Hand Out 3
Hand Out 3
Hand Out 3
Lesson 3
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
Discuss the role of science and technology in the Philippine nation-building;
Evaluate government policies pertaining to science and technology in terms of their contributions
to nation-building; and
Identify actual science and technology policies of the government and appraise their impact on
the development of the Filipino nation.
The history of science and technology in the Philippines started way back before the country gained its
independence from the American colonizers.
- Science is embedded in the way of life of the people
- Technology is used by people in building houses, irrigations, and in developing tools that they
can use in everyday life.
- All these ancient practices in science and technology are considered now as indigenous science
and folk science.
- They brought with them their own culture and practices.
- They established schools for boys and girls and introduced the concept of subjects and
- Learning of science in school focuses on understanding different concepts related to the human
body, plants, animals, and heavenly bodies.
- Life during this era slowly became modernized, adapting some Western technology and their
ways of life.
- The galleon trade has brought additional technology and development in the Philippines.
- Philippines was considered to be one of the most developed places in the region.
- Although the country is blessed with these development, the superstitious beliefs of the people
and the Catholic doctrines and practices during the Spanish era halted the growth of science in
the country.
- More influence in the development of science and technology in the Philippines compared to
- They established the public education system, improved the engineering works and the health
conditions of the people.
- Established modern research university, the University of the Philippines, and created more
public hospitals
- Transportation and communication systems were improved, though not accessible throughout
the country.
- In basic education, science education focuses in nature studies and science and sanitation, until
it became a subject formally known as “Science”.
- Researches were done to control malaria, cholera, and tuberculosis and other tropical diseases
- Has destabilized the development of the country in many ways.
- Institutions and public facilities were turned into ashes, houses were burned, and many lives
were destroyed.
- The reparation money from Japan was also concentrated on building highways and providing
technological training and human resource development in the country
- The whole nation has been focusing on using its limited resources in improving its science and
technological capabilities.
- Used of ODA to help the country improve its scientific productivity and technological capability.
Internal Influences
- Survival
- Culture
- Economic activities
Development of Science
and Technology in the
External Influences
- Foreign Colonizers
- Trades with Foreign countries
- International Economic
1. Read and reflect on the suggested reading.
Caoli, Olivia. “ A History of Science and Technology of the Philippines,” in Analysis of
Conditions for National Scientific and Technological Self-Reliance: The Philippine
Situation, Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 1986
Government Documents: 1 NEDA, National Development Agenda, Regional Agenda
The Philippine government introduced and implemented several programs, projects, and
policies to boost the area of science and technology
Padilla-Concepcion (2015) reported that in 2015, in response to the ASEAN 2015 Agenda:
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), has sought the expertise of the National
Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) to consult various section in the society to study how the
Philippines can prepare itself in meeting the ASEAN 2015 goals.
The NRCP clustered these policies into 4
1. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, International Policies and Governance
• Integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without adding to the curriculum
• Emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue
• Developing school infrastructure and providing for ICT broadband
• Local food security
2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial Research, Earth and Space Sciences, and
Emphasizing degrees, licenses, and employment opportunities
Outright grants for peer monitoring
Review of R.A. 9184
Harnessing science and technology as an independent mover of development
3. Medical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ensuring compliance of drug-manufacturing firms with ASEAN-harmonized standards by
full implementation of the Food and Drug Administration
Creating an education council dedicated to standardization of pharmaceutical services and
National Goals
7. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an English scientist. His greatest work was The Origin of
Species where he discussed the theory of evolution and natural selection.
8. Marie Curie (1867-1934) is the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics. She was
awarded this prize for her discovery of radium in 1903. She discovered it with her husband Pierre
Curie and their colleague Henri Becquerel. She was also the first person to receive two Nobel
awards. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911 for isolating pure radium.
9. Louis Pastuer (1822-1895) was a French scientist who became known for his work on biological
fermentation and decay. This led to his formulation of the germ theory of disease and the
discovery of sterilization of food through the use of heat.
10. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) proposed the theory of relativity. This theory debunked the
Newtonian belief that time was absolute. Surprisingly, he won the Nobel Prize for his work on
photoelectric effect and not the theory of relativity.
1. RAMON CABANOS BARBA – outstanding research on tissue culture in Philippine mangoes
- Inventor of horticulturist, induce more flowers in mango trees using
ethnel and potassium
2. JOSEPHINO CACAS COMISO – for his works on observing the characteristics of Antarctica by
using satellite images
3. JOSE BEJAR CRUZ JR. – known internationally in the field of electrical engineering; was
elected as officer of the famous Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
4. LOURDES JUNSAY CRUZ – notable for her research on sea snail venom
- Therapeutic products for pain
5. FABIAN MILLAR DAYRIT – research on herbal medicine
6. RAFAEL DINEROS GUERO III – research on tilapia culture
7. ENRIQUE MAPUA OSTREA JR. – for inventing the meconium drug testing
- Drug testing for infants / new born
8. LILIAN FORMALEJO PATENA – for doing research on plant biotechnology
9. MARI-PANGANIBAN RUIZ – for being an outstanding educator and graph theorist
10. GREGORY LIGOT TANGONAN – for his research in the field of communications technology
- Inventor of analog messaging in sending messages using Fiber
11. CLARE R. BALTAZAR – the author of the book Philippine Insects. Her works on insects were
very useful for research on insect control. Her other scientific contributions include discovering
8 species and 1 subgenus of the insect Hymnoptera. She also discovered 108 new species of
Philippine parasitic wasps.
