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Class 3 Whats The Difference

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LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St.

Science: Wheels and Levers
Class #3
Grade: 4 Lesson Title: What’s the Difference Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

Overview of lesson. Write a clear and concise overview that indicates the following: What the lesson is, the purpose/goal of the lesson what
students will do/learn and how the lesson will conclude.

This lesson will focus on the construction of a wheel and axle. Students will be constructing a wheel and axle, and
identifying the differences between a wheel and axle, and a roller for make work easier. Students will be expected to work
efficiently together in pairs, and to identify the differences between the two simple machines, and to fill out their
differences on a worksheet that will be given to them. By the end of this lesson students will have a constructed wheel and
axle, and have a roller and will be able to move them, and demonstrate their purposes, and efficiency as two simple

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives . Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Choose selectively and think
carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson


4–6 Demonstrate a practical understanding of Compare the wheel and the roller, and identify examples where each
wheels, gears and levers by constructing devices in are used.
which energy is transferred to produce motion.

Learning Objectives. Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words
Students will:

 Discover what happens when you add wheels to a roller

 Compare and determine how rollers and wheels are different

Lesson Guiding Questions: Use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs in the areas of: apply, analysis contrast, express, appreciate. Be clear on what type of
knowledge/skill/attitudes that students are develop and expecting them to do. This informs the types of questions you develop. Guiding questions must support this and
provoke student thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have learned, what they still need to learn etc..

 Which simple machine do you think is better? The wheel and axle, or the roller? and why? Make sure to think
about all types of rollers and wheel and axles.
 What are the differences between a roller and a wheel and axle?
 What are some similarities between a roller and a wheel and axle?

Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. If it is on online resource provide an active link.
If it a book, cite the book and author. Provide 1-2 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the resource is and how it support your lesson/ student learning? *you may
have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson.

Resource #1: https://examples.yourdictionary.com/wheel-and-axle-examples-used-in-everyday-life.html Wheel and axles that are used every day.
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges

Resource #2: https://www.ducksters.com/science/simple_machines.php This resource give the teacher more information about how a wheel and axle

Material and Equipment: List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you will
organize ahead of time prior to your lesson

 Toilet paper rolls

 Cardboard circles
 Worksheets (30)
 Popsicle sticks
 Tape

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (10 min.): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to
Body. Indicate the timing for each section. This can be written in point form

 Students will be told that they will be constructing wheel and axle(s) in our class today, and will be asked to notice the
differences between how a roller can help make a task easier, and how a wheel and axle can help make a task easier.
 Student will be told that they can work in partners.
 Students will also be shown an example and be told that they their job today is to construct a wheel and axle as well.
 Students will also be shown a wheel and axle and labelled parts of it. Students will be asked to label their project parts with a
 Students will be expected to work quietly, and effectively together. This will be enforced by using a bell to make sound to get
students attention, then saying “hands on top” in a calm voice, but strong voice, and reminding students of what they are
expected of.

Body (30 min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities
and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each section. Identify teaching strategies, include any questions that you will use, organization of class etc. How and
when are you using formative assessment in your lesson? Indicate differentiation within the body of your lesson.

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. Lesson body there should be a least two Formative Assessments Type/Name:
activities and one transition. You may have 3 activities and 2 transitions. An activity can be reading - transition - partner
dialogue (as an example). * Style of writing is descriptive and concise. (NOT POINT FORM) As Well you are not
Where Assessment Occurs:
narrating, rather you are describing the activity, the learning, critical information to carry out the lesson. Any questions
you have developed to use during the learning, to facilitate discussion for instance are to be written directly into the
lesson description.  To check in: The students will be asked if
they understand with a thumbs or
Activity #1: Sorting out materials and paired groups. [Direct thumbs down.
Instruction] (10 minutes)  Question strategy: Students will be asked
while they are constructing their project
 Students will be given the option of either the teacher pairing questions like
them up into groups of two, or if they should be given the - Which simple machine do you think
chance to prove that they can work quietly and well together is better? The wheel and axle, or
in their choice of pairs, and they WILL COMPLETE THEIR the roller? and why? Make sure to
PROJECT. (Most likely they’ll want to choose their own paired think about all types of rollers and
groups) wheel and axles.
 The teacher will then explain how the wheel and axle is
made. They will be given two cardboard wheels, a popsicle-

