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The idea of America as a “melting pot” ties in with which ideal model of intergroup relations?

Selected Answer: d.

The main criticism of assimilation as an ideal model of intergroup relations is:

Selected Answer: c.
It amounts to forced conformity

The fact that many Americans equate all Muslims with terrorists and view all Arabs as Muslims is
based on:

Selected Answer: c.

All of the following are examples of the difficulties of separatism EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: b.
Historically Black colleges and Women’s Colleges

Obama won the 2008 presidential election based on support from all the following groups EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: d.
Strong support from southern whites

Native Americans have used many means to reach their goals which include:

Selected d.
Answer: A reemphasis of traditional culture with efforts to teach younger generations its
language, crafts, skills, and history

In the early stages of the civil rights movement the goals were, for the most part, to:
Selected Answer: c.
Eliminate policies of open and deliberate discrimination

Chicanismo refers to:

Selected Answer: b.
Pride in Chicano culture and heritage and a struggle to combat forced

Pluralism happens when two or more groups come to share a common culture or common attitudes,
values and lifestyles.

Selected False

All of the following tend to promote cultural pluralism among Hispanic Americans EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: b.
The fact that Latinos tend to be fairly evenly dispersed around the

One argument for pluralism is that it creates divisions in society.

Selected Answer: False

Many social scientists describe the dominant cultural pattern of the United States as Afro-conformity.

Selected False

The largest number of interracial marriages involves which two groups?

Selected Answer: c.
Whites and
Latinos ?
When two or more racial or ethnic groups occupy an area and each have their own culture and their
own separate sets of social institutions and primary group relationships it is called:

Selected Answer: d.

Which of the following is true?

Selected Answer: c.
Cultural assimilation occurs much easier than structural assimilation

If marital assimilation occurs and persists for an extended period of time, the assimilation of the groups
involved becomes complete, and they gradually lose any identity as separate groups, and the outcome is
known as:

Selected Answer: a.

When two groups so assimilate that they lose any identity as separate groups, they have achieved

Selected True

Multiculturalism is similar in meaning to:

Selected Answer: c.
Cultural pluralism

When two or more groups come to share common attitudes, values, and lifestyles it is called:

Selected Answer: b.
Cultural assimilation
Which racial or ethnic group presents a clear exception to the pattern of seeking assimilation?

Selected Answer: b.
Native Americans

CH. 9

Which of the following is true

Selected b.
Answer: Ethnic conflicts tend to be more intense when the groups involved speak
different languages

Yandu is a highly urban industrialized modern country. Its people are classified into nine ethnic
classifications. Three ethnic groups speak English, three speak Hindi, and three speak Arabic. The
English group is mostly higher social class, the Hindi group is mostly lower-middle and the Arabic
group is relatively poor. What would you predict about the level of ethnic conflict in this society?

Selected Answer: c.
Racially divided

Answers: a.
High levels of conflict


Racially divided


The legally mandated system of racial classification, segregation, and discrimination in South Africa
was called:

Selected Answer: d.
When an indigenous group is made subordinate to another group entering from the outside, the result is

Selected Answer: b.
Conflict and ethnic inequality

When a country modernizes, intergroup relations can become increasingly fluid if the following
condition exists:

Selected c.
Answer: The economy or social system is such that gains by minority group members are
not viewed as a threat by the majority

The impetus for the Jewish settlement of Palestine came not from the expansionist desires of a colonial
power but in large part from the desire for a safe homeland.

Selected True

The more cross-cutting cleavages in a society, the greater the ethnic or racial conflict. Industrialization
is no guarantee of improved race relations.

Selected False

Overall urbanization and modernization in South Africa gave rise to:

Selected Answer: d.
Continued rigid intergroup relations with

Which of the following is true?

Selected Answer: a.
Societies with cross-cutting cleavages experience less intergroup

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict arose because:

Selected a.
Answer: The Palestinians came under the domination of a new Jewish population
through the use of force

Apartheid in South Africa represented one of the most rigid systems of racial inequality in the modern

Selected True

The more cross-cutting cleavages in a society, the greater the ethnic or racial conflict.

Selected False

The program of elimination of the Bosnian Muslim population from areas of Bosnia that had Serbian
majorities with an aim to establishing Serbian control is called:

Selected Answer: b.
Ethnic cleansing

When two ethnic groups speak different languages the potential for conflict between them increases.

Selected True

Germany admits more immigrants than most Western countries.