12. FILOMENA CAMPOS – known for her work on cotton in the Philippines. Her studies helped
develop a technology was developed within a short period – 3 years. She is also involved in
research on sunflowers as a possible source of edible oil and livestock feed (feed for cows,
goats, etc.)
13. LUZ OLIVEROS-BELARDO – a chemist and researcher. She studied essential oils that can be
collected from Philippine plants. These essential oils have many uses. They may be used as
flavoring, fragrance materials, and medicine and energy sources. She loved her work so much
that she spent 50 years of her life studying these essential oils. She was able to collect 33 new
Philippine essential oils and studied their physical and chemical properties.
14. EDUARDO A. QUISUMBING – is known for his studies in botany. He was one of the first
researchers to study Philippine medicinal plants and orchids. He wrote the book Medicinal Plants
of the Philippines, which is considered one of the first books on this area. He has also written
129 scientific articles.
15. BIENVENIDO O. JULIANO – studied the characteristics of grains and proteins and how these
affect the quality of rice. He showed that the amount of a substance called amylose determines
the quality of rice grains in Asia. The less of this substance that rice has, the less sticky it will be.
16. MELECIO S. MAGNO - is a physicist. He conducted studies on the absorption and fluorescence
spectroscopy of rare earth crystals, the effects of typhoons on atmospheric ozone, sky,
luminosity, atmospheric radiation and gravitation.
17. EMIL Q. JAVIER – is known for his very practical solutions to agricultural problems. Because
he knows that many farmers have very limited resources, he thought of practical methods of
improving crop production using cheap materials.
18. ALFREDO C. SANTOS – did research on the chemistry of the natural products and the
medicinal properties of Philippine plants. His work on herbs showed the properties of substances
in local plants. His concern for poor Filipinos who cannot afford expensive drugs spurred him to
conduct studies on local materials needed for the development of drugs.
19. GREGORIO T. VELASQUEZ – is known for his work in phycology. Phycology is the study of
algae. He devoted 30 years of his life to studying an algae called Myxophyceae. He was able to
produce 47 basic and 77 valuable scientific papers on the subject. Dr. Velasquez was also a
good educator. He taught and developed generations of good Filipino biologists, some of whom
became members of the National Academy of Science and Technology.
20. GREGORIO Y. ZARA – is noted for his contributions in engineering. His inventions are a source
of pride for us Filipinos. His inventions include the video phone, an alcohol-fueled airplane, a
solar energy absorber, an aircraft propeller that is made up entirely of wood, a wooden
microscope and semi-automatic propeller-making machine.
21. CESAR A. SALOMA – an internationally renowned physicist
- Professor of physics of NIP National Institute of Physics UP-D
22. EDGARDO GOMEZ – famous scientist in marine science
23. WILLIAM PADOLINA – chemist and president of National Academy of Science and Technology
(NAST) – Philippines.
24. ANGEL ALCALA – marine science. Known for his fieldwork to build sanctuaries and to promote
biodiversity in the aquatic ecosystems
Many of these Filipino scientists are products of good school science. It means they were
taught and inspired by great teachers. Their interests in science started to manifest during their
childhood years. Their natural environment ignited their curiosity to learn more about the natural
and physical environment. Schools and the laboratories where they studied and worked nurtured
Individual Interests in
Natural Environment
This lesson discussed the influence of science and technology in the development of the
Philippines as a country. Even before the time of Spanish colonization in the Philippines, various people
and communities already practiced science. They invented tools and built structures, studies the
medicinal uses of plants, observed heavenly bodies to predict seasons and weather, and used
indigenous science in agriculture. These are considered indigenous science, which one of the
foundations of modern science.
The growth of science and its development as a field in the country is a hybrid of indigenous
and foreign ideas. Spain and the United States, being the former colonial masters of the country, played
an important role in building the foundation of science in the Philippines. To further strengthen the
science program in the Philippines, the government establishes various science programs, policies,
and projects.
Through the years, many Filipinos were able to establish themselves as scientists and science
educators in various scientific areas and fields. Invention and innovations were done by these Filipino
scientists. Finally, the demands of globalization, especially the ASEAN economic agenda, prompted
the Philippines to invest in science and technology programs and projects.