels, Interrupts: overlap I/O and compute
– DMA – Direct Memory Access for I/O devices
– I/O can be completed asynchronously
• Multiprogramming: several programs run simultaneously
The first magnetic core – Small jobs not delayed by large jobs
memory, from the IBM 405
Alphabetical Accounting
– More overlap between I/O and CPU
Machine. – Need memory protection between programs and/or OS
• Complexity gets out of hand:
– Multics: announced in 1963, ran in 1969
» 1777 people “contributed to Multics” (30-40 core dev)
• Core Memory stored data as magnetization in iron rings » Turing award lecture from Fernando Corbató (key
researcher): “On building systems that will fail”
– Iron “cores” woven into a 2-dimensional mesh of wires
– OS 360: released with 1000 known bugs (APARs)
– Origin of the term “Dump Core”
» “Anomalous Program Activity Report”
– Rumor that IBM consulted Life Saver company
• OS finally becomes an important science:
• See: http://www.columbia.edu/acis/history/core.html
– How to deal with complexity???
– UNIX based on Multics, but vastly simplified
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A Multics System (Circa 1976) Early Disk History

1973: 1979:
• The 6180 at MIT IPC, skin doors open, circa 1976: 1. 7 Mbit/sq. in 7. 7 Mbit/sq. in
– “We usually ran the machine with doors open so the 140 MBytes 2,300 MBytes
operators could see the AQ register display, which
gave you an idea of the machine load, and for
convenient access to the EXECUTE button, which the Contrast: Seagate 2TB,
operator would push to enter BOS if the machine
crashed.” 400 GB/SQ in, 3½ in disk,
• http://www.multicians.org/multics-stories.html 4 platters
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Administrivia Administriva: Time to start thinking about groups
• Waitlist: • Project Signup: Not quite ready, but will be
– All CS/EECS seniors should be in the class – 4-5 members to a group
– Remaining: » Everyone in group must be able to actually attend same section
» 18 CS/EECS juniors,
» The sections assigned to you by Telebears are temporary!
» 4 grad students
» 2 non CS/EECS seniors – Only submit once per group!
• Cs162-xx accounts: » Everyone in group must have logged into their cs162-xx accounts
once before you register the group
– We have more forms for those who didn’t get one
» Make sure that you select at least 2 potential sections
– If you haven’t logged in yet, you need to do so » Due Tuesday 9/7 by 11:59pm
• Nachos readers:
• Sections:
– TBA: Will be down at Copy Central on Hearst
– Watch for section assignments next Wednesday/Thursday
– Will include lectures and printouts of all of the code
– Attend new sections next week: Telebears sections this Friday
• Video “Screencast” archives available off lectures page
– If have mp4 player, just click on the title of a lecture Section Time Location TA
– Otherwise, click on link at top middle of lecture page 101 F 9:00A-10:00A 85 Evans Christos Stergiou
• No slip days on first design document for each phase 102 F 10:00A-11:00A 6 Evans Angela Juang
– Need to get design reviews in on time 103 F 11:00A-12:00P 2 Evans Angela Juang
• Don’t know Java well? 104 F 12:00P-1:00P 75 Evans Hilfi Alkaff
– Perhaps try CS 9G self-paced Java course 105 (New) F 1:00P-2:00P 85 Evans Christos Stergiou
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History Phase 2 (1970 – 1985)

Hardware Cheaper, Humans Expensive The ARPANet (1968-1970’s)
940 Utah
• Computers available for tens of thousands of dollars PDP 10
instead of millions IMPs • Paul Baran
• OS Technology maturing/stabilizing IBM 360 – RAND Corp, early 1960s
• Interactive timesharing: – Communications networks
– Use cheap terminals (~$1000) to let multiple users that would survive a
Sigma 7
interact with the system at the same time major enemy attack
• ARPANet: Research vehicle for
– Sacrifice CPU time to get better response time
“Resource Sharing Computer
– Users do debugging, editing, and email online Networks”
• Problem: Thrashing – 2 September 1969: UCLA
– Performance very non-linear first node on the
response with load ARPANet

– Thrashing caused by many – December 1969: 4 nodes

factors including connected by 56 kbps
BBN team that implemented phone lines
» Swapping, queueing
the interface message processor (IMP) – 1971: First Email
– 1970’s: <100 computers
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History Phase 3 (1981— )
Hardware Very Cheap, Humans Very Expensive

• Computer costs $1K, Programmer costs $100K/year

– If you can make someone 1% more efficient by giving
them a computer, it’s worth it!
– Use computers to make people more efficient
• Personal computing:
– Computers cheap, so give everyone a PC
• Limited Hardware Resources Initially:
– OS becomes a subroutine library
– One application at a time (MSDOS, CP/M, …)
• Eventually PCs become powerful:
– OS regains all the complexity of a “big” OS
– multiprogramming, memory protection, etc (NT,OS/2)
• Question: As hardware gets cheaper does need for
OS go away?

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History Phase 3 (con’t)

Graphical User Interfaces History Phase 4 (1988—): Distributed Systems

• CS160  All about GUIs

• Networking (Local Area Networking)
• Xerox Star: 1981 – Different machines share resources
Xerox Star

– Originally a research – Printers, File Servers, Web Servers

project (Alto)
– Client – Server Model
– First “mice”, “windows”
• Apple Lisa/Machintosh: 1984 • Services
– “Look and Feel” suit 1988 – Computing
• Microsoft Windows: – File Storage
– Win 1.0 (1985)
– Win 3.1 (1990) Level
Windows 3.1

– Win 95 (1995)
– Win NT (1993) HAL/Protection
– Win 2000 (2000)
– Win XP (2001)
Full Prot
– Win Vista (2007)

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History Phase 4 (1988—): Internet ARPANet Evolves into Internet
• First E-mail SPAM message: 1 May 1978 12:33 EDT
• Developed by the research community
– Based on open standard: Internet Protocol
• 80-83: TCP/IP, DNS; ARPANET and MILNET split
– Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
• 85-86: NSF builds NSFNET as backbone, links 6
• Technical basis for many other types of networks Supercomputer centers, 1.5 Mbps, 10,000 computers
– Intranet: enterprise IP network • 87-90: link regional networks, NSI (NASA), ESNet
• Services Provided by the Internet (DOE), DARTnet, TWBNet (DARPA), 100,000 computers
– Shared access to computing resources: telnet (1970’s)
– Shared access to data/files: FTP, NFS, AFS (1980’s)
– Communication medium over which people interact
» email (1980’s), on-line chat rooms, instant messaging (1990’s) ARPANet TCP/IP NSFNet Deregulation & ISP
» audio, video (1990’s, early 00’s) SATNet Commercialization ASP
– Medium for information dissemination PRNet WWW AIP
» USENET (1980’s) 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005
» WWW (1990’s)
» Audio, video (late 90’s, early 00’s) – replacing radio, TV? SATNet: Satelite network
» File sharing (late 90’s, early 00’s) PRNet: Radio Network

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What is a Communication Network? What is a Communication Network?

(End-system Centric View) (Infrastructure Centric View)
• Network offers one basic service: move information
– Bird, fire, messenger, truck, telegraph, telephone, • Communication medium: electron, photon
Internet … • Network components:
– Another example, transportation service: move – Links – carry bits from one place to another (or maybe
objects multiple places): fiber, copper, satellite, …
» Horse, train, truck, airplane ...
– Interfaces – attach devices to links
• What distinguish different types of networks?
– Switches/routers – interconnect links: electronic/optic,
– The services they provide crossbar/Banyan
• What distinguish the services? – Hosts – communication endpoints: workstations, PDAs,
– Latency cell phones, toasters
– Bandwidth (Highest BW? “Sneakernet”) • Protocols – rules governing communication between
– Loss rate nodes
– Number of end systems – TCP/IP, ATM, MPLS, SONET, Ethernet, X.25
– Service interface (how to invoke the service?)
• Applications: Web browser, X Windows, FTP, ...
– Others
» Reliability, unicast vs. multicast, real-time...
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Network Components (Examples) Types of Networks

• Geographical distance
Links Interfaces Switches/routers – Local Area Networks (LAN): Ethernet, Token ring,
Fibers Ethernet card Large router – Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN): DQDB, SMDS
– Wide Area Networks (WAN): X.25, ATM, frame
– Caveat: LAN, MAN, WAN may mean different
» Service, network technology, networks

Wireless card
• Information type
– Data networks vs. telecommunication networks
Telephone • Application type
– Special purpose networks: airline reservation
network, banking network, credit card network,
– General purpose network: Internet
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Network “Cloud” Regional Nets + Backbone

Regional Regional
Net Net

Regional Net


LAN: Local Area Network

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Backbones + NAPs + ISPs Computers Inside the Core
DSL Cable
ISP Always on Head Ends
ISP Backbones
Business Consumer Satellite
ISP ISP Fixed Wireless
Cell Cell
Cell Sprint AOL

ISP: Internet Service Provide LAN LAN LAN Dial-up

NAP: Network Access Point

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The Morris Internet Worm (1988) LoveLetter Virus (May 2000)

• Internet worm (Self-reproducing) • E-mail message with
– Author Robert Morris, a first-year Cornell grad student VBScript (simplified Visual
– Launched close of Workday on November 2, 1988
• Relies on Windows
– Within a few hours of release, it consumed resources to Scripting Host
the point of bringing down infected machines
– Enabled by default in
• User clicks on
attachment infected!
– E-mails itself to everyone
in Outlook address book
– Replaces some files with a
• Techniques copy of itself
– Exploited UNIX networking features (remote access) – Searches all drives
– Bugs in finger (buffer overflow) and sendmail programs – Downloads password
(debug mode allowed remote login) cracking program
– Dictionary lookup-based password cracking • 60-80% of US companies
infected and 100K
– Grappling hook program uploaded main worm program European servers
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CITRIS’s Model:
History Phase 5 (1995—): Mobile Systems A Societal Scale Information System
• Ubiquitous Mobile Devices
• Center for Information Massive Cluster

– Laptops, PDAs, phones

Technology Research in the Clusters

– Small, portable, and inexpensive Interest of Society

Gigabit Ethernet

» Recently twice as many smart phones as PDAs

• The Network is the OS
» Many computers/person!
– Functionality spread
– Limited capabilities (memory, CPU, power, etc…) throughout network
• Wireless/Wide Area Networking Scalable, Reliable,
Secure Services
– Leveraging the infrastructure
– Huge distributed pool of resources extend devices
– Traditional computers split into pieces. Wireless
keyboards/mice, CPU distributed, storage remote
• Peer-to-peer systems Mobile, Ubiquitous Systems
– Many devices with equal responsibilities work together
MEMS for
– Components of “Operating System” spread across globe Sensor Nets
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Datacenter is the Computer Migration of Operating-System Concepts and Features

• (From Luiz Barroso’s talk at RAD Lab 12/11)

• Google program == Web search, Gmail,…
• Google computer ==

– Thousands of computers, networking, storage

• Warehouse-sized facilities and workloads may be
unusual today but are likely to be more common in
the next few years

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History of OS: Summary
• Change is continuous and OSs should adapt
– Not: look how stupid batch processing was
– But: Made sense at the time
• Situation today is much like the late 60s
– Small OS: 100K lines
– Large OS: 10M lines (5M for the browser!)
» 100-1000 people-years Now for a quick tour of OS Structures
• Complexity still reigns
– NT developed (early to late 90’s): Never worked well
– Windows 2000/XP: Very successful
– Windows Vista (aka “Longhorn”) delayed many times
» Finally released in January 2007
» Promised by removing some of the intended technology
» Slow adoption rate, even in 2008/2009
• CS162: understand OSs to simplify them

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Operating Systems Components Operating System Services

(What are the pieces of the OS) (What things does the OS do?)
• Services that (more-or-less) map onto components
– Program execution
» How do you execute concurrent sequences of instructions?
• Process Management
– I/O operations
• Main-Memory Management » Standardized interfaces to extremely diverse devices
• I/O System management – File system manipulation
• File Management » How do you read/write/preserve files?
» Looming concern: How do you even find files???
• Networking
– Communications
• User Interfaces » Networking protocols/Interface with CyberSpace?
• Cross-cutting capabilities
– Error detection & recovery
– Resource allocation
– Accounting
– Protection

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Operating Systems Structure
System Calls (What is the API) (What is the organizational Principle?)
• See Chapter 2 of 7th edition or Chapter 3 of 6th • Simple
– Only one or two levels of code
• Layered
– Lower levels independent of upper levels
• Microkernel
– OS built from many user-level processes
• Modular
– Core kernel with Dynamically loadable modules

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Simple Structure UNIX: Also “Simple” Structure

• MS-DOS – written to provide the most functionality

in the least space
• UNIX – limited by hardware functionality
– Not divided into modules
• Original UNIX operating system consists of two
– Interfaces and levels of functionality not well separable parts:
– Systems programs
– The kernel
» Consists of everything below the system-call
interface and above the physical hardware
» Provides the file system, CPU scheduling, memory
management, and other operating-system
» Many interacting functions for one level

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UNIX System Structure Layered Structure

• Operating system is divided many layers (levels)

– Each built on top of lower layers
Applications – Bottom layer (layer 0) is hardware
User Mode
Standard Libs – Highest layer (layer N) is the user interface
• Each layer uses functions (operations) and services of
only lower-level layers
– Advantage: modularity  Easier debugging/Maintenance
Kernel Mode – Not always possible: Does process scheduler lie above or
below virtual memory layer?
» Need to reschedule processor while waiting for paging
» May need to page in information about tasks
• Important: Machine-dependent vs independent layers
– Easier migration between platforms
– Easier evolution of hardware platform
– Good idea for you as well!

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Layered Operating System Microkernel Structure

• Moves as much from the kernel into “user” space

– Small core OS running at kernel level
– OS Services built from many independent user-level
• Communication between modules with message passing
• Benefits:
– Easier to extend a microkernel
– Easier to port OS to new architectures
– More reliable (less code is running in kernel mode)
– Fault Isolation (parts of kernel protected from other
– More secure
• Detriments:
– Performance overhead severe for naïve implementation

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Modules-based Structure Partition Based Structure for Multicore chips?

• Most modern operating systems implement modules • Normal Components split

Firewall into pieces
– Uses object-oriented approach Virus – Device drivers
– Each core component is separate Large Compute-Bound Intrusion – Network Services
– Each talks to the others over known interfaces Application Monitor (Performance)
And » TCP/IP stack
– Each is loadable as needed within the kernel » Firewall
» Virus Checking
• Overall, similar to layers but with more flexible Video & » Intrusion Detection
Window – Persistent Storage
Application (Performance,
Security, Reliability)

Persistent HCI/ – Monitoring services
Storage & Voice » Performance counters
File System Rec » Introspection
– Identity/Environment
services (Security)
» Biometric, GPS,
Possession Tracking
• Applications Given
Larger Partitions
– Freedom to use
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Lec 2.54

Implementation Issues
(How is the OS implemented?) Conclusion
• Rapid Change in Hardware Leads to changing OS
• Policy vs. Mechanism
– Batch  Multiprogramming  Timeshare 
– Policy: What do you want to do? Graphical UI  Ubiquitous Devices 
– Mechanism: How are you going to do it? Cyberspace/Metaverse/??
– Should be separated, since both change • OS features migrated from mainframes  PCs
• Algorithms used • Standard Components and Services
– Process Control
– Linear, Tree-based, Log Structured, etc…
– Main Memory
• Event models used – I/O
– threads vs event loops – File System
• Backward compatability issues – UI
– Very important for Windows 2000/XP • Policy vs Mechanism
• System generation/configuration – Crucial division: not always properly separated!
– How to make generic OS fit on specific hardware • Complexity is always out of control
– However, “Resistance is NOT Useless!”

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Review: History of OS

CS162 • Why Study?

– To understand how user needs and hardware constraints
Operating Systems and influenced (and will influence) operating systems
Systems Programming • Several Distinct Phases:
Lecture 3 – Hardware Expensive, Humans Cheap
» Eniac, … Multics
– Hardware Cheaper, Humans Expensive
Concurrency: » PCs, Workstations, Rise of GUIs
Processes, Threads, and Address Spaces – Hardware Really Cheap, Humans Really Expensive
» Ubiquitous devices, Widespread networking
September 8nd, 2010 • Rapid Change in Hardware Leads to changing OS
– Batch  Multiprogramming  Timeshare  Graphical UI
Prof. John Kubiatowicz  Ubiquitous Devices  Cyberspace/Metaverse/??
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Gradual Migration of Features into Smaller Machines
• Situation today is much like the late 60s
– Small OS: 100K lines/Large: 10M lines (5M browser!)
– 100-1000 people-years
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Review: Implementation Issues

Review: Migration of OS Concepts and Features (How is the OS implemented?)
• Policy vs. Mechanism
– Policy: What do you want to do?
– Mechanism: How are you going to do it?
– Should be separated, since policies change
• Algorithms used
– Linear, Tree-based, Log Structured, etc…
• Event models used
– threads vs event loops
• Backward compatability issues
– Very important for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/…
– POSIX tries to help here
• System generation/configuration
– How to make generic OS fit on specific hardware

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Goals for Today Concurrency

• How do we provide multiprogramming? • “Thread” of execution

• What are Processes? – Independent Fetch/Decode/Execute loop
• How are they related to Threads and Address – Operating in some Address space
Spaces? • Uniprogramming: one thread at a time
– MS/DOS, early Macintosh, Batch processing
– Easier for operating system builder
– Get rid concurrency by defining it away
– Does this make sense for personal computers?
• Multiprogramming: more than one thread at a time
– Multics, UNIX/Linux, OS/2, Windows NT/2000/XP,
Mac OS X
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are – Often called “multitasking”, but multitasking has
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Gagne. other meanings (talk about this later)
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz. • ManyCore  Multiprogramming, right?
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The Basic Problem of Concurrency Recall (61C): What happens during execution?

• The basic problem of concurrency involves resources: Addr 232-1

– Hardware: single CPU, single DRAM, single I/O devices … …
– Multiprogramming API: users think they have exclusive R31
Fetch Data1
access to shared resources F0
… Exec Data0
• OS Has to coordinate all activity F30 Inst237
– Multiple users, I/O interrupts, … PC Inst236
– How can it keep all these things straight? …
• Execution sequence: Inst5
• Basic Idea: Use Virtual Machine abstraction
– Decompose hard problem into simpler ones – Fetch Instruction at PC
Inst3 PC
– Abstract the notion of an executing program – Decode
Inst2 PC
– Then, worry about multiplexing these abstract machines – Execute (possibly using registers) Inst1 PC
• Dijkstra did this for the “THE system” – Write results to registers/mem Inst0 PC
– Few thousand lines vs 1 million lines in OS 360 (1K bugs) – PC = Next Instruction(PC)
Addr 0
– Repeat
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How can we give the illusion of multiple processors? Properties of this simple multiprogramming technique

CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 • All virtual CPUs share same non-CPU resources
– I/O devices the same
– Memory the same
Shared Memory Time • Consequence of sharing:
• Assume a single processor. How do we provide the – Each thread can access the data of every other
illusion of multiple processors? thread (good for sharing, bad for protection)
– Multiplex in time! – Threads can share instructions
• Each virtual “CPU” needs a structure to hold: (good for sharing, bad for protection)
– Program Counter (PC), Stack Pointer (SP) – Can threads overwrite OS functions?
– Registers (Integer, Floating point, others…?) • This (unprotected) model common in:
• How switch from one CPU to the next? – Embedded applications
– Save PC, SP, and registers in current state block
– Windows 3.1/Machintosh (switch only with yield)
– Load PC, SP, and registers from new state block
– Windows 95—ME? (switch with both yield and timer)
• What triggers switch?
– Timer, voluntary yield, I/O, other things
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Modern Technique: SMT/Hyperthreading Administriva: Time for Project Signup

• Hardware technique
– Exploit natural properties
of superscalar processors
to provide illusion of
multiple processors
– Higher utilization of
processor resources
• Can schedule each thread
as if were separate CPU
– However, not linear
– If have multiprocessor,
should schedule each
processor first
• Original technique called “Simultaneous Multithreading”
– See http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/smt/
– Alpha, SPARC, Pentium 4 (“Hyperthreading”), Power 5
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Administrivia (2) How to protect threads from one another?

• Need three important things:

1. Protection of memory
» Every task does not have access to all memory
2. Protection of I/O devices
» Every task does not have access to every device
3. Protection of Access to Processor:
Preemptive switching from task to task
» Use of timer
» Must not be possible to disable timer from

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Providing Illusion of Separate Address Space:

Recall: Program’s Address Space Load new Translation Map on Switch
• Address space  the set of Code Data 2
accessible addresses + state Stack 1
associated with them: Data Data
Program Address Space

Heap Heap 1
– For a 32-bit processor there are Heap
232 = 4 billion addresses Stack Code 1
• What happens when you read or Stack 2
write to an address? Prog 1
Data 1
Prog 2
Virtual Virtual
– Perhaps Nothing
Address Heap 2 Address
– Perhaps acts like regular memory Space 1 Space 2
Code 2
– Perhaps ignores writes
OS code
– Perhaps causes I/O operation
» (Memory-mapped I/O) Translation Map 1 OS data Translation Map 2
– Perhaps causes exception (fault) OS heap &

Physical Address Space

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Traditional UNIX Process How do we multiplex processes?
• The current state of process held in a
• Process: Operating system abstraction to process control block (PCB):
represent what is needed to run a single program
– This is a “snapshot” of the execution and
– Often called a “HeavyWeight Process” protection environment
– Formally: a single, sequential stream of execution – Only one PCB active at a time
in its own address space
• Give out CPU time to different
• Two parts: processes (Scheduling):
– Sequential Program Execution Stream – Only one process “running” at a time
» Code executed as a single, sequential stream of
execution – Give more time to important processes
» Includes State of CPU registers • Give pieces of resources to different
– Protected Resources: processes (Protection):
» Main Memory State (contents of Address Space) – Controlled access to non-CPU resources
» I/O state (i.e. file descriptors) – Sample mechanisms:
» Memory Mapping: Give each process their Process
• Important: There is no concurrency in a
heavyweight process own address space Control
» Kernel/User duality: Arbitrary Block
multiplexing of I/O through system calls
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CPU Switch From Process to Process Diagram of Process State

• As a process executes, it changes state

– new: The process is being created
• This is also called a “context switch” – ready: The process is waiting to run
• Code executed in kernel above is overhead – running: Instructions are being executed
– Overhead sets minimum practical switching time – waiting: Process waiting for some event to occur
– Less overhead with SMT/hyperthreading, but… – terminated: The process has finished execution
contention for resources instead
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Process Scheduling What does it take to create a process?

• Must construct new PCB

– Inexpensive
• Must set up new page tables for address space
– More expensive
• Copy data from parent process? (Unix fork() )
– Semantics of Unix fork() are that the child
process gets a complete copy of the parent
memory and I/O state
– Originally very expensive
– Much less expensive with “copy on write”
• PCBs move from queue to queue as they change state
• Copy I/O state (file handles, etc)
– Decisions about which order to remove from queues are
Scheduling decisions – Medium expense
– Many algorithms possible (few weeks from now)
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Process =? Program Multiple Processes Collaborate on a Task

main () main () Heap
{ {
…; …; Proc 1 Proc 2 Proc 3
} } Stack
A() { A() {
A • High Creation/memory Overhead
… …
• (Relatively) High Context-Switch Overhead
} Program } Process • Need Communication mechanism:
• More to a process than just a program: – Separate Address Spaces Isolates Processes
– Program is just part of the process state – Shared-Memory Mapping
– I run emacs on lectures.txt, you run it on » Accomplished by mapping addresses to common DRAM
homework.java – Same program, different processes » Read and Write through memory
• Less to a process than a program: – Message Passing
– A program can invoke more than one process » send() and receive() messages
– cc starts up cpp, cc1, cc2, as, and ld » Works across network
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Shared Memory Communication Inter-process Communication (IPC)
Data 2 • Mechanism for processes to communicate and to
Code Code
Stack 1 synchronize their actions
Data Data
Heap 1 • Message system – processes communicate with
Heap Heap each other without resorting to shared variables
Code 1 Stack
Stack • IPC facility provides two operations:
Stack 2 Shared
Shared – send(message) – message size fixed or variable
Data 1
Prog 1 Prog 2 – receive(message)
Heap 2 Virtual • If P and Q wish to communicate, they need to:
Address Code 2 Address
– establish a communication link between them
Space 1 Space 2
Shared – exchange messages via send/receive
• Communication occurs by “simply” reading/writing • Implementation of communication link
to shared address page – physical (e.g., shared memory, hardware bus,
– Really low overhead communication systcall/trap)
– Introduces complex synchronization problems – logical (e.g., logical properties)
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Modern “Lightweight” Process with Threads Single and Multithreaded Processes

• Thread: a sequential execution stream within process

(Sometimes called a “Lightweight process”)
– Process still contains a single Address Space
– No protection between threads
• Multithreading: a single program made up of a
number of different concurrent activities
– Sometimes called multitasking, as in Ada…
• Why separate the concept of a thread from that of
a process?
– Discuss the “thread” part of a process (concurrency) • Threads encapsulate concurrency: “Active” component
– Separate from the “address space” (Protection) • Address spaces encapsulate protection: “Passive” part
– Heavyweight Process  Process with one thread – Keeps buggy program from trashing the system
• Why have multiple threads per address space?

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Examples of multithreaded programs Examples of multithreaded programs (con’t)
• Embedded systems • Network Servers
– Elevators, Planes, Medical systems, Wristwatches
– Concurrent requests from network
– Single Program, concurrent operations
– Again, single program, multiple concurrent operations
• Most modern OS kernels – File server, Web server, and airline reservation
– Internally concurrent because have to deal with systems
concurrent requests by multiple users
• Parallel Programming (More than one physical CPU)
– But no protection needed within kernel
– Split program into multiple threads for parallelism
• Database Servers – This is called Multiprocessing
– Access to shared data by many concurrent users
– Also background utility processing must be done
• Some multiprocessors are actually uniprogrammed:
– Multiple threads in one address space but one program
at a time

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Thread State Execution Stack Example

• State shared by all threads in process/addr space A(int tmp) {

A: tmp=1
– Contents of memory (global variables, heap) if (tmp<2)
B: ret=A+2
– I/O state (file system, network connections, etc) B();
• State “private” to each thread printf(tmp); C: ret=b+1
– Kept in TCB  Thread Control Block } A: tmp=2
– CPU registers (including, program counter) B() { Stack ret=C+1
– Execution stack – what is this? Pointer
} Stack Growth
• Execution Stack C() {
– Parameters, Temporary variables A(2);
• Stack holds temporary results
– return PCs are kept while called procedures are }
• Permits recursive execution
executing • Crucial to modern languages

9/8/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 3.31 9/8/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 3.32
Classification Example: Implementation Java OS
• Many threads, one Address Space

# of addr
• Why another OS?
One Many Java OS
# threads – Recommended Minimum memory sizes:
Per AS: » UNIX + X Windows: 32MB
» Windows 98: 16-32MB
MS/DOS, early
Traditional UNIX » Windows NT: 32-64MB Java APPS
» Windows 2000/XP: 64-128MB
Embedded systems Mach, OS/2, Linux
– What if we want a cheap network OS
(Geoworks, VxWorks, Windows 9x???
Many JavaOS,etc) point-of-sale computer?
Win NT to XP, » Say need 1000 terminals
JavaOS, Pilot(PC) Solaris, HP-UX, OS X Hardware
» Want < 8MB
• Real operating systems have either
• What language to write this OS in?
– One or many address spaces
– C/C++/ASM? Not terribly high-level.
– One or many threads per address space
Hard to debug.
• Did Windows 95/98/ME have real memory protection? – Java/Lisp? Not quite sufficient – need
– No: Users could overwrite process tables/System DLLs direct access to HW/memory management
9/8/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 3.33 9/8/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 3.34

• Processes have two parts
– Threads (Concurrency)
– Address Spaces (Protection)
• Concurrency accomplished by multiplexing CPU Time:
– Unloading current thread (PC, registers)
– Loading new thread (PC, registers)
– Such context switching may be voluntary (yield(),
I/O operations) or involuntary (timer, other interrupts)
• Protection accomplished restricting access:
– Memory mapping isolates processes from each other
– Dual-mode for isolating I/O, other resources
• Book talks about processes
– When this concerns concurrency, really talking about
thread portion of a process
– When this concerns protection, talking about address
space portion of a process
9/8/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 3.35
Recall: Modern Process with Multiple Threads

• Process: Operating system abstraction to represent

CS162 what is needed to run a single, multithreaded
Operating Systems and program
Systems Programming • Two parts:
Lecture 4 – Multiple Threads
» Each thread is a single, sequential stream of execution
– Protected Resources:
Thread Dispatching » Main Memory State (contents of Address Space)
» I/O state (i.e. file descriptors)
• Why separate the concept of a thread from that of
September 13, 2010 a process?
Prof. John Kubiatowicz – Discuss the “thread” part of a process (concurrency)
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Separate from the “address space” (Protection)
– Heavyweight Process  Process with one thread

9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.2

Recall: Single and Multithreaded Processes Goals for Today

• Further Understanding Threads

• Thread Dispatching
• Beginnings of Thread Scheduling

• Threads encapsulate concurrency

– “Active” component of a process
• Address spaces encapsulate protection
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
– Keeps buggy program from trashing the system adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
– “Passive” component of a process Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.3 9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.4
Classification Thread State

# of addr
• State shared by all threads in process/addr space
One Many – Contents of memory (global variables, heap)
# threads
Per AS: – I/O state (file system, network connections, etc)
• State “private” to each thread
MS/DOS, early
One Traditional UNIX – Kept in TCB  Thread Control Block
Mach, OS/2, Linux, – CPU registers (including, program counter)
Embedded systems
(Geoworks, VxWorks, Win 95?, Mac OS X, – Execution stack – what is this?
Many JavaOS,etc)
Win NT to XP,
JavaOS, Pilot(PC) Solaris, HP-UX
• Execution Stack
• Real operating systems have either – Parameters, Temporary variables
– One or many address spaces
– return PCs are kept while called procedures are
– One or many threads per address space executing
• Did Windows 95/98/ME have real memory protection?
– No: Users could overwrite process tables/System DLLs
9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.5 9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.6

Execution Stack Example MIPS: Software conventions for Registers

0 zero constant 0 16 s0 callee saves
A: tmp=1
A(int tmp) { 1 at reserved for assembler . . . (callee must save)
if (tmp<2) 2 v0 expression evaluation & 23 s7
B: ret=A+2
B(); 3 v1 function results 24 t8 temporary (cont’d)

printf(tmp); C: ret=B+1 4 a0 arguments 25 t9

5 a1 26 k0 reserved for OS kernel
} A: tmp=2
B() { Stack ret=C+1 6 a2 27 k1
Pointer 7 a3 28 gp Pointer to global area
8 t0 temporary: caller saves 29 sp Stack pointer
} Stack Growth
... (callee can clobber) 30 fp frame pointer
C() {
• Stack holds temporary results 15 t7 31 ra Return Address (HW)

• Permits recursive execution • Before calling procedure: • After return, assume
• Crucial to modern languages – Save caller-saves regs – Callee-saves reg OK
– Save v0, v1 – gp,sp,fp OK (restored!)
– Save ra – Other things trashed
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Single-Threaded Example Use of Threads
• Version of program with Threads:
• Imagine the following C program:
main() {
main() { CreateThread(ComputePI(“pi.txt”));
ComputePI(“pi.txt”); CreateThread(PrintClassList(“clist.text”));
PrintClassList(“clist.text”); }
• What does “CreateThread” do?
• What is the behavior here? – Start independent thread running given procedure
– Program would never print out class list • What is the behavior here?
– Now, you would actually see the class list
– Why? ComputePI would never finish
– This should behave as if there are two separate CPUs


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Memory Footprint of Two-Thread Example Per Thread State

• If we stopped this program and examined it with a • Each Thread has a Thread Control Block (TCB)
debugger, we would see – Execution State: CPU registers, program counter,
– Two sets of CPU registers Stack 1 pointer to stack
– Two sets of Stacks – Scheduling info: State (more later), priority, CPU time
• Questions: – Accounting Info
– How do we position stacks relative to – Various Pointers (for implementing scheduling queues)
Address Space

Stack 2
each other? – Pointer to enclosing process? (PCB)?
– What maximum size should we choose – Etc (add stuff as you find a need)
for the stacks?
• In Nachos: “Thread” is a class that includes the TCB
– What happens if threads violate this? Heap
– How might you catch violations? • OS Keeps track of TCBs in protected memory
Global Data – In Array, or Linked List, or …

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Lifecycle of a Thread (or Process) Ready Queue And Various I/O Device Queues
• Thread not running  TCB is in some scheduler queue
– Separate queue for each device/signal/condition
– Each queue can have a different scheduler policy

Ready Head Link Link Link

Queue Tail Registers Registers Registers
Other Other Other
Tape Head State State State
Unit 0 Tail
• As a thread executes, it changes state: Disk Head Link Link
– new: The thread is being created Unit 0 Tail Registers Registers
– ready: The thread is waiting to run Other Other
Disk Head State State
– running: Instructions are being executed Unit 2 TCB2 TCB3
– waiting: Thread waiting for some event to occur
– terminated: The thread has finished execution Ether Head
Netwk 0 Registers
• “Active” threads are represented by their TCBs Other
– TCBs organized into queues based on their state TCB8
9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.13 9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.14

Administrivia Administrivia (2)

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Dispatch Loop Running a thread

• Conceptually, the dispatching loop of the operating system Consider first portion: RunThread()
looks as follows:

Loop { • How do I run a thread?

– Load its state (registers, PC, stack pointer) into CPU
– Load environment (virtual memory space, etc)
LoadStateOfCPU(newTCB); – Jump to the PC
• How does the dispatcher get control back?
• This is an infinite loop
– Internal events: thread returns control voluntarily
– One could argue that this is all that the OS does
– External events: thread gets preempted
• Should we ever exit this loop???
– When would that be?

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Internal Events Stack for Yielding Thread

• Blocking on I/O

Stack growth
– The act of requesting I/O implicitly yields the CPU yield
Trap to OS
• Waiting on a “signal” from other thread kernel_yield
– Thread asks to wait and thus yields the CPU run_new_thread
• Thread executes a yield() switch

– Thread volunteers to give up CPU • How do we run a new thread?

run_new_thread() {
computePI() { newThread = PickNewThread();
while(TRUE) { switch(curThread, newThread);
ThreadHouseKeeping(); /* next Lecture */
• How does dispatcher switch to a new thread?
– Save anything next thread may trash: PC, regs, stack
– Maintain isolation for each thread
9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.19 9/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 4.20
What do the stacks look like? Saving/Restoring state (often called “Context Switch)
Switch(tCur,tNew) {
• Consider the following
code blocks:
/* Unload old thread */
TCB[tCur].regs.r7 = CPU.r7;
proc A() { Thread S Thread T

B(); A A
TCB[tCur].regs.r0 = CPU.r0;

Stack growth
B(while) B(while) TCB[tCur].regs.sp = CPU.sp;
TCB[tCur].regs.retpc = CPU.retpc; /*return addr*/
proc B() { yield yield
while(TRUE) {
run_new_thread run_new_thread /* Load and execute new thread */
CPU.r7 = TCB[tNew].regs.r7;
} switch switch

CPU.r0 = TCB[tNew].regs.r0;
• Suppose we have 2 CPU.sp = TCB[tNew].regs.sp;
CPU.retpc = TCB[tNew].regs.retpc;
– Threads S and T return; /* Return to CPU.retpc */
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Switch Details Switch Details (continued)

• How many registers need to be saved/restored? • What if you make a mistake in implementing switch?
– Suppose you forget to save/restore register 4
– MIPS 4k: 32 Int(32b), 32 Float(32b)
– Get intermittent failures depending on when context switch
– Pentium: 14 Int(32b), 8 Float(80b), 8 SSE(128b),… occurred and whether new thread uses register 4
– Sparc(v7): 8 Regs(32b), 16 Int regs (32b) * 8 windows = – System will give wrong result without warning
136 (32b)+32 Float (32b) • Can you devise an exhaustive test to test switch code?
– Itanium: 128 Int (64b), 128 Float (82b), 19 Other(64b) – No! Too many combinations and inter-leavings
• retpc is where the return should jump to. • Cautionary tail:
– In reality, this is implemented as a jump – For speed, Topaz kernel saved one instruction in switch()
– Carefully documented!
• There is a real implementation of switch in Nachos. » Only works As long as kernel size < 1MB
– See switch.s – What happened?
» Normally, switch is implemented as assembly! » Time passed, People forgot
– Of course, it’s magical! » Later, they added features to kernel (no one removes
– But you should be able to follow it! » Very weird behavior started happening
– Moral of story: Design for simplicity
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What happens when thread blocks on I/O? External Events

• What happens if thread never does any I/O,
never waits, and never yields control?

Stack growth
read – Could the ComputePI program grab all resources
Trap to OS and never release the processor?
» What if it didn’t print to console?
– Must find way that dispatcher can regain control!
• Answer: Utilize External Events
• What happens when a thread requests a block of – Interrupts: signals from hardware or software
data from the file system? that stop the running code and jump to kernel
– User code invokes a system call – Timer: like an alarm clock that goes off every
– Read operation is initiated some many milliseconds
– Run new thread/switch • If we make sure that external events occur
• Thread communication similar frequently enough, can ensure dispatcher runs
– Wait for Signal/Join
– Networking
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Example: Network Interrupt Use of Timer Interrupt to Return Control

Raise priority • Solution to our dispatcher problem
Reenable All Ints
 Save registers – Use the timer interrupt to force scheduling decisions
External Interrupt

add $r1,$r2,$r3
Dispatch to Handler
“Interrupt Handler”

subi $r4,$r1,#4 

Stack growth
Some Routine
slli $r4,$r4,#2 Interrupt
Transfer Network TimerInterrupt
Packet from hardware
Pipeline Flush run_new_thread
to Kernel Buffers
lw $r2,0($r4) switch

lw $r3,4($r4)
add $r2,$r2,$r3
Restore registers
• Timer Interrupt routine:
Clear current Int
sw 8($r4),$r2
 Disable All Ints
TimerInterrupt() {
Restore priority DoPeriodicHouseKeeping();
RTI run_new_thread();
• An interrupt is a hardware-invoked context switch
• I/O interrupt: same as timer interrupt except that
– No separate step to choose what to run next
DoHousekeeping() replaced by ServiceIO().
– Always run the interrupt handler immediately
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Choosing a Thread to Run Summary
• How does Dispatcher decide what to run? • The state of a thread is contained in the TCB
– Zero ready threads – dispatcher loops – Registers, PC, stack pointer
» Alternative is to create an “idle thread” – States: New, Ready, Running, Waiting, or Terminated
» Can put machine into low-power mode
• Multithreading provides simple illusion of multiple CPUs
– Exactly one ready thread – easy
– Switch registers and stack to dispatch new thread
– More than one ready thread: use scheduling priorities
– Provide mechanism to ensure dispatcher regains control
• Possible priorities:
• Switch routine
– LIFO (last in, first out):
– Can be very expensive if many registers
» put ready threads on front of list, remove from front
– Must be very carefully constructed!
– Pick one at random
– FIFO (first in, first out):
• Many scheduling options
» Put ready threads on back of list, pull them from front – Decision of which thread to run complex enough for
complete lecture
» This is fair and is what Nachos does
– Priority queue:
» keep ready list sorted by TCB priority field
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Review: Per Thread State
• Each Thread has a Thread Control Block (TCB)
CS162 – Execution State: CPU registers, program counter,
Operating Systems and pointer to stack
Systems Programming – Scheduling info: State (more later), priority, CPU time
– Accounting Info
Lecture 5
– Various Pointers (for implementing scheduling queues)
– Pointer to enclosing process? (PCB)?
Cooperating Threads
– Etc (add stuff as you find a need)
• OS Keeps track of TCBs in protected memory
September 15, 2010 – In Arrays, or Linked Lists, or …
Prof. John Kubiatowicz Head Link Link Link
Tail Registers Registers Registers
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 Other Other Other
Ready State State State
Queue TCB9 TCB6 TCB16

9/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 5.2

Review: Yielding through Internal Events Review: Stack for Yielding Thread

• Blocking on I/O ComputePI

Stack growth
– The act of requesting I/O implicitly yields the CPU yield
• Waiting on a “signal” from other thread Trap to OS
– Thread asks to wait and thus yields the CPU run_new_thread
• Thread executes a yield() switch
– Thread volunteers to give up CPU
computePI() {
• How do we run a new thread?
while(TRUE) { run_new_thread() {
newThread = PickNewThread();
switch(curThread, newThread);
ThreadHouseKeeping(); /* Later in lecture */
– Note that yield() must be called by programmer • How does dispatcher switch to a new thread?
frequently enough! – Save anything next thread may trash: PC, regs, stack
– Maintain isolation for each thread
9/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 5.3 9/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 5.4
Review: Two Thread Yield Example Goals for Today

• Consider the following • More on Interrupts

code blocks:
• Thread Creation/Destruction
proc A() { Thread S Thread T
• Cooperating Threads
B(); A A

Stack growth
} B(while) B(while)
proc B() { yield yield
while(TRUE) {
yield(); run_new_thread run_new_thread

} switch switch
• Suppose we have 2
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
– Threads S and T adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
9/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 5.5 9/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 5.6

Interrupt Controller Example: Network Interrupt

Priority Encoder
Interrupt Mask

Raise priority
IntID 
Reenable All Ints

External Interrupt
add $r1,$r2,$r3
Save registers

“Interrupt Handler”
subi $r4,$r1,#4
Dispatch to Handler
Interrupt Int Disable slli $r4,$r4,#2 

Transfer Network
Pipeline Flush Packet from hardware
to Kernel Buffers
Control lw $r2,0($r4) 
Software Restore registers
Interrupt NMI lw $r3,4($r4)
Network add $r2,$r2,$r3 Clear current Int
Disable All Ints
• Interrupts invoked with interrupt lines from devices sw 8($r4),$r2
 Restore priority
• Interrupt controller chooses interrupt request to honor RTI
– Mask enables/disables interrupts
– Priority encoder picks highest enabled interrupt • Disable/Enable All Ints  Internal CPU disable bit
– Software Interrupt Set/Cleared by Software – RTI reenables interrupts, returns to user mode
– Interrupt identity specified with ID line • Raise/lower priority: change interrupt mask
• CPU can disable all interrupts with internal flag • Software interrupts can be provided entirely in
• Non-maskable interrupt line (NMI) can’t be disabled software at priority switching boundaries
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Review: Preemptive Multithreading Administrivia
• Use the timer interrupt to force scheduling decisions

Stack growth
Some Routine

• Timer Interrupt routine:

TimerInterrupt() {
• This is often called preemptive multithreading, since
threads are preempted for better scheduling
– Solves problem of user who doesn’t insert yield();

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Review: Lifecycle of a Thread (or Process) ThreadFork(): Create a New Thread

• ThreadFork() is a user-level procedure that
creates a new thread and places it on ready queue
– We called this CreateThread() earlier
• Arguments to ThreadFork()
– Pointer to application routine (fcnPtr)
– Pointer to array of arguments (fcnArgPtr)
– Size of stack to allocate
• As a thread executes, it changes state:
• Implementation
– new: The thread is being created
– Sanity Check arguments
– ready: The thread is waiting to run
– running: Instructions are being executed – Enter Kernel-mode and Sanity Check arguments again
– waiting: Thread waiting for some event to occur – Allocate new Stack and TCB
– terminated: The thread has finished execution – Initialize TCB and place on ready list (Runnable).
• “Active” threads are represented by their TCBs
– TCBs organized into queues based on their state
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How do we initialize TCB and Stack? How does Thread get started?
• Initialize Register fields of TCB Other Thread
– Stack pointer made to point at stack
– PC return address  OS (asm) routine ThreadRoot() ThreadRoot

– Two arg registers (a0 and a1) initialized to fcnPtr and A

fcnArgPtr, respectively

Stack growth
• Initialize stack data? B(while)

– No. Important part of stack frame is in registers (ra) yield

– Think of stack frame as just before body of New Thread
ThreadRoot() really gets started run_new_thread

switch ThreadRoot stub

Stack growth
ThreadRoot stub

• Eventually, run_new_thread() will select this TCB

and return into beginning of ThreadRoot()
Initial Stack – This really starts the new thread
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What does ThreadRoot() look like? What does ThreadFinish() do?

• ThreadRoot() is the root for the thread routine: • Needs to re-enter kernel mode (system call)
ThreadRoot() { • “Wake up” (place on ready queue) threads waiting
DoStartupHousekeeping(); for this thread
UserModeSwitch(); /* enter user mode */ – Threads (like the parent) may be on a wait queue
Call fcnPtr(fcnArgPtr); waiting for this thread to finish
ThreadFinish(); • Can’t deallocate thread yet
} – We are still running on its stack!
• Startup Housekeeping – Instead, record thread as “waitingToBeDestroyed”
Stack growth


– Includes things like recording Thread Code • Call run_new_thread() to run another thread:
start time of thread run_new_thread() {
– Other Statistics newThread = PickNewThread();
• Stack will grow and shrink Running Stack
switch(curThread, newThread);
with execution of thread ThreadHouseKeeping();
• Final return from thread returns into ThreadRoot() }
which calls ThreadFinish() – ThreadHouseKeeping() notices waitingToBeDestroyed
– ThreadFinish() will start at user-level and deallocates the finished thread’s TCB and stack
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Additional Detail Parent-Child relationship

• Thread Fork is not the same thing as UNIX fork

– UNIX fork creates a new process so it has to
create a new address space
– For now, don’t worry about how to create and
Typical process tree
switch between address spaces for Solaris system
• Thread fork is very much like an asynchronous
procedure call
– Runs procedure in separate thread
– Calling thread doesn’t wait for finish
• What if thread wants to exit early?
– ThreadFinish() and exit() are essentially the
same procedure entered at user level • Every thread (and/or Process) has a parentage
– A “parent” is a thread that creates another thread
– A child of a parent was created by that parent

9/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 5.17 9/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 5.18

ThreadJoin() system call Use of Join for Traditional Procedure Call

• One thread can wait for another to finish with the • A traditional procedure call is logically equivalent to
ThreadJoin(tid) call doing a ThreadFork followed by ThreadJoin
– Calling thread will be taken off run queue and placed on • Consider the following normal procedure call of B()
waiting queue for thread tid by A():
• Where is a logical place to store this wait queue?
A() { B(); }
– On queue inside the TCB
B() { Do interesting, complex stuff }
TCBtid • The procedure A() is equivalent to A’():
Termination A’() {
Wait queue
tid = ThreadFork(B,null);
Head Link Link Link
Tail Registers Registers Registers ThreadJoin(tid);
Other Other Other
State State State }
• Why not do this for every procedure?
• Similar to wait() system call in UNIX – Context Switch Overhead
– Lets parents wait for child processes – Memory Overhead for Stacks
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Kernel versus User-Mode threads Threading models mentioned by book
• We have been talking about Kernel threads
– Native threads supported directly by the kernel
– Every thread can run or block independently
– One process may have several threads waiting on different Simple One-to-One
things Threading Model
• Downside of kernel threads: a bit expensive
– Need to make a crossing into kernel mode to schedule
• Even lighter weight option: User Threads
– User program provides scheduler and thread package
– May have several user threads per kernel thread
– User threads may be scheduled non-premptively relative to
each other (only switch on yield())
– Cheap
• Downside of user threads:
– When one thread blocks on I/O, all threads block
– Kernel cannot adjust scheduling among all threads
– Option: Scheduler Activations
» Have kernel inform user level when thread blocks…
Many-to-One Many-to-Many
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Multiprocessing vs Multiprogramming Correctness for systems with concurrent threads

• Remember Definitions: • If dispatcher can schedule threads in any way,
– Multiprocessing  Multiple CPUs programs must work under all circumstances
– Multiprogramming  Multiple Jobs or Processes – Can you test for this?
– Multithreading  Multiple threads per Process – How can you know if your program works?
• What does it mean to run two threads “concurrently”? • Independent Threads:
– Scheduler is free to run threads in any order and – No state shared with other threads
interleaving: FIFO, Random, … – Deterministic  Input state determines results
– Dispatcher can choose to run each thread to completion – Reproducible  Can recreate Starting Conditions, I/O
or time-slice in big chunks or small chunks – Scheduling order doesn’t matter (if switch() works!!!)
A • Cooperating Threads:
Multiprocessing B – Shared State between multiple threads
C – Non-deterministic
– Non-reproducible
• Non-deterministic and Non-reproducible means that
Multiprogramming A B C A B C B
bugs can be intermittent
– Sometimes called “Heisenbugs”
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Interactions Complicate Debugging Why allow cooperating threads?
• Is any program truly independent? • People cooperate; computers help/enhance people’s lives,
– Every process shares the file system, OS resources, so computers must cooperate
network, etc – By analogy, the non-reproducibility/non-determinism of
– Extreme example: buggy device driver causes thread A to people is a notable problem for “carefully laid plans”
crash “independent thread” B • Advantage 1: Share resources
• You probably don’t realize how much you depend on – One computer, many users
reproducibility: – One bank balance, many ATMs
– Example: Evil C compiler » What if ATMs were only updated at night?
– Embedded systems (robot control: coordinate arm & hand)
» Modifies files behind your back by inserting errors into C
program unless you insert debugging code • Advantage 2: Speedup
– Example: Debugging statements can overrun stack – Overlap I/O and computation
» Many different file systems do read-ahead
• Non-deterministic errors are really difficult to find – Multiprocessors – chop up program into parallel pieces
– Example: Memory layout of kernel+user programs • Advantage 3: Modularity
» depends on scheduling, which depends on timer/other things – More important than you might think
» Original UNIX had a bunch of non-deterministic errors – Chop large problem up into simpler pieces
– Example: Something which does interesting I/O » To compile, for instance, gcc calls cpp | cc1 | cc2 | as | ld
» User typing of letters used to help generate secure keys » Makes system easier to extend
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High-level Example: Web Server Threaded Web Server

• Now, use a single process
• Multithreaded (cooperating) version:
serverLoop() {
connection = AcceptCon();
• Looks almost the same, but has many advantages:
– Can share file caches kept in memory, results of CGI
scripts, other things
• Server must handle many requests
– Threads are much cheaper to create than processes, so
• Non-cooperating version: this has a lower per-request overhead
serverLoop() { • Question: would a user-level (say one-to-many)
con = AcceptCon(); thread package make sense here?
– When one request blocks on disk, all block…
• What are some disadvantages of this technique? • What about Denial of Service attacks or digg /
Slash-dot effects?
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Thread Pools Summary
• Problem with previous version: Unbounded Threads • Interrupts: hardware mechanism for returning control
– When web-site becomes too popular – throughput sinks to operating system
• Instead, allocate a bounded “pool” of worker threads, – Used for important/high-priority events
representing the maximum level of multiprogramming – Can force dispatcher to schedule a different thread
(premptive multithreading)
Master • New Threads Created with ThreadFork()

Thread – Create initial TCB and stack to point at ThreadRoot()
– ThreadRoot() calls thread code, then ThreadFinish()
– ThreadFinish() wakes up waiting threads then
Thread Pool prepares TCB/stack for distruction
master() { worker(queue) { • Threads can wait for other threads using
while(TRUE) {
allocThreads(worker,queue); ThreadJoin()
while(TRUE) {
if (con==null) • Threads may be at user-level or kernel level
Enqueue(queue,con); sleepOn(queue); • Cooperating threads have many potential advantages
ServiceWebPage(con); – But: introduces non-reproducibility and non-determinism
} } – Need to have Atomic operations
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} Fall 2009 Lec 5.29 9/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 5.30
Review: ThreadFork(): Create a New Thread
• ThreadFork() is a user-level procedure that
CS162 creates a new thread and places it on ready queue
Operating Systems and • Arguments to ThreadFork()
Systems Programming – Pointer to application routine (fcnPtr)
Lecture 6 – Pointer to array of arguments (fcnArgPtr)
– Size of stack to allocate
Synchronization • Implementation
– Sanity Check arguments
– Enter Kernel-mode and Sanity Check arguments again
September 20, 2010
– Allocate new Stack and TCB
Prof. John Kubiatowicz
– Initialize TCB and place on ready list (Runnable).