Selected True
Which of the following countries has had a pseudocolonial relationship with the United States?

Selected Answer: b.
England under Thatcher

Answers: a.
Iran under the Shah

England under Thatcher

South Africa under de Klerk

Germany under Kohl

The internal colonialism of Hawaii is similar to that of South Africa.

Selected False

Who is the dominant group in Quebec, Canada?

Selected Answer: d.
The English-speaking population

The presence of a colonial history causes intergroup inequality.

Selected True

English-speaking Canadians have led the separatist movement in Quebec.

Selected False

The majority of Hispanic Americans are:

Selected Answer: d.
Mexican Americans

The Indian population is among the youngest of any major American racial or ethnic group.

Selected True

Which of the following is true?

Selected Answer: c.
The largest “white ethnic” group is Italian American

Which of the following is the largest minority group in the United States?

Selected Answer: c.

Unlike in the past, today the majority of African Americans live in the North.

Selected False

Which group has the highest percentage of high school graduates?

Selected Answer: d.

Those groups who have immigrated to the United States from eastern and southern Europe are referred
to as:

Selected Answer: a.
White ethnics

African Americans, Latinos, and American Indian people fit the definition of minority groups because
they share the following:

Selected c.
Answer: They have less wealth, lower incomes, less education, and less power than other

Which of the following statements is true?

Selected Answer: c.
The majority of blacks live in the South

The group that most clearly fits the definition of majority group is whites from Eastern and Southern

Selected False

The majority of Asian-Americans live in:

Selected Answer: b.
California and Hawaii

In which area of the United States do most Puerto Ricans live?

Selected Answer: b.
New York and New Jersey

The umbrella label "Hispanic" or "Latino" does not cover which of the following groups?

Selected Answer: b.
Which of the following is true?

Selected b.
Answer: Today deliberate racial discrimination is illegal and less common than in the

Approximate equality has been reached among whites, blacks and Hispanics in the area of:

Selected Answer: a.
None of the answers is correct

Which of the following is true about Jewish-Americans?

Selected c.
Answer: The Jewish population of the U.S. is about 2 percent of the total population

Black babies are how much more likely to die in the first year of life than white babies?

Selected Answer: b.
Twice as likely

All Asian American groups are highly urban.

Selected True

Hispanics are the largest minority group in the United States.

Selected True

Which of the following is true?

Selected d.
Answer: Infant mortality is higher among whites than among minorities

Answers: a.
Whites are more likely to be ill than are blacks

On the average African Americans live about seven years longer than whites

African Americans and Hispanics have more illnesses on average than whites.

Infant mortality is higher among whites than among minorities

CH. 11

Increasing the number of minority physicians is important for all the following reasons EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: d.
Minority physicians are less likely to work in minority neighborhoods

Health care in America is economically and racially stratified because:

Selected c.
Answer: The design of the health care system is such that it meets the needs of the physician
more than the needs of the patient

Minorities have shorter life expectancy than whites. Which of the following is a reason for this?

Selected d.
Answer: Black babies are two and a half times as likely to die in infancy as are white

Studies by Glenn (1963, 1966), Dowdall (1974), and Farley (1987) showed that, given the level of
discrimination in American society, whites in areas with more blacks enjoyed higher occupational
status, income, and/or employment rates. These findings support the following theory(ies):

Selected Answer: c.
Marxist and split labor market
The practice of hiring better-educated employees when education is not a factor completing the job is
deliberately racist.

Selected False

The United States spends more money per capita on healthcare than any other country in the world.

Selected True

In hospitals, the higher the proportion of patients who are black, the less intensive the procedures that
are provided and the higher the mortality rate.

Selected True

Which kind of wealth is most heavily concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy whites?

Selected Answer: b.
Stocks or mutual funds

A pattern whereby minorities are disproportionately exposed to hazardous substances both at work and
at home is called:

Selected Answer: a.
Environmental racism

Most minority people who use traditional medicine which involves folk medicine or religious healing,
rarely go to see medical doctors.

Selected False

The split labor market theory is based on the:

Selected Answer: d.
Conflict perspective

The Marxist theory on discrimination suggests that:

Selected Answer: a.
Employers gain and while laborers lose as a result of discrimination

Becker’s starting point—that some people have a "taste for discrimination" assumes that the main cause
of discrimination is:

Selected Answer: a.
Conative prejudice

Corporate ownership is overwhelmingly white.

Selected True

People with incomes below the poverty level today see doctors more often than before Medicaid was

Selected True

Black and Hispanic Americans are concentrated live in central cities.

