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Vocabulario de Ingles 1A4

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a nurse = una enfermera

A person trained to care for sick people = Una persona capacitada para cuidar a los enfermos.

Enjoy = disfrutar

To feel happy during an activity or evento = Sentirse feliz durante una actividad o evento.

Company = empresa

A business that manufactures or sells products or provides services = Una empresa que fabrica
o vende productos o brinda servicios.

Hospital = hospital

A building where sick people receive medical help = Un edificio donde los enfermos reciben
ayuda médica.

good evening = buenas noches

A friendly and informal closing greeting in the evening = Un saludo de clausura amistoso e
informal por la noche.

come from = viene de

work = trabaja

regular verb = verbo regular

To do a job, often in exchange for money = Para hacer un trabajo, a menudo a cambio de

see you = nos vemos

expresión = expresión

An informal and friendly goodbye; used when you will see the other person again = Un adiós
informal y amistoso; se utiliza cuando vuelva a ver a la otra persona.

What do you do? = A qué te dedicas?

Javi and Katie talk on the telephone = Javi y Katie hablan por teléfono.

Javi is angry that Katie calls = Javi está enojada porque Katie llama.

Katie is happy that Javi is busy = Katie está feliz de que Javi esté ocupado.

In the sentence: "They give us too much work", who are 'they'? = En la frase: "Nos dan
demasiado trabajo", ¿quiénes son 'ellos'?

'They' = ellos
is the subject and = es el sujeto y

'us' = nosotros

is the object = es el objeto

In the sentence: "...leave it for 10 minutes", the 'it' is = En la oración: "... déjelo por 10
minutos", el 'eso' es.

In the sentence, “I can’t hear her”, 'I' is = En la oración, "No puedo escucharla", 'Yo' es.

and 'her' is = y 'ella' es

In the sentence, “I can’t hear her”, 'I' is: Javi, and 'her' is: Katie.

In the sentence, “I can’t hear him”, 'I' is = En la oración, "No puedo escucharlo", 'Yo' es.

On the telephone, we say: "Who = Por teléfono, decimos: "¿Quién

is it?" = lo es

"I am = estoy

Meaning – Summary = (Significado – Resumen)

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

I me
You you
He him
She her
We us
They them

Reminder (Recordatorio)

When talking about people in general:

We use: 'you' in an informal/neutral context.

"How do you play 'Stairway to Heaven' on the guitar?"

(Meaning: How does someone ...)

We ONLY use: 'one' in a very formal academic context (nearly always in writing).

"One begins to understand the complexity of ..."

We use: 'they' to mean 'the authorities ... academics, politicians, bosses, gods etc.)

"They don't make them like before."

Reminder (Recordatorio)

To identify people:

We use 'it'. For example, on the telephone.

Receptionist: "Who is it, please?"

Customer: "It's Fred Barlow."

Reminder (Recordatorio)

To talk about current situations:

We use 'it' to mean: the date, the day, the hour, the weather.

Radio presenter: "Good morning! It is 7 o' clock. It's Saturday morning and it's a very sunny day
here in London. It's time for some Stevie Wonder..."

Reminder (Recordatorio)

To avoid repetition:

We use 'one' or 'ones' in the place of the original noun(s).

Brother: "Which books do you want to take on holiday"?

Sister: "The ones on my bed".

Which pronoun do we use in these examples, subject or object?

Subject + verb + object.

Who needs = quien necesita

Which newspaper do = que periodo hace

Read = leer

"Which newspaper do + subject + read?" = "¿Qué periódico hace + sujeto + leer? ".

Preposition (from, with, to) = Preposición (desde, con, hasta).

Preposition (from, with, to) + object = Preposición (desde, con, hasta) + objeto.

Replace the (people) and (things) in brackets with the correct subject or object pronoun. E.g. I
love (travelling) it! = Reemplaza (personas) y (cosas) entre paréntesis con el pronombre de
sujeto u objeto correcto. P.ej. ¡Me encanta (viajar)!

(Matthew) = (Mateo)

plays (guitar) = toca la guitarra)

(Matthew) He plays (guitar) It. = (Mateo) Él toca la guitarra) Eso.

(Charlotte) = (Charlotte)

plays (the saxophone) = toca (el saxofón)

with (Matthew and Israël) = con (Mateo e Israel)

(Charlotte) She plays (the saxophone) It with (Matthew and Israël) Them = (Charlotte)

Ellatoca (el saxofón) Eso con (Mateo e Israel) Ellos.

“Who wants to watch Killer Death Cat II?” (My brother and I) = "¿Quién quiere ver Killer Death
Cat II?" (Mi hermano y yo).

do!!" = ¡¡hacer!!"

“Who wants to watch Killer Death Cat II?” (My brother and I) " We do!!" = "¿Quién quiere ver
Killer Death Cat II?" (Mi hermano y yo) "Nosotros ¡¡hacer!!".

Why do (grandma and grandad) = ¿Por qué (abuela y abuelo)

water (the plants) = regar las plantas)

in the evenings?" "Because (the weather) = por las tardes? "" Porque (el clima)

“Good morning everybody. (The time) = "Buenos dias a todos. (El tiempo)

"Which book is your favourite?" "The (book) = "¿Cuál es tu libro favorito?" "El libro)

How do (people in general) = ¿Cómo (la gente en general)

download (songs) = descargar canciones

from Youtube? = de Youtube?