9/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 6.2

Review: How does Thread get started? Review: What does ThreadRoot() look like?
Other Thread • ThreadRoot() is the root for the thread routine:
ThreadRoot() {
ThreadRoot DoStartupHousekeeping();
UserModeSwitch(); /* enter user mode */
Stack growth

Call fcnPtr(fcnArgPtr);
B(while) ThreadFinish();
• Startup Housekeeping

Stack growth
yield ThreadRoot

run_new_thread New Thread – Includes things like recording Thread Code

start time of thread
switch ThreadRoot stub
– Other Statistics
• Stack will grow and shrink Running Stack
with execution of thread
• Eventually, run_new_thread() will select this TCB • Final return from thread returns into ThreadRoot()
and return into beginning of ThreadRoot() which calls ThreadFinish()
– This really starts the new thread – ThreadFinish() wake up sleeping threads
9/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 6.3 9/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 6.4
Review: Correctness for systems with concurrent threads Goals for Today
• If dispatcher can schedule threads in any way,
programs must work under all circumstances • Concurrency examples
• Independent Threads: • Need for synchronization
– No state shared with other threads • Examples of valid synchronization
– Deterministic  Input state determines results
– Reproducible  Can recreate Starting Conditions, I/O
– Scheduling order doesn’t matter (if switch() works!!!)
• Cooperating Threads:
– Shared State between multiple threads
– Non-deterministic
– Non-reproducible
• Non-deterministic and Non-reproducible means that
bugs can be intermittent Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
– Sometimes called “Heisenbugs” adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
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Interactions Complicate Debugging Why allow cooperating threads?

• Is any program truly independent? • People cooperate; computers help/enhance people’s lives,
– Every process shares the file system, OS resources, so computers must cooperate
network, etc – By analogy, the non-reproducibility/non-determinism of
– Extreme example: buggy device driver causes thread A to people is a notable problem for “carefully laid plans”
crash “independent thread” B • Advantage 1: Share resources
• You probably don’t realize how much you depend on – One computer, many users
reproducibility: – One bank balance, many ATMs
– Example: Evil C compiler » What if ATMs were only updated at night?
– Embedded systems (robot control: coordinate arm & hand)
» Modifies files behind your back by inserting errors into C
program unless you insert debugging code • Advantage 2: Speedup
– Example: Debugging statements can overrun stack – Overlap I/O and computation
» Many different file systems do read-ahead
• Non-deterministic errors are really difficult to find – Multiprocessors – chop up program into parallel pieces
– Example: Memory layout of kernel+user programs • Advantage 3: Modularity
» depends on scheduling, which depends on timer/other things – More important than you might think
» Original UNIX had a bunch of non-deterministic errors – Chop large problem up into simpler pieces
– Example: Something which does interesting I/O » To compile, for instance, gcc calls cpp | cc1 | cc2 | as | ld
» User typing of letters used to help generate secure keys » Makes system easier to extend
9/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 6.7 9/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 6.8
Threaded Web Server Thread Pools
• Problem with previous version: Unbounded Threads
– When web-site becomes too popular – throughput sinks
• Instead, allocate a bounded “pool” of threads,
representing the maximum level of multiprogramming

• Multithreaded version: Master

serverLoop() { Thread
connection = AcceptCon();
} Thread Pool
• Advantages of threaded version: master() { slave(queue) {
– Can share file caches kept in memory, results of CGI allocThreads(slave,queue); while(TRUE) {
scripts, other things while(TRUE) { con=Dequeue(queue);
– Threads are much cheaper to create than processes, so
if (con==null)
this has a lower per-request overhead Enqueue(queue,con); sleepOn(queue);
• What if too many requests come in at once?
} ServiceWebPage(con);
} }
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} Fall 2009 Lec 6.10

Administrivia ATM Bank Server

• ATM server problem:

– Service a set of requests
– Do so without corrupting database
– Don’t hand out too much money
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ATM bank server example Event Driven Version of ATM server
• Suppose we wanted to implement a server process to • Suppose we only had one CPU
handle requests from an ATM network: – Still like to overlap I/O with computation
BankServer() { – Without threads, we would have to rewrite in event-
while (TRUE) { driven style
ReceiveRequest(&op, &acctId, &amount);
ProcessRequest(op, acctId, amount); • Example
} BankServer() {
while(TRUE) {
ProcessRequest(op, acctId, amount) { event = WaitForNextEvent();
if (op == deposit) Deposit(acctId, amount); if (event == ATMRequest)
else if … StartOnRequest();
else if (event == AcctAvail)
Deposit(acctId, amount) { ContinueRequest();
acct = GetAccount(acctId); /* may use disk I/O */ else if (event == AcctStored)
acct->balance += amount; FinishRequest();
StoreAccount(acct); /* Involves disk I/O */ }
• How could we speed this up? – What if we missed a blocking I/O step?
– More than one request being processed at once – What if we have to split code into hundreds of pieces
– Event driven (overlap computation and I/O) which could be blocking?
– Multiple threads (multi-proc, or overlap comp and I/O) – This technique is used for graphical programming
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Can Threads Make This Easier? Review: Multiprocessing vs Multiprogramming

• Threads yield overlapped I/O and computation without • What does it mean to run two threads “concurrently”?
“deconstructing” code into non-blocking fragments – Scheduler is free to run threads in any order and
interleaving: FIFO, Random, …
– One thread per request
– Dispatcher can choose to run each thread to completion
• Requests proceeds to completion, blocking as required: or time-slice in big chunks or small chunks
Deposit(acctId, amount) {
acct = GetAccount(actId); /* May use disk I/O */ A
acct->balance += amount; Multiprocessing B
StoreAccount(acct); /* Involves disk I/O */ C
• Unfortunately, shared state can get corrupted:
Thread 1 Thread 2 Multiprogramming A B C A B C B
load r1, acct->balance
load r1, acct->balance
add r1, amount2
store r1, acct->balance • Also recall: Hyperthreading
add r1, amount1 – Possible to interleave threads on a per-instruction basis
store r1, acct->balance – Keep this in mind for our examples (like multiprocessing)
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Problem is at the lowest level Atomic Operations
• Most of the time, threads are working on separate • To understand a concurrent program, we need to know
data, so scheduling doesn’t matter: what the underlying indivisible operations are!
Thread A Thread B • Atomic Operation: an operation that always runs to
x = 1; y = 2; completion or not at all
• However, What about (Initially, y = 12): – It is indivisible: it cannot be stopped in the middle and
Thread A Thread B state cannot be modified by someone else in the middle
x = 1; y = 2; – Fundamental building block – if no atomic operations, then
x = y+1; y = y*2; have no way for threads to work together
– What are the possible values of x? • On most machines, memory references and assignments
• Or, what are the possible values of x below? (i.e. loads and stores) of words are atomic
Thread A Thread B – Consequently – weird example that produces “3” on
x = 1; x = 2;
previous slide can’t happen
– X could be 1 or 2 (non-deterministic!) • Many instructions are not atomic
– Could even be 3 for serial processors: – Double-precision floating point store often not atomic
» Thread A writes 0001, B writes 0010. – VAX and IBM 360 had an instruction to copy a whole
» Scheduling order ABABABBA yields 3! array

9/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 6.17 9/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 6.18

Correctness Requirements Space Shuttle Example

• Threaded programs must work for all interleavings of • Original Space Shuttle launch aborted 20 minutes
thread instruction sequences before scheduled launch
– Cooperating threads inherently non-deterministic and • Shuttle has five computers:
non-reproducible – Four run the “Primary Avionics PASS
– Really hard to debug unless carefully designed! Software System” (PASS)
• Example: Therac-25 » Asynchronous and real-time BFS
– Machine for radiation therapy » Runs all of the control systems
» Software control of electron » Results synchronized and compared every 3 to 4 ms
accelerator and electron beam/ – The Fifth computer is the “Backup Flight System” (BFS)
Xray production » stays synchronized in case it is needed
» Software control of dosage » Written by completely different team than PASS
– Software errors caused the • Countdown aborted because BFS disagreed with PASS
death of several patients
» A series of race conditions on – A 1/67 chance that PASS was out of sync one cycle
shared variables and poor – Bug due to modifications in initialization code of PASS
software design » A delayed init request placed into timer queue
» “They determined that data entry speed during editing » As a result, timer queue not empty at expected time to
was the key factor in producing the error condition: If force use of hardware clock
the prescription data was edited at a fast pace, the
overdose occurred.” – Bug not found during extensive simulation
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Another Concurrent Program Example Hand Simulation Multiprocessor Example
• Two threads, A and B, compete with each other • Inner loop looks like this:
– One tries to increment a shared counter Thread A Thread B
– The other tries to decrement the counter r1=0 load r1, M[i]
r1=0 load r1, M[i]
Thread A Thread B r1=1 add r1, r1, 1
i = 0; i = 0; r1=-1 sub r1, r1, 1
while (i < 10) while (i > -10) M[i]=1 store r1, M[i]
i = i + 1; i = i – 1; M[i]=-1 store r1, M[i]
printf(“A wins!”); printf(“B wins!”);
• Hand Simulation:
• Assume that memory loads and stores are atomic, but – And we’re off. A gets off to an early start
incrementing and decrementing are not atomic – B says “hmph, better go fast” and tries really hard
• Who wins? Could be either – A goes ahead and writes “1”
• Is it guaranteed that someone wins? Why or why not? – B goes and writes “-1”
– A says “HUH??? I could have sworn I put a 1 there”
• What it both threads have their own CPU running at
same speed? Is it guaranteed that it goes on • Could this happen on a uniprocessor?
forever? – Yes! Unlikely, but if you depending on it not happening,
it will and your system will break…
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Motivation: “Too much milk” Definitions

• Great thing about OS’s – analogy between • Synchronization: using atomic operations to ensure
problems in OS and problems in real life
cooperation between threads
– Help you understand real life problems better
– For now, only loads and stores are atomic
– But, computers are much stupider than people
– We are going to show that its hard to build anything
• Example: People need to coordinate: useful with only reads and writes

Time Person A Person B

• Mutual Exclusion: ensuring that only one thread does
a particular thing at a time
3:00 Look in Fridge. Out of milk
3:05 Leave for store
– One thread excludes the other while doing its task
3:10 Arrive at store Look in Fridge. Out of milk • Critical Section: piece of code that only one thread
3:15 Buy milk Leave for store can execute at once. Only one thread at a time will
3:20 Arrive home, put milk away Arrive at store
get into this section of code.
3:25 Buy milk – Critical section is the result of mutual exclusion
3:30 Arrive home, put milk away – Critical section and mutual exclusion are two ways of
describing the same thing.

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More Definitions Too Much Milk: Correctness Properties
• Lock: prevents someone from doing something
• Need to be careful about correctness of
– Lock before entering critical section and
before accessing shared data concurrent programs, since non-deterministic
– Unlock when leaving, after accessing shared data – Always write down behavior first
– Wait if locked – Impulse is to start coding first, then when it
doesn’t work, pull hair out
» Important idea: all synchronization involves waiting
– Instead, think first, then code
• For example: fix the milk problem by putting a key on
the refrigerator • What are the correctness properties for the
– Lock it and take key if you are going to go buy milk “Too much milk” problem???
– Fixes too much: roommate angry if only wants OJ – Never more than one person buys
– Someone buys if needed
• Restrict ourselves to use only atomic load and
store operations as building blocks

– Of Course – We don’t know how to make a lock yet

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Too Much Milk: Solution #1 Too Much Milk: Solution #1½

• Use a note to avoid buying too much milk: • Clearly the Note is not quite blocking enough
– Leave a note before buying (kind of “lock”) – Let’s try to fix this by placing note first
– Remove note after buying (kind of “unlock”) • Another try at previous solution:
– Don’t buy if note (wait)
• Suppose a computer tries this (remember, only memory
read/write are atomic): leave Note;
if (noMilk) { if (noMilk) {
if (noNote) { if (noNote) {
leave Note; leave Note;
buy milk; buy milk;
remove note; }
} }
} remove note;
• Result?
– Still too much milk but only occasionally! • What happens here?
– Thread can get context switched after checking milk and – Well, with human, probably nothing bad
note but before buying milk! – With computer: no one ever buys milk
• Solution makes problem worse since fails intermittently
– Makes it really hard to debug…
– Must work despite what the dispatcher does!
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Too Much Milk Solution #2 Too Much Milk Solution #2: problem!
• How about labeled notes?
– Now we can leave note before checking
• Algorithm looks like this:
Thread A Thread B
leave note A; leave note B;
if (noNote B) { if (noNoteA) {
if (noMilk) { if (noMilk) {
buy Milk; buy Milk;
} }
} }
remove note A; remove note B;
• Does this work?
• Possible for neither thread to buy milk
– Context switches at exactly the wrong times can lead
each to think that the other is going to buy
• Really insidious: • I’m not getting milk, You’re getting milk
– Extremely unlikely that this would happen, but will at • This kind of lockup is called “starvation!”
worse possible time
– Probably something like this in UNIX
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Too Much Milk Solution #3 Solution #3 discussion

• Here is a possible two-note solution: • Our solution protects a single “Critical-Section” piece
Thread A Thread B of code for each thread:
leave note A; leave note B; if (noMilk) {
while (note B) { //X if (noNote A) { //Y buy milk;
do nothing; if (noMilk) { }
} buy milk;
if (noMilk) { } • Solution #3 works, but it’s really unsatisfactory
buy milk; } – Really complex – even for this simple an example
} remove note B;
remove note A; » Hard to convince yourself that this really works
• Does this work? Yes. Both can guarantee that: – A’s code is different from B’s – what if lots of threads?
– It is safe to buy, or » Code would have to be slightly different for each thread
– Other will buy, ok to quit – While A is waiting, it is consuming CPU time
• At X: » This is called “busy-waiting”
– if no note B, safe for A to buy, • There’s a better way
– otherwise wait to find out what will happen – Have hardware provide better (higher-level) primitives
• At Y: than atomic load and store
– if no note A, safe for B to buy – Build even higher-level programming abstractions on this
– Otherwise, A is either buying or waiting for B to quit new hardware support
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Too Much Milk: Solution #4 Where are we going with synchronization?
• Suppose we have some sort of implementation of a
lock (more in a moment). Programs Shared Programs
– Lock.Acquire() – wait until lock is free, then grab
– Lock.Release() – Unlock, waking up anyone waiting
– These must be atomic operations – if two threads are level Locks Semaphores Monitors Send/Receive
waiting for the lock and both see it’s free, only one
succeeds to grab the lock API
• Then, our milk problem is easy:
milklock.Acquire(); Hardware Load/Store Disable Ints Test&Set Comp&Swap
if (nomilk)
buy milk;
• We are going to implement various higher-level
synchronization primitives using atomic operations
• Once again, section of code between Acquire() and
Release() called a “Critical Section” – Everything is pretty painful if only atomic primitives are
load and store
• Of course, you can make this even simpler: suppose
you are out of ice cream instead of milk – Need to provide primitives useful at user-level
– Skip the test since you always need more ice cream.
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• Concurrent threads are a very useful abstraction
– Allow transparent overlapping of computation and I/O
– Allow use of parallel processing when available
• Concurrent threads introduce problems when accessing
shared data
– Programs must be insensitive to arbitrary interleavings
– Without careful design, shared variables can become
completely inconsistent
• Important concept: Atomic Operations
– An operation that runs to completion or not at all
– These are the primitives on which to construct various
synchronization primitives
• Showed how to protect a critical section with only
atomic load and store  pretty complex!
9/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 6.35
Review: Synchronization problem with Threads
• One thread per transaction, each running:
Operating Systems and Deposit(acctId, amount) {
acct = GetAccount(actId); /* May use disk I/O */
Systems Programming acct->balance += amount;
Lecture 7 }
StoreAccount(acct); /* Involves disk I/O */

• Unfortunately, shared state can get corrupted:

Mutual Exclusion, Semaphores, Thread 1 Thread 2
Monitors, and Condition Variables load r1, acct->balance
load r1, acct->balance
add r1, amount2
September 22, 2010 store r1, acct->balance
add r1, amount1
Prof. John Kubiatowicz store r1, acct->balance
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 • Atomic Operation: an operation that always runs to
completion or not at all
– It is indivisible: it cannot be stopped in the middle and state
cannot be modified by someone else in the middle
9/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 7.2

Review: Too Much Milk Solution #3 Review: Solution #3 discussion

• Here is a possible two-note solution: • Our solution protects a single “Critical-Section” piece
Thread A Thread B of code for each thread:
leave note A; leave note B; if (noMilk) {
while (note B) {\\X if (noNote A) {\\Y buy milk;
do nothing; if (noMilk) { }
} buy milk;
if (noMilk) { } • Solution #3 works, but it’s really unsatisfactory
buy milk; } – Really complex – even for this simple an example
} remove note B;
remove note A; » Hard to convince yourself that this really works
• Does this work? Yes. Both can guarantee that: – A’s code is different from B’s – what if lots of threads?
– It is safe to buy, or » Code would have to be slightly different for each thread
– Other will buy, ok to quit – While A is waiting, it is consuming CPU time
• At X: » This is called “busy-waiting”
– if no note B, safe for A to buy, • There’s a better way
– otherwise wait to find out what will happen – Have hardware provide better (higher-level) primitives
• At Y: than atomic load and store
– if no note A, safe for B to buy – Build even higher-level programming abstractions on this
– Otherwise, A is either buying or waiting for B to quit new hardware support
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Goals for Today High-Level Picture
• The abstraction of threads is good:
• Hardware Support for Synchronization
– Maintains sequential execution model
• Higher-level Synchronization Abstractions
– Allows simple parallelism to overlap I/O and computation
– Semaphores, monitors, and condition variables
• Unfortunately, still too complicated to access state
• Programming paradigms for concurrent programs shared between threads
– Consider “too much milk” example
– Implementing a concurrent program with only loads and
stores would be tricky and error-prone
• Today, we’ll implement higher-level operations on top
of atomic operations provided by hardware
– Develop a “synchronization toolbox”
– Explore some common programming paradigms
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
9/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 7.5 9/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 7.6

Too Much Milk: Solution #4 How to implement Locks?

• Suppose we have some sort of implementation of a • Lock: prevents someone from doing something
lock (more in a moment). – Lock before entering critical section and
– Lock.Acquire() – wait until lock is free, then grab before accessing shared data
– Lock.Release() – Unlock, waking up anyone waiting – Unlock when leaving, after accessing shared data
– These must be atomic operations – if two threads are – Wait if locked
waiting for the lock and both see it’s free, only one » Important idea: all synchronization involves waiting
succeeds to grab the lock » Should sleep if waiting for a long time
• Then, our milk problem is easy: • Atomic Load/Store: get solution like Milk #3
milklock.Acquire(); – Looked at this last lecture
if (nomilk) – Pretty complex and error prone
buy milk; • Hardware Lock instruction
milklock.Release(); – Is this a good idea?
• Once again, section of code between Acquire() and – What about putting a task to sleep?
Release() called a “Critical Section” » How do you handle the interface between the hardware and
• Of course, you can make this even simpler: suppose
you are out of ice cream instead of milk – Complexity?
» Done in the Intel 432
– Skip the test since you always need more ice cream.
» Each feature makes hardware more complex and slow
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Naïve use of Interrupt Enable/Disable Better Implementation of Locks by Disabling Interrupts
• How can we build multi-instruction atomic operations? • Key idea: maintain a lock variable and impose mutual
– Recall: dispatcher gets control in two ways. exclusion only during operations on that variable
» Internal: Thread does something to relinquish the CPU
» External: Interrupts cause dispatcher to take CPU
– On a uniprocessor, can avoid context-switching by: int value = FREE;
» Avoiding internal events (although virtual memory tricky)
» Preventing external events by disabling interrupts Acquire() { Release() {
• Consequently, naïve Implementation of locks: disable interrupts; disable interrupts;
if (value == BUSY) { if (anyone on wait queue) {
LockAcquire { disable Ints; } put thread on wait queue; take thread off wait queue
LockRelease { enable Ints; } Go to sleep(); Place on ready queue;
• Problems with this approach: // Enable interrupts? } else {
– Can’t let user do this! Consider following: } else { value = FREE;
LockAcquire(); value = BUSY; enable interrupts;
While(TRUE) {;} } }
– Real-Time system—no guarantees on timing! enable interrupts;
» Critical Sections might be arbitrarily long }
– What happens with I/O or other important events?
» “Reactor about to meltdown. Help?”
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New Lock Implementation: Discussion Interrupt re-enable in going to sleep

• Why do we need to disable interrupts at all? • What about re-enabling ints when going to sleep?
– Avoid interruption between checking and setting lock value Acquire() {
– Otherwise two threads could think that they both have lock disable interrupts;
Enable Position
Acquire() { if (value == BUSY) {
disable interrupts; Enable Position put thread on wait queue;
if (value == BUSY) { Enable Position Go to sleep();
} else {
put thread on wait queue;
Go to sleep(); value = BUSY;
// Enable interrupts? Critical }
} else { Section enable interrupts;
value = BUSY; }
} • Before Putting thread on the wait queue?
enable interrupts; – Release can check the queue and not wake up thread
• After putting the thread on the wait queue
• Note: unlike previous solution, the critical section – Release puts the thread on the ready queue, but the
(inside Acquire()) is very short thread still thinks it needs to go to sleep
– User of lock can take as long as they like in their own
critical section: doesn’t impact global machine behavior – Misses wakeup and still holds lock (deadlock!)
– Critical interrupts taken in time! • Want to put it after sleep(). But – how?
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Administrivia How to Re-enable After Sleep()?
• In Nachos, since ints are disabled when you call sleep:
– Responsibility of the next thread to re-enable ints
– When the sleeping thread wakes up, returns to acquire
and re-enables interrupts
Thread A Thread B
disable ints
sleep return
enable ints
disable int
sleep return
enable ints
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Interrupt disable and enable across context switches Atomic Read-Modify-Write instructions

• An important point about structuring code: • Problems with previous solution:

– In Nachos code you will see lots of comments about – Can’t give lock implementation to users
assumptions made concerning when interrupts disabled – Doesn’t work well on multiprocessor
– This is an example of where modifications to and » Disabling interrupts on all processors requires messages
assumptions about program state can’t be localized and would be very time consuming
within a small body of code • Alternative: atomic instruction sequences
– In these cases it is possible for your program to – These instructions read a value from memory and write
eventually “acquire” bugs as people modify code a new value atomically
• Other cases where this will be a concern? – Hardware is responsible for implementing this correctly
– What about exceptions that occur after lock is » on both uniprocessors (not too hard)
acquired? Who releases the lock? » and multiprocessors (requires help from cache coherence
mylock.acquire(); protocol)
a = b / 0; – Unlike disabling interrupts, can be used on both
mylock.release() uniprocessors and multiprocessors

9/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 7.15 9/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 7.16
Examples of Read-Modify-Write Implementing Locks with test&set
• test&set (&address) { /* most architectures */
result = M[address];
M[address] = 1; • Another flawed, but simple solution:
return result;
} int value = 0; // Free
• swap (&address, register) { /* x86 */ Acquire() {
temp = M[address];
M[address] = register; while (test&set(value)); // while busy
register = temp; }
• compare&swap (&address, reg1, reg2) { /* 68000 */
Release() {
if (reg1 == M[address]) { value = 0;
M[address] = reg2; }
return success;
} else { • Simple explanation:
return failure;
} – If lock is free, test&set reads 0 and sets value=1, so
} lock is now busy. It returns 0 so while exits.
– If lock is busy, test&set reads 1 and sets value=1 (no
• load-linked&store conditional(&address) {
/* R4000, alpha */
loop: change). It returns 1, so while loop continues
ll r1, M[address];
movi r2, 1; /* Can do arbitrary comp */ – When we set value = 0, someone else can get lock
sc r2, M[address];
beqz r2, loop; • Busy-Waiting: thread consumes cycles while waiting
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Problem: Busy-Waiting for Lock Better Locks using test&set

• Positives for this solution • Can we build test&set locks without busy-waiting?
– Machine can receive interrupts – Can’t entirely, but can minimize!
– User code can use this lock – Idea: only busy-wait to atomically check lock value
– Works on a multiprocessor int guard = 0;
• Negatives int value = FREE;
– This is very inefficient because the busy-waiting
thread will consume cycles waiting Acquire() { Release() {
– Waiting thread may take cycles away from thread // Short busy-wait time // Short busy-wait time
holding lock (no one wins!) while (test&set(guard)); while (test&set(guard));
if anyone on wait queue {
– Priority Inversion: If busy-waiting thread has higher if (value == BUSY) {
take thread off wait queue
priority than thread holding lock  no progress! put thread on wait queue;
Place on ready queue;
• Priority Inversion problem with original Martian rover
go to sleep() & guard = 0; } else {
} else {
• For semaphores and monitors, waiting thread may
value = FREE;
value = BUSY; }
wait for an arbitrary length of time! guard = 0; guard = 0;
– Thus even if busy-waiting was OK for locks, definitely }
not ok for other primitives }• Note: sleep has to be sure to reset the guard variable
– Homework/exam solutions should not have busy-waiting!
– Why can’t we do it just before or just after the sleep?
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Higher-level Primitives than Locks Semaphores
• Goal of last couple of lectures: • Semaphores are a kind of generalized lock
– What is the right abstraction for synchronizing threads – First defined by Dijkstra in late 60s
that share memory? – Main synchronization primitive used in original UNIX
– Want as high a level primitive as possible • Definition: a Semaphore has a non-negative integer
• Good primitives and practices important! value and supports the following two operations:
– Since execution is not entirely sequential, really hard to – P(): an atomic operation that waits for semaphore to
find bugs, since they happen rarely become positive, then decrements it by 1
– UNIX is pretty stable now, but up until about mid-80s » Think of this as the wait() operation
(10 years after started), systems running UNIX would – V(): an atomic operation that increments the semaphore
crash every week or so – concurrency bugs by 1, waking up a waiting P, if any
• Synchronization is a way of coordinating multiple » This of this as the signal() operation
concurrent activities that are using shared state – Note that P() stands for “proberen” (to test) and V()
stands for “verhogen” (to increment) in Dutch
– This lecture and the next presents a couple of ways of
structuring the sharing

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Semaphores Like Integers Except Two Uses of Semaphores

• Semaphores are like integers, except • Mutual Exclusion (initial value = 1)
– No negative values – Also called “Binary Semaphore”.
– Only operations allowed are P and V – can’t read or write – Can be used for mutual exclusion:
value, except to set it initially semaphore.P();
// Critical section goes here
– Operations must be atomic semaphore.V();
» Two P’s together can’t decrement value below zero • Scheduling Constraints (initial value = 0)
» Similarly, thread going to sleep in P won’t miss wakeup – Locks are fine for mutual exclusion, but what if you
from V – even if they both happen at same time want a thread to wait for something?
• Semaphore from railway analogy – Example: suppose you had to implement ThreadJoin
– Here is a semaphore initialized to 2 for resource control: which must wait for thread to terminiate:
Initial value of semaphore = 0
ThreadJoin {
ThreadFinish {
Value=1 }
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Producer-consumer with a bounded buffer Correctness constraints for solution
• Correctness Constraints:
Producer Buffer Consumer – Consumer must wait for producer to fill buffers, if none
• Problem Definition full (scheduling constraint)
– Producer puts things into a shared buffer – Producer must wait for consumer to empty buffers, if all
– Consumer takes them out full (scheduling constraint)
– Need synchronization to coordinate producer/consumer – Only one thread can manipulate buffer queue at a time
• Don’t want producer and consumer to have to work in (mutual exclusion)
lockstep, so put a fixed-size buffer between them • Remember why we need mutual exclusion
– Need to synchronize access to this buffer – Because computers are stupid
– Producer needs to wait if buffer is full – Imagine if in real life: the delivery person is filling the
– Consumer needs to wait if buffer is empty machine and somebody comes up and tries to stick their
• Example 1: GCC compiler money into the machine
– cpp | cc1 | cc2 | as | ld • General rule of thumb:
• Example 2: Coke machine Use a separate semaphore for each constraint
– Producer can put limited number of cokes in machine – Semaphore fullBuffers; // consumer’s constraint
– Consumer can’t take cokes out if machine is empty – Semaphore emptyBuffers;// producer’s constraint
– Semaphore mutex; // mutual exclusion
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Full Solution to Bounded Buffer Discussion about Solution

Semaphore fullBuffer = 0; // Initially, no coke
Semaphore emptyBuffers = numBuffers; • Why asymmetry?
// Initially, num empty slots – Producer does: emptyBuffer.P(), fullBuffer.V()
– Consumer does: fullBuffer.P(), emptyBuffer.V()
Semaphore mutex = 1; // No one using machine

Producer(item) { • Is order of P’s important?

emptyBuffers.P(); // Wait until space
mutex.P(); // Wait until buffer free – Yes! Can cause deadlock
• Is order of V’s important?
fullBuffers.V(); // Tell consumers there is – No, except that it might affect scheduling efficiency
// more coke
} • What if we have 2 producers or 2 consumers?
Consumer() { – Do we need to change anything?
fullBuffers.P(); // Check if there’s a coke
mutex.P(); // Wait until machine free
item = Dequeue();
emptyBuffers.V(); // tell producer need more
return item;
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Motivation for Monitors and Condition Variables Monitor with Condition Variables
• Semaphores are a huge step up; just think of trying
to do the bounded buffer with only loads and stores
– Problem is that semaphores are dual purpose:
» They are used for both mutex and scheduling constraints
» Example: the fact that flipping of P’s in bounded buffer
gives deadlock is not immediately obvious. How do you
prove correctness to someone?
• Cleaner idea: Use locks for mutual exclusion and
condition variables for scheduling constraints • Lock: the lock provides mutual exclusion to shared data
– Always acquire before accessing shared data structure
• Definition: Monitor: a lock and zero or more – Always release after finishing with shared data
condition variables for managing concurrent access to – Lock initially free
shared data
• Condition Variable: a queue of threads waiting for
– Some languages like Java provide this natively something inside a critical section
– Most others use actual locks and condition variables – Key idea: make it possible to go to sleep inside critical
section by atomically releasing lock at time we go to sleep
– Contrast to semaphores: Can’t wait inside critical section
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Simple Monitor Example Summary

• Here is an (infinite) synchronized queue • Important concept: Atomic Operations
Lock lock; – An operation that runs to completion or not at all
Condition dataready; – These are the primitives on which to construct various
Queue queue; synchronization primitives
• Talked about hardware atomicity primitives:
AddToQueue(item) {
lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock – Disabling of Interrupts, test&set, swap, comp&swap,
queue.enqueue(item); // Add item load-linked/store conditional
Signal any waiters
Release Lock • Showed several constructions of Locks
} – Must be very careful not to waste/tie up machine
RemoveFromQueue() { » Shouldn’t disable interrupts for long
lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock
while (queue.isEmpty()) { » Shouldn’t spin wait for long
dataready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep – Key idea: Separate lock variable, use hardware
} mechanisms to protect modifications of that variable
item = queue.dequeue(); // Get next item
lock.Release(); // Release Lock • Talked about Semaphores, Monitors, and Condition
return(item); Variables
– Higher level constructs that are harder to “screw up”
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Review: Implementation of Locks by Disabling Interrupts

CS162 • Key idea: maintain a lock variable and impose mutual

exclusion only during operations on that variable
Operating Systems and
Systems Programming
Lecture 8
int value = FREE;

Acquire() { Release() {
Readers-Writers disable interrupts;
if (value == BUSY) {
disable interrupts;
if (anyone on wait queue) {
Language Support for Synchronization put thread on wait queue; take thread off wait queue
Go to sleep(); Place on ready queue;
// Enable interrupts? } else {
September 27, 2010 } else { value = FREE;
Prof. John Kubiatowicz value = BUSY; enable interrupts;
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 enable interrupts;

9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.2

Review: How to Re-enable After Sleep()? Review: Locks using test&set

• In Nachos, since ints are disabled when you call sleep: • Can we build test&set locks without busy-waiting?
– Responsibility of the next thread to re-enable ints – Can’t entirely, but can minimize!
– When the sleeping thread wakes up, returns to acquire – Idea: only busy-wait to atomically check lock value
and re-enables interrupts int guard = 0;
Thread A Thread B int value = FREE;
. Acquire() { Release() {
disable ints // Short busy-wait time
sleep // Short busy-wait time
while (test&set(guard)); while (test&set(guard));
sleep return if anyone on wait queue {
enable ints if (value == BUSY) {
take thread off wait queue
. put thread on wait queue;
Place on ready queue;
. go to sleep() & guard = 0; } else {
. } else { value = FREE;
disable int value = BUSY; }
sleep guard = 0; guard = 0;
sleep return }
enable ints }• Note: sleep has to be sure to reset the guard variable
. – Why can’t we do it just before or just after the sleep?
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Review: Semaphores Goals for Today
• Definition: a Semaphore has a non-negative integer
value and supports the following two operations: • Continue with Synchronization Abstractions
– P(): an atomic operation that waits for semaphore to – Monitors and condition variables
become positive, then decrements it by 1 • Readers-Writers problem and solutoin
» Think of this as the wait() operation
• Language Support for Synchronization
– V(): an atomic operation that increments the semaphore
by 1, waking up a waiting P, if any
» This of this as the signal() operation
– Only time can set integer directly is at initialization time
• Semaphore from railway analogy
– Here is a semaphore initialized to 2 for resource control:

Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are

adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Value=2 Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.5 9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.6

Review: Full Solution to Bounded Buffer Discussion about Solution

Semaphore fullBuffer = 0; // Initially, no coke
• Why asymmetry?
Semaphore emptyBuffers = numBuffers;
// Initially, num empty slots – Producer does: emptyBuffer.P(), fullBuffer.V()
Semaphore mutex = 1; // No one using machine – Consumer does: fullBuffer.P(), emptyBuffer.V()
• Is order of P’s important?
Producer(item) { – Yes! Can cause deadlock:
emptyBuffers.P(); // Wait until space Producer(item) {
mutex.P(); // Wait until buffer free mutex.P(); // Wait until buffer free
mutex.V(); emptyBuffers.P(); // Could wait forever!
fullBuffers.V(); // Tell consumers there is Enqueue(item);
// more coke mutex.V();
} fullBuffers.V(); // Tell consumers more coke
Consumer() { }
fullBuffers.P(); // Check if there’s a coke • Is order of V’s important?
mutex.P(); // Wait until machine free – No, except that it might affect scheduling efficiency
item = Dequeue();
mutex.V(); • What if we have 2 producers or 2 consumers?
emptyBuffers.V(); // tell producer need more – Do we need to change anything?
return item;
9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.7 9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.8
Motivation for Monitors and Condition Variables Simple Monitor Example (version 1)
• Semaphores are a huge step up, but: • Here is an (infinite) synchronized queue
– They are confusing because they are dual purpose: Lock lock;
» Both mutual exclusion and scheduling constraints Queue queue;
» Example: the fact that flipping of P’s in bounded buffer
gives deadlock is not immediately obvious AddToQueue(item) {
– Cleaner idea: Use locks for mutual exclusion and lock.Acquire(); // Lock shared data
condition variables for scheduling constraints queue.enqueue(item); // Add item
lock.Release(); // Release Lock
• Definition: Monitor: a lock and zero or more condition }
variables for managing concurrent access to shared
data RemoveFromQueue() {
– Use of Monitors is a programming paradigm lock.Acquire(); // Lock shared data
item = queue.dequeue();// Get next item or null
– Some languages like Java provide monitors in the lock.Release(); // Release Lock
language return(item); // Might return null
• The lock provides mutual exclusion to shared data: }
– Always acquire before accessing shared data structure • Not very interesting use of “Monitor”
– Always release after finishing with shared data – It only uses a lock with no condition variables
– Lock initially free – Cannot put consumer to sleep if no work!
9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.9 9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.10

Condition Variables Complete Monitor Example (with condition variable)

• How do we change the RemoveFromQueue() routine to • Here is an (infinite) synchronized queue
wait until something is on the queue? Lock lock;
– Could do this by keeping a count of the number of things Condition dataready;
on the queue (with semaphores), but error prone Queue queue;
• Condition Variable: a queue of threads waiting for
something inside a critical section AddToQueue(item) {
lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock
– Key idea: allow sleeping inside critical section by queue.enqueue(item); // Add item
atomically releasing lock at time we go to sleep dataready.signal(); // Signal any waiters
– Contrast to semaphores: Can’t wait inside critical section }
lock.Release(); // Release Lock
• Operations:
– Wait(&lock): Atomically release lock and go to sleep. RemoveFromQueue() {
Re-acquire lock later, before returning. lock.Acquire(); // Get Lock
while (queue.isEmpty()) {
– Signal(): Wake up one waiter, if any dataready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep
– Broadcast(): Wake up all waiters }
• Rule: Must hold lock when doing condition variable ops!
item = queue.dequeue(); // Get next item
lock.Release(); // Release Lock
– In Birrell paper, he says can perform signal() outside of return(item);
lock – IGNORE HIM (this is only an optimization) }
9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.11 9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.12
Mesa vs. Hoare monitors Administrivia
• Need to be careful about precise definition of signal
and wait. Consider a piece of our dequeue code:
while (queue.isEmpty()) {
dataready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep
item = queue.dequeue(); // Get next item
– Why didn’t we do this?
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
dataready.wait(&lock); // If nothing, sleep
item = queue.dequeue(); // Get next item
• Answer: depends on the type of scheduling
– Hoare-style (most textbooks):
» Signaler gives lock, CPU to waiter; waiter runs immediately
» Waiter gives up lock, processor back to signaler when it
exits critical section or if it waits again
– Mesa-style (Nachos, most real operating systems):
» Signaler keeps lock and processor
» Waiter placed on ready queue with no special priority
» Practically, need to check condition again after wait
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Administrivia (con’t) Using of Compare&Swap for queues

• compare&swap (&address, reg1, reg2) { /* 68000 */
if (reg1 == M[address]) {
M[address] = reg2;
return success;
} else {
return failure;

Here is an atomic add to linked-list function:

addToQueue(&object) {
do { // repeat until no conflict
ld r1, M[root] // Get ptr to current head
st r1, M[object] // Save link in new object
} until (compare&swap(&root,r1,object));
root next next

9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.15 9/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 8.16
Readers/Writers Problem Basic Readers/Writers Solution
W • Correctness Constraints:
– Readers can access database when no writers
– Writers can access database when no readers or writers
R – Only one thread manipulates state variables at a time
R • Basic structure of a solution:
R – Reader()
Wait until no writers
Access data base
Check out – wake up a waiting writer
– Writer()
• Motivation: Consider a shared database Wait until no active readers or writers
– Two classes of users:
Access database
Check out – wake up waiting readers or writer
» Readers – never modify database – State variables (Protected by a lock called “lock”):
» Writers – read and modify database » int AR: Number of active readers; initially = 0
» int WR: Number of waiting readers; initially = 0
– Is using a single lock on the whole database sufficient?
» int AW: Number of active writers; initially = 0
» Like to have many readers at the same time » int WW: Number of waiting writers; initially = 0
» Only one writer at a time » Condition okToRead = NIL
» Conditioin okToWrite = NIL
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Code for a Reader Code for a Writer

Reader() { Writer() {
// First check self into system
// First check self into system lock.Acquire();
while ((AW + AR) > 0) { // Is it safe to write?
while ((AW + WW) > 0) { // Is it safe to read? WW++; // No. Active users exist
WR++; // No. Writers exist okToWrite.wait(&lock); // Sleep on cond var
okToRead.wait(&lock); // Sleep on cond var WW--; // No longer waiting
WR--; // No longer waiting }
} AW++; // Now we are active!
AR++; // Now we are active! lock.release();
lock.release(); // Perform actual read/write access
// Perform actual read-only access
AccessDatabase(ReadOnly); // Now, check out of system
// Now, check out of system AW--; // No longer active
lock.Acquire(); if (WW > 0){ // Give priority to writers
AR--; // No longer active okToWrite.signal(); // Wake up one writer
if (AR == 0 && WW > 0) // No other active readers } else if (WR > 0) { // Otherwise, wake reader
okToWrite.signal(); // Wake up one writer okToRead.broadcast(); // Wake all readers
lock.Release(); lock.Release();
} }
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Simulation of Readers/Writers solution Simulation(2)
• Consider the following sequence of operators: • Next, W1 comes along:
– R1, R2, W1, R3 while ((AW + AR) > 0) { // Is it safe to write?
WW++; // No. Active users exist
• On entry, each reader checks the following: okToWrite.wait(&lock); // Sleep on cond var
while ((AW + WW) > 0) { // Is it safe to read? WW--; // No longer waiting
WR++; // No. Writers exist
okToRead.wait(&lock); // Sleep on cond var AW++;
WR--; // No longer waiting • Can’t start because of readers, so go to sleep:
AR = 2, WR = 0, AW = 0, WW = 1
AR++; // Now we are active!
• Finally, R3 comes along:
• First, R1 comes along: AR = 2, WR = 1, AW = 0, WW = 1
AR = 1, WR = 0, AW = 0, WW = 0 • Now, say that R2 finishes before R1:
• Next, R2 comes along: AR = 1, WR = 1, AW = 0, WW = 1
AR = 2, WR = 0, AW = 0, WW = 0 • Finally, last of first two readers (R1) finishes and
• Now, readers make take a while to access database wakes up writer:
– Situation: Locks released
if (AR == 0 && WW > 0) // No other active readers
okToWrite.signal(); // Wake up one writer
– Only AR is non-zero
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Simulation(3) Questions
• Can readers starve? Consider Reader() entry code:
• When writer wakes up, get:
AR = 0, WR = 1, AW = 1, WW = 0
while ((AW + WW) > 0) { // Is it safe to read?
WR++; // No. Writers exist
• Then, when writer finishes: okToRead.wait(&lock); // Sleep on cond var
WR--; // No longer waiting
if (WW > 0){ // Give priority to writers }
okToWrite.signal(); // Wake up one writer AR++; // Now we are active!
} else if (WR > 0) { // Otherwise, wake reader
okToRead.broadcast(); // Wake all readers • What if we erase the condition check in Reader exit?
} AR--; // No longer active
– Writer wakes up reader, so get: if (AR == 0 && WW > 0) // No other active readers
okToWrite.signal(); // Wake up one writer
AR = 1, WR = 0, AW = 0, WW = 0 • Further, what if we turn the signal() into broadcast()
• When reader completes, we are finished AR--; // No longer active
okToWrite.broadcast(); // Wake up one writer
• Finally, what if we use only one condition variable (call
it “okToContinue”) instead of two separate ones?
– Both readers and writers sleep on this variable
– Must use broadcast() instead of signal()
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Can we construct Monitors from Semaphores? Construction of Monitors from Semaphores (con’t)
• Locking aspect is easy: Just use a mutex • Problem with previous try:
• Can we implement condition variables this way? – P and V are commutative – result is the same no matter
what order they occur
Wait() { semaphore.P(); }
Signal() { semaphore.V(); } – Condition variables are NOT commutative
– Doesn’t work: Wait() may sleep with lock held • Does this fix the problem?
• Does this work better? Wait(Lock lock) {
Wait(Lock lock) { semaphore.P();
lock.Release(); lock.Acquire();
semaphore.P(); }
lock.Acquire(); Signal() {
} if semaphore queue is not empty
Signal() { semaphore.V(); } semaphore.V();
– No: Condition vars have no history, semaphores have }
history: – Not legal to look at contents of semaphore queue
» What if thread signals and no one is waiting? NO-OP – There is a race condition – signaler can slip in after lock
» What if thread later waits? Thread Waits release and before waiter executes semaphore.P()
» What if thread V’s and noone is waiting? Increment • It is actually possible to do this correctly
» What if thread later does P? Decrement and continue – Complex solution for Hoare scheduling in book
– Can you come up with simpler Mesa-scheduled solution?
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Monitor Conclusion C-Language Support for Synchronization

• Monitors represent the logic of the program • C language: Pretty straightforward synchronization
– Wait if necessary
– Just make sure you know all the code paths out of a
– Signal when change something so any waiting threads critical section
can proceed
int Rtn() { Proc A

Stack growth
• Basic structure of monitor-based program: lock.acquire();
lock … Proc B
while (need to wait) { Check and/or update if (exception) { Calls setjmp
state variables lock.release();
condvar.wait(); Proc C
return errReturnCode;
} Wait if necessary } lock.acquire

lock.release(); Proc D
do something so no need to wait
return OK;
Proc E
lock Calls longjmp
– Watch out for setjmp/longjmp!
Check and/or update
condvar.signal(); » Can cause a non-local jump out of procedure
state variables
» In example, procedure E calls longjmp, poping stack
unlock back to procedure B
» If Procedure C had lock.acquire, problem!
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C++ Language Support for Synchronization C++ Language Support for Synchronization (con’t)
• Languages with exceptions like C++ • Must catch all exceptions in critical sections
– Languages that support exceptions are problematic (easy – Catch exceptions, release lock, and re-throw exception:
to make a non-local exit without releasing lock) void Rtn() {
– Consider: try {
void Rtn() { …
lock.acquire(); DoFoo();
… …
DoFoo(); } catch (…) { // catch exception
… lock.release(); // release lock
lock.release(); throw; // re-throw the exception
} }
void DoFoo() {
… void DoFoo() {
if (exception) throw errException; …
… if (exception) throw errException;
} …
– Notice that an exception in DoFoo() will exit without }
releasing the lock – Even Better: auto_ptr<T> facility. See C++ Spec.
» Can deallocate/free lock regardless of exit method
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Java Language Support for Synchronization Java Language Support for Synchronization (con’t)

• Java has explicit support for threads and thread • Java also has synchronized statements:
synchronization synchronized (object) {
• Bank Account example: …
class Account { }
private int balance; – Since every Java object has an associated lock, this
// object constructor type of statement acquires and releases the object’s
public Account (int initialBalance) {
balance = initialBalance; lock on entry and exit of the body
} – Works properly even with exceptions:
public synchronized int getBalance() {
return balance; synchronized (object) {
} …
public synchronized void deposit(int amount) { DoFoo();
balance += amount; …
} }
void DoFoo() {
– Every object has an associated lock which gets throw errException;
automatically acquired and released on entry and exit }
from a synchronized method.