Selected True

Which of the following is true about minorities and economics?

Selected d.
Answer: Black high school graduates are less likely than white high school graduates to
complete college, even when their families’ incomes are similar

Minority group members suffer from more health disadvantages than do whites in all the following
ways EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: c.
They live longer lives

All of the following are reasons why minorities do not get the health care they need EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: d.
Surplus of physicians in inner-city, urban areas

CH. 12

One major result of spatial mismatch is:

Selected Answer: a.
The creation of “excluded ghettoes”

Which of the following racial/ethnic groups experienced the least amount of housing segregation?

Selected Answer: a.
Asian Americans

Both black and white homeowners are harmed by blockbusting.

Selected True

A major decline in the overall number of such manufacturing jobs as a result of automation and
globalization which is a trend called:

Selected Answer: b.
The practice whereby unscrupulous real-estate agents play on the fears of white and the housing
predicament of blacks to make a fast buck by encouraging the rapid turnover of a neighborhood from
all-white to all-black is called:

Selected Answer: d.

Which of the following is true about housing segregation?

Selected Answer: d.
It can lead to segregated schools

When sociologists talk about housing segregation they are referring to laws that prevent groups of
people from living near each other.

Selected False

“Sundown towns” are:

Selected b.
Answer: Places where African Americans were kept out by not allowing them to be in
the town after sunset

The selective showing of property to majority and minority group members is called:

Selected Answer: b.
Racial steering

Which of the following is true about black and white preferences in terms of racial housing

Selected Answer: c.
Most whites prefer to live in all-white or nearly all-white
Discrimination in the lending institutions includes all of the following EXCEPT:.

Selected Answer: a.
Denying loans based on the person’s credit history or

Many people couldn’t evacuate from New Orleans because their household included someone with a
disability who could not easily be moved.

Selected True

In a recent study on preferences terms of the race or ethnicity of one’s neighbors:

Selected Answer: a.
Whites were the most preferred neighbor of all the

Home loans made to lenders perceived as riskier, that have substantially higher interest rates and
sometimes less favorable terms than more conventional loans are called:

Selected Answer: a.
Subprime loans

Disaster research shows that groups with fewer resources are more affected by disasters due to all of the
following EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: c.
They are most likely to have transportation to get

The net effect of job shifts from cities to suburbs is to take jobs out of areas where blacks and Hispanics

Selected True

Which of the following is true about housing segregation?

Selected d.
Answer: Asian Americans, although less than other minorities, continue to face high levels
of segregation in the United States

Answers: a.
Latinos and Native Americans don’t experience discrimination or racial steering
when buying homes

Both Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans are more segregated from blacks
than they are from whites

Hispanics are the least segregated racial or ethnic group in the United States

Asian Americans, although less than other minorities, continue to face high levels
of segregation in the United States

Molotch (2006) found that race affected the different governmental response in Hurricane Katrina in

Selected a.
Answer: Supplies and other assistance was unable to find transportation to those in need

Answers: a.
Supplies and other assistance was unable to find transportation to those in need

Very few people around the country wanted to help

No one cared about black Americans

People in government agencies normally set aside bureaucratic rules in a time of
disaster but that did not happen in this case

Studies on housing segregation and income inequality show that:

Selected a.
Answer: Most blacks prefer the central cities even when they can afford to live in the

Answers: a.
Most blacks prefer the central cities even when they can afford to live in the

Housing segregation, not income, has largely restricted blacks to living in the
central cities

Blacks live in central cities because they cannot afford to live in the suburbs

About three-quarters of racial segregation can be accounted for by income

In tests completed on bias in the homeowner insurance industry, the biggest difference by race was in:

Selected Answer: a.
Responding to an insurance claim

Answers: a.
Responding to an insurance claim

The quoted price

Rejection vs acceptance of business

Agent responsiveness

CH. 13

The economic welfare of minorities has been influenced both directly and indirectly by government
high construction policies that outwardly had nothing to do with race.

Selected True

Which of the following statements about police protection is false?

Selected b.
Answer: The African American community tends to have positive attitudes toward
interactions with the police

A provision that is attached to a deed or sales contract in which the buyer must agree not to sell or rent
to a member of a specified group, such as blacks, Chicanos, or Jews, is called a:

Selected Answer: d.
Restrictive covenant

Zoning is used against minorities by:

Selected a.
Answer: Blocking proposed housing developments that would house minority group

Which of the following is true about African American men and the Criminal Justice System?