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges
stick and a toilet paper roll. The students will need a pencil to
help poke holes into centre of the cardboard wheels. Next the
students can get their popsicle stick and stick it through the
centre of one wheel and then the centre of the other.
 The students will also be given a venn diagram worksheet of
the contrast and similarities of a wheel and axle, and a roller.
 SCAFFOLDING: The teacher will give them an example to write
down (example: they are both cylinder).
 Students will be instructed that they can calmly and quietly
find their partners.
 To check in: The students will be asked if they understand
with a thumbs or thumbs down. Differentiation: Indicate in brief sentence areas
 If students are too loud the teacher will ring the bell, say of differentiation.
“hands on top” in a calm voice, not yelling or screaming. The
teacher will wait as a long as it takes until the teacher has all  Small Group Learning – Students will be
of the students’ attention. Do not start until all eyes are on allowed to work in groups of two to build
you. Hold the quietness before you proceed. If the noise level their wheel and axle, and look and
does not change, but if you notice its certain students being compare and contrast the two simple
disruptive, write their name done on the white board under the machines.
word recess. Those students will owe you some of their recess
time. The teacher can talk to them and ask them why they were  SCAFFOLDING for students who may be
acting and disrupting the class (teacher-student relationship confused and need an example: The
building). If the noise level is the whole class contributing teacher will give them an example to
keep all the students in for some time. Let them know that it’s write down (example: they are both
not okay to chat, and be loud, be disrespectful, and not get cylinder).
work done. While keeping them in, they are to be silent.

Transition: Once they have found their partner, one person out of
the two, can go and get their material of the project (two wheels, a
popsicle-stick and a toilet paper roll)

Activity #2: Constructing A Wheel and Axle [Small Group Learning]

(20 minutes)

 Students will have 15 minutes to gather their materials with

their partner, and construct their wheel and axle like the
teacher showed them, and label the different parts of their
wheel and axle. Once the students have done that they will
start filling out their venn diagram of the contrast and

Transition: Advise student they will be able to compare the

performance of the toilet paper roller, and their wheel and axle, in the
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges
gym, or possible outside to see the performance. This can only
happen if everyone has worked quietly, and everyone has their wheel
and axle made in time, and their worksheet filled out. If the class gets
too loud, and is running all over the place, this will not happen.

Activity #3: The performance of the toilet paper roller, and their
wheel and axle. [Demonstration] (5 - 10 minutes)

 Students will be expected to be quite while walking through

the halls, and to be wearing their masks.
 Students areas in the class should be clear, and clean before
we go outside to perform our simple machines.
 The students can take their simple machines outside or too
the gym (depending on if anyone is using the gym or if the
class has been good).
 The students can use their simple machine to push their
simple machines and see how effect they turn out to be.

Consolidating (5) mins In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they haven't you will
need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole group and/or small group discussion. This part of the lesson can act
also as a transition from lesson body into cleanup and getting ready for the next class. Don't forget to time this and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide
clear steps and indicate process. To consolidate, clean up and get students ready for transition can take up to 10 depending on the lesson

 Can 3 students tell me some fun facts they learned today about constructing a wheel and axle and using a
- Similarities/differences
 Can someone tell me something they enjoyed about the lesson?

Clean up ( ) mins

Reflection (after the lesson respond to these questions in brief. It is important that this reflective process is done after each lesson. These become points of extended reflection and conversation in post
conference with TA and UC)

How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
What must be addressed to improve this plan?
How I have grown from this teaching experience:

Other Notes

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