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Java Language Support for Synchronization (con’t 2) Summary
• In addition to a lock, every object has a single • Semaphores: Like integers with restricted interface
condition variable associated with it – Two operations:
– How to wait inside a synchronization method of block: » P(): Wait if zero; decrement when becomes non-zero
» void wait(long timeout); // Wait for timeout » V(): Increment and wake a sleeping task (if exists)
» void wait(long timeout, int nanoseconds); //variant » Can initialize value to any non-negative value
» void wait(); – Use separate semaphore for each constraint
– How to signal in a synchronized method or block: • Monitors: A lock plus one or more condition variables
» void notify(); // wakes up oldest waiter
– Always acquire lock before accessing shared data
» void notifyAll(); // like broadcast, wakes everyone
– Use condition variables to wait inside critical section
– Condition variables can wait for a bounded length of
time. This is useful for handling exception cases: » Three Operations: Wait(), Signal(), and Broadcast()
t1 = time.now(); • Readers/Writers
while (!ATMRequest()) { – Readers can access database when no writers
wait (CHECKPERIOD); – Writers can access database when no readers
t2 = time.new();
if (t2 – t1 > LONG_TIME) checkMachine(); – Only one thread manipulates state variables at a time
} • Language support for synchronization:
– Not all Java VMs equivalent! – Java provides synchronized keyword and one condition-
» Different scheduling policies, not necessarily preemptive! variable per object (with wait() and notify())
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Review: Definition of Monitor
• Semaphores are confusing because dual purpose:
– Both mutual exclusion and scheduling constraints
Operating Systems and – Cleaner idea: Use locks for mutual exclusion and
Systems Programming condition variables for scheduling constraints
Lecture 9 • Monitor: a lock and zero or more condition variables
for managing concurrent access to shared data
Tips for Working in a Project Team/ – Use of Monitors is a programming paradigm
Cooperating Processes and Deadlock • Lock: provides mutual exclusion to shared data:
– Always acquire before accessing shared data structure
September 29, 2010 – Always release after finishing with shared data
• Condition Variable: a queue of threads waiting for
Prof. John Kubiatowicz something inside a critical section
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Key idea: allow sleeping inside critical section by
atomically releasing lock at time we go to sleep
– Contrast to semaphores: Can’t wait inside critical
9/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 9.2

Review: Programming with Monitors Goals for Today

• Monitors represent the logic of the program
• Tips for Programming in a Project Team
– Wait if necessary
– Signal when change something so any waiting threads • Language Support for Synchronization
can proceed • Discussion of Deadlocks
• Basic structure of monitor-based program: – Conditions for its occurrence
while (need to wait) { Check and/or update – Solutions for breaking and avoiding deadlock
condvar.wait(); state variables
} Wait if necessary
do something so no need to wait

condvar.signal(); Check and/or update

state variables
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
unlock adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
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Tips for Programming in a Project Team Big Projects
• Big projects require more than one • What is a big project?
person (or long, long, long time) – Time/work estimation is hard
– Big OS: thousands of person-years! – Programmers are eternal optimistics
(it will only take two days)!
• It’s very hard to make software » This is why we bug you about
project teams work correctly starting the project early
– Doesn’t seem to be as true of big » Had a grad student who used to say he just needed
construction projects “10 minutes” to fix something. Two hours later…
» Empire state building finished in • Can a project be efficiently partitioned?
one year: staging iron production – Partitionable task decreases in time as
thousands of miles away you add people
» Or the Hoover dam: built towns to – But, if you require communication:
hold workers » Time reaches a minimum bound
“You just have – Is it OK to miss deadlines? » With complex interactions, time increases!
to get your » We make it free (slip days) – Mythical person-month problem:
synchronization right!” » Reality: they’re very expensive as » You estimate how long a project will take
time-to-market is one of the most » Starts to fall behind, so you add more people
important things! » Project takes even more time!
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Techniques for Partitioning Tasks Communication

• Functional • More people mean more communication
– Person A implements threads, Person B implements – Changes have to be propagated to more people
semaphores, Person C implements locks… – Think about person writing code for most
– Problem: Lots of communication across APIs fundamental component of system: everyone depends
on them!
» If B changes the API, A may need to make changes
» Story: Large airline company spent $200 million on a new • Miscommunication is common
scheduling and booking system. Two teams “working – “Index starts at 0? I thought you said 1!”
together.” After two years, went to merge software. • Who makes decisions?
Failed! Interfaces had changed (documented, but no one
noticed). Result: would cost another $200 million to fix. – Individual decisions are fast but trouble
• Task – Group decisions take time
– Centralized decisions require a big picture view (someone
– Person A designs, Person B writes code, Person C tests who can be the “system architect”)
– May be difficult to find right balance, but can focus on • Often designating someone as the system architect
each person’s strengths (Theory vs systems hacker)
can be a good thing
– Since Debugging is hard, Microsoft has two testers for – Better not be clueless
each programmer
– Better have good people skills
• Most CS162 project teams are functional, but people – Better let other people do work
have had success with task-based divisions
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Coordination How to Make it Work?
• More people  no one can make all meetings! • People are human. Get over it.
– They miss decisions and associated discussion – People will make mistakes, miss meetings, miss
– Example from earlier class: one person missed deadlines, etc. You need to live with it and adapt
meetings and did something group had rejected – It is better to anticipate problems than clean up
– Why do we limit groups to 5 people? afterwards.
» You would never be able to schedule meetings otherwise
• Document, document, document
– Why do we require 4 people minimum?
» You need to experience groups to get ready for real world – Why Document?
» Expose decisions and communicate to others
• People have different work styles
» Easier to spot mistakes early
– Some people work in the morning, some at night
» Easier to estimate progress
– How do you decide when to meet or work together?
• What about project slippage? – What to document?
» Everything (but don’t overwhelm people or no one will read)
– It will happen, guaranteed!
– Ex: phase 4, everyone busy but not talking. One person – Standardize!
way behind. No one knew until very end – too late! » One programming format: variable naming conventions, tab
• Hard to add people to existing group
» Comments (Requires, effects, modifies)—javadoc?
– Members have already figured out how to work together
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Suggested Documents for You to Maintain Use Software Tools

• Project objectives: goals, constraints, and priorities • Source revision control software
• Specifications: the manual plus performance specs – (Subversion, CVS, others…)
– This should be the first document generated and the – Easy to go back and see history/undo mistakes
last one finished – Figure out where and why a bug got introduced
• Meeting notes – Communicates changes to everyone (use CVS’s features)
– Document all decisions
• Use automated testing tools
– Write scripts for non-interactive software
– You can often cut & paste for the design documents
– Use “expect” for interactive software
• Schedule: What is your anticipated timing? – JUnit: automate unit testing
– This document is critical! – Microsoft rebuilds the Vista kernel every night with the
• Organizational Chart day’s changes. Everyone is running/testing the latest
– Who is responsible for what task?
• Use E-mail and instant messaging consistently to
leave a history trail

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Test Continuously Administrivia

• Integration tests all the time, not at 11pm

on due date!
– Write dummy stubs with simple functionality
» Let’s people test continuously, but more work
– Schedule periodic integration tests
» Get everyone in the same room, check out code, build,
and test.
» Don’t wait until it is too late!
• Testing types:
– Unit tests: check each module in isolation (use JUnit?)
– Daemons: subject code to exceptional cases
– Random testing: Subject code to random timing changes
• Test early, test later, test again
– Tendency is to test once and forget; what if something
changes in some other part of the code?

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• Resources – passive entities needed by threads to do
their work
– CPU time, disk space, memory
• Two types of resources:
– Preemptable – can take it away
» CPU, Embedded security chip
– Non-preemptable – must leave it with the thread
» Disk space, plotter, chunk of virtual address space
» Mutual exclusion – the right to enter a critical section
• Resources may require exclusive access or may be
– Read-only files are typically sharable
– Printers are not sharable during time of printing
• One of the major tasks of an operating system is to
manage resources
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Starvation vs Deadlock Conditions for Deadlock
• Starvation vs. Deadlock • Deadlock not always deterministic – Example 2 mutexes:
– Starvation: thread waits indefinitely Thread A Thread B
» Example, low-priority thread waiting for resources x.P(); y.P();
constantly in use by high-priority threads y.P(); x.P();
– Deadlock: circular waiting for resources y.V(); x.V();
» Thread A owns Res 1 and is waiting for Res 2 x.V(); y.V();
Thread B owns Res 2 and is waiting for Res 1
– Deadlock won’t always happen with this code
Thread » Have to have exactly the right timing (“wrong” timing?)
Owned A » So you release a piece of software, and you tested it, and
By there it is, controlling a nuclear power plant…
Res 1 Res 2 • Deadlocks occur with multiple resources
Owned – Means you can’t decompose the problem
Thread By – Can’t solve deadlock for each resource independently
• Example: System with 2 disk drives and two threads
– Deadlock  Starvation but not vice versa – Each thread needs 2 disk drives to function
» Starvation can end (but doesn’t have to)
– Each thread gets one disk and waits for another one
» Deadlock can’t end without external intervention
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Bridge Crossing Example Train Example (Wormhole-Routed Network)

• Circular dependency (Deadlock!)
– Each train wants to turn right
– Blocked by other trains
– Similar problem to multiprocessor networks
• Each segment of road can be viewed as a resource • Fix? Imagine grid extends in all four directions
– Car must own the segment under them – Force ordering of channels (tracks)
» Protocol: Always go east-west first, then north-south
– Must acquire segment that they are moving into
– Called “dimension ordering” (X then Y)
• For bridge: must acquire both halves
– Traffic only in one direction at a time
– Problem occurs when two cars in opposite directions on
bridge: each acquires one segment and needs next
• If a deadlock occurs, it can be resolved if one car
backs up (preempt resources and rollback)
– Several cars may have to be backed up
• Starvation is possible
– East-going traffic really fast  no one goes west
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Dining Lawyers Problem Four requirements for Deadlock
• Mutual exclusion
– Only one thread at a time can use a resource.
• Hold and wait
– Thread holding at least one resource is waiting to
acquire additional resources held by other threads
• No preemption
• Five chopsticks/Five lawyers (really cheap restaurant)
– Free-for all: Lawyer will grab any one they can – Resources are released only voluntarily by the thread
holding the resource, after thread is finished with it
– Need two chopsticks to eat
• What if all grab at same time? • Circular wait
– Deadlock! – There exists a set {T1, …, Tn} of waiting threads
• How to fix deadlock? » T1 is waiting for a resource that is held by T2
– Make one of them give up a chopstick (Hah!) » T2 is waiting for a resource that is held by T3
– Eventually everyone will get chance to eat »…
» Tn is waiting for a resource that is held by T1
• How to prevent deadlock?
– Never let lawyer take last chopstick if no hungry
lawyer has two chopsticks afterwards
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Resource-Allocation Graph Resource Allocation Graph Examples

• System Model Symbols • Recall:
– request edge – directed edge T1  Rj
– A set of Threads T1, T2, . . ., Tn T1 T2 – assignment edge – directed edge Rj  Ti
– Resource types R1, R2, . . ., Rm
R1 R2
CPU cycles, memory space, I/O devices R1 R2 R1
– Each resource type Ri has Wi instances.
– Each thread utilizes a resource as follows: R2
» Request() / Use() / Release() T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
• Resource-Allocation Graph: T1 T3

– V is partitioned into two types:

» T = {T1, T2, …, Tn}, the set threads in the system.
» R = {R1, R2, …, Rm}, the set of resource types in system R3
R3 T4
R4 R2
– request edge – directed edge T1  Rj R4
– assignment edge – directed edge Rj  Ti Simple Resource Allocation Graph Allocation Graph
Allocation Graph With Deadlock With Cycle, but
No Deadlock
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Methods for Handling Deadlocks Deadlock Detection Algorithm
• Only one of each type of resource  look for loops
• More General Deadlock Detection Algorithm
• Allow system to enter deadlock and then recover
– Let [X] represent an m-ary vector of non-negative
– Requires deadlock detection algorithm integers (quantities of resources of each type):
– Some technique for forcibly preempting resources [FreeResources]: Current free resources each type
and/or terminating tasks [RequestX]: Current requests from thread X
[AllocX]: Current resources held by thread X
• Ensure that system will never enter a deadlock – See if tasks can eventually terminate on their own
– Need to monitor all lock acquisitions [Avail] = [FreeResources] R1
Add all nodes to UNFINISHED T2
– Selectively deny those that might lead to deadlock do {
• Ignore the problem and pretend that deadlocks done = true
Foreach node in UNFINISHED {
never occur in the system if ([Requestnode] <= [Avail]) { T1 T3
– Used by most operating systems, including UNIX
remove node from UNFINISHED
[Avail] = [Avail] + [Allocnode]
done = false
} T4
} R2
} until(done)
– Nodes left in UNFINISHED  deadlocked
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What to do when detect deadlock? Summary

• Terminate thread, force it to give up resources • Suggestions for dealing with Project Partners
– In Bridge example, Godzilla picks up a car, hurls it into – Start Early, Meet Often
the river. Deadlock solved! – Develop Good Organizational Plan, Document Everything,
– Shoot a dining lawyer Use the right tools, Develop Comprehensive Testing Plan
– But, not always possible – killing a thread holding a – (Oh, and add 2 years to every deadline!)
mutex leaves world inconsistent • Starvation vs. Deadlock
• Preempt resources without killing off thread – Starvation: thread waits indefinitely
– Take away resources from thread temporarily – Deadlock: circular waiting for resources
– Doesn’t always fit with semantics of computation • Four conditions for deadlocks
• Roll back actions of deadlocked threads – Mutual exclusion
– Hit the rewind button on TiVo, pretend last few » Only one thread at a time can use a resource
minutes never happened – Hold and wait
– For bridge example, make one car roll backwards (may » Thread holding at least one resource is waiting to acquire
require others behind him) additional resources held by other threads
– Common technique in databases (transactions) – No preemption
– Of course, if you restart in exactly the same way, may » Resources are released only voluntarily by the threads
reenter deadlock once again – Circular wait
• Many operating systems use other options »  set {T1, …, Tn} of threads with a cyclic waiting pattern
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Summary (2)
• Techniques for addressing Deadlock
– Allow system to enter deadlock and then recover
– Ensure that system will never enter a deadlock
– Ignore the problem and pretend that deadlocks never
occur in the system
• Deadlock detection
– Attempts to assess whether waiting graph can ever
make progress
• Next Time: Deadlock prevention
– Assess, for each allocation, whether it has the
potential to lead to deadlock
– Banker’s algorithm gives one way to assess this

9/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 9.29

Review: Deadlock
• Starvation vs. Deadlock
CS162 – Starvation: thread waits indefinitely
Operating Systems and – Deadlock: circular waiting for resources
Systems Programming – DeadlockStarvation, but not other way around
Lecture 10 • Four conditions for deadlocks
– Mutual exclusion
Deadlock (cont’d) » Only one thread at a time can use a resource
Thread Scheduling – Hold and wait
» Thread holding at least one resource is waiting to acquire
additional resources held by other threads
October 4, 2010 – No preemption
Prof. John Kubiatowicz » Resources are released only voluntarily by the threads
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Circular wait
» There exists a set {T1, …, Tn} of threads with a cyclic
waiting pattern

10/4/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 10.2

Review: Resource Allocation Graph Examples Review: Methods for Handling Deadlocks
• Recall:
– request edge – directed edge T1  Rj
– assignment edge – directed edge Rj  Ti • Allow system to enter deadlock and then recover
– Requires deadlock detection algorithm
R1 R2
R1 R2 R1 – Some technique for selectively preempting resources
and/or terminating tasks
• Ensure that system will never enter a deadlock
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
– Need to monitor all lock acquisitions
T1 T3 – Selectively deny those that might lead to deadlock
• Ignore the problem and pretend that deadlocks
never occur in the system
R3 T4 – used by most operating systems, including UNIX
R3 R2
Simple Resource Allocation Graph Allocation Graph
Allocation Graph With Deadlock With Cycle, but
No Deadlock
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Goals for Today Deadlock Detection Algorithm
• Only one of each type of resource  look for loops
• Preventing Deadlock • More General Deadlock Detection Algorithm
• Scheduling Policy goals – Let [X] represent an m-ary vector of non-negative
• Policy Options integers (quantities of resources of each type):
[FreeResources]: Current free resources each type
• Implementation Considerations [RequestX]: Current requests from thread X
[AllocX]: Current resources held by thread X
– See if tasks can eventually terminate on their own
[Avail] = [FreeResources] R1
Add all nodes to UNFINISHED T2
do {
done = true
Foreach node in UNFINISHED {
if ([Requestnode] <= [Avail]) { T1 T3
remove node from UNFINISHED
[Avail] = [Avail] + [Allocnode]
done = false
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
} T4
} R2
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Gagne. } until(done)
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz. – Nodes left in UNFINISHED  deadlocked
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What to do when detect deadlock? Techniques for Preventing Deadlock

• Terminate thread, force it to give up resources • Infinite resources
– In Bridge example, Godzilla picks up a car, hurls it into – Include enough resources so that no one ever runs out of
the river. Deadlock solved! resources. Doesn’t have to be infinite, just large
– Shoot a dining lawyer – Give illusion of infinite resources (e.g. virtual memory)
– But, not always possible – killing a thread holding a – Examples:
mutex leaves world inconsistent » Bay bridge with 12,000 lanes. Never wait!
• Preempt resources without killing off thread » Infinite disk space (not realistic yet?)
– Take away resources from thread temporarily • No Sharing of resources (totally independent threads)
– Not very realistic
– Doesn’t always fit with semantics of computation
• Don’t allow waiting
• Roll back actions of deadlocked threads
– How the phone company avoids deadlock
– Hit the rewind button on TiVo, pretend last few » Call to your Mom in Toledo, works its way through the phone
minutes never happened lines, but if blocked get busy signal.
– For bridge example, make one car roll backwards (may – Technique used in Ethernet/some multiprocessor nets
require others behind him) » Everyone speaks at once. On collision, back off and retry
– Common technique in databases (transactions) – Inefficient, since have to keep retrying
– Of course, if you restart in exactly the same way, may » Consider: driving to San Francisco; when hit traffic jam,
reenter deadlock once again suddenly you’re transported back home and told to retry!
• Many operating systems use other options
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Techniques for Preventing Deadlock (con’t) Review: Train Example (Wormhole-Routed Network)
• Make all threads request everything they’ll need at • Circular dependency (Deadlock!)
the beginning. – Each train wants to turn right
– Blocked by other trains
– Problem: Predicting future is hard, tend to over-
estimate resources – Similar problem to multiprocessor networks
• Fix? Imagine grid extends in all four directions
– Example:
– Force ordering of channels (tracks)
» If need 2 chopsticks, request both at same time » Protocol: Always go east-west first, then north-south
» Don’t leave home until we know no one is using any – Called “dimension ordering” (X then Y)
intersection between here and where you want to go; only
one car on the Bay Bridge at a time
• Force all threads to request resources in a particular
order preventing any cyclic use of resources
– Thus, preventing deadlock
– Example (x.P, y.P, z.P,…)
» Make tasks request disk, then memory, then…
» Keep from deadlock on freeways around SF by requiring
everyone to go clockwise
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Banker’s Algorithm for Preventing Deadlock Banker’s Algorithm Example

• Toward right idea:
– State maximum resource needs in advance
– Allow particular thread to proceed if:
(available resources - #requested)  max
remaining that might be needed by any thread
• Banker’s algorithm (less conservative):
– Allocate resources dynamically
» Evaluate each request and grant if some • Banker’s algorithm with dining lawyers
ordering of threads is still deadlock free afterward – “Safe” (won’t cause deadlock) if when try to grab
» Technique: pretend each request is granted, then run chopstick either:
deadlock detection algorithm, substituting » Not last chopstick
([Maxnode]-[Allocnode] ≤ [Avail]) for ([Requestnode] ≤ [Avail])
Grant request if result is deadlock free (conservative!) » Is last chopstick but someone will have
two afterwards
» Keeps system in a “SAFE” state, i.e. there exists a
sequence {T1, T2, … Tn} with T1 requesting all remaining – What if k-handed lawyers? Don’t allow if:
resources, finishing, then T2 requesting all remaining » It’s the last one, no one would have k
resources, etc.. » It’s 2nd to last, and no one would have k-1
– Algorithm allows the sum of maximum resource needs of all » It’s 3rd to last, and no one would have k-2
current threads to be greater than total resources » …
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Administrivia CPU Scheduling

• Earlier, we talked about the life-cycle of a thread

– Active threads work their way from Ready queue to
Running to various waiting queues.
• Question: How is the OS to decide which of several
tasks to take off a queue?
– Obvious queue to worry about is ready queue
– Others can be scheduled as well, however
• Scheduling: deciding which threads are given access
to resources from moment to moment
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Scheduling Assumptions Assumption: CPU Bursts

• CPU scheduling big area of research in early 70’s
• Many implicit assumptions for CPU scheduling:
– One program per user Weighted toward small bursts
– One thread per program
– Programs are independent
• Clearly, these are unrealistic but they simplify the
problem so it can be solved
– For instance: is “fair” about fairness among users or
» If I run one compilation job and you run five, you get five
times as much CPU on many operating systems • Execution model: programs alternate between bursts of
• The high-level goal: Dole out CPU time to optimize CPU and I/O
some desired parameters of system – Program typically uses the CPU for some period of time,
then does I/O, then uses CPU again
USER1 USER2 USER3 USER1 USER2 – Each scheduling decision is about which job to give to the
CPU for use by its next CPU burst
Time – With timeslicing, thread may be forced to give up CPU
before finishing current CPU burst
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Scheduling Policy Goals/Criteria First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling
• Minimize Response Time • First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
– Minimize elapsed time to do an operation (or job) – Also “First In, First Out” (FIFO) or “Run until done”
– Response time is what the user sees: » In early systems, FCFS meant one program
» Time to echo a keystroke in editor scheduled until done (including I/O)
» Time to compile a program » Now, means keep CPU until thread blocks
» Real-time Tasks: Must meet deadlines imposed by World • Example: Process Burst Time
P1 24
• Maximize Throughput P2 3
– Maximize operations (or jobs) per second P3 3
– Throughput related to response time, but not identical: – Suppose processes arrive in the order: P1 , P2 , P3
» Minimizing response time will lead to more context The Gantt Chart for the schedule is:
switching than if you only maximized throughput
– Two parts to maximizing throughput P1 P2 P3
» Minimize overhead (for example, context-switching)
» Efficient use of resources (CPU, disk, memory, etc) 0 24 27 30
• Fairness – Waiting time for P1 = 0; P2 = 24; P3 = 27
– Share CPU among users in some equitable way – Average waiting time: (0 + 24 + 27)/3 = 17
– Fairness is not minimizing average response time: – Average Completion time: (24 + 27 + 30)/3 = 27
» Better average response time by making system less fair • Convoy effect: short process behind long process
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FCFS Scheduling (Cont.) Round Robin (RR)

• Example continued: • FCFS Scheme: Potentially bad for short jobs!
– Suppose that processes arrive in order: P2 , P3 , P1 – Depends on submit order
Now, the Gantt chart for the schedule is: – If you are first in line at supermarket with milk, you
don’t care who is behind you, on the other hand…
P2 P3 P1
• Round Robin Scheme
– Each process gets a small unit of CPU time
(time quantum), usually 10-100 milliseconds
0 3 6 30
– Waiting time for P1 = 6; P2 = 0; P3 = 3
– Average waiting time: (6 + 0 + 3)/3 = 3 – After quantum expires, the process is preempted
and added to the end of the ready queue.
– Average Completion time: (3 + 6 + 30)/3 = 13
– n processes in ready queue and time quantum is q 
• In second case: » Each process gets 1/n of the CPU time
– average waiting time is much better (before it was 17) » In chunks of at most q time units
– Average completion time is better (before it was 27) » No process waits more than (n-1)q time units
• FIFO Pros and Cons: • Performance
– Simple (+) – q large  FCFS
– Short jobs get stuck behind long ones (-) – q small  Interleaved (really small  hyperthreading?)
» Safeway: Getting milk, always stuck behind cart full of – q must be large with respect to context switch,
small items. Upside: get to read about space aliens! otherwise overhead is too high (all overhead)
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Example of RR with Time Quantum = 20 Round-Robin Discussion
• Example: Process Burst Time • How do you choose time slice?
P1 53
– What if too big?
P2 8
P3 68 » Response time suffers
P4 24 – What if infinite ()?
– The Gantt chart is: » Get back FIFO
– What if time slice too small?
P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P3 P4 P1 P3 P3 » Throughput suffers!
0 20 28 48 68 88 108 112 125 145 153 • Actual choices of timeslice:
– Initially, UNIX timeslice one second:
– Waiting time for P1=(68-20)+(112-88)=72
P2=(20-0)=20 » Worked ok when UNIX was used by one or two people.
P3=(28-0)+(88-48)+(125-108)=85 » What if three compilations going on? 3 seconds to echo
P4=(48-0)+(108-68)=88 each keystroke!
– In practice, need to balance short-job performance
– Average waiting time = (72+20+85+88)/4=66¼ and long-job throughput:
– Average completion time = (125+28+153+112)/4 = 104½ » Typical time slice today is between 10ms – 100ms
• Thus, Round-Robin Pros and Cons: » Typical context-switching overhead is 0.1ms – 1ms
– Better for short jobs, Fair (+) » Roughly 1% overhead due to context-switching
– Context-switching time adds up for long jobs (-)
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Comparisons between FCFS and Round Robin Earlier Example with Different Time Quantum
• Assuming zero-cost context-switching time, is RR
always better than FCFS? Best FCFS:
• Simple example: 10 jobs, each take 100s of CPU time 0 8 32 85 153
RR scheduler quantum of 1s
All jobs start at the same time Quantum P1 P2 P3 P4 Average
• Completion Times: Job # FIFO RR Best FCFS 32 0 85 8 31¼
1 100 991 Q = 1 84 22 85 57 62
Q = 5 82 20 85 58 61¼
2 200 992 Wait
Q = 8 80 8 85 56 57¼
… … … Time
Q = 10 82 10 85 68 61¼
9 900 999 Q = 20 72 20 85 88 66¼
10 1000 1000 Worst FCFS 68 145 0 121 83½
– Both RR and FCFS finish at the same time Best FCFS 85 8 153 32 69½
– Average response time is much worse under RR! Q = 1 137 30 153 81 100½
Q = 5 135 28 153 82 99½
» Bad when all jobs same length Completion
Q = 8 133 16 153 80 95½
• Also: Cache state must be shared between all jobs with Time
Q = 10 135 18 153 92 99½
RR but can be devoted to each job with FIFO
Q = 20 125 28 153 112 104½
– Total time for RR longer even for zero-cost switch! Worst FCFS 121 153 68 145 121¾
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What if we Knew the Future? Discussion
• Could we always mirror best FCFS? • SJF/SRTF are the best you can do at minimizing
• Shortest Job First (SJF): average response time
– Run whatever job has the least amount of – Provably optimal (SJF among non-preemptive, SRTF
computation to do among preemptive)
– Sometimes called “Shortest Time to
Completion First” (STCF) – Since SRTF is always at least as good as SJF, focus
• Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF):
– Preemptive version of SJF: if job arrives and has a • Comparison of SRTF with FCFS and RR
shorter time to completion than the remaining time on – What if all jobs the same length?
the current job, immediately preempt CPU » SRTF becomes the same as FCFS (i.e. FCFS is best can
– Sometimes called “Shortest Remaining Time to do if all jobs the same length)
Completion First” (SRTCF) – What if jobs have varying length?
• These can be applied either to a whole program or » SRTF (and RR): short jobs not stuck behind long ones
the current CPU burst of each program
– Idea is to get short jobs out of the system
– Big effect on short jobs, only small effect on long ones
– Result is better average response time
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Example to illustrate benefits of SRTF SRTF Example continued:

Disk Utilization:
A or B C C A B 9/201
C ~ 4.5%

C’s C’s C’s C’s RR 100ms time slice Disk

I/O I/O I/O I/O ~90%
I/Obut lots of
• Three jobs: wakeups!
– A,B: both CPU bound, run for week
C: I/O bound, loop 1ms CPU, 9ms disk I/O
– If only one at a time, C uses 90% of the disk, A or B RR 1ms time slice
C’s C’s
could use 100% of the CPU I/O I/O
• With FIFO: Disk Utilization:
C A A A 90%
– Once A or B get in, keep CPU for two weeks
• What about RR or SRTF?
– Easier to see with a timeline SRTF
C’s C’s
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SRTF Further discussion Summary (Deadlock)
• Starvation • Four conditions required for deadlocks
– SRTF can lead to starvation if many small jobs! – Mutual exclusion
– Large jobs never get to run » Only one thread at a time can use a resource
• Somehow need to predict future – Hold and wait
– How can we do this? » Thread holding at least one resource is waiting to acquire
– Some systems ask the user additional resources held by other threads
» When you submit a job, have to say how long it will take – No preemption
» To stop cheating, system kills job if takes too long » Resources are released only voluntarily by the threads
– But: Even non-malicious users have trouble predicting – Circular wait
runtime of their jobs »  set {T1, …, Tn} of threads with a cyclic waiting pattern
• Bottom line, can’t really know how long job will take • Deadlock detection
– However, can use SRTF as a yardstick – Attempts to assess whether waiting graph can ever
for measuring other policies make progress
– Optimal, so can’t do any better • Deadlock prevention
• SRTF Pros & Cons – Assess, for each allocation, whether it has the potential
– Optimal (average response time) (+) to lead to deadlock
– Hard to predict future (-) – Banker’s algorithm gives one way to assess this
– Unfair (-)
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Summary (Scheduling)
• Scheduling: selecting a waiting process from the ready
queue and allocating the CPU to it
• FCFS Scheduling:
– Run threads to completion in order of submission
– Pros: Simple
– Cons: Short jobs get stuck behind long ones
• Round-Robin Scheduling:
– Give each thread a small amount of CPU time when it
executes; cycle between all ready threads
– Pros: Better for short jobs
– Cons: Poor when jobs are same length
• Shortest Job First (SJF)/Shortest Remaining Time
First (SRTF):
– Run whatever job has the least amount of computation to
do/least remaining amount of computation to do
– Pros: Optimal (average response time)
– Cons: Hard to predict future, Unfair
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Review: Banker’s Algorithm for Preventing Deadlock

CS162 • Banker’s algorithm:

– Allocate resources dynamically
Operating Systems and » Evaluate each request and grant if some
Systems Programming ordering of threads is still deadlock
Lecture 11 free afterward
» Technique: pretend each request is granted,
then run deadlock detection algorithm,
Thread Scheduling (con’t) substituting
([Maxnode]-[Allocnode] ≤ [Avail]) for
Protection: Address Spaces ([Requestnode] ≤ [Avail])
Grant request if result is deadlock free (conservative!)
October 6, 2010 » Keeps system in a “SAFE” state, i.e. there exists a
sequence {T1, T2, … Tn} with T1 requesting all remaining
Prof. John Kubiatowicz resources, finishing, then T2 requesting all remaining
resources, etc..
– Algorithm allows the sum of maximum resource needs of all
current threads to be greater than total resources

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Review: Last Time Review: FCFS and RR Example with Different Quantum
• Scheduling: selecting a waiting process from the ready P2 P4 P1 P3
Best FCFS:
queue and allocating the CPU to it [8] [24] [53] [68]
• FCFS Scheduling: 0 8 32 85 153

– Run threads to completion in order of submission Quantum P1 P2 P3 P4 Average

Best FCFS 32 0 85 8 31¼
– Pros: Simple (+)
Q = 1 84 22 85 57 62
– Cons: Short jobs get stuck behind long ones (-) Q = 5 82 20 85 58 61¼
• Round-Robin Scheduling: Time
Q = 8 80 8 85 56 57¼
– Give each thread a small amount of CPU time when it Q = 10 82 10 85 68 61¼
executes; cycle between all ready threads Q = 20 72 20 85 88 66¼
Worst FCFS 68 145 0 121 83½
– Pros: Better for short jobs (+) Best FCFS 85 8 153 32 69½
– Cons: Poor when jobs are same length (-) Q = 1 137 30 153 81 100½
Q = 5 135 28 153 82 99½
Q = 8 133 16 153 80 95½
Q = 10 135 18 153 92 99½
Q = 20 125 28 153 112 104½
Worst FCFS 121 153 68 145 121¾
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Review: SRTF Further discussion Goals for Today
• Starvation
– SRTF can lead to starvation if many small jobs! • Finish discussion of Scheduling
– Large jobs never get to run • Kernel vs User Mode
• Somehow need to predict future
• What is an Address Space?
– How can we do this?
– Some systems ask the user • How is it Implemented?
» When you submit a job, have to say how long it will take
» To stop cheating, system kills job if takes too long
– But: Even non-malicious users have trouble predicting
runtime of their jobs
• Bottom line, can’t really know how long job will take
– However, can use SRTF as a yardstick
for measuring other policies
– Optimal, so can’t do any better
• SRTF Pros & Cons
– Optimal (average response time) (+) Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
– Hard to predict future (-)
– Unfair (-)
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Example to illustrate benefits of SRTF SRTF Example continued:

Disk Utilization:
A or B C C A B C
9/201 ~ 4.5%

C’s C’s C’s C’s RR 100ms time slice C’sUtilization:

I/O I/O I/O I/O I/Obut lots of
• Three jobs:
CABAB… C wakeups!
– A,B: both CPU bound, run for week
C: I/O bound, loop 1ms CPU, 9ms disk I/O
– If only one at a time, C uses 90% of the disk, A or B RR 1ms time slice
C’s C’s
could use 100% of the CPU I/O I/O
• With FIFO: Disk Utilization:
C A A A 90%
– Once A or B get in, keep CPU for two weeks
• What about RR or SRTF?
– Easier to see with a timeline SRTF
C’s C’s
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Predicting the Length of the Next CPU Burst Multi-Level Feedback Scheduling
• Adaptive: Changing policy based on past behavior
– CPU scheduling, in virtual memory, in file systems, etc Long-Running Compute
Tasks Demoted to
– Works because programs have predictable behavior Low Priority
» If program was I/O bound in past, likely in future
» If computer behavior were random, wouldn’t help
• Example: SRTF with estimated burst length
• Another method for exploiting past behavior
– Use an estimator function on previous bursts:
Let tn-1, tn-2, tn-3, etc. be previous CPU burst lengths. – First used in CTSS
Estimate next burst n = f(tn-1, tn-2, tn-3, …) – Multiple queues, each with different priority
– Function f could be one of many different time series » Higher priority queues often considered “foreground” tasks
estimation schemes (Kalman filters, etc) – Each queue has its own scheduling algorithm
– For instance, » e.g. foreground – RR, background – FCFS
exponential averaging » Sometimes multiple RR priorities with quantum increasing
n = tn-1+(1-)n-1 exponentially (highest:1ms, next:2ms, next: 4ms, etc)
with (0<1) • Adjust each job’s priority as follows (details vary)
– Job starts in highest priority queue
– If timeout expires, drop one level
– If timeout doesn’t expire, push up one level (or to top)
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Scheduling Details Administrivia

• Result approximates SRTF:
– CPU bound jobs drop like a rock
– Short-running I/O bound jobs stay near top
• Scheduling must be done between the queues
– Fixed priority scheduling:
» serve all from highest priority, then next priority, etc.
– Time slice:
» each queue gets a certain amount of CPU time
» e.g., 70% to highest, 20% next, 10% lowest
• Countermeasure: user action that can foil intent of
the OS designer
– For multilevel feedback, put in a bunch of meaningless
I/O to keep job’s priority high
– Of course, if everyone did this, wouldn’t work!
• Example of Othello program:
– Playing against competitor, so key was to do computing
at higher priority the competitors.
» Put in printf’s, ran much faster!
Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 11.11 10/6/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 11.12
Scheduling Fairness Lottery Scheduling
• What about fairness?
– Strict fixed-priority scheduling between queues is unfair • Yet another alternative: Lottery Scheduling
(run highest, then next, etc): – Give each job some number of lottery tickets
» long running jobs may never get CPU – On each time slice, randomly pick a winning ticket
» In Multics, shut down machine, found 10-year-old job – On average, CPU time is proportional to number of
– Must give long-running jobs a fraction of the CPU even tickets given to each job
when there are shorter jobs to run
– Tradeoff: fairness gained by hurting avg response time!
• How to assign tickets?
• How to implement fairness? – To approximate SRTF, short running jobs get more,
long running jobs get fewer
– Could give each queue some fraction of the CPU
– To avoid starvation, every job gets at least one
» What if one long-running job and 100 short-running ones? ticket (everyone makes progress)
» Like express lanes in a supermarket—sometimes express
lanes get so long, get better service by going into one of • Advantage over strict priority scheduling: behaves
the other lines gracefully as load changes
– Could increase priority of jobs that don’t get service – Adding or deleting a job affects all jobs
» What is done in UNIX proportionally, independent of how many tickets each
» This is ad hoc—what rate should you increase priorities? job possesses
» And, as system gets overloaded, no job gets CPU time, so
everyone increases in priorityInteractive jobs suffer
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Lottery Scheduling Example How to Evaluate a Scheduling algorithm?

• Lottery Scheduling Example • Deterministic modeling
– Assume short jobs get 10 tickets, long jobs get 1 ticket – takes a predetermined workload and compute the
performance of each algorithm for that workload
# short jobs/ % of CPU each % of CPU each
• Queueing models
# long jobs short jobs gets long jobs gets – Mathematical approach for handling stochastic workloads
1/1 91% 9% • Implementation/Simulation:
– Build system which allows actual algorithms to be run
0/2 N/A 50% against actual data. Most flexible/general.
2/0 50% N/A
10/1 9.9% 0.99%
1/10 50% 5%

– What if too many short jobs to give reasonable

response time?
» In UNIX, if load average is 100, hard to make progress
» One approach: log some user out
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A Final Word On Scheduling Virtualizing Resources
• When do the details of the scheduling policy and
fairness really matter?
– When there aren’t enough resources to go around
• When should you simply buy a faster computer?
– (Or network link, or expanded highway, or …) • Physical Reality:
– One approach: Buy it when it will pay
Different Processes/Threads share the same hardware
for itself in improved response time – Need to multiplex CPU (Just finished: scheduling)
– Need to multiplex use of Memory (Today)

» Assuming you’re paying for worse

response time in reduced productivity, – Need to multiplex disk and devices (later in term)
customer angst, etc…
• Why worry about memory sharing?

» Might think that you should buy a
faster X when X is utilized 100%, – The complete working state of a process and/or kernel is
but usually, response time goes defined by its data in memory (and registers)
to infinity as utilization100% Utilization – Consequently, cannot just let different threads of control
• An interesting implication of this curve: use the same memory
» Physics: two different pieces of data cannot occupy the same
– Most scheduling algorithms work fine in the “linear” locations in memory
portion of the load curve, fail otherwise – Probably don’t want different threads to even have access
– Argues for buying a faster X when hit “knee” of curve to each other’s memory (protection)
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Recall: Single and Multithreaded Processes Important Aspects of Memory Multiplexing

• Controlled overlap:
– Separate state of threads should not collide in physical
memory. Obviously, unexpected overlap causes chaos!
– Conversely, would like the ability to overlap when
desired (for communication)
• Translation:
– Ability to translate accesses from one address space
(virtual) to a different one (physical)
– When translation exists, processor uses virtual
addresses, physical memory uses physical addresses
– Side effects:
» Can be used to avoid overlap
• Threads encapsulate concurrency » Can be used to give uniform view of memory to programs
– “Active” component of a process • Protection:
– Prevent access to private memory of other processes
• Address spaces encapsulate protection » Different pages of memory can be given special behavior
– Keeps buggy program from trashing the system (Read Only, Invisible to user programs, etc).
» Kernel data protected from User programs
– “Passive” component of a process » Programs protected from themselves
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Binding of Instructions and Data to Memory Multi-step Processing of a Program for Execution
• Binding of instructions and data to addresses: • Preparation of a program for
– Choose addresses for instructions and data from the execution involves components at:
standpoint of the processor – Compile time (i.e. “gcc”)
data1: dw 32 0x300 00000020 – Link/Load time (unix “ld” does link)
… … … – Execution time (e.g. dynamic libs)
start: lw r1,0(data1) 0x900 8C2000C0 • Addresses can be bound to final
jal checkit 0x904 0C000340 values anywhere in this path
loop: addi r1, r1, -1 0x908 2021FFFF
– Depends on hardware support
bnz r1, r0, loop 0x90C 1420FFFF
… – Also depends on operating system

checkit: … 0xD00 … • Dynamic Libraries
– Linking postponed until execution
– Could we place data1, start, and/or checkit at – Small piece of code, stub, used to
different addresses? locate the appropriate memory-
» Yes resident library routine
» When? Compile time/Load time/Execution time – Stub replaces itself with the
– Related: which physical memory locations hold particular address of the routine, and
instructions or data? executes routine
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Recall: Uniprogramming Multiprogramming (First Version)

• Uniprogramming (no Translation or Protection) • Multiprogramming without Translation or Protection
– Must somehow prevent address overlap between threads
– Application always runs at same place in physical
memory since only one application at a time Operating
– Application can access any physical address System
System Application2 0x00020000
Valid 32-bit

– Trick: Use Loader/Linker: Adjust addresses while
Application program loaded into memory (loads, stores, jumps)
0x00000000 » Everything adjusted to memory location of program
– Application given illusion of dedicated machine by giving » Translation done by a linker-loader
it reality of a dedicated machine » Was pretty common in early days
• Of course, this doesn’t help us with multithreading • With this solution, no protection: bugs in any program
can cause other programs to crash or even the OS
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Multiprogramming (Version with Protection) Segmentation with Base and Limit registers
• Can we protect programs from each other without Base
translation? Virtual

System Physical
LimitAddr=0x10000 Limit <? Address
Application2 0x00020000 BaseAddr=0x20000 No: Error!
• Could use base/limit for dynamic address translation
Application1 (often called “segmentation”):
0x00000000 – Alter address of every load/store by adding “base”
– Yes: use two special registers BaseAddr and LimitAddr – User allowed to read/write within segment
to prevent user from straying outside designated area » Accesses are relative to segment so don’t have to be
» If user tries to access an illegal address, cause an error relocated when program moved to different segment
– During switch, kernel loads new base/limit from TCB – User may have multiple segments available (e.g x86)
» User not allowed to change base/limit registers » Loads and stores include segment ID in opcode:
x86 Example: mov [es:bx],ax.
» Operating system moves around segment base pointers as
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Issues with simple segmentation method Multiprogramming (Translation and Protection version 2)
process 6 process 6 process 6 process 6 • Problem: Run multiple applications in such a way that
process 5 process 5 process 5 process 5
they are protected from one another
process 9 process 9 • Goals:
process 2 process 10
– Isolate processes and kernel from one another
– Allow flexible translation that:
OS OS OS OS » Doesn’t lead to fragmentation
» Allows easy sharing between processes
• Fragmentation problem » Allows only part of process to be resident in physical
– Not every process is the same size memory
– Over time, memory space becomes fragmented • (Some of the required) Hardware Mechanisms:
– General Address Translation
• Hard to do inter-process sharing » Flexible: Can fit physical chunks of memory into arbitrary
– Want to share code segments when possible places in users address space
» Not limited to small number of segments
– Want to share memory between processes » Think of this as providing a large number (thousands) of
– Helped by by providing multiple segments per process fixed-sized segments (called “pages”)
• Need enough physical memory for every process – Dual Mode Operation
» Protection base involving kernel/user distinction
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Example of General Address Translation Two Views of Memory
Virtual Physical
Data 2
Stack 1
Code CPU Addresses
MMU Addresses
Data Data
Heap Heap 1
Heap Untranslated read or write
Stack Code 1 • Recall: Address Space:
Stack – All the addresses and state a process can touch
Stack 2
– Each process and kernel has different address space
Prog 1 Prog 2
Data 1
Virtual • Consequently: two views of memory:
Address Heap 2 Address – View from the CPU (what program sees, virtual memory)
Space 1 Space 2 – View fom memory (physical memory)
Code 2
– Translation box converts between the two views
OS code • Translation helps to implement protection
OS data – If task A cannot even gain access to task B’s data, no
Translation Map 1 Translation Map 2 way for A to adversely affect B
OS heap & • With translation, every program can be linked/loaded
into same region of user address space
Physical Address Space – Overlap avoided through translation, not relocation
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Example of Translation Table Format Dual-Mode Operation

1K • Can Application Modify its own translation tables?
Two-level Page Tables PTEs
– If it could, could get access to all of physical memory
32-bit address: – Has to be restricted somehow
• To Assist with Protection, Hardware provides at
P1 index
P2 index
page offset least two modes (Dual-Mode Operation):
– “Kernel” mode (or “supervisor” or “protected”)
4 bytes – “User” mode (Normal program mode)
– Mode set with bits in special control register only
• Page: a unit of memory translatable by accessible in kernel-mode
memory management unit (MMU)
• Intel processor actually has four “rings” of
– Typically 1K – 8K protection:
• Page table structure in memory – PL (Priviledge Level) from 0 – 3
– Each user has different page table » PL0 has full access, PL3 has least
• Address Space switch: change pointer 4 bytes – Privilege Level set in code segment descriptor (CS)
to base of table (hardware register) – Mirrored “IOPL” bits in condition register gives
– Hardware traverses page table (for permission to programs to use the I/O instructions
many architectures) – Typical OS kernels on Intel processors only use PL0
– MIPS uses software to traverse table (“user”) and PL3 (“kernel”)
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For Protection, Lock User-Programs in Asylum How to get from KernelUser
• Idea: Lock user programs in padded cell • What does the kernel do to create a new user
with no exit or sharp objects process?
– Cannot change mode to kernel mode
– User cannot modify page table mapping – Allocate and initialize address-space control block
– Limited access to memory: cannot – Read program off disk and store in memory
adversely effect other processes – Allocate and initialize translation table
» Side-effect: Limited access to
memory-mapped I/O operations » Point at code in memory so program can execute
(I/O that occurs by reading/writing memory locations) » Possibly point at statically initialized data
– Limited access to interrupt controller – Run Program:
– What else needs to be protected? » Set machine registers
• A couple of issues » Set hardware pointer to translation table
– How to share CPU between kernel and user programs?
» Set processor status word for user mode
» Kinda like both the inmates and the warden in asylum are
the same person. How do you manage this??? » Jump to start of program
– How do programs interact? • How does kernel switch between processes?
– How does one switch between kernel and user modes? – Same saving/restoring of registers as before
» OS  user (kernel  user mode): getting into cell
» User OS (user  kernel mode): getting out of cell – Save/restore PSL (hardware pointer to translation table)
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UserKernel (System Call) System Call Continued

• Can’t let inmate (user) get out of padded cell on own • What are some system calls?
– Would defeat purpose of protection! – I/O: open, close, read, write, lseek
– So, how does the user program get back into kernel? – Files: delete, mkdir, rmdir, truncate, chown, chgrp, ..
– Process: fork, exit, wait (like join)
– Network: socket create, set options
• Are system calls constant across operating systems?
– Not entirely, but there are lots of commonalities
– Also some standardization attempts (POSIX)
• What happens at beginning of system call?
» On entry to kernel, sets system to kernel mode
» Handler address fetched from table/Handler started
• System call: Voluntary procedure call into kernel • System Call argument passing:
– Hardware for controlled UserKernel transition – In registers (not very much can be passed)
– Can any kernel routine be called? – Write into user memory, kernel copies into kernel mem
» No! Only specific ones. » User addresses must be translated!w
– System call ID encoded into system call instruction » Kernel has different view of memory than user
» Index forces well-defined interface with kernel – Every Argument must be explicitly checked!
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UserKernel (Exceptions: Traps and Interrupts) Additions to MIPS ISA to support Exceptions?
• A system call instruction causes a synchronous • Exception state is kept in “Coprocessor 0”
exception (or “trap”)
– In fact, often called a software “trap” instruction – Use mfc0 read contents of these registers:
» BadVAddr (register 8): contains memory address at which
• Other sources of Synchronous Exceptions: memory reference error occurred
– Divide by zero, Illegal instruction, Bus error (bad » Status (register 12): interrupt mask and enable bits
address, e.g. unaligned access) » Cause (register 13): the cause of the exception
– Segmentation Fault (address out of range) » EPC (register 14): address of the affected instruction
– Page Fault (for illusion of infinite-sized memory) 15 8 5 4 3 2 1 0
• Interrupts are Asynchronous Exceptions
Status Mask k e k e k e
– Examples: timer, disk ready, network, etc….
old prev cur
– Interrupts can be disabled, traps cannot! • Status Register fields:
• On system call, exception, or interrupt: – Mask: Interrupt enable
– Hardware enters kernel mode with interrupts disabled » 1 bit for each of 5 hardware and 3 software interrupts
– Saves PC, then jumps to appropriate handler in kernel – k = kernel/user: 0kernel mode
– For some processors (x86), processor also saves – e = interrupt enable: 0interrupts disabled
registers, changes stack, etc. – Exception6 LSB shifted left 2 bits, setting 2 LSB to 0:
• Actual handler typically saves registers, other CPU » run in kernel mode with interrupts disabled
state, and switches
to kernel stack
Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 11.37 10/6/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 11.38

Intel x86 Special Registers Communication

80386 Special Registers • Now that we have isolated processes, how
can they communicate?
– Shared memory: common mapping to physical page
» As long as place objects in shared memory address range,
threads from each process can communicate
» Note that processes A and B can talk to shared memory
through different addresses
» In some sense, this violates the whole notion of
protection that we have been developing
– If address spaces don’t share memory, all inter-
address space communication must go through kernel
(via system calls)
» Byte stream producer/consumer (put/get): Example,
communicate through pipes connecting stdin/stdout
Typical Segment Register » Message passing (send/receive): Will explain later how you
Current Priority is RPL can use this to build remote procedure call (RPC)
Of Code Segment (CS) abstraction so that you can have one program make
procedure calls to another
» File System (read/write): File system is shared state!
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Closing thought: Protection without Hardware Summary
• Does protection require hardware support for • Shortest Job First (SJF)/Shortest Remaining Time
translation and dual-mode behavior? First (SRTF):
– No: Normally use hardware, but anything you can do in – Run whatever job has the least amount of computation
hardware can also do in software (possibly expensive) to do/least remaining amount of computation to do
• Protection via Strong Typing – Pros: Optimal (average response time)
– Restrict programming language so that you can’t express – Cons: Hard to predict future, Unfair
program that would trash another program • Multi-Level Feedback Scheduling:
– Loader needs to make sure that program produced by – Multiple queues of different priorities
valid compiler or all bets are off
– Example languages: LISP, Ada, Modula-3 and Java – Automatic promotion/demotion of process priority in
order to approximate SJF/SRTF
• Protection via software fault isolation: • Lottery Scheduling:
– Language independent approach: have compiler generate – Give each thread a priority-dependent number of
object code that provably can’t step out of bounds tokens (short tasksmore tokens)
» Compiler puts in checks for every “dangerous” operation
(loads, stores, etc). Again, need special loader. – Reserve a minimum number of tokens for every thread
» Alternative, compiler generates “proof” that code cannot to ensure forward progress/fairness
do certain things (Proof Carrying Code) • Evaluation of mechanisms:
– Or: use virtual machine to guarantee safe behavior – Analytical, Queuing Theory, Simulation
(loads and stores recompiled on fly to check bounds)
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Summary (2)
• Memory is a resource that must be shared
– Controlled Overlap: only shared when appropriate
– Translation: Change Virtual Addresses into Physical
– Protection: Prevent unauthorized Sharing of resources
• Simple Protection through Segmentation
– Base+limit registers restrict memory accessible to user
– Can be used to translate as well
• Full translation of addresses through Memory
Management Unit (MMU)
– Every Access translated through page table
– Changing of page tables only available to user
• Dual-Mode
– Kernel/User distinction: User restricted
– UserKernel: System calls, Traps, or Interrupts
– Inter-process communication: shared memory, or
through kernel (system calls)
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Review: Important Aspects of Memory Multiplexing
• Controlled overlap:
CS162 – Separate state of threads should not collide in physical
Operating Systems and memory. Obviously, unexpected overlap causes chaos!
Systems Programming – Conversely, would like the ability to overlap when
desired (for communication)
Lecture 12 • Translation:
– Ability to translate accesses from one address space
Protection (continued) (virtual) to a different one (physical)
– When translation exists, processor uses virtual
Address Translation addresses, physical memory uses physical addresses
– Side effects:
» Can be used to avoid overlap
October 11, 2010 » Can be used to give uniform view of memory to programs
Prof. John Kubiatowicz • Protection:
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Prevent access to private memory of other processes
» Different pages of memory can be given special behavior
(Read Only, Invisible to user programs, etc).
» Kernel data protected from User programs
» Programs protected from themselves
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Review: General Address Translation Review: Simple Segmentation: Base and Bounds (CRAY-1)
Data 2
Code Code Virtual

Data Stack 1
Data Address
Heap Heap 1 Physical
Stack Code 1
Stack Limit >? Address
Stack 2 Yes: Error!
Prog 1 Prog 2
Data 1
• Can use base & bounds/limit for dynamic address
Address Heap 2 Address translation (Simple form of “segmentation”):
Space 1 Space 2 – Alter every address by adding “base”
Code 2
– Generate error if address bigger than limit
OS code
• This gives program the illusion that it is running on its
Translation Map 1 OS data Translation Map 2 own dedicated machine, with memory starting at 0
OS heap & – Program gets continuous region of memory
Stacks – Addresses within program do not have to be relocated
Physical Address Space when program placed in different region of DRAM
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Review: Cons for Simple Segmentation Method Goals for Today
• Fragmentation problem (complex memory allocation)
– Not every process is the same size • Address Translation Schemes
– Over time, memory space becomes fragmented – Segmentation
– Really bad if want space to grow dynamically (e.g. heap) – Paging
– Multi-level translation
process 6 process 6 process 6 process 6

process 5 process 5 process 5 process 5

– Paged page tables
process 9 process 9
– Inverted page tables
process 2 process 10
• Discussion of Dual-Mode operation
• Comparison among options
• Other problems for process maintenance
– Doesn’t allow heap and stack to grow independently
– Want to put these as far apart in virtual memory space
as possible so that they can grow as needed
• Hard to do inter-process sharing Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
– Want to share code segments when possible adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
– Want to share memory between processes Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
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More Flexible Segmentation Implementation of Multi-Segment Model

Virtual Seg # Offset
Address > Error
Base0 Limit0 V
1 Base1 Limit1 V
Base2 Limit2 V
2 Base3
+ Physical
3 22 Base5 Limit5 N
4 Base6 Limit6 N
3 Base7 Limit7 V
• Segment map resides in processor
– Segment number mapped into base/limit pair
user view of physical – Base added to offset to generate physical address
memory space memory space
– Error check catches offset out of range
• Logical View: multiple separate segments • As many chunks of physical memory as entries
– Typical: Code, Data, Stack – Segment addressed by portion of virtual address
– Others: memory sharing, etc – However, could be included in instruction instead:
• Each segment is given region of contiguous memory » x86 Example: mov [es:bx],ax.
– Has a base and limit • What is “V/N”?
– Can reside anywhere in physical memory – Can mark segments as invalid; requires check as well
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Intel x86 Special Registers Example: Four Segments (16 bit addresses)
80386 Special Registers Seg ID # Base Limit
Seg Offset 0 (code) 0x4000 0x0800
15 14 13 0 1 (data) 0x4800 0x1400
Virtual Address Format 2 (shared) 0xF000 0x1000
3 (stack) 0x0000 0x3000
0x0000 0x0000

0x4000 0x4000
0x4800 be shared
Space for
0xC000 Other Apps
Typical Segment Register
Current Priority is RPL 0xF000 Shared with
Of Code Segment (CS) Other Apps
Virtual Physical
Address Space Address Space
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Example of segment translation Administrivia

0x240 main: la $a0, varx
0x244 jal strlen Seg ID # Base Limit
… … 0 (code) 0x4000 0x0800
0x360 strlen: li $v0, 0 ;count
0x364 loop: lb $t0, ($a0) 1 (data) 0x4800 0x1400
0x368 beq $r0,$t1, done 2 (shared) 0xF000 0x1000
… …
3 (stack) 0x0000 0x3000
0x4050 varx dw 0x314159

Let’s simulate a bit of this code to see what happens (PC=0x240):

• Fetch 0x240. Virtual segment #? 0; Offset? 0x240
Physical address? Base=0x4000, so physical addr=0x4240
Fetch instruction at 0x4240. Get “la $a0, varx”
Move 0x4050  $a0, Move PC+4PC
2. Fetch 0x244. Translated to Physical=0x4244. Get “jal strlen”
Move 0x0248  $ra (return address!), Move 0x0360  PC
3. Fetch 0x360. Translated to Physical=0x4360. Get “li $v0,0”
Move 0x0000  $v0, Move PC+4PC
4. Fetch 0x364. Translated to Physical=0x4364. Get “lb $t0,($a0)”
Since $a0 is 0x4050, try to load byte from 0x4050
Translate 0x4050. Virtual segment #? 1; Offset? 0x50
Physical address? Base=0x4800, Physical addr = 0x4850,
Load Byte from 0x4850$t0, Move PC+4PC
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Observations about Segmentation Schematic View of Swapping
• Virtual address space has holes
– Segmentation efficient for sparse address spaces
– A correct program should never address gaps (except
as mentioned in moment)
» If it does, trap to kernel and dump core
• When it is OK to address outside valid range:
– This is how the stack and heap are allowed to grow
– For instance, stack takes fault, system automatically
increases size of stack
• Need protection mode in segment table • Extreme form of Context Switch: Swapping
– For example, code segment would be read-only – In order to make room for next process, some or all
– Data and stack would be read-write (stores allowed) of the previous process is moved to disk
– Shared segment could be read-only or read-write » Likely need to send out complete segments
– This greatly increases the cost of context-switching
• What must be saved/restored on context switch?
– Segment table stored in CPU, not in memory (small) • Desirable alternative?
– Might store all of processes memory onto disk when – Some way to keep only active portions of a process in
switched (called “swapping”) memory at any one time
– Need finer granularity control over physical memory
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Paging: Physical Memory in Fixed Size Chunks How to Implement Paging?