Selected a.
Answer: An African American man in his twenties was more likely to be in jail or prison
than college

Which of the following is true about drug use and arrests?

Selected Answer: a.
Whites are more likely to have used every illegal drug except heroin

Which of the following is false?

Selected c.
Answer: Welfare reform legislation has helped by providing housing subsides for all
program participants

From a functionalist perspective, the role and functions of government and the political system includes
the belief that:
Selected c.
Answer: No one group can dominate the system, and many different groups can exercise
veto power

The monetary guarantee that an accused person who has been released from jail will show up for his or
her trial is called:

Selected Answer: b.

Prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Southern states implemented policies or laws whose intent was to
limit the ability of African Americans to vote. These include all of the following EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: c.
Restrictive covenant

Affordable housing for low-income families is easily available in most areas of the country.

Selected False

All the following are results of welfare reform EXCEPT:

Selected a.
Answer: Fewer school problems among teenagers whose mothers made welfare-to-work

The poll tax was:

Selected Answer: c.
A tax that had to be paid to be able to vote

In the 2000 Presidential election, Florida and other states probably violated the Voting Rights Act by
all the following EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: c.
White voters were much more likely to have their ballots rejected

All of the following may cause welfare reform to fail EXCEPT

Selected d.
Answer: Childcare tends to be readily available and affordable for low income workers

Some studies have found higher rates of school problems among teenagers whose mothers were in the
welfare-to-work program.

Selected True

The government has always refused to enforce housing covenants.

Selected False

Why are mass-transit systems important, especially for minorities?

Selected Answer: a.
Many minority members do not have cars

The power elite is/are:

Selected c.
Answer: The most powerful members of various groups who lobby for their issues with
elected representatives

Answers: a.
Professional bureaucrats in the executive branch, the military and wealthy

A group of elected officials who make decisions about which bills to bring forth

The most powerful members of various groups who lobby for their issues with
elected representatives

The most involved and politically active of the voting public

Which of the following statements is true about the small claims court system?

Selected Answer: b.
It was established to provide legal protection for the rich

Answers: a.
It was established to provide legal protection for the poor

It was established to provide legal protection for the rich

The poor know how to use the small claims courts effectively

They system had the effect that it was intended to have

CH. 14

Essentially the findings of the Coleman report on education were consistent with the:

Selected Answer: b.
Functionalist perspective

Studies suggest that all of the following improves the ability of minority students in the classroom

Selected Answer: b.
Students have several recess breaks during the school day

I. Q. tests are supposed to test:

Selected Answer: c.
Innate ability
All of the following factors are known to influence I.Q. test scores EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: a.
The kind of paper the test is written on

Head Start and desegregation through busing are consistent with which sociological perspective?

Selected Answer: b.

Which perspective holds that education provides a source of social mobility in society?

Selected Answer: b.
The Functionalist perspective

Minority schools are more likely to be underfunded than white schools.

Selected True

Coleman found that underachieving children tended to have a poor self image.

Selected True

The theory that our beliefs about ourselves are based on the messages we get from others is called:

Selected Answer: b.
Looking-glass self

Most Hispanic children attend schools with a majority of the students from which racial or ethnic

Selected Answer: a.
Black and Hispanic

A self-fulfilling prophecy often operates in the classroom.

Selected True

Segregation which involves an official policy of segregated schools is termed:

Selected Answer: a.
De jure segregation

According to the Coleman report, _____________ was the most important factor in student

Selected Answer: a.
The student’s background

Which of the following is true about Black English?

Selected Answer: d.
Black English has standard rules concerning tenses, subjects and verbs

The Coleman Report proved that quality of facilities is unimportant in minority education.

Selected False

Studies on the educational system have found all of the following EXCEPT

Selected a.
Answer: The affective characteristics gained in school (values and habits) are less linked to
income and occupational status than family structure
According to Conflict theorists the cause of lower achievement among minorities can be found in the
characteristics of those groups.

Selected False

Which of the following is reflective of the conflict perspective on education?

Selected b.
Answer: Schools punish students who do not conform to dominant values, attitudes, and

Compensatory educational programs involve:

Selected d.
Answer: Pre-school and supplementary programs for low income and minority children

All of the following factors are important in how desegregation is carried out EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: d.
The age of the children

Answers: a.
Whether it mandates busing or lets parents choose

How receptive teachers are to this policy

The geographic scope of the area to be desegregated

The age of the children

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