Form – Summary (Formulario - Resumen)

Subject + verb + object

Subjects (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) BEFORE the verb E.g. I tell her everything.

Objects (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) AFTER the verb E.g. She tells me nothing.

AFTER a preposition E.g. They came with us.

Katie: Oh! Thanks for calling = Katie: ¡Oh! Gracias por llamar

back! = ¡espalda!

Isn't = no se

late for = tarde para

The time = tarde para

(Brian): In the morning, I get up early.

I don't spend much time in the bathroom: I have a shower and I get dressed quickly.

Then, I go to the kitchen and have toast and a cup of coffee.

I take the bus to go to the office and usually, I get to work just before 9 o'clock.

At lunchtime, I sometimes go to a small restaurant with some colleagues.

If we're very busy, we stay in the office and have a sandwich.

I usually finish work around 5pm. When the weather is nice, I go home on foot.

In the evening, I sometimes do some housework.

Afterwards, I get comfortable in my favourite armchair and I read the newspaper or watch TV.

I often have dinner at home. I don't go out a lot during the week because I'm too tired!

I go to bed with a good book but I usually fall asleep immediately!

Lunchtime = horta de comer

The time when people usually eat lunch.

Week = semana

Noun = sustantivo

Seven consecutive days; typically Monday to Sunday (in most countries). = Siete días
consecutivos; normalmente de lunes a domingo (en la mayoría de los países).

get dressed = vestirse

expresión =expresión

To dress; to put on clothes; to clothe oneself. = Vestir; vestirse; vestirse.

Have = tengo

irregular verb = verbo irregular

To eat (a meal). To hold (a job). = Para comer (una comida). Mantener (un trabajo).

on foot = a pie

expresión = expresión

To walk somewhere. = Caminar a alguna parte.

Colleagues = colegas

Noun = sustantivo

(Plural form) The people you work with. = (Forma plural) Las personas con las que trabaja.

Afterwards = después

Adverb = adverbio

At a later time. = en otro momento

go to bed = ve a la cama

expresión = expresión

To get into bed in preparation for sleep. = Acostarse preparándose para dormir.

Immediately = inmediatamente

Adverb = adverbio

With no delay; instantly; right now. = Sin demora; instantáneamente; ahora mismo.

Morning = mañana

Noun = sustantivo

Between 00h01 and 11h59; the part of the day after midnight and before midday. = Entre las
00h01 y las 11h59; la parte del día después de la medianoche y antes del mediodía.

Office = oficina

Noun = sustantivo

A building or room where people do clerical, managerial or professional jobs. = Un edificio o

sala donde las personas realizan trabajos administrativos, administrativos o profesionales.
Busy = ocupado

adj. = adj.

Active; having a lot to do. = Activo; tener mucho que hacer.

Asleep = dormido

Adjective = adjetivo

To be sleeping; not awake. = Estar durmiendo; no despierta.

go out = fuera

expresion = expresión

To go to public places. = Ir a lugares públicos.

Early = temprano

Adjective = objetivo

Before the usual or expected time. = Antes de la hora habitual o prevista.

Evening = noche

Noun = sustantivo

The time of day between dusk/sunset and night; typically between 18h00 and bedtime. = La
hora del día entre el anochecer / atardecer y la noche; normalmente entre las 18:00 y la hora
de acostarse.

Weather = tiempo

Noun = sustantivo

The conditions of the atmosphere, e.g. clouds, rain, heat, wind, sunshine, etc. = Las
condiciones de la atmósfera, p. Ej. nubes, lluvia, calor, viento, sol, etc.

get to work = Ponte a trabajar

expresion = expresión

To arrive at the workplace. = Llegar al lugar de trabajo.

Housework = tareas del hogar

noun = sustantivo

Regular, domestic work in the house to keep it clean and tidy. = Trabajo doméstico regular en
la casa para mantenerla limpia y ordenada.

Sometimes = algunas veces

Adverb = adverbio

Occasionally; not often. = De vez en cuando; no a menudo.

Often = a menudo

Adverb = adverbio

Frequently, many times, regularly. = Con frecuencia, muchas veces, con regularidad.

Comfortable = cómodo

Adjective = adjetivo

Physically agreeable, relaxing. = Físicamente agradable, relajante.

Read = leer

irregular verb = verbo irregular

To look at and understand written information. = Ver y comprender la información escrita.

Tired = cansado

adj. = adj.
In need of some rest or sleep. = Necesito descansar o dormir.

Watch = reloj

regular verb = verbo regular

To look at, see, or view for a period of time. = Para mirar, ver o ver durante un período de

have a shower = tomar una ducha

expresion= expresión

To wash onself under water that falls from a height. = Lavarse bajo el agua que cae de una

have dinner = cenar

expression = expresión

To eat an evening meal. = Para cenar.

go to = ir

expression = expresión

To travel to.= Viajar a.

Around = alrededor

preposition = preposición

Near; in the vicinity of; approximately. = Cerca; en la vecindad de; aproximadamente.

Take = llevar

irregular verb = verbo irregular

To use a form of transport. = Utilizar una forma de transporte.

Much = mucho

Adjective = adjetivo

A large amount of. = Una gran cantidad de.

get up = levantarse

expression = expresión

To climb out of bed after sleeping. = Para levantarse de la cama después de dormir.

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