• Problems with segmentation? Virtual Address: Virtual Offset
Page #
– Must fit variable-sized chunks into physical memory
– May move processes multiple times to fit everything PageTablePtr page #0 V,R Physical
Page # Offset
– Limited options for swapping to disk page #1 V,R
Physical Address
• Fragmentation: wasted space
– External: free gaps between allocated chunks
PageTableSize > page
#2 V,R,W
#3 V,R,W Check Perm
page #4 N
– Internal: don’t need all memory within allocated chunks Access
Error page #5 V,R,W Access
• Solution to fragmentation from segments? Error
– Allocate physical memory in fixed size chunks (“pages”) • Page Table (One per process)
– Resides in physical memory
– Every chunk of physical memory is equivalent
– Contains physical page and permission for each virtual page
» Can use simple vector of bits to handle allocation: » Permissions include: Valid bits, Read, Write, etc
00110001110001101 … 110010
» Each bit represents page of physical memory • Virtual address mapping
1allocated, 0free – Offset from Virtual address copied to Physical Address
• Should pages be as big as our previous segments? » Example: 10 bit offset  1024-byte pages
– Virtual page # is all remaining bits
– No: Can lead to lots of internal fragmentation » Example for 32-bits: 32-10 = 22 bits, i.e. 4 million entries
» Typically have small pages (1K-16K) » Physical page # copied from table into physical address
– Consequently: need multiple pages/segment – Check Page Table bounds and permissions
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What about Sharing? Simple Page Table Discussion
Virtual Address Virtual • What needs to be switched on
(Process A): Page # Offset a context switch?
0x00 a 0x00 – Page table pointer and limit
PageTablePtrA page #0 V,R c 0x04 i • Analysis
page #1 V,R
0x04 d
4 j – Pros
page #2 V,R,W e 3 k » Simple memory allocation
f l » Easy to Share
page #3 V,R,W Shared 1 0x08
page #4 N – Con: What if address space is
Page 0x08 h Page 0x0C sparse?
page #5 V,R,W i e
j Table f » E.g. on UNIX, code starts at
PageTablePtrB page #0 V,R k g 0, stack starts at (231-1).
page #1 N l
0x10 h » With 1K pages, need 4 million
This physical page Virtual a page table entries!
page #2 V,R,W b
page #3 N
appears in address Memory – Con: What if table really big?
space of both processes » Not all pages used all the
page #4 V,R d time  would be nice to have
page #5 V,R,W Physical working set of page table in
Memory memory
Virtual Address: Virtual Offset • How about combining paging
Process B Page # Example (4 byte pages) and segmentation?
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Multi-level Translation What about Sharing (Complete Segment)?

• What about a tree of tables? Process Virtual Virtual Offset
– Lowest level page tablememory still allocated with bitmap A Seg # Page # page #0 V,R
– Higher levels often segmented page #1 V,R
page #2 V,R,W
• Could have any number of levels. Example (top segment): Base0 Limit0 V page #3 V,R,W
Virtual Virtual Virtual Base1 Limit1 V
Offset page #4 N
Address: Seg # Page # Base2 Limit2 V
Base3 Limit3 N page #5 V,R,W
page #0 V,R Base4 Limit4 V Shared Segment
page #1 V,R Physical Offset Base5 Limit5 N
Base0 Limit0 V Page # Base0 Limit0 V
Base1 Limit1 V page #2 V,R,W Base6 Limit6 N
Physical Address Base7 Limit7 V Base1 Limit1 V
Base2 Limit2 V page #3 V,R,W Base2 Limit2 V
Base3 Limit3 N page #4 N Base3 Limit3 N
Base4 Limit4 V page #5 V,R,W Base4 Limit4 V
Check Perm
Base5 Limit5 N Base5 Limit5 N
Base6 Limit6 N
> Access Base6 Limit6 N
Base7 Limit7 V Access
Error Error Base7 Limit7 V

• What must be saved/restored on context switch? Process Virtual Virtual Offset

– Contents of top-level segment registers (for this example) B Seg # Page #
– Pointer to top-level table (page table)
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Another common example: two-level page table Multi-level Translation Analysis
Physical Physical
Address: Page # Offset
10 bits 10 bits
Virtual Virtual
12 bits
• Pros:
Address: P1 index P2 index – Only need to allocate as many page table entries as we
need for application
4KB » In other wards, sparse address spaces are easy
– Easy memory allocation
PageTablePtr – Easy Sharing
» Share at segment or page level (need additional reference
• Cons:
– One pointer per page (typically 4K – 16K pages today)
4 bytes
– Page tables need to be contiguous
• Tree of Page Tables » However, previous example keeps tables to exactly one
• Tables fixed size (1024 entries) page in size
– On context-switch: save single – Two (or more, if >2 levels) lookups per reference
PageTablePtr register
• Valid bits on Page Table Entries » Seems very expensive!
– Don’t need every 2nd-level
– Even when exist, 2nd-level
tables 4 bytes
can reside on disk if not in use
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Inverted Page Table Dual-Mode Operation

• With all previous examples (“Forward Page Tables”) • Can Application Modify its own translation tables?
– Size of page table is at least as large as amount of – If it could, could get access to all of physical memory
virtual memory allocated to processes
– Has to be restricted somehow
– Physical memory may be much less
» Much of process space may be out on disk or not in use • To Assist with Protection, Hardware provides at
least two modes (Dual-Mode Operation):
Page # Offset – “Kernel” mode (or “supervisor” or “protected”)
– “User” mode (Normal program mode)
Physical – Mode set with bits in special control register only
Hash Page # Offset accessible in kernel-mode
Table • Intel processor actually has four “rings” of
• Answer: use a hash table – PL (Priviledge Level) from 0 – 3
– Called an “Inverted Page Table” » PL0 has full access, PL3 has least
– Size is independent of virtual address space – Privilege Level set in code segment descriptor (CS)
– Directly related to amount of physical memory – Mirrored “IOPL” bits in condition register gives
– Very attractive option for 64-bit address spaces permission to programs to use the I/O instructions
• Cons: Complexity of managing hash changes – Typical OS kernels on Intel processors only use PL0
– Often in hardware! (“user”) and PL3 (“kernel”)
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For Protection, Lock User-Programs in Asylum How to get from KernelUser
• Idea: Lock user programs in padded cell • What does the kernel do to create a new user
with no exit or sharp objects process?
– Cannot change mode to kernel mode
– User cannot modify page table mapping – Allocate and initialize address-space control block
– Limited access to memory: cannot – Read program off disk and store in memory
adversely effect other processes – Allocate and initialize translation table
» Side-effect: Limited access to
memory-mapped I/O operations » Point at code in memory so program can execute
(I/O that occurs by reading/writing memory locations) » Possibly point at statically initialized data
– Limited access to interrupt controller – Run Program:
– What else needs to be protected? » Set machine registers
• A couple of issues » Set hardware pointer to translation table
– How to share CPU between kernel and user programs?
» Set processor status word for user mode
» Kinda like both the inmates and the warden in asylum are
the same person. How do you manage this??? » Jump to start of program
– How do programs interact? • How does kernel switch between processes?
– How does one switch between kernel and user modes? – Same saving/restoring of registers as before
» OS  user (kernel  user mode): getting into cell
» User OS (user  kernel mode): getting out of cell – Save/restore PSL (hardware pointer to translation table)
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UserKernel (System Call) System Call Continued

• Can’t let inmate (user) get out of padded cell on own • What are some system calls?
– Would defeat purpose of protection! – I/O: open, close, read, write, lseek
– So, how does the user program get back into kernel? – Files: delete, mkdir, rmdir, truncate, chown, chgrp, ..
– Process: fork, exit, wait (like join)
– Network: socket create, set options
• Are system calls constant across operating systems?
– Not entirely, but there are lots of commonalities
– Also some standardization attempts (POSIX)
• What happens at beginning of system call?
» On entry to kernel, sets system to kernel mode
» Handler address fetched from table/Handler started
• System call: Voluntary procedure call into kernel • System Call argument passing:
– Hardware for controlled UserKernel transition – In registers (not very much can be passed)
– Can any kernel routine be called? – Write into user memory, kernel copies into kernel mem
» No! Only specific ones. » User addresses must be translated!w
– System call ID encoded into system call instruction » Kernel has different view of memory than user
» Index forces well-defined interface with kernel – Every Argument must be explicitly checked!
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UserKernel (Exceptions: Traps and Interrupts) Additions to MIPS ISA to support Exceptions?
• A system call instruction causes a synchronous • Exception state is kept in “Coprocessor 0”
exception (or “trap”)
– In fact, often called a software “trap” instruction – Use mfc0 read contents of these registers:
» BadVAddr (register 8): contains memory address at which
• Other sources of Synchronous Exceptions: memory reference error occurred
– Divide by zero, Illegal instruction, Bus error (bad » Status (register 12): interrupt mask and enable bits
address, e.g. unaligned access) » Cause (register 13): the cause of the exception
– Segmentation Fault (address out of range) » EPC (register 14): address of the affected instruction
– Page Fault (for illusion of infinite-sized memory) 15 8 5 4 3 2 1 0
• Interrupts are Asynchronous Exceptions
Status Mask k e k e k e
– Examples: timer, disk ready, network, etc….
old prev cur
– Interrupts can be disabled, traps cannot! • Status Register fields:
• On system call, exception, or interrupt: – Mask: Interrupt enable
– Hardware enters kernel mode with interrupts disabled » 1 bit for each of 5 hardware and 3 software interrupts
– Saves PC, then jumps to appropriate handler in kernel – k = kernel/user: 0kernel mode
– For some processors (x86), processor also saves – e = interrupt enable: 0interrupts disabled
registers, changes stack, etc. – Exception6 LSB shifted left 2 bits, setting 2 LSB to 0:
• Actual handler typically saves registers, other CPU » run in kernel mode with interrupts disabled
state, and switches
to kernel stack
Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 12.29 10/11/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 12.30

Closing thought: Protection without Hardware Summary (1/2)

• Does protection require hardware support for • Memory is a resource that must be shared
translation and dual-mode behavior? – Controlled Overlap: only shared when appropriate
– No: Normally use hardware, but anything you can do in
hardware can also do in software (possibly expensive) – Translation: Change Virtual Addresses into Physical
• Protection via Strong Typing
– Protection: Prevent unauthorized Sharing of resources
– Restrict programming language so that you can’t express
program that would trash another program • Dual-Mode
– Loader needs to make sure that program produced by – Kernel/User distinction: User restricted
valid compiler or all bets are off – UserKernel: System calls, Traps, or Interrupts
– Example languages: LISP, Ada, Modula-3 and Java
– Inter-process communication: shared memory, or
• Protection via software fault isolation: through kernel (system calls)
– Language independent approach: have compiler generate
object code that provably can’t step out of bounds • Exceptions
» Compiler puts in checks for every “dangerous” operation – Synchronous Exceptions: Traps (including system calls)
(loads, stores, etc). Again, need special loader. – Asynchronous Exceptions: Interrupts
» Alternative, compiler generates “proof” that code cannot
do certain things (Proof Carrying Code)
– Or: use virtual machine to guarantee safe behavior
(loads and stores recompiled on fly to check bounds)
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Summary (2/2)
• Segment Mapping
– Segment registers within processor
– Segment ID associated with each access
» Often comes from portion of virtual address
» Can come from bits in instruction instead (x86)
– Each segment contains base and limit information
» Offset (rest of address) adjusted by adding base
• Page Tables
– Memory divided into fixed-sized chunks of memory
– Virtual page number from virtual address mapped
through page table to physical page number
– Offset of virtual address same as physical address
– Large page tables can be placed into virtual memory
• Multi-Level Tables
– Virtual address mapped to series of tables
– Permit sparse population of address space
• Inverted page table
– Size of page table related to physical memory size
10/11/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 12.33
Review: Multi-level Translation
• What about a tree of tables?
CS162 – Lowest level page tablememory still allocated with bitmap
Operating Systems and – Higher levels often segmented
• Could have any number of levels. Example (top segment):
Systems Programming
Lecture 13 Address:
Seg #
Page # Offset

page #0 V,R
Address Translation (con’t) Base0 Limit0 V page #1 V,R Physical
Page # Offset
Caches and TLBs Base1
#2 V,R,W
#3 V,R,W
Physical Address
Base3 Limit3 N page #4 N
Base4 Limit4 V
October 13, 2010 Base5 Limit5 N
page #5 V,R,W Check Perm

Prof. John Kubiatowicz Base6 Limit6 N

Base7 Limit7 V
> Access
• What must be saved/restored on context switch?
– Contents of top-level segment registers (for this example)
– Pointer to top-level table (page table)
10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.2

Review: Two-level page table Goals for Today

Physical Physical
Address: Page # Offset
10 bits 10 bits 12 bits
Virtual Virtual Virtual Offset • Finish discussion of both Address Translation and
Address: P1 index P2 index Protection
4KB • Caching and TLBs


4 bytes
• Tree of Page Tables
• Tables fixed size (1024 entries)
– On context-switch: save single
PageTablePtr register
• Sometimes, top-level page tables
called “directories” (Intel) Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
• Each entry called a (surprise!) adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Page Table Entry (PTE)
4 bytes
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What is in a PTE? Examples of how to use a PTE
• What is in a Page Table Entry (or PTE)? • How do we use the PTE?
– Pointer to next-level page table or to actual page – Invalid PTE can imply different things:
– Permission bits: valid, read-only, read-write, write-only » Region of address space is actually invalid or
» Page/directory is just somewhere else than memory
• Example: Intel x86 architecture PTE: – Validity checked first
– Address same format previous slide (10, 10, 12-bit offset) » OS can use other (say) 31 bits for location info
– Intermediate page tables called “Directories” • Usage Example: Demand Paging
Page Frame Number Free – Keep only active pages in memory

0 L D A UW P – Place others on disk and mark their PTEs invalid
(Physical Page Number) (OS)
31-12 11-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 • Usage Example: Copy on Write
P: Present (same as “valid” bit in other architectures) – UNIX fork gives copy of parent address space to child
» Address spaces disconnected after child created
W: Writeable – How to do this cheaply?
U: User accessible » Make copy of parent’s page tables (point at same memory)
PWT: Page write transparent: external cache write-through » Mark entries in both sets of page tables as read-only
PCD: Page cache disabled (page cannot be cached) » Page fault on write creates two copies
A: Accessed: page has been accessed recently • Usage Example: Zero Fill On Demand
D: Dirty (PTE only): page has been modified recently – New data pages must carry no information (say be zeroed)
L: L=14MB page (directory only). – Mark PTEs as invalid; page fault on use gets zeroed page
Bottom 22 bits of virtual address serve as offset – Often, OS creates zeroed pages in background
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How is the translation accomplished? Dual-Mode Operation

Virtual Physical • Can Application Modify its own translation tables?
Addresses Addresses – If it could, could get access to all of physical memory
– Has to be restricted somehow
• What, exactly happens inside MMU? • To Assist with Protection, Hardware provides at
least two modes (Dual-Mode Operation):
• One possibility: Hardware Tree Traversal
– “Kernel” mode (or “supervisor” or “protected”)
– For each virtual address, takes page table base pointer
and traverses the page table in hardware – “User” mode (Normal program mode)
– Generates a “Page Fault” if it encounters invalid PTE – Mode set with bits in special control register only
accessible in kernel-mode
» Fault handler will decide what to do
» More on this next lecture • Intel processor actually has four “rings” of
– Pros: Relatively fast (but still many memory accesses!) protection:
– Cons: Inflexible, Complex hardware – PL (Priviledge Level) from 0 – 3
» PL0 has full access, PL3 has least
• Another possibility: Software – Privilege Level set in code segment descriptor (CS)
– Each traversal done in software
– Mirrored “IOPL” bits in condition register gives
– Pros: Very flexible permission to programs to use the I/O instructions
– Cons: Every translation must invoke Fault! – Typical OS kernels on Intel processors only use PL0
• In fact, need way to cache translations for either case! (“user”) and PL3 (“kernel”)
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For Protection, Lock User-Programs in Asylum How to get from KernelUser
• Idea: Lock user programs in padded cell • What does the kernel do to create a new user
with no exit or sharp objects process?
– Cannot change mode to kernel mode
– User cannot modify page table mapping – Allocate and initialize address-space control block
– Limited access to memory: cannot – Read program off disk and store in memory
adversely effect other processes – Allocate and initialize translation table
» Side-effect: Limited access to
memory-mapped I/O operations » Point at code in memory so program can execute
(I/O that occurs by reading/writing memory locations) » Possibly point at statically initialized data
– Limited access to interrupt controller – Run Program:
– What else needs to be protected? » Set machine registers
• A couple of issues » Set hardware pointer to translation table
– How to share CPU between kernel and user programs?
» Set processor status word for user mode
» Kinda like both the inmates and the warden in asylum are
the same person. How do you manage this??? » Jump to start of program
– How do programs interact? • How does kernel switch between processes?
– How does one switch between kernel and user modes? – Same saving/restoring of registers as before
» OS  user (kernel  user mode): getting into cell
» User OS (user  kernel mode): getting out of cell – Save/restore PSL (hardware pointer to translation table)
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UserKernel (System Call) System Call Continued

• Can’t let inmate (user) get out of padded cell on own • What are some system calls?
– Would defeat purpose of protection! – I/O: open, close, read, write, lseek
– So, how does the user program get back into kernel? – Files: delete, mkdir, rmdir, truncate, chown, chgrp, ..
– Process: fork, exit, wait (like join)
– Network: socket create, set options
• Are system calls constant across operating systems?
– Not entirely, but there are lots of commonalities
– Also some standardization attempts (POSIX)
• What happens at beginning of system call?
» On entry to kernel, sets system to kernel mode
» Handler address fetched from table/Handler started
• System call: Voluntary procedure call into kernel • System Call argument passing:
– Hardware for controlled UserKernel transition – In registers (not very much can be passed)
– Can any kernel routine be called? – Write into user memory, kernel copies into kernel mem
» No! Only specific ones. » User addresses must be translated!w
– System call ID encoded into system call instruction » Kernel has different view of memory than user
» Index forces well-defined interface with kernel – Every Argument must be explicitly checked!
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UserKernel (Exceptions: Traps and Interrupts) Additions to MIPS ISA to support Exceptions?
• A system call instruction causes a synchronous • Exception state is kept in “Coprocessor 0”
exception (or “trap”)
– In fact, often called a software “trap” instruction – Use mfc0 read contents of these registers:
» BadVAddr (register 8): contains memory address at which
• Other sources of Synchronous Exceptions: memory reference error occurred
– Divide by zero, Illegal instruction, Bus error (bad » Status (register 12): interrupt mask and enable bits
address, e.g. unaligned access) » Cause (register 13): the cause of the exception
– Segmentation Fault (address out of range) » EPC (register 14): address of the affected instruction
– Page Fault (for illusion of infinite-sized memory) 15 8 5 4 3 2 1 0
• Interrupts are Asynchronous Exceptions
Status Mask k e k e k e
– Examples: timer, disk ready, network, etc….
old prev cur
– Interrupts can be disabled, traps cannot! • Status Register fields:
• On system call, exception, or interrupt: – Mask: Interrupt enable
– Hardware enters kernel mode with interrupts disabled » 1 bit for each of 5 hardware and 3 software interrupts
– Saves PC, then jumps to appropriate handler in kernel – k = kernel/user: 0kernel mode
– For some processors (x86), processor also saves – e = interrupt enable: 0interrupts disabled
registers, changes stack, etc. – Exception6 LSB shifted left 2 bits, setting 2 LSB to 0:
• Actual handler typically saves registers, other CPU » run in kernel mode with interrupts disabled
state, and switches
to kernel stack
Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.13 10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.14

Closing thought: Protection without Hardware Administrivia

• Does protection require hardware support for
translation and dual-mode behavior?
– No: Normally use hardware, but anything you can do in
hardware can also do in software (possibly expensive)
• Protection via Strong Typing
– Restrict programming language so that you can’t express
program that would trash another program
– Loader needs to make sure that program produced by
valid compiler or all bets are off
– Example languages: LISP, Ada, Modula-3 and Java
• Protection via software fault isolation:
– Language independent approach: have compiler generate
object code that provably can’t step out of bounds
» Compiler puts in checks for every “dangerous” operation
(loads, stores, etc). Again, need special loader.
» Alternative, compiler generates “proof” that code cannot
do certain things (Proof Carrying Code)
– Or: use virtual machine to guarantee safe behavior
(loads and stores recompiled on fly to check bounds)
10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.15 10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.16
Caching Concept Why Bother with Caching?

Processor-DRAM Memory Gap (latency)

1000 µProc
“Moore’s Law” 60%/yr.
• Cache: a repository for copies that can be accessed (really Joy’s Law) (2X/1.5yr)

more quickly than the original 100 Processor-Memory
– Make frequent case fast and infrequent case less dominant Performance Gap:
• Caching underlies many of the techniques that are used (grows 50% / year)
today to make computers fast 10
– Can cache: memory locations, address translations, pages, “Less’ Law?” DRAM
file blocks, file names, network routes, etc… DRAM
• Only good if: 1 (2X/10
– Frequent case frequent enough and yrs)

– Infrequent case not too expensive
• Important measure: Average Access time =
(Hit Rate x Hit Time) + (Miss Rate x Miss Time) Time
10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.17 10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.18

Another Major Reason to Deal with Caching Why Does Caching Help? Locality!
Virtual Virtual Virtual Offset
Address: Seg # Page # Probability
of reference
page #0 V,R
page #1 V,R Physical Offset
Base0 Limit0 V Page #
Base1 Limit1 V page #2 V,R,W
Physical Address
Base2 Limit2 V page #3 V,R,W 0 2n - 1
Base3 Limit3 N page #4 N
Address Space
Base4 Limit4 V
Base5 Limit5 N
page #5 V,R,W Check Perm • Temporal Locality (Locality in Time):
Base6 Limit6 N – Keep recently accessed data items closer to processor
Base7 Limit7 V
> Access
Error • Spatial Locality (Locality in Space):
• Cannot afford to translate on every access – Move contiguous blocks to the upper levels
– At least three DRAM accesses per actual DRAM access Lower Level
– Or: perhaps I/O if page table partially on disk! To Processor Upper Level Memory
• Even worse: What if we are using caching to make
memory access faster than DRAM access???
Blk X
From Processor Blk Y
• Solution? Cache translations!
– Translation Cache: TLB (“Translation Lookaside Buffer”)
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Memory Hierarchy of a Modern Computer System A Summary on Sources of Cache Misses
• Take advantage of the principle of locality to: • Compulsory (cold start or process migration, first
– Present as much memory as in the cheapest technology reference): first access to a block
– Provide access at speed offered by the fastest technology – “Cold” fact of life: not a whole lot you can do about it
– Note: If you are going to run “billions” of instruction,
Compulsory Misses are insignificant
Processor • Capacity:
– Cache cannot contain all blocks access by the program
Tertiary – Solution: increase cache size
Second Main
(Tape) • Conflict (collision):


– Multiple memory locations mapped


Datapath Cache (DRAM)

(SRAM) to the same cache location
– Solution 1: increase cache size
Speed (ns): 1s 10s-100s 100s 10,000,000s 10,000,000,000s – Solution 2: increase associativity
(10s ms) (10s sec)
Size (bytes): 100s Ks-Ms Ms Gs Ts
• Coherence (Invalidation): other process (e.g., I/O)
updates memory
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How is a Block found in a Cache? Review: Direct Mapped Cache

• Direct Mapped 2N byte cache:
– The uppermost (32 - N) bits are always the Cache Tag
Block Address Block – The lowest M bits are the Byte Select (Block Size = 2M)
Tag Index offset
• Example: 1 KB Direct Mapped Cache with 32 B Blocks
– Index chooses potential block
– Tag checked to verify block
Set Select – Byte select chooses byte within block
31 9 4 0
Data Select Cache Tag Cache Index Byte Select
• Index Used to Lookup Candidates in Cache Ex: 0x50 Ex: 0x01 Ex: 0x00

– Index identifies the set Valid Bit Cache Tag Cache Data
• Tag used to identify actual copy

: :
Byte 31 Byte 1 Byte 0 0
– If no candidates match, then declare cache miss 0x50 Byte 63 Byte 33 Byte 32 1
• Block is minimum quantum of caching 3
– Data select field used to select data within block : : :
– Many caching applications don’t have data select field

Byte 1023 Byte 992 31
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Review: Set Associative Cache Review: Fully Associative Cache
• N-way set associative: N entries per Cache Index • Fully Associative: Every block can hold any line
– N direct mapped caches operates in parallel – Address does not include a cache index
• Example: Two-way set associative cache – Compare Cache Tags of all Cache Entries in Parallel
– Cache Index selects a “set” from the cache • Example: Block Size=32B blocks
– Two tags in the set are compared to input in parallel – We need N 27-bit comparators
– Data is selected based on the tag result
31 8 4 0
– Still have byte select to choose from within block
Cache Tag Cache Index Byte Select 31 4 0
Cache Tag (27 bits long) Byte Select
Valid Cache Tag Cache Data Cache Data Cache Tag Valid Ex: 0x01
Cache Block 0 Cache Block 0
Cache Tag Valid Bit Cache Data
: : : : : :

: :
= Byte 31 Byte 1 Byte 0
= Byte 63 Byte 33 Byte 32
Compare Sel1 1 Mux 0 Sel0 Compare
: : :
10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.25 10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.26
Hit Cache Block

Where does a Block Get Placed in a Cache? Review: Which block should be replaced on a miss?
• Example: Block 12 placed in 8 block cache
32-Block Address Space: • Easy for Direct Mapped: Only one possibility
• Set Associative or Fully Associative:
– Random
Block 1111111111222222222233
– LRU (Least Recently Used)
no. 01234567890123456789012345678901

2-way 4-way 8-way

Direct mapped:
block 12 can go
Set associative:
block 12 can go
Fully associative:
block 12 can go
Size LRU Random LRU Random LRU Random
only into block 4 anywhere in set 0 anywhere 16 KB 5.2% 5.7% 4.7% 5.3% 4.4% 5.0%
(12 mod 8) (12 mod 4)
64 KB 1.9% 2.0% 1.5% 1.7% 1.4% 1.5%
Block 01234567 01234567 01234567
256 KB 1.15% 1.17% 1.13% 1.13% 1.12% 1.12%
Block Block
no. no. no.

Set Set Set Set

0 1 2 3
10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.27 10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.28
Review: What happens on a write? Caching Applied to Address Translation
Virtual TLB
• Write through: The information is written to both the Physical
block in the cache and to the block in the lower-level Address Cached?
memory CPU Yes
No Memory
• Write back: The information is written only to the
block in the cache.
– Modified cache block is written to main memory only
when it is replaced Translate
– Question is block clean or dirty? (MMU)
• Pros and Cons of each? Data Read or Write
– WT: (untranslated)
» PRO: read misses cannot result in writes
» CON: Processor held up on writes unless writes buffered
• Question is one of page locality: does it exist?
– WB: – Instruction accesses spend a lot of time on the same
page (since accesses sequential)
» PRO: repeated writes not sent to DRAM
processor not held up on writes – Stack accesses have definite locality of reference
» CON: More complex – Data accesses have less page locality, but still some…
Read miss may require writeback of dirty data • Can we have a TLB hierarchy?
– Sure: multiple levels at different sizes/speeds
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What Actually Happens on a TLB Miss? What happens on a Context Switch?

• Hardware traversed page tables: • Need to do something, since TLBs map virtual
– On TLB miss, hardware in MMU looks at current page addresses to physical addresses
table to fill TLB (may walk multiple levels)
– Address Space just changed, so TLB entries no
» If PTE valid, hardware fills TLB and processor never knows
longer valid!
» If PTE marked as invalid, causes Page Fault, after which
kernel decides what to do afterwards • Options?
• Software traversed Page tables (like MIPS) – Invalidate TLB: simple but might be expensive
– On TLB miss, processor receives TLB fault » What if switching frequently between processes?
– Kernel traverses page table to find PTE
» If PTE valid, fills TLB and returns from fault
– Include ProcessID in TLB
» If PTE marked as invalid, internally calls Page Fault handler » This is an architectural solution: needs hardware
• Most chip sets provide hardware traversal • What if translation tables change?
– Modern operating systems tend to have more TLB faults – For example, to move page from memory to disk or
since they use translation for many things vice versa…
– Examples:
» shared segments
– Must invalidate TLB entry!
» user-level portions of an operating system » Otherwise, might think that page is still in memory!

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What TLB organization makes sense? TLB organization: include protection
• How big does TLB actually have to be?
CPU TLB Cache Memory
– Usually small: 128-512 entries
– Not very big, can support higher associativity
• Needs to be really fast
– Critical path of memory access
• TLB usually organized as fully-associative cache
» In simplest view: before the cache – Lookup is by Virtual Address
» Thus, this adds to access time (reducing cache speed) – Returns Physical Address + other info
– Seems to argue for Direct Mapped or Low Associativity • What happens when fully-associative is too slow?
• However, needs to have very few conflicts! – Put a small (4-16 entry) direct-mapped cache in front
– With TLB, the Miss Time extremely high! – Called a “TLB Slice”
– This argues that cost of Conflict (Miss Time) is much • Example for MIPS R3000:
higher than slightly increased cost of access (Hit Time) Virtual Address Physical Address Dirty Ref Valid Access ASID
• Thrashing: continuous conflicts between accesses
– What if use low order bits of page as index into TLB? 0xFA00
» First page of code, data, stack may map to same entry 0x0041 0x0011 N Y Y R 0
» Need 3-way associativity at least?
– What if use high order bits as index?
» TLB mostly unused for small programs
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Example: R3000 pipeline includes TLB “stages” Reducing translation time further
• As described, TLB lookup is in serial with cache lookup:
MIPS R3000 Pipeline
Inst Fetch Dcd/ Reg ALU / E.A Memory Write Reg Virtual Address
TLB I-Cache RF Operation WB
V page no. offset
E.A. TLB D-Cache

TLB Lookup
64 entry, on-chip, fully associative, software TLB fault handler
V Rights PA
Virtual Address Space

ASID V. Page Number Offset

6 12 P page no. offset
0xx User segment (caching based on PT/TLB entry) Physical Address
• Machines with TLBs go one step further: they overlap
100 Kernel physical space, cached
101 Kernel physical space, uncached
11x Kernel virtual space
TLB lookup with cache access.
Allows context switching among – Works because offset available early
64 user processes without TLB flush
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Overlapping TLB & Cache Access Summary #1/2
• Here is how this might work with a 4K cache: • The Principle of Locality:
assoc – Program likely to access a relatively small portion of the
lookup address space at any instant of time.
index » Temporal Locality: Locality in Time
32 TLB 4K Cache 1 K
» Spatial Locality: Locality in Space
20 10 2 4 bytes • Three (+1) Major Categories of Cache Misses:
page # disp 00 – Compulsory Misses: sad facts of life. Example: cold start
Hit/ misses.
Miss – Conflict Misses: increase cache size and/or associativity
FN = FN Data Hit/ – Capacity Misses: increase cache size
Miss – Coherence Misses: Caused by external processors or I/O
• What if cache size is increased to 8KB? devices
– Overlap not complete • Cache Organizations:
– Need to do something else. See CS152/252 – Direct Mapped: single block per set
– Set associative: more than one block per set
• Another option: Virtual Caches
– Fully associative: all entries equivalent
– Tags in cache are virtual addresses
– Translation only happens on cache misses
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Summary #2/2: Translation Caching (TLB)

• PTE: Page Table Entries
– Includes physical page number
– Control info (valid bit, writeable, dirty, user, etc)
• A cache of translations called a “Translation Lookaside
Buffer” (TLB)
– Relatively small number of entries (< 512)
– Fully Associative (Since conflict misses expensive)
– TLB entries contain PTE and optional process ID
• On TLB miss, page table must be traversed
– If located PTE is invalid, cause Page Fault
• On context switch/change in page table
– TLB entries must be invalidated somehow
• TLB is logically in front of cache
– Thus, needs to be overlapped with cache access to be
really fast
10/13/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2009 Lec 13.39
Review: Memory Hierarchy of a Modern Computer System
• Take advantage of the principle of locality to:
– Present as much memory as in the cheapest technology
Operating Systems and
– Provide access at speed offered by the fastest technology
Systems Programming
Lecture 14
Caching and
Demand Paging Control
Second Storage
Main (Tape)
October 20, 2010



Datapath Cache (DRAM)
Prof. John Kubiatowicz (SRAM)

Speed (ns): 1s 10s-100s 100s 10,000,000s 10,000,000,000s
(10s ms) (10s sec)
Size (bytes): 100s Ks-Ms Ms Gs Ts

10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.2

Review: A Summary on Sources of Cache Misses Review: Set Associative Cache

• Compulsory (cold start): first reference to a block • N-way set associative: N entries per Cache Index
– N direct mapped caches operates in parallel
– “Cold” fact of life: not a whole lot you can do about it
• Example: Two-way set associative cache
– Note: When running “billions” of instruction, Compulsory – Cache Index selects a “set” from the cache
Misses are insignificant – Two tags in the set are compared to input in parallel
• Capacity: – Data is selected based on the tag result
31 8 4 0
– Cache cannot contain all blocks access by the program Cache Tag Cache Index Byte Select
– Solution: increase cache size
• Conflict (collision):
Valid Cache Tag Cache Data Cache Data Cache Tag Valid
Cache Block 0 Cache Block 0
– Multiple memory locations mapped to same cache location
: : : : : :
– Solutions: increase cache size, or increase associativity
• Two others:
– Coherence (Invalidation): other process (e.g., I/O)
updates memory Compare Sel1 1 Mux 0 Sel0 Compare

– Policy: Due to non-optimal replacement policy OR

10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.3 10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.4
Hit Cache Block
Review: Where does a Block Get Placed in a Cache? Goals for Today
• Example: Block 12 placed in 8 block cache
32-Block Address Space:
• Finish discussion of Caching/TLBs
• Concept of Paging to Disk
• Page Faults and TLB Faults
• Precise Interrupts
• Page Replacement Policies
Block 1111111111222222222233
no. 01234567890123456789012345678901

Direct mapped: Set associative: Fully associative:

block 12 can go block 12 can go block 12 can go
only into block 4 anywhere in set 0 anywhere
(12 mod 8) (12 mod 4)
Block 01234567 Block 01234567 Block 01234567
no. no. no.

Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are

adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
Set Set Set Set
0 1 2 3
10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.5 10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.6

Which block should be replaced on a miss? What happens on a write?

• Write through: The information is written to both the
• Easy for Direct Mapped: Only one possibility block in the cache and to the block in the lower-level
• Set Associative or Fully Associative:
• Write back: The information is written only to the
– Random block in the cache.
– LRU (Least Recently Used) – Modified cache block is written to main memory only
when it is replaced
– Question is block clean or dirty?
2-way 4-way 8-way • Pros and Cons of each?
Size LRU Random LRU Random LRU Random – WT:
16 KB 5.2% 5.7% 4.7% 5.3% 4.4% 5.0% » PRO: read misses cannot result in writes
64 KB 1.9% 2.0% 1.5% 1.7% 1.4% 1.5% » CON: Processor held up on writes unless writes buffered
256 KB 1.15% 1.17% 1.13% 1.13% 1.12% 1.12% – WB:
» PRO: repeated writes not sent to DRAM
processor not held up on writes
» CON: More complex
Read miss may require writeback of dirty data

10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.7 10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.8
Caching Applied to Address Translation What Actually Happens on a TLB Miss?
Virtual TLB • Hardware traversed page tables:
Address Cached? – On TLB miss, hardware in MMU looks at current page
Physical table to fill TLB (may walk multiple levels)
No Memory » If PTE valid, hardware fills TLB and processor never knows
» If PTE marked as invalid, causes Page Fault, after which
kernel decides what to do afterwards
Translate • Software traversed Page tables (like MIPS)
(MMU) – On TLB miss, processor receives TLB fault
– Kernel traverses page table to find PTE
Data Read or Write » If PTE valid, fills TLB and returns from fault
(untranslated) » If PTE marked as invalid, internally calls Page Fault handler
• Question is one of page locality: does it exist? • Most chip sets provide hardware traversal
– Instruction accesses spend a lot of time on the same – Modern operating systems tend to have more TLB faults
page (since accesses sequential) since they use translation for many things
– Stack accesses have definite locality of reference – Examples:
– Data accesses have less page locality, but still some… » shared segments
• Can we have a TLB hierarchy? » user-level portions of an operating system
– Sure: multiple levels at different sizes/speeds
10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.9 10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.10

What happens on a Context Switch? Administrative

• Need to do something, since TLBs map virtual
addresses to physical addresses
– Address Space just changed, so TLB entries no
longer valid!
• Options?
– Invalidate TLB: simple but might be expensive
» What if switching frequently between processes?
– Include ProcessID in TLB
» This is an architectural solution: needs hardware
• What if translation tables change?
– For example, to move page from memory to disk or
vice versa…
– Must invalidate TLB entry!
» Otherwise, might think that page is still in memory!

10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.11 10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.12
What TLB organization makes sense? TLB organization: include protection
• How big does TLB actually have to be?
CPU TLB Cache Memory
– Usually small: 128-512 entries
– Not very big, can support higher associativity
• Needs to be really fast • TLB usually organized as fully-associative cache
– Critical path of memory access – Lookup is by Virtual Address
» In simplest view: before the cache
– Returns Physical Address + other info
» Thus, this adds to access time (reducing cache speed)
• Example for MIPS R3000:
– Seems to argue for Direct Mapped or Low Associativity
Virtual Address Physical Address Dirty Ref Valid Access ASID
• However, needs to have very few conflicts!
– With TLB, the Miss Time extremely high! 0xFA00 0x0003 Y N Y R/W 34
0x0040 0x0010 N Y Y R 0
– This argues that cost of Conflict (Miss Time) is much 0x0041 0x0011 N Y Y R 0
higher than slightly increased cost of access (Hit Time)
• Thrashing: continuous conflicts between accesses • What happens when fully-associative is too slow?
– What if use low order bits of page as index into TLB? – Put a small (4-16 entry) direct-mapped cache in front
» First page of code, data, stack may map to same entry – Called a “TLB Slice”
» Need 3-way associativity at least? • When does TLB lookup occur?
– What if use high order bits as index? – Before cache lookup?
» TLB mostly unused for small programs – In parallel with cache lookup?
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Example: R3000 pipeline includes TLB “stages” Reducing translation time further
• As described, TLB lookup is in serial with cache lookup:
MIPS R3000 Pipeline
Inst Fetch Dcd/ Reg ALU / E.A Memory Write Reg Virtual Address
TLB I-Cache RF Operation WB
V page no. offset
E.A. TLB D-Cache

TLB Lookup
64 entry, on-chip, fully associative, software TLB fault handler
V Rights PA
Virtual Address Space

ASID V. Page Number Offset

6 12 P page no. offset
0xx User segment (caching based on PT/TLB entry)
Combination Physical Address
• Machines with TLBs go one step further: they overlap
100 Kernel physical space, cached
101 Kernel physical space, uncached Segments and
11x Kernel virtual space
Paging! TLB lookup with cache access.
Allows context switching among – Works because offset available early
64 user processes without TLB flush
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Overlapping TLB & Cache Access Demand Paging
• Here is how this might work with a 4K cache: • Modern programs require a lot of physical memory
assoc – Memory per system growing faster than 25%-30%/year
lookup • But they don’t use all their memory all of the time
32 TLB 4K Cache 1 K
– 90-10 rule: programs spend 90% of their time in 10%
of their code
20 10 2 4 bytes – Wasteful to require all of user’s code to be in memory
page # disp 00
• Solution: use main memory as cache for disk
FN = FN Data Hit/
Miss Processor

• What if cache size is increased to 8KB? Control Caching Tertiary

– Overlap not complete Second Main Secondary Storage

Level Memory Storage (Tape)
– Need to do something else. See CS152/252

Datapath Cache (DRAM) (Disk)
• Another option: Virtual Caches (SRAM)

– Tags in cache are virtual addresses

– Translation only happens on cache misses
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Illusion of Infinite Memory Demand Paging is Caching

• Since Demand Paging is Caching, must ask:

 – What is block size?

» 1 page
Page – What is organization of this cache (i.e. direct-mapped,
Table set-associative, fully-associative)?
Physical Disk
Virtual Memory 500GB » Fully associative: arbitrary virtualphysical mapping
Memory 512 MB
4 GB – How do we find a page in the cache when look for it?
• Disk is larger than physical memory  » First check TLB, then page-table traversal
– In-use virtual memory can be bigger than physical memory – What is page replacement policy? (i.e. LRU, Random…)
– Combined memory of running processes much larger than
physical memory » This requires more explanation… (kinda LRU)
» More programs fit into memory, allowing more concurrency – What happens on a miss?
• Principle: Transparent Level of Indirection (page table) » Go to lower level to fill miss (i.e. disk)
– Supports flexible placement of physical data
» Data could be on disk or somewhere across network – What happens on a write? (write-through, write back)
– Variable location of data transparent to user program » Definitely write-back. Need dirty bit!
» Performance issue, not correctness issue
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Review: What is in a PTE? Demand Paging Mechanisms
• What is in a Page Table Entry (or PTE)? • PTE helps us implement demand paging
– Pointer to next-level page table or to actual page – Valid  Page in memory, PTE points at physical page
– Permission bits: valid, read-only, read-write, write-only – Not Valid  Page not in memory; use info in PTE to find
• Example: Intel x86 architecture PTE: it on disk when necessary
– Address same format previous slide (10, 10, 12-bit offset) • Suppose user references page with invalid PTE?
– Intermediate page tables called “Directories” – Memory Management Unit (MMU) traps to OS
Page Frame Number Free » Resulting trap is a “Page Fault”

0 L D A UW P
(Physical Page Number) (OS) – What does OS do on a Page Fault?:
31-12 11-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 » Choose an old page to replace
P: Present (same as “valid” bit in other architectures) » If old page modified (“D=1”), write contents back to disk
W: Writeable » Change its PTE and any cached TLB to be invalid
U: User accessible » Load new page into memory from disk
PWT: Page write transparent: external cache write-through » Update page table entry, invalidate TLB for new entry
PCD: Page cache disabled (page cannot be cached) » Continue thread from original faulting location
A: Accessed: page has been accessed recently – TLB for new page will be loaded when thread continued!
D: Dirty (PTE only): page has been modified recently – While pulling pages off disk for one process, OS runs
L: L=14MB page (directory only). another process from ready queue
Bottom 22 bits of virtual address serve as offset » Suspended process sits on wait queue
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Software-Loaded TLB Transparent Exceptions

• MIPS/Nachos TLB is loaded by software




Inst 1

Inst 1

Inst 2

Inst 2
– High TLB hit rateok to trap to software to fill the User
TLB, even if slower
– Simpler hardware and added flexibility: software can TLB Faults
maintain translation tables in whatever convenient format
Fetch page/
• How can a process run without access to page table? OS Load TLB
Load TLB
– Fast path (TLB hit with valid=1):
» Translation to physical page done by hardware • How to transparently restart faulting instructions?
– Slow path (TLB hit with valid=0 or TLB miss) – Could we just skip it?
» Hardware receives a “TLB Fault” » No: need to perform load or store after reconnecting
– What does OS do on a TLB Fault? physical page
» Traverse page table to find appropriate PTE • Hardware must help out by saving:
» If valid=1, load page table entry into TLB, continue thread – Faulting instruction and partial state
» If valid=0, perform “Page Fault” detailed previously » Need to know which instruction caused fault
» Continue thread » Is single PC sufficient to identify faulting position????
• Everything is transparent to the user process: – Processor State: sufficient to restart user thread
– It doesn’t know about paging to/from disk » Save/restore registers, stack, etc
– It doesn’t even know about software TLB handling • What if an instruction has side-effects?
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Consider weird things that can happen Precise Exceptions
• What if an instruction has side effects? • Precise  state of the machine is preserved as if
– Options: program executed up to the offending instruction
» Unwind side-effects (easy to restart)
» Finish off side-effects (messy!) – All previous instructions completed
– Example 1: mov (sp)+,10 – Offending instruction and all following instructions act as
» What if page fault occurs when write to stack pointer? if they have not even started
» Did sp get incremented before or after the page fault? – Same system code will work on different implementations
– Example 2: strcpy (r1), (r2) – Difficult in the presence of pipelining, out-of-order
» Source and destination overlap: can’t unwind in principle! execution, ...
» IBM S/370 and VAX solution: execute twice – once – MIPS takes this position
• What about “RISC” processors? • Imprecise  system software has to figure out what is
– For instance delayed branches?
where and put it all back together
» Example: bne somewhere • Performance goals often lead designers to forsake
ld r1,(sp) precise interrupts
» Precise exception state consists of two PCs: PC and nPC – system software developers, user, markets etc. usually
– Delayed exceptions: wish they had not done this
» Example: div r1, r2, r3 • Modern techniques for out-of-order execution and
branch prediction help implement precise interrupts
ld r1, (sp)
» What if takes many cycles to discover divide by zero,
but load has already caused page fault?
10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.25 10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.26

Page Replacement Policies Replacement Policies (Con’t)

• Why do we care about Replacement Policy? • What about LRU?
– Replacement is an issue with any cache – Replace page that hasn’t been used for the longest time
– Particularly important with pages – Programs have locality, so if something not used for a
» The cost of being wrong is high: must go to disk while, unlikely to be used in the near future.
» Must keep important pages in memory, not toss them out – Seems like LRU should be a good approximation to MIN.
• What about MIN?
– Replace page that won’t be used for the longest time
• How to implement LRU? Use a list!
– Great, but can’t really know future…
Head Page 6 Page 7 Page 1 Page 2
– Makes good comparison case, however
• What about RANDOM?
– Pick random page for every replacement Tail (LRU)
– Typical solution for TLB’s. Simple hardware – On each use, remove page from list and place at head
– Pretty unpredictable – makes it hard to make real-time – LRU page is at tail
guarantees • Problems with this scheme for paging?
• What about FIFO? – Need to know immediately when each page used so that
– Throw out oldest page. Be fair – let every page live in can change position in list…
memory for same amount of time.
– Bad, because throws out heavily used pages instead of – Many instructions for each hardware access
infrequently used pages • In practice, people approximate LRU (more later)
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• TLB is cache on translations
– Fully associative to reduce conflicts
– Can be overlapped with cache access
• Demand Paging:
– Treat memory as cache on disk
– Cache miss  get page from disk
• Transparent Level of Indirection
– User program is unaware of activities of OS behind scenes
– Data can be moved without affecting application correctness
• Software-loaded TLB
– Fast Path: handled in hardware (TLB hit with valid=1)
– Slow Path: Trap to software to scan page table
• Precise Exception specifies a single instruction for which:
– All previous instructions have completed (committed state)
– No following instructions nor actual instruction have started
• Replacement policies
– FIFO: Place pages on queue, replace page at end
– MIN: replace page that will be used farthest in future
– LRU: Replace page that hasn’t be used for the longest time
10/20/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 14.29
Review: Demand Paging Mechanisms
• PTE helps us implement demand paging
CS162 – Valid  Page in memory, PTE points at physical page
Operating Systems and – Not Valid  Page not in memory; use info in PTE to find
Systems Programming it on disk when necessary
• Suppose user references page with invalid PTE?
Lecture 15 – Memory Management Unit (MMU) traps to OS
» Resulting trap is a “Page Fault”
Page Allocation and – What does OS do on a Page Fault?:
Replacement »
Choose an old page to replace
If old page modified (“D=1”), write contents back to disk
» Change its PTE and any cached TLB to be invalid
October 25, 2010 » Load new page into memory from disk
» Update page table entry, invalidate TLB for new entry
Prof. John Kubiatowicz » Continue thread from original faulting location
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – TLB for new page will be loaded when thread continued!
– While pulling pages off disk for one process, OS runs
another process from ready queue
» Suspended process sits on wait queue
10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.2

Goals for Today Software-Loaded TLB

• MIPS/Nachos TLB is loaded by software
• Precise Exceptions – High TLB hit rateok to trap to software to fill the
• Page Replacement Policies TLB, even if slower
– Simpler hardware and added flexibility: software can
– Clock Algorithm maintain translation tables in whatever convenient format
– Nth chance algorithm • How can a process run without hardware TLB fill?
– Second-Chance-List Algorithm – Fast path (TLB hit with valid=1):
• Page Allocation Policies » Translation to physical page done by hardware
– Slow path (TLB hit with valid=0 or TLB miss)
• Working Set/Thrashing » Hardware receives a TLB Fault
– What does OS do on a TLB Fault?
» Traverse page table to find appropriate PTE
» If valid=1, load page table entry into TLB, continue thread
» If valid=0, perform “Page Fault” detailed previously
» Continue thread
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are • Everything is transparent to the user process:
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Gagne. – It doesn’t know about paging to/from disk
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz. – It doesn’t even know about software TLB handling
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Transparent Exceptions Consider weird things that can happen
• What if an instruction has side effects?




