Common Roots Root Meaning Examples: Aud Bio Cede Chron Dem Geo Graph Hydr Ject Scrib/scri P Spec Vid/vis
Common Roots Root Meaning Examples: Aud Bio Cede Chron Dem Geo Graph Hydr Ject Scrib/scri P Spec Vid/vis
Common Roots Root Meaning Examples: Aud Bio Cede Chron Dem Geo Graph Hydr Ject Scrib/scri P Spec Vid/vis
an affix that is added to the beginning of a word
root − the main part of the word, the part that carries the most meaning
suffix − an affix that is added to the end of a word
to write scribble; inscription
As you read the list of common prefixes and example words, you should have noticed that a prefix is
added to the beginning of a word to change or affect the word’s meaning in some way. For instance, the
word potent means “powerful,” and when the prefix omni– is added to the beginning of the word, the
meaning changes to “all-powerful.” In the same way, when the prefix un– is added to the word
expected, the meaning becomes “not expected.”
As mentioned earlier, a suffix is an affix that is added to the end of a word. A suffix can change a word’s
meaning or its part of speech. For example, the suffix –ous means “full of,” and it also changes a word
from a noun to an adjective. The word joy is a noun, and the word joyous is an adjective meaning “full of
joy.” Study the list of common suffixes and the parts of speech they form
worthy or capable of expandable; sensible
action, state, or quality resemblance; dependence