Inst 1

Inst 1

Inst 2

Inst 2
User – Options:
» Unwind side-effects (easy to restart)
» Finish off side-effects (messy!)
TLB Faults – Example 1: mov (sp)+,10
Fetch page/ » What if page fault occurs when write to stack pointer?
Load TLB » Did sp get incremented before or after the page fault?
– Example 2: strcpy (r1), (r2)
• How to transparently restart faulting instructions? » Source and destination overlap: can’t unwind in principle!
– Could we just skip it? » IBM S/370 and VAX solution: execute twice – once
» No: need to perform load or store after reconnecting
physical page • What about “RISC” processors?
• Hardware must help out by saving: – For instance delayed branches?
» Example: bne somewhere
– Faulting instruction and partial state ld r1,(sp)
» Need to know which instruction caused fault » Precise exception state consists of two PCs: PC and nPC
» Is single PC sufficient to identify faulting position???? – Delayed exceptions:
– Processor State: sufficient to restart user thread » Example: div r1, r2, r3
» Save/restore registers, stack, etc ld r1, (sp)
» What if takes many cycles to discover divide by zero,
• What if an instruction has side-effects? but load has already caused page fault?
10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.5 10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.6

Precise Exceptions Steps in Handling a Page Fault

• Precise  state of the machine is preserved as if
program executed up to the offending instruction
– All previous instructions completed
– Offending instruction and all following instructions act as
if they have not even started
– Same system code will work on different implementations
– Difficult in the presence of pipelining, out-of-order
execution, ...
– MIPS takes this position
• Imprecise  system software has to figure out what is
where and put it all back together
• Performance goals often lead designers to forsake
precise interrupts
– system software developers, user, markets etc. usually
wish they had not done this
• Modern techniques for out-of-order execution and
branch prediction help implement precise interrupts
10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.7 10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.8
Demand Paging Example What Factors Lead to Misses?
• Since Demand Paging like caching, can compute • Compulsory Misses:
average access time! (“Effective Access Time”) – Pages that have never been paged into memory before
– EAT = Hit Rate x Hit Time + Miss Rate x Miss Time – How might we remove these misses?
• Example: » Prefetching: loading them into memory before needed
– Memory access time = 200 nanoseconds » Need to predict future somehow! More later.
– Average page-fault service time = 8 milliseconds • Capacity Misses:
– Suppose p = Probability of miss, 1-p = Probably of hit – Not enough memory. Must somehow increase size.
– Then, we can compute EAT as follows: – Can we do this?
EAT = (1 – p) x 200ns + p x 8 ms » One option: Increase amount of DRAM (not quick fix!)
» Another option: If multiple processes in memory: adjust
= (1 – p) x 200ns + p x 8,000,000ns percentage of memory allocated to each one!
= 200ns + p x 7,999,800ns • Conflict Misses:
• If one access out of 1,000 causes a page fault, then – Technically, conflict misses don’t exist in virtual memory,
EAT = 8.2 μs: since it is a “fully-associative” cache
– This is a slowdown by a factor of 40! • Policy Misses:
• What if want slowdown by less than 10%? – Caused when pages were in memory, but kicked out
– 200ns x 1.1 < EAT  p < 2.5 x 10-6 prematurely because of the replacement policy
– This is about 1 page fault in 400000! – How to fix? Better replacement policy
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Page Replacement Policies Replacement Policies (Con’t)

• Why do we care about Replacement Policy? • LRU (Least Recently Used):
– Replacement is an issue with any cache – Replace page that hasn’t been used for the longest time
– Particularly important with pages – Programs have locality, so if something not used for a
» The cost of being wrong is high: must go to disk while, unlikely to be used in the near future.
» Must keep important pages in memory, not toss them out – Seems like LRU should be a good approximation to MIN.
• FIFO (First In, First Out)
– Throw out oldest page. Be fair – let every page live in
• How to implement LRU? Use a list!
memory for same amount of time.
– Bad, because throws out heavily used pages instead of Head Page 6 Page 7 Page 1 Page 2
infrequently used pages
• MIN (Minimum): Tail (LRU)
– Replace page that won’t be used for the longest time – On each use, remove page from list and place at head
– Great, but can’t really know future… – LRU page is at tail
– Makes good comparison case, however
• Problems with this scheme for paging?
– Pick random page for every replacement – Need to know immediately when each page used so that
can change position in list…
– Typical solution for TLB’s. Simple hardware
– Pretty unpredictable – makes it hard to make real-time – Many instructions for each hardware access
guarantees • In practice, people approximate LRU (more later)
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Administrivia In the News: Android
• Android is the new operating system from Google
– For Mobile devices
» Phones
» Ebook Readers
(i.e. B&N)
– Linux version 2.6.x
– Java virtual machine and
runtime system
– Lots of media extensions
» WebKit for browsing
» Media Libraries
» Cellular Networking
• Mobile Systems are the hottest new software stack
– Ubiquitous Computing
– Worldwide, more than 1 billion new cell phones
purchased/year for last few years
» Compare: worldwide number PCs purchased/year ~ 250M
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Example: FIFO Example: MIN

• Suppose we have 3 page frames, 4 virtual pages, and • Suppose we have the same reference stream:
following reference stream: –A B C A B D A D B C B
–A B C A B D A D B C B
• Consider MIN Page replacement:
• Consider FIFO Page replacement:
Ref: A B C A B D A D B C B
Ref: A B C A B D A D B C B
1 A C
1 A D C
2 B
2 B A
3 C D
3 C B

– MIN: 5 faults
– FIFO: 7 faults. – Where will D be brought in? Look for page not
– When referencing D, replacing A is bad choice, since referenced farthest in future.
need A again right away • What will LRU do?
– Same decisions as MIN here, but won’t always be true!
10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.15 10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.16
When will LRU perform badly? Graph of Page Faults Versus The Number of Frames
• Consider the following: A B C D A B C D A B C D
• LRU Performs as follows (same as FIFO here):
Ref: A B C D A B C D A B C D
1 A D C B
2 B A D C
3 C B A D

– Every reference is a page fault!

• MIN Does much better: • One desirable property: When you add memory the
Ref: A B C D A B C D A B C D miss rate goes down
Page: – Does this always happen?
– Seems like it should, right?
1 A B
• No: BeLady’s anomaly
2 B C – Certain replacement algorithms (FIFO) don’t have this
obvious property!
10/25/10 CKubiatowicz
D CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.17 10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.18

Adding Memory Doesn’t Always Help Fault Rate Implementing LRU

• Does adding memory reduce number of page faults? • Perfect:
– Yes for LRU and MIN – Timestamp page on each reference
– Not necessarily for FIFO! (Called Belady’s anomaly) – Keep list of pages ordered by time of reference
Ref: A B C D A B E A B C D E – Too expensive to implement in reality for many reasons
Page: • Clock Algorithm: Arrange physical pages in circle with
1 A D E single clock hand
2 B A C – Approximate LRU (approx to approx to MIN)
3 C B D – Replace an old page, not the oldest page
• Details:
Page: – Hardware “use” bit per physical page:
» Hardware sets use bit on each reference
1 A E D
» If use bit isn’t set, means not referenced in a long time
2 B A E » Nachos hardware sets use bit in the TLB; you have to copy
3 C B this back to page table when TLB entry gets replaced
4 D C
– On page fault:
» Advance clock hand (not real time)
• After adding memory: » Check use bit: 1used recently; clear and leave alone
– With FIFO, contents can be completely different 0selected candidate for replacement
– In contrast, with LRU or MIN, contents of memory with – Will always find a page or loop forever?
X pages are a subset of contents with X+1 Page » Even if all use bits set, will eventually loop aroundFIFO
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Clock Algorithm: Not Recently Used Nth Chance version of Clock Algorithm
Single Clock Hand: • Nth chance algorithm: Give page N chances
Advances only on page fault! – OS keeps counter per page: # sweeps
Check for pages not used recently – On page fault, OS checks use bit:
Mark pages as not used recently » 1clear use and also clear counter (used in last sweep)
Set of all pages » 0increment counter; if count=N, replace page
in Memory – Means that clock hand has to sweep by N times without
page being used before page is replaced
• How do we pick N?
– Why pick large N? Better approx to LRU
» If N ~ 1K, really good approximation
• What if hand moving slowly?
– Why pick small N? More efficient
– Good sign or bad sign?
» Otherwise might have to look a long way to find free page
» Not many page faults and/or find page quickly
• What about dirty pages?
• What if hand is moving quickly?
– Takes extra overhead to replace a dirty page, so give
– Lots of page faults and/or lots of reference bits set dirty pages an extra chance before replacing?
• One way to view clock algorithm: – Common approach:
– Crude partitioning of pages into two groups: young and old » Clean pages, use N=1
– Why not partition into more than 2 groups? » Dirty pages, use N=2 (and write back to disk when N=1)
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Clock Algorithms: Details Clock Algorithms Details (continued)

• Which bits of a PTE entry are useful to us? • Do we really need a hardware-supported “use” bit?
– Use: Set when page is referenced; cleared by clock – No. Can emulate it similar to above:
algorithm » Mark all pages as invalid, even if in memory
– Modified: set when page is modified, cleared when page » On read to invalid page, trap to OS
written to disk » OS sets use bit, and marks page read-only
– Valid: ok for program to reference this page – Get modified bit in same way as previous:
– Read-only: ok for program to read page, but not modify » On write, trap to OS (either invalid or read-only)
» For example for catching modifications to code pages! » Set use and modified bits, mark page read-write
– When clock hand passes by, reset use and modified bits
• Do we really need hardware-supported “modified” bit? and mark page as invalid again
– No. Can emulate it (BSD Unix) using read-only bit • Remember, however, that clock is just an
» Initially, mark all pages as read-only, even data pages approximation of LRU
» On write, trap to OS. OS sets software “modified” bit, – Can we do a better approximation, given that we have
and marks page as read-write. to take page faults on some reads and writes to collect
» Whenever page comes back in from disk, mark read-only use information?
– Need to identify an old page, not oldest page!
– Answer: second chance list
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Second-Chance List Algorithm (VAX/VMS) Second-Chance List Algorithm (con’t)
LRU victim • How many pages for second chance list?
Directly Second – If 0  FIFO
Mapped Pages Chance List – If all  LRU, but page fault on every page reference
• Pick intermediate value. Result is:
Marked: RW Marked: Invalid
List: FIFO List: LRU – Pro: Few disk accesses (page only goes to disk if unused
for a long time)
New New – Con: Increased overhead trapping to OS (software /
Page-in Active
From disk SC hardware tradeoff)
Pages Victims
• With page translation, we can adapt to any kind of
• Split memory in two: Active list (RW), SC list (Invalid) access the program makes
• Access pages in Active list at full speed
– Later, we will show how to use page translation /
• Otherwise, Page Fault protection to share memory between threads on widely
– Always move overflow page from end of Active list to separated machines
front of Second-chance list (SC) and mark invalid
• Question: why didn’t VAX include “use” bit?
– Desired Page On SC List: move to front of Active list,
mark RW – Strecker (architect) asked OS people, they said they
– Not on SC list: page in to front of Active list, mark RW; didn’t need it, so didn’t implement it
page out LRU victim at end of SC list – He later got blamed, but VAX did OK anyway
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Free List Demand Paging (more details)

Single Clock Hand: • Does software-loaded TLB need use bit?
Advances as needed to keep
freelist full (“background”) Two Options:
D – Hardware sets use bit in TLB; when TLB entry is
Set of all pages replaced, software copies use bit back to page table
in Memory
D – Software manages TLB entries as FIFO list; everything
not in TLB is Second-Chance list, managed as strict LRU
• Core Map
Free Pages – Page tables map virtual page  physical page
For Processes
– Do we need a reverse mapping (i.e. physical page 
• Keep set of free pages ready for use in demand paging virtual page)?
– Freelist filled in background by Clock algorithm or other
technique (“Pageout demon”) » Yes. Clock algorithm runs through page frames. If sharing,
– Dirty pages start copying back to disk when enter list then multiple virtual-pages per physical page
• Like VAX second-chance list » Can’t push page out to disk without invalidating all PTEs
– If page needed before reused, just return to active set
• Advantage: Faster for page fault
– Can always use page (or pages) immediately on fault
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• Precise Exception specifies a single instruction for
– All previous instructions have completed (committed state)
– No following instructions nor actual instruction have
• Replacement policies
– FIFO: Place pages on queue, replace page at end
– MIN: Replace page that will be used farthest in future
– LRU: Replace page used farthest in past
• Clock Algorithm: Approximation to LRU
– Arrange all pages in circular list
– Sweep through them, marking as not “in use”
– If page not “in use” for one pass, than can replace
• Nth-chance clock algorithm: Another approx LRU
– Give pages multiple passes of clock hand before replacing
• Second-Chance List algorithm: Yet another approx LRU
– Divide pages into two groups, one of which is truly LRU
and managed on page faults.
10/25/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 15.29
Review: Page Replacement Policies
CS162 • FIFO (First In, First Out)
– Throw out oldest page. Be fair – let every page live in
Operating Systems and memory for same amount of time.
Systems Programming – Bad, because throws out heavily used pages instead of
Lecture 16 infrequently used pages
• MIN (Minimum):
– Replace page that won’t be used for the longest time
Page Allocation and – Great, but can’t really know future…
Replacement (con’t) – Makes good comparison case, however
I/O Systems – Pick random page for every replacement
– Typical solution for TLB’s. Simple hardware
October 27, 2010 – Pretty unpredictable – makes it hard to make real-time
Prof. John Kubiatowicz guarantees
• LRU (Least Recently Used):
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Replace page that hasn’t been used for the longest time
– Programs have locality, so if something not used for a
while, unlikely to be used in the near future.
– Seems like LRU should be a good approximation to MIN.
10/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 16.2

Review: Clock Algorithm: Not Recently Used Review: Nth Chance version of Clock Algorithm
Single Clock Hand: • Nth chance algorithm: Give page N chances
Advances only on page fault! – OS keeps counter per page: # sweeps
Check for pages not used recently – On page fault, OS checks use bit:
Mark pages as not used recently » 1clear use and also clear counter (used in last sweep)
Set of all pages » 0increment counter; if count=N, replace page
in Memory – Means that clock hand has to sweep by N times without
page being used before page is replaced
• How do we pick N?
– Why pick large N? Better approx to LRU
» If N ~ 1K, really good approximation
• Clock Algorithm: pages arranged in a ring
– Hardware “use” bit per physical page: – Why pick small N? More efficient
» Hardware sets use bit on each reference » Otherwise might have to look a long way to find free page
» If use bit isn’t set, means not referenced in a long time • What about dirty pages?
» Nachos hardware sets use bit in the TLB; you have to copy – Takes extra overhead to replace a dirty page, so give
this back to page table when TLB entry gets replaced dirty pages an extra chance before replacing?
– On page fault: – Common approach:
» Advance clock hand (not real time)
» Clean pages, use N=1
» Check use bit: 1used recently; clear and leave alone
0selected candidate for replacement » Dirty pages, use N=2 (and write back to disk when N=1)
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Goals for Today Second-Chance List Algorithm (VAX/VMS)
LRU victim
• Finish Page Allocation Policies Directly Second
• Working Set/Thrashing Mapped Pages Chance List
• I/O Systems
Marked: RW Marked: Invalid
– Hardware Access List: FIFO List: LRU
– Device Drivers New
Page-in New
Active SC
From disk Pages Victims
• Split memory in two: Active list (RW), SC list (Invalid)
• Access pages in Active list at full speed
• Otherwise, Page Fault
– Always move overflow page from end of Active list to
front of Second-chance list (SC) and mark invalid
– Desired Page On SC List: move to front of Active list,
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are mark RW
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Gagne. – Not on SC list: page in to front of Active list, mark RW;
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz. page out LRU victim at end of SC list
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Second-Chance List Algorithm (con’t) Free List

• How many pages for second chance list? Single Clock Hand:
– If 0  FIFO Advances as needed to keep
freelist full (“background”)
– If all  LRU, but page fault on every page reference D
• Pick intermediate value. Result is: Set of all pages
– Pro: Few disk accesses (page only goes to disk if unused in Memory
for a long time)
– Con: Increased overhead trapping to OS (software /
hardware tradeoff)
Free Pages
• With page translation, we can adapt to any kind of For Processes
access the program makes
• Keep set of free pages ready for use in demand paging
– Later, we will show how to use page translation / – Freelist filled in background by Clock algorithm or other
protection to share memory between threads on widely technique (“Pageout demon”)
separated machines – Dirty pages start copying back to disk when enter list
• Question: why didn’t VAX include “use” bit? • Like VAX second-chance list
– Strecker (architect) asked OS people, they said they – If page needed before reused, just return to active set
didn’t need it, so didn’t implement it • Advantage: Faster for page fault
– He later got blamed, but VAX did OK anyway – Can always use page (or pages) immediately on fault
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Demand Paging (more details) Allocation of Page Frames (Memory Pages)
• Does software-loaded TLB need use bit? • How do we allocate memory among different processes?
Two Options: – Does every process get the same fraction of memory?
Different fractions?
– Hardware sets use bit in TLB; when TLB entry is – Should we completely swap some processes out of memory?
replaced, software copies use bit back to page table • Each process needs minimum number of pages
– Software manages TLB entries as FIFO list; everything – Want to make sure that all processes that are loaded into
not in TLB is Second-Chance list, managed as strict LRU memory can make forward progress
– Example: IBM 370 – 6 pages to handle SS MOVE
• Core Map instruction:
– Page tables map virtual page  physical page » instruction is 6 bytes, might span 2 pages
– Do we need a reverse mapping (i.e. physical page  » 2 pages to handle from
virtual page)? » 2 pages to handle to
» Yes. Clock algorithm runs through page frames. If sharing, • Possible Replacement Scopes:
then multiple virtual-pages per physical page – Global replacement – process selects replacement frame
» Can’t push page out to disk without invalidating all PTEs from set of all frames; one process can take a frame
from another
– Local replacement – each process selects from only its own
set of allocated frames
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Fixed/Priority Allocation Administrivia

• Equal allocation (Fixed Scheme):
– Every process gets same amount of memory
– Example: 100 frames, 5 processesprocess gets 20 frames
• Proportional allocation (Fixed Scheme)
– Allocate according to the size of process
– Computation proceeds as follows:
si = size of process pi and S = si
m = total number of frames
ai = allocation for pi = m
• Priority Allocation:
– Proportional scheme using priorities rather than size
» Same type of computation as previous scheme
– Possible behavior: If process pi generates a page fault,
select for replacement a frame from a process with lower
priority number
• Perhaps we should use an adaptive scheme instead???
– What if some application just needs more memory?
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Review from Test: Monitors Page-Fault Frequency Allocation
• Monitors represent the logic of the program • Can we reduce Capacity misses by dynamically
– Wait if necessary changing the number of pages/application?
– Signal when change something so any waiting threads
can proceed
– Remarkably – people didn’t get this basic structure!
• Basic structure of monitor-based program:
while (need to wait) { Check and/or update
condvar.wait(); state variables
} Wait if necessary
do something so no need to wait
• Establish “acceptable” page-fault rate
– If actual rate too low, process loses frame
condvar.signal(); Check and/or update – If actual rate too high, process gains frame
state variables
• Question: What if we just don’t have enough memory?
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Thrashing Locality In A Memory-Reference Pattern

• Program Memory Access

Patterns have temporal
and spatial locality
– Group of Pages accessed
along a given time slice
called the “Working Set”
– Working Set defines
minimum number of pages
• If a process does not have “enough” pages, the page- needed for process to
fault rate is very high. This leads to: behave well
– low CPU utilization
• Not enough memory for
– operating system spends most of its time swapping to disk Working SetThrashing
• Thrashing  a process is busy swapping pages in and out
– Better to swap out
• Questions: process?
– How do we detect Thrashing?
– What is best response to Thrashing?
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Working-Set Model What about Compulsory Misses?

• Recall that compulsory misses are misses that occur

the first time that a page is seen
– Pages that are touched for the first time
– Pages that are touched after process is swapped
•   working-set window  fixed number of page out/swapped back in
references • Clustering:
– Example: 10,000 instructions
– On a page-fault, bring in multiple pages “around” the
• WSi (working set of Process Pi) = total set of pages faulting page
referenced in the most recent  (varies in time)
– if  too small will not encompass entire locality – Since efficiency of disk reads increases with sequential
reads, makes sense to read several sequential pages
– if  too large will encompass several localities
– if  =   will encompass entire program • Working Set Tracking:
• D = |WSi|  total demand frames – Use algorithm to try to track working set of application
• if D > m  Thrashing – When swapping process back in, swap in working set
– Policy: if D > m, then suspend/swap out processes
– This can improve overall system behavior by a lot!
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Demand Paging Summary The Requirements of I/O

• Replacement policies • So far in this course:
– FIFO: Place pages on queue, replace page at end – We have learned how to manage CPU, memory
– MIN: Replace page that will be used farthest in future • What about I/O?
– LRU: Replace page used farthest in past – Without I/O, computers are useless (disembodied brains?)
• Clock Algorithm: Approximation to LRU – But… thousands of devices, each slightly different
– Arrange all pages in circular list » How can we standardize the interfaces to these devices?
– Sweep through them, marking as not “in use” – Devices unreliable: media failures and transmission errors
» How can we make them reliable???
– If page not “in use” for one pass, than can replace – Devices unpredictable and/or slow
• Nth-chance clock algorithm: Another approx LRU » How can we manage them if we don’t know what they will do
– Give pages multiple passes of clock hand before replacing or how they will perform?
• Second-Chance List algorithm: Yet another approx LRU • Some operational parameters:
– Divide pages into two groups, one of which is truly LRU – Byte/Block
and managed on page faults. » Some devices provide single byte at a time (e.g. keyboard)
• Working Set: » Others provide whole blocks (e.g. disks, networks, etc)
– Sequential/Random
– Set of pages touched by a process recently » Some devices must be accessed sequentially (e.g. tape)
• Thrashing: a process is busy swapping pages in and out » Others can be accessed randomly (e.g. disk, cd, etc.)
– Process will thrash if working set doesn’t fit in memory – Polling/Interrupts
– Need to swap out a process » Some devices require continual monitoring
» Others generate interrupts when they need service
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Modern I/O Systems Example Device-Transfer Rates (Sun Enterprise 6000)

• Device Rates vary over many orders of magnitude

– System better be able to handle this wide range
– Better not have high overhead/byte for fast devices!
– Better not waste time waiting for slow devices
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The Goal of the I/O Subsystem Want Standard Interfaces to Devices

• Block Devices: e.g. disk drives, tape drives, DVD-ROM
• Provide Uniform Interfaces, Despite Wide Range of
– Access blocks of data
Different Devices
– Commands include open(), read(), write(), seek()
– This code works on many different devices: – Raw I/O or file-system access
FILE fd = fopen(“/dev/something”,”rw”); – Memory-mapped file access possible
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { • Character Devices: e.g. keyboards, mice, serial ports,
fprintf(fd,”Count %d\n”,i); some USB devices
} – Single characters at a time
– Commands include get(), put()
– Why? Because code that controls devices (“device – Libraries layered on top allow line editing
driver”) implements standard interface. • Network Devices: e.g. Ethernet, Wireless, Bluetooth
• We will try to get a flavor for what is involved in – Different enough from block/character to have own
actually controlling devices in rest of lecture interface
– Can only scratch surface! – Unix and Windows include socket interface
» Separates network protocol from network operation
» Includes select() functionality
– Usage: pipes, FIFOs, streams, queues, mailboxes
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How Does User Deal with Timing? Main components of Intel Chipset: Pentium 4
• Blocking Interface: “Wait”
– When request data (e.g. read() system call), put • Northbridge:
process to sleep until data is ready – Handles memory
– When write data (e.g. write() system call), put process – Graphics
to sleep until device is ready for data
• Southbridge: I/O
• Non-blocking Interface: “Don’t Wait”
– PCI bus
– Returns quickly from read or write request with count of
bytes successfully transferred – Disk controllers
– Read may return nothing, write may write nothing – USB controllers
• Asynchronous Interface: “Tell Me Later” – Audio
– When request data, take pointer to user’s buffer, return – Serial I/O
immediately; later kernel fills buffer and notifies user – Interrupt controller
– When send data, take pointer to user’s buffer, return – Timers
immediately; later kernel takes data and notifies user

10/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 16.25 10/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 16.26

How does the processor actually talk to the device? Example: Memory-Mapped Display Controller
Processor Memory Bus Regular • Memory-Mapped:
– Hardware maps control registers
CPU Bus Bus
Device and display memory into physical 0x80020000
Adaptor Adaptor
Controller address space Command
Other Devices Data Bus Hardware » Addresses set by hardware jumpers Queue
Interrupt or Buses or programming at boot time 0x80010000
Controller Interrupt Request
Interface Controller – Simply writing to display memory Display
read (also called the “frame buffer”) Memory
write changes image on screen
• CPU interacts with a Controller control Memory
» Addr: 0x8000F000—0x8000FFFF
status and/or
– Contains a set of registers that Registers Queues – Writing graphics description to
can be read and written (port 0x20) command-queue area
– May contain memory for request Memory Mapped 0x0007F004 Command
Region: 0x8f008020 » Say enter a set of triangles that
queues or bit-mapped images describe some scene 0x0007F000 Status
• Regardless of the complexity of the connections and » Addr: 0x80010000—0x8001FFFF
buses, processor accesses registers in two ways: – Writing to the command register
– I/O instructions: in/out instructions may cause on-board graphics
» Example from the Intel architecture: out 0x21,AL hardware to do something Physical Address
– Memory mapped I/O: load/store instructions » Say render the above scene
» Addr: 0x0007F004 Space
» Registers/memory appear in physical address space
» I/O accomplished with load and store instructions • Can protect with page tables
10/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 16.27 10/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 16.28
Transfering Data To/From Controller Summary
• Programmed I/O: • Second-Chance List algorithm: Yet another approx LRU
– Each byte transferred via processor in/out or load/store – Divide pages into two groups, one of which is truly LRU
– Pro: Simple hardware, easy to program and managed on page faults.
– Con: Consumes processor cycles proportional to data size
• Working Set:
• Direct Memory Access: – Set of pages touched by a process recently
– Give controller access to memory bus
– Ask it to transfer data to/from memory directly • Thrashing: a process is busy swapping pages in and out
• Sample interaction with DMA controller (from book): – Process will thrash if working set doesn’t fit in memory
– Need to swap out a process
• I/O Devices Types:
– Many different speeds (0.1 bytes/sec to GBytes/sec)
– Different Access Patterns:
» Block Devices, Character Devices, Network Devices
– Different Access Timing:
» Blocking, Non-blocking, Asynchronous
• I/O Controllers: Hardware that controls actual device
– Processor Accesses through I/O instructions, load/store
to special physical memory
– Report their results through either interrupts or a status
register that processor looks at occasionally (polling)
10/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 16.29 10/27/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 16.30
Review: Want Standard Interfaces to Devices
• Block Devices: e.g. disk drives, tape drives, Cdrom
CS162 – Access blocks of data
Operating Systems and – Commands include open(), read(), write(), seek()
Systems Programming – Raw I/O or file-system access
Lecture 17 – Memory-mapped file access possible
• Character Devices: e.g. keyboards, mice, serial ports,
some USB devices
Disk Management and – Single characters at a time
File Systems – Commands include get(), put()
– Libraries layered on top allow line editing
November 1, 2010 • Network Devices: e.g. Ethernet, Wireless, Bluetooth
– Different enough from block/character to have own
Prof. John Kubiatowicz interface
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Unix and Windows include socket interface
» Separates network protocol from network operation
» Includes select() functionality
– Usage: pipes, FIFOs, streams, queues, mailboxes
11/1/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 17.2

Review: How Does User Deal with Timing? Goals for Today
• Blocking Interface: “Wait” • Finish Discussing I/O Systems
– When request data (e.g. read() system call), put
– Hardware Access
process to sleep until data is ready
– Device Drivers
– When write data (e.g. write() system call), put process
to sleep until device is ready for data • Disk Performance
• Non-blocking Interface: “Don’t Wait” – Hardware performance parameters
– Returns quickly from read or write request with count of – Queuing Theory
bytes successfully transferred • File Systems
– Read may return nothing, write may write nothing – Structure, Naming, Directories, and Caching
• Asynchronous Interface: “Tell Me Later”
– When request data, take pointer to user’s buffer, return
immediately; later kernel fills buffer and notifies user
– When send data, take pointer to user’s buffer, return Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
immediately; later kernel takes data and notifies user adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
11/1/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 17.3 11/1/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 17.4
Main components of Intel Chipset: Pentium 4 How does the processor talk to the device?
Processor Memory Bus Regular

• Northbridge: CPU Bus Bus

Adaptor Adaptor
– Handles memory Other Devices
or Buses
Data Bus Hardware
– Graphics Interrupt
Interface Controller
Controller Interrupt Request
• Southbridge: I/O read
write Addressable
– PCI bus • CPU interacts with a Controller control Memory
status and/or
– Disk controllers – Contains a set of registers that Registers Queues
– USB controllers can be read and written (port 0x20)
– May contain memory for request Memory Mapped
Region: 0x8f008020
– Audio queues or bit-mapped images
– Serial I/O • Regardless of the complexity of the connections and
buses, processor accesses registers in two ways:
– Interrupt controller
– I/O instructions: in/out instructions
– Timers » Example from the Intel architecture: out 0x21,AL
– Memory mapped I/O: load/store instructions
» Registers/memory appear in physical address space
» I/O accomplished with load and store instructions
11/1/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 17.5 11/1/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 17.6

Memory-Mapped Display Controller Example Transferring Data To/From Controller

• Memory-Mapped: • Programmed I/O:
– Hardware maps control registers – Each byte transferred via processor in/out or load/store
and display memory to physical 0x80020000 – Pro: Simple hardware, easy to program
address space Command – Con: Consumes processor cycles proportional to data size
» Addresses set by hardware jumpers Queue • Direct Memory Access:
or programming at boot time 0x80010000 – Give controller access to memory bus
– Simply writing to display memory Display – Ask it to transfer data to/from memory directly
(also called the “frame buffer”) Memory • Sample interaction with DMA controller (from book):
changes image on screen 0x8000F000
» Addr: 0x8000F000—0x8000FFFF
– Writing graphics description to
command-queue area 0x0007F004 Command
» Say enter a set of triangles that
describe some scene 0x0007F000 Status
» Addr: 0x80010000—0x8001FFFF
– Writing to the command register
may cause on-board graphics
hardware to do something Physical Address
» Say render the above scene
» Addr: 0x0007F004 Space
• Can protect with page tables
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A Kernel I/O Structure Administrivia

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Device Drivers Life Cycle of An I/O Request

• Device Driver: Device-specific code in the kernel that User
interacts directly with the device hardware
– Supports a standard, internal interface
– Same kernel I/O system can interact easily with
different device drivers
– Special device-specific configuration supported with the Kernel I/O
ioctl() system call Subsystem
• Device Drivers typically divided into two pieces:
– Top half: accessed in call path from system calls
» implements a set of standard, cross-device calls like Device Driver
open(), close(), read(), write(), ioctl(), Top Half
» This is the kernel’s interface to the device driver Device Driver
» Top half will start I/O to device, may put thread to sleep Bottom Half
until finished
– Bottom half: run as interrupt routine
» Gets input or transfers next block of output Device
» May wake sleeping threads if I/O now complete Hardware
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I/O Device Notifying the OS Hard Disk Drives
• The OS needs to know when:
– The I/O device has completed an operation
– The I/O operation has encountered an error
• I/O Interrupt:
– Device generates an interrupt whenever it needs service
– Handled in bottom half of device driver
» Often run on special kernel-level stack
– Pro: handles unpredictable events well Read/Write Head
– Con: interrupts relatively high overhead
• Polling: Side View
– OS periodically checks a device-specific status register
» I/O device puts completion information in status register
» Could use timer to invoke lower half of drivers occasionally
– Pro: low overhead
– Con: may waste many cycles on polling if infrequent or
unpredictable I/O operations Western Digital Drive
• Actual devices combine both polling and interrupts http://www.storagereview.com/guide/
– For instance: High-bandwidth network device:
» Interrupt for first incoming packet
» Poll for following packets until hardware empty IBM/Hitachi Microdrive
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Properties of a Hard Magnetic Disk Disk I/O Performance

300 Response
Sector Time (ms)

User 200
Platters Disk
Track Queue
[OS Paths] 100
• Properties Response Time = Queue+Disk Service Time
– Independently addressable element: sector 0
» OS always transfers groups of sectors together—”blocks” 0% 100%
– A disk can access directly any given block of information Throughput (Utilization)
it contains (random access). Can access any file either (% total BW)
sequentially or randomly. • Performance of disk drive/file system
– A disk can be rewritten in place: it is possible to – Metrics: Response Time, Throughput
read/modify/write a block from the disk – Contributing factors to latency:
• Typical numbers (depending on the disk size): » Software paths (can be loosely modeled by a queue)
– 500 to more than 20,000 tracks per surface » Hardware controller
– 32 to 800 sectors per track » Physical disk media
» A sector is the smallest unit that can be read or written
• Zoned bit recording • Queuing behavior:
– Constant bit density: more sectors on outer tracks – Can lead to big increases of latency as utilization
– Speed varies with track location approaches 100%
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Magnetic Disk Characteristic Sector Typical Numbers of a Magnetic Disk
• Cylinder: all the tracks under the • Average seek time as reported by the industry:
head at a given point on all surface Head – Typically in the range of 8 ms to 12 ms
• Read/write data is a three-stage Cylinder – Due to locality of disk reference may only be 25% to 33%
process: Platter of the advertised number
– Seek time: position the head/arm over the proper track • Rotational Latency:
(into proper cylinder) – Most disks rotate at 3,600 to 7200 RPM (Up to
– Rotational latency: wait for the desired sector 15,000RPM or more)
to rotate under the read/write head – Approximately 16 ms to 8 ms per revolution, respectively
– Transfer time: transfer a block of bits (sector) – An average latency to the desired information is halfway
under the read-write head around the disk: 8 ms at 3600 RPM, 4 ms at 7200 RPM
• Disk Latency = Queueing Time + Controller time + • Transfer Time is a function of:
Seek Time + Rotation Time + Xfer Time – Transfer size (usually a sector): 512B – 1KB per sector
– Rotation speed: 3600 RPM to 15000 RPM

Software – Recording density: bits per inch on a track

Media Time
Queue – Diameter: ranges from 1 in to 5.25 in
(Device Driver) – Typical values: 2 to 50 MB per second
• Controller time depends on controller hardware
• Highest Bandwidth: • Cost drops by factor of two per year (since 1991)
– Transfer large group of blocks sequentially from one track
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Disk Performance Disk Tradeoffs

• Assumptions: • How do manufacturers choose disk sector sizes?
– Ignoring queuing and controller times for now
– Need 100-1000 bits between each sector to allow
– Avg seek time of 5ms, avg rotational delay of 4ms system to measure how fast disk is spinning and to
– Transfer rate of 4MByte/s, sector size of 1 KByte tolerate small (thermal) changes in track length
• Random place on disk: • What if sector was 1 byte?
– Seek (5ms) + Rot. Delay (4ms) + Transfer (0.25ms) – Space efficiency – only 1% of disk has useful space
– Roughly 10ms to fetch/put data: 100 KByte/sec – Time efficiency – each seek takes 10 ms, transfer
rate of 50 – 100 Bytes/sec
• Random place in same cylinder:
• What if sector was 1 KByte?
– Rot. Delay (4ms) + Transfer (0.25ms)
– Space efficiency – only 90% of disk has useful space
– Roughly 5ms to fetch/put data: 200 KByte/sec
– Time efficiency – transfer rate of 100 KByte/sec
• Next sector on same track:
• What if sector was 1 MByte?
– Transfer (0.25ms): 4 MByte/sec
– Space efficiency – almost all of disk has useful space
• Key to using disk effectively (esp. for filesystems)
is to minimize seek and rotational delays – Time efficiency – transfer rate of 4 MByte/sec
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Introduction to Queuing Theory Background: Use of random distributions

Disk • Server spends variable time with customers Mean
Arrivals Departures – Mean (Average) m1 = p(T)T
Queue 
Queuing System – Variance  = p(T)(T-m1) = p(T)T -m1
2 2 2 2

• What about queuing time?? – Squared coefficient of variance: C = 2/m12 Distribution

of service times
– Let’s apply some queuing theory Aggregate description of the distribution.
– Queuing Theory applies to long term, steady state
behavior  Arrival rate = Departure rate • Important values of C:
• Little’s Law: – No variance or deterministic  C=0 mean
Mean # tasks in system = arrival rate x mean response time
– Observed by many, Little was first to prove – “memoryless” or exponential  C=1
– Simple interpretation: you should see the same number of » Past tells nothing about future
tasks in queue when entering as when leaving. » Many complex systems (or aggregates)

• Applies to any system in equilibrium, as long as nothing well described as memoryless

in black box is creating or destroying tasks – Disk response times C  1.5 (majority seeks < avg)
– Typical queuing theory doesn’t deal with transient
behavior, only steady-state behavior
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A Little Queuing Theory: Some Results A Little Queuing Theory: An Example

• Assumptions: • Example Usage Statistics:
– System in equilibrium; No limit to the queue – User requests 10 x 8KB disk I/Os per second
– Time between successive arrivals is random and memoryless – Requests & service exponentially distributed (C=1.0)
– Avg. service = 20 ms (From controller+seek+rot+trans)
Queue Server • Questions:
Arrival Rate Service Rate – How utilized is the disk?
 μ=1/Tser » Ans: server utilization, u = Tser
• Parameters that describe our system: – What is the average time spent in the queue?
– : mean number of arriving customers/second » Ans: Tq
– Tser: mean time to service a customer (“m1”) – What is the number of requests in the queue?
– C: squared coefficient of variance = 2/m12 » Ans: Lq
– μ: service rate = 1/Tser – What is the avg response time for disk request?
– u: server utilization (0u1): u = /μ =   Tser » Ans: Tsys = Tq + Tser
• Parameters we wish to compute: • Computation:
– Tq: Time spent in queue  (avg # arriving customers/s) = 10/s
– Lq: Length of queue =   Tq (by Little’s law) Tser (avg time to service customer) = 20 ms (0.02s)
• Results: u (server utilization) =  x Tser= 10/s x .02s = 0.2
– Memoryless service distribution (C = 1): Tq (avg time/customer in queue) = Tser x u/(1 – u)
» Called M/M/1 queue: Tq = Tser x u/(1 – u) = 20 x 0.2/(1-0.2) = 20 x 0.25 = 5 ms (0 .005s)
– General service distribution (no restrictions), 1 server: Lq (avg length of queue) =  x Tq=10/s x .005s = 0.05
» Called M/G/1 queue: Tq = Tser x ½(1+C) x u/(1 – u)) Tsys (avg time/customer in system) =Tq + Tser= 25 ms
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• I/O Controllers: Hardware that controls actual device
– Processor Accesses through I/O instructions or load/store
to special physical memory
• Notification mechanisms
– Interrupts
– Polling: Report results through status register that
processor looks at periodically
• Disk Performance:
– Queuing time + Controller + Seek + Rotational + Transfer
– Rotational latency: on average ½ rotation
– Transfer time: spec of disk depends on rotation speed
and bit storage density
• Queuing Latency:
– M/M/1 and M/G/1 queues: simplest to analyze
– As utilization approaches 100%, latency  
Tq = Tser x ½(1+C) x u/(1 – u))

11/1/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 17.25

Review: Device Drivers
• Device Driver: Device-specific code in the kernel that
interacts directly with the device hardware
CS162 – Supports a standard, internal interface
Operating Systems and – Same kernel I/O system can interact easily with
Systems Programming different device drivers
Lecture 18 – Special device-specific configuration supported with the
ioctl() system call
• Device Drivers typically divided into two pieces:
File Systems, Naming, and Directories – Top half: accessed in call path from system calls
» implements a set of standard, cross-device calls like
open(), close(), read(), write(), ioctl(),
November 3, 2010 » This is the kernel’s interface to the device driver
Prof. John Kubiatowicz » Top half will start I/O to device, may put thread to sleep
until finished
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Bottom half: run as interrupt routine
» Gets input or transfers next block of output
» May wake sleeping threads if I/O now complete

11/03/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 18.2

Review: Disk Performance Model Review: Introduction to Queuing Theory

• Read/write data is a three-stage process:

– Seek time: position the head/arm over the proper track
(into proper cylinder) Arrivals Departures
– Rotational latency: wait for the desired sector
to rotate under the read/write head Queuing System
– Transfer time: transfer a block of bits (sector) • What about queuing time??
under the read-write head – Let’s apply some queuing theory
– Queuing Theory applies to long term, steady state
• Disk Latency = Queueing Time + Controller time + behavior  Arrival rate = Departure rate
Seek Time + Rotation Time + Xfer Time • Little’s Law:
Mean # tasks in system = arrival rate x mean response time

– Observed by many, Little was first to prove



Media Time
Queue – Simple interpretation: you should see the same number of
(Seek+Rot+Xfer) tasks in queue when entering as when leaving.
(Device Driver)
• Applies to any system in equilibrium, as long as nothing
• Highest Bandwidth: in black box is creating or destroying tasks
– Typical queuing theory doesn’t deal with transient
– Transfer large group of blocks sequentially from one track behavior, only steady-state behavior
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Goals for Today Background: Use of random distributions
• Server spends variable time with customers (m1)
• Queuing Theory: Continued 
– Mean (Average) m1 = p(T)T
• File Systems – Variance 2 = p(T)(T-m1)2 = p(T)T2-m1
– Structure, Naming, Directories – Squared coefficient of variance: C = 2/m12 Distribution
of service times
Aggregate description of the distribution.
• Important values of C:
– No variance or deterministic  C=0 mean
– “memoryless” or exponential  C=1
» Past tells nothing about future
» Many complex systems (or aggregates) Memoryless
well described as memoryless
– Disk response times C  1.5 (majority seeks < avg)
• Mean Residual Wait Time, m1(z):
– Mean time must wait for server to complete current task
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are – Can derive m1(z) = ½m1(1 + C)
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
Gagne. » Not just ½m1 because doesn’t capture variance
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz. – C = 0  m1(z) = ½m1; C = 1  m1(z) = m1
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A Little Queuing Theory: Mean Wait Time A Little Queuing Theory: M/G/1 and M/M/1
• Computation of wait time in queue (Tq):
Queue Server Tq = Lq  Tser + u  m1(z) Little’s Law
Arrival Rate Service Rate
 μ=1/Tser Tq =   Tq  Tser + u  m1(z)
Tq = u  Tq + u  m1(z) Defn of utilization (u)
• Parameters that describe our system:
– : mean number of arriving customers/second Tq  (1 – u) = m1(z)  u  Tq = m1(z)  u/(1-u) 
– Tser: mean time to service a customer (“m1”) Tq = Tser  ½(1+C)  u/(1 – u)
– C: squared coefficient of variance = 2/m12 • Notice that as u1, Tq !
– μ: service rate = 1/Tser • Assumptions so far:
– u: server utilization (0u1): u = /μ =   Tser – System in equilibrium; No limit to the queue: works
• Parameters we wish to compute: First-In-First-Out
– Tq: Time spent in queue – Time between two successive arrivals in line are random
– Lq: Length of queue =   Tq (by Little’s law) and memoryless: (M for C=1 exponentially random)
• Basic Approach: – Server can start on next customer immediately after
– Customers before us must finish; mean time = Lq  Tser prior finishes
– If something at server, takes m1(z) to complete on avg • General service distribution (no restrictions), 1 server:
» m1(z): mean residual wait time at server= Tser  ½(1+C)
» Chance something at server = u  mean time is u  m1(z) – Called M/G/1 queue: Tq = Tser  ½(1+C)  u/(1 – u))
• Computation of wait time in queue (Tq): • Memoryless service distribution (C = 1):
– Tq = Lq  Tser + u  m1(z) – Called M/M/1 queue: Tq = Tser  u/(1 – u)
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A Little Queuing Theory: An Example Queuing Theory Resources
• Example Usage Statistics:
– User requests 10  8KB disk I/Os per second • Handouts page contains Queueing Theory Resources:
– Requests & service exponentially distributed (C=1.0)
– Avg. service = 20 ms (controller+seek+rot+Xfertime) – Scanned pages from Patterson and Hennesey book that
• Questions: gives further discussion and simple proof for general eq.
– How utilized is the disk? – A complete website full of resources
» Ans: server utilization, u = Tser
– What is the average time spent in the queue? • Midterms with queueing theory questions:
» Ans: Tq
– What is the number of requests in the queue? – Midterm IIs from previous years that I’ve taught
» Ans: Lq = Tq • Assume that Queueing theory is fair game for the final!
– What is the avg response time for disk request?
» Ans: Tsys = Tq + Tser (Wait in queue, then get served)
• Computation:
 (avg # arriving customers/s) = 10/s
Tser (avg time to service customer) = 20 ms (0.02s)
u (server utilization) =   Tser= 10/s  .02s = 0.2
Tq (avg time/customer in queue) = Tser  u/(1 – u)
= 20 x 0.2/(1-0.2) = 20  0.25 = 5 ms (0 .005s)
Lq (avg length of queue) =   Tq=10/s  .005s = 0.05
Tsys (avg time/customer in system) =Tq + Tser= 25 ms
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Administrivia Disk Scheduling

• Disk can do only one request at a time; What order do
you choose to do queued requests?



• FIFO Order
– Fair among requesters, but order of arrival may be to
random spots on the disk  Very long seeks
• SSTF: Shortest seek time first

Disk Head
– Pick the request that’s closest on the disk 3
– Although called SSTF, today must include
rotational delay in calculation, since 2
rotation can be as long as seek 1
– Con: SSTF good at reducing seeks, but 4
may lead to starvation
• SCAN: Implements an Elevator Algorithm: take the
closest request in the direction of travel
– No starvation, but retains flavor of SSTF
• C-SCAN: Circular-Scan: only goes in one direction
– Skips any requests on the way back
– Fairer than SCAN, not biased towards pages in middle
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Building a File System Translating from User to System View
• File System: Layer of OS that transforms block
interface of disks (or other block devices) into Files,
Directories, etc. File
• File System Components System
– Disk Management: collecting disk blocks into files
– Naming: Interface to find files by name, not by blocks
– Protection: Layers to keep data secure
– Reliability/Durability: Keeping of files durable despite • What happens if user says: give me bytes 2—12?
crashes, media failures, attacks, etc – Fetch block corresponding to those bytes
• User vs. System View of a File – Return just the correct portion of the block
– User’s view:
» Durable Data Structures • What about: write bytes 2—12?
– System’s view (system call interface): – Fetch block
» Collection of Bytes (UNIX) – Modify portion
» Doesn’t matter to system what kind of data structures you
want to store on disk! – Write out Block
– System’s view (inside OS): • Everything inside File System is in whole size blocks
» Collection of blocks (a block is a logical transfer unit, while – For example, getc(), putc()  buffers something like
a sector is the physical transfer unit) 4096 bytes, even if interface is one byte at a time
» Block size  sector size; in UNIX, block size is 4KB
• From now on, file is a collection of blocks
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Disk Management Policies Designing the File System: Access Patterns

• Basic entities on a disk: • How do users access files?
– File: user-visible group of blocks arranged sequentially in – Need to know type of access patterns user is likely to
logical space throw at system
– Directory: user-visible index mapping names to files • Sequential Access: bytes read in order (“give me the
(next lecture)
• Access disk as linear array of sectors. Two Options: next X bytes, then give me next, etc”)
– Identify sectors as vectors [cylinder, surface, sector]. – Almost all file access are of this flavor
Sort in cylinder-major order. Not used much anymore. • Random Access: read/write element out of middle of
– Logical Block Addressing (LBA). Every sector has integer array (“give me bytes i—j”)
address from zero up to max number of sectors. – Less frequent, but still important. For example, virtual
– Controller translates from address  physical position memory backing file: page of memory stored in file
» First case: OS/BIOS must deal with bad sectors
» Second case: hardware shields OS from structure of disk – Want this to be fast – don’t want to have to read all
• Need way to track free disk blocks bytes to get to the middle of the file
– Link free blocks together  too slow today • Content-based Access: (“find me 100 bytes starting
– Use bitmap to represent free space on disk with KUBI”)
• Need way to structure files: File Header – Example: employee records – once you find the bytes,
– Track which blocks belong at which offsets within the increase my salary by a factor of 2
logical file structure – Many systems don’t provide this; instead, databases are
– Optimize placement of files’ disk blocks to match access built on top of disk access to index content (requires
and usage patterns efficient random access)
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Designing the File System: Usage Patterns How to organize files on disk
• Most files are small (for example, .login, .c files) • Goals:
– A few files are big – nachos, core files, etc.; the nachos – Maximize sequential performance
executable is as big as all of your .class files combined – Easy random access to file
– However, most files are small – .class’s, .o’s, .c’s, etc. – Easy management of file (growth, truncation, etc)
• Large files use up most of the disk space and • First Technique: Continuous Allocation
bandwidth to/from disk – Use continuous range of blocks in logical block space
– May seem contradictory, but a few enormous files are » Analogous to base+bounds in virtual memory
equivalent to an immense # of small files » User says in advance how big file will be (disadvantage)
• Although we will use these observations, beware usage – Search bit-map for space using best fit/first fit
patterns: » What if not enough contiguous space for new file?
– Good idea to look at usage patterns: beat competitors by – File Header Contains:
optimizing for frequent patterns » First block/LBA in file
– Except: changes in performance or cost can alter usage » File size (# of blocks)
patterns. Maybe UNIX has lots of small files because big
files are really inefficient? – Pros: Fast Sequential Access, Easy Random access
• Digression, danger of predicting future: – Cons: External Fragmentation/Hard to grow files
– In 1950’s, marketing study by IBM said total worldwide » Free holes get smaller and smaller
need for computers was 7! » Could compact space, but that would be really expensive
– Company (that you haven’t heard of) called “GenRad” • Continuous Allocation used by IBM 360
invented oscilloscope; thought there was no market, so – Result of allocation and management cost: People would
sold patent to Tektronix (bet you have heard of them!) create a big file, put their file in the middle
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Linked List Allocation Linked Allocation: File-Allocation Table (FAT)

• Second Technique: Linked List Approach
– Each block, pointer to next on disk

File Header

– Pros: Can grow files dynamically, Free list same as file
– Cons: Bad Sequential Access (seek between each block),
Unreliable (lose block, lose rest of file)
– Serious Con: Bad random access!!!! • MSDOS links pages together to create a file
– Technique originally from Alto (First PC, built at Xerox) – Links not in pages, but in the File Allocation Table (FAT)
» No attempt to allocate contiguous blocks » FAT contains an entry for each block on the disk
» FAT Entries corresponding to blocks of file linked together
– Access properties:
» Sequential access expensive unless FAT cached in memory
» Random access expensive always, but really expensive if
FAT not cached in memory
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Indexed Allocation Multilevel Indexed Files (UNIX 4.1)
• Multilevel Indexed Files:
Like multilevel address
(from UNIX 4.1 BSD)
– Key idea: efficient for small
files, but still allow big files

• File hdr contains 13 pointers

• Third Technique: Indexed Files (Nachos, VMS) – Fixed size table, pointers not all equivalent
– System Allocates file header block to hold array of – This header is called an “inode” in UNIX
pointers big enough to point to all blocks • File Header format:
» User pre-declares max file size; – First 10 pointers are to data blocks
– Pros: Can easily grow up to space allocated for index – Ptr 11 points to “indirect block” containing 256 block ptrs
Random access is fast – Pointer 12 points to “doubly indirect block” containing 256
– Cons: Clumsy to grow file bigger than table size indirect block ptrs for total of 64K blocks
Still lots of seeks: blocks may be spread over disk – Pointer 13 points to a triply indirect block (16M blocks)
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Multilevel Indexed Files (UNIX 4.1): Discussion Example of Multilevel Indexed Files
• Sample file in multilevel
• Basic technique places an upper limit on file size that indexed format:
is approximately 16Gbytes – How many accesses for
– Designers thought this was bigger than anything anyone block #23? (assume file
would need. Much bigger than a disk at the time… header accessed on open)?
» Two: One for indirect block,
– Fallacy: today, EOS producing 2TB of data per day one for data
– How about block #5?
» One: One for data
• Pointers get filled in dynamically: need to allocate – Block #340?
indirect block only when file grows > 10 blocks » Three: double indirect block,
– On small files, no indirection needed indirect block, and data
• UNIX 4.1 Pros and cons
– Pros: Simple (more or less)
Files can easily expand (up to a point)
Small files particularly cheap and easy
– Cons: Lots of seeks
Very large files must read many indirect blocks (four
I/Os per block!)
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File Allocation for Cray-1 DEMOS Large File Version of DEMOS
disk group base size base size disk group
basesize 1,3,2
1,3,3 1,3,3
1,3,4 Basic Segmentation Structure: 1,3,4
1,3,5 Each segment contiguous on disk 1,3,5
1,3,6 1,3,6
1,3,7 1,3,7
1,3,8 indirect 1,3,8
file header 1,3,9 file header block group 1,3,9
• DEMOS: File system structure similar to segmentation • What if need much bigger files?
– Idea: reduce disk seeks by – If need more than 10 groups, set flag in header: BIGFILE
» using contiguous allocation in normal case » Each table entry now points to an indirect block group
» but allow flexibility to have non-contiguous allocation – Suppose 1000 blocks in a block group  80GB max file
– Cray-1 had 12ns cycle time, so CPU:disk speed ratio about » Assuming 8KB blocks, 8byte entries
the same as today (a few million instructions per seek) (10 ptrs1024 groups/ptr1000 blocks/group)*8K =80GB
• Header: table of base & size (10 “block group” pointers) • Discussion of DEMOS scheme
– Pros: Fast sequential access, Free areas merge simply
– Each block chunk is a contiguous group of disk blocks Easy to find free block groups (when disk not full)
– Sequential reads within a block chunk can proceed at high – Cons: Disk full  No long runs of blocks (fragmentation),
speed – similar to continuous allocation so high overhead allocation/access
• How do you find an available block group? – Full disk  worst of 4.1BSD (lots of seeks) with worst of
– Use freelist bitmap to find block of 0’s. continuous allocation (lots of recompaction needed)
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How to keep DEMOS performing well? UNIX BSD 4.2

• In many systems, disks are always full • Same as BSD 4.1 (same file header and triply indirect
– CS department growth: 300 GB to 1TB in a year blocks), except incorporated ideas from DEMOS:
» That’s 2GB/day! (Now at 3—4 TB!) – Uses bitmap allocation in place of freelist
– How to fix? Announce that disk space is getting low, so – Attempt to allocate files contiguously
please delete files? – 10% reserved disk space
» Don’t really work: people try to store their data faster – Skip-sector positioning (mentioned next slide)
– Sidebar: Perhaps we are getting out of this mode with • Problem: When create a file, don’t know how big it
new disks… However, let’s assume disks full for now will become (in UNIX, most writes are by appending)
• Solution: – How much contiguous space do you allocate for a file?
– Don’t let disks get completely full: reserve portion – In Demos, power of 2 growth: once it grows past 1MB,
» Free count = # blocks free in bitmap allocate 2MB, etc
» Scheme: Don’t allocate data if count < reserve – In BSD 4.2, just find some range of free blocks
– How much reserve do you need? » Put each new file at the front of different range
» In practice, 10% seems like enough » To expand a file, you first try successive blocks in
bitmap, then choose new range of blocks
– Tradeoff: pay for more disk, get contiguous allocation – Also in BSD 4.2: store files from same directory near
» Since seeks so expensive for performance, this is a very each other
good tradeoff
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Attack of the Rotational Delay How do we actually access files?
• Problem 2: Missing blocks due to rotational delay • All information about a file contained in its file header
– Issue: Read one block, do processing, and read next – UNIX calls this an “inode”
block. In meantime, disk has continued turning: missed » Inodes are global resources identified by index (“inumber”)
next block! Need 1 revolution/block! – Once you load the header structure, all the other blocks
Skip Sector of the file are locatable
• Question: how does the user ask for a particular file?
– One option: user specifies an inode by a number (index).
Track Buffer » Imagine: open(“14553344”)
(Holds complete track) – Better option: specify by textual name
– Solution1: Skip sector positioning (“interleaving”) » Have to map nameinumber
» Place the blocks from one file on every other block of a – Another option: Icon
track: give time for processing to overlap rotation » This is how Apple made its money. Graphical user
– Solution2: Read ahead: read next block right after first, interfaces. Point to a file and click.
even if application hasn’t asked for it yet. • Naming: The process by which a system translates from
» This can be done either by OS (read ahead) user-visible names to system resources
» By disk itself (track buffers). Many disk controllers have – In the case of files, need to translate from strings
internal RAM that allows them to read a complete track
(textual names) or icons to inumbers/inodes
• Important Aside: Modern disks+controllers do many
complex things “under the covers” – For global file systems, data may be spread over
globeneed to translate from strings or icons to some
– Track buffers, elevator algorithms, bad block filtering combination of physical server location and inumber
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Directories Directory Organization

• Directory: a relation used for naming
– Just a table of (file name, inumber) pairs • Directories organized into a hierarchical structure
– Seems standard, but in early 70’s it wasn’t
• How are directories constructed?
– Directories often stored in files – Permits much easier organization of data structures
» Reuse of existing mechanism
» Directory named by inode/inumber like other files
– Needs to be quickly searchable • Entries in directory can be either files or
» Options: Simple list or Hashtable directories
» Can be cached into memory in easier form to search

• How are directories modified? • Files named by ordered set (e.g., /programs/p/list)
– Originally, direct read/write of special file
– System calls for manipulation: mkdir, rmdir
– Ties to file creation/destruction
» On creating a file by name, new inode grabbed and
associated with new file in particular directory

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Directory Structure Directory Structure (Con’t)
• How many disk accesses to resolve “/my/book/count”?
– Read in file header for root (fixed spot on disk)
– Read in first data bock for root
» Table of file name/index pairs. Search linearly – ok since
directories typically very small
– Read in file header for “my”
– Read in first data block for “my”; search for “book”
– Read in file header for “book”
• Not really a hierarchy! – Read in first data block for “book”; search for “count”
– Many systems allow directory structure to be organized – Read in file header for “count”
as an acyclic graph or even a (potentially) cyclic graph
– Hard Links: different names for the same file • Current working directory: Per-address-space pointer
» Multiple directory entries point at the same file
– Soft Links: “shortcut” pointers to other files to a directory (inode) used for resolving file names
» Implemented by storing the logical name of actual file – Allows user to specify relative filename instead of
• Name Resolution: The process of converting a logical absolute path (say CWD=“/my/book” can resolve “count”)
name into a physical resource (like a file)
– Traverse succession of directories until reach target file
– Global file system: May be spread across the network
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Where are inodes stored? Where are inodes stored?

• In early UNIX and DOS/Windows’ FAT file • Later versions of UNIX moved the header
system, headers stored in special array in information to be closer to the data blocks
outermost cylinders – Often, inode for file stored in same “cylinder group”
– Header not stored anywhere near the data blocks. as parent directory of the file (makes an ls of that
To read a small file, seek to get header, see directory run fast).
back to data. – Pros:
– Fixed size, set when disk is formatted. At » Reliability: whatever happens to the disk, you can find
formatting time, a fixed number of inodes were all of the files (even if directories might be
created (They were each given a unique number, disconnected)
called an “inumber”) » UNIX BSD 4.2 puts a portion of the file header array
on each cylinder. For small directories, can fit all
data, file headers, etc in same cylinderno seeks!
» File headers much smaller than whole block (a few
hundred bytes), so multiple headers fetched from disk
at same time

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• Queuing Latency:
– M/M/1 and M/G/1 queues: simplest to analyze
– As utilization approaches 100%, latency  
Tq = Tser x ½(1+C) x u/(1 – u))
• File System:
– Transforms blocks into Files and Directories
– Optimize for access and usage patterns
– Maximize sequential access, allow efficient random access
• File (and directory) defined by header
– Called “inode” with index called “inumber”
• Multilevel Indexed Scheme
– Inode contains file info, direct pointers to blocks,
– indirect blocks, doubly indirect, etc..
– CRAY-1 scheme like segmentation
– Emphsized contiguous allocation of blocks, but allowed to
use non-contiguous allocation when necessary
• Naming: the process of turning user-visible names into
resources (such as
Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 18.37
Review: A Little Queuing Theory: Some Results
• Assumptions:
CS162 – System in equilibrium; No limit to the queue
– Time between successive arrivals is random and memoryless
Operating Systems and
Systems Programming Queue Server
Lecture 19 Arrival Rate
Service Rate
• Parameters that describe our system:
– : mean number of arriving customers/second
File Systems continued – Tser: mean time to service a customer (“m1”)
Distributed Systems – C: squared coefficient of variance = 2/m12
– μ: service rate = 1/Tser
– u: server utilization (0u1): u = /μ =   Tser
November 8, 2010 • Parameters we wish to compute:
– Tq: Time spent in queue
Prof. John Kubiatowicz – Lq: Length of queue =   Tq (by Little’s law)
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 • Results:
– Memoryless service distribution (C = 1):
» Called M/M/1 queue: Tq = Tser x u/(1 – u)
– General service distribution (no restrictions), 1 server:
» Called M/G/1 queue: Tq = Tser x ½(1+C) x u/(1 – u))
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Review: Disk Scheduling Goals for Today

• Disk can do only one request at a time; What order do
you choose to do queued requests? • Finish Discussion of File Systems
User – Structure, Naming, Directories



Requests • File Caching

• FIFO Order
– Fair among requesters, but order of arrival may be to • Data Durability
random spots on the disk  Very long seeks • Beginning of Distributed Systems Discussion
• SSTF: Shortest seek time first
Disk Head

– Pick the request that’s closest on the disk 3

– Although called SSTF, today must include
rotational delay in calculation, since 2
rotation can be as long as seek
– Con: SSTF good at reducing seeks, but 4
may lead to starvation
• SCAN: Implements an Elevator Algorithm: take the
closest request in the direction of travel
– No starvation, but retains flavor of SSTF Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
• C-SCAN: Circular-Scan: only goes in one direction adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
– Skips any requests on the way back Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
– Fairer than SCAN, not biased towards pages in middle
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Designing the File System: Access Patterns Designing the File System: Usage Patterns
• How do users access files? • Most files are small (for example, .login, .c files)
– Need to know type of access patterns user is likely to – A few files are big – nachos, core files, etc.; the nachos
throw at system executable is as big as all of your .class files combined
• Sequential Access: bytes read in order (“give me the – However, most files are small – .class’s, .o’s, .c’s, etc.
next X bytes, then give me next, etc”)
– Almost all file access are of this flavor • Large files use up most of the disk space and
• Random Access: read/write element out of middle of bandwidth to/from disk
array (“give me bytes i—j”) – May seem contradictory, but a few enormous files are
– Less frequent, but still important. For example, virtual equivalent to an immense # of small files
memory backing file: page of memory stored in file • Although we will use these observations, beware usage
– Want this to be fast – don’t want to have to read all patterns:
bytes to get to the middle of the file – Good idea to look at usage patterns: beat competitors by
• Content-based Access: (“find me 100 bytes starting optimizing for frequent patterns
with KUBIATOWICZ”) – Except: changes in performance or cost can alter usage
– Example: employee records – once you find the bytes, patterns. Maybe UNIX has lots of small files because big
increase my salary by a factor of 2
files are really inefficient?
– Many systems don’t provide this; instead, databases are
built on top of disk access to index content (requires
efficient random access)
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How to organize files on disk Linked List Allocation

• Goals: • Second Technique: Linked List Approach
– Maximize sequential performance – Each block, pointer to next on disk
– Easy random access to file
– Easy management of file (growth, truncation, etc)
• First Technique: Continuous Allocation File Header
– Use continuous range of blocks in logical block space
» Analogous to base+bounds in virtual memory
» User says in advance how big file will be (disadvantage)
– Search bit-map for space using best fit/first fit Null
» What if not enough contiguous space for new file? – Pros: Can grow files dynamically, Free list same as file
– File Header Contains: – Cons: Bad Sequential Access (seek between each block),
» First sector/LBA in file
» File size (# of sectors)
Unreliable (lose block, lose rest of file)
– Pros: Fast Sequential Access, Easy Random access – Serious Con: Bad random access!!!!
– Cons: External Fragmentation/Hard to grow files – Technique originally from Alto (First PC, built at Xerox)
» No attempt to allocate contiguous blocks
» Free holes get smaller and smaller
» Could compact space, but that would be really expensive
• Continuous Allocation used by IBM 360
– Result of allocation and management cost: People would
create a big file, put their file in the middle
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Linked Allocation: File-Allocation Table (FAT) Indexed Allocation

• Indexed Files (Nachos, VMS)

• MSDOS links pages together to create a file – System Allocates file header block to hold array of
– Links not in pages, but in the File Allocation Table (FAT) pointers big enough to point to all blocks
» FAT contains an entry for each block on the disk » User pre-declares max file size;
» FAT Entries corresponding to blocks of file linked together – Pros: Can easily grow up to space allocated for index
– Access properies:
» Sequential access expensive unless FAT cached in memory Random access is fast
» Random access expensive always, but really expensive if – Cons: Clumsy to grow file bigger than table size
FAT not cached in memory Still lots Kubiatowicz
of seeks: blocks may be spread over disk
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Multilevel Indexed Files (UNIX BSD 4.1) Example of Multilevel Indexed Files
• Multilevel Indexed Files: Like multilevel address • Sample file in multilevel
translation (from UNIX 4.1 BSD) indexed format:
– Key idea: efficient for small files, but still allow big files – How many accesses for
– File header contains 13 pointers block #23? (assume file
» Fixed size table, pointers not all equivalent header accessed on open)?
» This header is called an “inode” in UNIX » Two: One for indirect block,
– File Header format: one for data
» First 10 pointers are to data blocks – How about block #5?
» Block 11 points to “indirect block” containing 256 blocks
» One: One for data
» Block 12 points to “doubly indirect block” containing 256
indirect blocks for total of 64K blocks – Block #340?
» Block 13 points to a triply indirect block (16M blocks) » Three: double indirect block,
• Discussion indirect block, and data
– Basic technique places an upper limit on file size that is • UNIX 4.1 Pros and cons
approximately 16Gbytes – Pros: Simple (more or less)
» Designers thought this was bigger than anything anyone Files can easily expand (up to a point)
would need. Much bigger than a disk at the time… Small files particularly cheap and easy
» Fallacy: today, EOS producing 2TB of data per day – Cons: Lots of seeks
– Pointers get filled in dynamically: need to allocate Very large files must read many indirect block (four
indirect block only when file grows > 10 blocks. I/Os per block!)
» On small files, no indirection needed
Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 19.11 11/08/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 19.12
Administrivia File Allocation for Cray-1 DEMOS
disk group
1,3,4 Basic Segmentation Structure:
1,3,5 Each segment contiguous on disk
file header 1,3,9
• DEMOS: File system structure similar to segmentation
– Idea: reduce disk seeks by
» using contiguous allocation in normal case
» but allow flexibility to have non-contiguous allocation
– Cray-1 had 12ns cycle time, so CPU:disk speed ratio about
the same as today (a few million instructions per seek)
• Header: table of base & size (10 “block group” pointers)
– Each block chunk is a contiguous group of disk blocks
– Sequential reads within a block chunk can proceed at high
speed – similar to continuous allocation
• How do you find an available block group?
– Use freelist bitmap to find block of 0’s.
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Large File Version of DEMOS How to keep DEMOS performing well?

base size base size disk group • In many systems, disks are always full
1,3,3 – CS department growth: 300 GB to 1TB in a year
1,3,4 » That’s 2GB/day! (Now at 6 TB?)
1,3,6 – How to fix? Announce that disk space is getting low, so
1,3,7 please delete files?
indirect 1,3,8 » Don’t really work: people try to store their data faster
file header block group 1,3,9 – Sidebar: Perhaps we are getting out of this mode with
• What if need much bigger files? new disks… However, let’s assume disks full for now
– If need more than 10 groups, set flag in header: BIGFILE » (Rumor has it that the EECS department has 60TB of
» Each table entry now points to an indirect block group spinning storage just waiting for use…)
– Suppose 1000 blocks in a block group  80GB max file • Solution:
» Assuming 8KB blocks, 8byte entries – Don’t let disks get completely full: reserve portion
(10 ptrs1024 groups/ptr1000 blocks/group)*8K =80GB
» Free count = # blocks free in bitmap
• Discussion of DEMOS scheme
– Pros: Fast sequential access, Free areas merge simply » Scheme: Don’t allocate data if count < reserve
Easy to find free block groups (when disk not full) – How much reserve do you need?
– Cons: Disk full  No long runs of blocks (fragmentation), » In practice, 10% seems like enough
so high overhead allocation/access – Tradeoff: pay for more disk, get contiguous allocation
– Full disk  worst of 4.1BSD (lots of seeks) with worst of » Since seeks so expensive for performance, this is a very
continuous allocation (lots of recompaction needed) good tradeoff
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UNIX BSD 4.2 Attack of the Rotational Delay
• Same as BSD 4.1 (same file header and triply indirect • Problem 2: Missing blocks due to rotational delay
blocks), except incorporated ideas from DEMOS: – Issue: Read one block, do processing, and read next
– Uses bitmap allocation in place of freelist block. In meantime, disk has continued turning: missed
– Attempt to allocate files contiguously next block! Need 1 revolution/block!
– 10% reserved disk space Skip Sector
– Skip-sector positioning (mentioned next slide)
• Problem: When create a file, don’t know how big it
will become (in UNIX, most writes are by appending) Track Buffer
(Holds complete track)
– How much contiguous space do you allocate for a file?
– In Demos, power of 2 growth: once it grows past 1MB, – Solution1: Skip sector positioning (“interleaving”)
allocate 2MB, etc » Place the blocks from one file on every other block of a
– In BSD 4.2, just find some range of free blocks track: give time for processing to overlap rotation
– Solution2: Read ahead: read next block right after first,
» Put each new file at the front of different range even if application hasn’t asked for it yet.
» To expand a file, you first try successive blocks in » This can be done either by OS (read ahead)
bitmap, then choose new range of blocks » By disk itself (track buffers). Many disk controllers have
– Also in BSD 4.2: store files from same directory near internal RAM that allows them to read a complete track
each other • Important Aside: Modern disks+controllers do many
• Fast File System (FFS) complex things “under the covers”
– Allocation and placement policies for BSD 4.2 – Track buffers, elevator algorithms, bad block filtering
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How do we actually access files? Directories

• All information about a file contained in its file header • Directory: a relation used for naming
– UNIX calls this an “inode” – Just a table of (file name, inumber) pairs
» Inodes are global resources identified by index (“inumber”)
– Once you load the header structure, all the other blocks • How are directories constructed?
of the file are locatable – Directories often stored in files
• Question: how does the user ask for a particular file? » Reuse of existing mechanism
– One option: user specifies an inode by a number (index). » Directory named by inode/inumber like other files
» Imagine: open(“14553344”) – Needs to be quickly searchable
– Better option: specify by textual name » Options: Simple list or Hashtable
» Have to map nameinumber » Can be cached into memory in easier form to search
– Another option: Icon
» This is how Apple made its money. Graphical user • How are directories modified?
interfaces. Point to a file and click. – Originally, direct read/write of special file
• Naming: The process by which a system translates from – System calls for manipulation: mkdir, rmdir
user-visible names to system resources – Ties to file creation/destruction
– In the case of files, need to translate from strings » On creating a file by name, new inode grabbed and
associated with new file in particular directory
(textual names) or icons to inumbers/inodes
– For global file systems, data may be spread over
globeneed to translate from strings or icons to some
combination of physical server location and inumber
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Directory Organization Directory Structure

• Directories organized into a hierarchical structure

– Seems standard, but in early 70’s it wasn’t
– Permits much easier organization of data structures

• Entries in directory can be either files or

• Not really a hierarchy!
• Files named by ordered set (e.g., /programs/p/list) – Many systems allow directory structure to be organized
as an acyclic graph or even a (potentially) cyclic graph
– Hard Links: different names for the same file
» Multiple directory entries point at the same file
– Soft Links: “shortcut” pointers to other files
» Implemented by storing the logical name of actual file
• Name Resolution: The process of converting a logical
name into a physical resource (like a file)
– Traverse succession of directories until reach target file
– Global file system: May be spread across the network
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Directory Structure (Con’t) Where are inodes stored?

• How many disk accesses to resolve “/my/book/count”?
• In early UNIX and DOS/Windows’ FAT file
– Read in file header for root (fixed spot on disk)
system, headers stored in special array in
– Read in first data block for root
» Table of file name/index pairs. Search linearly – ok since
outermost cylinders
directories typically very small – Header not stored near the data blocks. To read a
– Read in file header for “my” small file, seek to get header, seek back to data.
– Read in first data block for “my”; search for “book” – Fixed size, set when disk is formatted. At
– Read in file header for “book” formatting time, a fixed number of inodes were
– Read in first data block for “book”; search for “count” created (They were each given a unique number,
– Read in file header for “count” called an “inumber”)

• Current working directory: Per-address-space pointer

to a directory (inode) used for resolving file names
– Allows user to specify relative filename instead of
absolute path (say CWD=“/my/book” can resolve “count”)

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Where are inodes stored? In-Memory File System Structures
• Later versions of UNIX moved the header
information to be closer to the data blocks
– Often, inode for file stored in same “cylinder
group” as parent directory of the file (makes an ls
of that directory run fast).
– Pros: • Open system call:
– Resolves file name, finds file control block (inode)
» UNIX BSD 4.2 puts a portion of the file header – Makes entries in per-process and system-wide tables
array on each cylinder. For small directories, can
fit all data, file headers, etc in same cylinderno – Returns index (called “file handle”) in open-file table
» File headers much smaller than whole block (a few
hundred bytes), so multiple headers fetched from
disk at same time
» Reliability: whatever happens to the disk, you can
find many of the files (even if directories
disconnected) • Read/write system calls:
– Part of the Fast File System (FFS) – Use file handle to locate inode
» General optimization to avoid seeks – Perform appropriate reads or writes
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File System Caching File System Caching (con’t)

• Key Idea: Exploit locality by caching data in memory
• Cache Size: How much memory should the OS allocate
– Name translations: Mapping from pathsinodes to the buffer cache vs virtual memory?
– Disk blocks: Mapping from block addressdisk content
– Too much memory to the file system cache  won’t be
• Buffer Cache: Memory used to cache kernel resources, able to run many applications at once
including disk blocks and name translations
– Too little memory to file system cache  many
– Can contain “dirty” blocks (blocks yet on disk) applications may run slowly (disk caching not effective)
• Replacement policy? LRU – Solution: adjust boundary dynamically so that the disk
– Can afford overhead of timestamps for each disk block access rates for paging and file access are balanced
– Advantages:
» Works very well for name translation • Read Ahead Prefetching: fetch sequential blocks early
» Works well in general as long as memory is big enough to – Key Idea: exploit fact that most common file access is
accommodate a host’s working set of files. sequential by prefetching subsequent disk blocks ahead of
– Disadvantages: current read request (if they are not already in memory)
» Fails when some application scans through file system, – Elevator algorithm can efficiently interleave groups of
thereby flushing the cache with data used only once prefetches from concurrent applications
» Example: find . –exec grep foo {} \; – How much to prefetch?
• Other Replacement Policies? » Too many imposes delays on requests by other applications
– Some systems allow applications to request other policies » Too few causes many seeks (and rotational delays) among
– Example, ‘Use Once’: concurrent file requests
» File system can discard blocks as soon as they are used
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File System Caching (con’t) Important “ilities”
• Delayed Writes: Writes to files not immediately sent • Availability: the probability that the system can
out to disk accept and process requests
– Instead, write() copies data from user space buffer – Often measured in “nines” of probability. So, a 99.9%
to kernel buffer (in cache) probability is considered “3-nines of availability”
» Enabled by presence of buffer cache: can leave written – Key idea here is independence of failures
file blocks in cache for a while • Durability: the ability of a system to recover data
» If some other application tries to read data before despite faults
written to disk, file system will read from cache
– This idea is fault tolerance applied to data
– Flushed to disk periodically (e.g. in UNIX, every 30 sec)
– Doesn’t necessarily imply availability: information on
– Advantages: pyramids was very durable, but could not be accessed
» Disk scheduler can efficiently order lots of requests until discovery of Rosetta Stone
» Disk allocation algorithm can be run with correct size value • Reliability: the ability of a system or component to
for a file perform its required functions under stated conditions
» Some files need never get written to disk! (e..g temporary for a specified period of time (IEEE definition)
scratch files written /tmp often don’t exist for 30 sec)
– Disadvantages – Usually stronger than simply availability: means that the
system is not only “up”, but also working correctly
» What if system crashes before file has been written out?
– Includes availability, security, fault tolerance/durability
» Worse yet, what if system crashes before a directory file
has been written out? (lose pointer to inode!) – Must make sure data survives system crashes, disk
crashes, other problems
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How to make file system durable? Log Structured and Journaled File Systems
• Disk blocks contain Reed-Solomon error correcting • Better reliability through use of log
codes (ECC) to deal with small defects in disk drive – All changes are treated as transactions
– Can allow recovery of data from small media defects – A transaction is committed once it is written to the log
• Make sure writes survive in short term » Data forced to disk for reliability
– Either abandon delayed writes or » Process can be accelerated with NVRAM
– use special, battery-backed RAM (called non-volatile RAM – Although File system may not be updated immediately,
or NVRAM) for dirty blocks in buffer cache. data preserved in the log
• Make sure that data survives in long term • Difference between “Log Structured” and “Journaled”
– Need to replicate! More than one copy of data! – In a Log Structured filesystem, data stays in log form
– Important element: independence of failure
» Could put copies on one disk, but if disk head fails… – In a Journaled filesystem, Log used for recovery
» Could put copies on different disks, but if server fails… • For Journaled system:
» Could put copies on different servers, but if building is – Log used to asynchronously update filesystem
struck by lightning…. » Log entries removed after used
» Could put copies on servers in different continents…
– After crash:
• RAID: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks » Remaining transactions in the log performed (“Redo”)
– Data stored on multiple disks (redundancy)
» Modifications done in way that can survive crashes
– Either in software or hardware
» In hardware case, done by disk controller; file system may • Examples of Journaled File Systems:
not even know that there is more than one disk in use – Ext3 (Linux), XFS (Unix), etc.
11/08/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 19.31 11/08/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 19.32
• Multilevel Indexed Scheme
– Inode contains file info, direct pointers to blocks,
– indirect blocks, doubly indirect, etc..
• Cray DEMOS: optimization for sequential access
– Inode holds set of disk ranges, similar to segmentation
• 4.2 BSD Multilevel index files
– Inode contains pointers to actual blocks, indirect blocks,
double indirect blocks, etc
– Optimizations for sequential access: start new files in
open ranges of free blocks
– Rotational Optimization
• Naming: act of translating from user-visible names to
actual system resources
– Directories used for naming for local file systems
• Important system properties
– Availability: how often is the resource available?
– Durability: how well is data preserved against faults?
– Reliability: how often is resource performing correctly?
11/08/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 19.33
Review: Example of Multilevel Indexed Files
• Multilevel Indexed Files:
CS162 (from UNIX 4.1 BSD)
Operating Systems and – Key idea: efficient for small
files, but still allow big files
Systems Programming – File Header format:
Lecture 20 » First 10 ptrs to data blocks
» Block 11 points to “indirect
block” containing 256 blocks
Reliability and Access Control / » Block 12 points to “doubly-
indirect block” containing
Distributed Systems 256 indirect blocks for total
of 64K blocks
» Block 13 points to a triply indirect block (16M blocks)
November 10, 2010 • UNIX 4.1 Pros and cons
Prof. John Kubiatowicz – Pros: Simple (more or less)
Files can easily expand (up to a point)
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 Small files particularly cheap and easy
– Cons: Lots of seeks
Very large files must read many indirect block (four
I/Os per block!)
11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.2

Review: UNIX BSD 4.2 Goals for Today

• Inode Structure Same as BSD 4.1 (same file header
and triply indirect blocks), except incorporated ideas • File Caching
from DEMOS: • Durability
– Uses bitmap allocation in place of freelist
– Attempt to allocate files contiguously • Authorization
– 10% reserved disk space • Distributed Systems
– Skip-sector positioning
• BSD 4.2 Fast File System (FFS)
– File Allocation and placement policies
» Put each new file at front of different range of blocks
» To expand a file, you first try successive blocks in
bitmap, then choose new range of blocks
– Inode for file stored in same “cylinder group” as parent
directory of the file
– Store files from same directory near each other
– Note: I put up the original FFS paper as reading for
last lecture (and on Handouts page).
• Later file systems Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
– Clustering of files used together, automatic defrag of adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
files, a number of additional optimizations Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.3 11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.4
Where are inodes stored? Where are inodes stored?
• Later versions of UNIX moved the header
• In early UNIX and DOS/Windows’ FAT file information to be closer to the data blocks
system, headers stored in special array in
– Often, inode for file stored in same “cylinder
outermost cylinders group” as parent directory of the file (makes an ls
– Header not stored near the data blocks. To read a of that directory run fast).
small file, seek to get header, seek back to data. – Pros:
– Fixed size, set when disk is formatted. At » UNIX BSD 4.2 puts a portion of the file header
formatting time, a fixed number of inodes were array on each cylinder. For small directories, can
created (They were each given a unique number, fit all data, file headers, etc in same cylinderno
called an “inumber”) seeks!
» File headers much smaller than whole block (a few
hundred bytes), so multiple headers fetched from
disk at same time
» Reliability: whatever happens to the disk, you can
find many of the files (even if directories
– Part of the Fast File System (FFS)
» General optimization to avoid seeks
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Linux Example: Ext2/3 Disk Layout In-Memory File System Structures

• Disk divided into block
– Provides locality
– Each group has two
block-sized bitmaps • Open system call:
(free blocks/inodes) – Resolves file name, finds file control block (inode)
– Block sizes settable – Makes entries in per-process and system-wide tables
at format time: – Returns index (called “file handle”) in open-file table
1K, 2K, 4K, 8K…
• Actual Inode structure
similar to 4.2BSD
– with 12 direct pointers
• Ext3: Ext2 w/Journaling
• Read/write system calls:
– Several degrees of – Use file handle to locate inode
protection with more or • Example: create a file1.dat
under /dir/ in Ext3 – Perform appropriate reads or writes
less cost
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File System Caching File System Caching (con’t)
• Key Idea: Exploit locality by caching data in memory
• Cache Size: How much memory should the OS allocate
– Name translations: Mapping from pathsinodes to the buffer cache vs virtual memory?
– Disk blocks: Mapping from block addressdisk content
– Too much memory to the file system cache  won’t be
• Buffer Cache: Memory used to cache kernel resources, able to run many applications at once
including disk blocks and name translations
– Too little memory to file system cache  many
– Can contain “dirty” blocks (blocks not yet on disk) applications may run slowly (disk caching not effective)
• Replacement policy? LRU – Solution: adjust boundary dynamically so that the disk
– Can afford overhead of timestamps for each disk block access rates for paging and file access are balanced
– Advantages:
» Works very well for name translation • Read Ahead Prefetching: fetch sequential blocks early
» Works well in general as long as memory is big enough to – Key Idea: exploit fact that most common file access is
accommodate a host’s working set of files. sequential by prefetching subsequent disk blocks ahead of
– Disadvantages: current read request (if they are not already in memory)
» Fails when some application scans through file system, – Elevator algorithm can efficiently interleave groups of
thereby flushing the cache with data used only once prefetches from concurrent applications
» Example: find . –exec grep foo {} \; – How much to prefetch?
• Other Replacement Policies? » Too many imposes delays on requests by other applications
– Some systems allow applications to request other policies » Too few causes many seeks (and rotational delays) among
– Example, ‘Use Once’: concurrent file requests
» File system can discard blocks as soon as they are used
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File System Caching (con’t) Administrivia

• Delayed Writes: Writes to files not immediately sent
out to disk
– Instead, write() copies data from user space buffer
to kernel buffer (in cache)
» Enabled by presence of buffer cache: can leave written
file blocks in cache for a while
» If some other application tries to read data before
written to disk, file system will read from cache
– Flushed to disk periodically (e.g. in UNIX, every 30 sec)
– Advantages:
» Disk scheduler can efficiently order lots of requests
» Disk allocation algorithm can be run with correct size value
for a file
» Some files need never get written to disk! (e..g temporary
scratch files written /tmp often don’t exist for 30 sec)
– Disadvantages
» What if system crashes before file has been written out?
» Worse yet, what if system crashes before a directory file
has been written out? (lose pointer to inode!)
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Aside: Command Queueing Important “ilities”
• Availability: the probability that the system can
• Mentioned that some disks do queueing accept and process requests
– Ability for disk to take multiple requests – Often measured in “nines” of probability. So, a 99.9%
– Do elevator algorithm automatically on disk probability is considered “3-nines of availability”
• First showed up in SCSI-2 timeframe – Key idea here is independence of failures
– Released in 1990, but later retracted
• Durability: the ability of a system to recover data
despite faults
– Final release in 1994 – This idea is fault tolerance applied to data
» Note that “MSDOS” still under Windows-3.1 – Doesn’t necessarily imply availability: information on
• Now prevalent in many drives pyramids was very durable, but could not be accessed
– SATA-II: “NCQ” (Native Command Queueing) until discovery of Rosetta Stone
• Modern Disk (Seagate): • Reliability: the ability of a system or component to
perform its required functions under stated conditions
– 2 TB for a specified period of time (IEEE definition)
– 7200 RPM – Usually stronger than simply availability: means that the
– 3Gbits/second SATA-II interface (serial) system is not only “up”, but also working correctly
– 32 MB on-disk cache – Includes availability, security, fault tolerance/durability
– Must make sure data survives system crashes, disk
crashes, other problems
11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.13 11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.14

What about crashes?

Log Structured and Journaled File Systems Other ways to make file system durable?
• Better reliability through use of log • Disk blocks contain Reed-Solomon error correcting
– All changes are treated as transactions. codes (ECC) to deal with small defects in disk drive
» A transaction either happens completely or not at all – Can allow recovery of data from small media defects
– A transaction is committed once it is written to the log • Make sure writes survive in short term
» Data forced to disk for reliability – Either abandon delayed writes or
» Process can be accelerated with NVRAM – use special, battery-backed RAM (called non-volatile RAM
– Although File system may not be updated immediately, or NVRAM) for dirty blocks in buffer cache.
data preserved in the log • Make sure that data survives in long term
• Difference between “Log Structured” and “Journaled” – Need to replicate! More than one copy of data!
– Log Structured Filesystem (LFS): data stays in log form – Important element: independence of failure
» Could put copies on one disk, but if disk head fails…
– Journaled Filesystem: Log used for recovery » Could put copies on different disks, but if server fails…
• For Journaled system: » Could put copies on different servers, but if building is
– Log used to asynchronously update filesystem struck by lightning….
» Could put copies on servers in different continents…
» Log entries removed after used
– After crash:
• RAID: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
– Data stored on multiple disks (redundancy)
» Remaining transactions in the log performed (“Redo”)
– Either in software or hardware
• Examples of Journaled File Systems: » In hardware case, done by disk controller; file system may
– Ext3 (Linux), XFS (Unix), etc. not even know that there is more than one disk in use
11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.15 11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.16
RAID 1: Disk Mirroring/Shadowing RAID 5+: High I/O Rate Parity
• Data stripped across Unit
multiple disks
D0 D1 D2 D3 P0
– Successive blocks
stored on successive Increasing
recovery (non-parity) disks D4 D5 D6 P1 D7 Logical
group Disk
– Increased bandwidth Addresses
• Each disk is fully duplicated onto its "shadow“ over single disk D8 D9 P2 D10 D11
– For high I/O rate, high availability environments • Parity block (in green)
– Most expensive solution: 100% capacity overhead constructed by XORing D12 P3 D13 D14 D15
• Bandwidth sacrificed on write: data bocks in stripe
– Logical write = two physical writes – P0=D0D1D2D3 P4 D16 D17 D18 D19
– Highest bandwidth when disk heads and rotation fully – Can destroy any one
synchronized (hard to do exactly) disk and still
• Reads may be optimized reconstruct data D20 D21 D22 D23 P5
– Can have two independent reads to same data – Suppose D3 fails,
• Recovery: then can reconstruct: Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4 Disk 5
– Disk failure  replace disk and copy data to new disk D3=D0D1D2P0
– Hot Spare: idle disk already attached to system to be • Later in term: talk about spreading information widely
used for immediate replacement across internet for durability.
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Hardware RAID: Subsystem Organization Solid State Disk (SSD)

• Becoming Possible to store
single board (relatively) large amounts of data
host disk
CPU – E.g. Intel SSD: 80GB – 160GB
adapter controller controller
– NAND FLASH most common
» Written in blocks – similarity to
manages interface single board DISK, without seek time
to host, DMA disk
– Non-volatile – just like disk, Trapped Charge/No charge
controller on floating gate
control, buffering, so can be disk replacement
MLC: MultiLevel Cell
parity logic • Advantages over Disk
single board
disk – Lower power, greater reliability, lower noise (no moving parts)
physical device controller
control – 100X Faster reads than disk (no seek)
• Disadvantages
single board – Cost (20-100X) per byte over disk
• Some systems duplicate controller – Relatively slow writes (but still faster than disk)
all hardware, namely – Write endurance: cells wear out if used too many times
controllers, busses, etc. often piggy-backed » 105 to 106 writes
in small format devices
» Multi-Level Cells  Single-Level Cells  Failed Cells
» Use of “wear-leveling” to distribute writes over less-used blocks
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Remote File Systems: Virtual File System (VFS) Network File System (NFS)
• Three Layers for NFS system
– UNIX file-system interface: open, read, write, close
calls + file descriptors
– VFS layer: distinguishes local from remote files
» Calls the NFS protocol procedures for remote requests
– NFS service layer: bottom layer of the architecture
» Implements the NFS protocol
• NFS Protocol: remote procedure calls (RPC) for file
operations on server
– Reading/searching a directory
– manipulating links and directories
• VFS: Virtual abstraction similar to local file system – accessing file attributes/reading and writing files
– Instead of “inodes” has “vnodes” • NFS servers are stateless; each request provides all
– Compatible with a variety of local and remote file systems arguments require for execution
» provides object-oriented way of implementing file systems • Modified data must be committed to the server’s disk
• VFS allows the same system call interface (the API) to before results are returned to the client
be used for different types of file systems – lose some of the advantages of caching
– The API is to the VFS interface, rather than any specific – Can lead to weird results: write file on one client, read
type of file system on other, get old data
11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.21 11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.22

Schematic View of NFS Architecture Authorization: Who Can Do What?

• How do we decide who is

authorized to do actions in the
• Access Control Matrix: contains
all permissions in the system
– Resources across top
» Files, Devices, etc…
– Domains in columns
» A domain might be a user or a
group of users
» E.g. above: User D3 can read
F2 or execute F3
– In practice, table would be
huge and sparse!

11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.23 11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.24
Authorization: Two Implementation Choices Authorization: Combination Approach
• Access Control Lists: store permissions with object
– Still might be lots of users!
– UNIX limits each file to: r,w,x for owner, group, world
– More recent systems allow definition of groups of users
and permissions for each group
– ACLs allow easy changing of an object’s permissions
» Example: add Users C, D, and F with rw permissions • Users have capabilities, • Objects have ACLs
called “groups” or “roles” – ACLs can refer to users or
• Capability List: each process tracks which objects has – Everyone with particular groups
permission to touch group access is “equivalent” – Change object permissions
– Popular in the past, idea out of favor today when accessing group object by modifying ACL
– Consider page table: Each process has list of pages it – Change broad user
– Like passport (which gives permissions via changes in
has access to, not each page has list of processes … access to country of origin) group membership
– Capability lists allow easy changing of a domain’s – Possessors of proper
permissions credentials get access
» Example: you are promoted to system administrator and
should be given access to all system files
11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.25 11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.26

Authorization: How to Revoke? Revoking Capabilities

• How does one revoke someone’s access rights to • Various approaches to revoking capabilities:
a particular object? – Put expiration dates on capabilities and force
– Easy with ACLs: just remove entry from the list reacquisition
– Takes effect immediately since the ACL is checked – Put epoch numbers on capabilities and revoke all
on each object access capabilities by bumping the epoch number (which
gets checked on each access attempt)
• Harder to do with capabilities since they aren’t
stored with the object being controlled: – Maintain back pointers to all capabilities that have
been handed out (Tough if capabilities can be
– Not so bad in a single machine: could keep all copied)
capability lists in a well-known place (e.g., the OS
capability table). – Maintain a revocation list that gets checked on
every access attempt
– Very hard in distributed system, where remote
hosts may have crashed or may not cooperate
(more in a future lecture)

11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.27 11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.28
Centralized vs Distributed Systems Distributed Systems: Motivation/Issues
• Why do we want distributed systems?
– Cheaper and easier to build lots of simple computers
Server – Easier to add power incrementally
– Users can have complete control over some components
– Collaboration: Much easier for users to collaborate through
network resources (such as network file systems)
• The promise of distributed systems:
– Higher availability: one machine goes down, use another
Client/Server Model – Better durability: store data in multiple locations
Peer-to-Peer Model – More security: each piece easier to make secure
• Reality has been disappointing
• Centralized System: System in which major functions – Worse availability: depend on every machine being up
are performed by a single physical computer » Lamport: “a distributed system is one where I can’t do work
– Originally, everything on single computer because some machine I’ve never heard of isn’t working!”
– Later: client/server model – Worse reliability: can lose data if any machine crashes
• Distributed System: physically separate computers – Worse security: anyone in world can break into system
working together on some task • Coordination is more difficult
– Early model: multiple servers working together – Must coordinate multiple copies of shared state information
» Probably in the same room or building (using only a network)
» Often called a “cluster” – What would be easy in a centralized system becomes a lot
– Later models: peer-to-peer/wide-spread collaboration more difficult
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Distributed Systems: Goals/Requirements Networking Definitions

• Transparency: the ability of the system to mask its
complexity behind a simple interface
• Possible transparencies:
– Location: Can’t tell where resources are located
– Migration: Resources may move without the user knowing
– Replication: Can’t tell how many copies of resource exist
– Concurrency: Can’t tell how many users there are
– Parallelism: System may speed up large jobs by spliting
them into smaller pieces • Network: physical connection that allows two computers
– Fault Tolerance: System may hide varoius things that go to communicate
wrong in the system • Packet: unit of transfer, sequence of bits carried over
• Transparency and collaboration require some way for the network
different processors to communicate with one another – Network carries packets from one CPU to another
– Destination gets interrupt when packet arrives
• Protocol: agreement between two parties as to how
information is to be transmitted

11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.31 11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.32
• Important system properties
– Availability: how often is the resource available?
– Durability: how well is data preserved against faults?
– Reliability: how often is resource performing correctly?
• Use of Log to improve Reliability
– Journaled file systems such as ext3
• RAID: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
– RAID1: mirroring, RAID5: Parity block
• Authorization
– Controlling access to resources using
» Access Control Lists
» Capabilities
• Network: physical connection that allows two
computers to communicate
– Packet: unit of transfer, sequence of bits carried over
the network

11/10/09 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 20.33

Review: File System Caching
• Delayed Writes: Writes to files not immediately sent
out to disk
CS162 – Instead, write() copies data from user space buffer
Operating Systems and to kernel buffer (in cache)
Systems Programming » Enabled by presence of buffer cache: can leave written
file blocks in cache for a while
Lecture 21 » If some other application tries to read data before
written to disk, file system will read from cache
– Flushed to disk periodically (e.g. in UNIX, every 30 sec)
Networking – Advantages:
» Disk scheduler can efficiently order lots of requests
» Disk allocation algorithm can be run with correct size value
November 15, 2010 for a file
» Some files need never get written to disk! (e..g temporary
Prof. John Kubiatowicz scratch files written /tmp often don’t exist for 30 sec)
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 – Disadvantages
» What if system crashes before file has been written out?
» Worse yet, what if system crashes before a directory file
has been written out? (lose pointer to inode!)
11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.2

Review: RAID 5+: High I/O Rate Parity Goals for Today
• Data stripped across Unit
multiple disks • Authorization
D0 D1 D2 D3 P0
– Successive blocks • Networking
stored on successive Increasing
(non-parity) disks D4 D5 D6 P1 D7 Logical – Broadcast
– Increased bandwidth Addresses – Point-to-Point Networking
over single disk D8 D9 P2 D10 D11
– Routing
• Parity block (in green)
constructed by XORing D12 P3 D13 D14 D15
– Internet Protocol (IP)
data bocks in stripe
– P0=D0D1D2D3 P4 D16 D17 D18 D19
– Can destroy any one
disk and still
reconstruct data D20 D21 D22 D23 P5
– Suppose D3 fails, Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4 Disk 5
then can reconstruct:
D3=D0D1D2P0 Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
• Later in term: talk about spreading information widely adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
across internet for durability. Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.3 11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.4
Authorization: Who Can Do What? Authorization: Two Implementation Choices
• Access Control Lists: store permissions with object
• How do we decide who is – Still might be lots of users!
authorized to do actions in the – UNIX limits each file to: r,w,x for owner, group, world
system? » More recent systems allow definition of groups of users
• Access Control Matrix: contains and permissions for each group
all permissions in the system – ACLs allow easy changing of an object’s permissions
» Example: add Users C, D, and F with rw permissions
– Resources across top
– Requires mechanisms to prove identity
» Files, Devices, etc…
• Capability List: each process tracks which objects it
– Domains in columns has permission to touch
» A domain might be a user or a – Consider page table: Each process has list of pages it
group of users has access to, not each page has list of processes …
» E.g. above: User D3 can read » Capability list easy to change/augment permissions
F2 or execute F3 » E.g.: you are promoted to system administrator and should
– In practice, table would be be given access to all system files
huge and sparse! – Implementation: Capability like a “Key” for access
» Example: cryptographically secure (non-forgeable) chunk
of data that can be exchanged for access
11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.5 11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.6

Authorization: Combination Approach Authorization: How to Revoke?

• How does one revoke someone’s access rights to

a particular object?
– Easy with ACLs: just remove entry from the list
– Takes effect immediately since the ACL is checked
on each object access
• Users have capabilities, • Objects have ACLs • Harder to do with capabilities since they aren’t
called “groups” or “roles” – ACLs can refer to users or stored with the object being controlled:
– Everyone with particular groups – Not so bad in a single machine: could keep all
group access is “equivalent” – Change object permissions
when accessing group capability lists in a well-known place (e.g., the OS
object by modifying ACL capability table).
– Change broad user
– Like passport (which gives permissions via changes in – Very hard in distributed system, where remote
access to country of origin) group membership hosts may have crashed or may not cooperate
– Possessors of proper (more in a future lecture)
credentials get access

11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.7 11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.8
Revoking Capabilities Centralized vs Distributed Systems

• Various approaches to revoking capabilities:

– Put expiration dates on capabilities and force
– Put epoch numbers on capabilities and revoke all
capabilities by bumping the epoch number (which
gets checked on each access attempt)
Client/Server Model
– Maintain back pointers to all capabilities that have Peer-to-Peer Model
been handed out (Tough if capabilities can be
copied) • Centralized System: System in which major functions
are performed by a single physical computer
– Maintain a revocation list that gets checked on – Originally, everything on single computer
every access attempt – Later: client/server model
• Distributed System: physically separate computers
working together on some task
– Early model: multiple servers working together
» Probably in the same room or building
» Often called a “cluster”
– Later models: peer-to-peer/wide-spread collaboration
11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.9 11/15/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 21.10

Distributed Systems: Motivation/Issues Distributed Systems: Goals/Requirements

• Why do we want distributed systems? • Transparency: the ability of the system to mask its
– Cheaper and easier to build lots of simple computers complexity behind a simple interface
– Easier to add power incrementally
– Users can have complete control over some components • Possible transparencies:
– Collaboration: Much easier for users to collaborate through – Location: Can’t tell where resources are located
network resources (such as network file systems) – Migration: Resources may move without the user knowing
• The promise of distributed systems: – Replication: Can’t tell how many copies of resource exist
– Higher availability: one machine goes down, use another – Concurrency: Can’t tell how many users there are
– Better durability: store data in multiple locations – Parallelism: System may speed up large jobs by spliting
– More security: each piece easier to make secure them into smaller pieces
• Reality has been disappointing – Fault Tolerance: System may hide various things that go
– Worse availability: depend on every machine being up wrong in the system
» Lamport: “a distributed system is one where I can’t do work • Transparency and collaboration require some way for
because some machine I’ve never heard of isn’t working!”
– Worse reliability: can lose data if any machine crashes different processors to communicate with one another
– Worse security: anyone in world can break into system
• Coordination is more difficult
– Must coordinate multiple copies of shared state information
(using only a network)
– What would be easy in a centralized system becomes a lot
more difficult
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Administrivia Networking Definitions

• Network: physical connection that allows two computers

to communicate
• Packet: unit of transfer, sequence of bits carried over
the network
– Network carries packets from one CPU to another
– Destination gets interrupt when packet arrives
• Protocol: agreement between two parties as to how
information is to be transmitted

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Broadcast Networks Broadcast Networks Details

• Broadcast Network: Shared Communication Medium Body Header
(Data) (Dest:2) ID:1
Message (ignore)
Processor Device Device Device Memory ID:3
– Shared Medium can be a set of wires
» Inside a computer, this is called a bus
» All devices simultaneously connected to devices (ignore) ID:2

• Delivery: When you broadcast a packet, how does a
receiver know who it is for? (packet goes to everyone!)
– Put header on front of packet: [ Destination | Packet ]
– Everyone gets packet, discards if not the target
– Originally, Ethernet was a broadcast network – In Ethernet, this check is done in hardware
» All computers on local subnet connected to one another » No OS interrupt if not for particular destination
– More examples (wireless: medium is air): cellular phones, – This is layering: we’re going to build complex network
GSM GPRS, EDGE, CDMA 1xRTT, and 1EvDO protocols by layering on top of the packet
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Broadcast Network Arbitration Carrier Sense, Multiple Access/Collision Detection
• Arbitration: Act of negotiating use of shared medium • Ethernet (early 80’s): first practical local area network
– What if two senders try to broadcast at same time? – It is the most common LAN for UNIX, PC, and Mac
– Concurrent activity but can’t use shared memory to – Use wire instead of radio, but still broadcast medium
coordinate! • Key advance was in arbitration called CSMA/CD:
• Aloha network (70’s): packet radio within Hawaii Carrier sense, multiple access/collision detection
– Carrier Sense: don’t send unless idle
– Blind broadcast, with checksum at end of » Don’t mess up communications already in process
packet. If received correctly (not garbled), – Collision Detect: sender checks if packet trampled.
send back an acknowledgement. If not » If so, abort, wait, and retry.
received correctly, discard. – Backoff Scheme: Choose wait time before trying again
» Need checksum anyway – in case airplane • How long to wait after trying to send and failing?
flies overhead – What if everyone waits the same length of time? Then,
– Sender waits for a while, and if doesn’t they all collide again at some time!
get an acknowledgement, re-transmits. – Must find way to break up shared behavior with nothing
– If two senders try to send at same time, both get more than shared communication channel
garbled, both simply re-send later. • Adaptive randomized waiting strategy:
– Problem: Stability: what if load increases? – Adaptive and Random: First time, pick random wait time
» More collisions  less gets through more resent  more with some initial mean. If collide again, pick random value
load…  More collisions… from bigger mean wait time. Etc.
» Unfortunately: some sender may have started in clear, get – Randomness is important to decouple colliding senders
scrambled without finishing – Scheme figures out how many people are trying to send!
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Point-to-point networks Point-to-Point Networks Discussion

• Advantages:
– Higher link performance
» Can drive point-to-point link faster than broadcast link
since less capacitance/less echoes (from impedance

Switch Router mismatches)

– Greater aggregate bandwidth than broadcast link
» Can have multiple senders at once
– Can add capacity incrementally
» Add more links/switches to get more capacity
– Better fault tolerance (as in the Internet)
• Why have a shared bus at all? Why not simplify and – Lower Latency
only have point-to-point links + routers/switches? » No arbitration to send, although need buffer in the switch
– Originally wasn’t cost-effective • Disadvantages:
– Now, easy to make high-speed switches and routers that – More expensive than having everyone share broadcast link
can forward packets from a sender to a receiver. – However, technology costs now much cheaper
• Point-to-point network: a network in which every • Examples
physical wire is connected to only two computers – ATM (asynchronous transfer mode)
• Switch: a bridge that transforms a shared-bus » The first commercial point-to-point LAN
» Inspiration taken from telephone network
(broadcast) configuration into a point-to-point network. – Switched Ethernet
• Router: a device that acts as a junction between two » Same packet format and signaling as broadcast Ethernet,
networks to transfer data packets among them. but only two machines on each ethernet.
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Point-to-Point Network design Flow control options
Crossbar A,B A
Queue Queue
Queue Queue
Inputs Outputs D
Queue Queue

Queue Queue • What if everyone sends to the same output?

– Congestion—packets don’t flow at full rate
(processor) • In general, what if buffers fill up?
• Switches look like computers: inputs, memory, outputs – Need flow control policy
– In fact probably contains a processor • Option 1: no flow control. Packets get dropped if
• Function of switch is to forward packet to output that they arrive and there’s no space
gets it closer to destination – If someone sends a lot, they are given buffers and
• Can build big crossbar by combining smaller switches packets from other senders are dropped
– Internet actually works this way


• Option 2: Flow control between switches



– When buffer fills, stop inflow of packets


– Problem: what if path from source to destination is

completely unused, but goes through some switch that
• Can perform broadcast if necessary has buffers filled up with unrelated traffic?
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Flow Control (con’t) The Internet Protocol: “IP”

• Option 3: Per-flow flow control. • The Internet is a large network of computers spread
– Allocate a separate set of buffers to each end-to- across the globe
end stream and use separate “don’t send me more” – According to the Internet Systems Consortium, there
control on each end-to-end stream were over 681 million computers as of July 2009
– In principle, every host can speak with every other one
aaaa ababab acbcac dadcdbdc under the right circumstances
bbbb cccc dddd • IP Packet: a network packet on the internet
• IP Address: a 32-bit integer used as the destination
• Problem: fairness of an IP packet
– Throughput of each stream is entirely dependent on – Often written as four dot-separated integers, with each
topology, and relationship to bottleneck integer from 0—255 (thus representing 8x4=32 bits)
• Automobile Analogy – Example CS file server is:  0xA9E53C53
– At traffic jam, one strategy is merge closest to the • Internet Host: a computer connected to the Internet
bottleneck – Host has one or more IP addresses used for routing
» Why people get off at one exit, drive 50 feet, merge » Some of these may be private and unavailable for routing
back into flow – Not every computer has a unique IP address
» Ends up slowing everybody else a huge emount » Groups of machines may share a single IP address
– Also why have control lights at on-ramps » In this case, machines have private addresses behind a
» Try to keep from injecting more cars than capacity of “Network Address Translation” (NAT) gateway
road (and thus avoid congestion)
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Address Subnets Address Ranges in IP
• Subnet: A network connecting a set of hosts with • IP address space divided into prefix-delimited ranges:
related destination addresses – Class A: NN.0.0.0/8
• With IP, all the addresses in subnet are related by a » NN is 1–126 (126 of these networks)
prefix of bits » 16,777,214 IP addresses per network
– Mask: The number of matching prefix bits » 10.xx.yy.zz is private
» Expressed as a single value (e.g., 24) or a set of ones in a » 127.xx.yy.zz is loopback
32-bit value (e.g., – Class B: NN.MM.0.0/16
• A subnet is identified by 32-bit value, with the bits » NN is 128–191, MM is 0-255 (16,384 of these networks)
which differ set to zero, followed by a slash and a » 65,534 IP addresses per network
mask » 172.[16-31].xx.yy are private
– Example: designates a subnet in which – Class C: NN.MM.LL.0/24
all the addresses look like 128.32.131.XX » NN is 192–223, MM and LL 0-255
– Same subnet: (2,097,151 of these networks)
• Difference between subnet and complete network range » 254 IP addresses per networks
» 192.168.xx.yy are private
– Subnet is always a subset of address range
– Once, subnet meant single physical broadcast wire; now, • Address ranges are often owned by organizations
less clear exactly what it means (virtualized by switches) – Can be further divided into subnets
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Hierarchical Networking: The Internet Simple Network Terminology

• How can we build a network with millions of hosts? • Local-Area Network (LAN) – designed to cover small
– Hierarchy! Not every host connected to every other one geographical area
– Use a network of Routers to connect subnets together
» Routing is often by prefix: e.g. first router matches first – Multi-access bus, ring, or star network
8 bits of address, next router matches more, etc. – Speed  10 – 1000 Megabits/second
Other – Broadcast is fast and cheap
– In small organization, a LAN could consist of a single
Transcontinental subnet. In large organizations (like UC Berkeley), a LAN
subnet1 Router contains many subnets
• Wide-Area Network (WAN) – links geographically
Router separated sites
– Point-to-point connections over long-haul lines (often
leased from a phone company)
Router subnet3
subnets – Speed  1.544 – 45 Megabits/second
– Broadcast usually requires multiple messages

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Routing Setting up Routing Tables
• Routing: the process of forwarding packets hop-by-hop • How do you set up routing tables?
through routers to reach their destination – Internet has no centralized state!
– Need more than just a destination address! » No single machine knows entire topology
» Need a path
» Topology constantly changing (faults, reconfiguration, etc)
– Post Office Analogy:
» Destination address on each letter is not – Need dynamic algorithm that acquires routing tables
sufficient to get it to the destination » Ideally, have one entry per subnet or portion of address
» To get a letter from here to Florida, must route to local » Could have “default” routes that send packets for unknown
post office, sorted and sent on plane to somewhere in subnets to a different router that has more information
Florida, be routed to post office, sorted and sent with • Possible algorithm for acquiring routing table
carrier who knows where street and house is…
• Internet routing mechanism: routing tables – Routing table has “cost” for each entry
– Each router does table lookup to decide which link to use » Includes number of hops to destination, congestion, etc.
to get packet closer to destination » Entries for unknown subnets have infinite cost
– Don’t need 4 billion entries in table: routing is by subnet – Neighbors periodically exchange routing tables
– Could packets be sent in a loop? Yes, if tables incorrect » If neighbor knows cheaper route to a subnet, replace your
• Routing table contains: entry with neighbors entry (+1 for hop to neighbor)
– Destination address range  output link closer to • In reality:
destination – Internet has networks of many different scales
– Default entry (for subnets without explicit entries) – Different algorithms run at different scales
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Naming in the Internet Domain Name System Top-level

edu com
Name  Address
berkeley.edu berkeley
www Mit.edu
• How to map human-readable names to IP addresses? calmail
– E.g. www.berkeley.edu  eecs eecs.berkeley.edu
– E.g. www.google.com  different addresses depending on
location, and load www

• Why is this necessary?

• DNS is a hierarchical mechanism for naming
– IP addresses are hard to remember – Name divided in domains, right to left: www.eecs.berkeley.edu
– IP addresses change: • Each domain owned by a particular organization
» Say, Server 1 crashes gets replaced by Server 2 – Top level handled by ICANN (Internet Corporation for
Assigned Numbers and Names)
» Or – google.com handled by different servers
– Subsequent levels owned by organizations
• Mechanism: Domain Naming System (DNS) • Resolution: series of queries to successive servers
• Caching: queries take time, so results cached for period of time
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How Important is Correct Resolution? Conclusion
• If attacker manages to give incorrect mapping: • Network: physical connection that allows two
– Can get someone to route to server, thinking that they are computers to communicate
routing to a different server – Packet: sequence of bits carried over the network
» Get them to log into “bank” – give up username and password • Broadcast Network: Shared Communication Medium
• Is DNS Secure? – Transmitted packets sent to all receivers
– Definitely a weak link – Arbitration: act of negotiating use of shared medium
» What if “response” returned from different server than » Ethernet: Carrier Sense, Multiple Access, Collision Detect
original query? • Point-to-point network: a network in which every
» Get person to use incorrect IP address! physical wire is connected to only two computers
– Attempt to avoid substitution attacks: – Switch: a bridge that transforms a shared-bus
(broadcast) configuration into a point-to-point network.
» Query includes random number which must be returned
• Protocol: Agreement between two parties as to how
• This summer (July 2008), hole in DNS security located! information is to be transmitted
– Dan Kaminsky (security researcher) discovered an attack • Internet Protocol (IP)
that broke DNS globally – Used to route messages through routes across globe
» One person in an ISP convinced to load particular web page, – 32-bit addresses, 16-bit ports
then all users of that ISP end up pointing at wrong address
• DNS: System for mapping from namesIP addresses
– High profile, highly advertised need for patching DNS – Hierarchical mapping from authoritative domains
» Big press release, lots of mystery – Recent flaws discovered
» Security researchers told no speculation until patches applied
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Review: Point-to-point networks

Operating Systems and

Systems Programming Switch Router
Lecture 22

Networking II
• Point-to-point network: a network in which every
physical wire is connected to only two computers
November 17, 2010 • Switch: a bridge that transforms a shared-bus
(broadcast) configuration into a point-to-point network.
Prof. John Kubiatowicz
• Hub: a multiport device that acts like a repeater
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 broadcasting from each input to every output
• Router: a device that acts as a junction between two
networks to transfer data packets among them.
11/17/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 22.2

Review: Address Subnets Goals for Today

• Subnet: A network connecting a set of hosts with
related destination addresses • Networking
• With IP, all the addresses in subnet are related by a – Routing
prefix of bits – DNS
– Mask: The number of matching prefix bits – Routing
» Expressed as a single value (e.g., 24) or a set of ones in a – TCP/IP Protocols
32-bit value (e.g.,
• A subnet is identified by 32-bit value, with the bits
which differ set to zero, followed by a slash and a
– Example: designates a subnet in which
all the addresses look like 128.32.131.XX
– Same subnet:
• Difference between subnet and complete network range
– Subnet is always a subset of address range Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
– Once, subnet meant single physical broadcast wire; now, adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
less clear exactly what it means (virtualized by switches) Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
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Simple Network Terminology Routing
• Local-Area Network (LAN) – designed to cover small • Routing: the process of forwarding packets hop-by-hop
geographical area through routers to reach their destination
– Need more than just a destination address!
– Multi-access bus, ring, or star network » Need a path
– Speed  10 – 1000 Megabits/second – Post Office Analogy:
– Broadcast is fast and cheap » Destination address on each letter is not
sufficient to get it to the destination
– In small organization, a LAN could consist of a single » To get a letter from here to Florida, must route to local
subnet. In large organizations (like UC Berkeley), a LAN post office, sorted and sent on plane to somewhere in
contains many subnets Florida, be routed to post office, sorted and sent with
carrier who knows where street and house is…
• Wide-Area Network (WAN) – links geographically • Internet routing mechanism: routing tables
separated sites – Each router does table lookup to decide which link to use
to get packet closer to destination
– Point-to-point connections over long-haul lines (often
– Don’t need 4 billion entries in table: routing is by subnet
leased from a phone company)
– Could packets be sent in a loop? Yes, if tables incorrect
– Speed  1.544 – 45 Megabits/second • Routing table contains:
– Broadcast usually requires multiple messages – Destination address range  output link closer to
– Default entry (for subnets without explicit entries)
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Setting up Routing Tables Naming in the Internet

• How do you set up routing tables?
– Internet has no centralized state!
» No single machine knows entire topology Name  Address
» Topology constantly changing (faults, reconfiguration, etc)
– Need dynamic algorithm that acquires routing tables
» Ideally, have one entry per subnet or portion of address • How to map human-readable names to IP addresses?
» Could have “default” routes that send packets for unknown – E.g. www.berkeley.edu 
subnets to a different router that has more information
• Possible algorithm for acquiring routing table – E.g. www.google.com  different addresses depending on
location, and load
– Routing table has “cost” for each entry
» Includes number of hops to destination, congestion, etc. • Why is this necessary?
» Entries for unknown subnets have infinite cost – IP addresses are hard to remember
– Neighbors periodically exchange routing tables – IP addresses change:
» If neighbor knows cheaper route to a subnet, replace your
entry with neighbors entry (+1 for hop to neighbor) » Say, Server 1 crashes gets replaced by Server 2
• In reality: » Or – google.com handled by different servers
– Internet has networks of many different scales • Mechanism: Domain Naming System (DNS)
– Different algorithms run at different scales
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Domain Name System Top-level How Important is Correct Resolution?
• If attacker manages to give incorrect mapping:
edu com – Can get someone to route to server, thinking that they are
routing to a different server
» Get them to log into “bank” – give up username and password
berkeley.edu berkeley
• Is DNS Secure?
– Definitely a weak link
» What if “response” returned from different server than
eecs original query? eecs.berkeley.edu » Get person to use incorrect IP address!
www – Attempt to avoid substitution attacks:
» Query includes random number which must be returned
• DNS is a hierarchical mechanism for naming • In July 2008, hole in DNS security located!
– Name divided in domains, right to left: www.eecs.berkeley.edu – Dan Kaminsky (security researcher) discovered an attack
• Each domain owned by a particular organization that broke DNS globally
– Top level handled by ICANN (Internet Corporation for » One person in an ISP convinced to load particular web page,
Assigned Numbers and Names) then all users of that ISP end up pointing at wrong address
– Subsequent levels owned by organizations – High profile, highly advertised need for patching DNS
• Resolution: series of queries to successive servers » Big press release, lots of mystery
• Caching: queries take time, so results cached for period of time » Security researchers told no speculation until patches applied
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Performance Considerations Sample Computations

• Before we continue, need some performance metrics • E.g.: Ethernet within Soda
– Overhead: CPU time to put packet on wire – Latency: speed of light in wire is 1.5ns/foot, which
– Throughput: Maximum number of bytes per second implies latency in building < 1 μs (if no routers in path)
» Depends on “wire speed”, but also limited by slowest router
– Throughput: 10-1000Mb/s
(routing delay) or by congestion at routers – Throughput delay: packet doesn’t arrive until all bits
» So: 4KB/100Mb/s = 0.3 milliseconds (same order as disk!)
– Latency: time until first bit of packet arrives at receiver • E.g.: ATM within Soda
» Raw transfer time + overhead at each routing hop – Latency (same as above, assuming no routing)
– Throughput: 155Mb/s
Router Router – Throughput delay: 4KB/155Mb/s = 200μ
• E.g.: ATM cross-country
– Latency (assuming no routing):
LW1 LR1 LW2 LR2 Lw3 » 3000miles * 5000ft/mile  15 milliseconds
– How many bits could be in transit at same time?
• Contributions to Latency » 15ms * 155Mb/s = 290KB
– In fact, BerkeleyMIT Latency ~ 45ms
– Wire latency: depends on speed of light on wire » 872KB in flight if routers have wire-speed throughput
» about 1–1.5 ns/foot • Requirements for good performance:
– Router latency: depends on internals of router – Local area: minimize overhead/improve bandwidth
» Could be < 1 ms (for a good router) – Wide area: keep pipeline full!
» Question: can router handle full wire throughput?
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Administrivia Network Protocols
• Protocol: Agreement between two parties as to how
information is to be transmitted
– Example: system calls are the protocol between the
operating system and application
– Networking examples: many levels
» Physical level: mechanical and electrical network (e.g. how
are 0 and 1 represented)
» Link level: packet formats/error control (for instance, the
CSMA/CD protocol)
» Network level: network routing, addressing
» Transport Level: reliable message delivery
• Protocols on today’s Internet:
WWW e-mail
NFS ssh
Transport UDP TCP
Network IP
Physical/Link Ethernet ATM Packet radio
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Network Layering Building a messaging service

• Layering: building complex services from simpler ones • Handling Arbitrary Sized Messages:
– Each layer provides services needed by higher layers by – Must deal with limited physical packet size
utilizing services provided by lower layers – Split big message into smaller ones (called fragments)
• The physical/link layer is pretty limited » Must be reassembled at destination
– Packets are of limited size (called the “Maximum Transfer – Checksum computed on each fragment or whole message
Unit or MTU: often 200-1500 bytes in size)
– Routing is limited to within a physical link (wire) or perhaps • Internet Protocol (IP): Must find way to send packets
through a switch to arbitrary destination in network
• Our goal in the following is to show how to construct a – Deliver messages unreliably (“best effort”) from one
secure, ordered, message service routed to anywhere: machine in Internet to another
– Since intermediate links may have limited size, must be
Physical Reality: Packets Abstraction: Messages able to fragment/reassemble packets on demand
Limited Size Arbitrary Size – Includes 256 different “sub-protocols” build on top of IP
Unordered (sometimes) Ordered » Examples: ICMP(1), TCP(6), UDP (17), IPSEC(50,51)
Unreliable Reliable
Machine-to-machine Process-to-process
Only on local area net Routed anywhere
Asynchronous Synchronous
11/17/10 Insecure
Kubiatowicz CS162 Secure
©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 22.15 11/17/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 22.16
IP Packet Format Building a messaging service
• IP Packet Format: • Process to process communication
– Basic routing gets packets from machinemachine
IP Header Size of datagram Flags & – What we really want is routing from processprocess
Length (header+data) Fragmentation
to split large » Add “ports”, which are 16-bit identifiers
0 15 16 31 » A communication channel (connection) defined by 5 items:
IP Ver4 messages
4 IHL ToS Total length(16-bits) [source addr, source port, dest addr, dest port, protocol]
Time to
16-bit identification flags 13-bit frag off
IP header • UDP: The Unreliable Datagram Protocol
Live (hops)
TTL protocol 16-bit header checksum 20 bytes – Layered on top of basic IP (IP Protocol 17)
32-bit source IP address » Datagram: an unreliable, unordered, packet sent from
Type of 32-bit destination IP address source user  dest user (Call it UDP/IP)
transport options (if any) IP Header
protocol (20 bytes)
Data 16-bit source port 16-bit destination port
16-bit UDP length 16-bit UDP checksum

UDP Data

– Important aspect: low overhead!

» Often used for high-bandwidth video streams
» Many uses of UDP considered “anti-social” – none of the
“well-behaved” aspects of (say) TCP/IP
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Sequence Numbers Reliable Message Delivery: the Problem

• Ordered Messages • All physical networks can garble and/or drop packets
– Several network services are best constructed by – Physical media: packet not transmitted/received
ordered messaging » If transmit close to maximum rate, get more throughput –
» Ask remote machine to first do x, then do y, etc. even if some packets get lost
– Unfortunately, underlying network is packet based: » If transmit at lowest voltage such that error correction just
» Packets are routed one at a time through the network starts correcting errors, get best power/bit
» Can take different paths or be delayed individually
– Congestion: no place to put incoming packet
– IP can reorder packets! P0,P1 might arrive as P1,P0
» Point-to-point network: insufficient queue at switch/router
• Solution requires queuing at destination
– Need to hold onto packets to undo misordering » Broadcast link: two host try to use same link
– Total degree of reordering impacts queue size » In any network: insufficient buffer space at destination
• Ordered messages on top of unordered ones: » Rate mismatch: what if sender send faster than receiver
can process?
– Assign sequence numbers to packets
» 0,1,2,3,4….. • Reliable Message Delivery on top of Unreliable Packets
» If packets arrive out of order, reorder before delivering to – Need some way to make sure that packets actually make
user application it to receiver
» For instance, hold onto #3 until #2 arrives, etc. » Every packet received at least once
– Sequence numbers are specific to particular connection » Every packet received at most once
» Reordering among connections normally doesn’t matter
– If restart connection, need to make sure use different – Can combine with ordering: every packet received by
range of sequence numbers than previously… process at destination exactly once and in order
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Using Acknowledgements How to deal with message duplication
A B A B • Solution: put sequence number in message to identify
re-transmitted packets
Timeout – Receiver checks for duplicate #’s; Discard if detected
• Requirements:
– Sender keeps copy of unack’ed messages
» Easy: only need to buffer messages
– Receiver tracks possible duplicate messages
• How to ensure transmission of packets? » Hard: when ok to forget about received message?
– Detect garbling at receiver via checksum, discard if bad • Alternating-bit protocol:
– Send one message at a time; don’t send A B
– Receiver acknowledges (by sending “ack”) when packet next message until ack received
received properly at destination
– Sender keeps last message; receiver
– Timeout at sender: if no ack, retransmit tracks sequence # of last message received
• Some questions: • Pros: simple, small overhead
– If the sender doesn’t get an ack, does that mean the • Con: Poor performance
receiver didn’t get the original message? – Wire can hold multiple messages; want to
» No fill up at (wire latency  throughput)
– What if ack gets dropped? Or if message gets delayed? • Con: doesn’t work if network can delay
» Sender doesn’t get ack, retransmits. Receiver gets message or duplicate messages arbitrarily
twice, acks each.
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Better messaging: Window-based acknowledgements Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

• Windowing protocol (not quite TCP): A B Stream in: Stream out:
– Send up to N packets without ack
» Allows pipelining of packets N=5 ..zyxwvuts Router Router gfedcba
» Window size (N) < queue at destination

– Each packet has sequence number

» Receiver acknowledges each packet • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
» Ack says “received all packets up
to sequence number X”/send more – TCP (IP Protocol 6) layered on top of IP
• Acks serve dual purpose: – Reliable byte stream between two processes on different
– Reliability: Confirming packet received machines over Internet (read, write, flush)
– Flow Control: Receiver ready for packet • TCP Details
» Remaining space in queue at receiver – Fragments byte stream into packets, hands packets to IP
can be returned with ACK » IP may also fragment by itself
• What if packet gets garbled/dropped? – Uses window-based acknowledgement protocol (to minimize
– Sender will timeout waiting for ack packet state at sender and receiver)
» Resend missing packets Receiver gets packets out of order! » “Window” reflects storage at receiver – sender shouldn’t
– Should receiver discard packets that arrive out of order? overrun receiver’s buffer space
» Simple, but poor performance » Also, window should reflect speed/capacity of network –
– Alternative: Keep copy until sender fills in missing pieces? sender shouldn’t overload network
» Reduces # of retransmits, but more complex – Automatically retransmits lost packets
• What if ack gets garbled/dropped? – Adjusts rate of transmission to avoid congestion
– Timeout and resend just the un-acknowledged packets » A “good citizen”
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TCP Windows and Sequence Numbers Window-Based Acknowledgements (TCP)
Sequence Numbers 100 140 190 230 260 300 340 380 400















Sent Sent Not yet
acked not acked sent Sender

Received Received Not yet A:100/300

Given to app Buffered received Receiver
Seq:100 A:140/260

• Sender has three regions: Seq:140 A:190/210

– Sequence regions Seq:230 A:190/210
» sent and ack’ed
» Sent and not ack’ed Seq:260 A:190/210
» not yet sent
– Window (colored region) adjusted by sender Seq:300 A:190/210
• Receiver has three regions:
– Sequence regions Seq:190 Retransmit! A:340/60
» received and ack’ed (given to application)
Seq:340 A:380/20
» received and buffered
» not yet received (or discarded because out of order) Seq:380 A:400/0
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Selective Acknowledgement Option (SACK) Congestion Avoidance

• Congestion
Sequence Number
Sequence Number

– How long should timeout be for re-sending messages?

Ack Number

Ack Number
(20 bytes)

(20 bytes)
IP Header

IP Header

» Too longwastes time if message lost

» Too shortretransmit even though ack will arrive shortly
– Stability problem: more congestion  ack is delayed 
unnecessary timeout  more traffic  more congestion
» Closely related to window size at sender: too big means
putting too much data into network
• How does the sender’s window size get chosen?
TCP Header TCP Header – Must be less than receiver’s advertised buffer size
– Try to match the rate of sending packets with the rate
• Vanilla TCP Acknowledgement that the slowest link can accommodate
– Every message encodes Sequence number and Ack – Sender uses an adaptive algorithm to decide size of N
– Can include data for forward stream and/or ack for » Goal: fill network between sender and receiver
reverse stream » Basic technique: slowly increase size of window until
acknowledgements start being delayed/lost
• Selective Acknowledgement • TCP solution: “slow start” (start sending slowly)
– Acknowledgement information includes not just one – If no timeout, slowly increase window size (throughput)
number, but rather ranges of received packets by 1 for each ack received
– Must be specially negotiated at beginning of TCP setup – Timeout  congestion, so cut window size in half
» Not widely in use (although in Windows since Windows 98) – “Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease”
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Sequence-Number Initialization Use of TCP: Sockets
• How do you choose an initial sequence number? • Socket: an abstraction of a network I/O queue
– When machine boots, ok to start with sequence #0? – Embodies one side of a communication channel
» No: could send two messages with same sequence #! » Same interface regardless of location of other end
» Receiver might end up discarding valid packets, or duplicate » Could be local machine (called “UNIX socket”) or remote
ack from original transmission might hide lost packet machine (called “network socket”)
– Also, if it is possible to predict sequence numbers, might – First introduced in 4.2 BSD UNIX: big innovation at time
be possible for attacker to hijack TCP connection » Now most operating systems provide some notion of socket
• Using Sockets for Client-Server (C/C++ interface):
• Some ways of choosing an initial sequence number: – On server: set up “server-socket”
– Time to live: each packet has a deadline. » Create socket, Bind to protocol (TCP), local address, port
» If not delivered in X seconds, then is dropped » Call listen(): tells server socket to accept incoming requests
» Thus, can re-use sequence numbers if wait for all packets » Perform multiple accept() calls on socket to accept incoming
in flight to be delivered or to expire connection request
– Epoch #: uniquely identifies which set of sequence » Each successful accept() returns a new socket for a new
numbers are currently being used connection; can pass this off to handler thread
» Epoch # stored on disk, Put in every message – On client:
» Epoch # incremented on crash and/or when run out of » Create socket, Bind to protocol (TCP), remote address, port
sequence # » Perform connect() on socket to make connection
– Pseudo-random increment to previous sequence number » If connect() successful, have socket connected to server
» Used by several protocol implementations
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Socket Setup (Con’t) Socket Example (Java)

Server server:
//Makes socket, binds addr/port, calls listen()
Socket ServerSocket sock = new ServerSocket(6013);
new while(true) {
socket Socket client = sock.accept();
PrintWriter pout = new
socket connection socket
pout.println(“Here is data sent to client!”);

Client Server client.close();
• Things to remember: }
– Connection involves 5 values:
[ Client Addr, Client Port, Server Addr, Server Port, Protocol ] client:
– Often, Client Port “randomly” assigned // Makes socket, binds addr/port, calls connect()
Socket sock = new Socket(“”,6013);
» Done by OS during client socket setup BufferedReader bin =
– Server Port often “well known” new BufferedReader(
» 80 (web), 443 (secure web), 25 (sendmail), etc new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream));
String line;
» Well-known ports from 0—1023 while ((line = bin.readLine())!=null)
• Note that the uniqueness of the tuple is really about two System.out.println(line);
Addr/Port pairs and a protocol sock.close();
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• DNS: System for mapping from namesIP addresses
– Hierarchical mapping from authoritative domains
– Recent flaws discovered
• Datagram: a self-contained message whose arrival,
arrival time, and content are not guaranteed
• Performance metrics
– Overhead: CPU time to put packet on wire
– Throughput: Maximum number of bytes per second
– Latency: time until first bit of packet arrives at receiver
• Ordered messages:
– Use sequence numbers and reorder at destination
• Reliable messages:
– Use Acknowledgements
• TCP: Reliable byte stream between two processes on
different machines over Internet (read, write, flush)
– Uses window-based acknowledgement protocol
– Congestion-avoidance dynamically adapts sender window to
account for congestion in network
11/17/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 22.33
Review: Window-Based Acknowledgements (TCP)

CS162 100 140 190 230 260 300 340 380 400

Operating Systems and















Systems Programming
Lecture 23

Network Communication Abstractions / Seq:100 A:140/260

Distributed Programming Seq:140 A:190/210

Seq:230 A:190/210

November 22, 2010 Seq:260 A:190/210

Prof. John Kubiatowicz
Seq:300 A:190/210
Seq:190 Retransmit! A:340/60

Seq:340 A:380/20

11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010
Lec 23.2

Review: Congestion Avoidance Goals for Today

• Congestion
– How long should timeout be for re-sending messages? • Finish Discussion of TCP/IP
» Too longwastes time if message lost
» Too shortretransmit even though ack will arrive shortly • Messages
– Stability problem: more congestion  ack is delayed  – Send/receive
unnecessary timeout  more traffic  more congestion
» Closely related to window size at sender: too big means – One vs. two-way communication
putting too much data into network • Distributed Decision Making
• How does the sender’s window size get chosen?
– Must be less than receiver’s advertised buffer size – Two-phase commit/Byzantine Commit
– Try to match the rate of sending packets with the rate • Remote Procedure Call
that the slowest link can accommodate
– Sender uses an adaptive algorithm to decide size of N • Distributed File Systems (Part I)
» Goal: fill network between sender and receiver
» Basic technique: slowly increase size of window until
acknowledgements start being delayed/lost
• TCP solution: “slow start” (start sending slowly)
– If no timeout, slowly increase window size (throughput) Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
by 1 for each ack received adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
– Timeout  congestion, so cut window size in half
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
– “Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease”
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Sequence-Number Initialization Use of TCP: Sockets
• How do you choose an initial sequence number? • Socket: an abstraction of a network I/O queue
– When machine boots, ok to start with sequence #0? – Embodies one side of a communication channel
» No: could send two messages with same sequence #! » Same interface regardless of location of other end
» Receiver might end up discarding valid packets, or duplicate » Could be local machine (called “UNIX socket”) or remote
ack from original transmission might hide lost packet machine (called “network socket”)
– Also, if it is possible to predict sequence numbers, might – First introduced in 4.2 BSD UNIX: big innovation at time
be possible for attacker to hijack TCP connection » Now most operating systems provide some notion of socket
• Using Sockets for Client-Server (C/C++ interface):
• Some ways of choosing an initial sequence number: – On server: set up “server-socket”
– Time to live: each packet has a deadline. » Create socket, Bind to protocol (TCP), local address, port
» If not delivered in X seconds, then is dropped » Call listen(): tells server socket to accept incoming requests
» Thus, can re-use sequence numbers if wait for all packets » Perform multiple accept() calls on socket to accept incoming
in flight to be delivered or to expire connection request
– Epoch #: uniquely identifies which set of sequence » Each successful accept() returns a new socket for a new
numbers are currently being used connection; can pass this off to handler thread
» Epoch # stored on disk, Put in every message – On client:
» Epoch # incremented on crash and/or when run out of » Create socket, Bind to protocol (TCP), remote address, port
sequence # » Perform connect() on socket to make connection
– Pseudo-random increment to previous sequence number » If connect() successful, have socket connected to server
» Used by several protocol implementations
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Socket Setup (Con’t) Socket Example (Java)

Server server:
//Makes socket, binds addr/port, calls listen()
Socket ServerSocket sock = new ServerSocket(6013);
new while(true) {
socket Socket client = sock.accept();
PrintWriter pout = new
socket connection socket
pout.println(“Here is data sent to client!”);

Client Server client.close();
• Things to remember: }
– Connection involves 5 values:
[ Client Addr, Client Port, Server Addr, Server Port, Protocol ] client:
– Often, Client Port “randomly” assigned // Makes socket, binds addr/port, calls connect()
Socket sock = new Socket(“”,6013);
» Done by OS during client socket setup BufferedReader bin =
– Server Port often “well known” new BufferedReader(
» 80 (web), 443 (secure web), 25 (sendmail), etc new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream));
String line;
» Well-known ports from 0—1023 while ((line = bin.readLine())!=null)
• Note that the uniqueness of the tuple is really about two System.out.println(line);
Addr/Port pairs and a protocol sock.close();
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Distributed Applications Using Messages: Send/Receive behavior
• How do you actually program a distributed application? • When should send(message,mbox) return?
– Need to synchronize multiple threads, running on
different machines – When receiver gets message? (i.e. ack received)
» No shared memory, so cannot use test&set – When message is safely buffered on destination?
– Right away, if message is buffered on source node?

Network • Actually two questions here:
– When can the sender be sure that receiver actually
received the message?
– One Abstraction: send/receive messages
» Already atomic: no receiver gets portion of a message and – When can sender reuse the memory containing message?
two receivers cannot get same message
• Mailbox provides 1-way communication from T1T2
• Interface:
– Mailbox (mbox): temporary holding area for messages – T1bufferT2
» Includes both destination location and queue – Very similar to producer/consumer
– Send(message,mbox) » Send = V, Receive = P
» Send message to remote mailbox identified by mbox
– Receive(buffer,mbox) » However, can’t tell if sender/receiver is local or not!
» Wait until mbox has message, copy into buffer, and return
» If threads sleeping on this mbox, wake up one of them
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Messaging for Producer-Consumer Style Messaging for Request/Response communication

• Using send/receive for producer-consumer style: • What about two-way communication?
– Request/Response
Producer: » Read a file stored on a remote machine
int msg1[1000]; Send » Request a web page from a remote web server
while(1) {
prepare message; Message – Also called: client-server
send(msg1,mbox); » Client  requester, Server  responder
} » Server provides “service” (file storage) to the client
Consumer: • Example: File service
int buffer[1000]; Client: (requesting the file) Request
while(1) { Receive char response[1000]; File
process message; Message send(“read rutabaga”, server_mbox);
} receive(response, client_mbox); Get
• No need for producer/consumer to keep track of space Response
in mailbox: handled by send/receive Server: (responding with the file)
char command[1000], answer[1000];
– One of the roles of the window in TCP: window is size of
buffer on far end receive(command, server_mbox); Receive
– Restricts sender to forward only what will fit in buffer decode command; Request
read file into answer;
send(answer, client_mbox); Send
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General’s Paradox Administrivia
• General’s paradox:
– Constraints of problem:
» Two generals, on separate mountains
» Can only communicate via messengers
» Messengers can be captured
– Problem: need to coordinate attack
» If they attack at different times, they all die
» If they attack at same time, they win
– Named after Custer, who died at Little Big Horn because
he arrived a couple of days too early
• Can messages over an unreliable network be used to
guarantee two entities do something simultaneously?
– Remarkably, “no”, even if all messages get through

– No way to be sure last message gets through!

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Two-Phase Commit Two phase commit example

• Since we can’t solve the General’s Paradox (i.e. • Simple Example: AWellsFargo Bank, BBank of America
simultaneous action), let’s solve a related problem – Phase 1: Prepare Phase
– Distributed transaction: Two machines agree to do » A writes “Begin transaction” to log
something, or not do it, atomically AB: OK to transfer funds to me?
• Two-Phase Commit protocol does this » Not enough funds:
– Use a persistent, stable log on each machine to keep track BA: transaction aborted; A writes “Abort” to log
of whether commit has happened » Enough funds:
» If a machine crashes, when it wakes up it first checks its B: Write new account balance & promise to commit to log
log to recover state of world at time of crash BA: OK, I can commit
– Prepare Phase: – Phase 2: A can decide for both whether they will commit
» The global coordinator requests that all participants will » A: write new account balance to log
promise to commit or rollback the transaction » Write “Commit” to log
» Participants record promise in log, then acknowledge » Send message to B that commit occurred; wait for ack
» If anyone votes to abort, coordinator writes “Abort” in its » Write “Got Commit” to log
log and tells everyone to abort; each records “Abort” in log • What if B crashes at beginning?
– Commit Phase: – Wakes up, does nothing; A will timeout, abort and retry
» After all participants respond that they are prepared, then • What if A crashes at beginning of phase 2?
the coordinator writes “Commit” to its log – Wakes up, sees that there is a transaction in progress;
» Then asks all nodes to commit; they respond with ack sends “Abort” to B
» After receive acks, coordinator writes “Got Commit” to log • What if B crashes at beginning of phase 2?
– Log can be used to complete this process such that all – B comes back up, looks at log; when A sends it “Commit”
machines either commit or don’t commit message, it will say, “oh, ok, commit”
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Distributed Decision Making Discussion Byzantine General’s Problem
• Why is distributed decision making desirable?
– Fault Tolerance! Lieutenant
– A group of machines can come to a decision even if one or
more of them fail during the process
» Simple failure mode called “failstop” (different modes later)
– After decision made, result recorded in multiple places Retreat!
• Undesirable feature of Two-Phase Commit: Blocking Attack! Lieutenant
– One machine can be stalled until another site recovers:
» Site B writes “prepared to commit” record to its log, General
sends a “yes” vote to the coordinator (site A) and crashes
» Site A crashes
» Site B wakes up, check its log, and realizes that it has Malicious! Lieutenant
voted “yes” on the update. It sends a message to site A
asking what happened. At this point, B cannot decide to • Byazantine General’s Problem (n players):
abort, because update may have committed – One General
» B is blocked until A comes back – n-1 Lieutenants
– A blocked site holds resources (locks on updated items, – Some number of these (f) can be insane or malicious
pages pinned in memory, etc) until learns fate of update • The commanding general must send an order to his n-1
• Alternative: There are alternatives such as “Three lieutenants such that:
Phase Commit” which don’t have this blocking problem – IC1: All loyal lieutenants obey the same order
• What happens if one or more of the nodes is malicious? – IC2: If the commanding general is loyal, then all loyal
– Malicious: attempting to compromise the decision making lieutenants obey the order he sends
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Byzantine General’s Problem (con’t) Remote Procedure Call

• Raw messaging is a bit too low-level for programming
• Impossibility Results:
– Cannot solve Byzantine General’s Problem with n=3 – Must wrap up information into message at source
because one malicious player can mess up things – Must decide what to do with message at destination
– May need to sit and wait for multiple messages to arrive
General General • Better option: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Attack! Attack! Attack! Retreat! – Calls a procedure on a remote machine
Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant – Client calls:
Retreat! Retreat! remoteFileSystemRead(“rutabaga”);
– With f faults, need n > 3f to solve problem – Translated automatically into call on server:
• Various algorithms exist to solve problem fileSysRead(“rutabaga”);
– Original algorithm has #messages exponential in n • Implementation:
– Newer algorithms have message complexity O(n2) – Request-response message passing (under covers!)
» One from MIT, for instance (Castro and Liskov, 1999) – “Stub” provides glue on client/server
• Use of BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) algorithm » Client stub is responsible for “marshalling” arguments and
– Allow multiple machines to make a coordinated decision “unmarshalling” the return values
even if some subset of them (< n/3 ) are malicious » Server-side stub is responsible for “unmarshalling”
arguments and “marshalling” the return values.
• Marshalling involves (depending on system)
Request Distributed – Converting values to a canonical form, serializing
Decision objects, copying arguments passed by reference, etc.
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RPC Information Flow RPC Details
• Equivalence with regular procedure call
bundle – Parameters Request Message
args – Result  Reply message
call send – Name of Procedure: Passed in request message
Client Client Packet
– Return Address: mbox2 (client return mail box)
(caller) Stub Handler • Stub generator: Compiler that generates stubs
return receive
unbundle mbox2 – Input: interface definitions in an “interface definition
ret vals language (IDL)”
Machine A

» Contains, among other things, types of arguments/return
– Output: stub code in the appropriate source language
Machine B » Code for client to pack message, send it off, wait for
bundle result, unpack result and return to caller
ret vals mbox1
» Code for server to unpack message, call procedure, pack
return send results, send them off
Server Server Packet
(callee) Stub Handler • Cross-platform issues:
call receive – What if client/server machines are different
unbundle architectures or in different languages?
args » Convert everything to/from some canonical form
» Tag every item with an indication of how it is encoded
(avoids unnecessary conversions).
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RPC Details (continued) Problems with RPC

• How does client know which mbox to send to? • Non-Atomic failures
– Need to translate name of remote service into network – Different failure modes in distributed system than on a
endpoint (Remote machine, port, possibly other info) single machine
– Binding: the process of converting a user-visible name
into a network endpoint – Consider many different types of failures
» This is another word for “naming” at network level » User-level bug causes address space to crash
» Static: fixed at compile time » Machine failure, kernel bug causes all processes on same
» Dynamic: performed at runtime machine to fail
• Dynamic Binding » Some machine is compromised by malicious party
– Most RPC systems use dynamic binding via name service – Before RPC: whole system would crash/die
» Name service provides dynamic translation of servicembox – After RPC: One machine crashes/compromised while
– Why dynamic binding? others keep working
» Access control: check who is permitted to access service – Can easily result in inconsistent view of the world
» Fail-over: If server fails, use a different one » Did my cached data get written back or not?
• What if there are multiple servers? » Did server do what I requested or not?
– Could give flexibility at binding time – Answer? Distributed transactions/Byzantine Commit
» Choose unloaded server for each new client
– Could provide same mbox (router level redirect) • Performance
» Choose unloaded server for each new request – Cost of Procedure call « same-machine RPC « network RPC
» Only works if no state carried from one call to next – Means programmers must be aware that RPC is not free
• What if multiple clients? » Caching can help, but may make failure handling complex
– Pass pointer to client-specific return mbox in request
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Cross-Domain Communication/Location Transparency Microkernel operating systems
• How do address spaces communicate with one another? • Example: split kernel into application-level servers.
– Shared Memory with Semaphores, monitors, etc… – File system looks remote, even though on same machine
– File System
– Pipes (1-way communication) App App App App File windows
– “Remote” procedure call (2-way communication)
file system Windowing
• RPC’s can be used to communicate between address RPC address
spaces on different machines or the same machine VM Networking
– Services can be run wherever it’s most appropriate Threads
– Access to local and remote services looks the same Monolithic Structure Microkernel Structure
• Examples of modern RPC systems: • Why split the OS into separate domains?
– CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) – Fault isolation: bugs are more isolated (build a firewall)
– DCOM (Distributed COM) – Enforces modularity: allows incremental upgrades of pieces
– RMI (Java Remote Method Invocation) of software (client or server)
– Location transparent: service can be local or remote
» For example in the X windowing system: Each X client can
be on a separate machine from X server; Neither has to run
on the machine with the frame buffer.
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Distributed File Systems Virtual File System (VFS)

Read File
Client Server
• Distributed File System:
– Transparent access to files stored on a remote disk
• Naming choices (always an issue):
– Hostname:localname: Name files explicitly mount
» No location or migration transparency kubi:/jane
– Mounting of remote file systems
» System manager mounts remote file system • VFS: Virtual abstraction similar to local file system
by giving name and local mount point – Instead of “inodes” has “vnodes”
» Transparent to user: all reads and writes – Compatible with a variety of local and remote file systems
look like local reads and writes to user
e.g. /users/sue/foo/sue/foo on server » provides object-oriented way of implementing file systems
– A single, global name space: every file • VFS allows the same system call interface (the API) to
in the world has unique name be used for different types of file systems
» Location Transparency: servers mount
can change and files can move coeus:/sue
mount – The API is to the VFS interface, rather than any specific
without involving user kubi:/prog type of file system
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Simple Distributed File System Use of caching to reduce network load
Read (RPC) cache Read (RPC)
read(f1)V1 F1:V1 Return (Data)
Return (Data)
Client read(f1)V1 cache
Server cache
write(f1)OK F1:V2
read(f1)V2 Client

• Remote Disk: Reads and writes forwarded to server • Idea: Use caching to reduce network load
– Use RPC to translate file system calls – In practice: use buffer cache at source and destination
– No local caching/can be caching at server-side • Advantage: if open/read/write/close can be done
• Advantage: Server provides completely consistent view locally, don’t need to do any network traffic…fast!
of file system to multiple clients • Problems:
• Problems? Performance! – Failure:
– Going over network is slower than going to local memory » Client caches have data not committed at server
– Lots of network traffic/not well pipelined – Cache consistency!
– Server can be a bottleneck » Client caches not consistent with server/each other
11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 23.29 11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 23.30

Failures Crash! Schematic View of NFS Architecture

• What if server crashes? Can client wait until server

comes back up and continue as before?
– Any data in server memory but not on disk can be lost
– Shared state across RPC: What if server crashes after
seek? Then, when client does “read”, it will fail
– Message retries: suppose server crashes after it does
UNIX “rm foo”, but before acknowledgment?
» Message system will retry: send it again
» How does it know not to delete it again? (could solve with
two-phase commit protocol, but NFS takes a more ad hoc
• Stateless protocol: A protocol in which all information
required to process a request is passed with request
– Server keeps no state about client, except as hints to
help improve performance (e.g. a cache)
– Thus, if server crashes and restarted, requests can
continue where left off (in many cases)
• What if client crashes?
– Might lose modified data in client cache
11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 23.31 11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 23.32
Network File System (NFS) NFS Continued
• Three Layers for NFS system • NFS servers are stateless; each request provides all
– UNIX file-system interface: open, read, write, close arguments require for execution
calls + file descriptors – E.g. reads include information for entire operation, such
– VFS layer: distinguishes local from remote files as ReadAt(inumber,position), not Read(openfile)
– No need to perform network open() or close() on file –
» Calls the NFS protocol procedures for remote requests each operation stands on its own
– NFS service layer: bottom layer of the architecture • Idempotent: Performing requests multiple times has
» Implements the NFS protocol same effect as performing it exactly once
• NFS Protocol: RPC for file operations on server – Example: Server crashes between disk I/O and message
– Reading/searching a directory send, client resend read, server does operation again
– manipulating links and directories – Example: Read and write file blocks: just re-read or re-
– accessing file attributes/reading and writing files write file block – no side effects
• Write-through caching: Modified data committed to – Example: What about “remove”? NFS does operation
twice and second time returns an advisory error
server’s disk before results are returned to the client • Failure Model: Transparent to client system
– lose some of the advantages of caching – Is this a good idea? What if you are in the middle of
– time to perform write() can be long reading a file and server crashes?
– Need some mechanism for readers to eventually notice – Options (NFS Provides both):
changes! (more on this later) » Hang until server comes back up (next week?)
» Return an error. (Of course, most applications don’t know
they are talking over network)
11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 23.33 11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 23.34

NFS Cache consistency Conclusion

• NFS protocol: weak consistency • Two-phase commit: distributed decision making
– Client polls server periodically to check for changes – First, make sure everyone guarantees that they will commit if
asked (prepare)
» Polls server if data hasn’t been checked in last 3-30 – Next, ask everyone to commit
seconds (exact timeout it tunable parameter).
• Byzantine General’s Problem: distributed decision making with
» Thus, when file is changed on one client, server is notified, malicious failures
but other clients use old version of file until timeout.
– One general, n-1 lieutenants: some number of them may be
malicious (often “f” of them)
cache F1 still ok? – All non-malicious lieutenants must come to same decision
F1:V2 No: (F1:V2) – If general not malicious, lieutenants must follow general
– Only solvable if n  3f+1
Client • Remote Procedure Call (RPC): Call procedure on remote machine
Server cache – Provides same interface as procedure
F1:V2 – Automatic packing and unpacking of arguments without user
programming (in stub)
• VFS: Virtual File System layer
F1:V2 – Provides mechanism which gives same system call interface for
different types of file systems
– What if multiple clients write to same file? • Distributed File System:
» In NFS, can get either version (or parts of both) – Transparent access to files stored on a remote disk
» Completely arbitrary! – Caching for performance
11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 23.35 11/22/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 23.36
Review: RPC Information Flow

CS162 bundle
Operating Systems and call send
Client Client Packet
Systems Programming (caller) Stub Handler
Lecture 24 return receive
unbundle mbox2
ret vals
Machine A

Distributed File Systems
Machine B
ret vals mbox1
November 24, 2010 return send
Server Server Packet
Prof. John Kubiatowicz (callee) Stub Handler
call receive
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 unbundle

11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.2

Goals for Today RPC Details

• Equivalence with regular procedure call
• Finish Remote Procedure Call – Parameters Request Message
• Examples of Distributed File Systems – Result  Reply message
– Name of Procedure: Passed in request message
– Cache Coherence Protocols for file systems – Return Address: mbox2 (client return mail box)
• Stub generator: Compiler that generates stubs
– Input: interface definitions in an “interface definition
language (IDL)”
» Contains, among other things, types of arguments/return
– Output: stub code in the appropriate source language
» Code for client to pack message, send it off, wait for
result, unpack result and return to caller
» Code for server to unpack message, call procedure, pack
results, send them off
• Cross-platform issues:
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are – What if client/server machines are different
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne. architectures or in different languages?
Slides on Testing from George Necula (CS169) » Convert everything to/from some canonical form
Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz. » Tag every item with an indication of how it is encoded
(avoids unnecessary conversions).
11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.3 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.4
RPC Details (continued) Problems with RPC
• How does client know which mbox to send to? • Non-Atomic failures
– Need to translate name of remote service into network – Different failure modes in distributed system than on a
endpoint (Remote machine, port, possibly other info) single machine
– Binding: the process of converting a user-visible name
into a network endpoint – Consider many different types of failures
» This is another word for “naming” at network level » User-level bug causes address space to crash
» Static: fixed at compile time » Machine failure, kernel bug causes all processes on same
» Dynamic: performed at runtime machine to fail
• Dynamic Binding » Some machine is compromised by malicious party
– Most RPC systems use dynamic binding via name service – Before RPC: whole system would crash/die
» Name service provides dynamic translation of servicembox – After RPC: One machine crashes/compromised while
– Why dynamic binding? others keep working
» Access control: check who is permitted to access service – Can easily result in inconsistent view of the world
» Fail-over: If server fails, use a different one » Did my cached data get written back or not?
• What if there are multiple servers? » Did server do what I requested or not?
– Could give flexibility at binding time – Answer? Distributed transactions/Byzantine Commit
» Choose unloaded server for each new client
– Could provide same mbox (router level redirect) • Performance
» Choose unloaded server for each new request – Cost of Procedure call « same-machine RPC « network RPC
» Only works if no state carried from one call to next – Means programmers must be aware that RPC is not free
• What if multiple clients? » Caching can help, but may make failure handling complex
– Pass pointer to client-specific return mbox in request
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Cross-Domain Communication/Location Transparency Microkernel operating systems

• How do address spaces communicate with one another? • Example: split kernel into application-level servers.
– Shared Memory with Semaphores, monitors, etc… – File system looks remote, even though on same machine
– File System
– Pipes (1-way communication) App App App App File windows
– “Remote” procedure call (2-way communication)
file system Windowing
• RPC’s can be used to communicate between address RPC address
spaces on different machines or the same machine VM Networking
– Services can be run wherever it’s most appropriate Threads
– Access to local and remote services looks the same Monolithic Structure Microkernel Structure
• Examples of modern RPC systems: • Why split the OS into separate domains?
– CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) – Fault isolation: bugs are more isolated (build a firewall)
– DCOM (Distributed COM) – Enforces modularity: allows incremental upgrades of pieces
– RMI (Java Remote Method Invocation) of software (client or server)
– Location transparent: service can be local or remote
» For example in the X windowing system: Each X client can
be on a separate machine from X server; Neither has to run
on the machine with the frame buffer.
11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.7 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.8
Distributed File Systems Virtual File System (VFS)
Read File
Client Server
• Distributed File System:
– Transparent access to files stored on a remote disk
• Naming choices (always an issue):
– Hostname:localname: Name files explicitly mount
» No location or migration transparency kubi:/jane
– Mounting of remote file systems
» System manager mounts remote file system • VFS: Virtual abstraction similar to local file system
by giving name and local mount point – Instead of “inodes” has “vnodes”
» Transparent to user: all reads and writes – Compatible with a variety of local and remote file systems
look like local reads and writes to user
e.g. /users/sue/foo/sue/foo on server » provides object-oriented way of implementing file systems
– A single, global name space: every file • VFS allows the same system call interface (the API) to
in the world has unique name be used for different types of file systems
» Location Transparency: servers mount
can change and files can move coeus:/sue
mount – The API is to the VFS interface, rather than any specific
without involving user kubi:/prog type of file system
11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.9 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.10

Administrivia Simple Distributed File System

Read (RPC)
Return (Data)
Server cache

• Remote Disk: Reads and writes forwarded to server
– Use RPC to translate file system calls
– No local caching/can be caching at server-side
• Advantage: Server provides completely consistent view
of file system to multiple clients
• Problems? Performance!
– Going over network is slower than going to local memory
– Lots of network traffic/not well pipelined
– Server can be a bottleneck
11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.11 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.12
Use of caching to reduce network load Failures Crash!
cache Read (RPC)
read(f1)V1 • What if server crashes? Can client wait until server
read(f1)V1 F1:V1 Return (Data) comes back up and continue as before?
Client – Any data in server memory but not on disk can be lost
read(f1)V1 cache
Server – Shared state across RPC: What if server crashes after
F1:V1 seek? Then, when client does “read”, it will fail
cache – Message retries: suppose server crashes after it does
write(f1)OK UNIX “rm foo”, but before acknowledgment?
» Message system will retry: send it again
» How does it know not to delete it again? (could solve with
two-phase commit protocol, but NFS takes a more ad hoc
• Idea: Use caching to reduce network load approach)
– In practice: use buffer cache at source and destination • Stateless protocol: A protocol in which all information
• Advantage: if open/read/write/close can be done required to process a request is passed with request
locally, don’t need to do any network traffic…fast! – Server keeps no state about client, except as hints to
• Problems: help improve performance (e.g. a cache)
– Failure: – Thus, if server crashes and restarted, requests can
» Client caches have data not committed at server continue where left off (in many cases)
– Cache consistency! • What if client crashes?
» Client caches not consistent with server/each other – Might lose modified data in client cache
11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.13 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.14

Schematic View of NFS Architecture Network File System (NFS)

• Three Layers for NFS system
– UNIX file-system interface: open, read, write, close
calls + file descriptors
– VFS layer: distinguishes local from remote files
» Calls the NFS protocol procedures for remote requests
– NFS service layer: bottom layer of the architecture
» Implements the NFS protocol
• NFS Protocol: RPC for file operations on server
– Reading/searching a directory
– manipulating links and directories
– accessing file attributes/reading and writing files
• Write-through caching: Modified data committed to
server’s disk before results are returned to the client
– lose some of the advantages of caching
– time to perform write() can be long
– Need some mechanism for readers to eventually notice
changes! (more on this later)

11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.15 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.16
NFS Continued NFS Cache consistency
• NFS servers are stateless; each request provides all • NFS protocol: weak consistency
arguments require for execution
– E.g. reads include information for entire operation, such – Client polls server periodically to check for changes
as ReadAt(inumber,position), not Read(openfile) » Polls server if data hasn’t been checked in last 3-30
– No need to perform network open() or close() on file – seconds (exact timeout it tunable parameter).
each operation stands on its own » Thus, when file is changed on one client, server is notified,
but other clients use old version of file until timeout.
• Idempotent: Performing requests multiple times has
same effect as performing it exactly once
– Example: Server crashes between disk I/O and message cache F1 still ok?
send, client resend read, server does operation again F1:V2
F1:V1 No: (F1:V2)
– Example: Read and write file blocks: just re-read or re- Client
write file block – no side effects cache
– Example: What about “remove”? NFS does operation Server
twice and second time returns an advisory error F1:V2
• Failure Model: Transparent to client system cache
– Is this a good idea? What if you are in the middle of F1:V2
reading a file and server crashes? Client
– Options (NFS Provides both): – What if multiple clients write to same file?
» Hang until server comes back up (next week?)
» Return an error. (Of course, most applications don’t know » In NFS, can get either version (or parts of both)
they are talking over network) » Completely arbitrary!
11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.17 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.18

Sequential Ordering Constraints NFS Pros and Cons

• What sort of cache coherence might we expect?
– i.e. what if one CPU changes file, and before it’s done, • NFS Pros:
another CPU reads file? – Simple, Highly portable
• Example: Start with file contents = “A”
• NFS Cons:
Client 1: Read: gets A Write B Read: parts of B or C
– Sometimes inconsistent!
Client 2: Read: gets A or B Write C
– Doesn’t scale to large # clients
Client 3: Read: parts of B or C
» Must keep checking to see if caches out of date
Time » Server becomes bottleneck due to polling traffic

• What would we actually want?

– Assume we want distributed system to behave exactly the
same as if all processes are running on single system
» If read finishes before write starts, get old copy
» If read starts after write finishes, get new copy
» Otherwise, get either new or old copy
– For NFS:
» If read starts more than 30 seconds after write, get new
copy; otherwise, could get partial update
11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.19 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.20
Andrew File System Andrew File System (con’t)
• Andrew File System (AFS, late 80’s)  DCE DFS • Data cached on local disk of client as well as memory
(commercial product) – On open with a cache miss (file not on local disk):
» Get file from server, set up callback with server
• Callbacks: Server records who has copy of file – On write followed by close:
– On changes, server immediately tells all with old copy » Send copy to server; tells all clients with copies to fetch
new version from server on next open (using callbacks)
– No polling bandwidth (continuous checking) needed
• What if server crashes? Lose all callback state!
• Write through on close – Reconstruct callback information from client: go ask
– Changes not propagated to server until close() everyone “who has which files cached?”
– Session semantics: updates visible to other clients only • AFS Pro: Relative to NFS, less server load:
after the file is closed – Disk as cache  more files can be cached locally
» As a result, do not get partial writes: all or nothing! – Callbacks  server not involved if file is read-only
» Although, for processes on local machine, updates visible • For both AFS and NFS: central server is bottleneck!
immediately to other programs who have file open – Performance: all writesserver, cache missesserver
• In AFS, everyone who has file open sees old version – Availability: Server is single point of failure
– Cost: server machine’s high cost relative to workstation
– Don’t get newer versions until reopen file

11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.21 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.22

World Wide Web WWW Caching

• Key idea: graphical front-end to RPC protocol • Use client-side caching to reduce number of
interactions between clients and servers and/or
reduce the size of the interactions:
• What happens when a web server fails?
– Time-to-Live (TTL) fields – HTTP “Expires” header
– System breaks! from server
– Solution: Transport or network-layer redirection – Client polling – HTTP “If-Modified-Since” request
» Invisible to applications headers from clients
» Can also help with scalability (load balancers) – Server refresh – HTML “META Refresh tag”
» Must handle “sessions” (e.g., banking/e-commerce) causes periodic client poll
• What is the polling frequency for clients and
• Initial version: no caching servers?
– Didn’t scale well – easy to overload servers – Could be adaptive based upon a page’s age and its
rate of change
• Server load is still significant!

11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.23 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.24
WWW Proxy Caches Conclusion
• Remote Procedure Call (RPC): Call procedure on remote
• Place caches in the network to reduce server load machine
– But, increases latency in lightly loaded case – Provides same interface as procedure
– Automatic packing and unpacking of arguments without
– Caches near servers called “reverse proxy caches” user programming (in stub)
» Offloads busy server machines • VFS: Virtual File System layer
– Caches at the “edges” of the network called “content – Provides mechanism which gives same system call interface
for different types of file systems
distribution networks”
• Distributed File System:
» Offloads servers and reduce client latency – Transparent access to files stored on a remote disk
• Challenges: » NFS: Network File System
» AFS: Andrew File System
– Caching static traffic easy, but only ~40% of traffic – Caching for performance
– Dynamic and multimedia is harder • Cache Consistency: Keeping contents of client caches
» Multimedia is a big win: Megabytes versus Kilobytes consistent with one another
– If multiple clients, some reading and some writing, how do
– Same cache consistency problems as before stale cached copies get updated?
• Caching is changing the Internet architecture – NFS: check periodically for changes
– AFS: clients register callbacks so can be notified by
– Places functionality at higher levels of comm. protocols server of changes
11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.25 11/24/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 24.26
Review: RPC Information Flow

CS162 bundle
Operating Systems and args
call send
Systems Programming Client Client Packet
Lecture 25 (caller)
unbundle mbox2
ret vals
Protection and Security Machine A

in Distributed Systems Machine B
ret vals mbox1
November 29, 2010 return send
Server Server Packet
Prof. John Kubiatowicz (callee) Stub Handler
call receive
http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs162 unbundle

11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.2

Review: Distributed File Systems Goals for Today

Read File
Network • Security Mechanisms
– Authentication
Client – Authorization
• VFS: Virtual File System layer – Enforcement
– Provides mechanism which gives same system call interface • Cryptographic Mechanisms
for different types of file systems
• Distributed File System:
– Transparent access to files stored on a remote disk
» NFS: Network File System
» AFS: Andrew File System
– Caching for performance
• Cache Consistency: Keeping contents of client caches
consistent with one another
– If multiple clients, some reading and some writing, how do
stale cached copies get updated? Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
– NFS: check periodically for changes adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
– AFS: clients register callbacks so can be notified by
server of changes Many slides generated from my lecture notes by Kubiatowicz.
11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.3 11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.4
Protection vs Security Preventing Misuse
• Protection: one or more mechanisms for controlling the • Types of Misuse:
access of programs, processes, or users to resources – Accidental:
» If I delete shell, can’t log in to fix it!
– Page Table Mechanism » Could make it more difficult by asking: “do you really want
– File Access Mechanism to delete the shell?”
• Security: use of protection mechanisms to prevent – Intentional:
» Some high school brat who can’t get a date, so instead he
misuse of resources transfers $3 billion from B to A.
– Misuse defined with respect to policy » Doesn’t help to ask if they want to do it (of course!)
» E.g.: prevent exposure of certain sensitive information • Three Pieces to Security
» E.g.: prevent unauthorized modification/deletion of data – Authentication: who the user actually is
– Requires consideration of the external environment – Authorization: who is allowed to do what
within which the system operates – Enforcement: make sure people do only what they are
» Most well-constructed system cannot protect information supposed to do
if user accidentally reveals password • Loopholes in any carefully constructed system:
• What we hope to gain today and next time – Log in as superuser and you’ve circumvented
– Conceptual understanding of how to make systems secure – Log in as self and can do anything with your resources;
– Some examples, to illustrate why providing security is for instance: run program that erases all of your files
really hard in practice – Can you trust software to correctly enforce
Authentication and Authorization?????
11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.5 11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.6

Authentication: Identifying Users Passwords: Secrecy

• System must keep copy of secret to “eggplant”
• How to identify users to the system? check against passwords
– Passwords
– What if malicious user gains access to list
» Shared secret between two parties of passwords?
» Since only user knows password, someone types correct » Need to obscure information somehow
password  must be user typing it
» Very common technique – Mechanism: utilize a transformation that is difficult to
reverse without the right key (e.g. encryption)
– Smart Cards
» Electronics embedded in card capable of
• Example: UNIX /etc/passwd file
providing long passwords or satisfying – passwdone way transform(hash)encrypted passwd
challenge  response queries – System stores only encrypted version, so OK even if
» May have display to allow reading of password someone reads the file!
» Or can be plugged in directly; several – When you type in your password, system compares
credit cards now in this category encrypted version
– Biometrics • Problem: Can you trust encryption algorithm?
» Use of one or more intrinsic physical or
behavioral traits to identify someone – Example: one algorithm thought safe had back door
» Examples: fingerprint reader, » Governments want back door so they can snoop
palm reader, retinal scan – Also, security through obscurity doesn’t work
» Becoming quite a bit more common » GSM encryption algorithm was secret; accidentally released;
11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.7 11/29/10
Berkeley grad Kubiatowicz
cracked in a few hours
©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.8
Passwords: How easy to guess? Passwords: Making harder to crack
• Ways of Compromising Passwords • How can we make passwords harder to crack?
– Password Guessing: – Can’t make it impossible, but can help
» Often people use obvious information like birthday,
favorite color, girlfriend’s name, etc… • Technique 1: Extend everyone’s password with a unique
– Dictionary Attack: number (stored in password file)
» Work way through dictionary and compare encrypted – Called “salt”. UNIX uses 12-bit “salt”, making dictionary
version of dictionary words with entries in /etc/passwd attacks 4096 times harder
– Dumpster Diving: – Without salt, would be possible to pre-compute all the
» Find pieces of paper with passwords written on them words in the dictionary hashed with the UNIX algorithm:
» (Also used to get social-security numbers, etc) would make comparing with /etc/passwd easy!
• Paradox: – Also, way that salt is combined with password designed to
– Short passwords are easy to crack frustrate use of off-the-shelf DES hardware
– Long ones, people write down! • Technique 2: Require more complex passwords
• Technology means we have to use longer passwords – Make people use at least 8-character passwords with
– UNIX initially required lowercase, 5-letter passwords: upper-case, lower-case, and numbers
total of 265=10million passwords » 708=6x1014=6million seconds=69 days@0.01μs/check
» In 1975, 10ms to check a password1 day to crack
» In 2005, .01μs to check a password0.1 seconds to crack – Unfortunately, people still pick common patterns
– Takes less time to check for all words in the dictionary! » e.g. Capitalize first letter of common word, add one digit

11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.9 11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.10

Passwords: Making harder to crack (con’t) Administrivia

• Technique 3: Delay checking of passwords
– If attacker doesn’t have access to /etc/passwd, delay
every remote login attempt by 1 second
– Makes it infeasible for rapid-fire dictionary attack
• Technique 4: Assign very long passwords
– Long passwords or pass-phrases can have more entropy
(randomnessharder to crack)
– Give everyone a smart card (or ATM card) to carry around
to remember password
» Requires physical theft to steal password
» Can require PIN from user before authenticates self
– Better: have smartcard generate pseudorandom number
» Client and server share initial seed
» Each second/login attempt advances to next random number
• Technique 5: “Zero-Knowledge Proof”
– Require a series of challenge-response questions
» Distribute secret algorithm to user
» Server presents a number, say “5”; user computes something
from the number and returns answer to server
» Server never asks same “question” twice
– Often performed by smartcard plugged into system
11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.11 11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.12
Authentication in Distributed Systems Private Key Cryptography
• What if identity must be established across network? • Private Key (Symmetric) Encryption:
– Single key used for both encryption and decryption
• Plaintext: Unencrypted Version of message
• Ciphertext: Encrypted Version of message

PASS: gina
Encrypt Decrypt

– Need way to prevent exposure of information while still SPY (ciphertext) CIA
proving identity to remote system Key Key
– Many of the original UNIX tools sent passwords over the • Important properties
wire “in clear text”
– Can’t derive plain text from ciphertext (decode) without
» E.g.: telnet, ftp, yp (yellow pages, for distributed login) access to key
» Result: Snooping programs widespread
– Can’t derive key from plain text and ciphertext
• What do we need? Cannot rely on physical security! – As long as password stays secret, get both secrecy and
– Encryption: Privacy, restrict receivers authentication
– Authentication: Remote Authenticity, restrict senders • Symmetric Key Algorithms: DES, Triple-DES, AES
11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.13 11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.14

Key Distribution Authentication Server Continued [Kerberos]

• How do you get shared secret to both places? Key
– For instance: how do you send authenticated, secret mail
to someone who you have never met? Server
– Must negotiate key over private channel
» Exchange code book Ticket
» Key cards/memory stick/others
• Third Party: Authentication Server (like Kerberos) Secure Communication
– Notation: • Details
» Kxy is key for talking between x and y – Both A and B use passwords (shared with key server) to
» (…)K means encrypt message (…) with the key K decrypt return from key servers
» Clients: A and B, Authentication server S
– A asks server for key: – Add in timestamps to limit how long tickets will be used
to prevent attacker from replaying messages later
» AS: [Hi! I’d like a key for talking between A and B]
» Not encrypted. Others can find out if A and B are talking – Also have to include encrypted checksums (hashed
– Server returns session key encrypted using B’s key version of message) to prevent malicious user from
» SA: Message [ Use Kab (This is A! Use Kab)Ksb ] Ksa inserting things into messages/changing messages
» This allows A to know, “S said use this key” – Want to minimize # times A types in password
– Whenever A wants to talk with B » AS (Give me temporary secret)
» AB: Ticket [ This is A! Use Kab ]Ksb » SA (Use Ktemp-sa for next 8 hours)Ksa
» Now, B knows that Kab is sanctioned by S » Can now use Ktemp-sa in place of Ksa in prototcol
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Public Key Encryption Public Key Encryption Details
• Can we perform key distribution without an • Idea: Kpublic can be made public, keep Kprivate private
authentication server?
Insecure Channel
– Yes. Use a Public-Key Cryptosystem.
• Public Key Details
– Don’t have one key, have two: Kpublic, Kprivate Bpublic Bprivate
» Two keys are mathematically related to one another Aprivate Apublic
» Really hard to derive Kpublic from Kprivate and vice versa
– Forward encryption: Alice Insecure Channel Bob
» Encrypt: (cleartext)Kpublic= ciphertext1
» Decrypt: (ciphertext1)Kprivate = cleartext • Gives message privacy (restricted receiver):
– Reverse encryption: – Public keys (secure destination points) can be acquired
» Encrypt: (cleartext)Kprivate = ciphertext2 by anyone/used by anyone
» Decrypt: (ciphertext2)Kpublic = cleartext – Only person with private key can decrypt message
– Note that ciphertext1  ciphertext2 • What about authentication?
» Can’t derive one from the other!
– Use combination of private and public key
• Public Key Examples:
– AliceBob: [(I’m Alice)Aprivate Rest of message]Bpublic
– RSA: Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman
» Kpublic of form (kpublic, N), Kprivate of form (kprivate, N) – Provides restricted sender and receiver
» N = pq. Can break code if know p and q • But: how does Alice know that it was Bob who sent
– ECC: Elliptic Curve Cryptography her Bpublic? And vice versa…
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Secure Hash Function Use of Hash Functions

DFCD3454BBEA788A • Several Standard Hash Functions:
Fox 751A696C24D97009
– MD5: 128-bit output
– SHA-1: 160-bit output, SHA-256: 256-bit output
The red fox
runs across
• Can we use hashing to securely reduce load on server?
the ice Function – Yes. Use a series of insecure mirror servers (caches)

• Hash Function: Short summary of data (message) – First, ask server for digest of desired file
– For instance, h1=H(M1) is the hash of message M1 » Use secure channel with server
» h1 fixed length, despite size of message M1. – Then ask mirror server for file
» Often, h1 is called the “digest” of M1. » Can be insecure channel
• Hash function H is considered secure if » Check digest of result and catch faulty or malicious mirrors
– It is infeasible to find M2 with h1=H(M2); ie. can’t easily File X
find other message with same digest as given message. Read X Insecure
– It is infeasible to locate two messages, m1 and m2, Mirror
which “collide”, i.e. for which H(m1) = H(m2) File X
– A small change in a message changes many bits of
digest/can’t tell anything about message given its hash Read File X
Here is hx = H(X)

11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.19 11/29/10 Client Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Server Lec 25.20
Signatures/Certificate Authorities Security through SSL
• Can use Xpublic for person X to define their identity nc
– Presumably they are the only ones who know Xprivate. • SSL Web Protocol ns,certs
– Often, we think of Xpublic as a “principle” (user) – Port 443: secure http
– Use public-key encryption (pms)Ks
• Suppose we want X to sign message M? for key-distribution
– Use private key to encrypt the digest, i.e. H(M)Xprivate • Server has a certificate signed by certificate authority
– Send both M and its signature:
» Signed message = [M,H(M)Xprivate] – Contains server info (organization, IP address, etc)
– Now, anyone can verify that M was signed by X – Also contains server’s public key and expiration date
» Simply decrypt the digest with Xpublic • Establishment of Shared, 48-byte “master secret”
» Verify that result matches H(M) – Client sends 28-byte random value nc to server
• Now: How do we know that the version of Xpublic that – Server returns its own 28-byte random value ns, plus its
we have is really from X??? certificate certs
– Answer: Certificate Authority – Client verifies certificate by checking with public key of
» Examples: Verisign, Entrust, Etc. certificate authority compiled into browser
– X goes to organization, presents identifying papers
» Organization signs X’s key: [ Xpublic, H(Xpublic)CAprivate] » Also check expiration date
» Called a “Certificate” – Client picks 46-byte “premaster” secret (pms), encrypts
– Before we use Xpublic, ask X for certificate verifying key it with public key of server, and sends to server
» Check that signature over Xpublic produced by trusted – Now, both server and client have nc, ns, and pms
authority » Each can compute 48-byte master secret using one-way
• How do we get keys of certificate authority? and collision-resistant function on three values
– Compiled into your browser, for instance! » Random “nonces” nc and ns make sure master secret fresh
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Recall: Authorization: Who Can Do What? How fine-grained should access control be?
• How do we decide who is authorized • Example of the problem:
to do actions in the system? – Suppose you buy a copy of a new game from “Joe’s Game
• Access Control Matrix: contains World” and then run it.
all permissions in the system – It’s running with your userid
– Resources across top » It removes all the files you own, including the project due
» Files, Devices, etc… the next day…
– Domains in columns • How can you prevent this?
» A domain might be a user or a – Have to run the program under some userid.
group of permissions
» E.g. above: User D3 can read F2 or execute F3 » Could create a second games userid for the user, which
– In practice, table would be huge and sparse! has no write privileges.
• Two approaches to implementation » Like the “nobody” userid in UNIX – can’t do much
– Access Control Lists: store permissions with each object – But what if the game needs to write out a file recording
» Still might be lots of users! scores?
» UNIX limits each file to: r,w,x for owner, group, world » Would need to give write privileges to one particular file
» More recent systems allow definition of groups of users (or directory) to your games userid.
and permissions for each group – But what about non-game programs you want to use,
– Capability List: each process tracks objects has such as Quicken?
permission to touch » Now you need to create your own private quicken userid, if
» Popular in the past, idea out of favor today you want to make sure tha the copy of Quicken you bought
» Consider page table: Each process has list of pages it has can’t corrupt non-quicken-related files
access to, not each page has list of processes … – But – how to get this right??? Pretty complex…
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Authorization Continued How to perform Authorization for Distributed Systems?
• Principle of least privilege: programs, users, and
systems should get only enough privileges to perform
their tasks Different
– Very hard to do in practice Authorization
» How do you figure out what the minimum set of privileges Domains
is needed to run your programs?
– People often run at higher privilege then necessary
» Such as the “administrator” privilege under windows • Issues: Are all user names in world unique?
• One solution: Signed Software – No! They only have small number of characters
– Only use software from sources that you trust, thereby » kubi@mit.edu  kubitron@lcs.mit.edu 
dealing with the problem by means of authentication kubitron@cs.berkeley.edu
– Fine for big, established firms such as Microsoft, since » However, someone thought their friend was kubi@mit.edu
they can make their signing keys well known and people and I got very private email intended for someone else…
trust them – Need something better, more unique to identify person
» Actually, not always fine: recently, one of Microsoft’s • Suppose want to connect with any server at any time?
signing keys was compromised, leading to malicious – Need an account on every machine! (possibly with
software that looked valid different user name for each account)
– What about new startups? – OR: Need to use something more universal as identity
» Who “validates” them? » Public Keys! (Called “Principles”)
» How easy is it to fool them? » People are their public keys
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Distributed Access Control Analysis of Previous Scheme

Access Control List (ACL) for X: • Positive Points:
File X ACL verifier – Identities checked via signatures and public keys
Owner Key: Hash, Timestamp, R: Key: 0x546DFEFA34… » Client can’t generate request for data unless they have
0x22347EF… Signature (owner) RW: Key: 0x467D34EF83… private key to go with their public identity
RX: Group Key: 0xA2D3498672… » Server won’t use ACLs not properly signed by owner of file
Server 1: Domain 2 – No problems with multiple domains, since identities
designed to be cross-domain (public keys domain neutral)


• Revocation:
Client 1 Group ACL: – What if someone steals your private key?
Domain 1 GACL verifier » Need to walk through all ACLs with your key and change…!
Hash, Timestamp,
Key: 0xA786EF889A…
» This is very expensive
Signature (group) Key: 0x6647DBC9AC… – Better to have unique string identifying you that people
Server 2: Domain 3 place into ACLs
» Then, ask Certificate Authority to give you a certificate
• Distributed Access Control List (ACL) matching unique string to your current public key
– Contains list of attributes (Read, Write, Execute, etc) » Client Request: (request + unique ID)Cprivate; give server
with attached identities (Here, we show public keys) certificate if they ask for it.
» ACLs signed by owner of file, only changeable by owner » Key compromisemust distribute “certificate revocation”,
» Group lists signed by group key since can’t wait for previous certificate to expire.
– ACLs can be on different servers than data – What if you remove someone from ACL of a given file?
» Signatures allow us to validate them » If server caches old ACL, then person retains access!
» ACLs could even be stored separately from verifiers » Here, cache inconsistency leads to security violations!
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• User Identification
– Passwords/Smart Cards/Biometrics
• Passwords
– Encrypt them to help hid them
– Force them to be longer/not amenable to dictionary attack
– Use zero-knowledge request-response techniques
• Distributed identity
– Use cryptography
• Symmetrical (or Private Key) Encryption
– Single Key used to encode and decode
– Introduces key-distribution problem
• Public-Key Encryption
– Two keys: a public key and a private key
• Secure Hash Function
– Used to summarize data
– Hard to find another block of data with same hash

11/29/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 25.29

Review: Use of Hash Functions
• Several Standard Hash Functions:
CS162 – MD5: 128-bit output
Operating Systems and – SHA-1: 160-bit output, SHA-256: 256-bit output
Systems Programming • Can we use hashing to securely reduce load on server?
Lecture 26 – Yes. Use a series of insecure mirror servers (caches)
– First, ask server for digest of desired file
» Use secure channel with server
Protection and Security II, – Then ask mirror server for file
ManyCore Operating Systems » Can be insecure channel
» Check digest of result and catch faulty or malicious mirrors
File X
December 1, 2010 Read X Insecure
Prof. John Kubiatowicz Mirror
File X
Read File X
Here is hx = H(X)

12/01/10 Client Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Server Lec 26.2

Review: Public Key Encryption Details Goals for Today

• Idea: Kpublic can be made public, keep Kprivate private
Insecure Channel • Use of Cryptographic Mechanisms
• Distributed Authorization/Remote Storage
Bpublic Bprivate
Aprivate Apublic • Worms and Viruses
• ManyCore operating systems
Alice Insecure Channel Bob
• Gives message privacy (restricted receiver):
– Public keys can be acquired by anyone/used by anyone
– Only person with private key can decrypt message
• What about authentication?
– AliceBob: [(I’m Alice)Aprivate Rest of message]Bpublic
– Provides restricted sender and receiver
• Suppose we want X to sign message M?
– Use private key to encrypt the digest, i.e. H(M)Xprivate
Note: Some slides and/or pictures in the following are
– Send both M and its signature: [M,H(M)Xprivate]
adapted from slides ©2005 Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne.
– Now, anyone can verify that M was signed by X
» Simply decrypt the digest with Xpublic Also, slides on Taint Tracking adapted from Nickolai Zeldovich
» Verify that result matches H(M)
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Recall: Authorization: Who Can Do What? How to perform Authorization for Distributed Systems?
• How do we decide who is authorized
to do actions in the system?
• Access Control Matrix: contains Different
all permissions in the system Authorization
– Resources across top
» Files, Devices, etc… Domains
– Domains in columns
» A domain might be a user or a
group of permissions • Issues: Are all user names in world unique?
» E.g. above: User D3 can read F2 or execute F3 – No! They only have small number of characters
– In practice, table would be huge and sparse! » kubi@mit.edu  kubitron@lcs.mit.edu 
• Two approaches to implementation kubitron@cs.berkeley.edu
– Access Control Lists: store permissions with each object » However, someone thought their friend was kubi@mit.edu
» Still might be lots of users! and I got very private email intended for someone else…
» UNIX limits each file to: r,w,x for owner, group, world – Need something better, more unique to identify person
» More recent systems allow definition of groups of users
and permissions for each group • Suppose want to connect with any server at any time?
– Capability List: each process tracks objects has – Need an account on every machine! (possibly with
permission to touch different user name for each account)
» Popular in the past, idea out of favor today – OR: Need to use something more universal as identity
» Consider page table: Each process has list of pages it has » Public Keys! (Called “Principles”)
access to, not each page has list of processes … » People are their public keys
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Distributed Access Control Analysis of Previous Scheme

Access Control List (ACL) for X: • Positive Points:
File X ACL verifier – Identities checked via signatures and public keys
Owner Key: Hash, Timestamp, R: Key: 0x546DFEFA34… » Client can’t generate request for data unless they have
0x22347EF… Signature (owner) RW: Key: 0x467D34EF83… private key to go with their public identity
RX: Group Key: 0xA2D3498672… » Server won’t use ACLs not properly signed by owner of file
Server 1: Domain 2 – No problems with multiple domains, since identities
designed to be cross-domain (public keys domain neutral)


• Revocation:
Client 1 Group ACL: – What if someone steals your private key?
Domain 1 GACL verifier » Need to walk through all ACLs with your key and change…!
Hash, Timestamp,
Key: 0xA786EF889A…
» This is very expensive
Signature (group) Key: 0x6647DBC9AC… – Better to have unique string identifying you that people
Server 2: Domain 3 place into ACLs
» Then, ask Certificate Authority to give you a certificate
• Distributed Access Control List (ACL) matching unique string to your current public key
– Contains list of attributes (Read, Write, Execute, etc) » Client Request: (request + unique ID)Cprivate; give server
with attached identities (Here, we show public keys) certificate if they ask for it.
» ACLs signed by owner of file, only changeable by owner » Key compromisemust distribute “certificate revocation”,
» Group lists signed by group key since can’t wait for previous certificate to expire.
– ACLs can be on different servers than data – What if you remove someone from ACL of a given file?
» Signatures allow us to validate them » If server caches old ACL, then person retains access!
» ACLs could even be stored separately from verifiers » Here, cache inconsistency leads to security violations!
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Analysis Continued Administrivia
• Who signs the data?
– Or: How does client know they are getting valid data?
– Signed by server?
» What if server compromised? Should client trust server?
– Signed by owner of file?
» Better, but now only owner can update file!
» Pretty inconvenient!
– Signed by group of servers that accepted latest update?
» If must have signatures from all servers  Safe, but one
bad server can prevent update from happening
» Instead: ask for a threshold number of signatures
» Byzantine agreement can help here
• How do you know that data is up-to-date?
– Valid signature only means data is valid older version
– Freshness attack:
» Malicious server returns old data instead of recent data
» Problem with both ACLs and data
» E.g.: you just got a raise, but enemy breaks into a server
and prevents payroll from seeing latest version of update
– Hard problem
» Needs to be fixed by invalidating old copies or having a
trusted group of servers (Byzantine Agrement?)
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Involuntary Installation Enforcement

• What about software loaded without your consent? • Enforcer checks passwords, ACLs, etc
– Macros attached to documents (such as Microsoft Word) – Makes sure the only authorized actions take place
– Active X controls (programs on web sites with potential – Bugs in enforcerthings for malicious users to exploit
access to whole machine) • In UNIX, superuser can do anything
– Spyware included with normal products – Because of coarse-grained access control, lots of stuff
• Active X controls can have access to the local machine has to run as superuser in order to work
– Install software/Launch programs – If there is a bug in any one of these programs, you lose!
• Sony Spyware [Sony XCP] (October 2005) • Paradox
– About 50 CDs from Sony automatically installed software – Bullet-proof enforcer
when you played them on Windows machines » Only known way is to make enforcer as small as possible
» Called XCP (Extended Copy Protection) » Easier to make correct, but simple-minded protection model
» Modify operating system to prevent more than 3 copies – Fancy protection
and to prevent peer-to-peer sharing » Tries to adhere to principle of least privilege
– Side Effects: » Really hard to get right
» Reporting of private information to Sony • Same argument for Java or C++: What do you make
» Hiding of generic file names of form $sys_xxx; easy for private vs public?
other virus writers to exploit
» Hard to remove (crashes machine if not done carefully) – Hard to make sure that code is usable but only necessary
modules are public
– Vendors of virus protection software declare it spyware
» Computer Associates, Symantec, even Microsoft – Pick something in middle? Get bugs and weak protection!
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State of the World Other Security Problems
• State of the World in Security • Virus:
– Authentication: Encryption – A piece of code that attaches itself to a program or file
» But almost no one encrypts or has public key identity so it can spread from one computer to another, leaving
– Authorization: Access Control infections as it travels
» But many systems only provide very coarse-grained access – Most attached to executable files, so don’t get
» In UNIX, need to turn off protection to enable sharing activated until the file is actually executed
– Enforcement: Kernel mode – Once caught, can hide in boot tracks, other files, OS
» Hard to write a million line program without bugs • Worm:
» Any bug is a potential security loophole!
– Similar to a virus, but capable of traveling on its own
• Some types of security problems – Takes advantage of file or information transport
– Abuse of privilege features
» If the superuser is evil, we’re all in trouble/can’t do anything – Because it can replicate itself, your computer might send
» What if sysop in charge of instructional resources went out hundreds or thousands of copies of itself
crazy and deleted everybody’s files (and backups)???
– Imposter: Pretend to be someone else • Trojan Horse:
» Example: in unix, can set up an .rhosts file to allow logins – Named after huge wooden horse in Greek mythology
from one machine to another without retyping password given as gift to enemy; contained army inside
» Allows “rsh” command to do an operation on a remote node – At first glance appears to be useful software but does
» Result: send rsh request, pretending to be from trusted damage once installed or run on your computer
userinstall .rhosts file granting you access
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Security Problems: Buffer-overflow Condition The Morris Internet Worm

#define BUFFER SIZE 256 • Internet worm (Self-reproducing)
int process(int argc,
char *argv[]) – Author Robert Morris, a first-year Cornell grad student
{ – Launched close of Workday on November 2, 1988
char buffer[BUFFER SIZE];
if (argc < 2) – Within a few hours of release, it consumed resources to
return -1; the point of bringing down infected machines
else {
return 0;
} Before attack After attack
• Technique exploited by many network attacks
– Anytime input comes from network request and is not
checked for size • Techniques
– Allows execution of code with same privileges as running – Exploited UNIX networking features (remote access)
program – but happens without any action from user!
– Bugs in finger (buffer overflow) and sendmail programs
• How to prevent? (debug mode allowed remote login)
– Don’t code this way! (ok, wishful thinking)
– New mode bits in Intel, Amd, and Sun processors – Dictionary lookup-based password cracking
» Put in page table; says “don’t execute code in this page” – Grappling hook program uploaded main worm program
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Some other Attacks Timing Attacks: Tenex Password Checking
• Trojan Horse Example: Fake Login
– Construct a program that looks like normal login program • Tenex – early 70’s, BBN
– Gives “login:” and “password:” prompts – Most popular system at universities before UNIX
» You type information, it sends password to someone, then
either logs you in or says “Permission Denied” and exits – Thought to be very secure, gave “red team” all the
– In Windows, the “ctrl-alt-delete” sequence is supposed to source code and documentation (want code to be
be really hard to change, so you “know” that you are publicly available, as in UNIX)
getting official login program – In 48 hours, they figured out how to get every
• Salami attack: Slicing things a little at a time password in the system
– Steal or corrupt something a little bit at a time
– E.g.: What happens to partial pennies from bank interest? • Here’s the code for the password check:
» Bank keeps them! Hacker re-programmed system so that for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
partial pennies would go into his account.
» Doesn’t seem like much, but if you are large bank can be if (userPasswd[i] != realPasswd[i])
millions of dollars go to error
• Eavesdropping attack • How many combinations of passwords?
– Tap into network and see everything typed
– Catch passwords, etc – 2568?
– Lesson: never use unencrypted communication! – Wrong!
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Defeating Password Checking ManyCore Chips: The future is here (for EVERYONE)
• Intel 80-core multicore chip (Feb 2007)
• Tenex used VM, and it interacts badly with the above code
– 80 simple cores
– Key idea: force page faults at inopportune times to break
– Two floating point engines /core
passwords quickly
– Mesh-like "network-on-a-chip“
• Arrange 1st char in string to be last char in pg, rest on next pg
– 100 million transistors
– Then arrange for pg with 1st char to be in memory, and rest – 65nm feature size
to be on disk (e.g., ref lots of other pgs, then ref 1st page)
a|aaaaaa • “ManyCore” refers to many processors/chip
| – 64? 128? Hard to say exact boundary
page in memory| page on disk • Question: How can ManyCore change our view of OSs?
• Time password check to determine if first character is correct! – ManyCore is a challenge
– If fast, 1st char is wrong » Need to be able to take advantage of parallelism
– If slow, 1st char is right, pg fault, one of the others wrong » Must utilize many processors somehow
– So try all first characters, until one is slow – ManyCore is an opportunity
– Repeat with first two characters in memory, rest on disk » Manufacturers are desperate to figure out how to program
• Only 256 * 8 attempts to crack passwords » Willing to change many things: hardware, software, etc.
– Fix is easy, don’t stop until you look at all the characters – Can we improve: security, responsiveness, programmability?
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PARLab OS Goals: RAPPidS The Problem with Current OSs
• Responsiveness: Meets real-time guarantees • What is wrong with current Operating Systems?
– Good user experience with UI expected – They do not allow expression of application requirements
– Illusion of Rapid I/O while still providing guarantees » Minimal Frame Rate, Minimal Memory Bandwidth, Minimal QoS
– Real-Time applications (speech, music, video) will be assumed from system Services, Real Time Constraints, …
• Agility: Can deal with rapidly changing environment » No clean interfaces for reflecting these requirements
– Programs not completely assembled until runtime – They do not provide guarantees that applications can use
– User may request complex mix of services at moment’s notice » They do not provide performance isolation
– Resources change rapidly (bandwidth, power, etc) » Resources can be removed or decreased without permission
• Power-Efficiency: Efficient power-performance tradeoffs » Maximum response time to events cannot be characterized
– Application-Specific parallel scheduling on Bare Metal – They do not provide fully custom scheduling
» In a parallel programming environment, ideal scheduling can depend
– Explicitly parallel, power-aware OS service architecture crucially on the programming model
• Persistence: User experience persists across device failures
– They do not provide sufficient Security or Correctness
– Fully integrated with persistent storage infrastructures
» Monolithic Kernels get compromised all the time
– Customizations not be lost on “reboot”
» Applications cannot express domains of trust within themselves
• Security and Correctness: Must be hard to compromise without using a heavyweight process model
– Untrusted and/or buggy components handled gracefully
• The advent of ManyCore both:
– Combination of verification and isolation at many levels
– Privacy, Integrity, Authenticity of information asserted – Exacerbates the above with greater number of shared resources
– Provides an opportunity to change the fundamental model
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A First Step: Two Level Scheduling Important New Mechanism: Spatial Partitioning
Resource Allocation
CPU and Resource Two-Level Scheduling
Application Specific
Scheduling • Spatial Partition: group of processors acting within
hardware boundary
• Split monolithic scheduling into two pieces: – Boundaries are “hard”, communication between partitions controlled
– Course-Grained Resource Allocation and Distribution – Anything goes within partition
» Chunks of resources (CPUs, Memory Bandwidth, QoS to Services) • Each Partition receives a vector of resources
distributed to application (system) components – Some number of dedicated processors
» Option to simply turn off unused resources (Important for Power) – Some set of dedicated resources (exclusive access)
» Complete access to certain hardware devices
– Fine-Grained Application-Specific Scheduling » Dedicated raw storage partition
» Applications are allowed to utilize their resources in any way – Some guaranteed fraction of other resources (QoS guarantee):
they see fit » Memory bandwidth, Network bandwidth
» Other components of the system cannot interfere with their use » fractional services from other partitions
of resources • Key Idea: Resource Isolation Between Partitions
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Tessellation: The Exploded OS OS as Distributed System
• Normal Components split
into pieces
– Device drivers Secure
Firewall (Security/Reliability) Gang
Device Channel
Virus – Network Services Secure
Large Compute-Bound Intrusion (Performance) Secure Channel
Application » TCP/IP stack Channel
Monitor » Firewall Individual
And » Virus Checking • Use lessons from from Large Distributed Systems Partition
Adapt » Intrusion Detection – Like Peer-to-Peer on chip
Video & – Persistent Storage – OS is a set of independent interacting components
Real-Time (Performance, – Shared state across components minimized
Window Security, Reliability)
Drivers • Component-based design:
– Monitoring services
– All applications designed with pieces from many sources

Persistent HCI/ » Performance counters

Device » Introspection – Requires composition: Performance, Interfaces, Security
Storage & Voice
Drivers – Identity/Environment • Spatial Partitioning Advantages:
File System Rec
services (Security) – Protection of computing resources not required within partition
» Biometric, GPS, » High walls between partitions  anything goes within partition
Possession Tracking » “Bare Metal” access to hardware resources
• Applications Given – Partitions exist simultaneously  fast communication between domains
Larger Partitions » Applications split into distrusting partitions w/ controlled communication
– Freedom to use » Hardware acceleration/tagging for fast secure messaging
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Lec 26.25 12/01/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 26.26

It’s all about the communication Space-Time Partitioning

• We are interested in communication for many reasons:

– Communication represents a security vulnerability
– Quality of Service (QoS) boils down message tracking
– Communication efficiency impacts decomposability Time
• Shared components complicate resource isolation:
– Need distributed mechanism for tracking and accounting
of resource usage • Spatial Partitioning Varies over Time
– Partitioning adapts to needs of the system
» E.g.: How do we guarantee that each partition gets a – Some partitions persist, others change with time
guaranteed fraction of the service: – Further, Partititions can be Time Multiplexed
» Services (i.e. file system), device drivers, hard realtime partitions
Application A » User-level schedulers may time-multiplex threads within partition
• Global Partitioning Goals:
– Power-performance tradeoffs
Shared File Service – Setup to achieve QoS and/or Responsiveness guarantees
– Isolation of real-time partitions for better guarantees
Application B • Monitoring and Adaptation
– Integration of performance/power/efficiency counters
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Another Look: Two-Level Scheduling Space-Time Resource Graph
• First Level: Gross partitioning of resources
– Goals: Power Budget, Overall Responsiveness/QoS, Security
Cell 1
– Partitioning of CPUs, Memory, Interrupts, Devices, other
resources Resources: Cell 3
– Constant for sufficient period of time to: 4 Proc, 50% time
» Amortize cost of global decision making 1GB network BW
» Allow time for partition-level scheduling to be effective 25% File Server
– Hard boundaries  interference-free use of resources Cell 2
• Second Level: Application-Specific Scheduling Cell 3
– Goals: Performance, Real-time Behavior, Responsiveness,
Predictability Protection Domains
– CPU scheduling tuned to specific applications • Space-Time resource graph: the explicit instantiation of
– Resources distributed in application-specific fashion resource assignments
– External events (I/O, active messages, etc) deferrable as – Directed Arrows Express Parent/Child Spawning Relationship
appropriate – All resources have a Space/Time component
• Justifications for two-level scheduling? » E.g. X Processors/fraction of time, or Y Bytes/Sec
– Global/cross-app decisions made by 1st level • What does it mean to give resources to a Cell?
» E.g. Save power by focusing I/O handling to smaller # of cores
– App-scheduler (2nd level) better tuned to application – The Cell has a position in the Space-Time resource graph and
» Lower overhead/better match to app than global scheduler – The resources are added to the cell’s resource label
» No global scheduler could handle all applications – Resources cannot be taken away except via explicit APIs
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Implementing the Space-Time Graph Tessellation Architecture

• Partition Policy layer (allocation)
– Allocates Resources to Cells Partition Policy Layer
based (Resource Allocator) Application
Library OS Custom
on Global policies Reflects Global Goals Functionality Or Scheduler
– Produces only implementable OS Service
space-time resource graphs Partition
Sched Res.
– May deny resources to a cell that Comm.
requests them (admission control) Reqs. Reqs Reqs.
Callback API
• Mapping layer (distribution)
Space-Time Resource Graph
– Makes no decisions Partition

Partition Partition
– Time-Slices at a course Management
granularity Scheduler Allocator

Mapping Layer (Resource Distributer) Layer
– performs bin-packing like to
implement space-time graph Partition
Configure Partition Configure
– In limit of many processors, no Mechanism
Resources enforced by HW-supported
time multiplexing processors, Layer
HW at runtime Communication
merely distributing resources (Trusted)
• Partition Mechanism Layer
Interconnect Message Physical Performance
– Implements hardware partitions Partition Mechanism Layer Cache CPUs
and secure channels Bandwidth Passing Memory Counters
ParaVirtualized Hardware
– Device Dependent: Makes use of Hardware Partitioning Mechanisms
more or less hardware support for To Support Partitions
QoS and Partitions Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010
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Example of Music Application Conclusion
• Distributed identity
Music program – Use cryptography (Public Key, Signed by PKI)
• Distributed storage example
Audio-processing / Synthesis Engine
– Revocation: How to remove permissions from someone?
(Pinned/TT partition) – Integrity: How to know whether data is valid
– Freshness: How to know whether data is recent
• Buffer-Overrun Attack: exploit bug to execute code
• Space-Time Partitioning: grouping processors & resources behind
Time-sensitive hardware boundary
GUI Subsystem – Focus on Quality of Service
Input device Output device Subsystem
(Pinned/TT Partition) (Pinned/TT Partition) – Two-level scheduling
1) Global Distribution of resources
2) Application-Specific scheduling of resources
– Bare Metal Execution within partition
Network Graphical
– Composable performance, security, QoS
Service Interface
• Tessellation Paper:
(Net Partition) (GUI Partition)
– Off my “publications” page (near top):
Communication with other http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~kubitron/papers
PreliminaryKubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lecnodes
audio-processing 26.33 12/01/10 Kubiatowicz CS162 ©UCB Fall 2010 Lec 26.34

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